(8:16:24) Working on Korra Video 2:4

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00:00:08Heard to his sisters all of this is wrapped up in a problem that Cora can't just punch
00:00:13This could have been one of the best stories avatar ever
00:00:26They say it's okay
00:00:30Yeah, just I have bug bites on my back. That's a stung suddenly. Oh, I gave all the money to some guys over there
00:00:37I told them to take care of it, and then I winked
00:00:41Pretty sure they got the message
00:00:49This trial and out
00:00:56Hate how they made Bolin into an idiot
00:01:01Oh, yeah, oh how the mighty have fallen. Yeah
00:01:09That's generally what happens to a lot ain't like you any characters
00:01:15It's slightly funny the instantly way I get like devolved into it idiot for no reason
00:01:22The tumblr funny man
00:01:38Hate him
00:01:48Okay, that was a spasm first when the rebels attacked they overpowered me and then they over
00:01:59Wrapped up in a problem that Cora can't just punch this could have been one of the best stories avatar ever told it would have
00:02:05Just had to commit to something that a lot of animation fandom considers to be taboo not having a villain
00:02:16Because this
00:02:45You warned into something magnificent and new and I will lead this glorious revolution
00:02:52Now go outside and get the troops
00:02:56Accomplish what else is there today? There will be no more nations of any kind
00:03:01The world is about to be transformed into something
00:03:05the spirit portals
00:03:07What are we still doing here father?
00:03:09The invasion was completely successful and the southern tribe is under our control
00:03:14The spirit portals are open. You've restored balance now. We would like to go home
00:03:20You don't understand
00:03:22Everything I've achieved so far will pale in comparison with what I'm about to accomplish
00:03:27What else is there? The water tribe is united after today. There will be no more water tribe. No more nations of any kind
00:03:35The world is about to be transformed into something magnificent and new and I will lead this glorious revolution
00:03:45Now go outside and get the troops ready to defend the spirit portal from
00:03:53In comparison will lead this
00:03:56Already beaten everyone very portal from whom we've already beaten everyone. The Avatar will be here soon
00:04:03She has no choice
00:04:08They think how even who locks voice acting just got worse
00:04:12it did
00:04:14It's like when they have when they have that fight in
00:04:18In Wolf Cove and it's just and now and now he talks like this all the time
00:04:24You had me banished. Yes, I did
00:04:34There shouldn't be a bridge we should live together
00:04:38It's true that when when harmonic convert rather we will become the new Avatar a dark
00:04:46Your era is over
00:04:49During the couple first episodes, but when he's evil, he has to sound like a sniffering bastard
00:04:55Combine trouts are Skeletor
00:05:00Dark Avatar
00:05:05Like how do you think you're doing anything when the phrase is dark Avatar
00:05:16Not having a villain not having a big high-stakes anime fight at the end act not having a villain not having
00:05:32Guitar and my era is not over yet. Oh
00:05:45There we go, oh god just this this is just the this is the epitome of everything wrong with Cora
00:05:56Not having a big high-stakes anime fight at the end actually use
00:06:07Not having a big high-stakes anime fight at the end actually using the world-building you care so much about
00:06:14But not having a villain is just unthinkable to some people even if it would drive
00:06:19Red to destroy everything
00:06:26The station
00:06:33Actually using the world-building you care so much about but not having a villain is just unthinkable to some people even if it would
00:06:41Drastically improve the storytelling because you don't have to bend and twist everything around so that two action figures will throw rocks at each other
00:06:46The response is going to inevitably be but villain. Oh
00:07:00A villain is just unthinkable to some people even if it would drastically improve the storytelling because you don't have to bend and twist everything
00:07:06Around so that two action figures will throw rocks at each other. The response is going to inevitably be but villain. Oh
00:07:56There is a clip movie Bob uses of like this guy
00:08:02In a Batman costume
00:08:05Getting ready for like a new Batman show seeing that it's actually a Batgirl show and going but I want the moody loner
00:08:11Batman and I'm trying to find that I don't know what it's from though. I
00:08:17Think that might be the Simpsons clip
00:08:22No, I think I know it I
00:08:25Remember that clip that he used. I don't know where it's from, but it looked more like something like Animaniacs or
00:08:34Maybe Teen Titans go. Oh, yeah
00:08:43Hang on a second
00:08:49Okay, Raven the bulb Oh could be that
00:08:59Thank You autumn dasher and gem
00:09:06Gem always got us with the trivia
00:09:12Technically dasher post got there's posted first, but
00:09:17Thank you, I was just making a joke with Jim's here fair enough
00:09:26Batmite there he is
00:09:37Minister of floss reminded me of that one Simpsons clip
00:09:42With mr. Jazz or something
00:09:47But I've never actually watched that you actually
00:09:50Look up
00:10:00Now just need to actually find that clip was it from
00:10:06No, that was easy to find it
00:10:10Appearances might fall. Here we go season 3 episode 13. Okay
00:10:16Kim cartoon don't fail me now
00:10:25No one else got me Kim cartoon
00:11:09I Charles punch-punch-punch
00:11:19God you're a piracy site. Why do you need 18,000 fucking captions?
00:11:41That's valid flair
00:11:51It's just in 360p by default fuck
00:11:57And I can't find the good clips people have
00:12:02But villain no the last time I talked about avatar
00:12:05I pitched I need to have an unlisted playlist of just like all the clips I use
00:12:17The last time I talked about avatar I pitched the idea of an avatar after
00:12:56Here we go, let's see if I can find the image of a pouting man
00:13:05Thank you for pouting not thinking
00:13:21So the two action figures will throw rocks at each other the response is going to inevitably be but villain no
00:13:34Only the law
00:13:48But villain no the last time I talked about avatar
00:13:52I pitched the idea of an avatar after Korra whose primary point of conflict is the fact that she's always
00:13:57Cowering behind her sister. And after I pitched that idea, I was inundated with asks basically going villain villain
00:14:03Can we as a villain and when I kept saying no, my ideas were derided as boring
00:14:08Well, you know what?
00:14:08Things need to get a little boring once in a while
00:14:39I am slowly but surely getting my fine
00:14:48What can I do with a sub
00:14:51Notes are free. Don't have to pay marshmallows for people usually gift subs so they can give me money and also give
00:15:01Oh, yeah, I have a donate button for that
00:15:08I got you next paycheck
00:15:17The other benefit to well now that you have a sub you are officially in the cult which means you can never leave you can
00:15:23Never leave you can never leave
00:15:39I assume I was taking a little smaller amount. I didn't know they took 30%
00:15:49Guess the real benefit to a sub is that you can use the emotes outside of
00:15:54Lily stream so you could spam the Bonnie emote in like say preach stream, for example
00:16:38Soon I will be able to up my pledge
00:17:11That's one of the things I was playing once I get my finances over is buy me a
00:17:16Finally buy myself a canoe computer so I can actually use other things outside of my laptop and up my pledge
00:17:29You're very sweet cat girl, thank you
00:17:36I've been in three cults already and there's three more in my QT camp
00:17:40There's a cult near my house that keeps trying to recruit me no matter how many times I tell their homophobic gases that I'm gay
00:17:45Oh, yeah, here's the thing. If you tell if you tell a cult that you're gay, they're just gonna think I can fix her
00:17:52Yeah, I had like
00:18:02Like had to Jehovah's Witness came over like two weeks ago. It was such a weird
00:18:15Because they were so nicely dressed and everything and they're like, hey
00:18:19Have you heard of Jesus Christ? And it's like Jesus. It's like 80 degrees outside. You must be sweating
00:18:32I was talking about how two weeks ago. I had Jehovah's Witness come over to our house
00:18:41And I was like looking at them they were like in their seats and stuff and it's like
00:18:46It's like 80 degrees outside. You must be fucking dying
00:19:41You see the level one hype train emote nice I
00:19:46You know, I got I literally just got them up to level two for my own fight
00:19:55Am the sugar mama. Yeah, I don't actually I don't actually like the hype train emotes
00:20:00Stupid and I'd rather have custom emotes. I wish the hype train to give me would give me more emotes lots
00:20:09Yeah, oh
00:20:14The last time I talked about avatar
00:20:15I pitched the idea of an avatar after Korra whose primary point of conflict is the fact that she's always
00:20:20Cowering behind her sister and after I pitched that idea I was inundated with asked
00:20:24I should cut this Niva part because I already mentioned Niva at the start
00:20:28In the crew section actually
00:20:34Several videos ago
00:20:35I pitched an idea for a successor to Korra avatar Niva a rather flighty and skittish avatar who cowers behind her sister and has
00:20:41An arc about stepping out of the safety of her sister's shadow
00:20:43And after I gave that the first thing the comments started asking me about was animal companions and their team and after I said multiple
00:20:49Times there were none only her sister some people got bored and went to go do something else and to an extent I can
00:20:54Understand that it's hard to ignore the story in favor of shipping when the only two permanent characters are siblings not impossible
00:21:00But whenever a franchise has a trope that is considered mandatory to its identity the healthiest thing that the creators can do is complete
00:21:13The point you were trying to make on the other one is about how the value of having a villain stuff
00:21:19But I do think you might have to cut like half to but like
00:21:23And when I kept saying no need to get a little boring once in a while some of the best works of animation
00:21:29I've ever seen have no villain and Kanto doesn't have a villain only
00:21:41I forget did Wally have a villain
00:21:44So where the people and fandoms can step over them
00:21:48Mainly some people think that well we see villains usually exist as a as a roadblock. They're essentially the
00:21:55They're essentially a personalization of the protagonist character arc. The problem is fandom got really attached to villains because they're like
00:22:01sassy and have charisma
00:22:03Uh, and as a result villains are now considered to be mandatory
00:22:07Mandatory and if you dare not to have them you're going to have people decrying it being boring and it's just like
00:22:15Damn, I think you just are really not creative
00:22:21A lot of people talk about how nowadays villains tend to be some abstract concept but like
00:22:25I don't know if that's true
00:22:27I don't know if that's true
00:22:29I don't know if that's true
00:22:31I don't know if that's true
00:22:33I don't know if that's true
00:22:35Some abstract concept but like villains are always representations of an abstract concept
00:22:43this idea of making villains the real protagonist always kind of like
00:22:48It it it ignores the purpose of villains serves like, you know, it's funny
00:22:53you've probably heard it by now that everyone talks about how like oh
00:22:57villains the best villains are the ones that are
00:22:59Nuanced and probably don't think they're the villains and they have a point
00:23:03You've heard someone say that yeah
00:23:05Okay, now let's wait for the chat to catch up.
00:23:23Heard of it, okay.
00:23:26Now, what's the first memorable villain you can think of?
00:23:31Catgirl, go.
00:23:33Um, ooh, Xehanort, honestly.
00:23:38Nooblord, go.
00:23:39That's what...
00:23:40Margaret from that Dragon Age 2 game?
00:23:44Was that what her name was?
00:23:45Meredith, that was her name.
00:23:46Meredith, thank you.
00:23:48Now, chat, go.
00:24:00The Daleks.
00:24:05I was thinking about Harley Quinn.
00:24:12Yeah, ask anybody to name the most memorable villains they can think of, and they will
00:24:16name the exact opposite if something new wants to complicate it.
00:24:20All the time, honestly.
00:24:25You know who the last memorable villain that people love to the point that their name is
00:24:38You know what the last memorable video game villain was?
00:25:04Odin, God of War.
00:25:09That's like, who?
00:25:10This guy.
00:25:15Oh, yeah!
00:25:21Oh, that bastard.
00:25:31I don't even know his name, but I know him so much, because all the clips of him.
00:25:37Senator something Armstrong.
00:25:48Who is that?
00:25:49Senator Armstrong.
00:25:50He's the final boss of Metal Gear Rising Revengeance.
00:25:54And he's rather notorious for taking a story about how war is hell.
00:26:00And he basically goes, yes, war is hell, and I'm the fucking devil.
00:26:12Every clip of him is always, like, bombastic.
00:26:17Just, like, absurd.
00:26:20He just wanted...
00:26:21That is not what he wanted to do.
00:26:29Senator Armstrong.
00:26:30Oh, yeah.
00:26:41Don't fuck with this senator.
00:26:53Here's the thing.
00:26:54If a right-wing politician juiced himself up with nanomachines,
00:27:00shouted slogans, and then dropkicked a cyborg twink... cyborg twink...
00:27:05It's like, Tumblr gays would be voting for him like crazy.
00:27:16Leftism leaving their body the moment funny man running for president.
00:27:262016 be like.
00:27:37He's such a funky man.
00:27:39Oh, right.
00:27:40His first name is Steven.
00:27:55But he'd do the funny meme thing, though.
00:28:01He has the blood of thousands on his hands.
00:28:13You would be seeing thirst traps, like, on Erotic Joe's traps from him.
00:28:18Like, people making those edits.
00:28:27One of the best part...
00:28:28Zaheer literally is just Senator Armstrong, but boring.
00:28:34Yeah, pretty much.
00:28:36No, no, I mean completely.
00:28:39You don't have to see it, I'm about to show you.
00:29:16One second, I gotta mute this.
00:29:46There we go.
00:29:54Okay, I got it, I got it, I got the clip.
00:30:32So that's...
00:30:33That's Zaheer.
00:30:34This is Armstrong.
00:30:59They are the fucking same guy!
00:31:02Except one of them is HILARIOUS!
00:31:05And one of them is not.
00:31:08See, let's be honest.
00:31:09When Armstrong walks out, any sense of this being a serious...
00:31:15Any sense of...
00:31:16Why am I banging my desk?
00:31:17Any sense of this being a serious story vanishes, okay?
00:31:21He fucking charges his nanomachines doing a sumo stomp.
00:31:29There's a bit...
00:31:31Where Raiden suplexes him, and he goes flying.
00:31:35And he's like, looking around for it.
00:31:37And he like, scrambles to his feet, looking around for where the fuck Raiden went.
00:31:42And then looks underneath, between his own legs.
00:31:48Oh yeah, I remember that, yes.
00:31:58Wait a second!
00:32:00Oh god!
00:32:04He looks around for him, and he kicks him, and he's like...
00:32:08This is an actual game about how war is hell!
00:32:19Oh my god!
00:32:20It's like, the title is...
00:32:21Never forget, this is sort of an actual serious cutscene in a game about war profiteering and espionage.
00:32:27Like, this is the point where Metal Gear is like, yeah, we know we're fucking insane.
00:32:32Welcome to the time of our lives.
00:32:37Like, it's a whole game about...
00:32:39Let's be honest.
00:32:40This is a game about like, war...
00:32:41Yeah, like right here, about war profiteering.
00:32:44And it's kind of what Metal Gear has kind of always been about.
00:32:48So obviously, the ultimate Metal Gear villain is going to be the ultimate war profiteer.
00:32:53And so obviously, he's a fucking senator.
00:33:24An angel!
00:33:29Boo, angel!
00:33:32Oh no!
00:33:35But villain, no!
00:33:37Encanto doesn't have a villain!
00:33:51Things need to get a little boring.
00:33:52Some of the best...
00:34:04Encanto doesn't have a villain.
00:34:05No, she was not.
00:34:09Wasn't the grandma in Encanto kind of the antagonist of the story?
00:36:10I can't remember, does Hotel Transylvania have a villain at all?
00:36:37Um, no. Not really.
00:36:40Yeah, it's just racism, isn't it?
00:36:43Yeah, pretty much.
00:36:45The truth is, you and Mavis are family. You think?
00:36:50If she must give her trust to someone else, I'm thankful that it is you, Jonathan.
00:36:56I hope you can hear me, and forgive me.
00:37:14Okay, folks, we're going to make a quick turnaround to refuel, and then we'll be back on our way.
00:37:37...of animation I've ever seen have no villain.
00:37:46...of animation I've ever seen have no villain.
00:37:49Encanto doesn't have a villain.
00:37:50Only Yesterday doesn't have a villain, unless you count urbanism as a concept.
00:37:53A Place Further Than the Universe doesn't have a villain.
00:37:56They're all amazing.
00:37:57We had an entire phase where Disney films...
00:37:59I- I didn't even...
00:38:17Oh, lord.
00:38:19What have I done?
00:38:23I hate it when they have multiple tracks.
00:38:43My creative mind...
00:38:45My creative writing mind is like someone who went to creative classes.
00:38:49It's like, there's so many differences between villain and catalyst and characters.
00:38:56Grandma Encanto was like weird. She was so reasonable once talked to that it makes you wonder how the problems even came to be, LaMau.
00:39:05Um, according to some friends of mine, apparently it's a common aspect in Hispanic households that you just never question the matriarch of the family, even when they're being obviously wrong.
00:39:14Which isn't kind of unique there, it's kind of the case in like, every crap family, but...
00:39:19Same theme as in Turning Red.
00:39:32This is gonna be a while.
00:39:35Dime die we all pass away.
00:39:57I like your humming.
00:39:59Oh, thanks.
00:40:01Me too.
00:40:05Oh, what did I do?
00:40:07Oh dear.
00:40:29Oh, we developed this idea of like, Bonnie describes Warcraft lore, and we developed an entire spreadsheet that looks like a child drew it.
00:40:51I kind of want it to have like...
00:40:56Maybe I should use it.
00:40:58Sorry, no.
00:40:59You first.
00:41:01Like she, like you see like, the mouth and it's moving it kind of feel.
00:41:08That would be so cute.
00:41:14Anytime someone talks it would zoom in and you'd see Bonnie's fingers flapping up and down.
00:41:26Yeah, if Bonnie made a...
00:41:28Sorry, I was gonna say what you were gonna say, Newborn.
00:41:34Yeah, if Bonnie does end up making a lore guide I might use that as my notes for a WoW Rewrite VH.
00:41:58I trust Bonnie to get to the point.
00:42:01Better more than I trust the WoW writers.
00:42:04Where did I put that thing?
00:42:05Potential queen.
00:42:15Okay, maybe that one crack ship idea I had wasn't so, like, wasn't so off.
00:42:23It wasn't so out of left field as I thought it was.
00:42:29Oh, here we go.
00:42:30Or the season eventually devolves into positioning it as two squabbling factions refusing to get along with no systemic power being wielded between each other.
00:42:37Like the way your high school history teacher positioned Israel and Palestine.
00:42:40Tensions between...
00:42:51It's so true it hurts.
00:42:56I feel like there's a better example we could use for the right picture, but I would not...
00:43:02My butt would not be able to beat the one joke allocations.
00:43:16I think I know what you mean.
00:44:13Yeah, a little bit.
00:44:21Oh, wait, no.
00:44:22This one.
00:44:26Oh, yeah, that would absolutely be very accurate.
00:44:34Kind of love this frame, lol.
00:44:38You know what the funny part is?
00:44:39The one on the left still has that undercurrent of propaganda to it.
00:44:47Thank you, Hika.
00:44:49Thank you, too, Hika.
00:44:55I'm staying up late so my sleep paralysis demon has turned in for the night.
00:44:58Good luck with the video and have a good day.
00:45:00Good day.
00:45:01All right.
00:45:02Good night, Flare.
00:45:03Let's hope your sleep paralysis demon doesn't turn out to be me.
00:45:15Oh, I just imagined your profile pic as a sleep paralysis demon.
00:45:22I would lose my mind.
00:45:31Not gonna lie, if Lily was my sleep paralysis demon, I would just not be bothered in the slightest.
00:45:36Just like, oh, hi, Lily.
00:45:37How you doing?
00:45:38Oh, cool.
00:45:39You're in real life.
00:45:41I just thought you were on the computer.
00:45:43I think I would be a little freaked out if someone who's all the way in Canada just suddenly showed up in Florida in my room.
00:45:54That would be a little...
00:46:19Fuse him walking down the streets.
00:46:21That's the point, Lily.
00:46:22He's fat.
00:46:23All of this is...
00:46:24I've ever seen have no villain.
00:46:26Encanto doesn't have...
00:46:36It's kind of interesting how, like, all CGI animators ever needed was, like, one film where someone teaches them a new way to animate, and now every fucking CG movie is doing it now.
00:46:49Some of the best works of animation I've ever seen have no villain.
00:46:52Encanto doesn't have a villain.
00:46:54Only Yesterday doesn't have a villain, unless you count Urbanism as a...
00:47:00I always kind of like the knock-on effect that has.
00:47:03It's like, in one, like...
00:47:05What's his name?
00:47:06Genndy Tartakovsky teaches all his animators, like, no, you can break these things, and I insist that you do.
00:47:13And then all of them end up going on to work on other movies, and then someone's looking over their shoulder like, what the hell are you doing?
00:47:19And it's like, oh, well, you see, it's this thing this other guy showed me, you see?
00:47:22And then that just starts a chain reaction over and over again.
00:47:29That's called croture and growth, baby.
00:47:32I love 3D animation.
00:47:33It's all smoke and mirrors.
00:47:35Oh, yeah, they showed, like, a bunch of, like, behind-the-camera bits of just, like, how much they have to absolutely break character models in order to get shots they want.
00:47:50It's always so fun to watch any, like, behind-the-scenes animations for 3D, because it's just like, damn, you guys did all that.
00:47:59Like, this is what that shot looks like in the actual film.
00:48:06And this is what it looks like when they were animating it.
00:48:20Create the horrors to make the show.
00:48:24In Luca, they get this effect of, like, the mouth opens, and it's, like, this 2D effect of, like, literally nothing behind it.
00:48:32And then you look at how much they had to do to make that work.
00:48:42I used to have an FOV mod for Mass Effect 3, and it was a primitive version of it, because this was, like, back in, like, 2013.
00:48:52And it would affect cutscenes, so there was a keybind. You press, like, 0 on the nubpad to reset to normal during cutscenes, and then you press 1 to, like, get back to a high FOV for gameplay.
00:49:02But I was like, sometimes I would just watch a cutscene with the affected FOV, and you see how much, like, happens behind the scenes to make cutscenes work.
00:49:14Characters' feet are clipping through the floor, because it's not gonna be seen.
00:49:18And shit like that.
00:49:36What's this weird aspect ratio that-
00:49:46Weren't there about that, too.
00:49:52And Kanto doesn't have a villain. Only Yesterday doesn't have a villain, unless you count urbanism as a concept. A place further than the uni-
00:50:03Oh, that's why no one watched The Good Dinosaur.
00:50:08Sorry, I'm looking at something else, ignore me.
00:50:34Uh, I know I used a clip of Only Yesterday in here somewhere. I don't remember where I actually put the fucking thing, so...
00:51:27There you are.
00:52:12No shoes?
00:52:44Come on.
00:52:54Hm, don't like that.
00:53:30What's the best clip for this?
00:53:32Oh, I know.
00:54:01If I saw it, it was years ago.
00:54:04No, decades ago.
00:54:06No, decades ago. Alright, nevermind, not important.
00:54:09What's up, Catgirls?
00:54:11I was just saying it's a good movie.
00:54:50Ah, Moana smells so real good.
00:55:48I don't even know how they got out of the writing room.
00:55:53Like, hey, let's make it dark.
00:56:03Yeah, let's make it dark avatar.
00:56:05Why? Just because.
00:56:16It's not over yet!
01:00:34I forgot that energy bending is also able for other people. I always just thought only the avatar could do it
01:00:41And now this is a water bending technique
01:00:45He discovers a bending technique that has been lost to benders for some time
01:00:48He's clearly done a lot of work communing with the spirit world and even suggested their proximity to the portals makes water benders
01:00:54Inherently more in tune with the spirits than most other benders if they had stuck to this it
01:01:15If they had stuck to this it would have been so cool
01:01:18Even if ultimately unilock had to lose because independence is always better than assimilation
01:01:22You'd have had people debating that outcome for years
01:01:24And I think the reason they didn't stick to it was because it was too debatable audiences will
01:01:31Oh, what do you want?
01:01:40So cool, even if ultimately unilock had to lose because independence is always better than assimilation you'd have had people
01:01:46Man, I want to see a cartoon where the villain is voiced by john viner
01:01:54Oh, I would love that
01:01:59Uh, how do you
01:02:04Have you spelled that last name v-i-e-n-e-r
01:02:22One second
01:02:50He's also on family guy himself john viner is like
01:02:54John viner is like one of the generic voices on family guy. He was also on phineas and ferb
01:03:13Here it is
01:03:23Thanks to the training I received in the empire I have all the skills I need to make it in the real world
01:03:30The empire gi bill helped me finish school. Hey, wait, that's mcfarlane and I met my wife and here it is
01:03:36We had our honeymoon on alderaan. Good thing. We took pictures, huh?
01:03:41The empire chasing rebel scum pictures
01:03:47Yeah, this part is viner the empire chasing rebel scum
01:03:52Killing luke's aunt and uncle telling people to move along the empire our ships are big triangles
01:04:06Yeah, it's that voice you you recognize it from family guy, but until someone tells you who it is
01:04:11You like it's like once someone tells you who it is. You're like, oh, yeah that voice
01:04:20Jaden animation jump scare white white woman jumps. Wait. No, hang on jayden's not white. Never mind
01:04:33He's of asian descent
01:04:41But I was gonna say he's like, um
01:04:44God I forgot the voice actor that deep voice guy
01:04:50That's always um, he was in chicken little
01:04:56God what was his name? Because he's always like showing up in different voice
01:05:04Ah, I forgot his name
01:05:06Name gustavo recruitment ad
01:05:12So, yeah, anyway, I want a villain who has that voice I would love it
01:05:20Yes, patrick, yes jim, thank you that guy's fucking everything
01:05:31Unlock had to lose because independence is always better than assimilation. You'd have had people debating that outcome for years and I
01:05:38Hi, come visit. I bet they
01:05:42You're an honorable man. I know uncle my parents had nothing to do with the men who attacked you i'm sure you're right
01:05:49So we should have nothing to worry about i've appointed judge hota. I can't believe you're doing this to your own
01:05:55It's held meetings with
01:05:58You're making a mistake man, I know uncle my parents had
01:06:08Three years and I think the reason they didn't stick to it was because it was too debatable audiences will often claim they like
01:06:13Morally great conflicts, but they tend to balk immediately once presented with one because oftentimes the decision
01:06:19dependence am I
01:06:25Conflicts but they tend to balk immediately once presented with one because oftentimes the decision comes down to personal politics
01:06:31I really like the conflict of the civil war, even though i've already firmly staked aside
01:06:36Where's yours?
01:06:37For ember good
01:06:39Yeah, they're just the
01:06:43Think you're tough, huh duty to republic
01:06:56How about you take a break from all this avatar stuff and we go out for a quiet dinner just the two of us
01:07:08Isn't this fun, huh
01:07:11we never get to spend enough time together just the
01:07:14five of us
01:07:16so fun
01:07:18Excuse us while we retrieve more sustenance
01:07:25You guys gotta save me I thought you were breaking up with her what happened to ripping off the leech I tried
01:07:32But anytime I bring up the subject she threatens to freeze me in a block of ice and feed me to dolphin piranhas
01:07:38So it was more like you tugged at the leech. Yes over and over
01:07:50I really like the conflict of the civil war
01:07:52Even though i've already firmly staked aside the argument can be made that unity is better for both tribes
01:07:57And I don't have an argument against that more nuanced than I don't care no to assimilation
01:08:01But I don't think a lot of people like doing that
01:08:03I've been doing this job for a long time and i've experienced that when it comes to ideological battles like this
01:08:08People really don't like having to pick a side simply because of the idea that they could be wrong the internet
01:08:27You ruined my wedding
01:08:38Like doing that i've been doing this job for a long time and i've experienced that when it comes to ideological battles like this
01:08:43People really don't like having to pick a side simply because of the idea that they could be wrong
01:08:48The internet loves to argue subjectivity all the time, but that's usually just because fans feel entitled to be agreed with in a city
01:09:13Activity all the time, but that's usually just because fans feel entitled to be agreed with it
01:09:18Don't like eska tbh. I kind of like eska and desna
01:09:24Esca just has the it just
01:09:27the writers
01:09:28Decided to have that whole thing with bull in
01:09:31Yeah, remove the bull in stuff and eska and desna are kind of fun
01:09:56You were amazed to mother
01:09:59But he was already few
01:10:01I'm, sorry about your father, but he was already fused with vatu
01:10:05I couldn't save him. It seems cousin. Cora is under the impression. We are saddened by our father's demise
01:10:12But I will not miss him at all in the end. He became a deplorable man
01:10:18But how will we explain this to mother?
01:10:21So I was thinking I keep on forgetting. Oh, I was indeed married
01:10:34Like oh, yeah
01:10:50Where is it
01:11:03Oh god, where is it?
01:11:18Oh, yeah
01:11:21We bring with us something the spirits never had
01:11:27Spirits had 10 000 years to open this portal if they could not succeed
01:11:32What makes you think we will by entering the spirit world through the portal?
01:11:36We bring with us something the spirits never had
01:11:39I guess the royal waterfall come off screen
01:11:48Join me together we can open this portal
01:12:07Leave him keep bending
01:12:11He needs a healer at once this is more important
01:12:19He needs a healer at once this is more important
01:12:30I'm taking him back
01:12:35I just leave. Yeah
01:12:52That's got truly cares for her brother. Hell yeah
01:13:10I think desmo's the only one eska considers to be her equal. Yeah
01:13:31Could excuse genocide, but I draw the line of hurting my brother is such a w for her
01:13:44She's a true ride or die for real
01:13:55Have to put this in chat because if I say it on stream people are gonna bitch at me for years
01:14:05I have no judgment in my body
01:14:18uh in a situation like this someone would have to ideologically pick a side without the immediate reassurance of which side is the correct one
01:14:25and in the middle of the season they might
01:14:30Increase security around the spirit portal
01:14:36I need you to
01:14:38God, you know like the fact that she's in like full wedding regalia is like bolin straight up left her at the altar
01:14:51Someone would have to ideologically pick a side without the immediate reassurance of which side
01:14:56General leaves like what the fuck?
01:15:07And in the middle of the season they might pick one that loses so instead all of that interesting character work that could have put
01:15:12Kreia to shame as a character was all and say it with me now a fucking
01:15:24We can't nothing bruise people ego more than the idea that they can be wrong
01:15:38All of that interesting character work that could have put kreia to shame as a character was all and say it with me now
01:15:44a fucking lie
01:15:45The brilliance and nuance of the first three episodes ends up being a falsehood as it turns out
01:15:49Not only did unalak get tanrak banished from the northern water tribe
01:15:52But had effectively jury rigged the trial against the rebels to both get them out
01:15:58Room for one more
01:16:02Do this you take their lives and i'll take yours
01:16:10Get them out of the way and seem merciful enough to keep korra on his side up until this point
01:16:15Korra's ability to get unalak to otherwise
01:16:17Did unalak get tanrak banished from the northern water tribe?
01:16:20But had effectively jury rigged the trial against the rebels to both get them out of the way and seem merciful enough to keep korra
01:16:26On his side up until this point korra's ability to get unalak to otherwise
01:16:32Up until this point korra's ability to get
01:16:39Very well
01:16:41You're telling me i'm delusional we should have uncle boomy and aunt kaya come visit I bet they'd like it too. Let's not
01:16:48They'll only spoil our good mood. What do you mean?
01:16:51Aunt kaya is super nice and pretty and always asks me how i'm feeling
01:16:55And uncle boomy is like the funniest person in the world. But what about milo?
01:16:59He's hilarious too you never know what's going to come out of his mouth
01:17:03And ginora can be so sweet and gentle and mean
01:17:08and bossy
01:17:10Being part of a family is hard, huh? Daddy. I couldn't agree with you more. What what do you mean?
01:17:19I I love that scene between them
01:17:22Oh, yeah
01:17:22I got finds ikki finds uh finds her like doing it's like these are my new brothers and sisters sits down
01:17:27It's like all right. It's like oh, can they be my new brothers and sisters, too?
01:17:33He's such a good dad
01:17:35How about tenzing gets schooled by his own daughter and she doesn't even realize it?
01:17:39I don't know. I always wondered how much of this is tenzing getting schooled by his own daughter and how much like no
01:17:43You know what? Nobody's getting schooled. They're both learning from each other
01:17:48Yeah, like the whole point of the scenes they both realize
01:17:52Yeah, our siblings are pretty good. We may have issues, but I do like my siblings
01:18:09It's just a very sweet scene
01:18:15Michaela pitched the idea to me of like neva and lavi existing during the time that it would have otherwise been taken up by cora
01:18:25And just like when when thinking of like neva's waterbending teacher neva would absolutely just really vibe with eska
01:18:35Okay, that's really cute
01:18:38They had the same energy communication between this brain
01:18:57Neva having a waterbending lesson while like lavi and desna are just sitting on the side watching because like hell they're going anywhere
01:19:11Arms to arm forever
01:19:13Up until this point cora's ability to get unalak to otherwise take more reasonable measures was one of the main examples of why she
01:19:19not only
01:19:26Glad I got here and
01:19:27Thank you for saving my life
01:19:29To freeze in prison with the rest of these traitors
01:19:33You can't just lock them away. That will only make the south angrier. You want them to go free. No
01:19:39But let them stand trial for what they did
01:19:42Up until this point, Korra's ability to get Unalaq to otherwise take more reasonable
01:19:51measures was one of the main examples of why she not only will be a good avatar, but that
01:19:55she already is.
01:19:56She's mitigating a situation that every side involved would love to see escalate for
01:20:09good or ill.
01:20:10In a revelation that this was all Unalaq's desired outcome, Korra is instead recast as
01:20:14a Rube, being easily manipulated by obvious villains.
01:21:04idea of Tonraq and Unalaq both being increasing problems for the stability of their tribe,
01:21:08both with good intentions, but both letting their dysfunctional relationships get in the
01:21:50better of them, is really interesting, it's the best part of the season, but because that's
01:22:05too complicated, Breit throws it away at the first possible opportunity.
01:22:46In a revelation that this was all Unalaq's desired outcome, Korra is instead recast as
01:23:02a Rube, being easily manipulated by obvious villains.
01:23:45The idea of Tonraq and Unalaq both being increasing problems for the stability of their tribe,
01:23:51but both letting their dysfunctional relationships get in the better of them, is really interesting,
01:23:55it's the best part of the season, but because that's too complicated, Breit throws it away
01:24:00at the first possible opportunity.
01:24:02In a revelation that this was all Unalaq's desired outcome, Korra is instead recast as
01:24:08a Rube, being easily manipulated by obvious villains.
01:24:22Plot by Unalaq, right down to Tonraq's own failings just being more shit Unalaq manipulated
01:24:27behind the scenes.
01:24:28Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:31to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:34Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:37to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:40Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:41to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:42Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:43to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:44Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:45to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:46Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:47to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:48Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:49to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:50Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:51to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:52Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:53to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:54Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:55to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:56Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:57to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:24:58Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:24:59to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:00Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:01to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:02Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:03to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:04Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:11to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:12Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:13to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:14Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:15to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:16Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:17to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:18Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:19to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:20Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:21to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:22Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:23to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:24Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:25to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:26Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:27to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:28Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:29to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:30Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:31to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:32Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:33to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:34Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:25:35to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:25:36Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:02to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:03Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:04to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:05Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:06to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:07Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:08to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:09Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:10to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:11Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:12to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:13Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:14to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:15Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:16to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:17Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:18to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:19Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:20to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:21Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:22to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:23Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:24to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:25Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:26to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:27Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:28to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:29Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:30to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:31Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:32to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:33Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:34to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:35Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:36to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:37Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:38to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:39Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:40to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:41Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:42to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:43Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:44to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:45Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:46to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:47Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:48to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:49Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:50to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:51Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:52to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:53Just like with the first season, there was the chance for a really interesting approach
01:26:54to the story, and instead Breit chose Rube.
01:26:56Nice to meet you, Blueberry Spicehead.
01:26:59And that's Princess Rainbow.
01:27:01And that's Twinkle Starchild.
01:27:02And that's Juniper Lightningbug.
01:27:03They're my new brothers and sisters.
01:27:05New ones, huh?
01:27:07Can they be my new brothers and sisters too?
01:27:16Tenzin, Kaeya, and Bumi, and their dysfunctional relationship.
01:27:19Watching the first three episodes of the season, I was on the edge of my seat in a way that
01:27:23I haven't been since KOTOR 2.
01:27:25Then the judge confessed everything to Korra, and I deflated completely.
01:27:53Avatar Korra.
01:27:56Connect with the past avatars.
01:27:59As your father could tell you.
01:28:02As your father could tell you, I've spent my-
01:28:09Watching the first three episodes of the season, I was on the edge of my seat in a way that
01:28:13I haven't been since KOTOR 2.
01:28:15Then the judge confessed everything to Korra, and I deflated completely.
01:28:18We were on the verge of crying.
01:28:21But had effectively jur-
01:28:32Then the judge confessed everything to Korra, and I deflated completely.
01:28:35We were on the verge of greatness.
01:28:37We were this close.
01:28:46We were on the verge of greatness.
01:28:48We were this close.
01:28:49So, on to the worst part of the season.
01:28:51After Korra fails to get aid from the United Republic, she tries to go to the Fire Nation for-
01:28:55So, on to the worst part of the season.
01:28:57After Korra fails to get aid from the United Republic, she tries to go to the Fire Nation for help.
01:29:00Because that-
01:29:03Jobs first may-
01:29:09A lot kidnaps-
01:29:10So I decided to come to you to-
01:29:12A single vessel leads this-
01:29:15As you were.
01:29:16I hate that guy!
01:29:18I'm sorry.
01:29:19My hands are officially tied.
01:29:21I understand.
01:29:23Thanks anyway.
01:29:24But you should talk to the Fire Lord.
01:29:26My mother and grandfather have always been good friends of the Avatar, and the Southern Water Tribe.
01:29:31Hi Jim!
01:29:33Hey Jim!
01:29:36After Korra fails to get aid from the United Republic, she tries to go to the Fire Nation for help.
01:29:41The Republic she-
01:29:48The Republic she tries to go to the Fire Nation for help.
01:30:02Because that's not a terrible idea that will cause a global diplomatic incident at all.
01:30:05But she's intercepted by both-
01:30:10Nothing can go wrong with you, Glenn.
01:30:29Security on-
01:30:30Top of your homies!
01:30:32In that, you'll have my-
01:30:34Another one unless-
01:30:36Kuvira is a threat to the world!
01:30:38She has to-
01:30:39Provoked attack!
01:30:40Neither will the Fire Nation!
01:30:42But Fire Lord Izumi!
01:30:43Kuvira is a threat to the world!
01:30:45She has to be stopped!
01:30:46The Fire Nation has spent too-
01:30:48The Fire Nation has spent too much of its history fighting nonsense wars.
01:30:53And I refuse to drag my nation into another one unless there's no other choice.
01:31:03Because that's not a terrible idea that will cause a global diplomatic incident at all.
01:31:06But she's intercepted by both-
01:31:17Because that's not a terrible idea that will cause a global diplomatic incident at all.
01:31:20But she's intercepted by both-
01:31:22Diplomatic incident at all.
01:31:23But she's intercepted by both-
01:31:47Because that's not a terrible idea that will cause a global diplomatic incident at all.
01:31:51But she's intercepted by both Esca and Desna and then later a Dark Spirit.
01:31:54And she's knocked out and washes up on the shore of the Fire Nation island.
01:31:57In the process of healing herself-
01:31:58In a way, like, Umi's voice-
01:32:00Um, let's, let's kind of match up with your voice line.
01:32:17She's intercepted by both Esca and Desna and then later a Dark-
01:32:20She's intercepted by both Esca and Desna and then later a Dark Spirit and she-
01:32:35And then later a Dark Spirit and she's knocked-
01:32:37And then later a Dark Spirit-
01:32:39Esca and Desna and then later a Dark Spirit and she's knocked out and washes up on the shore-
01:32:46And then later a Dark Spirit and she's knocked-
01:33:00Wait for me!
01:33:03It's okay.
01:33:04Wait for me!
01:33:05Who's Avatar Korra?
01:33:25And she's knocked out and washes up on the shore of the Fire Nation island.
01:33:28In the process of healing herself, Korra is made to have a vision about the first Avatar, Wan.
01:33:35Energy has infected her.
01:33:37We must-
01:33:42A dark energy has infected her.
01:33:47We must-
01:33:52In the process of healing herself, Korra is made to have a vision about the first Avatar, Wan.
01:33:56And just like how Lion Turtle Deus Ex Machina ruined what was otherwise an interesting per-
01:34:00And just like how Lion Turtle Deus Ex Machina ruined what was otherwise an interesting per-
01:34:14All the lies in the-
01:34:16All the lies in the-
01:34:17Are expecting me to end someone's-
01:34:26A Lion Turtle.
01:34:31Maybe you can help me.
01:34:34Even my own past lives.
01:34:36Are expecting me to end someone's life.
01:34:40But I don't know if I can do it.
01:34:42The true mind can weather all the lies and illusions without-
01:35:14Lion Turtle Deus Ex Machina ruined what was otherwise an interesting personal conflict for Aang.
01:35:18It's about to further ruin an already ruined story.
01:35:21Look, a lot of people like beginnings.
01:35:23Out of everything in Korra, beginnings is considered by many to be the best-
01:35:31Predictable choices.
01:35:32Will you choose One Piece instead or
01:35:41Will you choose One Piece instead or
01:35:46But I can help you find her.
01:35:55It's about to further ruin an already ruined story.
01:35:58Look, a lot of people like beginnings, out of everything in Korra
01:36:28Beginnings is considered by many to be the best part, but the reason for that is because
01:36:55But the reason for that is because it's a self-contained story with its own three-act
01:37:11structure. It's a reminder to an audience that doesn't realize it,
01:37:40that episodic storytelling is just inherently more satisfying to watch,
01:37:44even if serialization is considered more prestigious.
01:37:47So I understand why almost everyone loves begin-
01:38:11So I understand why almost everyone loves beginnings,
01:38:19I've been banging that drum since serialization started becoming more widespread.
01:38:23But in the process of getting there, you're given a massive lore dump that
01:38:26completely retcons everything Avatar has established up to this point.
01:38:46Who was the villain of the last airbender on a conceptual level? Imperialism.
01:38:53Who was the villain of the first season? A charlatan.
01:38:56Who was the villain of the third season? A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron.
01:39:00Who was the villain of the fourth season?
01:39:01Literally every single country ever victimized by settler colonialism ever.
01:39:23Who was the villain of the last airbender on a conceptual level? Imperialism.
01:39:46Who was the villain of the first season? A charlatan.
01:39:48Who was the villain of the third season? A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron.
01:39:52Who was-
01:40:02Is insane.
01:40:03But his reign-
01:40:04Ult has a master-
01:40:10Who was the villain of the first season? A charlatan.
01:40:12Who was the villain of the third season? A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron.
01:40:16Who was the villain of the fourth season?
01:40:22Who was the villain of the third season? A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron.
01:40:33Who was the villain of the third season? A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron.
01:40:39City, but it seems your reports were-
01:40:42Seems your reports-
01:40:49A greedy monarch-
01:40:50A greedy monarch-
01:40:52A greedy monarch and a-
01:40:54A gree-
01:40:57A greedy monarch and a-
01:41:06In her system too long.
01:41:10I'm here.
01:41:11I'm never gonna let you-
01:41:12No! No! You don't understand. The revolution has already begun. Chaos is a natural order of all-
01:41:24A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron. Who was the villain of the fourth season?
01:41:31A greedy monarch and a short-sighted moron. Who was the villain of the fourth season?
01:41:39A natural order of all-
01:41:41You see what I did there? I put a sock in it. Literally.
01:41:48I do what I do.
01:41:52who is the villain of the fourth season literally every single country ever victimized by settler
01:42:01colonialism ever who is the villain of season two the devil the bandits were sending troops
01:42:09to handle the villain of the fourth season literally every single country ever victimized
01:42:21by settler colonialism ever who is the villain of season two the devil
01:42:56the devil the fucking devil as the devil the fucking devil fucking devil
01:43:08he was like a big boss of hell himself
01:43:22you know i'm gonna do that
01:43:30do this better oh thank you alistair
01:43:50the fucking devil the devil the fucking devil the fucking devil as
01:44:06the fucking devil as we learn the great spirit
01:44:20of rava and vatu are in a constant battle for dominance every 10 000 years to determine
01:44:32whether the world will enter 10 000 years of puppies and candy or 10 000 years of diarrhea
01:44:37forever now the conflict
01:44:53you can never go wrong with a good poop joke
01:45:09a puppy is the candy or at least a thousand years of diarrhea
01:45:14now now now i'm about to hang on
01:45:30oh boy
01:45:31oh no hang on i'm not done yet
01:45:43yeah need a bigger one than that
01:46:02there we go that'll do
01:46:22you also got it perfectly finished
01:46:45lily's noble adobe fireworks or pirate copy of adobe fireworks versus noob lord's wretched
01:46:52i'll hang on a second
01:47:22diaries are forever
01:47:42everyone gets a puppy diarrhea forever
01:47:47hell is forever but every hell is replaced with diarrhea
01:47:55okay guys
01:48:46a great spiral
01:49:13they look like the morale the morality symbols for jade empire
01:49:17i mean they don't really but that's definitely how jade empire would work
01:49:25devil the fucking devil as we learn the great spirits of rava and vatu are in a constant battle
01:49:30for dominance every 10 000 years to determine whether the world will enter 10 000 years of
01:49:34puppies and candy or 10 000 years of diarrhea forever now the conflict team robin
01:49:56i thought we first see them they're rolling around like fucking siblings in a cartoon fighting
01:50:10as we learn the great spirits of rava and vatu are in a constant battle for dominance every
01:50:1410 000 years to determine whether the world will enter 10 000 years of puppies and candy
01:50:18or 10 000 years of diarrhea forever now the conflict team rob everyone gets a puppy diarrhea
01:50:34forever now the conflict team robin vatu is a lot like republic city just like how republic city is
01:50:4410 percent hong kong 10 percent beijing and 80 percent new york city rava and vatu are 20
01:50:49percent zoroastrianism and 80 percent christianity moral
01:50:56and you human
01:51:02i don't think team robin vatu is a lot like republic city just like
01:51:25what is it nothing just saw a cursed name in a video game oh how cursed
01:51:34uh mediocre curse but what was it tell me all right all right i was just a poorly spelled uh
01:51:45sexual word you went down all right
01:52:28it's in the
01:54:21republic city just like how
01:54:53it's for cora i want to make sure she's safe do what you want it's not like i've ever been able to
01:54:58stop you before i know what i'm doing and the risks that come with it in that case i'm going
01:55:03to be by your side during the match you don't need to babysit me it's for cora i want to make
01:55:09sure she's safe do what you want it's not like i've ever been able to stop you before
01:55:14excuse me chief i wanted to thank you for your help it really means a lot
01:55:21what is her deal even when she's on my side she's against me
01:55:26that's tano i'll rest the time
01:55:30me you kiss i also think you're pretty amazing look sometimes
01:55:39reigning champs
01:55:45hit him
01:56:00that's we are being locked up in this
01:56:18republic city is 10 hong kong 10 beijing and 80 new york city rava and vatu are 20
01:56:24zoroastrianism and 80 christianity moral dualism never really had its
01:56:30if you're a friend to spirits then use your fire to help me break free don't
01:56:37in 80 christianity moral dualism never really had its place in avatar things were always more
01:56:47complicated than this but this is twice now break has used moral dualism to write their
01:56:51way out of a more interesting more complicated more nuanced story
01:57:10lifetimes before the first of your kind crawled out of the mud