Working on Korra Video V 2:3

  • 2 months ago


00:00:00That's amazing! Here, try it.
00:00:17Bolin? Is that you?
00:00:20What are you doing?
00:00:22Oh, hey ladies! I was just, uh, I was just looking for Pabu. Pabu!
00:00:27He's on your shoulder.
00:00:29Oh, look! There you are! You know, I thought something was chewing on my ear. I'm probably going to need to get a shot.
00:00:34Bolin, do you want to learn to metalbend, too?
00:00:37Pabu is sort of a venom. A venom.
00:00:39Anyway, so what are you guys doing? You're metalbending over here or something?
00:00:41Want to give it a shot?
00:00:42Nah, it's okay. I mean, only, like, one earthbender in a hundred can metalbend.
00:00:46Well, don't believe everything you hear. The only thing limiting you is your attitude.
00:00:49You know, well, maybe I'll just, I'll just stay and watch.
00:01:00Try to focus on the fine pieces of earth within the metal.
00:01:09I can't believe it! I'm metalbending!
00:01:12Wow, you picked that up really, really quick. Guess you're that one in a hundred.
00:01:17Great job.
00:01:18Yeah, she's the Avatar.
00:01:22The Avatar could learn every bending technique.
00:01:24Calling all units. Robbery reported on the corner of Biff and Harbor.
00:01:27Suspect vehicle headed south on Howe Boulevard. Units responding, identify.
00:01:31Unit three, respond.
00:01:32Unit three, respond.
00:01:54Ooh, your coma looks good.
00:01:57Thank you.
00:02:03She can even bend you over, Bolin, if you so desire. Oh, wow.
00:02:07Look, let's be honest. Let's be honest.
00:02:09After this show, Asami mastered the art of Avatar bending.
00:02:33You owe Opal an apology for the way you treated her last night.
00:02:37Are you okay? You don't look good.
00:02:39I'm fine.
00:02:46What did you do to me?
00:02:48I tried to warn you.
00:02:51Come with me. Let's go finish the session.
00:02:55Just relax and breathe.
00:02:59So you're robbing stores with the Terra Triad now?
00:03:02I didn't steal anything. I just drove the car.
00:03:04I owed my friends a favor. It's not a big deal.
00:03:06I'm not letting you get away with this.
00:03:08What are you going to do, officer? Arrest me?
00:03:12Don't even think about taking one more step.
00:03:43Good afternoon. Where are you off to today?
00:03:45I, uh, got a delivery to make in Bayou. I should be back later today.
00:03:51You all right?
00:03:52Yeah, just a little tired. One more pickup, then I'm clocking out.
00:03:55I thought you said you had a delivery.
00:03:58Did I?
00:04:00I'm going to need you to step out of the vehicle and open the back of the truck.
00:04:10Hey, get back here!
00:04:18Let's get out of here!
00:04:28Let's get out of here!
00:04:59Hmm? Hmm?
00:05:05Hey, Balloon!
00:05:07Oval! Oh, wow. You really know how to sneak up on someone.
00:05:11What are you doing?
00:05:12Oh, nothing. You know, just thinking about my body and mustaches that I might have in the future.
00:05:19You're acting weird again.
00:05:21Sorry. I wasn't really thinking about all my mustaches. I'm just frustrated.
00:05:26I've been trying to metal-bend, and I can't figure it out.
00:05:29Don't tell anyone, okay?
00:05:30Why not?
00:05:31Because it's embarrassing. This isn't the first time I've tried.
00:05:34I mean, I've been wanting to metal-bend ever since I heard about Toph.
00:05:37Your grandmother is my biggest hero.
00:05:40My mom grew up learning from Toph. Just go train with her. Stop being so scared.
00:05:44You know what? Maybe I am scared, but what about you?
00:05:46I know that you want to go to the Northern Air Temple to train with Tenzin,
00:05:49but you haven't done it because you're afraid, too.
00:05:52You know what? You're right. I don't want to leave my family and disappoint my mom.
00:05:57Look at us. Talking about our feelings. Supporting each other.
00:06:02It's nice.
00:06:14What were you thinking? And what were you thinking?
00:06:17You two have put me in an impossible position.
00:06:19You're mad at me? She's the one who was running around with criminals.
00:06:22This is all your fault. I was doing my job.
00:06:24All right, enough!
00:06:26Here's what we're going to do.
00:06:27Su, you need to leave the city as soon as possible.
00:06:30What? Where am I supposed to go?
00:06:32You'll go stay with your grandparents. Lin, give me the arrest report.
00:06:38Mom, what are you doing? You can't cover this up. There were witnesses.
00:06:42I'm the chief of police. I can't have a daughter in jail.
00:06:45So once again, Su gets to do whatever she wants, and there are no consequences.
00:06:49This is our only option.
00:06:54You're going to feel a bit fragile, so it's probably best if you take it easy for a little while.
00:07:00I don't need to rest. I need to do something I should have done a long time ago.
00:07:12Congratulations. You're the first metalbending avatar.
00:07:15So, um, I've been thinking, and I'd like to try to learn metalbending.
00:07:20I mean, I'm sure you have a waiting list for something, like a couple years, so...
00:07:23Let's get started.
00:07:30I think Lin is mad about something.
00:07:33Su, it's time we talk.
00:07:35After 30 years, you're finally ready to talk.
00:07:37When we were in Mom's office that day, you could have taken responsibility for what you did.
00:07:40But instead, you stayed quiet and let Mom throw her whole career away.
00:07:43Mom didn't throw her career away. She retired the next year. She was a hero.
00:07:46You think she wanted to retire?
00:07:48She was so guilt-ridden about what she did to protect you, she didn't feel worthy of her badge.
00:07:51Look, I...
00:07:53Funnily enough, that is not the reason Toph quit.
00:07:55She just wanted to be a hero.
00:07:57I don't think she wanted to be a hero.
00:07:59I don't think she wanted to be a hero.
00:08:02Funnily enough, that is not the reason Toph quit.
00:08:12I admit that I was not a perfect kid, and I've made mistakes in the past, but...
00:08:15You made some mistakes?
00:08:17Lin, Mom and I already talked about this years ago and worked things out.
00:08:20If you had gotten together with us like we'd asked, you would know that I'm a different person now.
00:08:23I've been a different person for a long time.
00:08:26You think just because you live in a big fancy house and have a chef who cooks you fancy food...
00:08:29...that you're a different person?
00:08:31Maybe you can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me.
00:08:51You made some mistakes?
00:08:53Lin, Mom and I already talked about this years ago and worked things out.
00:08:56If you had gotten together with us like we'd asked, you would know that I'm a different person now.
00:08:59I've been a different person for a long time.
00:09:02You think just because you live in a big fancy house and have a chef who cooks you fancy food...
00:09:05...that you're a different person?
00:09:07Maybe you can fool everyone else, but you can't fool me.
00:09:11You know what, Lin? You're the one who hasn't changed.
00:09:13You're still a bitter loner who only cares about herself.
00:09:15No wonder Tenzin ended things with you years ago.
00:09:20Okay, I guess this is how it's going to be.
00:09:36Should I stop them?
00:09:37You don't have any siblings. Fighting is all part of the healing process.
00:09:44Go Mom!
00:09:53My sculpture!
00:09:56Actually, it looks kind of better now
00:10:17You got it out of your system not quite yet
00:10:19What are you two doing? We're sisters. Why would you want to hurt each other?
00:10:31Neva be like
00:10:35Okay, oh sorry, what was that I said Neva be like
00:10:48Can but I just thought that I'll do it
00:10:53Chief you've been sleeping for 16 hours. We just wanted to make sure that you're okay
00:11:02Good morning
00:11:07Wait, where's a Sami? Um, she's I don't think she's in the fucking season anymore. It's a mixture of kale coconut water and walnuts
00:11:20Not bad
00:11:23Opal don't go
00:11:25Please sit down. I want to talk to you if you have a Zuko sickness, maybe possibly
00:11:33Look, I'm just not really comfortable talking about these kinds of things and well, I wanted to say I'm sorry about the other night
00:11:40It's okay. Your mother and I have a complicated relationship and it's probably difficult for you to be here
00:11:48You're a smart young woman and an excellent airbender
00:11:51I think it would be a wonderful opportunity for you to train with the other airbenders at the Northern Air Temple
00:11:56There's a part of me that wants to go but therapy beating. I don't want to upset my mom
00:11:59Oh, no, all I wanted to do is please my mother
00:12:02I became a police chief because I thought it would make her happy
00:12:05But it didn't you need to make decisions based on what you want. Don't make the same mistakes. I did
00:12:16Sometimes you just got to beat the shit out of your sister and then take a 16-hour nap
00:12:30Opal has decided to go to the Northern Air Temple. I'm guessing you had something to do with her decision
00:12:34Well, I was just it's okay. I'm glad she was honest with me. I want her to do what makes her happy
00:12:40Mom gave us too much freedom, but I feel like I've made the mistake of giving Opal too little
00:12:44I think it's time. I let her choose her own way
00:12:46I'm sorry. I gave you such a hard time when we were younger
00:12:49I can't imagine what my life would have been like if mom hadn't sent me away if I had stayed in the city
00:12:53You'd probably be in prison
00:12:55You're probably right
00:12:57Mako told me that you're an excellent police chief Republic City is lucky to have you. I know mom is proud
00:13:06Can we move on I'd love for you to be a part of my life again
00:13:09There's plenty of space for you in the house and the kids would love having their aunt around
00:13:12I do need a co-director for my new dance performance. Whoa, slow down
00:13:17How about for now I just promise not to show up at your house and attack you again deal I
00:13:24Think I've decided
00:13:27That's a fair that is a fair
00:13:30Decision to come to
00:13:38It's just a matter of time
00:13:43She's with the metal clan
00:13:51Wouldn't pass out for a full day she and sue patch things up and hope we get to go with the avatar to the northern
00:13:55Air temple. Anyway, I hope you like that subplot because it's over now
00:14:06Bay's Joker
00:14:17Energy shift during harmonic convergence certain people have acquired airbending abilities including Bumi
00:14:21Hi and opal, but although the new recruits show a lot of promise
00:14:24They still have a lot to learn so while Cora remains safe in Zao food
00:14:27Tenzin has brought the air vendors to the northern air temple to begin their training
00:14:35His pupils once again pleaded with their master to eat something but he refused just like he had each day the entire summer
00:14:42Instead he simply meditated getting his nourishment from the universe
00:14:45So Montagne's you completed the 97th day of his historic fast on which island Oh
00:14:53Anyone besides otaku who already studied this in his acolyte training Oh and is answering every question. Oh
00:15:01We'll kill island that is correct again now on day 98
00:15:09Greetings our people I come seeking boring stories to take back to the spirit world
00:15:22Know Tenzin the air nomads are known to have a great sense of humor while you're a fucking stick in the mud
00:15:29You know Tenzin for an airbender you sure are a stick in the mud
00:15:35Only after many years of practice and intense training
00:15:39Besides we don't have enough bison here for all of you
00:15:41What about those it's a whole herd of bison's actually the plural of bison is bison whoa cool Wow look at that
00:15:48Can we write those? Oh, that's a wild herd. It would take many years to tame them now. Let's get back to our lessons
00:16:01Okay, everyone is dismissed we'll just pick this up tomorrow
00:16:09Was everything in the city, well, we had a little scare but everything is okay. So here infiltrated the air temple
00:16:15What is everyone? All right, everyone's fine
00:16:17I fought with him, but he got away and he stole some old necklace that had something to do with guru lock smear guru
00:16:24Lakhima, right, you know, I can never keep all those gurus straight
00:16:28There were like a million of them. Remember that long boring story about the guy who never ate. Yes, I remember
00:16:34Is calling on the temple radio
00:16:38Are you all right, where are you with Bay Fong sister and Zaufu?
00:16:41We're totally safe unless we get caught in another fight between Sue and Lynn Lynn willingly took you to her sister
00:16:46Not exactly. We got a call about a new airbender and it turned out to be Sue's daughter Opal
00:16:50She'll be headed your way soon. Really? That's wonderful
00:16:53She is wonderful and pretty and so smart and she smells like flowers
00:17:01How's the training going not so well, I'm afraid
00:17:04No one seems to be interested in the hard work required to become a part of the air nation
00:17:08You need to give yourself a break. Let your Nora and the kids help you out. And what about Bumi?
00:17:13He was a naval commander. Maybe he has some ideas about how to get people motivated Bumi. He's my worst student
00:17:18Yeah, but he loves to organize people if you ask him for help
00:17:21You can trick him into taking more responsibility by making him think the whole thing was his idea
00:17:25Hmm, that actually sounds like a good plan. You're turning into a pretty wise avatar after all
00:17:31Conflict resolution. It's what I do
00:17:34We should go down there. I want to fly one of those vices. I don't know we might get in trouble
00:17:38Come on, let's have some fun. We'll be back before anyone realizes we're gone. I guess it will be alright
00:17:50Where do you live where it's acceptable for family to use lethal force on each other to vent a place where you can slam someone
00:17:55In the chest with a boulder and and they'll just get knocked down instead of like shatter their entire sternum
00:18:09Look baby bison
00:18:12Their breasts and calves can't fly for earthbender bones are very dense
00:18:16Let's go see the babies be careful. The mothers are very protective
00:18:27Look how cute
00:18:41Wow, you really saved me down there, you know, you're an incredible airbender. Well, I've been training for a long time
00:18:47Then why don't you have tattoos like an airbending master? My dad says I'm not a master yet
00:18:51You can do everything your dad can plus you have all those purity powers if anyone's a master you are
00:18:58Okay, so we bring the net down on the head pirate and he looks around real sad and says I know I should have followed
00:19:04My dreams and become a dentist
00:19:06How come you grew up to be so cool? Well Tenzin became such a stick in the mud
00:19:10Well, I guess cool is just something you're born with Bumi. Can I talk to you?
00:19:16Let me guess you want to criticize me for something actually I need your help. Oh, yeah with what?
00:19:21I don't think I'm doing very well with the new airbenders and everyone knows you're a natural leader true
00:19:26I did win the Admiral Tong natural leadership award twice
00:19:31What would you do if you were in charge?
00:19:33Help me be more like you I'd love to you've got to use military discipline to whip these troops into shape
00:19:39The only way to deal with new recruits is to break them down so you can build them back up
00:19:44Rule with an iron fist show them who the master is. Thanks for the insight. My pleasure
00:19:57Don patrol everyone up. Yeah, what are you doing? It's barely light out. I'm taking your advice
00:20:03I'm going to break you down and build you back up now get moving recruit
00:20:08He's like what have I done my hoover's
00:20:11Nothing like a 10-mile hike first thing in the morning don't these robes come in a warm bison fur version. No, of course not. Oh
00:20:28If it weren't so cold I go right back to sleep then this is the perfect time to learn meditation and proper breathing technique
00:20:35Airbenders are able to warm themselves with only their breathing everyone get into the Lotus position
00:20:40Oh, this is so much more refreshing than sleeping, you know when I said that thing about an iron fist meditation time focus
00:21:00Can we go back to bed now
00:21:05Summertime that means summer of dash passes back with or dashes biggest deals of the year on stuff like tacos
00:21:11Burgers meat that will soon be burgers cold drinks really cold drinks drinks
00:21:14They're so cold
00:21:15They're no longer drinks toys for your dog toys for your son son hats and more always zero dollar delivery fees order now
00:21:22Summer of dash pass your door to five weeks of deals
00:21:26Sign up now
00:21:27So how long have you lived here over 40 years? And how are the restaurants around here? Are they good bad man?
00:21:31What's the average household income? Is there a mall? I don't know a hair salon. Where do you get your hair done?
00:21:36You go move away
00:21:47We bring you the best neighborhood info
00:21:52Welcome to your 20-minute Latin a pop a walk straight for runners class you showed up to this hike
00:21:58Let's really work here, right?
00:22:00Isn't amazing how time flies when you're having fun, I know we're pushing don't let your mind drift off
00:22:05Who wants to go out clubbing right now? This is my party and you are my people till next time
00:22:13Okay, what's up with your boyfriend
00:22:15Ever since he got AT&T's best-selling book
00:22:17Ever since he got AT&T's best deal on the new Samsung Galaxy and that's super so champion
00:22:41Hey got pouched looking good no added sugar still feel like a real Apple
00:22:45No added sugar still feel like a real Apple you are really oh, I feel seen by you guys
00:22:50That's that tracks cuz you're see-through facts
00:22:53Mott's real apples make real good applesauce
00:22:57Everyone is waiting for you bully. If you don't make it over in the next 30 seconds
00:23:01They'll all have to run through the course again
00:23:16I'm British. I never wanted to be an airbender and I'm too old to be back at boot camp. Count me out fine
00:23:23Quit, we don't need your attitude in the new air nation. Master Tenzin. When do we get to go home and visit our families?
00:23:29Go home. You just got here. When's dinner? I'm starving. Can I change out of my robe now? It's itchy
00:23:35This is just as bad as the earth Queens prison. I'm tired of all this complaining. Do you know what takeover does this mean?
00:23:41Yes, just lead them through some basic exercises well since I'm a master when do you think I can get my tattoos
00:23:47What brought this on I was just talking to Kai and he was asking me so Kai
00:23:51What does he know about when you should get tattoos? The answer is no, you're just a little guy's like
00:23:55Oh, why did I have to get involved?
00:23:59History and I have a stronger connection with the spirits than you ever will lead your own class
00:24:05Hickey Milo, you're up just lead them through the bagua circle
00:24:20Sorry if what I said got you in trouble with your dad, it's not your fault
00:24:24He just can't believe that I'm grown up now, and I don't need him telling me what to do like one of his recruits. I
00:24:29Know something that'll cheer you up
00:24:35Where did all the spirits go where are the babies?
00:24:58Know people say that like, you know, so, you know, maybe it's intense. It's not meant to be a teacher
00:25:01But I mean he trained Jinora he trained Cora
00:25:05yep, I
00:25:07Mean Jinora is like an extremely powerful airbender. You don't get that way without a good teacher
00:25:24The problem is Tenzin has a certain agreement
00:25:27of inadequate inadequacy in regards to like
00:25:30Because he's the son of Aang and he's the only airbending master let it currently in the world
00:25:35He has this belief that he has to that he he must be the top airbender in the world
00:25:39Like he's the best. He's the master of masters
00:25:42And it's not really the case
00:25:46Think like writing up for Neva and how like Lobby isn't a bender but teaches Neva earthbending better than her own master did oh
00:25:52Yeah, I feel about Tenzin. You don't necessarily have to be you don't necessarily have to be the best in a subject to teach
00:25:58the best in the subject
00:26:01The multiple different students is a new struggle. Well admittedly a big part of that is the fact well a big part of that is
00:26:07His kids were basically raised as air nomads. Whereas most of them are adults
00:26:13so basically things like having to get up early having to do exercise having to do all this having to
00:26:18Having to work at something having to spend years master. Like you basically heard them say it's like
00:26:23When do we get our own bison? It takes years to learn how to fly a bison and they all just went. Oh
00:26:27Like a big part of it it's like they want to just be good at airbending right away
00:26:36Living up in the temple
00:26:38Hurry up and gather the rest of the gang and let's get out here before someone comes looking for these kids
00:26:43We'll take them to Ba Sing Se with the rest of the fresh meat
00:26:51Choose how could she think focus breathe?
00:26:56Boomy ruins everything
00:27:01Taking a little break from teaching. I
00:27:03Failed boomy quit and the rest of the airbenders want to go home
00:27:07Can't they see that I'm trying to rebuild an entire culture, you know, just because these people can airbend
00:27:12It doesn't automatically make them air nomads
00:27:14Tell me about it. I remember when I moved out of my parents house to become an air acolyte that first night I was
00:27:37Think honestly the airbender should be starting out as air acolytes
00:27:44Very true
00:27:49Startling with the fact that while
00:27:53He a great teacher he's not
00:28:18Used to training his children who were born and raised air nomads who were born and raised air no nomads his new his new
00:28:24His new batch of recruits
00:28:30Are all adults and teenagers who balk who balk at the idea at the idea of having to work
00:28:40People on tumblr would care more about making whips than actually writing anything
00:28:43It's me I'm people, you know works, you know, not every work in progress necessarily needs to be complete. I mean
00:28:50Imagine if like imagine if like everything in your sketchbook had to be had to be a finished drawing or every
00:28:56Every little improv you ever did on an instrument had to become a full-fledged song
00:29:05Have a lot of incomplete works in progress, but I mean most of them weren't meant to be complete
00:29:08It's mostly just writing is fun
00:29:11Just because I like writing doesn't necessarily mean I always have to be working on a project
00:29:23We have lost to the art of the dravel
00:29:29We have sometimes the dravels just a dravel and that's okay
00:29:33The balk at the idea of having to work hard at something and want to be good at it
00:29:37at it right away
00:29:40Cuz these people can airbend it doesn't automatically make them air nomads
00:29:44Tell me about it. I remember when I moved out of my parents house to become an air acolyte that first night
00:29:49I was so scared and lonely and the bed was so hard. It's actually better for your back
00:29:54Sorry, the point is I really wanted to be there
00:29:58But it still took time for me to adjust and feel like I was a part of it all these people are probably feeling the
00:30:02Same way you have to be patient
00:30:05Now, I know how Cora feels when I'm talking to her
00:30:09Thank you
00:30:14Air acolytes are basically nuns monks and nuns boomy. I want to apologize for
00:30:19Male air nomads are called monks female air nomads are called nuns
00:30:23Hmm losing my patience
00:30:26I'm not talking to you
00:30:29Hey get back here
00:30:33Where's Jinora, I saw her fly off on her glider with her boyfriend what her boyfriend Kai
00:30:43How can you steal these bison they're in danger
00:30:46That's why they're worth so much the earth queen and her fancy friends paid big money for bison steaks another weird meat
00:30:52I even heard she ate her dad's pet bear. You're disgusting
00:30:58Hey, do that spirit-beaming thing you did to find me go to the temple for help
00:31:02I can't I'm all cramped in here and I need
00:31:06The earth queen and her fancy friends paid big money for bison steaks another weird meat
00:31:10I even heard she ate her dad's pet bear. Oh my god, not Bosco. Oh
00:31:16Hey do that spirit-beaming thing you did to find me go to the temple for help I can't I'm all cramped in here and
00:31:22I need quiet and time to focus
00:31:24But maybe I can send a message
00:31:29Spirits I need your help
00:31:33Go find Bungie tell him we're in trouble
00:31:38No, I don't think I should apologize Tenzin just wants to boss everybody around I'm too old for that
00:31:46Let's face it I'm just not cut out to be an airbender. Well, that's your opinion
00:32:01Wait, did you Nora send this spirit? Is she in trouble?
00:32:11You know is in trouble we have to go get her
00:32:13How do you know whom juice friend told me you were able to communicate with the spirits more or less?
00:32:17I get the gist. Let's go shouldn't master Tenzin be dealing with this. I don't want to get into trouble master
00:32:22Tenzin isn't here. It's up to us. He came below grab some bison
00:32:31What was the best part of Cora
00:32:35The first few episodes of season 2
00:32:37Nice. Yeah, I engine aura locked in crates. Looks like they're getting ready to leave. We'll have to move fast
00:32:42I don't know if I'm ready to get in a fight with some bison rustlers
00:32:45I can tell without the telescope that they're mean-looking
00:32:48Listen, this is what we've been training for. We haven't been training that long. That's not important now
00:32:53Remember how we persevered together on the obstacle course you actually quit
00:32:57Well, I'm not quitting now. I know we've had a tough time me more than anyone
00:33:02But we're airbenders and there aren't many of us so we've got to stick together
00:33:06They've got two of our own in cages out there and we're not leaving until we bring them home
00:33:14Won't be
00:33:18In down
00:33:25Free the bison first. Hey, what are you doing out?
00:33:59Mean pickles fucking it up
00:34:19What's going on down there
00:34:56You got me I give up
00:35:02You think you can kidnap Genoa and all these baby bison
00:35:09That's enough an airbender never attacks a defenseless opponent, but that was very good technique
00:35:19That's like hey, we don't attack our opponents when they're defenseless however fucking baller you bounced him right off his own car
00:35:32But there's some new airbenders around these parts and you'd never mess with an airbenders bison
00:35:38Without my shaved head. I never could have dodged that net. I really felt it coming at me. You guys should totally get shaved
00:35:44I'm proud of you your connection with the spirits and natural leadership. You remind me of dad. I'm sorry
00:35:50I've been causing you so much trouble. I guess I was just scared of not being able to measure up as an airbender
00:35:55You know, even though I'm ang son, I never really felt like I was part of the air nation before
00:36:00You are now
00:36:06They're so friendly now the bison are the original airbenders they recognize their own kind
00:36:13I'm sorry for running off. We're just lucky. No one was hurt
00:36:16I know and I also realized that perhaps I was too harsh with you. Does that mean I can get my airbender tattoos?
00:36:22It's hard for me to believe that my little girl has grown up enough to have her tattoos
00:36:26But I promise I'll think about it fair enough, yeah
00:36:38I guess everyone is growing up
00:36:44There's not a lot to say about this
00:36:47And it feels like an episode of the old show I meant that the season as a whole Oh
00:36:55It's kind of taking them a long-ass time to get to the point
00:37:43Can't believe I'm sparring with the Avatar. I can't believe I'm stuck with her friend
00:37:50No, okay trial by fire the best way to learn metal bending
00:37:59Nice shot Bowman, but I thought you were supposed to be practicing metal bending not earth bending
00:38:03Yeah, cheater Mako metal bending is extremely difficult. No one gets it right away if they can get it at all. It's not normal
00:38:16Metal bending champion. Oh sure. She's the Avatar guys. It's time to get cleaned up tonight's Opal's farewell dinner
00:38:21Oh, no, I gotta say bye to Opal or even another one of his sons. Uh, no
00:38:27Because like it's not his connection to the other characters. It's the fact that he is just this
00:38:31He's just he's just he exists just for the sake of evil airbender
00:38:39But he's an anarchist because something something freedom wind something
00:38:43Thanks for making my favorite meal, I'm really going to miss you. No one appreciates my raw veggie wraps like you do
00:38:49Every time I eat raw kale, I'm gonna think of you. You're so sweet
00:38:54This stinks. We're just starting to get to know each other and now you're off to the Northern Air Temple
00:38:58We'll be together soon. You guys are heading up after finding more airbenders, right? Yeah, but that's in the future
00:39:04Oh, I hate the future until then. We'll always have kale
00:39:30Think it's broken. It's not broken. She needs to airbend into it. I'll see expect the thing to work. What's going on
00:39:37I can't hear anything. I hate sitting down here
00:39:41Because of you I can tell
00:39:43If I could have your attention, please tonight my beautiful little girl leaves for the Northern Air Temple
00:39:48Opal none of us could be more proud of you. You're an incredible daughter sister friend and soon-to-be airbending master
00:39:58Here's to Opal may she help lead us into the new era
00:40:11Lock it down for the night. We'll head out first thing in the morning
00:41:07Okay, we are seriously going to have to have a talk what the heck
00:41:52So much for the element of surprise back up plan
00:41:56It's over now because that uh, because that night the Red Lotus shows up the Red Lotus shows up to try
00:42:01Try and kidnap the avatar while she's asleep
00:42:08Oh, what's up drugs Cora
00:42:18Starts a full trench warfare fight
00:42:20We can't let them take her I don't think they're going to get far look
00:42:47We have you surrounded it's over release the avatar
00:43:05No way that guy's lava bending that's awesomely not good for us
00:43:09I'm going to create some cover. We're getting out of here
00:43:46Don't know but we're not letting them escape
00:43:56There's no way to cross that move
00:44:01We don't need to cross then and I could drop in from the dome on cables
00:44:04That's a great idea except we'll get blown up the second that third eyed freak sees us
00:44:10She's a combustion vendor if one of you can stun her her powers will be knocked out temporarily
00:44:13Bolin can land a shot. I can you have to take her out right before we drop down I do
00:44:24Open the hatch
00:44:27We get in trouble metal bend us up we're in position copy that it's all in time
00:44:33All right all in time all in time
00:44:51Said no wait
00:45:02Pull in take a shot
00:45:09Nice job little bro
00:45:49Thanks we failed
00:46:04Where did they go they can't be far guards search the entire state
00:46:13Should neutralize the sheer shoe toxins
00:46:18How could you let this happen you assured me this was one of the most secure places in the world
00:46:22It is I don't know how this happened. Obviously. This was a well-planned operation. So don't blame me
00:46:27We searched the entire estate, but there's no sign of them. Well, keep looking
00:46:31It would seem they had some inside knowledge of Zao Fu. They must have been working with someone
00:46:38Guards it had to be one of them. I agree question them all whoever betrayed my city will suffer the consequences
00:46:48I'm gonna get the season
00:46:50Where were I'm gonna get to like season boards like so the villain of this one is Kuvira wait Kuvira that that really nice guard lady
00:46:56from season 3
00:46:58What'd she do you last night
00:47:01Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the avatar? My name is you Guan
00:47:05I was patrolling the south wall of the Bayfong Estates. I have absolutely no knowledge of the people to try to kidnap Cora
00:47:14What was I doing last night same thing I always do from 9 to 10
00:47:17I checked my body for ticks Lyme disease is a serious killer
00:47:21Then I did my nightly vericallis tinnitus followed by 30 minutes of breath-holding
00:47:24I filmed the whole thing if you want to watch it that won't be necessary
00:47:31Maybe it wasn't a guard after all maybe it was someone a little higher up the food chain
00:47:35Highway, why don't you question Sue Lynn? Stop your sister wasn't involved. No, I'll gladly be questioned. I have nothing to hide
00:47:44What is your full name Suyin Bayfong
00:47:47I'm the daughter of Toph and the only sister to Lynn and I had nothing to do with the attack last night
00:47:52She is telling us. This is a waste of time. Just bring in the next guard
00:47:58Give me your name and tell me where you are from. I'm Hong Lee. I was born and raised here in South
00:48:03Do you have any knowledge of the people who tried to kidnap the avatar? No
00:48:09Did you help the attackers enters our fool last night no, of course not you're lying what no I'm not
00:48:19I don't know. I'm telling you I didn't help them. You're a traitor to the entire clan. I suggest we search his place
00:48:31Who actually betrayed South who the fucking the fucking lie detector bitch right there. Yep
00:48:47I got something what?
00:48:49It looks like it's from them team assembled ready to rendezvous and look at this
00:48:56These are the guards logbooks all their schedules and routes are in here that guard knows everything we have to get him to talk
00:49:02Let's go confront him with this evidence right now. No
00:49:05Let's give him a little time to sweat it out. He will talk eventually. I
00:49:13Don't understand what we're not talking to that guard right now
00:49:15Every minute we waste here those guys get further away
00:49:18I mean, how does a random guard get involved with a group of super criminals?
00:49:22What do you mean that guard is only 18 years old and has lived in South who his entire life
00:49:26Zaheer and his gang have been in prison for more than 13 years
00:49:29I don't know, but we all saw the evidence. It's pretty overwhelming. Maybe a little too overwhelming. Hey, what are you doing here?
00:49:36Collecting pumice stones was Julie that lava bender did a lot of damage
00:49:40But he makes a nice
00:49:41Exfoliating rock and when you got calluses like mine you take all the pumice stones you can get your hands on or in my case feet
00:49:51Was saying that I can smell a conspiracy when I see one look if I was trying to set someone up
00:49:56I would tell everyone he's guilty and then plant the evidence in his apartment as proof
00:49:59Oh, you mean exactly like what you did to me. Yes, just like that. Remember how great that works
00:50:07You're right all the evidence points to this guard, but maybe he's just a fall guy
00:50:11But for who for the only person who can truly keep a secret in this city. I wait
00:50:17I'm down for Mako being a detective like it's the one thing he brings to the table
00:50:33Yeah, like Mako sniffed out I weigh so fucking fast
00:50:49He's not home or he's hiding in there or he's invisible
00:50:56Probably just not home. We have to get in there and find some evidence that links highway to Zaheer. Otherwise, Sue won't believe us
00:51:07It's just an empty book
00:51:16It's like a desert on a jar Bolin put that back we don't want I way to know we were in here if we can't
00:51:21find anything
00:51:23You forgot where it goes didn't
00:51:29Get these scuff marks, I think this bookshelf slides open
00:51:39What do you think it's down there could be a storage cellar or it could be how Zaheer got in and out
00:51:44I ways coming back quick
00:51:51What are you doing in my house
00:51:56You are quick metal vendor property of one of the highest-ranked officials in the city you'd better have a good explanation
00:52:01We do we do we actually knocked on your front door and we thought we heard you say
00:52:09I don't even know why I'm saying that you know online and you don't even sound like that
00:52:12We came here because things weren't adding up and we thought you might have some answers
00:52:16Sit, if you want to talk, let's talk over some tea
00:52:25So now you're obviously not gonna drink the tea he gives you only was
00:52:29And we found evidence in his apartment
00:52:31But don't you think it's weird how young he is?
00:52:33How did he ever get mixed up with this group perhaps through a relative or maybe he was bribed?
00:52:38We will find out those answers in time
00:52:41But if it wasn't him, who do you think it was?
00:52:46We don't know you don't think I had something to do with this do you
00:52:51We're just looking for answers and you think you found something don't you?
00:52:58You have no idea what is coming for you avatar
00:53:07Come on he's getting away. I'm still a little new at this. So back off
00:53:39He's gone look must have escaped through there help me clear it out
00:53:45What happened we heard an explosion where's I weigh your trusted advisor was the one who betrayed us he was lying about the guard what
00:53:53No, we confronted him and he bolted through here
00:54:00He must have collapsed the tunnel behind him
00:54:02Andy rigged an explosion to destroy any evidence that might have been here. This is where's a here got in and out
00:54:07highway was the traitor I
00:54:10Trusted him
00:54:11Is everyone? Okay, I weigh as a fugitive get all available guards to search the mountainside and find out where this tunnel exits immediately
00:54:23Kuvira just doing all the work
00:54:27Making her going with a mistake
00:54:30Just some fresh tire tracks. You had an escape plan all ready to go. I trusted him with my life
00:54:35I thought we were family, but it was all a lie
00:54:38Whoever these guys are they're more powerful than we thought and more dangerous. That's why we have to find them
00:54:43We're going to hold off our search for airbenders and hunt down highway
00:54:46Now the contract is sent this one's out guard basically all the work lines are here
00:54:49No, we're not hunting this group. There could be other secret agents in other parts of the world looking for you right now
00:54:54I'm taking you back to Republic City where I can protect you if I wasn't safe here, then I'm not safe anywhere
00:54:58I have to stop them. It's too dangerous. You are not going stop trying to protect me. I'm the Avatar. This is my job
00:55:03Don't lecture me about jobs
00:55:07Let's see
00:55:16All this leads to
00:55:17For interesting plot is officially over. I'm the Avatar. This is my job
00:55:21Don't lecture me about jobs. Oh god, how many more times are we gonna do this?
00:55:26You know as irritating as the babysitter squad as irritating
00:55:31As the babysitters club is
00:55:34Club is I am glad I
00:55:36Am glad that Cora is just not having that shit anymore
00:55:42Enough Cora listen to Lynn, but they please Lynn's only looking out for you
00:55:48I promise you I weigh in everyone. He's working with will be brought to justice
00:55:53Fine, if you really think it's best I do. Thank you. Sue everyone should get some rest tonight
00:55:58I'll have my people prep your airship and you can leave first thing in the morning
00:56:10Sue you really think Naga could track I way definitely been here. There's a jeep packed with supplies by the East Gate
00:56:16It's all gassed up and ready to go. What why because I want you to hunt down
00:56:20I weigh and bring him back to me, but you said I said what Lynn wanted to hear and I bought you guys some time
00:56:25Go, I'll deal with Lynn in the morning
00:56:28Let's get this guy
00:56:43How long I've been streaming four hours
00:56:46How's your going away?
00:56:48She's gonna just finish the coloring working on the fire
00:57:16She looks good, thank you
00:57:25I like a little jester boots
00:57:32They're pointy
00:57:36That's 356
00:57:39That's weird, I've been straight. Oh, right. There was an hour of like just the interest the intro
00:57:51We're almost at the end of the season Oh goodness and master all four elements and bring balance to the world
00:58:04There's 13 episodes we're on nine
00:58:28I was definitely been through here. Nice tracking girl. Let's ask around. Maybe someone's seen him. Oh
00:58:40Look they have a mover poster of me must be big nuk-tuck fans. Yeah, I should go over and say hello
00:58:45No, those are wanted posters and there's one for each of us
00:58:50Wanted by Her Majesty the Earth Queen for crimes against the kingdom. I'm guessing this is because we took her airbenders
00:58:55They weren't hers to keep I swear if I ever see her pinchy little Queen face again, I
00:59:02Think that gorgeous not having this shit anymore
00:59:05The crew ultimately late
00:59:30You guys want to say you guys want to see a Neva successor you coma
00:59:40Yeah, yes, okay. Yeah. Oh, yes. Yes. There she is
00:59:56She cute S plays cool gasp
01:00:01I like her something doesn't know it's more interesting than the current season
01:00:06Literally never misses. Oh heck. I mean name one bad character design you ever had
01:00:20See the fact that you have to think about it means you have more faith in yourself as an artist than you think you do
01:00:24You know
01:00:25It's just gonna say like how far back we how far back we talking cuz I came up with some real stinkers during my sonic days
01:00:30Five years every creator hates everything they made five years ago and the ones who don't are liars
01:00:39Okay, I have the ability no regard cuz she never misses I like the ponytail
01:00:46What's her name you coma
01:00:47Because we've been writing an avatar Neva lately and one thing we kind of establishes that like the next avatars name is you coma?
01:00:54Ponytails are valid
01:01:01Wonder if you have an art fight account where I could throw fan art at this woman. Do you take part in our fight?
01:01:06I do not
01:01:10Avatar what Neva? Yeah, Neva. It's something me and McKay been doing
01:01:22Appreciate the notion of
01:01:29She's very pretty well obviously Lobby's face at all. Oh, yeah
01:01:43Let's get back to it
01:01:48The eyes are really cooking the stance shows power plus a case facial is really good
01:01:52She looks like a girl who's resting face is smug
01:02:00We should get out of here
01:02:10Been waiting to leave for half an hour and good morning to you too Lin now, don't get mad chorus fine
01:02:14I'm just waiting to hear if she tracked on highway yet. What you let Cora go
01:02:18I thought we were on the same page about this and then you go stab me in the back
01:02:21Oh, don't be so overdramatic. You can't control the avatars every move I can try
01:02:46Sorry, I forgot to bring treats but good girl Oh
01:02:53This must be I ways Jeep he can't be far
01:02:56Bolin and I will investigate the misty palms oasis and see if he's holed up there
01:03:00Yes, I love it when you talk like a cop I'm coming to you
01:03:02No, you wouldn't saw me wait here in case he comes back. Besides. We don't want to call too much attention to ourselves
01:03:07All right. Oh maca. Maca. Maca. We should wear disguises and pretend we're going undercover that way. No one will recognize us
01:03:13Police work is so exciting
01:03:21All right, now we need
01:03:23I'm an ex-united forces operator named Ting Ting war was the only woman I ever loved until Ivy came along and showed me what
01:03:29Real love is tragically. She was taken from me by my arch enemy. Dr. Razor and he's enough
01:03:34Let's just find I way but I haven't even told you your backstory. I'm a cop. I don't have a backstory. Oh, you're good at this
01:03:57Shoot human customers only let's see if this guy knows anything
01:04:02Excuse me, sir
01:04:03We're looking for a man about 60 balding wearing glasses and a long green robe and he's got this weird piercing that goes from his
01:04:10Nose to his ear freaks me out. Yeah, sure. Sounds like a guy who came in last night
01:04:14I told him I had the best drinks in the earth kingdom and he called me a liar
01:04:17That's him any idea where he is now now afraid not but he was right. My drinks are terrible
01:04:29Are you okay? I'm just frustrated. What does he here want with me? What's his plan? I
01:04:35Don't know, but I think I found a clue
01:04:41Jibos grove sundown this must be where and when I way is going to meet to hear
01:04:48All right, Jibos Grove, where are you?
01:04:53Go away, I'm trying to find something
01:05:00Well, aren't you a cute little sweet out hey
01:05:09No luck here, oh no a couple bounty hunters over there who recognize me we've been made let's lose them
01:05:26Think we're clear. We should head back to core before someone else recognizes us
01:05:31We could or we could follow I way instead look
01:05:37All right, play it cool follow my lead ting ting always finds his man
01:05:53Keep an eye on him. I'll go get core
01:05:56We found I way hiding in an inn, that's great. We found something, too
01:06:00It looks like he's going to meet the here at sundown at a place called Jibos Grove
01:06:04But I can't find it anywhere on the map. Let's go bust I ways door down and finally get some answers
01:06:09No, once I way knows we're on to him. We lose our advantage
01:06:12I say we stake out his room and when he leaves for this meeting we follow him and he'll lead us straight to the here
01:06:49Knew this was the punchline
01:06:53Make it out to Lily and Macau. I'd be happy to always love meeting my fans
01:07:04I made this knock-knock doll for you. Oh
01:07:09It's cute
01:07:11Why didn't you tell me your friend was a mover star? I'd be happy to rent you any room in the end
01:07:17We'll just take the one across from 102 but that room is too small for the four of you. Trust me
01:07:21It'll be perfect one thing. I've read is that Cora has a deeply westernized take on non-western theology and folklore
01:07:26Yeah, I said that seven years ago and everyone said I was that I was insane
01:07:36Like Robin Vaughn to end up just what were their what were their names?
01:07:49Get rid of the core of the deep land here. Yeah, it's a bit wild
01:08:02I mean Republic City is basically New York City people say like oh, well, you know
01:08:06It's a it actually has elements of like Hong Kong and Beijing. Yeah, so does Chinatown. Mm-hmm
01:08:15So I said, yeah Judeo Christianity in your Western kids like it's your Eastern theology. Yeah, like
01:08:23Granted like it's not
01:08:24Not entirely what there's like this season two has this moral dualism thing that kind of draws off Zoroastrianism
01:08:30The problem is is that it's also draws it like it's 20% Zoroastrianism and 80% Christianity
01:08:37That's not a good percentage not a good ratio
01:08:55There's a lot of Asian religious and mythos based influence in both series Buddhism Taoism Taoism and a lot of spiritualism
01:09:00Which is very meditative
01:09:02The problem MB Hughes is that all of that is being filtered through the monomyth
01:09:07That's kind of always that that's good that's kind of always been a problem is that Joseph Campbell basically ruined writing forever
01:09:21Bending being granted by lion turtles for one is Westernized since it follows the idea that man can't achieve spiritual knowledge himself
01:09:26Interesting, but I mean the I mean the original show basically had them being taught by animals. So Oh
01:09:44Who's Joseph Campbell Joseph Campbell actually I wrote that down here
01:09:59There's a school of thought that suggests that all cultures belong to something called the monomyth where every myth legend and story is effectively
01:10:05The same so when you get right down to it, rah
01:10:06Atem Zeus and Yahweh are all basically the same God except one of them is horny as fuck and one of them is a murderous
01:10:13It was posited by Joseph Campbell in the 40s
01:10:15But the problem with the monomyth is that Joseph Campbell was a Eurocentric
01:10:18Evangelical misogynistic racist dickhead and his ideas were really fucking stupid
01:10:21And so the fact that his ideas have leaked their way into avatar is just fucking weird
01:10:25Moral dualism never really had its place in avatar things were always more complicated than that
01:10:29But this is twice now the break has used moral dualism to write their way out of a more interesting and complex more complicated and
01:10:34More nuanced story. So sure while Vaatu has some similarities to Ahriman an evil Zoroastrian spirit. Let's not kid ourselves here
01:10:41This is the devil as an evil kite
01:11:18Okay, we're back
01:11:18No, let's head here now
01:11:20There's a school of thought that suggests all cultures belong to something called the monomyth where every myth legend and story is the same
01:11:24So actually hang on it goes back up a little bit here
01:11:33Look a lot of people like beginnings out of everything in Korra beginnings is considered by many to be the best part
01:11:37But the reason for that is because it's a self-contained story with its own three-act structure
01:11:40It's a reminder to an audience that doesn't realize it that episodic storytelling is inherently more satisfying to watch even if serialization is considered more prestigious
01:11:47So I understand why everyone loves beginnings. I've been banging that drum since serialization started becoming more widespread
01:11:54In the process of getting that you're given a massive lore dump that completely reckons everything avatar is established up to this point
01:11:59Who was the villain of the last airbender on a conceptual level?
01:12:02Imperialism who was the villain of the first season a charlatan who was the villain of the third season a short-sighted moron?
01:12:07Who is the villain of the fourth season the Nazis if they were obsessed with land back?
01:12:10Who is the villain of season two the devil the fucking devil as we learn as we learned the devil?
01:12:16The fucking devil as we learned the great spirits of
01:12:20Rava and Vatu were in a constant battle for dominance every 10,000 years to determine whether the world when it will enter
01:12:2410,000 years of harmony and peace or 10,000 years of chaos and darkness
01:12:28Now the conflict between Rava and Vatu is a lot like Republic City
01:12:30Just like how Republic City is 10% Hong Kong 10% Beijing and 80% New York City
01:12:35Rava and Vatu were 20% Zoroastrianism and 80% Christianity, which actually makes the avatar like half the Dalai Lama and half Jesus
01:12:43Now there's a school of thought that suggests all cultures belong to something called the monomyth where every myth legend and story is the
01:12:50Same so when you get down to it Ra Atem Zeus and Yahweh are all basically the same God except one of them is horny
01:12:55As fuck and one of them is a murderous psychopath
01:12:59It was posited by Joseph Campbell in the 40s
01:13:01But the problem with the monomyth is that Joseph Campbell was a Eurocentric
01:13:04Evangelical misogynistic racist dickhead and his ideas are really fucking stupid and so the fact that his ideas have leaked their way into avatar is
01:13:10Just fucking weird moral dualism never really had its place in avatar things are always more complicated than that
01:13:15But this is twice now that break has used moral dualism to write their way out of a more interesting more complicated more nuanced stories
01:13:24So sure while Vatu has some similarities to Araman an evil Zoroastrian spirit, let's not kid ourselves. This is the devil is an evil kite
01:13:30Maybe Vatu edited to the first line of Hell's Greatest Death
01:13:52Vatu and Rav are more like yin and yang. No, they're not yang isn't evil
01:13:57Or either that or the devil's son from the Cuphead show
01:14:01In case you hadn't heard
01:14:05All right, quiet quiet quiet
01:14:10Vatu in his very existence completely reworks the entire season
01:14:13You remember how all this started with the water tribes lack of respect for the spirits resulting in angry spirits turns out Unalaq has been controlling
01:14:18Them the entire time and has been communing with Vatu in an attempt to free him become a dark avatar destroy the real avatar
01:14:23Plunge the entire world into 10,000 years of chaos and darkness and then profit I guess
01:14:30They claim Unalaq was part of the Reds later. So the season started with a very complicated multi-layered issue
01:14:36between independence and cultural identity versus the water tribes duty to the spirits wrapped up in the dysfunctional relationships of multiple families and we've ended with
01:14:42Darkness is the heart's true essence
01:14:50Like every single fucking animated show that professes to be mature actual maturity is too much for anyone involved to handle
01:14:55So they just revert back to a shonen anime a show sets up more political
01:14:58Subtext than any series that ever have the balls to do and the end result is the shitty version of a Kingdom Hearts boss fight
01:15:07Why does this keep happening why do so many shows do this trying to be this complicated nuanced story?
01:15:11But then the last minute chickening out and going with and then they use the power of friendship to defeat mega Satan
01:15:15Well, that's a rhetorical question. I know why when people say they want mature animation and complicated villains
01:15:19What they actually want is Naruto, but with more blood and gore on more than one occasion
01:15:23I've had weebs shove one particular anime in my face telling me how mature and subversive it is and then I watched and then I
01:15:27Watched it. It was little girls getting ripped to pieces for multiple episodes
01:15:31Everyone champion studio Ghibli is making animated movies that matter
01:15:34But the one they often champion above everything else is Princess Mononoke
01:15:36Which in terms of Ghibli's Ghibli's more interesting and introspective films is baby's first real movie
01:15:41Their actual best film is only yesterday a film about a woman reflecting on her childhood in a stifling conservative household
01:15:46Reflecting the director's feelings about his own home city
01:15:48But it's frequently derided as boring because it's contemporary and things don't blow up and that was the problem for a lot of people in
01:15:52Regards to this season the first half has a lot of interesting things
01:15:55But one thing it doesn't have didn't have was a lot of bending fights
01:16:01Post beginnings the season is nothing but bending fights at the very end
01:16:04They stopped bending entirely and start shooting Dragon Ball Z lasers from their chests
01:16:09Oh, yeah, that was it
01:16:11Hmm. Yeah, that's a good point
01:16:16This will be fun for calling out the barkers give your strikes on sit down
01:16:20By Hughes go be a jizz rag somewhere else
01:16:26I just like to state for the record that this room is not perfect
01:16:36There he is
01:16:42I thought snake outs were supposed to be exciting. This isn't at all. Oh, I wonder if there's any snacks in here
01:16:53Hey, look a pie show board Mako you want to play kind of busy here, bro, I'll play
01:16:59No offense, but I learned Street Pie show from Shady Shin and I am pretty good
01:17:03So it wouldn't really be a fair game. So I learned to play from my dad the diabolical genius. I'll destroy you
01:17:10Looks like we have ourselves a pie show
01:17:17Ladies first
01:17:27Hmm I don't want to rush you but let's speed things up a bit. Why this game is all about slow methodical strategy
01:17:34No, it's not. This is a fast-paced edge of your seat game of chance. Don't think just go
01:17:38I don't know what Shady Shin taught you, but it wasn't the real pie show. Oh, really? I think our friend
01:17:43Mr. Rule book might disagree with you the origins of pie show date back over 10,000 years
01:17:48It is a game of both strategy and chance
01:17:52Wait, how could it be both?
01:17:54Let me see that there have been countless variations of pie show through the centuries and each culture has its own rules
01:18:00And variations on the game. That's no help at all Cora as the avatar. You need to standardize these pie show rules
01:18:05Okay, I'll put that on my to-do list right after bringing back the air nation and taking down the group that tried to kidnap me
01:18:11Assuming we do fine
01:18:13Then I make him talk. He was locked away for 13 years Cora and never broke
01:18:18I don't think a little bending is going to intimidate this guy. You have a better idea
01:18:21Yeah, we spy on them. If I weigh in Zaheer don't know they're being watched. They'll talk freely
01:18:26Then we'll know who they are and what they want
01:18:27That's just like pie show in order to defeat your opponent. You first have to know your opponent then I guess I know you pretty well
01:18:35I win what?
01:18:36All right. All right. You know what? That was just a fluke best two out of three
01:18:43One second
01:19:30Kirby to honey, this is the wrong crowd to talk about Warhammer 40k. We could not give less of a shit
01:20:05Don't know
01:20:28This is about going after a critic
01:20:30This is about going after content theft in the same way people have been stressed started striking the crap out of Sniper Wolf
01:21:10Not sure why people believe you to be bigger than just because you were one year older Courtney testifies eyes herself
01:21:15She was 5 foot 8 and 180 pounds. Well, you were 5 foot 6 and 90 pounds. She was so big
01:21:18You would allegedly call her a cow. Well, I call her a cow now. It was Courtney who called her
01:21:22It was Cameron who called her a cow
01:21:27Very important distinction
01:21:39Had to do PR stuff
01:21:4217 out of 33
01:21:57Looks like you're on the ropes this time. I can't believe it. You might actually win this one
01:22:13Almost sundown. Why hasn't I way left yet? Maybe he slipped out when you weren't looking. No
01:22:18I just saw him peeking out the window 15 minutes ago. It's in my logbook
01:22:22I'm going over there Cora. Wait, you're gonna blow our element of surprise
01:22:31It's over I way where's what
01:22:38A weird way to nap. He's not sleeping. He's meditating. Wait
01:22:43Assami those spirits were trying to tell us something earlier
01:22:45Shibos Grove isn't on the map because it's not in the physical world. It's in the spirit world. I'm going in after him
01:22:52We'll watch him in case he wakes up
01:22:54Be careful
01:23:16What happened back in South food you told me we wouldn't have any problems getting the avatar because of you we've all been compromised
01:23:22No, any evidence was destroyed when my library burns
01:23:26Where is your physical body now at the misty palms in but there is no need to worry
01:23:30I was not following you left a loose end
01:23:32I assure you no one knows anything about us. No, you are the loose end
01:23:51It seems I was mistaken he was followed that's right. We knew he'd lead us straight to you
01:23:57So, what did you do with him he'll be spending eternity in the fog of lost souls which just leaves the two of us
01:24:09Don't move the here you're gonna give me some answers
01:24:12There's no need for aggression. Neither of us has our bending and I'm not going anywhere
01:24:15I'll answer whatever questions you have you deserve that much
01:24:20What would you like to know
01:24:22First off who are you people and why do you keep trying to take me?
01:24:25We are part of a secret society dedicated to restoring freedom to the world. We are the Red Lotus Red Lotus
01:24:33Are you related to the White Lotus?
01:24:34We are what the White Lotus was meant to be
01:24:36But after the hundred-year war the White Lotus lost its true purpose
01:24:40Its members came out of hiding and openly served the Avatar they became nothing but glorified bodyguards who served corrupt nations
01:24:47So a great man named shy bow broke from the White Lotus and began his own society
01:24:52That's a great story, but it doesn't explain why you tried to take me when I was a kid that was Unalaq's idea
01:25:00My uncle was part of the Red Lotus
01:25:06Avatar Korra misty palms in
01:25:10Find her you two go. I'll stay here and make sure the here's body is safe. I
01:25:17Met your uncle when I was a teenager after we had both joined the Red Lotus
01:25:20We learned about Raava and Vaatu and how avatar one foolishly severed them disrupting the balance of the world forever
01:25:26Avatar one wasn't foolish. He was trying to restore balance
01:25:29He closed the portals severing humans from spirits even you realize the error in his ways
01:25:34So all along you and my uncle plan to use me to open the portals and release Vaatu
01:25:38That's why you tried to take me when I was a kid
01:25:41And with members of the Red Lotus as your elemental masters we could have taught you so much
01:25:45Sounds like you wanted to brainwash me so I do whatever you wanted
01:25:48No, all I wanted was to show the avatar a better path for the world
01:26:00So here is an anarchist who wants his mom to get out of his room wants to
01:26:02Wants to bring down all the government so the humans will live together with spirit
01:26:08What do we do get Korra out of here
01:26:13Bolin and I will hold them off