Korra Video, Hanging Out, and Sea of Thieves (2/4)

  • last month
00:00:00...remake it in chaos.
00:00:02Zaheer believes in nothing, he's just ultimately following the rest of the agenda of the Red Lotus.
00:00:06An agenda so nonsensical that it's canon is that nobody knew what the hell their grievances were.
00:00:15...can be slightly understandable.
00:00:16They could!
00:00:17Again, hey, Cosmo.
00:00:24It may have been how those stories started, but it certainly wasn't how they ended.
00:00:28Interacting with a chat while recording was not a good idea.
00:00:31It may have been how those stories started, but it certainly wasn't how they ended.
00:00:35They didn't take their ideologies too far, their ideologies either changed or were revealed to be nonsense.
00:00:40The show acts like it actually stuck the landing with their own antagonists, when it just didn't.
00:00:45It shows that Brike really thought they achieved something here when all they did was chicken out,
00:00:49and they think you, the viewer, are too stupid to notice that.
00:00:52Some people think you're supposed to engage with the story on its terms,
00:00:54so if it thinks that's what it was about, then we need to treat it like that.
00:00:58But people only ever say that when a story they like is being criticized.
00:01:01Execution is still a crucial aspect of critique, and Korra fumbled the execution hard.
00:01:08Furthermore, can we talk about how weak and philosophically lazy
00:01:11they took it too far is as a villain story?
00:01:16This is peak horseshoe theory.
00:01:18This is just the horseshoe theory.
00:01:19I know Avatar has always been about balance,
00:01:24but that shouldn't be bound between oppression and no oppression.
00:01:29Virtually all the villains are in some way about tearing down the establishment in varying degrees,
00:01:33so no wonder a lot of people tar the show as being pro-status quo.
00:01:37Some of its defenders think the show was divisive because it was political.
00:01:40No, I think if it was political, as in actually taking a stand on something,
00:01:44it would have been great.
00:01:46But it wasn't.
00:01:48It certainly likes to use political trappings, but that doesn't make it political.
00:01:52It keenly lacks any degree of political literacy.
00:01:55Even having bad politics would have been better.
00:01:57This series has none, and you can't have it like that.
00:02:00If you're going to be political, you need a stance, and if you don't have one, don't be political.
00:02:05Instead, it does this under the idea of making the show appear more mature and dark
00:02:13to a fanbase that's getting older yet still has an age of battle shown in it.
00:02:22Hence why the political subtext goes hand-in-hand with the increased gruesomeness of the violence.
00:02:26But the key to maturity is being bold, taking a bold stance.
00:02:30Not just in politics, but in storytelling as well.
00:02:32And Korra was practically begging for something more meditative and forward-thinking,
00:02:36not to just set an Occupy Wall Street banner on fire and then get back to anime fighting.
00:02:42All in all, The Legend of Korra takes Avatar and proceeds to gentrify it.
00:02:45It adds pretty-looking modern cities.
00:02:47It adds nice, clean, utopian, metal-bending paradises
00:02:49It adds nice, clean, utopian, metal-bending paradises
00:02:51Pretty-looking modern cities.
00:02:57It adds nice, clean, utopian, metal-bending paradises
00:02:59ripped right out of a Tech Bro CGI bullshit project.
00:03:02It adds plenty of American iconography
00:03:04and proceeds to break and bend the world of Avatar to fit into its mold.
00:03:09It adds plenty of American iconography
00:03:11and proceeds to break and bend the world of Avatar to fit into its mold.
00:03:13It adds plenty of American iconography
00:03:15and proceeds to break and bend the world of Avatar to fit into its mold.
00:03:17It adds plenty of American iconography
00:03:19and proceeds to break and bend the world of Avatar to fit into its mold.
00:03:21Granted, Avatar was never all that unique in the first place.
00:03:23The series was rightfully called out for Orientalism in its design.
00:03:25But the solution was to do it better.
00:03:27Not proceed to make, like Americans, nuke half a country
00:03:29and rebuild it into something more closely approximating them.
00:03:32The solution was to let your new cast stretch their legs and find themselves.
00:03:36Not bury them under shackles.
00:03:39Chains and constant references to the original series.
00:03:45Some people will say, you just don't like it because it wasn't like The Last Airbender.
00:03:49The reason I don't like this show is because it tries too hard to be The Last Airbender.
00:03:54It says, here's our bold new ideas.
00:03:56Now let's throw that away so we can take you on a guided tour of Last Airbender nostalgia.
00:04:03If Avatar is going to continue, which it clearly wants to,
00:04:08it can't keep doing this.
00:04:10They're already teasing the next Avatar taking place in the modern day.
00:04:14Clearly wants to.
00:04:18It can't keep doing this.
00:04:24They're already teasing the next Avatar taking place in the modern day.
00:04:27And I gotta say, if we don't learn from Korra, dial back the stakes.
00:04:33Focus on the characters and get your ducks in a row
00:04:36before you start blowing up the planet.
00:04:38This is just going to get even worse.
00:04:44And that's Legend of Korra.
00:04:45A show with so much promise and so many interesting new takes
00:04:48on not just Avatar, but traditional adventure stories.
00:04:51Practically smothered under the crea-
00:04:53Practically smothered under the creator's unwillingness to commit to any of it.
00:04:59Practically smothered under the creator's unwillingness to commit to any of it.
00:05:04Under the fear that if it wasn't just like the original
00:05:06and didn't have enough references to the original,
00:05:08people might stop watching.
00:05:09And that became a self-
00:05:11And that became a self-
00:05:13And that became a self-fulfilling prophecy.
00:05:15As its unwillingness to commit caused its ratings to plummet to the point
00:05:22it was moved into the streaming ghetto and languished there.
00:05:26Plummet to the point it was moved into the streaming ghetto and languished there.
00:05:31And in a twist of beautifully dark irony,
00:05:37despite the romance being the most hated part of the show,
00:05:40that's now the only thing it's ever really remembered for.
00:05:54It's ever really remembered for.
00:05:56That's now the only thing-
00:05:58That's now the only thing it's ever really remembered for.
00:06:01And I-
00:06:03It's a shame, because at the very least,
00:06:04Cora herself deserved way more than to just languish as a pin-up for the internet's-
00:06:09And I find that a shame, because at the very least Cora herself deserved way more-
00:06:16And I find that a shame, because at the very least,
00:06:18Cora herself deserved way more than to just languish as a pin-up for the internet's muscle girl fetish.
00:06:24I'm Lily. Thanks for watching.
00:06:28Girl fetish.
00:06:32I'm Lily.
00:06:33Thanks for watching.
00:06:34No TV and movies suck, I'm here with my gal.
00:06:50Shake your hand, kick around.
00:06:59Hey you want a beer?
00:07:00Peter, it's 11am.
00:07:01If the clock ain't digital, you don't know that.
00:07:21No TV and movies suck, I'm here with my gal.
00:07:27Shake your hands, kick around.
00:07:29Wear a suit to breakfast.
00:07:31Underwear that laces up.
00:07:33All girls have a guy's haircut.
00:07:35Prank your car to make it start.
00:07:37You will die of measles.
00:07:46Thanks for watching.
00:07:47No TV and movies suck, I'm here with my gal.
00:07:53Shake your hands, kick around.
00:07:55Wear a suit to breakfast.
00:07:57Underwear that laces up.
00:07:59All girls have a guy's haircut.
00:08:01Prank your car to make it start.
00:08:03You will die of measles.
00:08:09That's going to be the music for the credits.
00:08:17So, final time count, 2 hours and 20 minutes.
00:09:17Are you going to animate a puppet throughout?
00:09:36Probably not.
00:10:08Because they're just filling a mandatory role.
00:10:10Several videos ago, I pitched an idea for a successor to Korra, Avatar Neva.
00:10:14A rather flighty and skittish avatar who cowers behind her sister and has an arc about stepping out of the safety of her sister's shadow.
00:10:19And after I gave that, the first thing the comments started asking me about was animal companions and their team.
00:10:24And after I said multiple times, there were none, only her sister, some people got bored and went to go do something else.
00:10:29And to an extent, I can understand that.
00:10:31It's hard to ignore the story in favor of shipping when the only two permanent characters are siblings.
00:10:35Not impossible, but whenever a franchise has a trope that is considered mandatory to its identity,
00:10:39the healthiest thing that the creators can do is completely do away with it before familiar expectations start creating problems.
00:10:45And that starts now because the crew is here because Aang had a team avatar and so Korra needs a team avatar.
00:10:51No, really, that's the in-universe reason.
00:10:53The arena might be shut down, but we're still a team.
00:10:56The new team avatar.
00:10:58Let's break them down one by one.
00:11:07Would have been neat.
00:11:08Can't imagine how long that would take for this behemoth.
00:11:20So what do you guys think since you've all been here throughout the entire production so far?
00:11:56Oh, speaking of Avatar Niva.
00:11:59Look at him!
00:12:01Look at him!
00:12:04Oh, I love this sketch.
00:13:18I feel the Socrates are gonna use this one against you just like everything else.
00:13:21Man, oh yeah.
00:13:23Look, if I breathe the wrong way, they'll use it against me.
00:13:31Do the names Niva and Lavi have meanings? They do not.
00:13:46Already imagining their interactions in my head.
00:13:48Oh yeah.
00:13:49They're very sweet with each other.
00:14:18Bye Lily, I got real life stuff to do.
00:14:37And due to Avatar, what the prequels did to Star Wars.
00:14:51This is how liberty dies.
00:14:54With thunderous applause.
00:15:22So when Korra launched with a story about equality movements led by a pathological liar that nonetheless achieved what it wanted,
00:15:27a lot of people considered that to be a touch confused.
00:15:30Which is a shame because Korra is patient zero for time and dive right in.
00:15:34Starting with Korra herself.
00:15:52Oh, wait a minute.
00:16:01I need that grody ass smirk for this.
00:16:28Oh yeah.
00:16:49So, uh, let's see.
00:16:56So how this is going to work is that.
00:17:00Once I finish editing the video for a section, I'm going to upload it for cryptid tier patrons.
00:17:15This will be the version without the music, unfortunately.
00:17:19Because I usually do all the music in the final editing pass.
00:19:58Compartmentalizing these videos down into individual sections makes editing them a lot less daunting.
00:20:03Like, editing a two hour video, oh good lord.
00:20:06Editing a twenty minute, uh, twenty minute, uh.
00:20:10Editing an almost thirty minute section is a lot more manageable.
00:20:13Especially given the fact that the Korra section is the biggest one.
00:20:45I hit open in new, I hit open in new window in Windows Explorer.
00:20:49And Windows Explorer fucking crashed.
00:20:58Uh, let's see.
00:20:59There you go.
00:21:27Uh, let's see.
00:21:31Who made that again?
00:21:34AVbyte, okay.
00:22:05So let's break them down one by one.
00:22:22This episode is brought.
00:22:27This episode is brought to you by.
00:22:35This episode is brought to you by.
00:22:38This episode is brought to you.
00:22:42This episode is brought to you by.
00:22:46And later on, Mako arbitrarily.
00:22:50Oh, there you are.
00:22:55Okay, be honest with me.
00:22:56Does anyone actually like my.
00:23:00And later on.
00:23:18So part of the reason the crew ends up getting so sidelined is because.
00:23:22For over a thousand generations, the Jedi Knights.
00:24:25Oh, beautiful for Smuggies guys.
00:24:29Insecticide it rain.
00:25:10The layout resembles New York.
00:25:11There's references to multiple New York landmarks and locations.
00:25:14And the inspiration from Avatar's Chinese roots is about as token and vestigial as.
00:25:18Well, Chinatown actually.
00:25:20Yeah, it's just New York and that's.
00:25:22The four nations are meant to.
00:25:24You sure that's the guy.
00:25:26Invaded the Earth Kingdom.
00:25:27The Avatar being the check on.
00:25:32A children's ninja cartoon.
00:25:33So it feels at times like those mature anime you've heard so much about.
00:25:36Where they spliced three minutes of the human centipede into the middle of an episode of card captors.
00:25:40This rigid adherence to the status quo.
00:25:42Gotta keep one jump ahead of the red line.
00:25:45One swing ahead of the sword.
00:25:47I steal only what I can't afford.
00:26:10Where the fuck is the oppression man's late, but it also lets you keep him on as a villain while making a much better.
00:26:32The closest comparison I can find is Princess Mononoke.
00:26:41I was being used as the backdrop for a battle.
00:26:50Which are decidedly bereft of the high adrenaline catharsis of their contemporaries.
00:26:54That's not even to call Mononoke bad.
00:26:56It's just the last thing I would.
00:26:59The backdrop for talking about.
00:27:01Which is why you end up with political espionage being used as the backdrop for a battle shown in.
00:27:05Or a show about anti-fascist rebellion being used as a backdrop for talking about your feelings.
00:27:09Or a show about a world ending battle between the forces of good and the forces of darkness.
00:27:13Being used as the backdrop for codependent cat girl incest.
00:27:16Ultimately everything the characters have learned turns out to be meaningless.
00:27:19What the fuck, Richard?
00:27:50Yeah, I know.
00:28:07Yes, Rico.
00:28:39am the righteous hand of God, and I am the devil that you forgot.
00:28:46Of the four main antagonists in Korra, Unalaq was my favorite up until the second half of
00:28:50the season.
00:28:51So I'm going to be referring to pre-
00:28:52Oh, wait a minute.
00:29:02What is it?
00:29:03I guess I'm just so used to people telling me how to do-
00:29:06You're on the verge of cra-
00:29:07Looks like you could use some help, from the big boss of hell himself.
00:29:13It's still the fucking dumbest thing I've put in one of these.
00:29:24Oh, right, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
00:29:54to do, and the end result is a shitty version of a Kingdom Hearts boss fight. Why does this keep happening?
00:30:24Oh wait, role of CeCe.
00:31:47Despite giving their entire lives to the Air Navy, CeCe has had personal dealings with
00:32:11the Earth Queen to the point she's driving them crazy, so they're both capable and willing
00:32:15to do so.
00:32:16There's a little side character in the show that most people don't quite remember.
00:32:18Her name is Avatar Korra, a character who has previously not been opposed to extrajudicial
00:34:23did not get any sleep last night.
00:34:24I went to bed at around 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was
00:34:39just too fucking warm.
00:36:00So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:30too fucking warm.
00:36:31So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:32too fucking warm.
00:36:33So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:34too fucking warm.
00:36:35So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:36too fucking warm.
00:36:37So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:38too fucking warm.
00:36:39So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:40too fucking warm.
00:36:41So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:36:42too fucking warm.
00:36:43So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:37:40too fucking warm.
00:38:08So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:37too fucking warm.
00:38:38So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:39too fucking warm.
00:38:40So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:41too fucking warm.
00:38:42So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:43too fucking warm.
00:38:44So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:45too fucking warm.
00:38:46So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:47too fucking warm.
00:38:48So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:38:49too fucking warm.
00:38:50So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:39:19too fucking warm.
00:39:43So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:12too fucking warm.
00:40:13So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:14too fucking warm.
00:40:15So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:16too fucking warm.
00:40:17So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:18too fucking warm.
00:40:19So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:20too fucking warm.
00:40:21So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:22too fucking warm.
00:40:23So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:24too fucking warm.
00:40:25So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:55too fucking warm.
00:40:56So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:57too fucking warm.
00:40:58So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:40:59too fucking warm.
00:41:00So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:01too fucking warm.
00:41:02So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:03too fucking warm.
00:41:04So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:05too fucking warm.
00:41:06So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:07too fucking warm.
00:41:08So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:37too fucking warm.
00:41:38So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:39too fucking warm.
00:41:40So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:41too fucking warm.
00:41:42So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:43too fucking warm.
00:41:44So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:45too fucking warm.
00:41:46So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:47too fucking warm.
00:41:48So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:41:49too fucking warm.
00:41:50So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:09too fucking warm.
00:42:10So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:11too fucking warm.
00:42:12So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:13too fucking warm.
00:42:14So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:15too fucking warm.
00:42:16So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:17too fucking warm.
00:42:18So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:19too fucking warm.
00:42:20So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:21too fucking warm.
00:42:22So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:23too fucking warm.
00:42:24So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:25too fucking warm.
00:42:26So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:27too fucking warm.
00:42:28So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:29too fucking warm.
00:42:30So, I went to bed at 2, woke up at 3, and I could not get back to sleep, it was just
00:42:31too fucking warm.
00:42:32Okay, given that a milestone for the editing is done, I am through editing for the day.
00:42:59Fifteen minutes of this has been helpful background static for me sorting out my unemployability
00:43:10papers and tidying my room, oh, neat.
00:43:23Made to get some dinner, alright, see ya Aster.
00:44:23Alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:44:52alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:45:20alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:45:49alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:46:16alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:46:44alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:47:13alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:47:41alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:48:10alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:48:38alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:49:37alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:50:05alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:50:34alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:51:01alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:51:29alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster,
00:51:57alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright,
00:52:27see ya Aster, alright, see ya Aster, alright, see ya
00:52:33Aster, alright, see ya
00:53:18Like that question, let me think
00:53:27Had break started right before you asked. Oh, what is the most sadistic choice a game ever gave you?
00:53:58Mean where one option is sadistic or do multiple have to be where the fact that the game gave you the choice and like
00:54:06Made you make the decision at all is fucking to say it's like fucking sadistic on the part of the game
00:54:12Nuking that town of fallout 3 now, that's not a sadistic choice because it's like, you know, it's either
00:54:23Do you want to kill a whole bunch of people or not?
00:55:29Bioshock and killing the little sisters. Um, yeah, I guess since that's the only way you can level up your abilities
00:55:43Bg3 was pretty rough given that it's act three. No, no, no, no, no
00:55:46No, it has to be like it has to be like you get to the decision and you're like
00:55:52Wow, you're a dick
00:55:54It's not like the evil decision
00:55:57It's not the evil decision in and of itself. It's like the fact that the game is making you make this decision is itself sadistic
00:56:08Follow immediately by the fight between Jack and Miranda. I didn't have enough for renegade points have Jack kill her
00:56:14He's there and still be happy with me and I didn't have enough for in it
00:56:17Renegade points to put my foot down a Miranda's bullshit without killing her loyalty to me. Ooh
00:56:23Yeah, those are tough
00:56:26You get more for sparing the little sisters, oh never mind them
00:56:31This is weird criteria
00:56:35Okay, look hang on let me show you the level let me show you the kind of thing I'm operating on on here
00:57:13Now that's not a good example look
00:57:16It has Leah. It has to be a choice. That is difficult. That is like difficult and neither one makes you feel good about yourself
00:57:36All of fear and hunger does that yeah Walking Dead season one. No, it has to be a game
00:57:57A lot of endings in Elden Ring are like that
00:58:05In season one, okay, then elaborate
00:58:14Especially the children's sports mission elaborates tell me
00:58:50Force a small girl to kill her mentor or she doesn't or she doesn't and he's forced to gradually turn into a zombie. Oh
00:58:57Oh, that's brutal
00:59:35Pathologic also does a lot of that. Mm-hmm
00:59:41Makes you feel like shit for just surviving. Oh, yeah
01:00:39But not the company's giving the kids implants that they will permanently disfigure the children and two of the outcomes can be let a child
01:00:46You come to care about destroy himself for his family's sake or save him and let his family be poor and starving. Oh
01:01:48Say riding in mgs4. Yeah
01:02:18I'm back for a bit. What are we doing? Oh, what is the most sadistic choice of video game has ever forced you to make?
01:02:43On my head it would be a hat in time for me
01:02:45There was a choice to whether or not to give an item to someone to help them take back their island
01:02:49But you risk yourself of the possibility of never making it back home if you give it. Ooh
01:04:24I'm standing by my Mass Effect 2 example can't think of anything else
01:06:12Have one actually
01:06:13Though not a gamer. It was an husband played Witcher 3
01:06:16Backseat gaming with him. There were three witches with which task Jarrell to
01:06:23Kill the spirit kill the spirit of their mother if you go through with that the forest orphanage gets eaten by the witches if you
01:06:29Let her live. She saves the kids with terrorizes nearby villages
01:06:33And to the characters you invest a lot of personal care and commit suicide. Oh
01:06:37Oh that hurts
01:06:51Just loves torturing their players. Yeah obsidian can be equally obsidian can be equally sadistic in that regard
01:07:29Hey, what happened to Billy Billy's gone I retired his character
01:07:42Nails bitten raw TVH. Yeah
01:08:21There's something Lizzie pressured Lily into making anyway, so since she's out of the picture there's no need for yeah, that's pretty much it
01:08:58It's like when she kept trying to make the Valkyrie into siblings
01:09:33Guess leaves of the $100 question. What was the most sadistic choice a game gave you oh
01:09:38Yeah, that's
01:09:40Does it here's the here's the question though? Does it have to be a serious game or like?
01:09:46Can I pick some god-awful thing I played when I was 14
01:10:01A couple Mass Effect 2 killing or rewriting the geth mostly because the outcome is basically the same
01:10:08is one
01:10:09We were here when you reach the we were here is a really interesting
01:10:13Puzzle game where you have to like communicate via walkie-talkie with another person to solve puzzles at the very end
01:10:19You're you're both reunited
01:10:28In order to get out of the labyrinth one of you has to stand on a weighted platform to open a gate
01:10:33Which means only one of you can leave and the other one
01:10:37and the other one has to abandon the other person forever and
01:10:41the other person forever
01:10:43and the last one
01:10:46And the last one I only half remember because it was like fucking
01:10:5218 years ago
01:10:53uh, but like but it was this
01:10:56this old rpg this old rpg maker horror game from like the early 2000s and basically at one point at
01:11:05In one of its it's one of those ones that has like 18 fucking endings
01:11:09Anyway in one of them you basically have the choice to either lie to a dying child so she can die happy or not
01:11:18But the lie itself is pretty bad I will not elaborate
01:11:58Was it was it lb what now?
01:12:05Wow, the second and third one are gut punching. Yep
01:13:01It might be lisa if it's from that series, yeah, no, definitely don't elaborate. No. No, it's uh, it's not lisa
01:13:07Lisa has a similar one has a similar choice like that. Do you hug but it's it isn't really sadistic
01:13:12It's just meaning it's just really meaningless is whether or not you hug a dying man
01:13:40Just got off the phone are we talking about lisa now we're talking about sadistic choices video games have made you make
01:13:54Game I play for fun. That's called 60 seconds. It's a resource management game and a cruel thing. Uh
01:13:59About it, uh is it's about nuclear apocalypse
01:14:02You send a family outside for resources to survive every time you send someone it's pain and cruelty
01:14:07Because they can just not come back. Even if all stats are perfect. You always send a family member to potential death
01:14:29There's a game called dark wood that's really similar to that
01:14:52Dying light dlc nuka stated to destroy the virus and die or save the city and become a monster yourself. Ooh, that's good
01:15:42We were here appears to be free on steam if anyone's curious, uh, yeah
01:15:47Second reminds me of inside out where bing bong jumps out of the rocket in order for joy to make it back from the
01:15:52Forgotten chasm, but he himself gets forgot
01:16:11If you were to rewrite a show you hated let's just say stevie universe, for example, how would you go about it?
01:16:15um dial back the stakes
01:16:18Remove the uh, genocidal dictators and that's about it. Really
01:18:44I don't know
01:19:00Haken is rally grows up to be an astronaut and on the moon. She makes a little sketch of him
01:19:03She thinks I wonder why I thought of this here
01:19:08Lizzie was pushing about the pushy about the valkyrie being siblings. Oh, yeah. Okay, so
01:19:13One of my oldest projects I was I made this when I was a teenager it was like
01:19:18It was just some some stupid
01:19:20Cosmic found family kind of kind of thing
01:19:26Which basically had like five girls all trained by all like
01:19:32Five uh, five five girls all train all trained by the same, uh by the same general
01:19:43Lizzie was weirdly into the idea of like valithrea being a mom
01:19:49Despite the fact I characterized valithrea as very cold
01:20:04Of course by the time she had gotten she'd become familiar with all with all of these things
01:20:11Two of the main characters were already married. And so i'm just like lizzie. Stop making it weird
01:20:16That's not the direction. I want to go in with them
01:20:22This is their boot camp instructor, I assume valithrea was the general. Yep
01:21:11It's a metaphor for lizzie being a weirdo maybe maybe valithrea, I don't I don't know
01:21:29The dreaded figure of authority to parental figure pipeline, yeah
01:21:53Psst sorry about that straw
01:22:02Familial stuff basically where you hear about it all the time at the workplace culture
01:22:05We're family when you're like, no, you're my manager
01:22:28I remember liking valithrea in your old vignettes. Oh, yeah
01:22:53I have a no see it's kind of like that except she becomes the main character's cool aunt
01:22:59Nightmare mode of it's a head political figure instead of a manager. Oh lord
01:23:23I'm like
01:23:30We're finding fionna's the sole survivor of a plague with one shoe with her name on the sole of it
01:23:34That was kind of sad
01:23:40Yeah, you know
01:23:41Here's the funny part
01:23:44Here's the funny part
01:23:46I posted that
01:23:48And nobody got it
01:23:52Not a single person actually got that
01:24:22Darcy's got what must have gone over my head too long
01:24:37The brain farts and now i'm confused well guys, um
01:24:43The valkyr are where you go after you die
01:24:48That was always like that was always the lore or at least that was the only lore that thing had
01:24:59Valithrea is basically the grim reaper
01:25:18Okay, that makes sense
01:25:22Oh, that's cool
01:25:26I'm gonna eat a demon. Let's see what happens
01:25:30yeah, so like
01:25:31Finding little baby fionn as the sole survivor of a plague
01:25:36She was not the sole survivor
01:25:50Yeah, I high key miss those funky little valkyr
01:25:55Ouch, oh there we go. Ruby is now the first person to get it. Oh, oh, that's just sad
01:26:05I remember the designs. They were really neat. Oh, yeah, I still have them
01:26:16There's valithrea
01:26:24One or two of these characters lizzies, uh, there was elephant who I basically just took
01:26:30Who I stole is who I took as collateral in the divorce
01:26:53Yeah, but he lost the oc in the divorce
01:27:11I like the other two tall buff with long hair like jasper. Uh there was suzu
01:27:20World's pointiest woman
01:27:33Remember tolra for some reason anytime I think of her my brain forces me to reverse her name just to get a giggle
01:27:39I remember her suzu is peak. Yay
01:27:57I guess that she always had a point
01:28:13Justice is blind and pointy. I maybe want to be your version of deadpool. No now I didn't really I didn't have deadpool in the brain
01:28:22I had uh corvus on the brain
01:28:43Thumbnail of little mary quake and cherry are one of my favorite old videos from yours. Yep
01:28:49Uh, I don't have non-evil art of fion so I guess we'll just go with this one
01:29:01Man people gave me so much shit for fion having long hair
01:29:16Wait, why I guess the idea the idea some people a bit of some people is like well if she's muscular that means she's gender
01:29:23Non-conforming which means she should have like a she should have like a like a comb over cut or like something
01:29:30Just one of like like three hairstyles that like gender non-conforming female characters had back then and I would look at them like guys
01:29:38She's dressed all in pink
01:29:42This is literally the pinkest woman to ever exist
01:30:36And then there's azzy, I don't know why this one's all green and then there's azzy the original azzy
01:30:48People were and frankly still are so fucking unimaginative. Yeah
01:30:54Those people must have had a shit fit seeing cora's hair
01:30:58Contrary is so fucking dumb fion was great
01:31:09Azzy was always fun to write because she had a giant spider for a pet
01:31:17What inspires you to make your ocs different things at different times really
01:31:38Red-headed slayer of predators. Oh, yeah
01:31:47There was a modern au for this like way back when and like azzy's crowding moment was
01:31:52Was shooting a pedophile in the head in broad daylight
01:31:59And not getting charged for it
01:32:04What was it a specific type of spider, uh, I have an image of it
01:32:08I have an image of azzy as a kid
01:32:11With her spider at with her spider when the spider was an infant
01:32:20Uh arachnophobia, oh, hang on
01:32:27I'll show you when we come back from the uh, come back from the thing come back from the ad break
01:33:06Was sage of alkyr no, he wasn't sage was made specifically for scars
01:33:19All your ocs have cool designs, thank you
01:33:24I designed them myself. Okay. So who wants to see who wants to see who wants to see baby azzy with a baby spider?
01:33:39I do I do. Okay arachnophobia warning in three two one
01:33:59A spooder the size of a puppy
01:34:05Big spider puppy. He's so cute
01:34:12Yeah, azzy has a spider fionn has a blood worm and susu has like a whole bunch of fucking demons
01:34:20Face is so fucking cute
01:34:29That spider eventually grows to be 12 feet tall it's called a demon spider
01:34:36Quirky pet girlies
01:35:34How smart was that spooder extremely smart
01:35:44And then there was mags who was right down here
01:35:55Mags was designed by carousel
01:36:20Oh, right, I never showed tulra
01:36:26There she is
01:36:30Or there they are color is non-binary now
01:36:42Her call azzy was picked up from a particularly hellish soul cluster. No, she was literally just plucked out of hell
01:37:19So it was the titular hell yes
01:37:22Why all these dark elements jesus, I don't know
01:37:26Let's just honey. I devised I I came up with most of these when I was 17. Okay
01:37:47Solar is pretty very underrated
01:37:54These are ocs are 10 plus years ago, they're gonna be lincoln parky as fuck
01:39:03Don't make remember 14 year old me's ocs someone start playing dumb in the background
01:39:10Ha ha
01:39:35Translating to the 80s version of numb is a perfect brain image. Oh well speaking of
01:39:45Just got this randomly out of the blue like I think earlier this year
01:39:54Did I get this yeah april of this year, but it's like wow valkyr fan art just out of the blue
01:40:17It's pretty cool pretty women being touching with each other. Yep
01:40:41On the edgier side at least compared to lily's right? Yeah
01:40:47I will give this about the valkyrie. They are a very colorful cast
01:41:08I can see the warcraft influence on suzu's, uh design with those arm protectors. Oh, yeah
01:41:15I mean her whole look is that of a demon hunter
01:41:26It should have been way more obvious that I was it's thinking back on my ocs
01:41:29It should have been way more obvious that I was trans. Oh hell. Yes
01:41:39Only I was here when you actively talked about them when was it uh, six seven years ago, maybe
01:41:47You can't really mix any of them up though
01:41:49Though saying that I definitely remember people mixing up azzy and fion all the time. Yeah, I think that's um
01:41:56I think it was because mckay tended to draw azzy as buff as fion
01:42:04That was about it
01:42:12Uh, just primal please stay on topic to the stream
01:42:22Honestly mckay's redesigns of ellie were uh, where she really stressed that creative, uh muscle because like
01:42:31I'm about to be mean to something that was made like 10 years ago, but I don't care. This was ellie's original design
01:42:41Which is like just hot topic drow
01:42:51Then mckay just went and did this
01:42:54Which already was like just the start just the start of something amazing
01:43:00I think yeah, she made this comic here
01:43:03I could put fion in a little doctor's outfit
01:43:08No one wants to see that I do
01:43:15And then that evolved into this
01:43:38Got that improvement
01:43:46I was there when you got that fan art on stream. Oh, wow. Just an amazing glow up. I love the forest the setting. Yep
01:43:57Michaela's just a great artist
01:44:28I used to see my stories aren't as wholesome as lily as a failing on my part between
01:44:33Arcs of this social circle i've learned to embrace my cringy edgelord shit poster sensibilities
01:44:39Uh, we actually gave this version of ellie a boy a boyfriend like a uh a satyr
01:44:44Who we designed off of this guy from wow?
01:44:57I really want to commission something for mckay. Unfortunately, I can't eat art. Yeah
01:45:26He friendly
01:45:33You know what I like men getting picked
01:45:39Oh, oh she's probably done creative things with that staff
01:45:58If I just start wearing headphones
01:46:10I just like all the twigs in her hair
01:46:36Any kinky facts about your other ocs
01:46:38Well, if you want to add if you want to ask dirty questions about uh about my ocs by all means go right ahead
01:47:39Yeah, well it says he's oh boy and it isn't even my isn't even my birthday
01:47:50Hold on let me get my monocle and my fan. Uh, you're all silly
01:48:51What did azzy do do to set up her first
01:48:59Set up her first time nice roses, uh on the bed bed or on the couch
01:49:03Uh that would depend on which azzy you're talking about
01:49:09If I remember correctly fion
01:49:14If I remember correctly fion is an absolute bottom right fion is a switch
01:49:19Who alternates between top and bottom? Uh fion does?
01:49:25You're gonna have to you're gonna have to specify a work because like
01:49:29If i'm trying to remember everything off the top and I want to put on the spot. I forget who my fucking characters are
01:49:47If you're gonna ask a question ask about a specific character
01:49:52Otherwise i'm just i'm gonna sit here for like 10 minutes trying to think of your answer
01:50:24Asana's first time uh set up. Um
01:50:30There wasn't really a setup it was basically drunk sex after prom
