The 49ers Are Not Off To The Best Start in 2024

  • last month
00:00Trent Williams stuck this franchise for more money a couple years ago, threatening to go
00:05to the Kansas City Chiefs to the point where Kyle Shanahan had to call Trent Williams and
00:09convince him, hey, come back, we've got some money for you, whatever.
00:13And he had, Trent Williams was insistent, insistent on, hey, I need 10,000 more a year
00:19than David Bakhtiari so I can be the highest paid left tackle in football.
00:25And coming off of that Super Bowl, was a piss poor performance by Trent Williams.
00:29That's not sugarcoated, folks.
00:31We're not in the sugarcoating business right now.
00:35That guy had to false start, to hold he piddled it, I mean, he just, he had a terrible game,
00:39in my opinion, with Trent Williams.
00:40He's a Hall of Famer.
00:41He had a bad Super Bowl.
00:43And so now you're going to come to OTAs and you're going to stay your ass in East Texas
00:47and stick this organization for more money when you're 36 years old?
00:51And it ain't even about the money, but you've threatened to retire.
00:54Yeah, I only got a year, yeah, I got a year, I got a year, I got a year, and you see the
00:59situation and you're going to stick this team and not show up to training camp?
01:04And are you just taking all the bullets for you?
01:07This is not, Trent Williams needs to get some heat, man.
01:10That's unacceptable.
01:11That's unacceptable.
01:12Because I've been hearing all of these people go, well he doesn't have any guaranteed money.
01:16And I go, hold up, hold up.
01:19We're acting.
01:20Oh, by the way, we have some breaking news.
01:23The head coach of Team USA is going to join us at 9 o'clock, Steve Kerr.
01:27No way.
01:28No way.
01:30No way.
01:31Shout out Lucas, making it happen.
01:32Steve Kerr, joining us live from Paris.
01:34This is Steve Kerr.
01:36Steve Kerr, 9 o'clock, folks.
01:40So now we're here.
01:42Trent Williams.
01:43That's pretty cool.
01:44Steve Kerr from Paris.
01:45Okay, like this.
01:47There's this thing.
01:48Well, he doesn't have any guaranteed money.
01:51What is he, the four-string backup nickel slot corner?
01:54Like, what are we talking about he doesn't have any guaranteed money?
01:58He's going to make $23 million this year.
02:00Does anyone on the real, like on the real, this whole guaranteed money thing is such
02:03a farce.
02:05For him, for him.
02:06Does anyone not think that even if he came in and like had a ruptured Achilles, let's
02:10just say that the Niners wouldn't be like, yeah, you're on the pump.
02:13And the second you're healthy, we will reactivate you and you're going to see, he is going to
02:17see every nickel of that 23 million.
02:20Is he not?
02:22Is he not?
02:23I believe he is.
02:24So I don't want to hear about, well, he doesn't have any guaranteed money.
02:27Stop it.
02:28Just everyone.
02:29Stop it.
02:30He's the left tackle of the 49ers.
02:31Who's going to the hall of fame.
02:32He's going to see every penny this year.
02:35This is not about guaranteed money.
02:36You know what this is about?
02:38More money.
02:39Oh, this is about, and he's 36 years old.
02:41Who's had injury history.
02:42How did it look?
02:43But he's healthy.
02:44He is one of the best left tacklers.
02:46But my memory of Trent Williams at the Superbowl was damn Trent.
02:52I expected a little more from you at the Superbowl against Kansas city.
02:55I expected a little more.
02:57I don't know what the PFF grades were.
02:58I don't even care.
02:59I don't even care.
03:00I know what I saw with my eyes.
03:01And Trent Williams, by his standards, did not have a great Superbowl.
03:05But what about this?
03:06And then you come out here at OTAs, you're chilling with Nick Bosa at minicamp at OTAs
03:11like everything is all good.
03:12And then the little rumor came out, I was like, oh, Trent Williams could be looking
03:15for an extension.
03:16And we kind of laughed at it.
03:17Say, come on, Trent.
03:18You just got paid.
03:19You're taken care of.
03:20You made how much money over at Scorpions?
03:22I'm not even trying to pocket watch.
03:23I don't even want to go to, I don't even care how much money he's made.
03:25The fact is, we got a homegrown guy in Brandon Iuke that people have turned on saying, get
03:30him out of here.
03:31We can find a million Brandon Iukes, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
03:34And we know Trent Williams is indispensable.
03:36He's indispensable.
03:38We know that.
03:39We know that.
03:40But for you to stick it to us, and I don't care if you're a veteran or not, you don't
03:43want to practice just chill, Kyle Shanahan, you don't want to practice.
03:45Staying off to the side of the field, don't practice.
03:47I don't care.
03:48But you're in East Texas right now, chilling.
03:51And we ain't heard nothing from you.
03:53And you want to stick us because all of a sudden these linemen got paid?
03:55And you're like, well, I'm 36 years old.
03:57I still want to be the highest paid lineman.
03:59Dog, you're just talking about retirement.
04:01And you want us to give you a big fat extension?
04:04A big fat extension and big time money?
04:07You're 36 and threatening to retire.
04:10Come on, Trent.
04:11And Iuke is taking all the heat?
04:13The hell with that.
04:14I'm shifting gears to number 71.
04:16Where are you at?
04:17Where are you at, big Trent?
04:19I would ask you this.
04:20At least when Joe Saley retired, he just left, right?
04:24This is becoming a disaster.
04:26It really is.
04:27And look, week one's a month away.
04:30But there is something with the vibes.
04:31I thought a lot about what you said and what Mayoko said and then Juice.
04:36But I did say day one.
04:38And I thought, and I looked at it.
04:39You thought I was crazy.
04:40Well, no.
04:41I didn't think you were crazy.
04:42I just, I said there was no fans here.
04:43Yeah, that's true.
04:44So there's no fans.
04:46The music hits a little different.
04:47The excitement of having fans and the little kids running around.
04:51The mascots, Howard O'Sham.
04:53Nothing that was happening.
04:54But when Mayoko says it, who's been at practice every single day?
04:58For 25 years.
05:00And there's all these fans here.
05:02There is something with the vibe.
05:04It's not, it's not a great start to the season for the 49ers.
05:07It really isn't.
05:08And Brennan, I think, is lingering so hard.
05:10And I don't know if you heard TJ Hustmanzada yesterday.
05:13I saw a lot of the TJ Hustmanzada stuff.
05:19Here is TJ Hustmanzada.
05:20He joined Willard the Dibs, and he was passionate yesterday, and he brought up Kyle Shanahan.
05:26Here's TJ Hustmanzada, former wide receiver for the Cincinnati Bagels and Seattle Seahawks.
05:31I just want the 49ers to realize what they have, and Kyle Shanahan fixed this situation.
05:39Like you can't have, like it really is disheartening when other teams, plural, are willing to pay
05:45you so much more than your own team, but you're still willing to take less to stay
05:49with your own team.
05:50Figure that out, because y'all did this with DeForest Buckner.
05:53Y'all remember that, right?
05:54They traded him to the Colts and drafted Javon Kinlaw because he was supposed to be the answer.
06:00And I'm probably guessing if DeForest Buckner was still with the Niners these last few years,
06:05they may have a Super Bowl.
06:07He was that good up front.
06:08And so don't just think you can draft a guy or replace a guy.
06:13Like it's not that easy.
06:14And the Niners have been really, really good without Buckner.
06:17But they may have a Super Bowl if they had him.
06:19So don't let a total of five, six million dollars cost you a Super Bowl.
06:25So that's TJ Hustmanzada.
06:26This one also hit me too, because Chad Johnson said, well, are you top five, top 10?
06:31He's okay, blah, blah, blah.
06:32Well, they played the cut for TJ Hustmanzada, Willard the Dibs, that is.
06:35And here's how Hustmanzada reacted to that.
06:39Let's find out, then.
06:40If the 49ers throw that way, you'll find out.
06:43He's replaceable until they're not.
06:45Just like they thought DeForest Buckner was replaceable.
06:47Uh, how'd that work out?
06:49Still good.
06:50But did Javon Kinlaw replace Buckner?
06:53Oh, no, no, no.
06:54He not even with the Niners any longer.
06:55No, he didn't.
06:56They think Pearsall can do it.
06:58But do they know?
06:59But the NFL is a business where when you draft guys, especially in the first two rounds,
07:06first and second round, and they play well, it's a badge of honor to get those dudes a
07:11second deal because you're drafting and developing well.
07:15That's what the good teams do.
07:17You pay your draft pick second contracts because you've done a great job with drafting.
07:23Baltimore Ravens are the best at it.
07:25The Philadelphia Eagles are the best at it.
07:27Very rarely do you see those best players from those teams that I just named find second
07:32deals with other teams.
07:33You don't see it.
07:34And so the Niners are going to be good with or without B.A.
07:37I believe they'll be better with him than they will be without him.
07:42Chad may have a point, but he's wrong in a sense the way Shanahan calls play.
07:46Shanahan's a great play caller.
07:48You give me the best play call in the world.
07:50If I drop the ball, is it the best play call in the world?
07:53All right.
07:55I agree with him that they're going to regret if they move off him, period.
08:01For this year, there's no other way around it, right?
08:04Can they offset the production?
08:06Maybe, you know, hypothetically, possibly, but it goes both ways, right?
08:14And it's the same thing I would say about Trent Williams.
08:15It goes both ways.
08:16I would also say, Brandon, you be careful what you wish for.
08:21I've kind of been saying that for multiple weeks now.
08:23There are a lot of wide receivers that are looking at the 49ers situation going, wow,
08:28you got a great play caller.
08:29You got a pretty good quarterback.
08:31You got a really good running game that's going to make my job a hell of a lot easier.
08:35You got other weapons out there, so I can't get double and triple teamed all day.
08:40All things being equal, both parties should be looking at the other one saying, you have
08:44a good thing here.
08:46Iuke saying it to the Niners, the Niners saying it to Iuke.
08:48And that's why I'm so perplexed as to why they can't strike a deal.
08:51Yeah, it is.
08:52It is.
08:53And he also, he begged, he pleaded for Jed York to get involved.
08:57He was asked if Iuke wants to be a stealer if the money was equal.
09:00I told him this, like, if I got a pick, I'm staying with the Niners.
09:05Why wouldn't you?
09:06And so it's up to John Lynch and Carl Shanahan and hold up, hold up, hold up.
09:10What's the owner's name?
09:11Jed York.
09:12Jed York.
09:13Jed York.
09:14You listen to this, Jed York.
09:15Make it happen, Jed York.
09:16That, Jed York, make it happen.
09:18Don't let feelings come into place when it's business.
09:21You can't let your feelings get in the middle of business.
09:23Get it done.
09:24It sucks when another team appreciates your talent more than the team that drafted you.
09:28Because, oh, we want you, we want you.
09:30Well, well, show me.
09:31Why you want me to take less?
09:32You're not giving anybody else less.
09:35You didn't give any.
09:36Who else played on their contract?
09:37Osa didn't.
09:38Debo didn't.
09:39Why do I have to?
09:40Players look at things like that.
09:42And you just want to be fairly compensated.
09:44B.A. had 105 targets.
09:46I believe C.D. Lamb led the league in 171 targets, I believe.
09:50So he had 61, 61, 66 more targets than B.A.
09:55I believe he had 400 yards, little give or take 400 yards.
09:59So out of those 66 targets, B.A.'s probably going to catch at worst 40 of them.
10:04He would have led the league in yards.
10:06He would have led the league.
10:08And so you have a good player that wants to be there.
10:11And he's probably done some things along this process that you don't like.
10:15As have you.
10:16Figure it out, Jay York.
10:18You the man that's signing the checks, baby.
10:20Get it done.
10:22T.J., who's Zada?
10:24I agree on the final part, which is...
10:26Come on, guys.
10:27Let's get this done.
10:28That's what I definitely want to see happen.
10:30But also, T.J. has to acknowledge that just because the offense in Dallas
10:36is set up a certain way, doesn't mean that the same thing is going to happen.
10:42I could play the same game.
10:44Let's see what Iyuk looks like as the number one in Dallas
10:47with no run game, no tight end.
10:49Maybe his catch rate goes down.
10:52I don't think they're correlated.
10:54Saying that C.D. got 66 more targets.
10:57That to me is where you kind of lose me.
10:59And I understand what he's saying.
11:01He's very efficient.
11:02He's really good.
11:03And we agree on that.
11:0475 catches on 105 targets.
11:06No, it's incredible.
11:07Over 1,300 yards.
11:08It's incredible.
11:09Second in the league in yards per catch.
11:11He's a really, really good player.
11:13It bothers me, though, when people say,
11:15well, he's the fourth option in the offense.
11:17How many fourth options lead their team in receptions and receiving guards?
11:22How many fourth options lead your team in receptions and receiving guards?
11:26I think people need to think before they speak.
11:29There's no one, two, three, or four.
11:31It's who's open on this play?
11:33Who's going to beat the Blitz on this play?
11:35Who's Brock Pretty's trust down the field?
11:37He trusts Iyuk.
11:39That's for sure.
11:40I would counter to you and say,
11:42you're saying fourth option in the pass game.
11:45He's the number one option.
11:47He's probably the number two option.
11:49Kittle half the time on pass plays is blocking.
11:52No, no.
11:53What I'm saying is when people say fourth option,
11:55he's the number one in the pass game option.
11:58But Christian McCaffrey's the number one option on this team.
12:01Two to one versus anyone else.
12:05So that's all.
12:06And I don't think he's the fourth.
12:08You know who the second option is on the Niners outside of McCaffrey?
12:11Whoever's open.
12:14I don't think that's a knock on Iyuk.
12:15I just think that's how they play football.
12:18TJ, who's risotto on a Patriots offer?
12:21It may have been a little more than 32.
12:23Now, you got a team willing to pay you that much
12:26and you're not even asking that much from your own team.
12:29Like, come on, man.
12:30At this point, it's like, I'm sure the Niners are pissed.
12:33They're ready for it to be over.
12:35And I'm sure B.A. is pissed and ready for it to be over.
12:37Just come back together and find something that works.
12:40Like 28.
12:41You wouldn't give him 28 million a year,
12:44but you'd give him 26 over the course of three years.
12:47That's $6 million.
12:49Like in the world of football, that's nothing.
12:52And so, yeah, I know you have Trent Williams to worry about
12:55and Brock Purdy next year.
12:58But if Brandon Iyuk is not on the Niners,
13:01they're still going to be a very good team.
13:03I don't believe they're in an NFC championship game.
13:07So that's where we're at.
13:08Iyuk's just asking for 28.
13:10According to TJ, who's risotto.
13:12So now we got a number.
13:13Now we got a number.
13:14He's asking for 28.
13:15The Niners don't want to go above 26.
13:17We're really going to just divorce.
13:20We're just going to divorce ourselves in this relationship
13:23and just move on.
13:24It takes two.
13:25But over a couple million dollars,
13:28stretched out over three years.
13:29We can't find a structure and manufacture a way
13:32to make everybody happy.
13:33Over two million bucks, two million dollars
13:36for a second-team All-Pro?
13:37We're just going to give away a second-team All-Pro
13:39for a couple draft picks?
13:40Okay, but from a business standpoint,
13:42and again, I'm not pretending to be the Niners,
13:45but from a business standpoint,
13:47if you give in on every two-million-dollar request
13:50all across the roster,
13:51because it's like, hey, it's two million for B.A.,
13:54and then it's seven million for Trent,
13:56and then it's 40 million for Brock.
13:58But not everybody's the same.
13:59Not everybody's the same.
14:00Not everybody has the same leverage.
14:02And Bosa stuck them up for another 20 million.
14:04No question.
14:05It wasn't two million.
14:06It was 20 million.
14:07So nobody's talking about that one.
14:09What my point was is the happy medium,
14:12then, if they're two million apart,
14:15well, let's meet in the middle
14:16at the one-million-dollar difference.
14:20That seems reasonable.
14:21That seems reasonable.
14:22We're just stretching out over three years.
14:24The cap has gone up.
14:25The cap has gone up over the next three years.
14:28We can't make this happen.
14:29We're gonna quibble over a couple million dollars
14:31to not get to second-team All-Pro,
14:34Brock Purdy's number-one target in the past game?
14:36Are we kidding?
14:37Like, make this happen, man.
14:39Look, I want it to happen, too.
14:41But, like, sometimes these teams are,
14:44and I'm not trying to defend the teams,
14:46but, like, for example, Trent Williams,
14:48they gave him, like, a six-year,
14:49$140 million contract
14:51where they front-loaded a ton of the money,
14:53and now we're in the middle,
14:55not even the back end,
14:56because it's a six-year deal.
14:57You're in year four right now.
15:00There's four, five, six years on the deal.
15:02And he's like,
15:03oh, gotta restructure the entire freakin' thing.
15:05So, like...
15:06But I don't think BIA's gonna do that.
15:07Devo hasn't done that.
15:08Who knows?
15:09Devo hasn't done that.
15:10Who knows?
15:11You know, they may go to Brendan Ivey
15:12and say, we want you to restructure your deal,
15:14and he may do it.
15:15Well, that's plausible.
15:16You know what I'm saying?
15:17And, by the way,
15:18there's gonna be other players
15:19who are coming off the books.
15:20We don't know what's gonna happen
15:21to Devo Samuel in the future.
15:22Hell, I don't even know
15:23if Trent Williams is playing after this season.
15:25What's gonna happen to George Kittle?
15:27We know, speaking of George Kittle,
15:28we joined Tim Kalakami.
15:29Well, one second,
15:30before you finish,
15:31because if you're asking me...
15:32General shout-outs, by the way,
15:3313 minutes.
15:34Before you finish,
15:35everyone's gonna say,
15:36huh, you gotta have Trent Williams,
15:37and you gotta have...
15:38And I hear what everyone's saying.
15:39I'm gonna be real with you.
15:40Like, I actually think,
15:42in the modern NFL,
15:43and I know,
15:44the offense did not look good without Trent,
15:47and Purdy's gonna be under duress,
15:48and you gotta have an offensive line.
15:51I think it's a lot closer
15:52than people want to admit.
15:53Because, like,
15:54everybody's like,
15:55it's a slam dunk,
15:56Trent's more valuable
15:57than Brandon Ayuk.
15:59Okay, like,
16:00I agree,
16:01left tackle is more valuable.
16:02This age,
16:0336-year-old Trent Williams,
16:04versus 26-year-old Brandon Ayuk,
16:06I actually think
16:07it's a hell of a lot closer
16:08than people want to admit,
16:10in terms of who's more important,
16:12not just for now,
16:13but also moving forward.
16:15So if one alienates the other,
16:17and you can't afford him,
16:20I actually think
16:21this is a much more
16:22difficult conversation,
16:23and I don't think
16:24it is as simple
16:25as one or the other.
16:26I'm just saying,
16:28everyone's like,
16:29it's a slam dunk,
16:30you pay Trent,
16:31left tackle's more important.
16:34but if Trent was like 31,
16:35this would be a no-brainer.
16:36To your point,
16:37he has been flirting with this.
16:38He's been flirting with retirement,
16:39he's been flirting
16:40with going to other teams,
16:41and he came off
16:42that piss-poor Super Bowl,
16:43and I like big Trent.
16:44He's in Philly.
16:45And now watching,
16:46and that's what kind of
16:47bothers me
16:48with some of the fans.
16:49We traded for Trent Williams.
16:50He's not,
16:51you know,
16:52I don't know if he's
16:53an all-time niner yet.
16:54I don't know that.
16:55Brett and I,
16:56he has the potential
16:57to be,
16:58and he's homegrown.
16:59You spit the first round
17:00pick on him.
17:01When we look at
17:02these draft classes,
17:03you look at 2022,
17:05for example,
17:06the 2022 draft class
17:07for the 49ers.
17:08Drake Jackson,
17:09out for the season.
17:10He's on pop.
17:11Sucks for him.
17:12Ty Davis Price,
17:13not a career catch.
17:14Spencer Burford,
17:15about to lose his job
17:16to Dominique Puni.
17:17Sammy Womack,
17:18haven't heard from him
17:19since 2022.
17:21he made a play
17:22on the practice field.
17:24there you go.
17:26we finally hit on
17:27the first round pick
17:28outside of Nick Bosa,
17:29and we're flirting with danger.
17:31here's George Kittle
17:32on how he's kind of
17:33dealing with the whole
17:34contract situation.
