(6/10/19) [Audio Only] Breath of the Wild - THE WORLD IS ENDING I'M NOT WORKING TODAY (Warning - Stability Issues) 2/4

  • last month
00:00:00And I make it clear, I am under no obligation to give you any respect.
00:00:02It is not against the law to tell you to go fuck yourself.
00:00:07And I'm proud of you for that.
00:00:08HR- Actually, HR- Funnily enough, HRP tried to do a- a- a street check on me.
00:00:11And I'm just like, go fuck yourself.
00:00:14Like, these street checks are- are- are illegal. Go fuck yourself.
00:00:28Like, you need to go- Like, you need to open the door and let us in.
00:00:30Do you have a- Am I under arrest? No.
00:00:32Do you have a warrant? No.
00:00:33Get the f- Go the fuck home.
00:00:52It's like the sky's having a freakout.
00:01:00Okay, well, that didn't work.
00:01:08This bitch broken, yeet.
00:01:11Well, that's how you not deal with someone with a high ground.
00:01:14So, Veronica, I have a high ground.
00:01:17You underestimate my power.
00:01:19You underestimate my power.
00:01:22See, if- See, if Anakin's arm could shoot, like, a rocket off of- off- like, off of him,
00:01:26he, like, he wouldn't have had that problem.
00:01:31Should've invested in the rocket punch, uh, subroutine.
00:01:36Look, I mean- I mean, the way I see it is that
00:01:38I'm trans and I'm native
00:01:40and I'm visibly both of those things
00:01:43So, if the- the police don't need a reason to kill me- if they want to kill me, they just will.
00:01:49So, as far as I'm concerned, I- there is nothing to be gained from being nice to them.
00:01:55That's fair.
00:02:04Preach actually- Preach Gaming actually once said something very interesting.
00:02:07Never call a police officer, sir.
00:02:08Always refer to them as officer.
00:02:10Because they're not an authority, they're a civil servant.
00:02:14You're a public servant.
00:02:16Get me a glass of water, you pin-headed prick.
00:02:19Tweet's calling them two-faced bigots, bitches, and worthless brother of a crack addict drunk.
00:02:22I need to step, uh, step up my game of pissing off the Tories.
00:02:26Just start tweeting- like, just start tweeting pictures of guillotines.
00:02:37Just tweet- just tweet-
00:02:39Just tweet random facts about the guillotine to conservatives.
00:03:04Goodness gravy.
00:03:06Good grief.
00:03:12That's what the- that's what the Tories are afraid of now, right?
00:03:15Go to a- go to a, uh, go to a Ukip rally-
00:03:17Go to a Ukip rally in a car with, like, a good stereo.
00:03:20And as they're talking, you just very loudly play
00:03:22My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard.
00:03:29You just grin out at them.
00:03:32Get on the bus! Get back on the bus!
00:03:35Just have a bunch of people step and just do it in a big van
00:03:37And have a bunch of people come outside
00:03:39Just have, like, a dozen people come outside
00:03:41Holding milkshakes and walking toward them ominously
00:03:52I actually milkshaked an RCMP officer and got away with it.
00:03:55Oh, wow.
00:03:57See, I saw him appro- I saw him approaching
00:04:00And so when he tapped me on the shoulder to get, uh
00:04:02To get my attention, I just very purposely jolted and screamed
00:04:07And just let go.
00:04:09Like, BOOM!
00:04:11I just turned around, I see him covered in milkshake
00:04:17I love you so much.
00:04:23I'm gay.
00:04:27I want to do that now so much.
00:04:28If you're American, don't do that.
00:04:30I get away with a lot more in Canada.
00:04:31Don't do it.
00:04:32You might get shot and beaten with a club.
00:04:34Because US cops, they just don't give a fuck.
00:04:37I wouldn't even do that in Australia.
00:04:51Look, it's beautiful.
00:04:53It's the most beautiful glitch of all.
00:04:56Alright, can I-
00:04:57The gay glitch.
00:04:58Thank you, Lord, missing now.
00:05:04The gayest glitch of all time.
00:05:07Looks like a bunch of sprinkles.
00:05:21Funnily enough, when I bought the milkshake, the girl at the cashier actually said
00:05:25I'm required to ask if you intend to throw this at a fascist pig.
00:05:29And the manager in the back said
00:05:33Sir, sorry, I'll try that again.
00:05:35I'm required to ask if you intend to throw this at Nazi scum.
00:05:42I guess I'm just not getting it.
00:05:44I just did not give a fuck.
00:05:48I don't give a fuck.
00:05:57With that in mind, uh, bit of good news.
00:05:59I haven't seen that one redneck asshole
00:06:02since he kept calling me sir in a little while.
00:06:04Not since I really got on his case about it.
00:06:06That's good.
00:06:18Oh god, so I'm getting that-
00:06:20I just got DM'd from Tifa.
00:06:22She's one of my teammates on my KP stuff.
00:06:24And one, she says she's loving the stream so far.
00:06:27And you, Harmony, she says
00:06:29you sound like a Hamtaro character.
00:06:32You are diabetes inducing cuteness.
00:06:36Harmony is like, so cute.
00:06:39She is.
00:06:42Harmony is so adorable, I am so gay.
00:06:48That was a bigger squee than I expected.
00:06:55It's almost like a dessert being sweet too.
00:06:58It's like, I'm required to ask if you intend to throw this at conservatives.
00:07:02No, I do not plan to throw this at conservatives.
00:07:04Only neo-Nazis and fascist pigs.
00:07:11See, it's not like they can't say-
00:07:13They'll still sell me even if I say yes.
00:07:15I found that out, it's like, yes.
00:07:17And they still sold it to me.
00:07:21She just doesn't give a fuck.
00:07:24I mean, she was black.
00:07:26Very, uh, very unpleased at having to fucking do this.
00:07:30Oh, hey.
00:07:31Harmony was 13 when I first heard her-
00:07:33Oh, hell no, I was 13.
00:07:36Wow, that's actually the youngest
00:07:38I think I've ever been mistaken for.
00:07:46Definitely, I probably wouldn't be in the discord if I was only 13.
00:07:50Oh, yeah, you wouldn't be-
00:07:51Oh, yeah, you wouldn't be-
00:07:52You have to be, um-
00:07:53You used to have to be 19, now you have to be 20.
00:07:59With Ginger being the sole exception.
00:08:04Is Ginger still here?
00:08:08She had to go.
00:08:10Not sure where.
00:08:12Oh, right, chores.
00:08:14Wait, no, she came back after that.
00:08:15I think she said she needed to go sleep.
00:08:17Oh, okay.
00:08:20Jobs are important.
00:08:44Sorry, everyone.
00:08:46That's my bad.
00:08:48Oh, shit.
00:08:51Youngest I've gotten mistaken for is 16.
00:08:56Sora's so-
00:08:59Link is so valid.
00:09:00Soldier's broadsword is the lost memory.
00:09:01That's neat.
00:09:04Link and his, uh-
00:09:05Link and his, like, hyper-femininity is so valid.
00:09:08It is.
00:09:12Oh, my god!
00:09:13The boomerang to the kingdom key!
00:09:14Holy shit!
00:09:16They fucking did change boomerang to the-
00:09:18Something to the kingdom key!
00:09:19Fucking well good!
00:09:24Alright, let's try this.
00:09:31Just throw it.
00:09:32Ah, I didn't catch it.
00:09:33Where'd it go?
00:09:34Oh, god, it's in the water!
00:09:37My kingdom key won't come back.
00:09:39Come back, boomerang!
00:09:42My keyblade won't come back.
00:09:44Mew, mew.
00:09:45Return to me.
00:09:47See, if I-
00:09:48If I move-
00:09:49Will it come back?
00:09:50Oh, it hit the wall.
00:09:52I can fucking do strike rate!
00:09:56And, of course, like-
00:09:57The boomerang actually has-
00:09:59Okay, well, it almost has the same as the sword.
00:10:05Yeah, okay, so it'll-
00:10:06It'll always come back no matter-
00:10:07Where I-
00:10:08No matter where I move.
00:10:19That's delightful.
00:10:20I'm happy.
00:10:21I am overjoyed.
00:10:24Oh, this is the good shit.
00:10:25Alright, let's-
00:10:26We're gonna fuck the wayward wind off.
00:10:28We're not gonna pick up any more of those.
00:10:31Can't cut someone's head off with that shit.
00:10:34Yeet this shit!
00:10:38They follow you a bit.
00:10:39I haven't tested on horseback yet.
00:10:40Okay, well, actually, you know what?
00:10:42I'll certainly find more boomerangs, so.
00:10:48No? They go-
00:10:49Okay, yeah, they'll follow you quite a ways.
00:10:51And it looks like the catch radius is pretty large.
00:10:54I'm gonna try and fucking hit some people with this.
00:10:57It's like-
00:10:58Oh my god!
00:10:59The king of-
00:11:00King of King is a fucking boomerang!
00:11:05It's the little things.
00:11:07Oh, yeah.
00:11:09In the comments on the mod, somebody actually said
00:11:10you should modify some boomerangs as well.
00:11:14That way you can do strike rate.
00:11:15And it looks like the maker of the mod agreed.
00:11:17There's a little bit of clipping on Link's hair
00:11:19because they weren't meant to have this kind of fucking
00:11:23handle, but whatever.
00:11:24Who gives a shit?
00:11:28I don't care.
00:11:43Who goes there?
00:11:51It's Best Girl.
00:11:56And now Best Girl is here.
00:12:01And now Best Girl is here.
00:12:16And suddenly, I care about-
00:12:18Suddenly I care about Ubisoft now.
00:12:22And there was a dog on stage.
00:12:23And I like dogs, so.
00:12:25So, uh, some of the-
00:12:26Some boomerangs got turned into Keyblades with this mod.
00:12:28And so now I'm just, like,
00:12:30enjoying being able to throw a Keyblade and never come back.
00:12:59Smack ya.
00:13:00Smack him with a Keyblade.
00:13:04My boomerang won't come back.
00:13:13Come back, boomerang.
00:13:16I'm doing just dandy.
00:13:21How are you doing?
00:13:26Oh, right.
00:13:35Okay, so he dropped a lost memory.
00:13:37Oh, there's boomerang.
00:13:45And so I found out what was going on.
00:13:47There was sudden chaos, like, right after I got out of therapy.
00:13:49And I was like,
00:13:50Excuse me, what the fuck is happening over here?
00:13:54Oh, apparently a helicopter crashed into a building,
00:13:56like, four blocks from here.
00:13:58And they're quartering off the streets.
00:14:00And I'm like,
00:14:01Oh, okay.
00:14:02I guess I'll just go home as quickly as possible.
00:14:15I didn't almost get killed by a helicopter.
00:14:16I was blocks away.
00:14:17But it was just really confusing and loud.
00:14:19See, I live in a very small city.
00:14:21I have no conception of how big a block is.
00:14:24Oh, fair.
00:14:26It's a fair bit.
00:14:31I think.
00:14:32Like, unless it was, like, you know,
00:14:34to the scale of 9-11,
00:14:36like, the most I would have, like,
00:14:38gotten was maybe the smell of faint smoke on the wind.
00:14:43Which is what I did get.
00:14:44And, like, I'm quartering off the streets,
00:14:46so it was a little hard to get to my train.
00:14:47But, so I just went uptown instead.
00:14:49Like, you know.
00:14:50So I went up to the train,
00:14:51walked up to the train.
00:14:52Instead of down to the 50th street train,
00:14:53I walked up to the 59th street train.
00:14:55That was the only inconvenience there was.
00:14:57And a couple quartered off streets.
00:15:02You should go!
00:15:10So as we get here,
00:15:11I hear idiots using a frickin' street as a drag strip.
00:15:42Oh, yeah.
00:15:55Zelda isn't gay.
00:15:56Which one?
00:15:59I mean,
00:16:00Zelda seems pretty bad to me.
00:16:11Also, the stained glass window could just have short hair,
00:16:13and y'all just make assumptions.
00:16:20Is that what you learned?
00:16:26Yeah, if the Lord doesn't allow for gays,
00:16:27change the Lord.
00:16:36Which one?
00:16:42Gay Link, Gay Link, Gay Link.
00:16:49Someone's like,
00:16:50I know you listed your favorite Pokemon,
00:16:51but do you have any favorite Pokemon human characters?
00:16:53I'm like, who the fuck plays Pokemon for the human characters?
00:16:58Yeah, who's your favorite character in a kaiju movie?
00:17:00It's like, uh...
00:17:03Someone's like, why do so many monsters have Keyblades?
00:17:05It's the Keyblade Graveyard.
00:17:13I should play the fuckin' Demon Tide thing whenever I fight a boss.
00:17:17Oh, that'd be fun.
00:17:18mr chacun
00:17:39Hm, please go catch my maracas.
00:17:42Alright, fine, I'll catch your maracas.
00:17:44Alright, fine, I'll catch your maracas.
00:17:46I'm a ruckus.
00:17:52No, I just have to get the door.
00:18:16Damn it.
00:18:32Damn it!
00:18:33Alright, wait.
00:18:47That chest better give me something cool.
00:18:51Who am I kidding? It probably has to do with maracas.
00:18:55Those maracas are keyblades.
00:19:17Want to play a Zelda song or have our own story?
00:19:20See, they did do the thing Shadow of Mordor did, and I really like this.
00:19:22They let you play as the Lothariel skin.
00:19:25It had some minor animation issues because it was just sort of...
00:19:29The skin was put over Talion's skeleton.
00:19:34Some minor lining up issues when sheathing and unsheathing the sword.
00:19:36And you still had Talion's voice.
00:19:38And in pre-rendered cutscenes, Talion was still Talion.
00:19:41But it was cool!
00:19:42You could kind of make your own thing in that you were basically just a four-higher mercenary
00:19:46following these two guys around doing all the heavy lifting.
00:19:49And they didn't do that for Zelda.
00:19:50It's just like, you know what? Screw continuity.
00:19:52Let's just let people play as different characters.
00:19:56And just...
00:19:58Say to hell with...
00:20:02To hell with continuity.
00:20:13How about that Ralts, Rowlet?
00:20:34Howdy, howdy.
00:20:36Hey, who's got my hat?
00:20:37Look, I'm Woody.
00:20:38Howdy, howdy, howdy.
00:20:39I'm Woody.
00:20:40Howdy, howdy, howdy.
00:20:43Gimme that.
00:20:44How can you smell Korok-
00:20:47How can you smell Korok seeds on me?
00:20:49What the hell are these things?
00:20:55So, uh...
00:20:56How's the server been today?
00:20:59It's been alright.
00:21:02Yeah, I'm just asking because I was barely around today
00:21:05because I was doing, like, Ubisoft stuff with the InSanity server
00:21:08so I don't know how all that went down.
00:21:12Nothing's really blown up yet.
00:21:14Okay, cool. I'm just checking.
00:21:16Nothing's gone Joe McCartney-level witch hunt yet.
00:21:21I want to do a co-op thing so I can have my co-op partner go,
00:21:23Hey, can you give me a hand and I just throw a bokoblin arm?
00:21:38Look at them school towels.
00:21:40Uh, I-I-I-I'm happy you're doing all these, uh, doing these streams for E3.
00:21:45Dirty E3, because it's like, yay, games!
00:21:47And then when I get out of those games, I can get into more game stuff with my friends.
00:21:51All things I don't understand because I am whole dumbass.
00:21:55Jazz hands.
00:21:56You're not whole dumbass!
00:21:58You're brilliant.
00:21:59I am.
00:22:00You're whole dumbass.
00:22:01And that's- and I'm okay with that.
00:22:03Hey, you're going through college, I could never do that.
00:22:07That doesn't make me a dumbass, that makes me in need of a paycheck and you're in the USA.
00:22:14I'm a high school dropout, so.
00:22:16My, uh, my life's ambition is to be able to make enough money to just support all of my best friends financially.
00:22:25You're one hell of a dreamer.
00:22:31Get out your television, nerd!
00:22:50I'm right out of the shithole!
00:24:12I don't even like popcorn.
00:24:16Kinda icky.
00:24:20Who should they get to voice Link when they inevitably decide to stop living in the past and give Link a voice?
00:24:32He'd probably be voiced by a woman.
00:24:36See, I'll tell you who I want to voice Link.
00:24:40And this will give you a perfect idea as to exactly how Link should be characterized.
00:24:44Haley Joel Osment.
00:24:48I like that idea.
00:24:52I approve.
00:24:56Haley Joel Osment is valid.
00:25:04At least I hope he is.
00:25:08That's the idea. Give him Sora's voice.
00:25:20Haley Joel Osment and Kari Walgreen as the voice of Link.
00:25:32Elizabeth Olsen or Brie Larson?
00:25:36We love Brie Larson in this house.
00:25:40Brie Larson is valid in this house. We stan.
00:25:48I made that remark before and someone actually asked me,
00:25:52Who the fuck is Kari Walgreen?
00:25:56Who here doesn't know who Kari Walgreen is?
00:26:00I don't.
00:26:04Where'd I put it?
00:26:08Where'd I put it?
00:26:12I'm looking up her voice stuff.
00:26:24There we go, that's only four megabytes. Great.
00:26:28Let's see, present family.
00:26:32Shows our wife's club? What?
00:26:36Okay, that makes her valid. I'm jerked.
00:26:46Is she the voice of Link?
00:26:50Yes please.
00:26:54She's the voice of the female Jedi Knight.
00:26:58I really like your boots.
00:27:02If I die because you wanted to stiff your dealer, there won't be a Corellian Hell far enough to hide you from me.
00:27:14If I die because you wanted to stiff your dealer, there won't be a Corellian Hell far enough to hide you from me.
00:27:18Less threatening, more helping.
00:27:26I love playing the female Jedi Knight as the most ruthless bitch.
00:27:32She was a talking plant.
00:27:36Okay, sure, why not.
00:27:44That's quite funny.
00:27:48I like her. It sounds fitting, thank you. Love it.
00:27:52She was a Tina in the beginning, the oldest of the sisters.
00:27:56Okay, I'm cool with that.
00:28:00If I die because you wanted to stiff your dealer, there won't be a Corellian Hell far enough to hide you from me.
00:28:04Oh, that's the good shit.
00:28:08She just sounds so good with threatening people.
00:28:12I do love good threatening.
00:28:16That's cool that she was a Tina.
00:28:20Let you make Link choose between responding neutrally, positively, or in some way negatively.
00:28:24Let you make Link choose between responding neutrally, positively, or in some way negatively.
00:28:28So you can get those moments of Kari Walgreen threatening someone.
00:28:32So you can get those moments of Kari Walgreen threatening someone.
00:28:40Oh yeah, you hurt Lana.
00:28:44Now I'll hurt you, and I'll take my time doing it.
00:28:48When it's done, you're dead too.
00:28:56This drink, I like it. Another!
00:29:00Never been in a Lily's room before, who's here and what's happening?
00:29:04Well, why don't you watch for a few minutes and find out?
00:29:08Use your eyes and ears, please.
00:29:12Use your head, it's that thing three feet above your ass.
00:29:16Three feet above your ass.
00:29:24Lily pulled me a threat and threatened me, I would just confess in hopes of getting stepped on.
00:29:28Lily's fangirling. I like dialogue options in this game that allow Link to be snarky.
00:29:32Yeah, I'd like it even better if it actually let Link say something.
00:29:40Alternatively, I would like the idea of
00:29:44having all these moments where Link is
00:29:48extremely expressive, and it looks like he's about to say something but just doesn't
00:29:52because he's just so done with everyone's shit. So everyone talks about how important it is to
00:29:56live up to the soul of the hero, and Link just opens his mouth to talk
00:30:00and then he's like...
00:30:04I think they've done that with Maggie in literally every Simpsons episode,
00:30:08I wish they'd go to the future.
00:30:12Have small vocalizations of...
00:30:20So this is what I'm dealing with today.
00:30:24Are you the reborn hero?
00:30:28That's what they keep telling me.
00:30:42The villain's going on his monologue, Link just rolls his eyes.
00:31:06Everyone's monologuing, he's just sitting there whittling a piece of wood.
00:31:12Everyone's monologuing, he's just sitting there whittling a piece of wood.
00:31:16Huh? It's like, Link, huh?
00:31:24Oh, I'm sorry, were you done?
00:31:28Sorry, I was doing something more important.
00:31:32Oh, second thought, that's too bad.
00:31:36Oh, second thought, that's too bad.
00:31:40Oh, second thought, that's too bad.
00:31:44I had my eye on that.
00:32:14That's a food mart.
00:32:18Where can I find an armor shop?
00:32:22That's an inn.
00:32:26No, that's a tree.
00:32:30Ew, my dog is like, when I take her for a walk, I'm like, Ruby, where's home?
00:32:34And she like, goes towards a tree, and I'm like, no, that's a tree.
00:32:42She's so cute.
00:32:46Fine, it's a wand. Now you're getting it!
00:32:50I like the hood look.
00:32:54Oh yeah.
00:32:58You really feel like a traveler when you've got a cloak with a hood.
00:33:02Oh yeah.
00:33:06There's actually a mod that'll turn you into Sora.
00:33:10It's a mod for the barbarian's armor.
00:33:14Great, now I'm a hooded keyblade wielder.
00:33:18Is Sora part of the organization?
00:33:22Oh, you know what the best part is? I can dye all of this black too!
00:33:26The hood kinda looks like an organization 13 hood.
00:33:30In DMC5 there's this taunt
00:33:34where one of the characters just puts up his hood, and you can keep that hood on
00:33:38for the remainder of the level, which is cool.
00:33:42Like, with so many pockets on the inside.
00:33:46You gotta keep your weapons and your food somewhere.
00:33:50Wait a minute.
00:33:54I'm gonna go to the Shrining Paprika Village, I wanna have an easy warp!
00:33:58And now that just reminds me of the
00:34:02Boys Uniforms and Winx Club, like, there's no way
00:34:06there are pockets in those uniforms.
00:34:10Yet they pull their weapons out of their butts.
00:34:14I think I heard somewhere
00:34:18there was something in Star Trek
00:34:22where it depicted
00:34:26Starfleet uniforms having pockets, and Gene Roddenberry, the creator of Star Trek
00:34:30voiced his disapproval of that, because he imagined a world where
00:34:34basically people wanted for nothing, and just didn't have
00:34:38as much need for material possessions on them, so they would just
00:34:42evolve into a world without pockets.
00:34:46That's a weird thing to get upset about, but okay.
00:34:50Pockets are a decadent
00:34:54capital's luxury. We don't have pockets in our post-scarcity
00:34:58luxury space communism.
00:35:02Just pull their swords out of nowhere.
00:35:06Me and my friend joke they literally pull them out of their butt.
00:35:10Really do the thing.
00:35:14Do what thing?
00:35:18There are lots of things.
00:50:46See, I have a suspicion about who it is, but it's actually somebody who joined the server
00:51:06Okay, for those of you just coming in, I have no idea why the fuck I'm just standing here.
00:51:14Kiwi Farms, a neo-nazi hate site that's populated predominantly by pathetic sad sack losers
00:51:19who live in their mother's basements, has recently been trying to fucking mine my patron
00:51:24server for information.
00:51:26They can only get the public chat channels, though, which means they can't get the channels
00:51:28where I'm compiling the big dossier on all of them.
00:51:45I mean, the fact that they didn't get friends and family rules out all of you guys.
00:51:54I don't have the intelligence to put something like this together.
00:51:57I wouldn't know that there was a way to, like, look for messages like that.
00:52:00Kiwi Farms created a hack to harass an autistic trans woman.
00:52:03That's the reason why it started.
00:52:05Yep, that's all it was.
00:52:06Like, you guys remember, like, what was the meme name?
00:52:09Chris-Chan, I think?
00:52:10Chris-Chan, yeah.
00:52:11Chris-Chan, yeah.
00:52:12Yeah, that was somebody who basically made some dumb comics on the internet.
00:52:15And then was routinely harassed until she, until she basically went insane from the harassment.
00:52:37Okay, so managers.
00:52:39I didn't hear this don't do it thing, but, well, if I get called to protect others,
00:52:42then it's nice to be here.
00:52:51I don't watch you often, but I do think they should all burn with their kiwi crops.
00:52:53Oh, I think they should just fucking kill themselves.
00:52:55And I have, I have no qualms about, I have no qualms about saying that.
00:52:57They're fucking gross-ics pieces of human excrement.
00:53:08Been here for a few months.
00:53:12It's January.
00:53:20Someone who's been here for a year.
00:53:25Who should kill themselves?
00:53:26Oh, kiwi farms.
00:53:27Pathetic sad sack neo-Nazis.
00:53:29Who have no idea what I'm planning.
00:53:33Apparently, apparently they're operating under the delusion that I'm apparently,
00:53:37that we are stalking them.
00:53:40Oh, I mean, you guys aren't involved at all.
00:53:42I mean, you guys aren't involved.
00:53:43You guys aren't involved at all.
00:53:44It's just me and, oh, it is so much worse.
00:53:54Oh, goody.
00:53:55Oh, goody.
00:53:56Oh, goody.
00:53:57They're on the stream.
00:53:58They heard all of that.
00:53:59Hi, you bunch of stalker douchebags.
00:54:03Hi, kiwi farms.
00:54:04Go fucking kill yourselves.
00:54:07Go suck a dick.
00:54:08Suck a dick.
00:54:09Suck a motherfucking dick.
00:54:10Suck a dick.
00:54:11Suck a huge or small dick.
00:54:13Go suck a dick.
00:54:14What are you planning?
00:54:15Oh, come on.
00:54:16You really think I'm going to tell you?
00:54:17I haven't even told them yet.
00:54:18Go suck a dick.
00:54:19Suck a dick.
00:54:20Suck a motherfucking dick.
00:54:21Suck a dick.
00:54:22Suck a huge or small dick.
00:54:24Oh, no.
00:54:27Oh, boy.
00:54:28This is a lot.
00:54:29Should I hack their sacks for you?
00:54:31Ah, no.
00:54:32You're fine.
00:54:33There's nothing you can do that they haven't already done to themselves, or there could
00:54:36be worse than what I'm planning to do to them.
00:54:43See, the funny thing is Joshua Moon actually decided to close the site precisely because
00:54:47his family was doxxed and had their addresses posted online.
00:54:50But then somebody else brought it back up.
00:54:54So it's lovely knowing how terrified they are of being found out.
00:55:02I mean, I know the identity of several people who are on Kiwi Farms.
00:55:06Brittany's on Kiwi Farms.
00:55:08An old, extremely unhinged former friend is on Kiwi Farms by the name of Blake.
00:55:15And Josh is on Kiwi Farms, too.
00:55:23Brittany suspiciously abandoned her Tumblr a few months ago.
00:55:26Can't imagine why.
00:55:29But, I mean, good fucking riddance.
00:55:33Weird name, too.
00:55:34Kiwi Farms.
00:55:35They call themselves that to avoid harassment.
00:55:36I don't know why, actually.
00:55:37Like, I don't know why these people name their sites the way they do.
00:55:42I actually need a shield in my hand.
00:55:49People still use Kiwi Farms apparently.
00:55:52I had no idea what Kiwi Farms is until very recently,
00:55:55because I just never really paid attention to it before.
00:55:59I don't know.
00:56:00There was a whole bunch.
00:56:02Oh, by the way.
00:56:03Hi, Mars.
00:56:04It's good to see you in the chat.
00:56:08I think they doxxed Turn Critic on there, too.
00:56:13It sounds like the...
00:56:15It sounds like it's on.
00:56:16It is Squirrel Flight Warriors of the Week.
00:56:18Since it came out right after Crowfeather,
00:56:20I feel no guilt in probably making a Squirrel Crow picture for it again.
00:56:26Aw, the Guardian Sword doesn't have a thing.
00:56:30So fun.
00:56:35Pathetic creature, that one.
00:56:36Oh, yeah.
00:56:37I think his name was Joshua Moon.
00:56:40Funnily enough, there's always a...
00:56:42The thing is that it's this very, very pathetic culture.
00:56:44They all have to try to pretend not to care too much.
00:56:48As if it's, like, just for fun.
00:56:50Because the moment people start showing emotion...
00:56:52Eightfold Blade.
00:56:53Oh, shit! It looks like Lionheart!
00:56:54Aw, that's fucking cool!
00:56:55Alright, first, we're gonna fuck this spear off.
00:56:58We're gonna fuck that off, too.
00:57:02We're gonna fuck this off, because it's not a Keyblade.
00:57:09And we're gonna fuck that off, because it's weak as balls.
00:57:12And we're gonna equip that, because it's cool!
00:57:13I like this Keyblade.
00:57:15So, yeah.
00:57:16They have this term for people in their community who actually behave the way they think.
00:57:22They behave the way they believe.
00:57:25Who was it? Let's see.
00:57:31Web's biggest community of stalkers.
00:57:39Here's an article from New York Magazine.
00:57:42The Doth protest too much tone of obsessive stalkers scornfully describing their victims as crazy isn't lost on Kiwi farmers.
00:57:48There's a term for those who embarrass the larger community by revealing their own eccentricities.
00:57:52It's named after a former member, Anthony A-Log Logato, who drew attention to himself by furiously comparing Chris-Chan to Hitler.
00:57:58Logato's malicious diatribes about Chandler got him banned and rebranded as a fit mark for trolling,
00:58:02with those most annoyed with him leaving the Vanguard.
00:58:04After finding and investigating Logato's furry porn collection and My Life as a Teenage Robot fanfiction,
00:58:09K-App's consensus was that A-Log hated Chris-Chan because she reminded Logato of himself.
00:58:13Or, to put it in their terms, A-Log was the second Chris-Chan.
00:58:24The truth is, I think it might be A-Logs all the way down.
00:58:26It isn't a stretch to imagine that Kiwi Farms members are acting out of the same insecurity that motivated A-Log,
00:58:30that by ridiculing those they perceive as mentally ill or sexually deviant, Kiwi Farmers feel functional and successful by comparison.
00:58:35By putting those people up on their forums, they reject the notion that they themselves might share anything common with their targets,
00:58:39and that works so long as everyone remains anonymous and pretends not to care too much either way.
00:58:43A-Logs put the lie to the rationalization that makes Kiwi Farms a comfortably consumable entertainment product.
00:58:54Consider that across forums there are multiple warnings to members to conceal their identity.
00:58:58For Kiwi Farmers, anonymity isn't a choice but a necessity.
00:59:00They know what they're doing is definitely illegal and that their anonymity insulates them for many consequences.
00:59:04They know their entertainment harms vulnerable people, which is why some of them felt bad when that one target hanged herself.
00:59:09But most important, they know that if their anonymity were compromised, their own community would eat them alive.
00:59:23The Kiwi Farms community is obsessed with its own warped ideas about mental illness.
00:59:27Its justification for picking on Chandler, such as it is, has always been to perceive mental illness.
00:59:31First for being autistic, and in later years for being transgender.
00:59:34That her disability is severe enough to qualify her for SSI benefits is to her detractors, just another reason to hate her.
00:59:38Everyone Kiwi Farm targets is crazy to them.
00:59:40Everything Kiwi Farmers find funny or worthy of disdain is justified as evidence of this perceived mental illness.
00:59:44Crazy is both a catch-all justification for anything they feel like paying attention to,
00:59:49and the reason Kiwi Farmers indulge themselves with lengthy armchair diagnosis about their targets.
00:59:52Their deep and abiding scorn for people with mental illnesses leads them to classify anyone they target as mentally ill,
00:59:56and to focus their energy on those who appear most vulnerable.
01:00:00These people tend to be minorities, women, LGBT people, or kinksters.
01:00:03Victims who exhibit mental strain as a result of being hounded by Kiwi Farmers are subjected to a redoubling of efforts,
01:00:09in the hopes they can precipitate a breakdown.
01:00:11To date, one target has killed herself after being featured on Kiwi Farms,
01:00:13after which Kiwi Farms admin posted a note exonerating the users and forum of any responsibility for her suicide.
01:00:17Because, you know, that's exactly what the admin would do.
01:00:19An admin who admitted that he made the site specifically to terrorize people.
01:00:25So, you know, hey, go and fucking kill yourself.
01:00:31Kiwi Farms has a particularly big hatred of me.
01:00:37There's a lot of people who stalk me.
01:00:39They desperately want me to be another Chris-Chan.
01:00:41That's what they really want from me.
01:00:43They desperately want me to be another Chris-Chan,
01:00:45and so they make shit up about me all the fucking time.
01:00:47They hound everything.
01:00:49They take everything they possibly can completely out of context.
01:00:53They clip things.
01:00:55They lie about things I say.
01:00:57I could say the sky is blue.
01:00:59You know, actually, no, hang on.
01:01:01I could say I enjoy some chocolate ice cream,
01:01:04and Kiwi Farms would scream to the fucking heavens
01:01:07about how I hate vanilla and want everyone who likes vanilla to die.
01:01:15And that's the kind of people who populate the site.
01:01:18They are delusional. They are insane.
01:01:20And they are desperate for anything that might reassure them.
01:01:24No, no, no. You're fine.
01:01:26It's the rest of the world that's crazy.
01:01:29Goodness gracious.
01:01:31Please, please, please, please, get a life foundation.
01:01:33Stop it. Get some help.
01:01:35They, I heard that they really hated the fact that, like,
01:01:38my nervous breakdowns were not caused by their harassment,
01:01:41but were caused by outside, but were caused by outside assault.
01:01:46Oh, la, la, la, la.
01:01:50Get back!
01:01:59I'm actually shaking from how pissed off I am right now.
01:02:02Now, if you're wondering what it was I did to attract their attention,
01:02:05it's being a native woman who has loud opinions that they don't like.
01:02:10That's ultimately what comes down to these kind of fucking stalking fits.
01:02:14It almost always comes down to, you know,
01:02:19somebody who isn't a straight white man
01:02:21said something on the internet that these fucking snowflakes don't like.
01:02:25It's ironic that these people deride, you know,
01:02:28deride triggered snowflakes,
01:02:30because they are the most triggered snowflakes of all.
01:02:32It's sad, it's pathetic, and Kiwi Farms has caused me no, like,
01:02:36I'm concerned about the harm they could do to more vulnerable people.
01:02:46Oh, oh, oh, shit.
01:02:48Somebody here went,
01:02:49Everyone, due to the multiple far-right incursions on other leftist servers,
01:02:51message history has been restricted alongside the availability of server invites.
01:02:54This is a temporary measure until this blows over. Sorry for the inconvenience.
01:02:56Oh my god, something happened in Hbomberguy,
01:02:58something happened in my server that influenced something in Hbomberguy's server.
01:03:03Oh no.
01:03:07Goodness gravy.
01:03:09Good grief.
01:03:12Clearly a lot's going on today.
01:03:15And it's not even 9 o'clock.
01:03:17I think I'm gonna take that, I think I'm gonna take that.
01:03:19Well, I'm gonna, I'm going to disable message history for everybody.
01:03:27Including us?
01:03:28Uh, no, not you.
01:03:30Uh, the people in Friends and Family and Moderators,
01:03:32like, those are people I have specifically vetted.
01:03:34I mean, unless one of you was pulling a very, very meticulously planned con,
01:03:39I don't think it's gonna be me, I don't think it's any of you.
01:03:42Yeah, no.
01:03:43I can't even joke about that.
01:03:45Can I?
01:03:46I mean, I've always had that little anxiety in the back of my head, but, I mean.
01:03:49That's the anxiety talking.
01:03:51You guys have been way too nice to me.
01:03:52At everyone, the entire time.
01:03:54I can't even, I'm not tech savvy.
01:03:58I'm not savvy in any way, shape, or form.
01:04:01I just like, I just like wholesome people, and you guys.
01:04:06Message history has been restricted server-wide for the time being.
01:04:12May I ask how you access Lily's Discord history?
01:04:15I'm also in her server, I use this.
01:04:16Discord history tracker.
01:04:17Browser script to save history of Discord servers and private conversations.
01:04:24I mean, you know, they're not deadnaming me anymore, so.
01:04:27They're still fucking mis- they're still misgendering me, but they're not deadnaming me anymore.
01:04:34I wouldn't really call it progress, but still.
01:04:36Oh yeah, that's not right.
01:04:43They've moved sideways.
01:04:46They moved, like-
01:04:47Is it weird to say the one person on Lily's stream has a cute voice?
01:04:50Depends on which one.
01:04:52Oh, it's probably Harmony.
01:04:56You do have an adorable voice.
01:05:23I've been posting about you since December 9th, 2018.
01:05:26No, further back.
01:05:27Looks like it goes back as far as May 29th, 2018.
01:05:34You know, seeing people use male pronouns to describe me just looks weird now.
01:05:37And I love that.
01:05:38I love how I'm so disassociated from my assigned gender at birth that, like, just seeing it, it's like-
01:05:46I question the person's intelligence at first.
01:05:48It's like-
01:05:50What the fuck?
01:05:51Darren, you're spelling it wrong!
01:05:54Spelling it wrong.
01:05:58See, Kiwi Farms doesn't like the fact that I know of things that go on in their server.
01:06:06I've got a few burner accounts on my own.
01:06:08And a handful of people who browse it and keep me up to date about what the fuck's going on.
01:06:11What the fuck's going on?
01:06:34According to FNGer's DeviantArt, he's heard word that Sketchy has been kicked from Lily's Discord as well.
01:06:41Wait, what?
01:06:42He's here!
01:06:43He's here!
01:06:46Oh, apparently they've added Mod Ibarra to the list of fucking pseudonyms they've got for me.
01:06:51They used to watch Sketchy, apparently.
01:06:55Sketchy's here!
01:06:56Oh god, what a fucking weirdo.
01:06:59Let's drag Sketchy in here and have him say hi.
01:07:02And, like, you know, we've been in conversations with the both of you.
01:07:08Wasn't he on the stream yesterday?
01:07:12And he's still in the list.
01:07:15He wouldn't be in the list.
01:07:16No, no, I mean, like...
01:07:17He's alright.
01:07:19Why are they even saying that he got kicked if he's been on the stream recently?
01:07:25Because people don't pay attention to the stream?
01:07:27Pushful thinking?
01:07:29This was, like, this was in June of 2018 or something.
01:07:33Sketchy's been kicked from the Discord server.
01:07:35Sketchy's here, you fucking...
01:07:36Sketchy's still here, you fucking nutcases.
01:07:40Why didn't you tell us?
01:07:42It was a phantom ban.
01:07:43He looks like he's still here.
01:07:44Phantom ban.
01:07:52You're so desperate.
01:08:00What the...
01:08:06If Sketchy can change Lily for the better, I'll have mad respect for him and resume watching his videos, though I very highly doubt that.
01:08:12What exactly does changing...
01:08:13You know what I always wondered?
01:08:14What does changing for the better look like to these people?
01:08:16Well, I know what it looks like.
01:08:17It means becoming an alt-right chill, but...
01:08:19Like, I used to...
01:08:20Like, I used to ask that openly.
01:08:21I never got a response.
01:08:22I never got a response.
01:08:23It's like, what the fuck do you creepazoids want?
01:08:27This has just turned into the...
01:08:28This has just turned into the, you know, mocked Snowflakes of Kiwi Farms hours.
01:08:31I'm here for it.
01:08:33If this becomes spammy, totally tell me.
01:08:35I have a tendency to post in bursts.
01:08:36Oh, no!
01:08:37No, uh...
01:08:38Oh, no, love.
01:08:39It's, uh...
01:08:40It's totally fine.
01:08:41This is some fucking hilarious material.
01:08:43You fine.
01:08:44I like to post in bursts, too.
01:08:45I have a problem with doing that.
01:08:47I really need to, like, not.
01:08:52I type how I talk.
01:08:53There's just, like, people who actually think it's like, oh...
01:08:55I hope Sketchy's gonna change Lily for the better.
01:08:58You do know who Sketchy is, right?
01:09:03I mean, honestly, Sketchy did change...
01:09:05I mean, Sketchy did change me for the better.
01:09:08Not in the way these people think.
01:09:09Yeah, not in the way these people want it.
01:09:18Like, do they really think a...
01:09:20Do they really think a black man is gonna change...
01:09:21Is gonna try to change me in ways that, uh...
01:09:23That they would approve...
01:09:24That Kiwi...
01:09:25That a bunch of fucking white Nazis would approve of?
01:09:28They really hate the fact that I keep saying kill all...
01:09:30You know, kill all neo-Nazis.
01:09:31Like, Lily says kill all Republicans.
01:09:34I did not say...
01:09:35I did not say that.
01:09:36I mean, I am now, but...
01:09:38Because I fucking can.
01:09:41Because nobody cares.
01:09:43Like, here's the thing.
01:09:44When I say kill all Republicans,
01:09:45the only people who actually give a shit are Republicans and neo-Nazis.
01:09:48And it's like, I don't make content for you.
01:09:51It's like, I used to respect you.
01:09:53And then you became an SJW shill.
01:09:54Oh, okay.
01:09:55And then you became an SJW shill.
01:09:56Oh, okay. Fine. Go away.
01:09:59What do you mean became?
01:10:01What do you mean became?
01:10:02I've always been an SJW shill, you fucking psychopaths.
01:10:10It's like...
01:10:11The depths of their insanity is...
01:10:14It's hilarious.
01:10:15It's hilarious?
01:10:16It's hilarious what it is.
01:10:17I fucking love it.
01:10:18I wanna go there to see how stupid they are.
01:10:19Fucking who needs a shitty...
01:10:20No, no, guys.
01:10:21Don't do that.
01:10:22Don't do that.
01:10:23Don't, uh...
01:10:24Don't do that to yourself.
01:10:25Don't do that to yourself.
01:10:26Just enjoy the roast.
01:10:27Just enjoy the roast.
01:10:28Enjoy the roast.
01:10:29Trust me.
01:10:30That is a level of delusion that I find funny,
01:10:32because it's directed at me.
01:10:34And, you know, I've long since made...
01:10:36Like, it used to bother me,
01:10:37but I've made peace with the fact that, you know,
01:10:39since nothing they do ever fucking hurts me.
01:10:41Ever since Josh was revealed to be a complete fucking liar.
01:10:46I poked my head in there once,
01:10:47read one post,
01:10:48it was immediately uncomfortable with the entire site.
01:10:51Oh, do you remember what it said?
01:10:52I do not.
01:10:54I just remember it being really close.
01:10:56The difference is you don't take their shit lying down.
01:10:58Like, I've long made peace with the fact that, like,
01:11:00it used to bother me that this kind of crap exists.
01:11:02It used to make me anxious.
01:11:03It doesn't anymore,
01:11:04because it became very clear that, like,
01:11:07one, I get to dictate the narrative.
01:11:09If they wanna make up a deranged conspiracy theory
01:11:11and I don't want it to gain any traction,
01:11:13and if I don't talk about it,
01:11:14if I don't acknowledge it,
01:11:15it doesn't gain any fucking traction.
01:11:16They've been pushing one particular conspiracy theory
01:11:18for a very long time,
01:11:19and it never gains any traction
01:11:20because I don't pay any attention to it.
01:11:22I ignore it completely.
01:11:24When I'm listing out the dumbass conspiracy theories
01:11:26they make about me,
01:11:27I omit it entirely,
01:11:28and it pisses them off.
01:11:33I know they have a tire threat on Toon.
01:11:36Yeah, that's like a stopped clock moment.
01:11:38Every now and again,
01:11:39freakazoids will have a sudden burst of common sense,
01:11:41but at the same time,
01:11:42they care about hypocrisy so much,
01:11:43and then they do that.
01:11:44Like, oh, we're gonna go after Toon for being a pedophile.
01:11:47Guys, you're a whole fucking website of kiddie fiddlers.
01:11:52Oh, God.
01:12:00Oh, Lord.
01:12:04I'm just here for the dumpster fires.
01:12:06I was here again last night.
01:12:07My name is Sly,
01:12:08and I intend to provide perspectives and arguments
01:12:09that may not have been considered.
01:12:10I hate to let anyone here look like a fool.
01:12:13Oh, yeah, okay.
01:12:14What's his name?
01:12:15Okay, DevilsAdvocate963.
01:12:17Yeah, sure.
01:12:18You make them not look like fools.
01:12:30Except instead of one page, there's 400...
01:12:32Not gonna lie, this reminds me of the time
01:12:33I was a moderator for a YouTube before it became a shitstain
01:12:35and someone made a website for me
01:12:36called fuck you...
01:12:37fuck you...
01:12:38fuck today.
01:12:39It was dedicated to racist memes
01:12:40and calling me a Nazi admin,
01:12:41except it was one page,
01:12:42and there's 442 pages,
01:12:43and instead of two idiots,
01:12:44it's a hive mind.
01:12:45Oh, yeah.
01:12:47I mean, like, here's the thing.
01:12:49There's like a few dozen people
01:12:50posting in that forum all the time,
01:12:51except it's not,
01:12:52it's two people in all of their alt accounts.
01:12:59Like, here's the thing.
01:13:00The security on Kiwi Farms
01:13:01is really fucking bad.
01:13:02You have no idea how many of these
01:13:03people's IP addresses I have.
01:13:12Save a life, dox a Nazi.
01:13:15Like, you're not being doxed,
01:13:16you're being identified.
01:13:18Uh, where was I?
01:13:19Yeah, so what was I saying?
01:13:21Nothing they do hurts me.
01:13:22That's the problem.
01:13:23Like, I've said this before,
01:13:24and it does worry me.
01:13:25It does worry...
01:13:26It does, uh...
01:13:27It does, uh...
01:13:28It does worry me at times.
01:13:30Uh, you're about to hear why
01:13:31once I finally figure out
01:13:32how to control my frickin' tongue.
01:13:35But there has been so much
01:13:36deranged bullshit said about me
01:13:38that at this point,
01:13:39it's a boy who cried wolf scenario.
01:13:40Nobody believes anything about me.
01:13:42Nobody who matters
01:13:43believes anything,
01:13:44because people are aware
01:13:46It's not just a matter of, like,
01:13:47me saying it's gossip.
01:13:48There's been documented...
01:13:49It has been documented
01:13:50that people fucking lie about me
01:13:52like crazy.
01:13:54And so now...
01:13:55And so even if I were to do
01:13:56something wrong,
01:13:57chances are it wouldn't be believed.
01:13:59Because of all this.
01:14:00They would just hear,
01:14:01Oh, did you hear about what...
01:14:02Oh, did you hear about...
01:14:03Like, let's say for sake of example
01:14:04I did something wrong.
01:14:05Just, like, imagine something
01:14:06bad in your head.
01:14:07Oh, did you hear about what Lily did?
01:14:08A bunch of people would be like,
01:14:09Oh, shut the fuck up,
01:14:10I'm not interested in your next
01:14:11alt-right conspiracy theory.
01:14:12No, but she actually...
01:14:13Shut up!
01:14:14And it does worry me.
01:14:15Like, I mean,
01:14:16I'm in a situation now
01:14:17where if I wanted to,
01:14:18I could get away with murder.
01:14:21And I'm not comfortable with that.
01:14:22I'm not comfortable with that.
01:14:23That's been the only thing
01:14:24that worries me.
01:14:25These people can't fucking hurt me.
01:14:27But now I am effectively immune
01:14:28to, uh...
01:14:29I am effectively immune
01:14:30to YouTube drama.
01:14:39In essence, you are now
01:14:40invulnerable reputation-wise.
01:14:44Snakeman docs
01:14:45basically means
01:14:46getting someone's information
01:14:49and, like,
01:14:50using it to hurt them, basically.
01:14:53Like, I'm pretty sure Kiwi Farms
01:14:54actually docs Toon
01:14:55and actually got his
01:14:57home phone number
01:14:59and called his grandmother.
01:15:09I think there's actually a bit of...
01:15:10I think there's a video on YouTube
01:15:12where someone actually recorded
01:15:14the phone call
01:15:15where they called his home phone
01:15:17and his grandmother
01:15:18answered the phone.
01:15:19Oh, I also heard
01:15:20through the grapevine
01:15:21that when I'm reading out
01:15:22their messages
01:15:23and correcting the name
01:15:24and pronouns,
01:15:25it pisses them off.
01:15:34There was actually this point
01:15:35where, like, I used to get
01:15:36these fucking harassing anons
01:15:37who would always mark their anons
01:15:38with what particular anon they were.
01:15:39And so after a while,
01:15:40I would legit just...
01:15:42I would legit just see people
01:15:43marking it with the same anon
01:15:45and just, like,
01:15:46making deliberately
01:15:47dumb shit responses.
01:15:48And I would just prioritize them
01:15:50and not answer the actual anon.
01:15:56You guys remember
01:15:57when it's, like, real girl anon?
01:15:59Oh, yeah.
01:16:00It's like, oh,
01:16:01just fuck the banshee already.
01:16:03That's the only reason
01:16:04people like them.
01:16:05Or that guy
01:16:06pretending to be Josh.
01:16:07Oh, yeah.
01:16:08A bunch of people do that.
01:16:09That's just become a joke.
01:16:10People make a hilarious remark.
01:16:11It's like, this is Josh.
01:16:13Josh isn't even on Tumblr anymore.
01:16:15And the funniest part,
01:16:16the funniest part is
01:16:17Kimmy Barbs thinks
01:16:18I'm actually falling for that
01:16:19when in reality,
01:16:20I'm just playing along with a bit.
01:16:21Because, you know,
01:16:22I will never miss an opportunity
01:16:23to join in on fuck Josh hours.
01:16:26I didn't think you would ever
01:16:27want to fuck Josh.
01:16:28Fuck that way!
01:16:30Okay, you know what?
01:16:31I walked into that.
01:16:32I walked into that.
01:16:33I'm just going to hold that L.
01:16:35I walked into that.
01:16:37It looks like Discord archive
01:16:38can also look up messages
01:16:39from people who are no longer
01:16:40in the server.
01:16:41Notice this when I saw
01:16:42Patch record on the list.
01:16:43Yeah, it's because Patch's
01:16:44messages haven't been deleted.
01:16:45I haven't used the
01:16:46delete from all time feature,
01:16:47so their messages are still there.
01:16:49Tell me your thoughts.
01:16:51Apparently they recently
01:16:52accused me of being a spy,
01:16:55That wasn't even your fault.
01:16:58Where did you hear this?
01:17:01I remember I was like
01:17:02checking friends and family.
01:17:04Like, I drink straight
01:17:05and cats don't fart a lot.
01:17:09Is this very...
01:17:12Is this guy the only
01:17:13old guy from family?
01:17:14Family guy.
01:17:17I don't know him.
01:17:19I mean, I wouldn't put it
01:17:20past this and other things
01:17:21to run in the family.
01:17:25I was in
01:17:27the poll
01:17:30Trin tried to get his
01:17:31grandmother to talk to us.
01:17:35It was the
01:17:38Like, I was just like...
01:17:39Again, you won't abuse
01:17:40the power, so I don't see
01:17:41the immunity part bad for you.
01:17:42Here's the thing.
01:17:43I'm not evil, but I am
01:17:44also very dumb.
01:17:45You guys see,
01:17:46I stumble into
01:17:47tone-deaf statements
01:17:48all the fucking time
01:17:49on Tumblr.
01:17:50I'll say something,
01:17:51it'll blow up, and I'll just
01:17:52like, what the fuck did you...
01:17:53It'll be like, what did you do?
01:17:54What? What have I done?
01:18:03I don't know.
01:18:05That was a weird one.
01:18:06Lilius Quentin is Quentin's
01:18:07friend from the end of
01:18:08Magician Season 3.
01:18:09I forgot her name.
01:18:11Also, hello, Sketchy.
01:18:12Oh, is Sketchy in the chat?
01:18:16If he is, then hi, Sketchy.
01:18:17Hi, Sketchy.
01:18:18I don't hear you.
01:18:19Oh, never mind then.
01:18:26I am the ghost
01:18:27of Sketchy past.
01:18:29He haunts the moms.
01:19:02No, it hates me so much!
01:19:06I'll be right back, I need some water.
01:19:08Hey, go fucking kill yourself, you fascist pig.
01:19:12I want water!
01:19:13Or just stay on the forum you're on and keep crying.
01:19:15I mean...
01:19:17Die, fascist!
01:19:18You don't belong in this world!
01:19:20Oh, God.
01:19:37Look, all I'm saying is that we should round up all the Nazis and white supremacists and white nationalists
01:19:44and whatever other fucking euphemism they're using.
01:19:47You know, just want to have a conversation, guys.
01:19:50And we should just hit them repeatedly across the skull with a bat until they cry.
01:19:55Or die, I mean, either one's fine.
01:19:57I mean, if they cry, we'll just keep hitting them until they're dead.
01:20:05Basically, what I'm saying is the reckoning is coming.
01:20:09For the reckoning.
01:20:13Ugh, to my eyes, like, democracy is wasted on white people.
01:20:16Good thing we're gonna kill them all.
01:20:28You're right, Carl.
01:20:29Lenin is expensive, and we should kill all the white people.
01:20:31Which is what this book says.
01:20:35I am free. I can say whatever I want. I have freedom of speech.
01:20:38For now.
01:20:44For now.
01:20:45Hail Sobek.
01:20:49I named my Krookodile in Pokemon Black Sobek.
01:20:56And every time I sent him out, I went, Hail Sobek!
01:21:02I have three horsies in Pokemon Black Sobek.
01:21:07And I have three horses in Pokemon White Sobek.
01:21:12And I have three horses in Pokemon Black Sobek.
01:21:15I have three horsies in Pokemon Gar.
01:21:19And I named them Adagio, Sonata, and Aria.
01:21:29The person who's infiltrated as a fan of Futurama is in the stream chat and is online now.
01:21:33Oh, good, they're in the stream chat. They can hear us roasting them.
01:21:38The Legend of Zelda, Roasting of Sad Sacks.
01:21:41You know what the best part of this is?
01:21:44I mean, the spirit lactone and estrogen has shrunk certain parts of me, and yet I still have a bigger dick than them.
01:21:49Oh, yes.
01:21:51Oh, damn!
01:21:52Maybe that's why they're all on Kiwi Farms. They all get laughed at by women.
01:21:56They undress in front of women.
01:21:58They send unsolicited dick pics to women, and instead of feeling violated, they just start fucking bursting out laughing.
01:22:07I got an unsolicited dick pic from somebody.
01:22:09Who was basically like, rate my dick, please.
01:22:13And so I just sent back, 4 out of 10.
01:22:16And then there was just a whole bunch of messages like, what? Why? What the fuck? What's wrong with it? What?
01:22:20It's just like, it's so easy!
01:22:22It's so fucking easy!
01:22:28Hey, I had an oratectomy. I still have more balls than you guys.
01:22:35I remember this one, like, Reddit post or something, and it was like a text message thing.
01:22:40And someone sent an unsolicited dick pic, and it was just like, it's so cute, can I talk to it?
01:22:46And it was like, sure.
01:22:47And then she posts a picture of Dory talking to a little jellyfish.
01:22:52It was like, hey there, little guy!
01:22:54Hey, little guy!
01:22:58It's here! It's big! My girlfriend's here!
01:23:11My girlfriend said it was really big!
01:23:13Guy, six year olds don't count.
01:23:15Oh, God!
01:23:50Oh no!
01:23:54Goodness gracious.
01:23:58I'm just taking no prisoners today.
01:24:01Clearly. Indeed not.
01:24:04Lily's on a rampage!
01:24:08Show them no mercy.
01:24:11I mean, like, all of these people fuck children.
01:24:14They get so mad when a pedophile is outed because it increases the risk that they might be outed.
01:24:20It's why they jumped onto Toon, for plausible deniability.
01:24:28Oh no, who would ever have sex with children? Certainly not us.
01:24:33Certainly not us, the far-right, notoriously pedophilic neo-Nazi community.
01:24:39Also, good job chopping down that person's tree. I'm sure they won't need it.
01:24:44Just clip through their house.
01:24:47Oh, a soup ladle! Okay, so the soup ladle is that.
01:24:50You need that? Errr.
01:24:52Take it. I'll explain to the villagers. You eat your fill.
01:24:58I'm gonna beat Ganon to death with a spoon.
01:25:01Are you on fire today, Lily, because you're roasting all the Nazis?
01:25:04I love that remix of, like, 100 Nazi scalps.
01:25:07Just because you get a picture of a Nazi getting scalped, you get pictures of Nazis being shot.
01:25:12Ah, it's great.
01:25:14That chick's name was Uma.
01:25:16That makes me giggle.
01:25:18After John Smith traveled back to England, I helped my people cultivate the fields.
01:25:24More English, French, and Spaniards came to visit.
01:25:29Wait, is Spaniards a slur?
01:25:31I don't know.
01:25:33Well, I think it's talking about white people from Spain.
01:25:43More English, French, and Spanish came to visit.
01:25:46And they greeted us with guns and germs and steel.
01:25:50They pushed us into unknown lands of exile.
01:25:53They pillaged, raped, and left us all for dead.
01:25:56So now I'm far more liberal with a weapon as I separate their bodies from their heads.
01:26:18Have you ever held the entrails of an English guy or bit the bleeding hearts of Spanish men?
01:26:24Can you shoot an arrow in some French guy's eyeball?
01:26:27Can you paint with the red colors in these men?
01:26:31I can murder if I please, cause I'm dying of disease.
01:26:37You can paint with all the colors in these men.
01:26:45It's like a more vindicating version of Run to the Hills.
01:26:49I first heard that parody on Pandora, on my children's music station.
01:26:55Which is just like Disney and all that.
01:26:59Oh my god, oh my god, DevilsAdvocate963 is like bit annoyed she's doing all these streams during E3.
01:27:07Cry some more.
01:27:08God, you fucking baby. You are such a fucking baby.
01:27:18But yeah, I like this parody. I don't like hearing it on when I'm trying to listen to wholesome music and stuff.
01:27:25That reminds me, when you do your intermittent roundup, refer to the minority 2 as Romani, not her.
01:27:30It's a slur. Oh, I already know that. I already know that.
01:27:32I'm debating whether or not I should just bleep the slur.
01:27:35Blurp the slur.
01:27:36If I should just bleep the G slur, or if I should...
01:27:41As to whether I should bleep the G slur, or try really hard to keep clips where it's spoken out.
01:27:51Blurp the slurp.
01:27:53Blurp the slurp.
01:27:57Blurp the slurp.
01:27:58Which reminds me, I just found one of those Mashup gift sets on Tumblr shipping Emerald and Belle.
01:28:06That's a thing.
01:28:09Blurp the slurp.
01:28:11Blurp the slurp.
01:28:16Blurp the slurp.
01:28:27Blurp the slurp.
01:28:36Bloob sorry.
01:28:37It'll be back soon. I'm actually gonna hang out with him to watch soon. Just go get a fucking life
01:28:43Like you're not like this fucking like this fucking weirdo this pathetic fucking lolcow
01:28:49I'm stealing their word there this pathetic fucking lolcow is annoyed that I'm streaming during e3
01:28:53They're annoyed about something that isn't actually a problem go watch e3 pretend to be a human being for five seconds you fucking roach
01:29:02Fucking baby
01:29:14My god, this song is Sergei. I love it
01:29:23So fucking bad how much you want to bet this one's gonna turn out to be an a-log
01:29:29This one's so gonna be an a-log
01:29:32I don't know it's streaming during e3. Go fucking watch. Go fucking watch e3 streams then
01:29:46Hi Kiwi Farms fucking kill yourselves
01:29:52No Kiwi Farms, please go fuck yourself
01:29:54I'm gonna have to publicly ask them to upload. Is it is it acceptable to tell now to kill themselves?
01:29:58Oh, well, I'm doing it anyway
01:30:06Well, I'm doing it anyway
01:30:13Hitler killed himself Hitler killed himself. You guys want to be like Hitler don't you? Oh
01:30:20Find weird even killed himself with cyanide that's showing dedication to one method of killing
01:30:28Follow the leader
01:30:31Following the leader the leader the leap
01:30:37You want to be like a fearless leader, don't you?
01:30:47Shot himself his wife you cyanide
01:30:52Either way
01:30:55He's still
01:31:10Apparently they know apparently they've added neoliberal and sociopathic Satanist to my side so the number of titles they've added to me
01:31:15Oh god, where did the Satanist come from? It's probably the fact I hate God and these are all like far-right weirdos
01:31:22Hail Satan
01:31:30You do encourage free thinking
01:31:39Apparently there's a quota there. I might actually look back on my days on here and empty a 12-gauge into my mouth do it
01:31:45Do it devil's advocate do it
01:31:49Devil's advocate nine six three
01:31:52Hey, it's God also goth goth equals demon worshipper to them probably ironic considering their weird fetish with big goth women
01:32:03Following the leader the leader the leader do it
01:32:11Tell Nazis and kill themselves. Well, I'll do it anyway
01:32:16Like I said, I'm on top like I'm like because of these people I'm untouchable now
01:32:22Like do these people actually try anything or do they just like keep fishing for more and more stuff to laugh at
01:32:28There's that there's my big question
01:32:30There's my like there's the million-dollar question
01:32:32Are they actually doing anything with all the stuff they hoard or are they just like trying really hard to feel better about themselves?
01:32:39Like if they were actually trying to if they were actively trying to kill me it would be at least be slightly less pathetic
01:32:44but if they're just trying to feel better about themselves, it's like oh I
01:32:48Feel so I feel sorry for you. I feel sorry for you
01:32:55No, oh no, it's stupid. Oh, no, my soup ladle badly damaged. How am I gonna beat ganon to death with it now?
01:33:05It's not stupid
01:33:10Make like yeah, if they were if they were actively trying to kill me right now
01:33:13I would I would I would almost I would almost get the nucleus and like at least they have a goal
01:33:18If they're just if it's just like oh, we're just point we're pointing and laughing at you like that's even more pathetic like good lord
01:33:30I don't know why they're upset about upset about missing e3 because I mean like the fact that they're obsessed with this shit clearly indicates
01:33:35They don't like games very much
01:33:37Which I mean, yeah, I mean video games aren't supposed to be for white men anyway
01:33:42Indeed not
01:33:45There's new technology coming out that's actually gonna allow, uh, you know women to get pregnant using stem cells, which means
01:33:51Men have men have become men have officially become obsolete
01:33:56You know as a white man man, I am okay with that. I've made peace with that
01:34:00Yeah, but you're valid. So I mean saying you haven't got obsolete
01:34:04We still need someone to be we need so we still we need we need one token. We need one token white guy here
01:34:15At this point men are like riding with a quill it's a tangly obsolete, but it can be a luxury
01:34:19You know, it's like how sketchy is the token straight?
01:34:24We need we need the token white white guy Zane's at Zane's a diverse and Zane's a diversity a diversity invite
01:34:30Zane's a diversity hire. I need a man
01:34:48Writer, let's try making a post-apocalyptic story about that
01:34:53That's sort of like reverse version of the screwfly solution
01:34:58I never saw it
01:35:00Basically a virus a virus created by aliens infects men on the planet and causes them to just
01:35:06Impulsively kill women and of course like why did you need a virus for that? They already do that
01:35:13They could be saved by the good man who doesn't just kill women and their score should be like, you know
01:35:19It just made men's rights activists more frothing and it affected men as a whole and not just like and not just like the 5% of
01:35:25Men who can't get dates because they don't shower
01:35:27Yeah, if you refresh the page at the top the quote changes each time they're literally self-aware of what shit if they are but continue
01:35:31It anyway, oh, yeah, they're doing that thing where
01:35:33Like they're they're doing. Oh, yeah, that might be a code of thing. They're doing that thing where it's like, oh, well
01:35:37I know I know I'm I know I'm a freak of nature. So that makes it okay
01:35:41Like it's part of this whole pretend not to care too much
01:35:46They have a massive hate voter for you, that's all okay
01:35:48So if I question they see you as a guy even though you're not but because they have a hate voter for someone
01:35:51They he's a guy does that make them gay? Is this what makes them even more angry?
01:35:54How far does this rabbit hole go? I think I'm on to something here. Oh my god
01:35:57You know what? It is true that some straight men fetishize trans women in order to avoid admitting that they're either gay or bi
01:36:03So it's oh my god, do all of these people just want to fuck me I
01:36:07Don't know whether we'd be surprised. I've never I've never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time. I
01:36:14Bet you're wondering why I gave up everything and betrayed my home and country just to kill you because you want to fuck me
01:36:29My god, they're posting pictures of what they think our thinker is like my chest
01:36:32They really do want to fuck me. These guys really want to fuck me. Oh my these guys are stalkers with a crush
01:36:40I've never been so flattered and creeped out at the same time
01:36:44You are a sad strange little man
01:36:47Like I'm even more I feel even more sad for them
01:36:54They were trying for a long time to get a whole they're trying for a hard for a long time to get a hold of
01:36:58Nudes of me and I like I know they have like the suggestive photos
01:37:01I posted for you of you pulling down the color of your shirt and exposing your breast and I just
01:37:08I can't even fathom why they do this because they want to fuck me. They find pictures that they think are me
01:37:14Conveniently with the face cropped out there bear in mind bear in mind. They crop out the face on all these pictures and say
01:37:19That's Lily. No, really
01:37:23Guess you could say they're a poor fortunate. So poor unfortunate souls
01:37:31That one what that one just wants to be normal that one wants to get the girl and do I help them yes
01:37:38Those poor unfortunate souls so sad so true
01:37:55Know what I did
01:37:59Boo bitch
01:38:12There's no snow left on this mountain tonight just sulfur in the air a kingdom of greenhouse gases
01:38:19Only Bill Nye seems to care
01:38:21My town is melting breaking off into the sea
01:38:26It's time. I showed the strength of an evil Queen
01:38:30With Germany and Putin to all free the penguins and put you in a zoo. We're going green by spilling
01:38:38And if you're not dead, I built a horde of evil snowman
01:38:44They're gonna take over the world
01:38:46I don't care who we have to slay
01:38:52Let my troops march on
01:38:54The colds coming back and it's here to stay
01:39:02The website is down. Oh my god, the website's down but have a spoiler because not super
01:39:06It I think there are so many so many tears
01:39:11Ten pages of feet of orchard the slut and counting all them again any constant slavering from her fans
01:39:16I wipe right it's just photos of herself. Oh
01:39:23Repeating itself only much worse this time around
01:39:29There's stuff. Oh, they're so they're like they're trying so hard. They're trying so hard
01:39:33It's like oh god, even like they even call me a slut guys. Come on, you know, I like that
01:39:41Kiwi farms hurt itself in confusion. No potion was used
01:39:48Yeah, apparently the site went down I wonder if they're getting DDoS I
01:39:52Think there was so many
01:39:55Nazi tears that just broke there's so many Nazi tears of the in the office that like it just dripped down to the basement and
01:40:00destroyed surfers
01:40:02Yeah, just short-circuited everything
01:40:10This is such a bad Photoshop guys, why do you crop the face out of all these photos I
01:40:20Don't know the best part is like I haven't showed anything substantial like the most I've showed is my foot is a fucking nip slip
01:40:25Which let's be honest ain't much
01:40:29We're trans when we work with what we got
01:40:35You can't be offended by a by the word slut a slut if you're into that
01:40:38When you poison out the enemy, but it just heals a bit buffs them
01:40:42I've got poison absorb. My hidden ability is poison absorb. Oh
01:40:46My god a trans woman who's immune to poison a Nazi's worst nightmare
01:40:52Let's put an unremovable cock ring on all the Nazi so they can't reproduce no
01:40:55No, that's not what cock rings are for you want a chastity cage
01:40:59You think you'll ever do another X's garbage in here is why we're not answering dumb questions. We're roasting Nazis
01:41:05Yeah, I
01:41:07Mean, it's like I've posted these fucking photos. I
01:41:10Have no shame about them
01:41:19It's like you wouldn't have posted the farters if you didn't want people to see
01:41:28Over the thing of the G
01:41:32Mean I have posted photos. Nothing like what though? Nothing like what they're doing
01:41:36I'm sorry, even then like you can see my you can see clearly that my face isn't even in them
01:41:45There's also conspiracy of you having an account called here that's ages old it was actually the original reason for posting the thread. Oh
01:41:52That's fucking weirdo
01:41:58Somebody used my laptop to shit post on the internet once and ever since then I've been accused of having an alter ego
01:42:03And that's apparently that's the whole reason for the thread. That's it
01:42:05Like okay fucking weirdo the trams when I just got threatened to get kicked up by her parents
01:42:10If she doesn't stop HRT if we're possible could you donate to her?
01:42:12I know this is a lot to ask but I thought I should try if you could help her
01:42:15Also, if you decide you decide to answer, please do it private
01:42:19Sorry person sorry person
01:42:26Hey guys, I'll be right back. I need to do something around the house
01:42:33I mean I can certainly reblog this do I have
01:42:37What if I got my PayPal because I don't actually know if people have been donating my PayPal not not see more like nuts. No
01:42:45That's that wasn't that wasn't good you're roasting game isn't on point
01:42:49Far as I've never seen Chris Reagan say you're doing anything transphobic
01:42:52It's also surprising the only reason he's on the ban list thing for Blair White's and Blair White's also a trans woman also
01:42:57Can I say also so I can say I contribute it
01:42:59Haley just remember this is what we got last time link was made into a character
01:43:02Oh my god, one of them is bad that I suggested link should have a fucking voice. Oh my god
01:43:07Holy shit, Mario Matroski sent me 200 Canadian
01:43:11Yeah, oh my god, I
01:43:16Like I didn't check I didn't check cuz I didn't have it open cuz I don't have donation notifications. Oh my god
01:43:30If there is a message
01:43:40You know what, I honestly should you know what I honestly should do
01:43:43Hmm, I should just post my address and say come get me bitch. Oh, no. No, no, no
01:43:48No, they link this as I let's just remember. This is what we got
01:43:51Oh, it's the excuse me princess guy, okay, so not only are these guys bitchy and mad they have no fucking taste
01:44:01You know what they should actually bring that they should actually bring that guy back bring that guy back to voice link and have him
01:44:06Say excuse me princess in place have excuse me princess put in place of every single grunt and sound link makes
01:44:15Excuse excuse excuse excuse me princess
01:44:26This is the
01:44:28This is the reverse cougars, uh
01:44:31For pure as eyes only. Okay. I'm not I'm not gonna read this person's diary
01:44:35Now, where's the that's rude? Where's the thing? I'm looking for? Oh
01:44:45It's there I can go inside
01:44:48I'm a dumbass. I like I am I've been drinking my dumb bitch juice today. Yes, you have
01:44:58Don't help don't everybody I contested at once
01:45:03Now you've just been distracted roasting Kiwi farm
01:45:11Which has honestly been a delightful distraction
01:45:13You keep spamming things like you belong in a museum over and over and over again on top of each other or at least
01:45:18You belong in a museum
01:45:33Is this Skyrim to
01:45:36The next Elder Scrolls game should be cel-shaded it should be a cartoony cel-shaded affair. Oh, yeah down for it
01:45:43No, I'm not still bitter that we love that. We don't have that. We didn't get that wind waker thing
01:45:53Yeah, that was uh, let's hit number two I was um, I was a trans whenever I play Skyrim I always play a woman
01:46:00Yeah, I did that too
01:46:02Usually usually I play an orc woman. Oh
01:46:05It's not use the fucking telescope. It's snap an image of pure using the camera room
01:46:09You know, yeah, like I said, I've really I'm really drinking my dumb bitch juice today
01:46:13We'll save some juice for everyone else you dumb bitch
01:46:17Don't go hogging it all
01:46:42It's not a very good picture, you know
01:46:48Are you happy now? I took a picture of you now. Tell me where I'm going
01:46:58Stupid me hitting the B button. We want to be done. We we want to be done bitches, too
01:47:04You know, I oh, you know
01:47:05I wonder I wonder if the if like the fact that they keep trying it like they keep they keep trying to make a joke
01:47:09Out of the fact that I'm a great big whore
01:47:10What if they're just jealous that I that you know, even though I'm a lesbian I still get more boys than them
01:47:25Took it I took your fucking picture
01:47:35Take my picture I already did take it again
01:47:45You must be here to thank you the subject I did some centric subject take a pic of the titty
01:47:50Oh, I'm not the position. I can take a pic of my booze right now. Otherwise, I totally would hell
01:47:54I just turned my webcam on a flash everyone
01:47:56Lily is just a non picky lesbian
01:48:00God you are a slut
01:48:03I'm a lesbian. I look I'm a lesbian, but I mean like I also like chicken
01:48:06But I like I can deal with pork in a minute, you know in a fucking pinch
01:48:13It's like eating fast food, I mean, you know, it'll get me there it's nothing to write home about though. I
01:48:20Mean hey, I once said I once said to Zane. Oh, I wish I on his birthday. I wish I was there
01:48:23I wish I was the I wish I was over there. I could wish you a happy birthday properly
01:48:30Then my response was I wouldn't mind unwrapping you for my birthday
01:48:35I mean, I mean, you know, it wouldn't really require unwrapping
01:48:43Oh, hey speaking of you know, you know speaking of I'm a lesbian but
01:48:48But the banner banner cuz apparently I'm dead
01:48:52Oh, yeah
01:48:54Sketchy did you like did you hear apparently we kicked you out last last year?
01:49:01I'm trying to figure out when they got this information. I was around the end of May of 2018. Oh, wow. Wow
01:49:12For female golf busters the feminists are taking over. I'm an adult virgin
01:49:17Now I didn't know how nine I'll see from blue school felt like when they when he read the rumors that he was dead
01:49:22Rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated
01:49:27Lily is a non-conformist. Lily is a non-conformist lesbian. She needs the shit to be worth it. Honestly, so do I
01:49:34Yeah, I would say I was actually saying like I actually I actually I wish they'd happy birthday
01:49:38And then I said, oh, you know, I wish I was over there. I wish a happy birthday properly
01:49:44Reminds me of a time where we were like talking about Sora and I said that boy respect drinks his respect lemon juice
01:49:49Then you say no. Let me let me say it. I
01:49:53Said yeah, and come July I'm gonna read drink my respect trans women juice straight from the tap. I
01:50:04Love it
01:50:06Oh, you know what else I love what all of you tell
01:50:17Lily keeps fucking attacking us in the fucking stream. Also, she's revealing our secret want to fuck her
01:50:22I think he's single-handedly shut down shut down her discord for the time being
01:50:26I'm now patiently waiting for the message of her shutting it down in total
01:50:32Yeah, sure
01:50:36Lily keep fucking attacking us the fucking stream. Also, she keeps revealing our secret. What's a fucker? They admitted it. They admitted it
01:51:06Hey, look, oh, hey, look, they sent me another post. Oh, oh
01:51:10That's a that's a very detailed rape threat, sweetie. Let me tell you something
01:51:16you couldn't I
01:51:20Mean you're welcome to try at your own risk
01:51:30That takes a freeze enter at your own risk to a whole other level
01:51:36Enter at your own risk vagina dentata
01:51:40You know, I find it weird that like the idea of a vagina with teeth really scares the shit out of some men and yet
01:51:47They really like blowjobs
01:51:54Hey, I've shipped a few teeth
01:51:56Well, I mean I have I have quite a few chipped teeth
01:51:59So if I sucked either of you off, I'd probably be at risk of scraping you
01:52:03Just a little bit
01:52:07Calculating risk assessment. Yeah, I was like
01:52:10Still debating it
01:52:12Lily what stabbed a bitch don't tempt her to step another
01:52:16I did what stab a bitch?
01:52:18Yeah, I was just about to say that be careful guys or you might end up with being the one penetrated. Yeah
01:52:25Someone tried to assault me and he got penetrated
01:52:28Attempts to rape gets pulled in the Tartaros by by talking vagina with sharp teeth. Oh, come on. Don't bring G into this. Oh
01:52:37Speaking of getting dragged into hell. I saw the last episode of Jojo part 4
01:52:42So after the
01:52:44After the fetishist serial killer gets run over by an ambulance. He meets the spirit of the first girl. He killed and got dragged to hell
01:52:53Why can't you take this seriously because that's what you
01:52:58Also didn't know about that about Zayn and sketchy waging the risks of that
01:53:02Like there's doubt if it look look
01:53:05I mean, I don't mean to drag you guys if I if I offered you take it in a heartbeat
01:53:11How about a drag
01:53:16Can I guess it implies that you're easy, I don't know I mean, I mean in the case of men it implies are desperate
01:53:25I'm not desperate if you own it
01:53:27Kiwi farms users. Oh, I don't want to touch her with a 1,000 foot pole. Also Kiwi farms users make a rape threats. I
01:53:33Mean one of these things just doesn't belong here. One of these things is not like the other one of these things
01:53:41Doesn't belong. Can you tell me which things not like the other by the time I finish this song?
01:53:50Yeah, that reminds me I would touch her with a 1,000 foot pole only in your dreams would you have a 1,000 foot pole
01:53:57Some call it desperate I call it enthusiastic
01:54:03Love you, too sketch. I
01:54:07Mean I've said before sketches sketches fucking gorgeous. Oh, yeah. Yes. I was waiting for my afro to grow again
01:54:17Why do you keep shaving it because your boy needs to reset every now and then
01:54:23It's just further proof they do genuinely want to fuck you all the it's an extremely fucked up
01:54:27They see they only you see they only they only want to read they only want to rape me because then like they can deny
01:54:31That it was about actually wanting to have sex with me. Oh, it was about it's about punishing her
01:54:36That's all it is possible deniability
01:54:39With your penis though
01:54:50Mean let's I mean let's be honest
01:54:53They tried that like if they did try that it would be very it would be very easy to screw with them
01:55:00Haha screw with them
01:55:06They probably say they probably say something cliche like just let it happen
01:55:08It'll be over soon and it just be like oh, are you actually doing something back there? I couldn't feel I
01:55:14Just go is it in yet
01:55:19It's like it's like that old Gatorade slogan is it in you les bionist
01:55:26Your streams have ratings, I think my streams are age rated by default. I don't actually know though
01:55:31And I'm afraid to check out. Well who cares?
01:55:34Yeah, yeah, I mean yeah, you're right it is further proof they do just genuinely want to fuck me
01:55:40It's like oh, maybe maybe you know what they want to fuck me because I'm easy and they can't get a date to save their life
01:55:49Sorry, I just I don't find Nazis attractive
01:55:56Yeah, it's just maybe try and score a victory for the proletariat and then we'll then we'll talk oh
01:56:04I remember there's a movie that Kevin Hart did with Will Ferrell, right and
01:56:09The premise is that Will Ferrell's character
01:56:11Got framed for a Ponzi scheme
01:56:15He thinks that because like Kevin Hart's character
01:56:18He thinks that because Kevin Hart's character is black and he's been to jail
01:56:20And he's he wants to pay him to teach him how to be tough for jail
01:56:24so Kevin honest to pretend like that he's this big like
01:56:27Strong thug and teach him about prison life and I forgot how they ended up here
01:56:32There was a point where they where they infiltrated a neo-nazi rally in like a barn or some shit
