(6/10/19) [Audio Only] Breath of the Wild - THE WORLD IS ENDING I'M NOT WORKING TODAY (Warning - Stability Issues) 1/4

  • last month
00:00:14All right, all right, we're here everyone oh
00:00:18Hello, I want everyone to be to like be wary that see emu is still relatively unstable
00:00:25So there's gonna be performance issues, especially where lasers are concerned
00:00:30Alright, cuz you're uh, you're doing this on an emulator, huh? Yep
00:00:34I mean I could stream directly from my new Wii U but well look on my back and you'll find out why I'm not doing
00:00:48Well great they're still slow down for some reason why is there slow down whatever just do that oh
00:00:56Oh, come on it was running fine, what's going on?
00:01:27Oh, that's why I turned off the things that like disabled ambient occlusion and depth of field give me a sec
00:01:43You use BSO DS performance optimization is it here
00:01:46BSO D performance
00:02:01No, we don't do climate change denial in this fucking house the game project
00:02:17BESOD gaming, okay
00:02:24All right, let's take a look at this you guys are gonna help me troubleshoot this fucking thing
00:02:37What did you fucking click you weirdo there we go gx2 set GPU fence
00:02:46I don't think I have those settings here. I
00:02:51May need a different version of this
00:03:07Oh wait, where was the version of the emulator that came with the download
00:03:14We should stop doing that
00:03:17Be right back real quick. I'm gonna go make some tea to warm me up. I
00:03:24Have a friend who's trans and just learn and is doing vocal training. Do you have any do you have any tips?
00:03:28No, I do not
00:03:301.73. I'm just gonna have 1.12 OD. I have 1.15 17
00:03:51See I'm trying to find happy settings, but it looks like they took him out
00:03:55There's like so such fewer settings here
00:03:58Why would they take out settings?
00:04:03Guess streamlining don't see how that would be beneficial
00:04:10Whatever I'm gonna be here most of the evening so
00:04:15Yeah, let's go you guys will deal with this with me
00:04:30I really wish like one version would just work. But hey, whatever
00:04:36It'd be nice if everything worked as advertised indeed
00:04:56So officially become part of the bird crew at the zoo
00:05:00Me birds
00:05:03They have a Laura keep feeding thing that they do and I just go there during all of my breaks to play with the birds
00:05:08And I just I go there so often that I just end up helping out with them
00:05:12And now I am just friends with all the burger people and the birds
00:05:25It's still not here what the fuck
00:05:36Where is it?
00:05:42Okay, it's not here either
00:05:50See I'm looking for a setting called gx2 set GPU fence skip and it's not here
00:05:55Most of the options this guy has aren't here. What the fuck is going on?
00:07:11And later updating your game to the latest, okay
00:07:26So it always seems to be the issue, isn't it okay just work just work
00:07:34Not hard
00:07:39Yeah, damn it blood moon
00:08:15Come on where are you?
00:08:26Hmm when you USB helper fuck
00:08:40Thought I had this like it was working fine yesterday like just before I started streaming and then I started streaming and it's not working
00:08:56It's like I decided to stream and then just suddenly nope this I would just arbitrarily decided I'm not gonna work
00:09:22There's one breath of the wild 1.5 plus DLC plus HD shader pack
00:09:34Saves will still be compatible. So I'll just play. Well, I'll just play sluggishly while it's downloading and hope the updated version works
00:09:41Fingers crossed which you probably won't because nothing ever works for me when I need it to
00:09:51And of course because it's an emulator it when it's not working
00:09:57No, no, I don't want that there
00:10:01I just want the one I have
00:10:04Full screen
00:10:07What it's not working it's not like it it's not like you have frame drops no, it just slows the fuck down
00:10:26It also means like a I mean one of the advantages of playing on it
00:10:29I mean one of the big advantages playing on emulator, which I really wish consoles would just do natively is rebinding the controls. Oh
00:10:37Yeah, when I'm playing a game like this I want jump on circle attack on X and whatever action I have on square and
00:10:47Like the native findings Nintendo has for this game fucking bad they are so bad
00:10:56I'm usually pretty good about adjusting to whatever controls the game wants to have but my preference would be like my own my own key bindings
00:11:10Yeah, one of the things I liked about neo and Sekiro is that I could actually rebind the controls to sensible controls
00:11:17No more of this attacking with the shoulder buttons crap
00:11:20I've never gotten that. Do you think Lulu might change in my ticket an evolution? I don't care
00:11:26I really just I don't care about Lulu Lulu Lulu is overexposed
00:11:36The little mermaid has returned
00:12:02My okay, there's something
00:12:07Now cook them up and eat them
00:12:14There we go
00:12:20It's not it's not fair to use a bug zapper to catch the fish if you look like I do you want them to die with
00:12:28You know how your daddy used to say you can only fit you can only fish for so long before you gotta throw a stick
00:12:33of dynamite in the water
00:12:36Well, I've done fish
00:12:38You know that you do I like if I could get this working reasonably get a clip of me
00:12:41Doing that it's like before you gotta throw a stick of dynamite in the water throw the Bob to fish. Well, I've done fishing
00:12:49Hey, there's a sword in a stone
00:12:52Rusty broadsword. Well, it's better than what I have. So I'll hold on to it. I love other rusty broadsword. It's
00:13:05Yeah, look there it is Oh God the camera slow is there a way to turn up the camera
00:13:12Camera sensitivity. Oh, yeah fast very fast. Oh, thank God
00:13:16You grow England now
00:13:28Control customization on a Nintendo game. What is this a little bit? It's it's rudimentary. It's it's not real control customization
00:13:37Sink into darkness
00:13:59Got three of them. Yeah
00:14:02If you really want to fish efficiently you get an oxygen destroyer and anyone who gets that reference is my new best friend. I get it
00:14:22Apparently the u.s. Is investing three trillion dollars in like yeah
00:14:25What is it Joe Biden pledged to invest some either three or five trillion in carbon dioxide removal?
00:14:41So, yeah, the Boko Club is Ventus a sword the travelers broadsword is the timeless is the timeless river keyblade
00:14:48And I don't know what the others do. I'm still looking for the I'm still trying to get the warm doobly
00:14:52So I can actually go to the Arctic
00:14:58Maybe she's having connection issues
00:15:06Yes, did you chosen she'll be right back
00:15:08See I can tell it's sluggish because link is supposed to walk just ever slow slightly faster than this
00:15:14It's noticeable. I
00:15:20Can only assume the master sword is the ultimate weapon in this mod. Yeah, I think so
00:15:24I think it's like some mishmash of all the ultimate weapons
00:15:33Could see link. He also said he'd fight for women's rights more than more than just a month or two
00:15:39More just a month or two being me me toad. What the hell are you trying to say?
00:15:45Spell check your messages, please. I can't understand what you're trying to fucking say
00:15:49Yeah, but it's like a month after a month before what is it?
00:15:56English speaking
00:16:29Am playing this is your playing this it's like I'm hanging out with you, which is great
00:16:34That sounds vaguely parasocial
00:16:57Okay, uh-huh
00:17:00Okay, I'm just cold. Oh, that's a boku club
00:17:28Yeah, that's right, but I don't you know what you know, it's funny
00:17:31What I was actually playing master breath of the wild proper the master sword basically went unused as a weapon
00:17:35It became my mining pick and my lumber and my lump and my woodcutters axe
00:17:40Just because it doesn't break. Oh
00:17:46Okay, I have the fish I have the peppers I have the spicy I have the I have the meat
00:17:54time to cook that thing and get the
00:17:57Yeah, aren't you a bit chilly look as it looks at temperature gauge no, no, I'm not oh
00:18:09Know what you meant
00:19:04Bite of colder environments
00:19:07We go now I have a fucking shirt
00:19:14Yay clothing
00:19:18Telling it's good. It keeps you warm. It's fashionable
00:19:26Fuck that barrel in particular
00:19:32Fuck everything in this general direction
00:19:35Especially this barrel
00:19:48You know, I'm actually getting a pretty good quality stream despite chugging up a 10 megabytes a second on this updated version download
00:19:55That's pretty good
00:19:58Did you um, did you switch on ISPs yet?
00:20:01Um, it'll be active in a few days and I still gotta wait for the equipment here cuz I have to set up myself
00:20:13All right, come on you come on you little fuck shit
00:20:21Everyone gets a turn
00:20:33Forgot what the fucking attack button was
00:20:39That's another wayward wind I don't want that
00:20:44Come on shoot an arrow at me. I wonder if I can deflect an arrow back at him
00:20:52Shoot me I dare you
00:20:57Absolute piss
00:21:01I'll fuck this I
00:21:08Wish they give link a more skillful looking combo
00:21:10But at the same time just bashing bokoblins across back and forth across the face like fucking Looney Tunes. It's kind of funny
00:21:17It's fighting style is very like utilitarian
00:21:20hero of time everybody
00:21:22Which is hilarious. It's especially hilarious because he was supposed to be trained as a royal knight
00:21:27So this is the same sort of combat training all the Royal Guards got
00:21:31Gee, I can't imagine my Hyrule has such a constant Ganon problem
00:21:46How do I shield sir
00:21:58I remember hearing somewhere that a reasons Ganon Ganon's like so capable at what he does to the point that like, you know
00:22:05Children of destiny need to come stop him every time it's cuz he's like it raised exclusively by women
00:22:13No competent people
00:22:17She'll jump forward
00:22:25Don't know how to raise proper warriors. I like those Hylians you press a while in the air
00:22:39And having shitty guards, okay, it's shield and a okay
00:22:47Good to know I'll always keep a low quality shield around
00:22:52Look, I'm not that look I'm not the first person to point this out
00:22:55But it's uh, it's always been a little just a little low-key icky that actually wait. Hang on is he he is
00:22:59It's always a bit a little low-key icky that Ganon gets beaten by the same blonde blue
00:23:03I blue-eyed very white looking guy in every game and also Ganon's nose is fucking huge. Oh
00:23:09Shit. Oh, no. Oh
00:23:18Japan why you do this?
00:23:25Sounds like this. You remember who they were allied with in World War two
00:23:28Yeah, it's Yahtzee. Once I infamously said I suppose demonizing the actual Nazis would be a little hypocritical for a Japanese game
00:23:33We all know who's Brett worst ever snack on back then don't we?
00:23:40Well, you're not wrong
00:23:46Isn't he a Gerudo also, oh, yeah, so he's visibly non-white as well
00:23:50I mean, honestly Kingdom Hearts is the same problem all the protect all the protagonists. They
00:23:55they look like the usual anime fusion of Japanese and white people and
00:24:00Like somebody pointed out that it was weird that the villains of both Kingdom Hearts 1 & 2
00:24:06Were distinctly non-white and I'm pretty sure that's why no more I came up with the whole everyone is the same guy. That's yeah
00:24:24Who goes there? Hey, I'm back. Oh, hey ginger. I can
00:24:40Okay, I don't know if I want to actually do the story
00:24:43Like go and do all the divine beasts or if I want to like power up as much as I can and then go straight
00:24:48Take to Ganon's castle
00:24:49I suppose if I can get a decent frame rate
00:24:51I'll do the latter cuz if you skip all the divine beasts you do all the mini bosses in a gauntlet before you fight
00:24:56Ganon at full health and
00:24:57It's like oh, oh, it's the final boss of my dreams
00:25:02It was always a shame I had to choose between doing the story which this time around was actually kind of interesting
00:25:07It was it was set up in a way that you know, what?
00:25:09I wouldn't mind actually doing it this time, but it's like oh in order to get a satisfying final boss
00:25:15You have to not do that. You have to not play the main story
00:25:18You have to basically fuck around as much as possible and then do it and you know what?
00:25:23I don't mind that cuz I like the fucking around
00:25:32But yeah, you just get a better final boss
00:25:38Why who is a slur since when oh, I'm the one who decided it was a slur the Banshee said so
00:25:46Why food was a slur
00:25:49someone posted
00:25:52Just gonna wait for that to catch up. There we go. Somebody posted the
00:25:55Somebody posted the Banshee. I'm like saying they were good. They would eat transphobes. They would eat transphobes whole
00:26:01To take you six to one and the fucking comment section lost their goddamn minds over it
00:26:08Furries bad not even once
00:26:12Not even
00:26:23I mean, I think me and sketchy understand where the limits are
00:26:28Name namely keeping furry stuff far away from me
00:26:37And I feel like this food collections making me hungry I'm gonna make some lunch real quick be right back
00:26:43Love you, too
00:26:49Let me know what she's muted guys
00:26:56She usually mutes herself and she goes okay, let me know when that's it when that happens. He's muted. She's muted
00:27:00I love my girlfriend so much
00:27:10I've got a nice cup of hot tea. Keep my hands warm
00:27:13I'm listening to some good music and I'm talking to my amazing friends. It was like we can't have the gamer genocide
00:27:19Oh Jesus died for nothing. I
00:27:25Love how my playlist decides to play kiss the girl and I love it
00:27:36My playlist my music playlist has the best timing I love it
00:27:52White supremacist supremacists are gonna have a rally in downtown Dartmouth
00:28:00They're like cockroaches you won't die
00:28:03The thing is the thing is it's the Northern Guard which is mostly in British Columbia. They have four members in Dartmouth
00:28:13They're gonna hold a rally
00:28:16See the last time a neo-nazi group decided to hold a rally during Pride Month. They got the shit kicked out of them
00:28:25And RCMP took their sweet old time responding to their responding to the Brit to the beatdown
00:28:31Yeah, they were just radio where they were just radioing on route like 15 minutes
00:28:38You know what the best part was now they weren't they weren't even too far away because they were there as security for the fucking
00:28:48So they were right there and it's like yeah, right we're coming after we finish this too after we finish our tidbits
00:28:57Love you, I love the RCMP the the Halifax Regional Police are racist fuck shits
00:29:04But I love the RCMP still got to deal with that problem of street checks
00:29:12See I couldn't help you but we're on our break right now. We're on our union mandated break
00:29:19Yeah, Halifax Regional Police is coming under increased
00:29:23Criticism for doing street checks on people of color
00:29:28Meanwhile, we've got meanwhile, we've got intermittent groups of Nazis running around
00:29:33It was an RCMP officer who arrested the guy who tried to hit me with a bat, of course
00:29:45So you call the RCMP when you want police work done you call Halifax Regional Police if somebody's a if somebody's DWB
00:30:13Everyone else is restricted in some way. Oh
00:30:18Ariel should have gone with so around the gummy ship
00:30:21Ariel should get to have a keyblade source should be quick the keyblade to Ariel
00:30:25No, no
00:30:27You know Triton knew about key with keyblade wielders, right?
00:30:31What if the Trident is a keyblade transformation
00:30:38Wait, it's not make tighten a keyblade wielder. Yeah
00:30:42How else was he able to uh to reveal the care reveal the keyhole?
00:31:01Was about to say I tried it's hardly the least worthy and then I realized no, he's definitely the least worthy
00:31:09Well him too
00:31:11Oh, he's got a keyblade of darkness, so no he doesn't he has an old keyblade of light
00:31:27Come on
00:31:38Sure stuck his key blade in a lot of places to get seven fucking daughters just saying but I'm
00:31:48He sealed a lot of keyholes and lots and lots and lots of keys and all the right holes
00:31:59And yeah, only one of his daughters looks anything like his like her mother
00:32:08Genetics is weird
00:32:11Sora best wingman. I maintain that like Sora has Sora Loki has romantic feelings for Ariel
00:32:17And that's why he's just so okay. That's it when he sees Ursula trying to ruin her life. Yeah
00:32:28Sora saw that Ursula had used your voice to manipulate Eric and litter and just fucking shot her right in the chest
00:32:35Only not if you look at Ursula's revenge, this is probably the first time I've ever actually seen Sora do this
00:32:41Not only does he gloat about the fact that he killed that he that he killed flotsam and Jetsam
00:32:46But at the start he just rises out
00:32:48He just like pops his head out of the ocean as I was talking about how they
00:32:52About how they kill they they killed her and just goes you got what you deserved
00:33:00I ship it so
00:33:05Like he hates air Ursula. It helps it Ariel. Oh my god. He hates Ursula so much
00:33:19It's probably like wait, how did we kill you in the first game? How the fuck are you back?
00:33:26Got rekt in the first game and I'm pretty sure she
00:33:36She's like the first bus he's cutting dream job distance. Yeah, that was
00:33:50Just like Ursula, what are you doing here? And then Rico reminds him this is just a dream. Oh, right
00:33:56Just a dream
00:33:59And then Ursula's like fucking guys talking about
00:34:06Everything's so sluggish. I wish that updated version would work. Oh crap
00:34:14Sink into darkness
00:34:22What um
00:34:24Is that is that a hundred euros that someone just donated? Whoa
00:34:29What is that in CID?
00:34:31Thank you for the donation Mario. I want to wish you a nice day and finally you do one of the $150
00:34:39Wow, holy shit
00:34:41Yes, thank you Mario
00:34:44Thank you Mario. You are a sweetheart
00:34:53Hey Michaela, welcome back
00:34:57Tell her what the what she missed
00:35:00Someone just donated like no. No. No, I mean like after she left. Oh
00:35:04We're talking about Little Mermaid some more. No, I mean before that
00:35:12After you left I asked them to make sure your mic was muted cuz I can't see and then when they said it was
00:35:16I just yelled. I love my girlfriend so much
00:35:22Would be too sweetheart
00:35:29Mario might not be at the right castle, but at least we have some sweet princesses
00:35:46You know one thing I love the climbing in this game it brings back when I was a little kid I would literally climb on
00:35:52Made my freak freak my mother out to no end. I
00:35:59Know I like to climb on things too
00:36:02Come on the fire. Not sure all the time
00:36:08Luckily, my girlfriend's tall enough to climb up
00:36:13Don't need a $10 you two are so cute. Oh, thank you
00:36:21$150 oh shit
00:36:28Once climbed on the top of the fridge when I was how the fuck you got out there
00:36:31I climbed on top of the fridge the entertainment stand the shelves
00:36:36the counters the cabinets
00:36:39Up trees up old buildings
00:36:43Why my friends climbed up a tree once and got stuck and she couldn't get down so yeah
00:36:53I have a really bad fear of heights. So I'm listening all this like nope never would have done that as a kid
00:37:12Like to call this game a whole bunch of different things like the Legend of Zelda death on the Nile
00:37:17Legend of Zelda death of a salesman
00:37:20Legend of Zelda morning breath
00:37:28Wait, is that a key blade on? Yes. Yes it is
00:37:32Gene would be any good to be honest. I like to think Link could wield a key blade though
00:37:37That's probably mostly because I can't think of any defining character traits. He'd have to say that he couldn't
00:37:42He likes puns
00:37:45Always had so so much of a bland personality. I'm pretty sure he's a nobody
00:37:51Think is the heart is his heartless. Oh god. I mean he kind of looks like Roxas
00:37:58Which reminds me
00:38:00Lily my older brother. Um, why don't me to ask you why Roxas isn't your favorite character?
00:38:04All right. Why is this is your least favorite character?
00:38:06It's just a mopey little shit and he wasn't necessary for anything in the story outside of just the shit with organization 13
00:38:12His intro in Kingdom Hearts 2 was boring being three five eight over two days remains the worst game in the fucking series
00:38:19just overall the fucking hyping of Roxas and the
00:38:22Fact that his returning Kingdom Hearts 3 was treated with like so it was given such a he was given such a dramatic entrance and it's
00:38:28Go away
00:38:29Sora is the valid boy here. Not you
00:38:33Yeah, I will be sure to relay the message then
00:38:41Play Kingdom Hearts 2 I always have a site safe
00:38:44I have a safe file that I can just go straight to sorrow without having to do the rocks or shit
00:38:50Oh, yeah, that's what I do even saved on level one in case I want to do level one runs. I
00:38:57Mean I was gonna say the
00:39:01What's that town called
00:39:03The Twilight Town Gang's pretty valid, you know, I don't like them. I don't like anything about Twilight Town
00:39:08You know, what really bothers me is the fucking music
00:39:22It's like the Coronation Street the it's like the theme song to Coronation Street it is just the sound of suicide
00:39:33Street theme song sounds like what? Why do you know the Coronation Street theme song sounds like my mother used to watch that show
00:40:15Could go either way on Roxas, but I like Twilight Town
00:40:18See, I'd like Twilight Town to if it didn't have all those awful characters and that awful music. It's like no
00:40:25And what's worse is like all the really long missions take place in Twilight Town in three five minute for two days
00:40:30So you just get bombarded with?
00:40:43There's like one like irrefutably valid thing about Twilight Town, it's Pence's fucking Doc Street Jersey
00:40:49I don't care what anyone says. I love that Jersey
00:40:53Want to go to Doc Street?
00:41:04Really stop. I can't breathe. Why is Lily making those noises?
00:41:09They're the sound of my death March
00:41:13Mario says another 50 euros. Oh my god
00:41:19Thank You Mario, thank you Mario
00:41:24Lily is wholesome. Hence. She deserves wholesome things. Thank you Mario
00:41:30Although I should point out to you guys is that if you actually use the PayPal or Kofi donations in the in the description
00:41:36YouTube won't take a cut and I won't have to wait until next month for it
00:41:51Well, there you are now my place was playlist is playing to send it yeah
00:41:58I just only have key blades. I know it's a mod. Where'd you get them?
00:42:05Not size probably
00:42:09Like I used to just have a PayPal donation Lee and link and nobody and like very rarely somebody would donate
00:42:16But like nowaday, but actually does that like still work
00:42:21Cuz I know it's it. Oh shit. I don't actually have a PayPal me link. I just have Kofi
00:42:33God like no, I'm imagining it's like
00:42:36Cuz Ursula has a daughter and the descendant universe
00:42:40And it's just like eventually like Sora finding that out and being like, how about
00:43:04Here we go PayPal link is back in the description
00:43:07You ever go to a pride thing Lily. I ain't ever been to a pride. I'm just a little baby lesbian. I don't like crowds
00:43:12And I'm not entirely comfortable like being out in public for extended periods of time
00:43:17I'm trying to get a tan before before the trip to New York
00:43:26So that I actually look like myself rather than somebody who works in a who works in a home office in a sub-level apartment
00:43:37Like I'm biracial I'm like I'm like three-quarters native and one-quarter white
00:43:42And so my skin color actually actually varies extremely
00:43:52When I tan I tan dark and during the winter I get very pale oh
00:44:01Right on my skull
00:44:08No my thinking box
00:44:17Thanks a bow to the head no my hard drive
00:44:24Don't trust anything that says
00:44:27All right, all right, let's try this
00:44:31This and it is trash, but it's my trash valid so valid I know how trash it is, but
00:44:41Okay, the setup is just like a self-extracting wizard, okay
00:44:47Little more at ease
00:44:55Just watch as a Kingdom Hearts 4 it is like all about the
00:45:01TV get DuckTales world gargoyles world star vs. World
00:45:09Hmm a fell of the future world oh
00:45:14Will only accept that if we get Matt if Max and his friends appear it makes an appearance
00:45:24Love the Goofy movies
00:45:31We're max it's just like giving goofy shit for like, you know, just being like overbearing and shit and then like
00:45:36So we're just reads him the riot act for being ungrateful
00:45:40For goofy because you know good. He's always been there for him and anyone seeming like, you know
00:45:45Not appreciating that just like really pushes his buttons
00:45:48Yeah, but Goofy's been on and Goofy's been off adventuring with Sora
00:45:56Let him take the world
00:45:59Actually, wait, you know what? Why is goofy not with Max or or his family? Oh my god their world got taken by the darkness
00:46:13No, Max's friend voiced by Polly Shore
00:46:18That was not like Pete teamed up with Maleficent
00:46:23That actually would be an interesting um angle on a Max and PJ's friendship considering their dads are sworn enemies
00:46:31Turns out Max was one of the large bodies who killed in the first Kingdom Hearts
00:46:38Oh no, it's exposition man
00:46:43Exposition grandpa away
00:46:46Exposition exposition rush it out ASAP Zane or bad sword good kill the darkness
00:46:53And also Donald Duck is there
00:46:58Sarah it's Sephiroth
00:47:03Go back go back to being voiced by Rhodey Donald
00:47:08They even try to do a Donald impression it just sounds like a turkey
00:47:28Max is one of the hearts inside Sora
00:47:38Confirmed he's Sora. He's Sora. I'm Sora. Are there any other stories I should know about Max is a vessel of Xehanort
00:47:45So is my wife
00:47:47Max is a vessel of Xehanort. I
00:47:51Mean like better than Xion
00:47:55I mean Roxas does use a skateboard like Max
00:48:01It's a way that I've only ever seen the extremely goofy movie
00:48:06I mean, why wouldn't you want to see you?
00:48:07Why would you want to see the regular goofy movie when you can see the final mix version?
00:48:15I can't believe they didn't call the Kingdom Hearts DLC final mix
00:48:19No, it's gotta be remind. They actually showed off some features of it. And so far it's hey play as
00:48:25What was it play as aqua and rot Riku aqua and Roxas during this during the Xehanort fights and like?
00:48:30No, I don't want to I I don't want to play as them. I want to be Sora
00:48:39Sora's a valid boy. Why are you doing? Why are you doing? I'm dirty like this
00:48:43My god, if I says to play as characters, we really don't give a shit about I mean
00:48:48If anyone I'd play as aqua cuz I just love the blueberry lesbian. That's about it
00:48:51See the problem is that they're they're they're pre they're they're pre-made characters
00:48:55Which means you can't really set you can't really do much with their um with their move set
00:48:59And so the fights you get to do play as them you're extremely limited in what you can actually do if they give more moves
00:49:03To those characters so that they play with as much diversity as Sora, that'd be cool. I don't see them doing that
00:49:11They showed off the what was it they showed off the fact that there's the Oathkeeper keyblade, but it's keep like transformation
00:49:16Literally reuses the animations from ultimate form
00:49:19out here
00:49:21Well, it sucks. Yeah, so I'm not that Oathkeeper's keyblade transformation should be a dual a dual wield mode like what a missed opportunity
00:49:34God dual wielding so cool
00:50:05Would have seen Kingdom Hearts 4 like Sora goes back to Atlantica
00:50:08But it's like Little Mermaid to Atlantica and see if that Ariel's all grown up and just runs over and gives her a big hug
00:50:18And that helps melody get over the wall and go to the sea cuz that's just what he does
00:50:22Yeah, and then when Ariel complains, it's like Ariel we did the exact same thing with you
00:50:27Yeah, but Morgana's out there what if she gets my daughter and like Sora just summons a keyblade it's like oh, okay
00:50:34Yeah, say you really think I'm not gonna go with her
00:50:38I'll go to protect her. You know, I'll go with her. She'll be fine
00:50:44I've got her back. I
00:50:47Love it. I want this to be a thing
00:50:52Tar freaking strong as melody
00:50:56Because Tar strong is valid
00:51:01It's literally she's even stated to herself. It's her favorite role that she's ever played
00:51:08Oh, I love them to do Lion King 2 so I can see that's a lullaby down in the in the Kingdom Hearts
00:51:14I was like, oh, yes, please
00:51:20Blood-red sky
00:51:24You is this using 11, okay, so we're not
00:51:28We're gonna take the game
00:51:30We're going to
00:51:32Okay, so we're gonna save
00:51:34Thankfully, it's it's the same version. It looks like it's the EU version. So my save file should import hopefully
00:51:42Otherwise we're gonna do do all that again. Oh, let me go
00:51:48See I hate that these like cutscenes with the old man aren't skippable
00:51:53Like like this is my line. I'm glad it's not the whole game. But the intro to the game is such a fucking slug. I
00:52:01Wish I could skip the Great Plateau
00:52:03Give me like a new game plus mode where you could where you can skip the Great Plateau
00:52:07Yeah, like a pro mode
00:52:11Yeah, okay
00:52:15I liked it the first time because I think this is this is honestly better than just hand-holding you the entire time
00:52:20But after that, let me skip it. Yeah, the hand-holding is what bothers me. It's not the fact that there are tutorials
00:52:26It's the fact that you can't skip them
00:52:28Just let me skip them. It's like oh, but but what if kids skip them and then they get frustrated and can't play
00:52:34That's their problem
00:52:36Like there comes a point like there does come a point where you have to just say look if you skipped
00:52:49If you skip the actual content, that's your own problem, that's your own fault
00:52:57Options general settings
00:53:15A little bit
00:53:41Version 64
00:53:54That's a lot of garbled characters
00:53:59Let's try opening that with notepad
00:54:04That's a lot better if shader cache file is present if you have only 8 gigabytes of virtual memory soft custom 8 to 16 gigabytes at least
00:54:11Must have better graphics with 4k textures can be enabled in CE new settings
00:54:17menu start
00:54:32Okay, so we will use the same saves and the same mods
00:54:41These graphics anti-aliasing low resolution resolution default
00:54:47FPS plus plus all of that stuff
00:54:51All right, let's work
00:54:53fingers crossed
00:55:01Oh boy
00:55:09Says version 1.12. I don't like the sound of that
00:55:15How do I install the updates? I may have to install actually install the update
00:55:22Save location
00:55:33Yeah, it's working about the same
00:56:08How does content readist game
00:56:38Okay, here we go the first emulation accuracy is to be done at the cost of performance
00:56:50Um, okay, so am I missing something?
00:57:04The soundtrack
00:57:25It said it had the DLC easy update you see new update tool
00:57:33I'm gonna use that
00:57:40The Legend of Zelda update of the wild
00:57:46You know what I could probably start it and actually find out I
00:57:56Can't believe that didn't occur to me
00:58:03Look extract contents of zip into scene you folder. All right
00:58:10We go close restart, oh
00:58:17There we go, there's all the settings I was missing
00:58:22You are you little rascals
00:58:50All right, see if any of this works
00:58:53See, I have an 8 core CPU. So it's like I thought I enabled triple core recompiler, but it looks like the game settings
00:58:57Changes things like that the game has individual settings just cause me problems
00:59:28That's a really good CPU but it can't run crab but can't run crisis no it can't
00:59:33It's probably still being used as like a benchmark
00:59:37Like oh, that's interesting. I mean I'm seeing loading screen a frame rates of like 30
00:59:46I'm gonna take a nap. So love you guys. All right
00:59:50Love you. Bye. Bye. Oh
00:59:52Great. All my controls are different. All right
00:59:59All right, so which is this one that's button
01:00:03So, what's this one?
01:00:06buttons button one
01:00:11Button three. Okay, so button three and button one
01:00:18Buttons buttons who's got the buttons?
01:00:23So X
01:00:30Figure out the fuck I'm doing now
01:00:34That one jumped so what's this one button zero button two, okay, so I want this one a button two
01:01:16There we go, all right that works
01:01:35Seem to be doing a little better overall all logical cores
01:01:49Oh, there's a speed hack I need it great. All right, so
01:01:55Let's save and restart
01:01:58And get that working somehow
01:02:05The game is in full screen cuz I'm still working on it
01:02:16I don't know why that's great out but whatever
01:02:25The legend of Zelda hack in the system
01:02:34Hack in the system a long-nosed velvet gremlin who just wants to help
01:02:40Scream back to go to bed at gunpoint
01:02:43What if one's a salad
01:02:49Gunpoint sushi pancakes red and some stuff that you never see
01:02:56Yo mama's curry what
01:03:12No, just look up general settings
01:03:25All right
01:03:28I'll to settle for this for now. I'll figure it out when I'm not streaming. Thank you. Oh
01:03:35That is that is a lot of stuttering
01:03:39No, you might need to one crossword puzzle
01:03:45Actually, yeah, I did a find a word puzzle what so
01:03:50No, the stream just caught up for me so I noticed the stuttering
01:04:01Mean I've been experiencing that the whole game
01:04:12I guess wasn't a friendly bat
01:04:22Injecting coffee straight into your eyeballs
01:04:25Don't do that. That's dangerous
01:04:31Here atlas do not condone injecting coffee strained to your eyeballs
01:04:37Good boy
01:04:39I need a full 32 gigs of RAM
01:04:52Down there young one a while and listen
01:05:10Oh God when I say skip cutscene skip all the cutscenes
01:05:19Here is the paraglider like I promised fucking finally
01:05:25Thanks King Longwood
01:05:32God you're long-winded just like my ex
01:05:34Hmm stay a while and listen grandpa the church is falling down on our heads
01:05:57Why does using the paraglider wear out stamina when did I connect my vent when did I connect my heart to a parasol?
01:06:04Remember it's skyward sword where you could literally stop your your fall speed by just using a piece of good by just using someone's scarf
01:06:10That was shit. We tried and we were kids
01:06:15That sounds like it would have killed somebody but it's magic ooh with whimsy
01:06:25Hey Hyrule now, I'm gonna go collect flowers
01:06:34You can just drop a bomb and it'll explode when it's the ground
01:06:39I went to bum with a pirate to bum where I'm the way you're gliding with a carpet. You're throwing bombs. No, it's carpet bombing
01:06:51Set explosives in your pubic hair carpet bombing
01:07:04Don't talk back
01:07:20Moses got so high his bush started talking to him
01:07:25The burning bush was just a marijuana actually, you know, the burning bush is a real thing. Oh
01:07:30It's a plant that gathers like all these like chemicals around it
01:07:33Let's creates it from the from the leaves and when ignited
01:07:36They will roar up in flames for a few seconds and then immediately vanish and the plan will be on
01:07:44Meat isn't nature fascinating. Oh, yeah. Yeah, I'm not sure you're scary
01:07:51All right, I'm still I'm still walking around carrying a wayward wind do I have any better keyblades I do not
01:08:01We're gonna ditch everything that's not a keyblade because I'm a stubborn bitch like that
01:08:12Let's be honest you've got a lot of money you've got a lot of money
01:08:19Let's be honest if you were in the 12th century and you saw that shit you'd probably think God was talking to you too
01:08:25See that just as he's moping about about his his real family still is enslaved in Egypt bush lights on fucking fire
01:08:32it's like I
01:08:33Should probably go get them
01:08:38That's a thing I should probably do
01:08:45Moses do the thing. Okay. No, no, no, wait, not that thing
01:08:55Okay, I gotta I gotta switch those inputs
01:09:00Z L Z R
01:09:04Moses you're the chosen one now go save the slaves. Okay, I believe you
01:09:08Okay, save the slaves Moses Moses, I am your God, okay, I believe you now go slaves. Okay, I believe you
01:09:18Okay, I believe
01:09:19Sorry about that whole thing. Sorry. I scared. I'm sorry if I scared you with that whole angel of death thing
01:09:24I am a good guy now. I am a good guy now. Okay, I believe you
01:09:29Was that a fucking did anyone else see or I see like something glowing fall out of the sky. Yeah
01:09:35Falling stars that they have materials if you go find them. Oh
01:09:39What kind of materials? Um, I forget what I forget what outfit there for hang on
01:09:49Just put a stamp somewhere in this general direction
01:09:53Just so I don't lose my
01:10:04Yeah star fragments they they sell for 300 rubies, um, what did they update with a great
01:10:18The ancient armor and the tears and surplus you can buy in Gerudo town
01:10:36Energizing honey cream
01:10:41Energizing honey crisp
01:10:47All right, let's continue going in this direct this vague direction
01:11:00It's not a keyblade so I don't want it
01:11:05This isn't a keyblade I can't use it at all
01:11:14Honey Chris should totally be canon
01:11:17Because the MLP desperately needs some fucking soft and wholesome
01:11:24injecting softness straight to your eyeballs
01:11:29Maybe get her in our g5
01:11:36Meanwhile pinky is smiling while she says thoughts about the pinkie is psychotic
01:11:44Well cobbler arm is not a keyblade for some reason
01:11:58It look a little weird just having a keyblade for an arm
01:12:02You freaking cool though, I didn't say it wouldn't I just look a little weird
01:12:13Well, that's just loaded
01:12:16Your face explode. Oh
01:12:20That guy's got the jungle king
01:12:22Tell me your fucking sword
01:12:28Get up get up get up. Come on
01:12:48That's a wooden
01:13:20Okay, you dropped your weapon where'd it go
01:13:39Blew someone up and they dropped it. Did I mistake the the tree branch for the jungle king?
01:13:52Well, that sucks, oh wait
01:14:03There you are, oh wait, that's a two-handed sword. It's only one-handed swords that became keyblades. Oh well
01:14:14Well, I found a no-name
01:14:22Look keyblade. Oh look a keyblade. Oh look a keyblade
01:14:34There's bound to be cool stuff in here
01:14:37Let's heal first
01:14:39Healing is good. I choose life
01:14:44You looking at an ominous looking cave like a set of ruins no, that's bad to be some cool stuff in here
01:14:51Hello special delivery of the stabbing nature
01:14:56Rescue pot. Hey
01:15:04Oh, that's a fox
01:15:15Tom you are far from the game, sir
01:15:23Look at all these supplies
01:15:26Yay supplying
01:15:30Okay, never mind
01:15:33Weird well, you did kind of blow it up. They're probably scattered to the four corners of the earth
01:15:42More keyblades, I want to see what more designs are in here. Apparently there's a lot like every one-handed sword except for like six or seven. Oh
01:15:50by the way, I guess the
01:15:53The trailer for the remind DLC dropped and it was number 13 on trending
01:16:02Was like a fucking course it is
01:16:07Who went in a fight Ganondorf or Xehanort
01:16:11Something something something darkness something something something that team
01:16:19Please be different one, please be different one. Please don't be another no-name
01:16:21All right, that's gonna be most of what you that's gonna be most of what you find at the beginning
01:16:40Single big old intensify
01:16:48Do know that if you go to Kakariko village and do the shrine there
01:16:52It's it's one of those a combat trials. So you're gonna you're probably gonna find the ancient sword there. Oh
01:16:59I would love to see what the ancient sword turned into
01:17:04Lily find a sucky enemy and toss a no-name
01:17:08What the fuck yes
01:17:13It was bait, that's what it was. Oh
01:17:16Geez the dirt is the dirt is gay
01:17:22It's been corrupted by the game what do you mean corrupted
01:17:34Lillian swords is best Lily. I'm a lesbian after all I've gotta have swords. It's like a rule
01:17:44You were busy being heterosexual I studied the blade
01:17:58Lily makes everything she touches gay
01:18:06It's like the Midas touch but better
01:18:17My god, is that most conspiracy theorists have never been project managers their optimism is adorable
01:18:25Faking a major event would require thousands of people try managing a project and he told people to do what they're supposed to do
01:18:29Without bad blabbing early. It's nearly impossible
01:18:36Somebody was trying to suggest that Tom Holland was part of some Disney conspiracy theory against DC and it's like guys
01:18:41Come on, if Tom Holland was part of a Disney conspiracy theory, he would have fucking told us by now
01:18:48For Tom
01:18:56Retweeted like a headline from like I think it was an onion headline
01:18:58It was like Tom Holland accidentally, uh, we thought the entire script event game and he said to himself
01:19:03I don't think for a second. Well shit tonight. Oh
01:19:17Apparently, he's gonna be playing Nathan Drake, which is you know, that's weird. Yeah
01:19:28Nathan Drake kind of an ass. He's a snarker
01:19:32He snorts a lot to compensate for the fact. He's always had his ass kicked. Oh
01:19:36Oh, it's very Peter Parker's changed a few settings and oh
01:19:41Wow, it's actually playing at normal speed. I'm actually getting much better frame rates
01:19:51Laboratory sprint nice. I'm ready. We're free
01:19:57Am I free to ask you any questions Lily
01:20:01Depends on what they are. But go ahead someone over as someone in the in the chat in the voice chat
01:20:06These were these rocks are gay now
01:20:09Yeah, you say you say glitch I say gay mountains
01:20:14This mountain is gay. This mountain is gay
01:20:16This mountain is gay and that mountains gay and that mountains gay and that mounds gay and that mounds gay there need they need to
01:20:21Make some of the boomerangs into Keyblade that way I can do strike, right?
01:20:30And you get a game and you get a game
01:20:33Everybody gets a game out and
01:20:37They have some Majora's Mask ass eyes choo-choo
01:20:42Choo-choo jelly
01:20:44That sounds funny choo-choo
01:20:49Choo-choo I
01:20:53Got the slightest amusement out that stupidest things the choo-choos are cute. Of course, you'd get amusement out of hey
01:20:59Stop bouncing down the fucking planet
01:21:04Poor link I
01:21:07Want to bounce I like to bounce. Oh
01:21:10God, not if it kills me. Oh, no
01:21:14Something's not on the up-and-up I can feel it in my choo-choo jellies
01:21:20What the hell was that oh
01:21:24My god, if I gave you a small loan of a million dollars, what's the mass of the Sun I
01:21:30Don't need a loan for that I can Google that
01:21:34Did you travel back in time do I have to invent Google now?
01:21:42Boy we're gonna go extinct there by 2050 Jesus Christ
01:21:56My emails to my representatives have gotten increasingly angry as the years have gone by
01:22:02Today was a particularly angry one
01:22:05What did you yell at them?
01:22:07Get off your fucking asses and do something
01:22:10Listen to the fucking scientists already
01:22:13See, I emailed I see you know one of them. I
01:22:17Didn't email my representative. I emailed I emailed Doug Ford and I just emailed him a picture of a guillotine. Oh
01:22:26That's beautiful
01:22:29Had the RCMP at my door the next day. Oh
01:22:32my god
01:22:34So, what did you mean when you when you said to guillotine Doug Ford? Well what I meant was that his his
01:22:43Overwhelming his overwhelming bias toward their toward the rich and screwing over. Everybody else is gonna get him guillotined by a revolution
01:22:49No, you can't say that now
01:22:51Actually, I can you have to tell me I can't because you know, you're the police when the revolution comes
01:22:56it'll be your job to protect the the fashion of the you know, the fascist greedy corporate fucks in charge and
01:23:03Cool you do you
01:23:07But I ain't got I but I am under no obligation to do that
01:23:11Now if I'm not under arrest get the fuck out of my house
01:23:18I'm done saying please to the RCMP. It's just do you it's just get the fuck
01:23:21I'm done saying please to the police. It's just get the fuck out of my house
01:23:24These days if someone calls the police on me today and the police come up to do a wellness check
01:23:29I'm gonna what I end up asking them is do you have a warrant?
01:23:32No, it's a wellness check come back. Well, then come back with one. I
01:23:36Always find it hilarious. So it's like well, I mean we don't want to have to reveal your dirty laundry out in the hall to
01:23:40your neighbors
01:23:42It's like oh, are you threatening me now? My lawyer will love to hear that
01:24:10Just let that one fuck out of the sky
01:24:29Mean to go numb nuts you set yourself on fire
01:24:36So no after HRP assaulted me
01:24:38I just I give absolutely no respect to the police and I make it clear
01:24:41I am under no obligation to give you any respect. It is not against the law to tell you to go fuck yourself
01:24:47I'm proud of you for that. Hey, actually HR funnily enough HRP tried to do a street check on me
01:24:52And I'm just like go fuck yourself
01:24:55Like these street checks are are illegal. Go fuck yourself
01:25:08Like you need to go like you need to open the door let us in do you have am I under arrest?
01:25:11No, do you have a warrant? No get the Fed go the fuck home
01:25:32Think the sky's having a freakout
