Dave Flemming - The Biggest Game Of The Year For The Giants

  • last month
00:00what you control and win some games.
00:01We got Dave Flynn on the line here.
00:03Dave Flynn, he joined us on the River Islands Guest Line.
00:05All guests on 9570 Game,
00:07on 9570 Game appear on the River Islands Guest Line.
00:09Isn't it time for you to discover the islands,
00:12River Islands and Lathrop?
00:13I had a lot of fun yesterday.
00:14Shout out to Colleen out there in Lathrop
00:17and River Islands taking us on a tour
00:19of that beautiful baseball field
00:20and of course the entire city there in Lathrop.
00:23Let's get Flynn on here.
00:24Flynn, good morning.
00:25Now you got an early start today.
00:26Big time start for Kyle Harrison.
00:28I do want to start with this though.
00:29Not with Matt Chapman, not with Yaz,
00:32not with Ramos, not with Blake Snell.
00:34I'm gonna start with you and Javi.
00:36I think, look, crooked Kuiper legends,
00:39and we know it, and look, everybody,
00:41they're gonna have a day
00:41where they're gonna have to step away.
00:43We get it.
00:44But I'm looking at you,
00:45I'm listening to you and Javi, Flynn.
00:46You guys get better and better by the inning.
00:49I'm liking Javi right now, man.
00:50He's getting better and better, Flynn.
00:53I think he's great.
00:55And I'm a little, I don't want to say,
00:59I'm emotional about it,
01:00but this is his last game of the year today.
01:03So this is my last chance to do a game with him.
01:07But we don't have most of the games from here on out,
01:10which is a good thing for the Giants,
01:11but we got mostly division games,
01:13so we'll have Dwayne and Mike,
01:14even when we go on the road
01:16for a lot of the remaining road games,
01:18and it's a home-heavy schedule.
01:20And so this is it for him.
01:22He's done a great job, I think.
01:25You guys go to Baltimore and Kansas City.
01:26I'm surprised this is his last game.
01:28I think Hunter's doing those,
01:30and we love having Hunter.
01:30Yeah, Hunter's great, too.
01:32That's a good thing.
01:32I love Javi, though, in his perspective,
01:34from the bullpen, but just pass the message on.
01:36I think you guys have done a fabulous job this season.
01:38Thank you for saying that.
01:39Yeah, thanks.
01:40Well, you know, I'm watching the telecast yesterday,
01:43and they're talking about all the no-hitters
01:45that you've been a part of,
01:47and that you've had an opportunity
01:49to be a part of the broadcast,
01:51and you were even kind of making fun of it,
01:52and you were talking about Blake Snells.
01:54And I had noticed it, and I had actually texted you,
01:57and I told these guys earlier in the season,
01:59Blake Snell, with the whole Pitchcom thing,
02:01he's on the hip.
02:02This is going back to the no-hitter.
02:04He's on the hip, you know, weeks prior
02:06when he first came back, and he's calling every pitch,
02:08and it was clunky, and the pitch clock,
02:10and it just, I don't know.
02:12The whole thing didn't look right,
02:13and it wasn't, like, in synergy.
02:15And then, on Friday night,
02:17when he's actually allowing Patrick Bailey to call pitches,
02:20it just, everything seemed to click,
02:22and he had just great stuff.
02:24And he even argued with the umpire early in the game,
02:26and Bailey went out there and talked to him,
02:28and I thought it was a seminal moment.
02:29And Blake Snell, and he rebounded yesterday.
02:33I just think that Blake Snell has really found it right now,
02:35and him trusting Patrick Bailey is, in part,
02:38what I believe, as well as, you know,
02:40having command of all of his stuff,
02:41of why he's really been a lot better
02:43these last six, seven starts.
02:45Oh, big time.
02:46I agree with you, and I think, look,
02:48it's natural for that to take a little time.
02:50You know, you're with, not just with a brand-new team,
02:52you're with a brand-new group of teammates,
02:54and especially that pitcher-catcher relationship.
02:57I don't blame him for, at first, wanting to, like,
03:00hey, this is me, I gotta take ownership of this,
03:03I gotta steer the ship.
03:04I think once he built that trust with Patrick,
03:06and realized this guy knows what he's doing,
03:08I think it frees you up as a pitcher
03:10when you have that trust.
03:12You don't have to worry so much about that part of the game.
03:15You can just kinda stay in the moment
03:18and execute your pitch, and it's not,
03:20it just, it lightens the load just enough
03:24to where it makes it easier out there.
03:26Not easy, but easier, and those two right now
03:29are working really, really well together.
03:32I mean, I kinda feel for Patrick,
03:33because, obviously, he is being leaned on real hard.
03:39Like, his workload is super heavy,
03:41and his at-bats haven't been great,
03:43and, you know, he says, I feel fine, I'm okay,
03:46but you watch the at-bats, it sure doesn't look that way.
03:50And so, but how do you break him up?
03:52He's gotta catch yesterday, right?
03:54He's got to, so today he gets a day off.
03:57I'll tell you guys what I said
04:00on that pregame you were watching yesterday.
04:03Like, I've done nine of them, nine,
04:05including a perfect game,
04:06and Matt Cain's perfect game was amazing,
04:09and Tim Lincecum's no-hitters were amazing.
04:12I called a World Series no-hitter
04:14combined with the Astros the most dominant performance
04:19I think I've ever seen, Blake Snell on Friday.
04:21I think that was the most overwhelming
04:24I've ever seen a pitcher,
04:26there was not one good at-bat,
04:28there was not one at-bat the whole game
04:30against a pretty good team,
04:32and a lineup that had its big guys in there,
04:34I don't think there was an at-bat all game
04:36where I thought, oh yeah, this guy, he's seeing him well.
04:38He's, not one, there was one by definition,
04:42one hard hit ball the entire game,
04:45and that was a little kind of medium line drive
04:48to second base, it was amazing.
04:49That fastball was rolling there
04:51at Great American Ballpark,
04:52and I didn't even realize there was no hitter
04:53going on until the ninth inning
04:54when people started tweeting, it was like,
04:55oh my gosh, get to a TV,
04:57because he was so dominant, I was like,
04:58wow, Blake Snell's just mowing through these guys.
05:00In my head, I was just thinking,
05:01is Bomell gonna let him pitch to ninth?
05:03And obviously he does, and he gets the no-hitter
05:05or whatnot, and he's dominant, and his numbers show it.
05:07Well, look at the offense though,
05:08because we've been harping on the offense.
05:10Who can get hot in this lineup?
05:12Who can get hot?
05:12And I know there's still five back of the lost column
05:15of the Atlanta Braves, and they got a big-time series
05:16with them at Oracle Park next week.
05:19But boy, Chapman, Yass, Ramos,
05:22they're starting to get going here to carry this lineup,
05:24and let's start with Matt Chapman,
05:25who, look, he's got an option to opt out or whatnot.
05:28I want this guy to remain a giant for a long, long time,
05:30and he's done it on both ends.
05:32Defense, glove, third base, throwing guys out,
05:34and then, of course, with his bat,
05:35he's on fire right now, Flynn.
05:37I think they want him to be here.
05:39I think he wants to be here.
05:40I think that, you know, you never say this,
05:43that we know enough about all this
05:45to not make any real predictions,
05:47but I think they're gonna figure out a way
05:49to keep Matt around.
05:49He's been their best player all year.
05:52He's having a fantastic year.
05:54Just don't let the batting average fool you.
05:56Everything else that he does out there is elite,
05:59and he should be here for a long time.
06:03I sure hope so.
06:04I have loved watching him play,
06:06and he plays every single day,
06:08and he hustles every single play.
06:11Last night, that was a big play in the game.
06:14He beats out that infield hit,
06:15because he is busting it.
06:16We showed a great replay.
06:18The second he leaves the batter's box,
06:21it is full throttle,
06:22and he beat it by a fraction of a second,
06:24and that got the Giants a run,
06:25and then they got another one after that.
06:28So Chapman's just a leader by example.
06:32The power's been great.
06:33What have they hit?
06:3415 home runs on this road trip, seven games,
06:3615 home runs now.
06:37That's what you're supposed to do.
06:38You come to the hotter weather,
06:39these ballparks where the ball flies,
06:41that's what you're supposed to do,
06:42but that's why they're four and two on the trip so far.
06:47So yeah, they need to keep that up,
06:49and to your point about the schedule,
06:52they have a lot of ground to make up.
06:53I know the odds don't look great
06:55when you look at the standings,
06:56and as well as the Padres and Diamondbacks,
06:58especially, have been playing,
06:59but you get four head-to-head against the Braves.
07:02You get six head-to-head each
07:05against the Diamondbacks and the Padres.
07:07You get those three games at home
07:09against the Cardinals at the very end of the year.
07:13You have your shot,
07:14and that's why games like today,
07:16I'll make the case today's the biggest game of the year.
07:19You're trying to go back home.
07:20You got the Tigers in this weekend.
07:22Tigers had a nice year.
07:24They're scrappy, but they traded away
07:28a couple of their guys at the deadline.
07:30Scoble went last night,
07:31so I think that means the Giants will miss him,
07:33which is a huge break over the weekend.
07:36If you can get home above 500 with a lot of momentum,
07:40you get a chance to set up Monday.
07:43Those four games against the Braves
07:45might be the biggest games of the whole year,
07:47not just in the moment, but when we look back on it
07:50at the end of the year.
07:51That's why I feel like today,
07:53it's not like if you lose today, the season's over,
07:55but I do feel like today is a massive game for this team.
07:58I'm kind of with you here, Flim.
07:59The Dawg Days of August, they're all massive,
08:01and this is what we want as Giants fans.
08:02Real quick, Shaski, Matt Chapman,
08:04his last 14 games, batting .377.
08:07He's 20-53, 11 extra base hits, 13 RBIs, six home runs.
08:11He's slugging like crazy.
08:13The LPS is off the charts, so his last,
08:15and in that play Sunday that we talked about on Monday,
08:18to save the game there, up 3-2 in Cincinnati
08:20in the bottom of the sixth inning,
08:21Chapman's having a good year.
08:22That's a play at third base.
08:23The only other person I've seen make is Dave Sun.
08:28I knew you'd get a laugh there.
08:29Hey, Dave, I'm looking at Elliot Ramos,
08:32and he had the thumb injury,
08:33and you're just worried about him, right?
08:35Like, hey, he had a monster couple of months.
08:38He goes to the All-Star game.
08:41A lot of workload.
08:43He sees the whole league.
08:44They've had months on him.
08:46They can adjust.
08:47I think this series has, like, boom, he's back.
08:50Like, he feels good.
08:50He's driving that ball.
08:51That ball he crushed the other day to right center
08:54was just absolutely smoked.
08:55He's been awesome.
08:56He's batting .432 against lefties.
08:59This guy balanced.
09:01Splits look good on the road and at home.
09:04Lefties and righties, like, he's balanced all around.
09:06I think he's just been an absolute monster revelation,
09:09and to think we maybe wouldn't even have got a look at him
09:12if Jung-Hoo Lee doesn't get hurt.
09:15It's the only silver lining to the Jung-Hoo Lee injury.
09:18I hope ultimately we would have,
09:19because I hope, you know, the talent has shined through now,
09:23and I hope that Elliot would have forced his way up here
09:26no matter what, but you're right.
09:27I mean, it's kind of scary to think, like,
09:30in a different scenario.
09:31I mean, heck, what was it, a couple years ago,
09:34the Giants exposed him.
09:35Anybody could have taken him, and they didn't.
09:38So, you know, it's been a blessing to have him here,
09:42and he is not out of the woods with that injury.
09:44It's still hurting him,
09:46but he talked about it last night after the game.
09:48Like, he's managed to convince himself that I can still,
09:52I know it's gonna hurt a little,
09:54but I'm not gonna hurt it more so I can still swing hard.
09:57I mean, there were four or five games there
09:58where it just wasn't him, and I was worried about it,
10:02because that's an injury that takes some time to heal up,
10:04and he's not gonna get that time.
10:07They don't have that time.
10:09They need him in there every single day.
10:11So I'm glad he's sort of fighting his way through that.
10:14That's a tough young man.
10:16I love the kid.
10:17He's positive, he's energetic, he's a great teammate.
10:21He cheers hard for everybody down there.
10:23He's bouncing around.
10:24He's got some Pablo to him.
10:25Like, you go in the clubhouse before the game,
10:27and Elliott's just, like, he's loud,
10:29he's checking in with everybody,
10:32sort of bouncing from table to table in the food room.
10:36Like, to me, that's, especially like today.
10:39I was in there a few minutes ago,
10:41and it's a noon local start.
10:44Like, this is a tough go for the Giants here.
10:48You got a guy like that perking everybody up,
10:50waking everybody up, I think they'll be ready
10:52to go first pitch.
10:53Is that your Willie Mack Award winner for 2024?
10:56Because I believe that he's,
10:58I guess you can go chat me, too,
10:59but I like this Ronald's kid is this Willie Mack Award winner
11:02kind of coming out of nowhere, stuck in the minors,
11:04and then, boom, he's a All-Star.
11:06You could make a great case for either of them.
11:08I mean, for me, Chapman, from day one, game one,
11:12has posted every single day.
11:15That's leadership by example.
11:17That's, to me, the spirit of the Willie Mack Award,
11:20and playing hard every single day,
11:23working before the game every single day.
11:27But I would not argue with you if you're going Elliott,
11:30because both those guys deserve it.
11:32All right, we've gone this long.
11:34We haven't brought up the guy that I just,
11:36I didn't see this coming,
11:37and I know that people have been high on him
11:39as a super utility guy.
11:41This Tyler Fitzgerald month that his guys had,
11:44it's 150 at-bats, essentially, this year,
11:4712 homers, he's been absolutely on fire,
11:49and to me, it's like he lays off the junk away,
11:53and anything up in the zone, he's just crushing it.
11:56I mean, just absolutely hitting lasers.
11:58He's playing really good defensively at shortstop.
12:02I just shouldn't see this coming.
12:04This Tyler Fitzgerald situation has just been,
12:07it's been a revelation.
12:09Yeah, I will say this, because I hadn't,
12:12you know, we were getting little bits and pieces of Tyler,
12:15and in the spring training games,
12:17we'd see him over the last few years,
12:19but I will say this, a lot of, not just one or two,
12:22a lot of Giants coaches over the last couple years
12:26have said to me and said to us,
12:28like, the kid that I really like is Tyler Fitzgerald.
12:30Like, I heard that from more than just one person,
12:34and, you know, for me, our looks at him were so brief.
12:37I was, it's not like I disagreed,
12:39but I was always like, huh, okay,
12:41well, I'll follow that away.
12:42I'm not sure I know what you're talking about,
12:45just because we just didn't have a lot of exposure to him,
12:47and I think it's, what stood out to those guys is,
12:51that's big league, big league athletic ability,
12:54and, you know, this game, what I love about baseball
12:57is all shapes, all sizes, all body types,
13:01all styles, soft toss and lefty, flame throwing righty,
13:04power hitter, Jose Altuve judge,
13:07all that, that's great about baseball,
13:09but this is still high-level professional sports,
13:13and the physical tools, the body, the athletic ability,
13:17still carries the day in most cases,
13:21and that's what Tyler has.
13:22Like, he's got fast twitch, super athletic,
13:27bat speed, power, and it's coming together for him.
13:31He's another one of these.
13:32You know, we've talked about it with Brett Wisely,
13:34and Brett's struggling again with it right now,
13:36but Tyler is a guy who takes things hard.
13:40Like, he's got the baseball demeanor of a guy
13:42who is grinding out every day,
13:44and I think finally, finally now,
13:47he's comfortable in his job, his position.
13:50I'm a big leaguer, I belong here,
13:52and if that lets the athletic talent come out,
13:56I love watching him every day.
13:58He's been awesome.
13:59No, and that double play to end the game yesterday,
14:01head to the mound meeting,
14:03pitching visit, pitching mound visit
14:05with Camilo Duvall yesterday, ninth inning here.
14:07Look, we can talk about guys.
14:08That's right, I don't want to interrupt you, Vontae,
14:11but like, Cal Ripken used to say that, right?
14:13Like, how do you judge a big league shortstop?
14:16When you absolutely need it, can you turn to double play?
14:20Can you, when you have to have it,
14:21when the game's on the line, can you get it done?
14:24And that was not,
14:26that wasn't just a piece of cake last night,
14:29the way they turned that,
14:30and Tyler was calm and comfortable
14:32and looked ready for the moment.
14:33Remember early this year, what was his first start?
14:37I don't know, I can't remember
14:38if Webb was on the mound or whatever,
14:40his first start of the year,
14:41and he boots a ground ball
14:42like almost his first chance of the year,
14:45and I think you're seeing the growth now.
14:47Last night, in the biggest moment,
14:49maybe the whole season,
14:50you could argue the ninth inning last night,
14:52and he handled it flawlessly.
14:54I'm with you there.
14:55It was smooth, one pitch,
14:56and then, because if they lose that game yesterday, Flemm,
14:59I probably would've came in here this morning
15:00and said, you know what, that may be the season.
15:02That may have been the death knell for the season
15:04with the way Arizona's playing, as you mentioned,
15:05sweeping the Guardians yesterday,
15:07and the Padres were red hot,
15:08Dodgers were scuffling there,
15:09so that was a big time play by them.
15:11Yaz is being constantly professional.
15:13We could talk about him all day long,
15:14but I know you gotta run here
15:15because we got an early game.
15:16Do wanna get your thoughts,
15:17because you call a lot of college football,
15:19and I'm not 100% sure if you've ever called
15:22a Brandon Aiyut game at Arizona State,
15:25but I wanna get your thoughts on Brandon Aiyut.
15:25You're a big time Niner fan, just like us.
15:27What do you make of the situation, man?
15:29It's getting messier and messier,
15:30and we don't wanna see Aiyut leave.
15:32I'm sure the Niners don't,
15:33but boy, how did we get to this point, Flemm?
15:36Yeah, I did call a bunch of his games in college,
15:39and I think while Herm was still the head coach at ASU,
15:43and Herm just raved about the guy,
15:45like, you wanna know who our best player is?
15:47I'll tell you who our best player is,
15:49and you watch him play in college,
15:51you're so dependent on everybody around you,
15:54it happens in the NFL, too,
15:55but I don't know if I expected him to be this great
15:59at the NFL level, he's great.
16:01Like, that is not just a good player,
16:04he's one of the 10 best receivers in the league, I think.
16:07I do.
16:10And if you wanna win the Super Bowl,
16:11you want that guy on your side.
16:13I don't know, I'm not a cap expert,
16:15I'm not a, I don't know about any of that stuff,
16:18I know nothing about that.
16:19All I know is the minute they give him away,
16:22I don't care what you get back, you're a worse team.
16:25And when you got championship aspirations,
16:29and you're taking steps backwards, that sucks.
16:31So, I hope they figure it out.
16:33I do, because he's, I think he's,
16:36I really do believe he's one of the 10 best players
16:39in his position in the league,
16:40and I think he's one of the five best players
16:42on the Niners roster.
16:43Wow, wow, wow, that's strong words right there.
16:46We'll have Herm on in about 20 minutes
16:48to talk about Brennan Ayuk and whether or not
16:50this relationship is salvageable.
16:51But a big game and a big start for Kyle Harrison.
16:54Bounce back after the start in Cincinnati,
16:56he's gotta get to Swamp Flam.
16:57Kyle Harrison on the mound today against the Nationals.
16:59The Velo was down last start, I don't wanna like,
17:02I don't wanna read too much into it,
17:03but I'm just, I'm a little worried about both youngsters,
17:06that they're in uncharted territory,
17:08it's the end of the year.
17:09I didn't love getting rid of Alex Cobb,
17:11just to have him in the back pocket,
17:13I don't know, maybe I'm too worried.
17:15I think you're, I don't wanna say you're too worried,
17:19because you should, it should be a concern,
17:22but I saw Kyle walk out of here last night
17:25with like a case of water, and I think he's like,
17:29both those kids, I know they, you know,
17:31Kyle grew up in the East Bay, it gets hot in the summertime,
17:34Hayden grew up in Illinois, but once you get acclimated
17:37and are in San Francisco, and you're a young guy,
17:39you come here, all it takes is one bad inning,
17:43and your energy is sapped.
17:44Like, and you're seeing the jerseys,
17:47these freaking jerseys that show every drip of sweat.
17:51Not to cut you off, Len, but it feels like the Giants
17:54always played in Nats in the summer.
17:55One year they won the World Series, one of the years,
17:57I was out there for the eight o'clock,
17:59July 4th start on the West Coast,
18:01and it was about 100% humidity,
18:02and I was like, this is misery.
18:03Lissicum was terrible.
18:04Maybe the worst start of Bumgarner's career.
18:07Bumgarner just, that's Madison Bumgarner,
18:09your ultimate tough guy horse, he melted out here.
18:13So, I think it's a little cooler today, it's overcast,
18:17hydrate like heck, and hope that that doesn't happen,
18:20because I think that's been the big issue
18:22these last couple starts for those young guys.
18:25And I think when we get back home,
18:26you're gonna see the performance back like you expect.
18:29I think they've struggled with that.
18:31One last thing, this is just a quick, I said,
18:33love the home run hat from the Nats, I love that top hat.
18:36Yeah, no, that's pretty good.
18:37And they made a great trade with the Juan Soto deal.
18:40I mean, all their best players came from that,
18:42and like, I love Abrams, and I love Wood,
18:44like, I like their little roster.
18:47They made a really nice move with that deal.
18:48There's no such thing as a good trade
18:50when you trade away Juan Soto.
18:52That does not, like, I think it's impossible
18:54when you trade a guy at that level,
18:56and you say, we don't want him on our team,
18:58that I, like, I can't justify that,
19:00but they probably made the best of that kind of deal,
19:04maybe in the history of baseball with those guys.
19:06Now, Gore, Abrams, I think is still like,
19:09are those guys gonna be star stars?
19:11But I think that James Wood kid
19:14has a chance to be a big time player.
19:17So I'm with you, I hear what you're saying.
19:18I mean, I still can't believe they had Bryce Harper
19:20and Juan Soto as 24-year-olds and let them both go.
19:25Not to mention Trey Turner.
19:27And Trey Turner, like, all of them wanted to stay,
19:30all of them loved being here.
19:31Like, I don't know how you allow that to happen,
19:35but in the context of, okay, we just decided
19:38they weren't staying, we weren't gonna sign them,
19:41they did real well with that trade.
19:42Because you're right, this team,
19:43they find a little more pitching.
19:45This team's plucky, like, they got a chance.
19:47No, no doubt about that.
19:48Nationals, a big game for Kyle Harrison today.
19:50Giants trying to win the series
19:52before they get back home.
19:53Tell Javi we said hi, I can't believe it's the last call.
19:55You guys were really good in that booth together.
19:56Flint, thanks for the time,
19:57we'll talk to you next week, brother.
19:58And just one last thing, he's gonna be,
20:01he's coming home with us to be there
20:02for the reunion on Saturday, the 2014 team reunion.
20:06And I'm not gonna spoil it,
20:07they don't want me to talk about everybody who's coming,
20:09but it's a great list.
20:13Almost everybody from those teams is gonna be there.
20:17When I saw the list yesterday, it's awesome.
20:19So I think Saturday's gonna be so cool.
20:23You're gonna see some guys
20:24you haven't seen in a long time out there,
20:26and Giants fans are gonna enjoy that.
20:29Well, we know Jake Peavy's gonna be there,
20:30because he's performing Saturday for the Giants,
20:32it's gonna be fun.
20:33Yeah, we'll have Jake Peavy out at 920.
20:35Jake Peavy's in town, watch out now.
20:37Jeremy Renner?
20:37I'm not spoiling it, it's a long list, though.
20:43I love it.
20:43It'll be a lot of fun, man.
20:44How am I gonna call today, Dave?
20:46See you guys, thanks.
20:47Dave Fleming here on the River Islands guest line
20:49on 95.7 The Game.
20:50So they are showcasing this leather jacket,
20:54this Letterman varsity jacket.
20:56With the World Series patch, it looks pretty cool.
20:59This is what I would say to every team out there,
21:01you can't make enough of those coats.
21:04And I don't understand why we don't make more of them.
21:07I understand they're not great in the rain,
21:09in the elements and stuff,
21:10but I never like getting the singular championship jacket.
21:16Sweatshirt's one thing, the jacket.
21:18You want all the patches.
21:20You want 2014, 2010, 2014.
21:23Even that, they get outdated,
21:24because if your team wins a championship, then it's, you know.
21:26Just buy a new patch and put it on.
21:28That's what some people do.
21:29It's a lot of work, whatever.
21:31Oh man, I gotta get a whole new championship patch
21:33for my championship jacket, that's so rough.
21:35Well, I mean, we know you have an entire closet
21:37of Giants gear, so that's different.
21:39But I would say-
21:40I know you're not talking.
21:42I know you're not talking.
21:43I mean, I got a lot of coats.
21:44I know you're not talking about the Giants gear.
21:45I got a lot of new coats.
21:46Both you guys, it doesn't take a shot to love it.
21:48Hey, I'll wear it.
21:48I admit it, that I have it all in my closet.
21:50I know, I actually got you a Giants Letterman coat
21:53for Christmas a couple years ago.
21:54I know, I still wear it.
21:55I know, I love that coat.
21:56It's a great jacket.
21:56You know, I'm just well-rounded.
21:57I knew, I knew you'd love it.
21:58But I'm watching the Nats celebrate with these home runs,
22:03and they put on this top hat that's a red, white, and blue.
22:06Yeah, I saw that.
22:07It's a great look.
22:08Thinking about that, though, Flim's right.
22:12They had Bryce Harper, Soto.
22:16They didn't even win the World Series with Bryce Harper.
22:17They went out on a team with Trey Turner and Soto.
22:20I mean, Anthony Rendon,
22:21who's, by the way, back in the Angels lineup.
22:23I don't know if you guys saw that.
22:24Yeah, he'll be there for four minutes.
22:25Really quick, it was while All Fun bought that up,
22:27I pulled out the 2018 Nats roster.
22:29Give it to me.
22:31Patrick Stratus, Matt Wieners, Ryan Zimmerman,
22:34Trey Turner at short, Anthony Rendon at third,
22:37a 19-year-old rookie Juan Soto in left,
22:40Bryce Harper in right.
22:41The rotation had Max Scherzer, Tanner Roark,
22:44Gio Gonzalez, Steven Strasburg, Eric Fetty,
22:48and Sean Doolittle was their closer.
22:50That team went 82-80 that year.
22:53That's crazy.
22:53And then Harper went to Philly,
22:54and they won the World Series.
22:55And they won the World Series.
22:57With a 19-year-old.
22:57Wow, wow.
22:59They were always in a playoff, though, with those teams.
23:00We played that.
23:01They were always in a playoff.
23:03So I remember when St. Louis,
23:05or no, when the Giants did play,
23:07I'm thinking about when the Giants played
23:09the Cardinals at the NLCS,
23:11and the Nationals didn't pitch Strasburg.
23:13Remember, they shut them down.
23:14Yeah, they shut them down.
23:14And the Cardinals rallied in that game five,
23:16and the Giants were on their tarmac,
23:17waiting, do we go to St. Louis, do we go to D.C.?
23:19And I remember, I was praying, I was like,
23:21the Nationals got the Giants number.
23:23That would have been a bloodbath.
23:24I always thought that.
23:25Everyone goes to the 18-18 home run by Brandon Belt.
23:29To me, it was Matt Williams taking the ball
23:31out of his starter's hands,
23:32and giving it to the Stanford closer,
23:35who wasn't as good.
23:35And that was silly.
23:37That was silly.
23:38Was it Pablo scoring on a Buster hit down the line?
23:41Did Pablo score?
23:42That tied the game?
23:43It was one-nothing.
23:44Who got thrown out, though?
23:45Who got thrown out?
23:46Because somebody tried to score on that play.
23:47I felt like somebody-
23:48Was it Buster?
23:49I remember Buster got thrown out a couple times
23:50in that postseason run.
23:51Did Buster score, and Pablo get thrown out,
23:52or did Pablo-
23:53Yeah, it was one hit the other end.
23:55I forget what it was.
23:56And then, Yasmiro Petit,
23:58that's the moment for me.
23:59Yasmiro Petit was amazing in that game.
24:01No, he was-
24:02God, I just-
24:03He was the man.
24:03Hunter Strickland is still bitter over that series.
24:06I mean, that was a hell of a series.
24:07Bumgarner actually lost in that series,
24:09the game three.
24:10They actually got to him in game three,
24:12Madison Bumgarner there.
24:13But the Giants did-
