(6/10/19) [Audio Only] Breath of the Wild - THE WORLD IS ENDING I'M NOT WORKING TODAY (Warning - Stability Issues) 4/4

  • last month
00:00:00You know
00:00:02So, yeah, I'm gonna hang with my dad and sister I'm gonna catch y'all later
00:00:14Yeah, yeah, there's a line and it's like I when I know it's people who aren't just trying to fucking piss me off
00:00:19Who aren't deliberately trying to piss me off? I ultimately end up end up left with why?
00:00:23why I
00:00:28Told you specifically not to do this. Why are you still doing it?
00:00:37I was enforcing rules with any youtuber server and wasn't even doxxing or I was just consistent harassment over a couple of months
00:00:43This time I'm telling people not to interact and as a result
00:00:45Maybe I saw the target which kind of sucks because and discourages me from wanting to take my neck out for people
00:00:48Yeah, oh, I mean ultimately that's not like that. That's the problem
00:00:51You can't like I mean if you keep sticking your neck out for people who have
00:00:55Demonstrated that they cannot be bothered to help themselves. All you do is put yourself in danger
00:01:02Like don't like here's the thing don't do what I should be doing and if I'm not doing it, there's a reason
00:01:15And I think that's ultimately what it was gonna be it's like look if you ID yourselves and people from Kiwi farms
00:01:21Find out where you live because of it
00:01:24then I
00:01:25Mean, I I tried to warn you. I tried to tell you
00:01:29You are you will get no sympathy or help from me
00:01:31Because I will I will not stick my neck out for people who will who will just stick their dick back in the socket
00:01:42These people are Nazis guys
00:01:44Not like not like some wishy-washy like right. I like right, you know kind of racist
00:01:49But no, these are hardline Nazis
00:02:02This isn't a fucking joke
00:02:13Like I don't interact with the general chat anymore unless it's to do my mod my mod duties
00:02:20And there's a reason for that it's like I can't stand being around such criminally dense people
00:02:26It's just like no
00:02:32And like that's a problem most people have the common sense to not ID themselves in this way
00:02:37But for some reason my viewers need their fucking hands up and I don't know why it's my viewers specifically
00:02:42I don't know why it is such a consistent problem for me and not a not such a consistent problem for anybody else
00:02:50So there's literally no way to come into except badly it's a straight-up bad idea to draw attention to yourself on those sites
00:02:55Yeah, that's the problem. Like they are like, I mean, I already have their attention. There's nothing they can fucking do
00:03:11Oh Jesus that's far away. Whoa. Oh time to get the hell out of here
00:03:20Keep any healthy. That's a glide. That's a glide challenge. You didn't get you need to go through the ring
00:03:37Unlike places where Nazis and Nazism are literally illegal such as Germany
00:03:40These fuckers are able to be loud proud and brandish their ideologies in plain sight
00:03:46Dumb people are gives me so much cringe that upsets me so much and it shouldn't and they will attack you
00:03:51Yeah, you're right. They will attack you
00:03:55The problem isn't just that they went on and started like trying to troll kiwi farms
00:03:58They came back here and fucking bragged about it knowing that they were watching the place
00:04:01It's like how stupid are you? How are you alive? How have you not walked out into traffic?
00:04:11Yeah, I got a forever OC to just how stupid a lot of these people can be and
00:04:16It's astounding just how many people need to have their fucking hands held through everything. I
00:04:21Don't get it. I don't think I will ever get it. I
00:04:24Don't get how you can be that stupid
00:04:26I don't get it. I don't think I will ever get it. I don't get how you can be that stupid
00:05:08Don't teach common sense in public school
00:05:16Mean I've characterized some of my view a lot of my viewers is dribbling Muppets
00:05:19But this is this is the height of that stupidity. This is the height of that
00:05:22Unwillingness to learn and that that's what that's ultimately what it is. It is an unwillingness to learn
00:05:28Cannot be bothered learning. I'll just have I'll just make Lily continue to clean up my messes
00:05:36Legitimately they give personal info away online stupid. Yeah, like that like that. That is a particular kind of stupid
00:05:43I have told people not to vent in the lobby how many times
00:05:48It's like they still do it like we've got that one, you know
00:05:50We got those those those two people who do it all the time and never stop
00:05:58You know what I'm actually gonna message both of them
00:06:04I'm gonna have to see how many people left over there. No, I'm astounded
00:06:52Think with huh, I think with circles, I'm just gonna yeah, I'm just gonna ban entirely
00:06:59It's a fan out right because
00:07:29Know I like I mean in this case, I'm making the fan reason danger to yourself
00:07:42Because I don't expect them to listen I mean I it's been a rule and it's like
00:07:47You are someone who was addicted. I'm sorry. I can't fucking help you
00:07:52Who are you banning?
00:07:55Let me uh
00:07:57Mute us
00:10:29Sorry about that had to deal with stuff where people's names being said
00:10:32Because you know, I was going out of my way not to drop people's names
00:10:36When we were basically roasting the roasting the place and it's like well
00:10:41They went and I did themselves
00:10:43And they brought they bragged about it. And then like some of them told people where they live. I
00:10:51Don't even like people knowing my first name I
00:10:54Think it froze. I
00:10:57Can stop calling you Miranda and streams if you want. Yeah
00:11:01It's fine. Cuz at this point your audience is gonna know
00:11:06No, I mean ideally but if you're if you're not me or Mikayla who literally use our first names as our handles
00:11:13Don't do it
00:11:17No, I'm just saying cuz like uh in our own company you use my real name. Yeah, I know
00:11:23I'm sorry
00:11:24That's fine. I thought we were gonna use carousel, but I didn't I didn't know you had
00:11:27What it is
00:11:37Like I do use my real name on my channel, but I do her by harmony
00:11:43I know I kind of like the name better than my real name. Oh
00:11:49Isn't that a mood I'm not technically use my real name
00:11:56Told you my I told you my real name you're like, oh, that's bad
00:12:00yeah, I mean a lot of these I mean some of these people are lucky because they're uh,
00:12:04there are people who haven't changed their names yet, but
00:12:08And it's like are you well you're gonna have to find a new name
00:12:10You are absolutely got to get a new like one of those people. They are gonna have to get a new name
00:12:15Because that one is compromised
00:12:27Like it's funny my parents had like this long list of names they wanted to call me I
00:12:34Always wondered why they chose
00:12:37my name
00:12:44If I turned out a fat my uh, my parents were gonna call me Tatiana
00:13:01Like my middle name
00:13:03My middle name is like one of the most common middle names ever. Let's let's stop talking about names just because someone's gonna slip
00:13:10Okay. Yeah
00:13:45Want others people to
00:13:49Like she's even like oh you ignoring me like no, I'm busy
00:13:54I don't I don't ever send are you ignoring me as a message because you know
00:13:57I don't need my anxiety to like make someone else feel that if they're ignoring me. I'll probably realize
00:14:05Not for the most part I'm legitimately busy with things like I get called away by my parents to do shit I
00:14:13Think you need to take a deep breath and come back to reality
00:14:22Have a life outside the interweb Lily don't do this then does it anyway
00:14:29Surprise Pikachu face I
00:14:43Need to start making the surprise Pikachu face shit like this happens
00:14:51Need to start using that more often. I want to use the detective Pikachu one cuz it's cuter
00:15:12You know, I
00:15:17Really thought Pikachu would be fluffy. I don't know why he pulls it off. Well
00:15:31Fluffy I'm gonna die. I
00:15:37Don't need to see
00:15:40Guys guys stop talking about fantasy political situations. What's going on?
00:15:50Don't need to actually see you detective Pikachu same
00:15:55Was good. I
00:15:56Acknowledge some of the problems people have with it, but I really liked it. Regardless. It was a fun experience to go see
00:16:06Dark knows a boomerang
00:16:11None of us. I want to see um the live-action Aladdin or not. I
00:16:17Think I might your talk
00:16:20Hmm, I think I might wait until it comes out on DVD and then pirate it and if I like it, I'll buy it on DVD
00:16:37Support it
00:16:50Good old Agrabah
00:16:55Wish they did more Jasmine. I really do like Jasmine
00:17:02She's my second favorite Disney princess next to Ariel
00:17:11Actually, no, I think she yeah, she's type of Rapunzel second favorite cuz I love fun Z. Oh, these are good
00:17:23Like Milana, oh my god. Oh my god. Are you fucking kidding me?
00:17:26What so I posted that inglorious bastards remix of 100 Nazi scalps. Someone goes
00:17:32Oh my god
00:17:37Literally in the fucking title, you know what people are just doing
00:17:42There's no other explanation
00:17:46Different drink of the stupid juice today
00:18:01So hyper and the thing is it's like now that the people identified themselves as the ones who were trying to troll people
00:18:07Kiwi farms likely has their IP addresses
00:18:12Physical locations they have everything
00:18:15It's wrong counting our rumps just gross
00:18:25They are probably still watching the stream and realizing oh I should have listened to Lily the first fucking time she said something
00:18:32Because like now they have they have now they are now experience
00:18:36Experiencing the worst the worst fucking consequences of this I must all I must always do the opposite of what Lily says
00:18:45Gotta be a renegade for some reason
00:18:53You know, you don't have to stir the pot you guys you can just sit there and let your fucking food
00:18:57Yeah, just sit there eat your fucking soup and let me worry about stirring the pot
00:19:02Now join in gotta be part of the cool kids
00:19:06Some of y'all about to be real mad at me, but it must be said you're not gonna join our friend group
00:19:09Just because you like you try to do the school shit. It's not it's just gonna annoy us
00:19:12Yeah, the easiest way to take yourself down to the not ever it out to the I will never personally speak to you
00:19:19is to come is to completely ignore a basic fucking instructor if I get like I
00:19:25Don't have to tell you guys something twice
00:19:27If I say stop doing that they stop doing that you are not gonna become
00:19:31Yeah, you are not gonna become one of my friends by doing something I have consistently constantly endlessly complained about
00:19:46Yeah, you're just you're a big sweetheart and you're not
00:19:50Mean that was the thing. That's like it was hilarious. How patch one said it's like, oh well, I
00:19:55Decided somebody actually asked patch. Why would you pick fights with people?
00:20:01In order to try and impress Lily when she has said numerous fucking times
00:20:06That she hates it when people ignore her basic instructions like this
00:20:10But I don't like soap Lily. I'll just sit out of your soup. Lily. I'll sit where you drink the tea. I brought
00:20:15You're not funny
00:20:21Put my foot in my mouth
00:20:28Like that that kind of shit these kind of smart-alecky remarks is an indication that is an indication that they're not listening
00:20:33They're just waiting for the time to speak
00:20:37You don't have to be this
00:20:40Just fucking listen and shut up
00:20:42Yeah, listen shut up and don't try to make it like don't try to make a spectacle of yourself just behave and like
00:20:48Yeah, listen, shut up. Stop trying to be part. Stop trying to be in on it
00:20:53Just shut your fucking mouth
00:21:01Yeah, we know
00:21:06No shit. She's going off. Thank you for that blatant observation that anyone could figure out Celeste way to go
00:21:14Congratulations, you know, congratulations. You have a pair of ears now fucking use them
00:21:22Fucking gaggle of five-year-olds here
00:21:25Wait, did what why?
00:21:27Trying to be cool trying to be cool trying to be cool and just putting themselves in danger
00:21:32Selves in danger and pissing me off
00:21:38No, I do listen really cuz it sure doesn't sound like you do listen going forward don't
00:21:43Listen, just shut up. Don't send a message. Don't apologize. Don't say okay. I listen just
00:21:49Shut your mouth
00:21:57I'm gonna go make a cup of tea. I'll be right back
00:22:00People God, I'm sorry. I'm starting to realize what my parents used to say. Don't talk back
00:22:03It's like I don't hear your fucking response. Just listen and do your fucking told
00:22:08Don't try and be part of the conversation. Just
00:22:11Shut up. It's like even shut up is a hard fucking problem. It's like shut up. Stop talking. Okay, I'm sorry
00:22:17What did I just fucking tell you?
00:22:22Yeah, if I want you if I want your commentary I'll fucking ask for it
00:22:25When I'm good when I'm when I'm when I'm in serious mode with you guys here. Just listen
00:22:32Like you guys have gotten you guys have gotten her annoyed so much because you just don't listen like it's not hard
00:22:36Yeah, like if you if you think you have a response just don't have it as soon as response comes to your brain
00:22:41Don't say it. Just let it live. Just let it die
00:22:44She's like she's literally gotten out of this anger mindset and you drag her back in by not listening to a word. She said yeah
00:22:51There it is right there sky blitz here trying to be cute and funny and make smart Alec remarks
00:22:56It's like I listened. No, you didn't you did not listen to a word. I fucking said you just it's gonna all died down
00:23:01Yeah, if you guys weren't fucking yeah, like this could have all yeah
00:23:04This could have all died down if you guys would just stop talking
00:23:08Fucking hell no, I'm just what I've dealt with ever since I had like ever since I started interacting with my viewers on the regular and
00:23:37People wonder it's like why are you such a there? See just he just fucking did it
00:23:40All right, you're banned sky your band cuz you can't grasp shut up
00:23:47Yeah, I knew we'd fucking do that I don't comment on sky either like just let it just ignore
00:23:54You know a fucking nail apparently
00:24:06I don't know how I like I don't know how sky still alive
00:24:09I don't know how he's alive cuz that kind of brazen stupidity that should have been like natural selection a long fucking time ago
00:24:15I just hope people go off with it from this and learn but I have some serious doubts. Yeah, I
00:24:22I'd be lying if I said I actually expected them to learn I
00:24:25Don't I'm optimistic by nature. I hope they will but I can't like right now is just a wolf
00:24:31Like once again, it's that it's that persistent stupidity
00:24:34It is that very persistent stupidity where I will say don't do this thing
00:24:38They will immediately do the thing cuz what you're still streaming. Yes, of course. We're still streaming. We're gonna stream right now
00:24:43Wait, you're still streaming. No, we're not streaming where this is a fucking mirage you dad you'd fucking dipshit
00:24:50You're still streaming
00:24:52Does it look like questions?
00:24:58It makes it harder for the rest of us because we just want to move the platform and have fun watching our friend play
00:25:03Like Breath of the Wild with the Keyblades, but you guys are making this so fucking difficult for us
00:25:07I mean, I could just turn the fucking chat off like just turn the chat up cuz a pet cuz apparently the fucking toddlers can't
00:25:13I could like that like they can't handle anything. I
00:25:16Wish that wasn't something we needed to do because I like audience interaction. I think it's fun, but
00:25:24So stupid like it's basic knowledge you can blacklist words like maybe other words streaming to save breath like well
00:25:28That's the thing. I shouldn't have to like if so, yeah, why should we have to do this?
00:25:31Yeah, why should I have to fucking keep putting in measures to print it to account for this crap?
00:25:36Like if someone if someone's gonna ask the brain-dead fucking question of wait
00:25:39You're still streaming when they could just as easily look at the fact that the stream is still on and go
00:25:44oh, they're still streaming and
00:25:47Still gotta answer the question and it's like what is it? Yeah, what does it look like to you you paint huffing moron?
00:25:54Like I think the point you guys are missing here is this is not a job
00:25:57We shouldn't have to hold your hand and babysit you. You're all adults
00:26:02This is a stream. I should be here. Yeah, it's yeah, I like it's
00:26:06It's not my job to babysit you and the fact that you continuously make it my job to babysit you
00:26:09I think it's like part of the reason is because
00:26:12YouTube audiences are spoiled by the fact that
00:26:15Youtubers will by and large hold their hands through everything
00:26:19They will not leave any kind of critical thinking for themselves not even basic things that an adult should be expected to understand like
00:26:27You know like you're it's like when people go you're presenting something as fact when it's really an opinion
00:26:32You're positioning yourself as the authority even though I have no actual power and it doesn't matter whether I say something is my opinion or not
00:26:38The fact that it is coming from a human being and not a robot indicates that it is inherently subjective
00:26:44Subjectivity is implied
00:26:45But we've had so many youtubers who will hold people's hands and coddle them and just go now
00:26:50This is only my opinion and if you have it to have a different opinion
00:26:53Totally, okay that we now have this situation where people haven't had to think for them for themselves
00:26:58They haven't had to infer information on their own and now they won't do it
00:27:03And I think the other thing you guys get is and I feel like I shouldn't have to say this
00:27:07These streams are not for you. We're having fun. We let you be here. Yeah
00:27:14We're trying we're having fun. You guys are you guys are spectators, but you know, this is not for you
00:27:20We shouldn't have to babysit you because we're here trying to have fun
00:27:22And spend time together as friends
00:27:26If you can't behave like don't show up, but we're just gonna ban you cuz like
00:27:31Yeah, if you can't behave if you can't if you can't behave the way an adult an adult should be expected to behave
00:27:40Then get out leave leave the stream now because because I won't just bang you
00:27:46I'll fucking yell at you and humiliate you in public
00:27:49Because that is the only way you have ever learned
00:27:52It's the only way anyone has ever learned is if I have just gone gone off on someone in public in front of a hundred
00:28:00Because humiliation is the only way they ever fucking they'd ever get through their skull
00:28:04I'm very glad I've never done anything. That's stupid to like to incur your wrath. I
00:28:11Don't like to I would like I don't like to do it
00:28:12That's not the kind of person I am but it has so far been the only thing they will ever fucking that will ever fucking
00:28:18When I single someone out insult their intelligence insult their parentage insult how they were raised
00:28:23Speculate on exactly what bodily functions they need they cannot control on their own
00:28:30That's when it gets deeply fucking personal and that shit stings really fucking hard and it stings for a long time
00:28:36And they will always remember it and they will not do it again, and it shouldn't get to that point
00:28:42Because stop is a very simple word don't do it is very simple and
00:28:49Bunch of youths
00:28:53It's not Lily's place to think for us common knowledge, I may be criticized for saying it but that but gauze frickin damn
00:29:02Also, you guys are just like the people in the server just gave the people on fucking off
00:29:07Kiwi yeah, kiwi farm is what exactly what they wanted?
00:29:10Yeah, like you didn't help anything. You just you put yourselves in danger. You gave them what they wanted
00:29:15You gave the power and I don't understand why nobody seems comprehend like the idea like I thought like I said in the morning like
00:29:22Just go about as you normally would just be more careful and like they'll get bored and go away cuz that's what bullies do
00:29:28Yeah, I like that. They went in there to get more targets. Okay, they went in there looking for more people to dox and
00:29:35A bunch of people stood up and said me
00:29:42This is the point that's why they're you think they're in there to try and get dirt on me they know full well
00:29:46I do not interact with most of the server. I stay in my own sequestered friends and family area where they can't get in
00:29:53the oh where the where the only way in would would
00:29:56Would be to play a very long game a very long game of a very long and very unsuccessful game
00:30:04Because these people have to have it in their heads that you know
00:30:08I'm some kind of like delusional tyrants who wants everyone to bow to me and so they behave like I've had people from who I
00:30:12Could tell her from Kiwi farms because they behave like that. They
00:30:16slide into my DMS singing my praises about how amazing I am and
00:30:21Then they're surprised when I get when they get fans because that's not the kind of person. I want to be around
00:30:28We're like
00:30:30Look, I realize the impression I give off with my compliments sometimes, but I don't like I don't worship the ground
00:30:35She walks on I just think that you know, you're a great person and I like expressing affection
00:30:39but truth of the matter is I don't I don't hold that opinion of anybody because I don't feel like
00:30:43That worship is real about like real expression of like real emotion for somebody if you worship them and you don't really know them
00:30:51I'm just a very affectionate person
00:30:56Same and also I'm a big old gay, but
00:30:59Yeah, they were in there like people they got into the server to try and find people to harass to get their fucking chat logs
00:31:05To get everything they fucking get exactly what they wanted
00:31:10And the thing is they won't go through two years of chat logs in the lobby. They wouldn't do that
00:31:15They can search by individual user, but there's a lot of chat logs
00:31:18And so they were waiting hoping to poke and prod enough that
00:31:22Someone would jump up and make them and make and draw attention to themselves and then they can find that person on that foot on those
00:31:29fucking logs
00:31:35So they can find that person on their fucking logs on those fucking logs and get everything they want and that's what
00:31:45Just new names refer to them by
00:31:55That's what zest did that's what
00:31:58That's what coat did and that's what coat did they both stood up and went me me me me me me me me I I want
00:32:03to be the next target
00:32:05Despite the fact that I told them not to do it because I knew that's why they were in there
00:32:07I knew that was why they were in the server, which is why I said
00:32:12shut your mouths and
00:32:28Kalina police is going on about what the perfect human being actually is it's not the point like it's not the point at least just
00:32:34Stop running your mouth. Stop flapping your mouth. Just close it. Keep it closed
00:32:40Behave that's all don't offer your insight because you're not as smart as you think you are
00:32:45Here here's the thing people will always watch youtubers who are smarter than them
00:32:49They will not willingly watch youtubers who are not smarter than them
00:32:53Unless they offer a kind of content that is not indicative of intelligence
00:32:56So those of you who think you can offer some kind of insight to me, you're wrong. You're watching me. That means you can't
00:33:14Desert wanderer, you're a brain-dead fucking moron and clearly your mother fucked a pig
00:33:22We're not asking for your help we're not asking for your commentary we're not asking for your humor
00:33:28We're not asking for your wisdom. Just shut up asking you
00:33:31Yeah, shut up and enjoy the screen and enjoy and enjoy watching breath of the wild and watching me roast people who hopefully aren't you?
00:33:40Don't offer insight just listen I
00:33:43Know you probably want to I know you probably you really want to respond
00:33:46You really want to make an impression on none?
00:33:47You really want to make an impression on Lily Orchard don't because I think very little I think very little of you
00:33:54That's that's not the way that that's gonna work I'm like, I'm sorry, I'm not I'm sorry
00:33:59So this is gonna work
00:34:00It's not gonna work for you
00:34:01And you would just be saving yourself the trouble like of being humiliated on stream by something you apparently admire not enough to listen
00:34:07But apparently admire if you just shut your fucking mouth and eat eat your fucking food
00:34:12Like sit down watch the stream if we ask you a question, then you can answer but like we're not here for you
00:34:21God these people got me angry and that's hard
00:34:25Mean people always wonder like Lily. Why are you always so fucking angry?
00:34:28It's like why I like why what do you why do you get this fucking angry at this stuff?
00:34:32It's like because it's persistent and it's honestly you have a lot more like you have a lot more patience than people give you credit
00:34:36For oh, yeah. Yeah
00:34:39And it's like and it's it's when I start calling it out people start trying to be the one who can do it, right?
00:34:45It's like with Barry your game. Yeah, it's like when I talk about barrier gaze like my inbox gets flooded with people
00:34:50It's like but would it work if shut up? You're not gonna be the one that makes it work
00:34:54Yeah, you're not gonna be the one that makes it work. So just stay in your lane. Shut up. Shut up
00:34:58Eat your fucking food
00:35:00And make your days immortal. Yeah
00:35:03Well go to Steven Moffat approach make it impossible for them to get killed again
00:35:07Kill the first time so that they won't get killed so that you can bring back to life make them immortal so they can go
00:35:11Up with their girlfriend into water space
00:35:13It's been about seven hours
00:35:15We finally got to the point where carousel talks about muffin
00:35:19You got damn right. We got there folks
00:35:22We go and I'm allowed to do that because I'm one of her friends
00:35:26Yeah, and also she runs the place. I really do. This is my server. Y'all just go here. I
00:35:35Really just bring the fact that I'm a sub into everything
00:35:38I'm just a cute one and you're very cute. I mean, I mean technically you're all the cute one
00:35:44Oh, yes, you are
00:35:47Yes, she's she's the one that looks she's the one that sounds like a warm teddy bear just like a teddy bear fresh out
00:35:52of the dryer
00:35:57So, can we move the fuck on I would like to move the fucking line
00:36:43Looks like it looks like the fucking laser is a skippet
00:36:54The top of the frickin head of it looks like our TPG
00:37:01It's an R2 skip it
00:37:08Rose and I tried to do the deflect
00:37:13I wonder if there's Atlantic a keyblade in this room. I'm still better designed than your average Dark Souls boss
00:37:21There's enough one-handed weapons, I'm sure what I was gonna be the Atlantica weapons
00:37:27That's the mysterious abyss cuz that was the best one I
00:37:32Mean you know what you guys want to hear the height of cluelessness
00:37:35Lizzie used to Lizzie used to flirt with me through stream chat and every single time people would try to join it. I remember
00:37:44Always kill it always ruined it made Lizzie not like not want to do it anymore
00:37:48Just ruin the merge. Yeah, like and they would do that with us to like making shipping comment
00:37:58Yikes hey what yikes I
00:38:11Used to just be a watcher and it was just like
00:38:16Mm-hmm. Oh damn I
00:38:19Just say right out of that shit. I'm like, I don't know if you'll come to doing something like that
00:38:23I don't know. It's just like like even if I was a more flirty personality
00:38:28I still wouldn't be like comfortable like trying to get another thing. That's clearly not meant for me
00:38:33Cuz I at least it's looking human decency. Oh boy. That's terrible. Oh, yeah, and it happened every time every single time
00:38:46I mean it is notable for the fact that it was something wrong with the relationship. That wasn't really it herself
00:38:58Perry's pretty tricky
00:39:19Was charging the thing up I really should just run up and fucking just wail on
00:39:32most of the time when I'm like playing a game that's like
00:39:36Fighting involved. I'm just like I just wash in
00:39:40And guys much damaging as I possibly can
00:39:46That's what I do when I play Borderlands, I'm one I'm like one of the first people to start wailing on the boss
00:40:01They were they were marking how like the camera and like controls are just like, you know, janky and stuff
00:40:05I was like playing on a gamepad. Yeah, we've tried using a keyboard mouse. They try it. Holy shit. This is so much better
00:40:11I've always used to control a plane borderlands has been fine for me
00:40:20Speaking which I really need to play the new DLC that just came out. I
00:40:25Just picked up the
00:40:29Borderlands 2 and the prequel bundle pack on PlayStation 4 cuz that's one of the free games for this movie
00:40:34Maybe I should apply the cheat that disables weapon degradation. The next time I get a key light. I don't have to fucking lose it
00:40:42That's what that's what I'm gonna do I'm gonna I'm gonna get this spirit orb I'm gonna apply I'm gonna close apply the sheet
00:40:47Restart the game
00:40:58Thank you, you're a hot minute
00:41:01That was a stretch and a half
00:41:04You're a fucking dork and I love you. Love you, too
00:41:10All my friends are so hot I can't deal
00:41:21I am a sweater gremlin and I'm proud of that. I bet you look cute
00:41:27It's paint-covered and I am my hair is all over the place don't know
00:41:32That's I don't know. I don't know what what planet you're from. That sounds adorable
00:41:37Well, you know, it's it's it's a curled up like kind of dry hair so it's not very it's it's mostly just
00:41:48Cheats infinite weapons bows and shields
00:41:52My hair is like dead straight like right now unlike me
00:42:02My hair can't decide if it wants to be straight or curled just fitting because I can't decide if I want to be straight or curled
00:42:15Because I did just wash it so it's kind of like in that
00:42:20It feels so
00:42:24Of all the games to stream what made you decide to stream this one?
00:42:26It's long. I wanted something to stream
00:42:30Human race is going extinct by 2020 by 2050
00:42:34And also I could mod keyblades into it
00:42:38God, that scares me terribly
00:42:48Yeah, we got there's a random itches like nothing's wrong just a random itch
00:43:02I'm not in my hair
00:43:08I've always said you were a little bit nutty. I am
00:43:18There's only one way to figure out exactly whether or not this worked and that is just hit something until it it can be reasonably
00:43:25With a really weak weapon your rusty shields badly damaged. Oh, hey, actually, I know a way
00:43:36Oh my god, I
00:43:40Think it's safe to say it works
00:43:43Because I'm surfing on a badly damaged rusty shield, which means that now
00:43:48I can I oh, I will I only ever have to carry one weapon with me
00:43:53And for for now, I'm gonna make it the royal halberd
00:43:57I'm gonna keep I'm gonna keep the torch in the cork leaf because those are you
00:44:10And I'm gonna keep going like this until I find until I pick up the first key blade I can find
00:44:18I'm gonna figure out what the hell I'm gonna do. I need to pick an area and explore. Where should I go first? I
00:44:25Don't know shit about this game
00:44:29Don't I'm in Hyrule I'm in Hyrule field so I could go to the jungle I could go to the coastline the desert
00:44:36I could go to the Arctic. I could go to the where the
00:44:39The Arctic you want to go to the go north? Okay
00:44:43I'm already cold
00:44:48Sweater you're fine
00:44:54Fortunately, it's the only hoodie I have and it was back when I went through my South Park phase I
00:44:59Am so sorry. I know
00:45:02But it's so warm and cozy
00:45:05Now at least it was good for something
00:45:09My neck still hurts it has to get me valid character on it from it
00:45:16For now on if you see someone denying climate change just hit them with a deluge of fucking harassment
00:45:25Keep checking to see if any of my
00:45:27Representatives are going to have like a town hall or anything in my area
00:45:29Just waiting for the moment where I can just go and accost them personally
00:45:37I wish people took climate change seriously. I wish people weren't willingly shilling for the coal industry
00:45:46Clearly what about the poor coal workers?
00:45:50You know, hey, well, hey, guess what? I mean you might have a job. Well, you'll have a job for now
00:45:55But you're gonna die like like the rest of us
00:45:59So, uh, do you want a little money do you want a little money now or do you want to fuck or do you want
00:46:04to live
00:46:08Goodness gracious
00:46:11This games world is almost the size of Manhattan with slightly less automatons shooting you
00:46:29Like Ariel right now, I'm just brushing my hair. I
00:46:32Need a fork. I don't know
00:46:35I don't know how but I know something starting right now
00:46:41That's called puberty Ariel
00:46:45Look at this I feel like a goblin
00:46:56And if I style it right my friends order looks like
00:47:02Well, he sings beautifully, yes
00:47:05Steady frying the doctors gave up trying they stuck to steel rods in my brain
00:47:14You guys are just saying you guys want me to sing Disney songs or something? Yes. Would you like me to help?
00:47:20I can't. All right. What do you want? What do you want me to sing?
00:47:31Don't see a love song on stream because like, you know, people are gonna make people people are gonna take the opportunity
00:47:39You're in the stream carousel, let's not do it. Let's not do that. All right, right
00:47:48Someone is suggesting you're welcome
00:47:57Torch is badly. What the fuck?
00:48:02Now I see what's happening here face to face with greatness and it's all right, let's let's get the lyrics up
00:48:17Let's get it over here at least to the side where I can see it
00:48:23I see what's happening here
00:48:25You face-to-face with greatness and it's strange. You don't even know how you feel. It's adorable
00:48:31It's nice to see that humans never change open your eyes. Let's begin. Yes. It's okay. So the Halberd broke so it doesn't work
00:48:39Yes, it's really me. It's Maui really breathe it in. I know it's a lot the hair the bod
00:48:45When you're staring at a demigod
00:48:47What can I say except you're welcome?
00:48:50But for the for the tides the Sun the sky hey, it's okay. It's okay. You're welcome
00:48:59I'm just an ordinary demigod
00:49:01What has two thumbs and pulled up the sky when you were waddling?
00:49:05Yay, hi this guy when the nights got cold who stole you fire from down below. I always imagine Susan's penis. You're looking at him
00:49:14Also, I'll ask so the Sun you will I'm stopping I don't
00:49:20Can sing part of you a lot of money?
00:49:24Take to ask if I should because it's better when it's impulsive
00:49:37I always feel awkward when I start singing like I mean I can do it around you guys
00:49:41But it's like I'm always self-conscious about how terrible I found
00:49:57Could be
00:50:05It's really like to think
00:50:11Really am like Ariel
00:50:20Except burn damage and thrown weapons breath of all chief. I okay does this just have a
00:50:27regular thing a
00:50:30regular cheat
00:50:35Steady frying the doctors gave up trying
00:50:56Breath of the wild cheats graphic pack not working works fine here. You are the most useless person
00:51:01Did you turn it on the graphics back menu prior to starting the game updates seem you hooked to the latest version?
00:51:06The right pack for the version of the game you're running. Okay. Yes. Mine works gonna crash twice during the third master sword upgrade
00:51:15They bug out when some of them are deactivated
00:51:52This is the most American thing in all of America
00:52:01Like a pachinko machine of death
00:52:20She's beauty she's grace she rolls down hills on her
00:52:30Link your face is not a slide
00:52:34Get your face is not a snow link your face is not a slide
00:52:39Get your face is not a snowboard
00:52:43Or a toboggan
00:52:54Oh, this makes me nervous
00:52:59Yeah, fuck heights
00:53:03It's weird because I was always like I was always torn between like my desire to climb and my fear of heights
00:53:08It's like yes, but no
00:53:10Also, look at that bridge the bridge and how there's like these massive gaps in between the
00:53:17Branches or what the boards or whatever? Look how they're just laid there. There is nothing stopping this thing for just sliding off
00:53:23I could kick this bridge down
00:53:26And yeah here you are throwing bombs across it. Well, yeah, cuz I'm at the top
00:53:31This is a metaphor for capitalism
00:53:38Come on ah, all right. I'm a little farther. I got away for the bomb recharge
00:53:49Why boil rope bombs I got stuck
00:53:56Okay, so I wonder if I can jump and throw oh that was close
00:54:08Listen VR if they made a VR version. No, no
00:54:16First of all, I've tried playing VR games and they make me feel
00:54:22Literally ill. Sorry. No. Oh shit, actually
00:54:26Let her ill
00:54:29Literal. Ah, I see what you did there. I
00:54:35Play I played VR a few times
00:54:39Okay, so I'm gonna
00:54:43All I know is I'm not stupid enough to play Borderlands in VR that will make me hurl
00:54:53The colors feel so bright
00:55:05Bright lights colors all around
00:55:17Steal only what I can't afford that's everything the older I get the more of a mood 11 becomes
00:55:31Riff-raff street rat scoundrel take that just a little
00:55:41Rip him open take it back guys Disney everyone
00:55:51I could say I think gotta face the facts. You're my only friend a boom
00:55:59There's a little shit
00:56:02It's time you learned a lesson
00:56:04It's time that you understand just Aladdin singing that
00:56:13Let's not be too hasty
00:56:17Still I think he's rather tasty
00:56:27Damn grandma
00:56:30Damn grandma
00:56:33You and sketchy we get along
00:56:39I think even
00:56:40sketchy has his limit the worst thing about the new server is that it literally has a venting channel despite venting and sharing personal information
00:56:47Being the exact reason we had this shut down. I
00:56:50Left as soon as I saw what was going on
00:56:52What's happening? They said they're idiots their exact words. That's the first fucking rule. You're told me you get on the internet. What the fuck?
00:56:59I'll be right back. I checked that it's just a place to hang out. They were scared to lose everyone
00:57:37Notice how they didn't invite any of us probably because they knew we would like to fuckin
00:57:47And it's like they have a venting channel like
00:58:08Better throw my hand and wish me a wish me. Happy landings. All I gotta do is
00:58:13Damage even with your current food. Oh shit, right. I gotta get out of here
00:58:23Okay, so it looks like
00:58:26Okay, it's not too far from here. I
00:58:29Could go to the Rito City
00:58:31That's what I'm good. That's what I'm gonna do. I'm gonna go to the Rito City cuz they actually have a
00:58:35They actually have a cold resistance
00:58:39Neat also the Rito are just objectively the best
00:58:46Apparently the divine beast is named after medley
00:58:50Which is great
00:58:54If first
00:59:02I see you only money can't afford. That's everything. Is that an airship? That's the divine beast
00:59:16Can't throw this fog
00:59:39Remember once having to go to work like really early in the morning
00:59:41I had to walk to work and I like open the door like sisters like surrounded fog. I was like, yes
00:59:58Wonder there's a landing. There's a thing to turn off fog
01:00:01I wonder if it I wonder if it'll kill my performance or help my performance. I
01:00:07Figured it would just like show how like love a polygon count is on shit in the background. Yeah, I don't care
01:00:12Graphics packs breath of the water legend of Zelda's death on the Nile
01:00:52All right, let's see how badly that fucks my frame rate
01:01:06So if you want to slip around like you'll add it up and put up
01:01:16Fired and I missed I fired and I missed I fired and I missed I have a popsicle
01:01:22I reload I fire and then miss
01:01:28Looks like it's time to oil up. I have a popsicle. I pass out in the snow. I
01:01:36Had a dream I was firing at something I missed
01:01:43I go for another popsicle, but I missed I grab a cabbage. I tried to put it back. I missed
01:01:56Suddenly rain
01:02:01Climate change
01:02:12It's gonna be hot Thank You Ollie, this is not working out good. I'm it's a
01:02:27It's raining sideways I
01:02:33Know what you're referencing, but why the French accent? Oh, oh why the French accent?
01:02:51Fell and then I found again, I
01:02:54Fired and I missed so I found again and I missed and then I missed again and I found again
01:03:01And then I missed and then I found and then I found again
01:03:04I missed both times and then I found and then I missed this went on for several hours
01:03:09And then I found and then I missed and then I was out of bullets and then I got sad
01:03:14I had a popsicle and then I passed out in the snow and then I woke up and then I reloaded and then I fired
01:03:20And I missed I missed again, then I fired and I hit something but it wasn't what I was going for
01:03:26So, I guess I missed I passed out again
01:03:28I had another wolf I had a dream that there was firing at something I missed I threw a snowball and I missed I packed
01:03:35Another snowball into my gun. That's my secret weapon. I missed. Yeah
01:03:40She's really something I threw a snowball at her. I missed I passed out
01:03:44I woke up with a popsicle stick in my mouth. Don't give me sass woman. I'll take a swing at you
01:03:48I'll miss though. I guarantee I'll take another swing and I'll miss then I'll have myself a popsicle
01:03:54Would you care for a popsicle? Just don't bring it into this sauna. I reached into the fridge for another popsicle
01:03:59I missed I got the cabbage. I put it back, but I missed I dropped it on the floor long story short
01:04:15Hi, I'm markiplier and this is my wired complete interview
01:04:19For that
01:04:33All right, come on over here come on over here come on over here step on over here step on over here
01:05:11Can't I guess what what I love you
01:05:34Just grin like an idiot right now
01:05:45I don't remember there being a rule about making a server
01:05:49Oh boy, oh boy
01:06:14Long story short missed
01:06:22It's uh
01:06:25Wouldn't exactly give like
01:06:27Blizzard credit for this but someone like that
01:06:29so I like the gay shit like the fandom like makes it like overwatch is it is it is legit cute and is
01:06:36More interesting than anything the actual game has to put out
01:06:40Man look at all of our lore about all these groups
01:06:44Can you tell a story about one of them be in a gay relationship some of them are gay
01:06:48Can you tell us a story about that about that relationship and explore it because we think it's cute
01:06:56But the omnic crisis
01:07:02Yeah, be gay do crime
01:07:05Thank you, that's what people
01:07:09Hear about
01:07:12You want another story about oppressed robots as a metaphor
01:07:18We've been going so long that my headset finally ran out of batteries
01:07:23Battery-powered headset. Yes, it's Bluetooth
01:07:27That's kind of cool
01:07:29Neat I'll tell you who I'll tell you who the most valid gay pairing is honey max. Oh, yeah. Yeah
01:08:12Love the color changes in this game. Yeah, very good
01:08:18Like you go into a new a new area and just the whole thing changes
01:08:22It's all just a different color and like walking along this Ridge
01:08:25It just feels good because it's not like this. It's not the same go
01:08:29I think a lot of games should learn from color grading
01:08:32well world of warcraft used to have it back in classic where like the color grading and the fog and stuff would change to really
01:08:39match the areas you went into
01:08:42And it just it really it made the world feel a lot bigger even as you were walking through relatively small zones
01:08:48Like going from going from Red Ridge Mountains to Duskwood to Deadwind Pass to Swamp of Sorrows the Blasted Lands. Oh
01:08:59I actually I think I see like an area with like a different palette in the background. What Oh Wow back
01:09:42Don't have a metal weapon so I can't light that on fire
01:09:53Am I still going the right way
01:09:56Hmm who's to say who's to say what's the right way? What's the wrong way?
01:10:02Ain't probably the game but fuck was the game though
01:10:48There it is we're in a desert now, we're in a tundra how'd that happen fuck you that's how
01:11:19Was a person hiding in no weird
01:11:54Love how link even shivers girly
01:11:58Mm-hmm. Everything he does is so feminine coded and I love it
01:12:09It's so valid just like you cares
01:12:20Y'all are valid and I love you, yes you are
01:12:38Damn it
01:12:59Like a fantasy game designer. I would like to have a mushroom that gives you like a
01:13:05Like a temporary health increase a health spike, but you're like tripping balls all the while
01:13:16Is it called the good shit
01:13:21Depending on the rating of the game sure
01:13:39There we go, I see it in the distance
01:13:52There we go, I'm standing next to
01:14:28I think the mountain is trying to kill you like
01:14:37No, God, he's trying to bring down the mountain Gandalf we must turn back
01:14:56Can we make it
01:15:45Do you think if I glide from here I'll actually be able to make it and climb up
01:15:54What believe in yourself I
01:15:58Do I do believe in myself
01:16:26Shaka-laka. Oh
01:16:33Now I see fucking why there was only like half the thing, okay, there's a
01:16:39Arrest spot right there. I just gotta
01:17:15You got the touch
01:17:19You got the power
01:17:31It might be easier just to go around the front don't tell me what to do
01:17:42Mean they're either way. I've got to make a futile attempt at glide
01:18:05So anyway, might as well get a corack seat out of it
01:18:35Great balls a game of hide-and-seek
01:18:47Me glide over there. I'm gonna dive like now
01:18:54Let me let me see what you like, let me see what you have
01:19:35Sorry, honey, yeah, sorry for doing that right in your ears
01:19:47It's off spider
01:19:52Not really
01:19:55Do you want oh, yes, right you can be sick
01:19:59Well, I mean I
01:20:0690% of the strings and fucking stress on annoying. There was a whole has helicopter crash. I cried in therapy
01:20:14So no, I am NOT having a good day actually
01:20:17Not okay right now, I'm sorry I contributed to it. It wasn't your fault. You should bring this fucking audience. I
01:20:27Think there was a lot of yelling. Sorry. I'm sorry. I'm
01:20:32It should have just left I didn't I didn't want to be fussy but I you know, I was really trying to have fun with you
01:20:38guys, I
01:20:40Think I'm gonna call it guys. That'll be it for today
