Poor Herman

  • last month
00:00:00I'm gonna give the shit about your ugly ass, and she's gonna break up with her last day.
00:00:07You know she better bring me your ass and I'll destroy it.
00:00:11I'm gonna go and get it to you now.
00:00:15After all I've done, this is how you repay me?
00:00:20I'll send you and me your best.
00:00:24After all I've done, this is how you repay me?
00:00:28I'll send you and me your best.
00:00:59I'm your DJ, Radio Ricky.
00:01:04Thank you for listening to 73.0 The Blues.
00:01:08HPD, Chief of Police, is advising all women in the Houston area to be aware of their surroundings and diligent about their safety.
00:01:17Eight more women are reported missing yesterday.
00:01:21Ladies, stay safe and don't forget to carry your mace.
00:01:26Did y'all just fucking hear that?
00:01:28That's exactly why my mom didn't want us to go to this fucking party.
00:01:31She doesn't want my ass to come up missing.
00:01:33You scared, Dawn?
00:01:35I don't know, Nikki.
00:01:37I don't exactly have mace.
00:01:39So yeah, a little bit.
00:01:40There's a fucking serial killer on the loose, so yeah.
00:01:43Okay, well in that case, I'm never going swimming again.
00:01:46Why not?
00:01:48Dawn, I could drown.
00:01:51And I know I'm never crossing the street again.
00:01:54Some crazy person could run me over again.
00:01:57Yeah, and I guess I have to cancel my trip to Hawaii because airplanes crash.
00:02:02Okay, okay, bitch. I fucking get it. I'm just saying.
00:02:08What's that?
00:02:09Fuck, I don't know.
00:02:11Oh, shit!
00:02:14The gas light's on.
00:02:16Bitch, are we running out of gas?
00:02:24What do you mean?
00:02:25That's the first thing you check when you get in the car.
00:02:27Brianna, shut the fuck up.
00:02:29I don't recall your ass ever falling through a drive-thru.
00:02:31Don't you fucking scare me, okay?
00:02:33Listen, all this shit is irrelevant.
00:02:37So what do we do now?
00:02:39My phone's showing that the house is on the next street over.
00:02:42Oh, we can talk.
00:02:45Okay, good.
00:02:46We can get someone from the party to get us some gas.
00:02:51All right, do you want to bring us there?
00:02:54I'm wearing my fanny pack.
00:03:15Ladies, I'm just so glad that we agreed to be the four shades of B this Halloween.
00:03:22We're looking really, really cute.
00:03:26That's right.
00:03:27Especially you, Brianna.
00:03:30I know.
00:03:32Brianna is not the cutest lead.
00:03:35And as a matter of fact, two of us should have chose a different costume.
00:03:39Ever heard of Selena and Madonna?
00:03:42What's your problem?
00:03:44Cultural appropriation is my problem.
00:03:46Oh, my gosh.
00:03:47Not everything is about cultural appropriation, you ding-a-ling.
00:03:50And I'm pretty sure Queen B is mixed.
00:03:52Where did you get that?
00:03:54A blog.
00:03:55Do you read?
00:03:56A blog?
00:03:58Oh, that's where I get my fake news, too.
00:04:02You're just jealous that B and I have more similarities than the rest of y'all.
00:04:05Take Stevie, for instance.
00:04:08She doesn't meet the height requirement to wear that costume.
00:04:11Yeah, but my mama's from Louisiana.
00:04:14No one cares.
00:04:15And Dawn, no offense, but you are literally the whitest white person I've ever met.
00:04:20Not cool, Brianna.
00:04:23What? A little bronzer never hurt anyone?
00:04:26You could have been Beyonce in blackface.
00:04:29Then how do you guys know that I'm also a Virgo?
00:04:33Congratulations. I'm happy for you.
00:04:37Y'all always still looking for the house?
00:04:40No, because J-Lo and Britney Spears over here deflecting.
00:04:46Nikki, your costume isn't all that appropriate, either.
00:04:49Trust me, nobody wants to check up on it.
00:04:52My man does.
00:04:54You have one of those?
00:04:56A man?
00:04:58Didn't think so.
00:05:00You know, I think you should have come as the late, great Biggie Smalls.
00:05:05Why would I dress up as Biggie Smalls?
00:05:08Well, the notorious B.I.G. seems to have been chill and laid back,
00:05:12and you, on the other hand, you're always on ten.
00:05:14But y'all do have one thing in common.
00:05:17And what's that, Brianna?
00:05:21They're both plus size.
00:05:23Oh, hell no.
00:05:25What? You are plus size.
00:05:28Say plus size one more time and see what I do.
00:05:31Don't say platypus. Don't say playground.
00:05:34Don't say plastic. Don't even say plump for the rest of the night.
00:05:40As a matter of fact, don't say nothing else that starts with the letters P-L.
00:05:46Try me if you want to.
00:05:51Please. I'm so sick of sensitive people always needing a euph-
00:05:56A euphemism for every word they're offended by.
00:05:59Remember when we used to be able to say fat? Remember overweight?
00:06:03How about chubby?
00:06:04Every time somebody's feelings get hurt, we have to change the lingo.
00:06:08Pretty soon, we're going to run out of words in the dictionary.
00:06:10Father God from the land of Mother Africa.
00:06:14God's not from Africa.
00:06:15Oh, you know that.
00:06:17Please don't let me go to jail for murder tonight.
00:06:20I'm way too pretty and way too fine.
00:06:24I have been thinking about choking Brianna for a while now,
00:06:27so it will be premeditated.
00:06:30I know she's a heathen lord, but please spare her tonight.
00:06:35In Jesus' name, amen.
00:06:42Brianna, say curvy instead.
00:06:45I wasn't talking to you, little leprechaun.
00:06:47Cool it, Brianna.
00:06:48Shut up, Ms. Powderpuff.
00:06:50You guys are just pathetic little crybabies.
00:07:04Oh, shit!
00:07:11Let me see. Give it to me.
00:07:13Let me see.
00:07:21I'm serious.
00:07:22It's made from the finest grapes in all the world, we call it.
00:07:26Oh, God.
00:07:27Be no grossio.
00:07:32Oh, hey, Josh.
00:07:34This is your real girlfriend, Stevie.
00:07:36Why don't you drop that loser, Nikki, and get with the real woman?
00:07:40I can do what you really like.
00:07:42Okay, love you, babe. Bye.
00:07:45Very funny. Come on.
00:07:46Okay, let me see.
00:07:50Your turn.
00:07:56Give me my fucking shoe. I'm tired of this.
00:07:58Give me my fucking shoe!
00:08:10Seriously, stop.
00:08:15Goddamn, bitch!
00:08:17What the fuck?
00:08:19I'm gonna start pushing. I'm sorry. I'm fucking sorry.
00:08:32What do you think you're doing?
00:08:34Wait a minute. There's a bathroom right here, and I gotta pee bad.
00:08:38It's okay.
00:08:39Get out of here!
00:08:40Chill. No one's even home.
00:08:50This is fucking crazy.
00:08:54I'll be right back.
00:08:56Where are you going?
00:08:58Why are we even whispering?
00:09:00No one's home.
00:09:04This house is creepy, though.
00:09:07I'm gonna go take some pictures for the gram.
00:09:10This is somebody's house, bitch.
00:09:13We've already let ourselves in one minute.
00:09:38Let's go, bitches.
00:09:40Nikki went upstairs.
00:09:42Let's go get her.
00:09:45Did you wash your hands?
00:09:47I think she washed her hands.
00:10:04This isn't funny anymore!
00:10:05It's breaking and entering!
00:10:06Let's go!
00:10:08Well, Dawn.
00:10:10You ain't my mama.
00:10:12So you don't tell me what to do.
00:10:14If you know how to get to the party, bye!
00:10:25Hey, look. I'm Naomi Campbell.
00:10:28Now look at me. I'm Naomi Campbell.
00:10:31You can be Ashley Graham.
00:10:34Why you gotta one-up me all the time?
00:10:37What are you talking about? Ashley Graham is gorgeous.
00:10:40I know Ashley Graham is gorgeous.
00:10:42I said I was Naomi Campbell first.
00:10:46You know that neither one of you are Ashley Graham or Naomi Campbell, right?
00:10:55You don't even look like Naomi Campbell.
00:10:57Oh my gosh!
00:10:58Everyone knows blacks and Latinos are basically the same thing.
00:11:02Black people can't have nothing.
00:11:05Why you always trying to steal my thunder?
00:11:09Nikki, you better get out of my face.
00:11:19What the?
00:11:20Look at these people.
00:11:22I think they're the ones that live in this house, but...
00:11:25I don't know if they're husband and wife or mother and son.
00:11:30Not happy.
00:11:32I guess.
00:11:37What is that?
00:11:38What is that?
00:11:40Is that blood?
00:11:42Ew, what is that?
00:11:44Oh my goodness.
00:11:54Um, hello, sir.
00:11:58We came into your house by accident.
00:12:00We were looking for a costume party.
00:12:06We didn't take anything, but we can leave now. Thank you.
00:12:34I don't know.
00:12:37Oh shit, I told you guys.
00:12:39Wait, check this out.
00:12:40Never gone in here.
00:12:42Where is she?
00:12:43Gosh, I don't know.
00:12:44All I want to do is use the restroom.
00:12:46Okay, I see you in here.
00:12:50Fuck, stop elbowing my boob.
00:12:55Go, go.
00:12:58I totally won't look.
00:13:01What do you think I'm doing, Dawn?
00:13:03Give me a fucking handjob.
00:13:04I'm trying.
00:13:07Sir, please don't call the cops.
00:13:11We didn't take anything.
00:13:13We just want to go home.
00:13:26I'm not going to call the cops.
00:13:28But I can't let you leave.
00:13:30What the fuck is wrong with his face?
00:13:43Are you ready?
00:13:57You quit your day job.
00:14:19Are you doing any legal gambling?
00:14:23So, I'd like to get in on it.
00:14:45Hey, what can I get for you tonight?
00:14:48Coffee and a shot of whiskey.
00:14:50Alright, coffee, shot of whiskey.
00:14:52How do you take your coffee?
00:14:54I take my coffee like I take my women.
00:14:58Dark skin with extra cream.
00:15:09I'm sorry.
00:15:10I'm sorry.
00:15:11I'm sorry.
00:15:12I'm sorry.
00:15:14So, do you want that coffee black or do you want it with cream?
00:15:33We need an officer in the area to make a welfare check at 989 Rich Chris Road.
00:15:38A neighbor heard screaming coming from the house.
00:15:40Can I have a second officer to back?
00:15:47You know, they're thinking about making me chief of police next week.
00:15:51I'll have the keys to the city and we can do whatever we want.
00:15:54Like Batman and Catwoman.
00:16:01Funny, I don't remember Batman having such a hideous mustache.
00:16:10Here's your coffee.
00:16:11Here's your whiskey.
00:16:14Here's your coffee.
00:16:26You know that's six bucks, right?
00:16:28Put it on my tab.
00:16:30What tab? You don't even have a tab.
00:16:34And you better not bring your ass back in here with that tired ass mustache because I don't work for free, bitch.
00:16:54Let's go.
00:16:58The check. The check is on the seat.
00:17:01The seat.
00:17:04We gotta get out of here.
00:17:05Bring in the light.
00:17:06The light just turned on.
00:17:09Oh my god.
00:17:10Okay, what are we supposed to do now?
00:17:13Where are your phones?
00:17:14Yeah, where the fuck are the phones?
00:17:15Call 911.
00:17:16Where's my fanny pack?
00:17:17How are we supposed to know?
00:17:20I just had it.
00:17:21I just had the fanny pack.
00:17:23Okay, okay, okay.
00:17:25We need to go back down there.
00:17:26We gotta call for help.
00:17:27No, we're not going back down there.
00:17:28You go down there and you want to get the phones.
00:17:30I'm not going back down there.
00:17:31I'm the one who left the fanny pack.
00:17:33He's a fucking maniac.
00:17:34I'm not going down there.
00:17:36Okay, okay.
00:17:37Nobody has to go back down there.
00:17:40The windows.
00:17:41The windows.
00:17:42The windows.
00:17:44Stand back.
00:17:50Do we have a key?
00:17:51Do we have a key?
00:17:52Let's try one more time.
00:17:53Let's try one more time.
00:17:55You go.
00:17:56I don't know.
00:17:57Look at the door and see if you can find something.
00:17:58I don't know.
00:17:59Hurry up.
00:18:00Hurry up.
00:18:02Nikki, come on.
00:18:04Oh my god.
00:18:05Hurry up.
00:18:06Oh my god.
00:18:07I'm getting it.
00:18:08I'm getting it.
00:18:11Hurry up.
00:18:12Hurry up.
00:18:13Go get a repair.
00:18:20We need another room.
00:18:21This place must not be alive.
00:18:22I'm not getting it.
00:18:24This place must not be alive.
00:18:26Let's go find the weapons.
00:18:28Let's not get this house without a weapon.
00:18:34I got this.
00:18:35I got this.
00:18:36I have a baseball.
00:18:37I have a baseball.
00:18:38What are you doing?
00:18:41What are you doing?
00:18:42I know you, Maitley, and you're it.
00:18:45Put it down!
00:18:46Put it down, Maitley!
00:18:48Okay, okay, I'm sorry, I'm sorry.
00:18:56Oh, my God!
00:18:58Are you serious?
00:19:00All right, all right, all right.
00:19:01Okay, I don't know.
00:19:02Wait, wait, wait.
00:19:04What's plan B?
00:19:05We gotta get out of here.
00:19:07He's gonna come.
00:19:08I know he's gonna come upstairs.
00:19:10What do we do?
00:19:12I need you guys to be strong.
00:19:13Do you understand?
00:19:16Really fucking strong.
00:19:18And just be tight.
00:19:19And when he comes in here and he breaks the hair, knowing well, we're gonna fucking jump
00:19:22his ass.
00:19:24You got it?
00:19:27You got it.
00:19:29You can't even jump rope.
00:19:30What makes you think we're gonna be able to jump his big ass?
00:19:31That's not fair.
00:19:32Make it make sense, John.
00:19:33Make it make sense.
00:19:34Then what do you suggest we do?
00:19:35Okay, okay.
00:19:36We negotiate.
00:19:37Baby, we're not negotiating with terrorists.
00:19:38Hope we're not going down without a fight.
00:19:39No, no.
00:19:40No, we're not.
00:19:41Oh, my God.
00:19:42You're cramped.
00:19:44Everyone go.
00:19:51Oh, my God.
00:20:40I'm Officer Jones. We got a call from someone about screaming in this residence.
00:21:04I'm here to conduct a welfare check. I'm fine. I'm just watching a horror movie.
00:21:09Well now, just take a look around if you don't mind.
00:21:13I'll do what I actually gotta warn.
00:21:24I'll turn down the fog.
00:21:26Boy, you ever been butt-fugged by a blocker?
00:21:30I suggest you step aside.
00:21:39I can't afford the light bill, huh?
00:21:50Yeah, I've been there.
00:21:54Then I got a real job.
00:21:55Why does somebody need so many cell phones?
00:22:16Can't imagine you got that many hoes.
00:22:19Shit, I can't imagine you even got hoes.
00:22:23I mean, come on, look at ya.
00:22:42Well, hold on, what's this?
00:22:46Nobody told me the McRib is back.
00:23:17Oh, wait a minute.
00:23:20You're gonna be watching a fucking movie without electricity, huh?
00:23:27Oh, what the hell?
00:23:35HBD's gonna fry your ass when they get hold of you.
00:23:39You ain't nothing but a burnt crispy piece of donkey bacon.
00:23:43Now come on, go ahead, do it, motherfucker.
00:25:05Dios mio, por favor, God.
00:25:09I know I haven't been to church this year.
00:25:12Or the year before.
00:25:14Or the year before that.
00:25:16Since I was like 11 years old.
00:25:18But I'm so sorry, and I promise.
00:25:20I promise, if you save me,
00:25:22I will go to church every day for the rest of my life.
00:25:30Well, to be honest, it's not really entirely my fault.
00:25:33Because, like, half the preachers there are pedophiles.
00:25:35And the other half, well, they just worship money.
00:25:38The whole congregation is full of gossip queens.
00:25:41What do you expect me to do with that?
00:25:45To be honest, I probably won't go back to church.
00:25:47But, you know, I'll say my prayers every night.
00:25:51If you save me, I'll say my prayers every night.
00:25:54Before I go to sleep.
00:25:56I'll start right now.
00:26:00I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America.
00:26:04And to the republic for which it stands.
00:26:06One nation, under God.
00:26:10In liberty and justice for all.
00:26:37God, listen.
00:26:39I know you're still mad at me.
00:26:41Because I went and had that abortion after the BLM protest.
00:26:45I know you think I'm a hypocrite.
00:26:47But you have to see things my way.
00:26:49It's my duty to protect my body, my bank account, my lifestyle, and my nerves.
00:26:58If you had a problem with my body, my choice,
00:27:03then you should have just made it so that men can give birth.
00:27:07You know?
00:27:09But, God.
00:27:13Let's just forgive each other.
00:27:15Let bygones be bygones.
00:27:19So we can move on.
00:27:21Lord, please don't let this man kill me tonight.
00:27:27I got that tummy tuck scheduled in three months.
00:27:31Lord, please.
00:27:35Lord, I just don't know.
00:27:38What makes a person think that it's okay to just go around killing other people and taking their life?
00:27:48God, please don't let this man kill me.
00:27:52I just don't want to die, Lord.
00:28:14God, we need to talk.
00:28:16We need to talk.
00:28:18We need to talk.
00:28:20God, I just want to say it was not my idea to come to this fucking house.
00:28:24I'm so sorry.
00:28:26Dear God, I swear.
00:28:28I know my uncle Jimmy Bob wanted me to hang out with the right kind of people.
00:28:34And I'm so sorry, God.
00:28:36Because I started making new friends and broadening my horizon.
00:28:40And I should not have done that.
00:28:43I mean, remember the one time I dated that black rapper?
00:28:47I mean, I kinda did a good deed, right?
00:28:50I'm so sorry.
00:28:52I'm sorry.
00:28:54I'm trying to do the right fucking thing.
00:28:56And I'm sorry I just fucking got to get.
00:28:59But, God, please.
00:29:01I swear.
00:29:03If you let me go.
00:29:05If you let me get out of here safe.
00:29:07Then I will hang out with Betty Lou and Barbie Jean after all of this.
00:29:12And I will get rid of these fucking loser friends.
00:29:16I just ask you please to get me out safe.
00:29:21Oh, and if you can get Stevie out safe too.
00:29:24I mean, she's fucking amazing.
00:29:26I mean, I'll keep her as a friend if it's alright.
00:29:28Because, I mean, she saved my life one time when these two fucking girls tried to jump me.
00:29:32Sorry I cussed again.
00:29:34But, God, please.
00:29:35I swear.
00:29:36If you get me out.
00:29:38I will hang out with the right type of people moving forward.
00:29:44I promise you this.
00:29:48I promise you this.
00:29:57Please, God.
00:29:59I don't want to die.
00:30:05I'm Stevie.
00:30:09What's your name?
00:30:20Oh, nice.
00:30:22I like that name.
00:30:31Come here.
00:30:34Why you picking up the time?
00:30:37Howdy, Mama.
00:30:39Guess what, Mama?
00:30:42Mama, guess what?
00:30:44My supervisor gave me a raise today.
00:30:48Well, congratulations.
00:30:50Don't make the business sit extra long.
00:30:52We can finally afford to turn on that damn A.C.
00:30:54Nah, nah.
00:30:55It's two dollar raise, Mama.
00:30:57And I've been employee of the month for the fourth time this year.
00:31:00Oh, they bought me a cake and everything.
00:31:02My supervisor says that maybe in a few years,
00:31:06I'll be a supervisor at the ranch
00:31:08and get paid salary.
00:31:10If you think those white folks
00:31:12are going to let your black ass become supervisor
00:31:14at their company,
00:31:15I got a bridge I want to sell you,
00:31:17you stupid bastard.
00:31:18You must be out your damn mind.
00:31:20Boy, I wouldn't let your ass
00:31:22supervise my Barbie dolls.
00:31:25My supervisor is a black man.
00:31:27And he believes in me.
00:31:29Everybody at work loves me, Mama.
00:31:31I do a good job.
00:31:33I always show up on time.
00:31:35And they say I'm a real good problem solver.
00:31:38I think I have a real future with this company.
00:31:41And I think Marge Chestnut is going to show up
00:31:43in my building tomorrow
00:31:45and ask my hand in marriage one day.
00:31:47But that don't mean it's going to happen.
00:31:49Problem solver.
00:31:50You're supposed to get that vacuum fixed an hour ago.
00:31:54Forget I even brought it up.
00:31:56And that vacuum belongs in the trash.
00:31:59Can't be fixed.
00:32:01Well, you can buy a new one
00:32:03with your two dollar raise.
00:32:11You want to watch a movie with me tonight?
00:32:24Hey, Dad. How you doing?
00:32:26Oh, it's me, Herman.
00:32:28Yeah, you doing alright?
00:32:31Oh, that's good. That's good.
00:32:33Hey, I was thinking.
00:32:35It's been a while
00:32:37since we've seen each other, you know?
00:32:39I was wondering if I could come out to Arizona
00:32:41and maybe visit you.
00:32:43I know we talk on the phone sometimes,
00:32:45but I haven't seen you in person
00:32:47since I was three years old.
00:32:49I like to meet my siblings and my stepmom.
00:32:53I know that you're busy.
00:32:55How about next month?
00:32:58Okay, that's okay.
00:33:00How about my birthday?
00:33:04October 1st.
00:33:07Oh, that's okay, too.
00:33:11How about the summer when my siblings are out of school?
00:33:17I understand.
00:33:19No, we'll find a time to get together eventually.
00:33:23I just really miss you, that's all.
00:33:27Hey, Dad.
00:33:29I have to talk to you about Mom.
00:33:31She's not very nice to me.
00:33:34Well, I know that's why you left her,
00:33:36but she does things to me
00:33:38that I just don't like.
00:33:40Well, I know, Dad,
00:33:42but that's just no excuse for her to...
00:33:44You have to go right now?
00:33:50Well, I'll call you next week, Dad.
00:33:52I love...
00:34:25Mom don't like me.
00:34:27Girls don't like me.
00:34:32I like you.
00:34:36We can be friends if you want.
00:34:44My dad has lots of money.
00:34:46He can pay you whatever you want.
00:34:50I don't know.
00:34:52He can pay you whatever you want.
00:34:54He won't say anything.
00:34:58Do you want some money from my dad?
00:35:10I can dance for you.
00:35:14You want me to dance?
00:35:16I can even give you sex.
00:35:18You want some sex?
00:36:09Okay, Mom.
00:36:42I'm not a choreographer.
00:36:48I'm not a choreographer.
00:37:06You like that?
00:37:08Get away from that.
00:37:18What does this do for you?
00:37:22You sick?
00:37:24You like to get freaky, huh?
00:37:28You a freak?
00:37:44You're kidding me.
00:37:58I'm going to give it to you good.
00:38:00You just watch.
00:38:48That is me, Stevie.
00:38:50I know I'm not perfect,
00:38:52but we have a relationship.
00:38:54And I don't know what the fuck is going on,
00:38:56but I'm scared.
00:38:58I just want you to help me
00:39:00find a way out of this house, please.
00:39:04I beg you, please.
00:39:06We came into this house,
00:39:08we didn't mean to.
00:39:10I just want you to help me
00:39:12find a way out of this house, please.
00:39:14I beg you, please.
00:39:17We came into this house,
00:39:19we didn't mean to.
00:39:21Please let me make it out.
00:39:27It's not your will.
00:39:29It's okay.
00:39:31I just want you to
00:39:33make sure that
00:39:35my family members
00:39:39may tell stories about me
00:39:41so I won't be forgotten.
00:39:43And make sure
00:39:45this monster
00:39:49pays for what he's done to us.
00:40:15Oh, fuck.
00:40:17Oh, fuck.
00:40:45You fucker!
00:40:51Stop slapping me!
00:41:25What was that?
00:42:24No, please!
00:43:31I'm just taking a nap, Mama.
00:43:33What do you need?
00:43:37I need you to get your ass up here
00:43:39and see what I want.
00:43:54Get over here.
00:43:58We need to discuss a topic.
00:44:02One of these hells would be long for a baby doll.
00:44:04I'm tired.
00:44:06I just want to get ready for work tomorrow and go to bed.
00:44:08Come with me.
00:44:10You can rub me.
00:44:12You can have the bathtub.
00:44:14You give the shower.
00:44:16I can rub you down.
00:44:18Mama, that's inappropriate.
00:44:20I'm your son.
00:44:24I don't have nobody.
00:44:26You're dead.
00:44:28I'm on the street.
00:44:34I'm a good person
00:44:36and you know I don't deserve
00:44:39to be treated like this, Herman.
00:44:41I just want to be loved
00:44:43just like everybody else.
00:44:47I love you,
00:44:49but I can't do that.
00:44:55I love you, too.
00:44:59I'm tired.
00:45:03This is my house.
00:45:05Unless you want to be home tonight,
00:45:07you better do what the hell I say.
00:45:09I don't want to.
00:45:11Get in here!
00:45:21Hello? Miss Claudia?
00:45:23Is my dad there?
00:45:25Oh, this is Herman, your stepson.
00:45:29Well, I guess we are close to the same age, huh?
00:45:31Well, this is Herman, your friend.
00:45:35Well, I know we never actually met.
00:45:37Miss Claudia, is my dad there?
00:45:39I'd like to speak with him.
00:45:43he's entertaining company.
00:45:45I know y'all haven't
00:45:47guest over for Christmas.
00:45:49When I asked dad if I could come out there
00:45:51for the holidays, he told me no.
00:45:53Oh, just your family, huh?
00:45:57Hey, Miss Claudia,
00:45:59did y'all get the Christmas presents
00:46:01that I sent?
00:46:03Oh, you did? That's good, that's good.
00:46:05Oh, don't worry about that.
00:46:07I don't need any presents.
00:46:09I'm too old for that stuff anyway.
00:46:11I helped mama put up a Christmas tree, though.
00:46:15Well, that's not nice.
00:46:17She's not a bitch, Miss Claudia.
00:46:19She's just misunderstood.
00:46:21Oh, you don't have to go
00:46:23and apologize.
00:46:25Is my dad there? I just want to wish him a Merry Christmas.
00:46:31Why don't you get him to give me a call
00:46:33after he's done opening gifts?
00:46:35Okay, okay.
00:46:37And, uh,
00:46:39do you think he can send me some pictures
00:46:41of my siblings?
00:46:43Alright, okay.
00:46:45And, uh, Miss Claudia,
00:46:47is it alright if I visit you guys
00:46:49for New Year's Eve?
00:46:55Miss Claudia?
00:47:01What the hell is wrong with you?
00:47:05Who was that?
00:47:07I just called Dad.
00:47:09And what did he have to say?
00:47:11He just wished us a Merry Christmas.
00:47:13Get your ass up
00:47:15and come help me with this turkey.
00:47:17Yes, ma'am.
00:47:19Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:21Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:23Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:25Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:27Oh, I'm sorry.
00:47:29Yes, ma'am.
00:47:41Oh, no!
00:47:43Oh, no!
00:47:59Oh, no!
00:48:07Ugly ass!
00:48:25I did learn some shit
00:48:28in self-defense class.
00:48:30You wanted a piece of Nikki?
00:48:32Let's go
00:48:34with your ugly ass.
00:48:36Come on.
00:48:48I'm gonna get your ass
00:48:50with this one.
00:49:00Get your ass
00:49:02with this ugly motherfucker.
00:49:08I was just waiting.
00:53:45I'm not your maid. I'm not your one
00:53:51I said, all right, you think you're talking to?
00:54:44Let me go
00:56:14Don't take me away
00:56:19No, not anymore, she doesn't need me anymore
00:56:24I'll need to stay in the house. I can't apartment close by
00:56:38You tell me
00:59:41Your mom is me and girls don't want to date you
00:59:45So fucking what?
00:59:48And give you the right do that to them
00:59:52Hey, this is our gun
00:59:56You're going to jail motherfucker and you can kiss my ass
01:01:33Herman Paul Paul Herman
01:01:36Paul Herman Paul Paul Herman
01:01:40Your mama hates you Paul Paul Herman the girls won't date you
01:01:45Paul Herman you gotta get revenge on the ones who've sinned
01:01:51You must attack the one to talk smack Paul Herman Paul Paul Herman
01:01:57Paul Herman Paul Paul Herman your face is gross Paul Paul Herman
01:02:04They're getting too close Paul Paul Herman
01:02:08Kill the girls Paul Paul Herman
01:02:12Cuz it's a man's world
01:02:15Paul Herman
01:02:43Ain't so
01:02:51What a move mountains for him in his keys