‍♀️ Day 6: Gut Reset Meditation ‍♀️

  • last month
Welcome to Day 6 of our Gut Reset Phase! Today’s meditation is designed to enhance your sense of inner tranquility and reinforce your commitment to gut health. This session will help you cultivate a deeper sense of balance and resilience, empowering your journey towards wellness. Let’s embrace today’s practice with intention and positivity!

**What to Expect:**
- Guided meditation for inner tranquility and resilience
- Practices to support gut healing and emotional balance
- Breathing exercises to strengthen your mind-body connection ️

- Improved digestive function and gut health
- Enhanced emotional stability and resilience
- A profound sense of calm and balance

Dedicate this time to yourself and let the meditation guide you towards a renewed sense of well-being and healing.

**Reminder:** Keep up with your daily practice to experience the full benefits of your gut reset journey.

**Don’t forget to subscribe for daily updates and new meditation videos!**

#GutHealth #Meditation #WellnessJourney #Mindfulness #StressRelief #HealthyLiving #DetoxProgram #AarogyaWave


00:00Let's go.
01:00We have no meals so that night
01:03We have no meals so that night
01:03We have no meals so that night o'clock.
02:00you say the word sugar, it will start craving for sugar.
02:06Okay, so that's why I say, your brain,
02:09your, you know, all the energy around you,
02:13it's not able to differentiate between negative,
02:16positive, right, wrong.
02:19So if you always think something negative
02:23and visualize something negative,
02:24then everything becomes negative.
02:27Because exactly the same message
02:29you are sending through your thoughts.
02:32And imagine, if you visualize very positively,
02:36think positively, and visualize a very beautiful future
02:41for yourself and for yourself,
02:46then you realize that how things start becoming positive also.
02:49That's how related this whole thing is.
02:52So if you're saying something negative
02:58and you're saying it again and again,
03:01and you're saying it because you're a little scared,
03:08but that message or that process in itself
03:13is actually a manifestation
03:16because universe does not understand the right or the wrong
03:20or universe does not get the message of,
03:23this is what you want,
03:25and this is something you are scared of
03:27or you are afraid of, that's why you're thinking about.
03:31So the thoughts that are in your mind,
03:34you attract those thoughts for yourself.
03:38Imagine, next time,
03:40before you think of anything negative,
03:42remember this,
03:44that whatever you're thinking,
03:47the universe will create that around your visualization.
03:53So you won't think of anything negative in the future
03:57because you're actually giving birth to it,
04:00just through your thoughts.
04:02And on the same lines,
04:04you can give birth to something very beautiful,
04:06again, just through your thoughts.
04:11So when we sit down for the meditation,
04:13what we do is, we give our brain a task.
04:16As you've seen, the moment we start,
04:18I give you a very basic task,
04:20to focus on your breath, right?
04:22So that's the most easiest way to silence your mind.
04:25As soon as you focus all your attention on your breath,
04:28the way your breath is going in and out,
04:31in a very subtle way,
04:33not in a forceful way or something like that,
04:37in a very subtle way,
04:38it engages your brain
04:40and then you slowly come to that thoughtless stage.
04:44Actually, this is the most amazing way to stay ageless.
04:52Your market is flooded with anti-aging products, right?
04:55Meditation is one such way
04:58in which you can actually become ageless
05:00because you become timeless in that moment.
05:04All your cells and everything in that process
05:09rejuvenates at so many times,
05:12higher than like a normal degree,
05:14a very higher degree than a normal process.
05:19Because at that time,
05:21you keep your body completely stress-free,
05:24in a relaxed state,
05:26in the pure potential state of your theta,
05:30you take yourself in that state
05:32and sow a beautiful seed there,
05:35which could be anything about you.
05:38And then you see how all the positives
05:40and everything else starts unfolding in you, okay?
05:44So let's begin on today's meditation.
05:47Try to sit nice and tall.
05:50And all those people,
05:51because today I have brought this point,
05:53anybody who just had their meals
05:55and have come down for the meditation,
05:57for first few minutes,
06:00sit in Vajrasana,
06:01sit in the thunderbolt pose.
06:03It will help you to improve the blood circulation
06:06to your gut area
06:08and helps to digest the food a little faster.
06:11After some time, you can switch the pose.
06:17Let's sit nice and tall.
06:19Engage your core properly,
06:22in the sense that your shoulders
06:23should not roll back or hunch.
06:25That's the only thing.
06:27When the spine is straight,
06:28your energy circles align.
06:31Now, gently calm your mind
06:34just by bringing all the attention to your breath.
06:44And exhale.
07:24Right from the top, your crown chakra,
07:28all the way to your root chakra.
07:31Visualize that it is in a straight line.
07:36And you are clearing that straight line.
07:39If there is any kind of disruption
07:43or you feel that the energy is stopping somewhere,
07:47then visualize that the energy is being released from there.
07:52So, if you come from the crown chakra to the root chakra,
07:56From the root chakra to the throat chakra, clear.
08:00From the throat chakra to the heart chakra, clear.
08:04Everyone clear?
08:04If you feel that there is some restriction on the heart chakra,
08:08or the heart is a little heavy,
08:10then you can apply a little tension here.
08:15Pay a little more attention to your breath.
08:18And visualize that the white aura
08:21that is entering from your crown chakra,
08:25is now coming to the navel chakra
08:28releasing from your heart chakra without any restriction.
08:34If you feel that there is any kind of restriction here,
08:36then bring a little attention here as well.
08:43After that, we will go down a little more.
08:46Our chakra is before the root chakra.
08:49Wait there for a little while.
08:52After that, straight to the root chakra,
08:54where you are sitting, right in the center of your sits bones.
09:01Visualize that the beautiful aura
09:06coming out of your crown chakra
09:09is clearly going to the root chakra.
09:14And then you are connecting with the root chakra in the earth.
09:20Gain your roots here.
09:23It means that your foundation is so strong in the earth.
09:29And your connection with your crown chakra
09:32is so strong in space.
09:39So, you will take in renewed energies from space.
09:45And through your roots in the earth,
09:48all the energy that you want to get,
09:51all those heavy thoughts,
10:03any kind of angst,
10:06whatever it is, release it.
10:21Repeat this process again and again,
10:24visualizing it right from the top of your crown chakra.
10:52Visualize a beautiful white aura entering your being
10:57right from the space, the moon,
11:00the universe.
11:03Let it enter you
11:06from the crown.
11:09Visualize it passing through your eyes,
11:12center of your eyes, Ajna chakra, third eye.
11:17Then through your neck, throat chakra, Vishuddhi.
11:22Then through your heart, Anahata.
11:26Then through your navel, Manipura.
11:30Then through your Swadhishtha chakra,
11:33and then Mudha.
11:36Whatever manifestation you do,
11:39affirmations you do,
11:42you will strongly root them.
11:45Not just through the eye app,
11:48but through all the seven chakras.
11:51So, the first root chakra is our eye app.
11:54The lowest level of vibration
11:57is the eye app.
12:00The highest level of vibration
12:03is the eye app.
12:06It is the lowest level of vibration and the lowest level of formation.
12:09In which you affirm just for yourself,
12:12with the eye app.
12:15Like, I am healthy, you are healthy.
12:18After a while, you become
12:21I feel.
12:24When you rise above
12:27I feel,
12:32You become a doer of Manipura Chakra.
12:34So you do the karma
12:36that fulfills that manifestation.
12:38So first of all, I am.
12:40Then I feel.
12:42Then I do.
12:44After doing,
12:46you fall in love with that thing.
12:48It becomes your passion.
12:50You believe in that thing.
12:52We do that with our heart chakra.
12:56After heart chakra,
12:58you speak.
13:00So the thing
13:02you believe in,
13:04the thing you believe in
13:06and think
13:08that it will happen for you,
13:10you will visualize
13:12about it.
13:14From your
13:16third eye chakra,
13:18you will see it in detail.
13:22And to the end,
13:24your crown chakra.
13:26With your crown chakra,
13:28you understand that thing.
13:30So it starts from
13:32I am, I do,
13:34I feel,
13:36I am,
13:38I feel, I do,
13:40I love,
13:42I speak,
13:44I see,
13:46and I understand.
13:48In seven
13:52your manifestations,
13:54your affirmations,
13:56your thoughts.
14:00You think
14:02there are so many beautiful
14:04chakras, so many amazing energies.
14:06You cannot put
14:08these energies in anything
14:10that is not helpful for you.
14:12And this is everyone's journey.
14:14One journey is yours
14:16and the same
14:18journey is for someone else.
14:20You cannot compare your journey
14:22with someone else's journey.
14:24You have your own
14:26journey to complete.
14:28You have your own
14:30ways, your cycles,
14:32everything else.
14:34So please start devoting
14:36all the time,
14:38all the energy
14:40to bringing your chakras,
14:42your mind into balance,
14:46and achieve that inner peace.
14:52I'll share the music now.
14:54Just calm down
14:56a little more.
14:58Bring your attention
15:00again to your chakras.
15:02Create that beautiful
15:04cycle of aura and stay with it.
15:22Meditation Music
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