• last month
00:01How could you do such a thing, you coward?
00:04The boss told me to do it.
00:06And everyone who helped you,
00:08they all went to the patio.
00:10Do you realize that you stained your hands with blood?
00:14Well, I do anything for the boss.
00:17I owe him everything.
00:18What do you owe him if not even the horse is yours?
00:20Well, at least I have something to eat.
00:21Do you think it's a lot?
00:23That's enough for me.
00:24You and the tenants should have at least a piece of land.
00:26Get it in your head.
00:28If you don't try to convince him,
00:30he was born without a head.
00:31You didn't treat me like that, shit.
00:32You said you didn't have a brother, didn't you?
00:35Of course.
00:37Of course.
00:39Now you inherited a piece of land from your mother's old woman.
00:42You thought you were the boss.
00:45You thought you were a landlord.
00:46I'm going, Manuel, we're the same shit.
00:49I'm going.
00:50You are a poor and sad asshole.
00:52Manuel, no!
00:55You're going to end up dead.
00:56You're going to end up dead, just like Lionel.
00:58You're going to end up dead.
01:00No, Manuel, no!
01:01No, no, no, please, please.
01:03Please, Manuel, no.
01:06I beg you.
01:09I beg you, please.
01:11Leave him alone.
01:20Take him away.
01:23Take Maria away.
01:26I'm going to rest.
01:29Until I bury you, Manuel.
01:32Until I bury you.
01:49You are completely crazy, just like your mother.
01:52Get out of here, how dare you talk to me in that tone, shit.
01:55Don't get upset.
01:56I'm not upset.
01:57You know what they say.
01:58The one who does nothing, fears nothing.
02:02How dare you talk to me like that?
02:03Nobody talks to me that way, shit.
02:05Then I have to deduce that he did have something to do with it.
02:07And I should deduce that you are involved with Manuel, then?
02:10Think whatever you want.
02:12Be very careful, Lucrecia.
02:14The woman of a chenique has to be a virtuous woman.
02:17I'm not.
02:19You made a mistake with my son.
02:25Ignacio will take care of you.
02:27Ignacio will have the pleasure to straighten you out.
02:29Get out of here.
02:31I don't think I can do it.
02:33I am like this.
02:34As you see me.
02:40Get out of here.
02:45Get out, shit!
02:47Excuse me.
03:02What does this mean?
03:04We were playing, mother.
03:06I didn't do anything, Mrs. Leonor.
03:07It was your son who came alone to see me.
03:09Did you provoke this situation?
03:10I didn't provoke anything, ma'am.
03:12You're right.
03:13I came to provoke her.
03:14I'll kill you.
03:15What are you thinking about?
03:17Well, I'm sorry if I'm the one who says it,
03:19but men have needs, mother.
03:21What is it?
03:22An animal.
03:23Mrs. Leonor.
03:25You're not going to accuse Mr. José Luis, are you?
03:28If you have to accuse someone, let it be me.
03:29You're not going to tell me what I have to do.
03:31Did you hear me?
03:33If my husband found out what I just saw,
03:35you wouldn't be here.
03:38Let's go home.
03:40Home, I'm telling you.
03:48I knew that Mr. José Luis was the one who looked for me the most.
03:57I'm sorry.
03:58I'm sorry.
04:27I'm sorry.
04:57I'm sorry.
05:27I'm sorry.
05:47Listen to me well, Ignacio.
05:49I want you to be very hard on her.
05:51I'm going to make things very clear to her.
05:52No, no, no, no, no.
05:53You don't understand me.
05:54I don't want you to talk to her.
05:55I want you to give her a punishment that is exemplary.
05:58Hit her.
06:00Sometimes we have no choice but to hit our women
06:04to show our authority.
06:06Hit her?
06:08Of course, Ignacio.
06:09Hit her.
06:10I would like to understand myself in another way with her.
06:15She's a woman, Ignacio.
06:17Women get tangled up with words.
06:20And it's not just any woman.
06:21The wife of a girl has to behave as such.
06:23And if she doesn't,
06:24the one who's going to pay the consequences is going to be you.
06:27It's clear, sir.
06:29Excuse me.
06:30I'm not done yet.
06:32With respect to that woman you're supposedly in love with.
06:35Father, I know...
06:36Find yourself a whore.
06:37Whores are ideal for that.
06:40You're going to see them whenever you want.
06:42And the only thing they're going to demand is money for your services.
06:45Nothing else.
06:46And it's the most normal thing in the world.
06:48Everyone will understand if and when.
06:50You're going to pay Aunt Carmen a visit.
06:54But what I think is very serious
06:56is that a young man like you,
06:58a whore,
06:59gets involved with a woman.
07:02That's a scandal.
07:05And I'm not going to allow it in this family.
07:08Is that clear?
07:09It's very clear, sir.
07:12Now leave.
07:14Excuse me.
07:31Stay still.
07:36You like to be hit, don't you?
07:39How could I like to be hit?
07:42You have to admit that you asked for it.
07:44Of course.
07:45You're always giving your brother the reason.
07:47No, I'm not giving him the reason.
07:49I love him very much.
07:50And I don't want anything bad to happen to him.
07:52Well, if you keep going in there,
07:54something bad is going to happen to you.
08:02Would you be able to shoot me?
08:07Don't talk to me like that.
08:08What if your hands are stained with blood?
08:12It's not my fault.
08:14It's the boss' fault.
08:16I do everything the boss tells me to do.
08:18Of course.
08:20But if you find out anything,
08:22the first person they'd arrest is you.
08:25Or do you think the boss is going to say that Leida was him?
08:29I know that the quiet one, like a grave,
08:32and the only one who would go to jail,
08:35is you.
08:49I'm sorry you found us, Herminia.
08:52Get out of here. I don't want any more trouble.
08:57I stayed because I wanted to.
08:59Well, take care of it yourself.
09:01No, it's very boring.
09:02Ah, that's not my problem.
09:05Look, let's do one thing.
09:08I'm willing to give you all my pride.
09:19I'm alone in the room.
09:20My brother is already with his wife.
09:22My mother is sleeping.
09:23I have nothing to hide.
09:25Please, I can't take it anymore.
09:31Remember God, that you take away the sin of the world,
09:33have mercy on us.
09:37Remember God, that you take away the sin of the world.
09:42Give me peace.
09:46Our Father, who art in heaven,
09:48hallowed be thy name.
09:53Give us this day our daily bread,
09:55and forgive us our trespasses,
09:57as we forgive those who trespass against us.
10:04Our Father, who art in heaven,
10:06hallowed be thy name.
10:08Give us this day our daily bread,
10:10and forgive us our trespasses,
10:12as we forgive those who trespass against us.
10:21What are you doing here, sir?
10:25I know what you want to do with Manuel.
10:30It's his fault.
10:34He wants everyone to betray me.
10:41And he's going to do it.
10:44Because he's a real man.
10:47Not like you, who are worthless.
10:51That's not true.
10:55The trust works thanks to me.
10:58You're mine.
10:59Manuel should be the owner of everything.
11:11I'm not going to rest...
11:14until I get rid of you.
11:17I wouldn't be surprised
11:19if he ended up getting rid of you.
11:23Why did he do it?
11:25Why did it happen to the Earth?
11:28Why did it happen to me?
11:31Why did it happen to you?
11:34Why did it happen to me?
11:37Why did it happen to me?
11:40None of this belongs to him.
11:43He's my son.
11:44I'm his son!
11:47I'm his son!
11:50I'm his son!
11:52He's a stranger here!
11:56He's much stronger than you.
11:59He's a real man.
12:02You're worthless, José Luis.
12:05You're worthless!
12:06Shut up!
12:10Shut up.
12:12Why are you telling me this?
12:14I don't deserve this!
12:16Get out of here!
12:18I don't deserve this!
12:21José Luis!
12:23José Luis!
12:25Are you okay?
12:29Who were you talking to?
12:31My father.
12:36My father.
12:40What are you saying?
12:42How could my father kill someone?
12:44I saw the man hanging.
12:47It was horrible.
12:49Where did you see him?
12:51At Manuel's house.
12:53He was killed for helping him.
12:55What were you doing at Manuel's house?
12:57He gave me asylum.
13:00How did you get to Manuel's house?
13:02Herminia helped me.
13:04We're closer than you think.
13:06Lucrecia, I don't want to know.
13:10Something incredible happened to me there.
13:15I saw La Morena.
13:16She showed up.
13:17La Morena?
13:18At Manuel's house?
13:20It was the most shocking thing I've ever seen.
13:22Where was Manuel?
13:23With me.
13:24That woman was going to see him.
13:26Thank God you were there.
13:28I don't think it's the first time she's going to see him.
13:31Manuel has the mark.
13:33The mark that makes him the man who was with her.
13:42His father?
13:46My father is here.
13:49My father is here.
13:50Jose Luis.
13:51He was here.
13:53His father was here.
13:54He was here a moment ago.
13:55His father was here, Jose Luis.
14:00He has him.
14:03He visits me.
14:05Every moment.
14:09Does anyone else know?
14:15Not even your wife?
14:21Only you.
14:23Only me.
14:24Very good.
14:25Very good.
14:26Calm down.
14:27Calm down.
14:29It's going to be a secret.
14:30I don't want anyone to know.
14:32It's going to be a secret between the two of us.
14:34Don't worry.
14:37And what did your father tell you?
14:39That he loves you so much.
14:46That doesn't matter.
14:50Trust me, Jose Luis.
14:53I don't want to talk about this.
14:59I want to pray.
15:02I want to pray.
15:04Get out of here.
15:08I have to pray.
15:10It's the only thing that calms my spirit.
15:42I dream another dream every day.
16:12My God.
16:32What are you doing here?
16:34Your father forbids people from coming to see me.
16:37Answer me.
16:38Is it true that my father killed a man?
16:40It's a lie of yours to hurt him.
16:52Why are you with Luis Emilio and not with me?
16:55What are you talking about?
16:56You don't have to lie to me.
16:57I just saw you.
17:00That's your habit of spying on people.
17:04I didn't know the girls in your class did those things.
17:07Why are you doing this to me?
17:08We started again.
17:10I already told you.
17:11I do it for money.
17:12And my money?
17:13Is my money worth it?
17:15There are things that I do and others that I don't.
17:17And besides, you're a married woman.
17:19That doesn't matter, Herminia.
17:20It seems that it matters because I helped you escape and here you are back.
17:24Listen to me.
17:25Listen to me.
17:26With Ignacio we made a deal.
17:27That's not the point, friend.
17:28What you have to do is behave like a married woman.
17:30Because that's what it is.
17:32I'll never do it.
17:34Do you know why?
17:36Because I'm in love with you.
17:39I'm in love with you.
17:44It's hard for me to believe it.
17:46Your father ordered a man to be killed.
17:48That's not true.
17:50My daddy is a fearful man of God.
17:53Well, if you don't believe me, it's not your business.
17:59Don't keep fighting my father.
18:01Otherwise, we will have more problems every day.
18:04I will continue to have problems with your father.
18:06Because he's stubborn and doesn't understand that these lands belong to me.
18:10I don't like the way he refers to my daddy.
18:13I love him very much.
18:14Go to your house if you want to.
18:17Excuse me.
18:18What happened to him there?
18:24They say it's the mark of the brunette.
18:26Well, I did this in the north.
18:28Now, grab your horse and go home.
18:31Why are you avoiding me?
18:33Can't you get my mommy out of your head?
18:40I have nothing with your mother.
18:42But she had it.
18:44Why did she come?
18:45Why is she here?
18:47Because I don't want to lose him, Manuel.
18:52Do you know what I think?
18:54That you are a spoiled girl.
18:55No, I don't love him.
18:56Do you want to attract attention?
18:57No, stop it, stop it.
18:58Don't you realize?
18:59Don't you realize that what I feel for you...
19:01I'm honest.
19:02Grab your horse.
19:05This is not a safe place with a brunette like you.
19:23You won't forget me so easily, Manuel.
19:28I assure you.
19:32What are you talking about, teenager?
19:35How can you be in love with a woman?
19:38What's wrong with you is that you are tempered.
19:40No, no, no, no.
19:41Let me go.
19:42I'm serious.
19:43Go get your desire with your husband.
19:45I don't feel anything for him.
19:46You don't know.
19:47That's not my business.
19:48Leave me alone.
19:49I have a lot of things to do.
19:53Let me go.
19:55Don't touch me again.
19:57And you're going to see them with me.
19:58Do you understand?
19:59I'm running out of patience with you.
20:15Blessed are you in the face of all women.
20:17Blessed be the fruit of your womb.
20:20Holy Mary.
20:23Excuse me.
20:25I don't want to bother you,
20:26but I needed to talk to you.
20:30What do you want?
20:33I need to talk to you about something.
20:39I heard a comment that has me disturbed.
20:42What did you hear?
20:43Jorge, Jorge.
20:44Now our death.
20:46José Luis.
20:47And you?
20:48José Luis.
20:51I heard a comment that has me disturbed.
20:53José Luis.
20:56I heard that you were linked to the death of a tenant.
21:02You too.
21:14Now I see it clear.
21:17Now I see it clear, Leonora.
21:19This is the work of Manuel Pradena.
21:22That man was killed by a thief.
21:24It was an execution.
21:27And they want to put him on my shoulder.
21:29Because they want the exploiter to be a murderer.
21:34And on top of that, you believe in such nonsense.
21:38I just wanted to talk to you.
21:40It's not that I believe in anything.
21:41I wanted you to...
21:44He's determined.
21:47José Luis.
21:48He's determined.
21:51He's determined.
21:52I'm determined.
21:53To me.
21:56But I won't allow it.
22:00I won't allow it, Leonora.
22:04Of course I'm fine.
22:06Of course.
22:09I just need to rest.
22:21What did you do?
22:42I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do it.
22:51Shh, shh.
23:21Here's a gift.
23:25You can have it.
23:29Take it. If I don't do anything to you, I won't bite you, Violeta.
23:41You're very pretty.
23:44Very pretty.
23:51Can I ask you to do something for me?
23:56Yes, boss.
24:01Show me your breasts.
24:09Boss, no.
24:14I'm not going to tell anyone.
24:19Show me your breasts.
24:27You're a piece of shit!
24:31Show me your breasts.
24:41Show me your breasts.
25:11Show me your breasts.
25:36I've spent all my life working.
25:39Since I can remember, I've been working.
25:43I spent years in the north, in Salideras, you know what?
25:48And if there's one thing I've learned all these years, it's that we have rights.
25:52We are the force at work, guys.
25:55Without us, there's no production.
25:58And without production, there's no wealth.
26:01And without wealth, the bosses fill their arches.
26:04Things have always been like this, boss.
26:06No one can change it.
26:09Do you know what makes it different?
26:12That all these lands are mine.
26:15These lands were inherited by my mother.
26:18And I want to work them.
26:21And I want to know who wants to work with me.
26:24You're going to be the owners of your work, and I'm going to get a share of the sales.
26:28Why should we believe that?
26:31Because I'm a worker just like you.
26:34And you.
26:36And you.
26:38And all of you.
26:40And if you want, once and for all, to leave this exploitation that you have endured all these years in the inheritance.
26:44I am the only opportunity you have.
26:48That's why.
26:54I don't want to talk to you. Leave me alone, I beg you.
26:58Where were you, Teresita?
26:59How is it possible that I ask all the employees of this house where you are and no one knows to tell me anything?
27:05That doesn't make sense.
27:07Do you really want to know?
27:09Of course I do.
27:11I was with the man I love.
27:16I was with Manuel.
27:18Did she get jealous?
