(8:16:24) Working on Korra Video 4:4

  • last month
00:00:00what are you guys feeling I'm thinking fable yeah that sounds like interesting
00:00:11to explore cuz it's silly all right fable it is
00:00:17bestie go bestie go faster than mine arrow oh hang on I forgot my tea
00:00:47and the kettles cold again the eternal cycle the vicious cycle continues I just
00:01:15want to enjoy some leaf juice
00:01:26you're not from around here are you
00:01:34oh yeah for those of you who are here the last time for the last stream that's
00:01:39what the sword looks like now a little vine guard thing reaver is exploiting
00:01:56us we deserve fair pay we demand better working conditions
00:02:03treats us like animals we're not gonna take it anymore there's only one thing
00:02:11for it we have to stand up to reaver but lying down is so much easier than
00:02:18standing up my dear friends in order to raise morale I am offering prizes to the
00:02:26most deserving workers the rules that will govern what I like to call the
00:02:31reaver team spirit award are these firstly any worker that so much as
00:02:36murmurs another complaint will be shot secondly any worker who takes more than
00:02:42a three-second break will be shot sadly any worker who breaks any other rules I
00:02:49have yet to formulate will be shot to work now as you know I'm a generous man
00:03:00and likely to start handing out prizes right away so go on shoot me up with you
00:03:05chop-chop that's why we're here that's why I'll be in need you you know it's
00:03:16Jeff Bezos out of his mind when he had the control of industrial to reaver beat
00:03:21me to it go on it's time you met the bar stone resistance oh well and I never
00:03:27forget a face it's elbows I'm bad with
00:03:34greeting citizen saving the world with the power of landlord I mean we are in
00:03:48this fantasy London and ask town right this should be the place somewhere
00:03:58beyond this door is the base of the power stone resistance ready when you
00:04:04I really love how much time we're spending in caves and sewers these days
00:04:18no really I should warn you I don't know what kind of reception we'll get I know
00:04:24their leader well enough maybe we've got the wrong place let's get out
00:04:44we won't move you won't shoot deal you better tell your friend that it's all
00:04:54right just do as he says who are you what are you doing here I'm Walter and
00:05:00this is well that really doesn't matter right now we're here to speak with Paige
00:05:05I say we shoot him we're on your side just hear us out we don't make deals
00:05:10with spies shoot wait put your weapons down I thought I gave the orders around
00:05:15here kid sorry Paige gotta be carried away Walter glad you're all right and I'm
00:05:21glad you came in when you did I wasn't exactly expecting you let's talk
00:05:25somewhere a bit more private
00:05:41I had this whole plan you see but I well we ended up leaving the castle earlier
00:05:50than I thought I heard pity your messages were always useful I can offer
00:05:56you something better we're gonna kill that guy unfortunately we don't actually
00:06:05get to kill Reaver we do get to humiliate him publicly I'd like to meet
00:06:15I know who she is I thought you'd know better than to bring the princess here
00:06:20she's not just a princess she's a hero great give her a medal no no I mean
00:06:27she's a hero like her father really it doesn't change anything your brother is
00:06:34the reason we live underground he's the reason we fight how do we know she's
00:06:39any better well let her prove it it's not just me she needs to convince the
00:06:44people of this city need someone they can believe in prove to them that they
00:06:48should follow you then we'll talk for now I have work to do looks like you
00:06:52have work to do too you have a whole city to inspire
00:07:14third best option why don't you think haunting feeling there will be nothing
00:07:18to betray people nope the city it is imperative that you are here
00:07:23basically every promise you make is made again like what went about in act three
00:07:28of the game every promise you make is made against something offered by Reaver
00:07:35interesting what's this ah the force push spell
00:07:47over here the good parenting pack
00:07:57where was this throughout my childhood hooligan expression pack upgrade black
00:08:03spent to level 5 upgrade pie maker to level 5 upgrade loot to level 5 60 guild
00:08:08seals well I mistake I regret that it's 40 for the force push spell
00:08:23unfortunately the sword and gun upgrades are on the other side so I'm holding on
00:08:27to my guilt feels it would seem your heroism has to be put to the test once
00:08:39again madam may I suggest that you return to the sanctuary and inspect the
00:08:44map there appear to be numerous opportunities available I can't see a
00:08:54way to proceed without first gathering more followers and I you'd like to
00:09:01travel to Bowerstone markets I would oh my god it's always weird when you just
00:09:18win it's always weirded sequels when you see like a map from the previous game in
00:09:33been warmer than expected
00:09:41it's like Kingdom Hearts choose Twilight Town compared to Kingdom Hearts freeze
00:09:46women's warrior suit 17,000 all right man's warrior suit elegant prince suit
00:09:56practical princess suit elegant princess
00:10:16Bowerstone's finest items all the weapons you buy in shops are just like
00:10:24different variations of like available hero weapons like this one's got a
00:10:28different blade and I kind of hope to get my sword to look like that we have
00:10:42but alas it was nothing I wonder if I can find the old town
00:11:01Oh right steel weapons are a thing of the past the modern hero uses guns
00:11:11our stone old quarter here we go maybe I can find where Rose was shot Oh No
00:11:24that's reminiscent I always have more to spend you won't find better products in
00:11:43all of Bowerstone
00:12:24Oh Bowerstone market might be the place for that
00:12:33breaking someone's windows seems like an interesting place
00:12:40oh that gold must be heavy what a burden having to carry it all around
00:12:54that looks really spending your money helps the economy I've been known to
00:13:13offer discounts to the right customers at least a reliable way to gather a few
00:13:20followers is by simply interacting with people try it I'm sure you'll make an
00:13:25impression you are very charitable thank you so much I have heard all about your
00:13:35good deeds this is so great
00:13:50you must be new here
00:14:03and the opening the fable to just like sucker punched me right in the heart
00:14:21thank you but don't tell everyone
00:14:40I can show you a good time renting out a house you own is a fantastic way to make
00:14:45money real estate is always in demand
00:14:52yeah but I don't want to rent out a house I a house I own I wanted to own
00:14:56this one
00:15:15how'd you get to be so rich anyway the shops doing well so I try to give a
00:15:26little bit back spend a little time I'll make it worth you I can tell you're a
00:15:33genuine my job what's been happening around here no
00:16:14what about Bowerstone Industrial thank you you're really a decent sort aren't
00:16:56and this area is really brown there's this weird fog over everything in this
00:17:06ah the early xbox 360 days but the mid xbox 360 days
00:17:23can people send you pictures of their pets I'd rather you didn't I think
00:17:30you'll find our price is quite reasonable
00:18:05I've never seen
00:18:32treasure chests
00:18:48hello Jackie
00:18:55all right yeah can you hear that voice of course you can
00:19:00oh oh you don't know what a relief this is I thought nobody would help me right
00:19:08that voice is coming from beneath the floor and through the pipes you should
00:19:12begin your exorcism there you can access the cellar through the trapdoor good
00:19:17luck I'll be with you in spirits at least
00:19:22oh no the factories haunted it's definitely going to be ghosts and not
00:19:30like squatters or something really sure of it
00:19:45what did you find good girl
00:19:52but you will always be safe here in understood
00:20:12this area is dangerous and forbidden citizen please return to your dwelling
00:20:17or place of work
00:20:33remember citizens stay inside the compound in the above world there is
00:20:39only death
00:20:44what the fuck
00:20:52this community is the entire world you're
00:21:02preserving and improving it
00:21:20work hard today for a better tomorrow
00:21:32an intruder has been detected possibly a mutant from the above world intruder if
00:21:44you go any further you will trigger the security we cannot accept any
00:21:48responsibility for damages or death that may ensue if you continue on the path
00:21:53you are following the automatic defenses have now been activated you have been
00:22:08oh my god he's raising children from the dead to fight me
00:22:24oh so basically mine workers I see the protagonist of able three is a big fan
00:22:47of the elemental shaman
00:22:58mutants turn back or you will be destroyed
00:23:24if you continue on this path you must be willing to face the consequences
00:24:26but then doggo friend is indestructible
00:24:43this intrusion cannot be tolerated you shall be terminated
00:25:10you cannot be allowed to continue your death is imminent
00:25:33dogs need a fire electricity and compulsive blasts that are comparable to a tornado
00:25:42I don't please pardon but I'm not paying attention
00:25:51oh no mine does that too
00:26:08oh you will be destroyed
00:26:32if you continue on this path you must be willing to face the consequences
00:26:59whoever you are be warned further ingress into this area will trigger a
00:27:04most deadly defense response
00:27:28turn back or die you are not welcome here
00:27:50the comedy in this game is good but the gameplay is not it's very button
00:27:58you shall be terminated
00:28:12oh my god there's an entire underground city I can't wait to buy up everything
00:28:17and exploit it as a landlord this is very warm on fallouts I'm positive it
00:28:29was just I you know what given this I'm almost positive yeah it's probably just
00:28:33a parody of fallout the buildings look more Germanic
00:29:13this door is locked
00:29:33open up it's the Queen I'm here to see your wife
00:30:03don't kill me
00:30:09to survive you must dedicate yourself to your work
00:30:32excuse them they think you're a monster poor ignorant folk they don't know any
00:30:40better they were born and raised here underground never seen an outsider
00:30:46before you see so all they know is what Montague tells them he's in charge round
00:30:53here always has been though he's a real recluse he lives in that house on the
00:31:00hill watching us and sending his orders through talking tubes you must have
00:31:07heard his voice right citizens stay in your homes until the crisis has passed
00:31:12all will be well in the end under stone remains your safe haven there he goes
00:31:20don't take him long to know what's going on you better go and see him and let him
00:31:26know we are not a monster otherwise you'll be held at the oh I'm here for my
00:31:31we'll take you okay now I can go there
00:32:01huh my upload speed is tanked somehow
00:32:16and it's dropping about 30 frames a second
00:32:20well it's going again so hopefully that was not just like lately it is my fault
00:32:34you're fine
00:33:50just two more sections to go in the van and the music and credits and then the
00:34:01video is fucking done
00:34:10progress some weird reason I think you were talking about the game like we're
00:34:15getting this is short
00:34:21you're right but what well the team does keep six months
00:34:42that one bloke's armor was glitch now
00:34:51and then I can get back to regular uploads I have been seriously hurting
00:34:57in this content
00:35:01system has been activated
00:35:38there's never been a fable game or spamming area of effect magic hasn't
00:35:41just been the best solution ever just like the elemental shaman
00:36:39okay whoever gave her the robot a teleport should die
00:38:09okay the robot was needed first snap now I like this yeah it's too fucking
00:38:15spongy like you can't actually die in this game and yet for some reason they
00:38:21still make bosses with like tediously high health like pick a fucking lane
00:38:31oh man
00:38:42Oh fucking finally if you make me fight for more of those fucking things you
00:38:55are a highly persistent person intruder perhaps you have earned the right to
00:38:59meet me in person I am waiting for you
00:39:06I don't know who you are stranger but if you are hearing this message then I
00:39:11Montague Humes must be dead
00:39:17to be a most capable individual I believe you will now be annexed and oil
00:39:22property will be seized
00:39:28this machine can be adjusted to play any messages you wish and the citizens below
00:39:33have been conditioned to obey them if by some miracle the above world recovers
00:39:41from the devastation the machine can be shut down from within this room doing so
00:39:47will open a passage to the above world and the citizens will be free to return
00:39:52to the sunlight so this is what the old loon was up to oh this is my lucky day
00:40:03hello again friend look forgive me for not being completely honest before but I
00:40:11had no idea there would be a whole city down here I expected treasures
00:40:17invention but not this think of the business opportunities a whole town
00:40:25devoted to work doing whatever you tell them never questioning leave the machine
00:40:35running and we can share the profits we'll be rolling in gold without having
00:40:41to lift a finger what do you say
00:40:46citizens of understood rejoice the world above is now safe everything is going to
00:40:54be all right is it really true the surface is safe I can't believe it
00:41:03relatively speaking
00:41:08we'll be able to see the stars for the first time ever our time of hardship is
00:41:15over return to the surface return to the skies and the trees and the light help
00:41:21rebuild our new world I never thought I'd live to see this day to see sunlight
00:41:34says on the underground town of infreed Bowerstone is buzzing with talking to
00:41:39talk of this unique and exciting neighborhood won't be long before
00:41:41tourists visit in droves
00:41:45ah and when
00:41:49oh hey silver pine is in this game I hope we get to meet Silvanus they just
00:42:06recycled the set
00:42:29and Silvanus is currently on a break from acting
00:43:21the year is 2030 it has been nine years since we were sitting with the mob we
00:43:26finally return and it's just Silvanus like just on a lawn chair with Nathanos
00:43:32just chilling out while all the souls have been freed already
00:43:45it's got one of those like weird aluminum pamphlet thingies she's holding
00:43:49up sunglasses even though there's no sunlight
00:44:48I'm very sorry but I'm afraid you'll have to go somewhere else tonight
00:44:51somewhere else and where would that be exactly every other place being closed
00:44:56down and I'll freeze to death on the streets and that's if Logan's goons
00:45:01don't bash my skull in first you think you're the only one who has problems I'm
00:45:05sorry I'm just look I wish I could help you but I can't I hope you're not
00:45:12looking for somewhere to stay because this place is about to close for good I
00:45:16have no choice I have to sell the building to pay the ransom oh thank you
00:45:22my poor love it's been agony being apart from him and it's about time those thugs
00:45:27face justice the rough kind they've been harassing the local homeless for weeks
00:45:31but now this it's outrageous I know where they are they demanded I bring
00:45:36them the ransom in a week's time but I'll bring them something better
00:45:54Blinder you just cost me a bit of gold love I bet old Harriet take you the full
00:46:02week to get the money you're an industrious one ain't you just open the
00:46:07door Keith let's have done with this right mr. ferrets down those stairs
00:46:14whoa whoa whoa hang on who's your friend in your parlance she's the bad man and
00:46:20that gold doesn't matter this one of our boy your fetid little den all right no
00:46:25need to get all uppity you just watch yourself around mr. ferret all things
00:46:30will get unfriendly fast
00:47:04these motherfuckers when they find out I'm the princess
00:47:11Oh Linda a rebel queen to have this unfortunate situation brought to a
00:47:18satisfying resolution your associate can dispense with her burden by piling the
00:47:23funds upon the table there's no gold ferret now you cough up my fiance from
00:47:28whatever filthy corner you're keeping him in or my associate is going to start
00:47:32collecting heads and piling them upon the table my initial judgment of your
00:47:37character was clearly misguided you possess some heart after all lads tear
00:47:44it out look at the money bags on this one Nigel ferrets
00:47:52should have stopped when you had the chance no better than Weasel said that's
00:47:59him done for
00:48:08that's a brutal look at execution though nice
00:48:13that's napalm and tasers
00:48:22your men are dead ferret unless you want to join them let us in it's my chemical
00:48:32war crimes are
00:48:40my chemical war crimes
00:48:45this didn't have to happen it still doesn't we merely got off on the wrong
00:48:50foot I'm no threat to you without my men and I'm only too happy to return your
00:48:56fiance I can be quite accommodating yes we are close the thing is he's not
00:49:03actually on the premises exactly at the present time he's incarcerated within a
00:49:10nearby facility shall we say that access hatch will provide you with well access
00:49:19the sewer you fellows are a sophisticated lot please go and get him I'll keep an eye
00:49:26on ferret a gun I really did mischaracterize you yeah well I live in a
00:49:33bad neighborhood I wonder whose fault that is now don't move
00:49:40just pull the trigger
00:49:44pull the trigger piglet
00:49:49who are you where's my fiance she sent me to rescue you oh are you qualified I'm
00:50:00not sure I should just follow some complete stranger
00:50:14well all right I suppose it is a bit daft hanging around here
00:50:32I think a funny thing about this game you just walk up to random people take
00:50:36their hand and leave them somewhere yes into your bed chair bus no that's a
00:50:45that's a little more complicated
00:50:52can you leave them to Wendy's
00:50:55does Wendy's even exist in Britain
00:51:06oh in Britain yeah you're right can you leave one to Burger King
00:51:11I love onion rings if you'd have told me a year ago that one day I'd find myself
00:51:25wading through the sewers of Bowerstone Industrial I would have thought you mad
00:51:29in fact if you said it today I'd say the same thing because it is mad there's
00:51:35just no other way to look at it as if the smell and cloying damp weren't bad
00:51:39enough then there are swarms of bats oh disgusting creatures
00:51:50what the heck are those
00:51:54those are fairy children
00:52:27no I do not know what the fairy children are based on quote-unquote frames they
00:52:32are currently trying to blow torch open the airlock
00:52:55I think every game needs a hold hands mechanic
00:53:02I never want to see one of those again
00:53:06I should be a king of hearts game where you rip open one of the fighting styles
00:53:12just holding hands with a romantic interest
00:53:26well anyone you could fight with
00:53:29who else cares what happens to the homeless Reba wants that shelter so we
00:53:32can turn it into a whorehouse fair enough casino or something I suppose I
00:53:36should be flattered that such an important scumbag had me abducted it's
00:53:40gonna be a good day when Reba falls he's done a lot of arm to a lot of decent
00:53:46people we should be nearly there nearly back to Linda
00:54:12we made it look before we go back to Linda I just want to say you were
00:54:19amazing I mean you are amazing I used to use the word when I was telling my
00:54:25mates about Linda but next to you she looks a bit boring now doesn't she do I
00:54:30really know my life with a woman like that what do you think I think you're
00:54:38the reason women go gay
00:54:49what you're right better to stay with her maybe I couldn't do any better
00:55:00you should be happy with what you have
00:55:18Gerald oh that weasel Nigel ferret must have struck me when my back was turned
00:55:26darling thank goodness you're all right
00:55:35thank you so much you've saved the most important person in my life I am forever
00:55:41in your debt I was so worried about you yeah thanks for that I was all right
00:55:52though thanks to my rescuer my fearless fast cunning agile statuesque fireball
00:55:59of a rescuer did you miss me of course I did sure never gave any thought to
00:56:06anything except being back by your side well come here
00:56:17goddamn dude
00:56:42a woman fucking like just with one other person takes out an entire gang for you
00:56:48and you're just like mmm it's a bit boring
00:56:59you imagine having a wife that cool and thinking yeah
00:57:07they're probably gonna get a divorce oh yeah probably this is gonna find a nice
00:57:15person anyway we're gonna lose
00:57:35the game oh that'll give me the last amount I need
00:57:47I'll buy anything pretty well almost anything ah you ever look around great
00:57:55thank you always happy to help
00:58:12so now moving on to the quest the game the game that you lost can't lose the
00:58:21game if you weren't playing in the first place
00:58:40man perfect a house right at the corner of an alleyway this is the kind of house
00:58:44I always wanted
00:58:58well this place could do with anything really some decent furniture will be a
00:59:04start you should think about purchasing some who's Jasper and you can possibly
00:59:12head to North Butler instead of a maid this house is beyond better
00:59:24but what
00:59:37oh that's a cool outfit
00:59:42yes renting instead of taxes
00:59:46I mean you're a real hero I had a wife I would never be able to stop inquiring
00:59:53can confirm I have a wife
01:00:06the hero wakes long had she harbored thoughts of vengeance against the evil
01:00:11baron get on with it
01:00:15so it was it was a baroness you want to kiss her little village of light water
01:00:19a pretty hamlet nestling under the brooding battlements of the evil barons
01:00:23castle it's a very pretty village yeah I said pretty
01:00:37our hero resolved to talk to the townsfolk and see what she could find
01:00:41out about the missing princess you're kidding right if the hero starts
01:00:46talking to all the cool looks like old Clem is up
01:00:52pale hero I am old Clem the blacksmith I make weapons and if you bring me some
01:01:01sky metal I can make you a magic sword it's a thousand gold per plus so a plus
01:01:10three sword is three thousand gold oh and I can't make anything more than a
01:01:19plus three because I'm only a journeyman blacksmith bit early in the adventure
01:01:25for anything above a plus three it's on balancing you see forging doesn't work I
01:01:32didn't have time to do the models are you serious a game like this is all about
01:01:41I am Mildred a humble milkmaid to brighten my joyless days I daydream
01:01:50about a handsome nobleman no woman enough to dispatch highwaymen but gentle enough
01:01:56to hold me for hours in his warm powerful arms hang on who's talking here you or
01:02:04Mildred that was Mildred you should say that Mildred saw some Hobbes carrying a
01:02:11large wriggling bag but she didn't and that she's really hot
01:02:35excellent hero's gonna talk to Arturo now we can get the greetings stranger I can
01:02:41see from your good looks and heroic demeanor that you must be on a quest to
01:02:45rescue the princess I saw her yesterday carried off by the baron's evil servant
01:02:51a troop of foxes they took her through this gate to the castle on the hill what
01:02:57that's it no clues to solve or anything well the hero has to figure out how to
01:03:02get up the hill you mean like by climbing it hey no spoilers
01:03:08yeah fucking god these skewers D&D I love it on the hill it's not very eerie
01:03:18though is it then you did the tower didn't you yeah but I thought you said
01:03:24pretty what kind of adventure has a pretty tower on a hill be quite a one
01:03:30I'll deal with this
01:03:39goth now you're talking
01:04:23and so the hero slew the last of the wolves which had proven to be a mighty
01:04:27challenge and far more exciting than rabbits yeah bit predictable though the
01:04:33novelty of the rabbits wears off a bit when you realize you can't fight them
01:04:36though doesn't it does everything have to be about fighting yeah yes story is
01:04:42conflict ideally with not too much story getting in the way
01:05:03the hero entered the barons factory teddy bears what a teddy bears doing it
01:05:10aren't they sweet I put them in nice day yeah they are they are nice you know
01:05:16what we don't want in the evil barons castle anything nice become the princess
01:05:24and the baron
01:05:36I am the evil baron and the princess shall be my wife and all these bears
01:05:44these bears will well they'll do evil stuff for they are evil teddy bears
01:05:54I shall never marry you
01:05:57oh she's spirited like that
01:06:15the wise old man suddenly appeared before the hero riddle me read cry the
01:06:24old man oh no not one of your puzzles they're far too hard just let her open
01:06:30the chest if all trips are trumps and all trumps are chumps then all trips are
01:06:39definitely trumps true or false actually that's good I'll just give her the sword
01:06:47you ruined my puzzle took me ages to work that out and now she's got the sword
01:06:53far too easily should have been much harder
01:07:09okay who set up the lever I thought you did well I thought it was Jim's job
01:07:25quick let's make something up well how about it releases a cloud of lovely
01:07:35worst game ever I'm serious well how about a standard hollow man encounter
01:07:42yeah let's have some bloody action
01:07:47two orphans out to have blitz
01:08:17and with a hollow men vanquished the hero ventured on
01:08:48I love how they just keep arguing with each other foolish hero your pursuit
01:08:56ends here for you will be devoured by the killer monsters of this ravine
01:09:17and the killer monsters are chickens a chicken yes I thought it was time to
01:09:33put in something cute but also to make us think about our relationship with
01:09:37food and that bloody hell Ben you wait let me fix it there this is no ordinary
01:09:48chicken it's a fire-breathing demon chicken
01:09:53so Republicans
01:10:05I thought the hero was done for that time
01:10:09that could lead to a nasty infection
01:10:13I kind of feel bad for him
01:10:18that was just gross
01:10:23the hero will feast on chicken flesh tonight
01:10:30why do you guys always want to be chickens and everything it's weird and
01:10:34so the mighty hero triumphed over the fire-breathing demonic chickens of doom
01:10:42the hero emerged into the light and the evil baron at bay you can see it
01:10:50fucking players now
01:10:54you're my only hope I the baron shall tolerate your meddling no longer
01:11:02they hunger for human flesh
01:11:09they won't go after the players then
01:11:49no at all plus 30% so it's of self-importance love that shit
01:12:09is this supposed to be a snuff film
01:12:28oh come on stop whiffing your attacks I swear
01:12:40you're going to kill them all aren't you
01:12:52surely you can't defeat my elite cards
01:13:16James game is in on the scene
01:13:20yeah it's gonna use the game for windows live and games windows live shut down
01:13:25the game without without like someone without cracking at the game literally
01:13:30doesn't fucking work
01:13:34oh he's still going to be a remake of the first game next year
01:13:44the barons elite guards lay at the heroes feet nothing now lay between her and the evil baron
01:13:50I challenge you to personal combat hero but know that I am immune to all weapons save one
01:13:58a magic soft that is the bane of my existence which there is no way you
01:14:04could possibly have the best result
01:14:11the sword the bane sword it cannot be
01:14:17I am
01:14:24what kind of rubbish game unless you kill the villain in one blow well you go
01:14:28for hero that barons bane sword yeah but it wasn't supposed to be so easy to get
01:14:33oh give it a rest will you please come on back to the game
01:14:39thank you for saving me how can I I think payments and money and
01:14:46I can think of something
01:14:50yeah the hero kisses the hero when
01:14:57bit of a cliche an incredibly hot cliche it's ironic it's a self-aware commentary
01:15:03on the nature of the cliche incredibly hot self-aware commentary on the nature
01:15:08of the cliche
01:15:12if you're going to be horny just be horny and be honest about it
01:15:26and they both lived happily ever after well they would have but the baron had
01:15:30poisoned the princess and she died an excruciating death her inhuman death
01:15:34shrieks tormented a local stable boy who grew up to be a vicious serial killer
01:15:38and cannibal you're sick Jim why do you always want to kill everything why can't
01:15:44we just have a happy ending that is happy ending I'm with Ben because it's good
01:15:48and dark and there was little to no cannibalism little to no I've never seen
01:15:53that before
01:15:57man I mean it's time to consider cannibalism
01:16:10you have to be the best hero of all time
01:16:16whatever we bestow upon you the title of honorary master of dungeon you've
01:16:27survived the game and returned to the real world but was it just a game and is
01:16:32this the real world maybe the fantasy hasn't ended maybe it's only just begun
01:16:35actually no it's ended if I may say so madam you have succeeded
01:16:42thank you
01:16:47so how did you inspire the low how did you inspire the locals oh well I rescued
01:16:52somebody's fiance and played D&D like that was it
01:17:01seems like the standards aren't very high for Markie this is the easiest
01:17:06revolution to start why couldn't Chris's suit begin again
01:17:12it's really
01:17:28I love strings damn look how talented my dog is just spectral canine like some
01:17:51skyward bullshit and sky I'm a dog will be 50 feet in the air and you can ride
01:18:01horses vertically sure this isn't a mountain goat
01:18:21heard any interesting news
01:19:08ah rebel princess I'm on my queen I'm telling you I down three hollow men with
01:19:16one shot it's true I've never trusted a soldier in my life I'm not gonna start
01:19:20now will you tell her Walter hey I'm not getting involved look look there she is
01:19:25ask yourself oh give it a rest fine I'll just stand here quietly then shall you
01:19:31know for a pretty decent person people out there are starting to believe in you
01:19:38I knew you two would get along in the end thank you for taking an interest in my
01:19:43social life but we have even bigger problems now Riva he's been bleeding the
01:19:47city drive for years now but it's never been this bad we decided it was time to
01:19:51hit back a small group of fighters managed to get into his mansion but they
01:19:56never made it out I believe they're alive you're going to help me find them
01:20:01Riva when I just will all his doors shut fancy secret and we just party every week
01:20:06we don't know what goes on but we do know what the guests look like it's the
01:20:11perfect chance to sneak in yeah you'll have to wear this great where's my
01:20:16costume hey seriously this is excuse me in a pretty dress now everyone out I
01:20:26have a party to dress for oh except for the Queen and make sure no one spies on
01:20:32you everyone out during the dark starting to have serious doubts about
01:20:38our relationship I knew I should have gone up to the castle with Swiftie I
01:20:43just love how soldiers can come in and out of our secret hideout now whatever
01:20:48you do please don't let mr. Finn follow you I've had enough of him for one day
01:20:53I'll see you at Riva's manor
01:21:03welcome to the sanctuary
01:21:14fast travel to Brightwall yes
01:21:18I buy stuff so come here all right meet me at the meet me at Riva's manor okay
01:21:24goes in the exact opposite direction
01:21:35into a completely different town into a completely different plane of existence
01:21:40did you get under full but aren't kids just the cutest if you can find better
01:21:47prices anywhere then I can't be surprised if you shot there instead you can find
01:21:59better prices anywhere then I can't be surprised if you shot there instead well
01:22:24where the hell is
01:22:28you're we have the finest product in Albion yeah well there's one of the
01:22:34things I was looking for always look out for sales you never know when I'll put
01:22:43one on
01:22:59unfortunately ma'am I can't help you out I'm looking for the spot where I can
01:23:02busk like a king panhandler
01:23:25God where'd it go
01:23:37maybe the tailor I mean
01:23:58how is it I always manage to get lost in bright don't waste food ever again we
01:24:03have the game isn't
01:24:17don't be a stranger I'm still in business
01:24:32it used to be right here
01:24:47it has mysteriously vanished
01:24:51anyway ah hello I am done for the day
01:25:05thanks for joining me I'm gonna go render the thing and put it up for the
01:25:08patch Ryan's and then go to bed
01:25:11hey pretty baby