The A's Were Never Lacking For Talent

  • last month
00:00She's Louise, you know, and I get the territorial rights with the Giants in San Jose
00:05It would have been kind of cool to CDA's this handles that they could have really oh, I think it was about their financial boom
00:11Oh my gosh, it would have they would have been selling out 35,000 C stadiums every night down in San Jose with that weather
00:16Oh my gosh, there's a lot of a lot of fans money. The weather is significantly better
00:23There's land there's land to do it. There's a lot of more space
00:28Sad I just
00:30Saskatchewan is sad, you know the Bay Bridge series. Okay, people want to get hyped up about it. I don't know
00:35I don't know how people like Spadoni, huh?
00:37Bay Bridge series is doing anything for you. Like, how's it been watching the A's this season knowing they're leaving Oakland, California?
00:45Like the team was so awful last year and like they've actually been relatively like they're gonna hit their over in the wind total
00:51Probably here pretty soon, but they've still they're not there 17 games, whatever. They are under 500
00:56But yeah tomorrow's probably gonna be my last game ever at the Coliseum
00:59But I'm also doing it because you know, my best friend we're having his bachelor party there tomorrow starting there
01:04So we're doing that then we're going to have a night out in the city. So I'll remember that
01:07I'll remember the good times with some buddies and stuff like that, but it's not like
01:11The mystique of like the series is not like doing anything for me in the past
01:15It was fun because my dad's a Giants fan
01:17So we would go together and stuff like that during a Father's Day or I got time like sometimes the A's and Giants would play
01:22around that time so
01:23But yeah, it's it. I don't know the whole thing has gotten to the point where I'd be just become just numb
01:30Just like it is what it is kind of a thing
01:34You'll be in Sacramento. I'm not gonna go up there to play
01:36I'll probably still follow along but just like on Twitter like I'm not gonna be like, oh, yeah the A's
01:41Yeah, I'm gonna go my way to talk about them
01:43Just I'm not gonna do that anymore
01:45Which sucks because I like to go out of my way to talk about teams that I like I bring up Raiders
01:49Conversation to you guys all the time. So I think that when's the last time I ever talked about the A's really Mason Miller yesterday
01:53Yeah, that's that's it
01:55Yeah, that's what I don't I don't go on my way to talk about them anymore
01:57It sucks because I grew up loving that team. I mean this station had
02:01So many people that were so connected with the A's, you know, Rick and Townie and
02:08Roxy Bernstein Roxy Bernstein, you know, I know Brody would at one point did shows over here Kyle Madsen loves the A's
02:15He used to be over here
02:18Evan Giddings who's on is a big-time A's fan
02:21I mean like it's just everybody here was was a big A's fan a lot of them
02:26and it just sucks and I just think about like
02:30Baseball in the East Bay and how many great I'm talking great players forget back in the day
02:35I'm talking about just the last 25 years like D'Auntreau will CC Sabathia Jimmy Rawls. Just go down the list
02:40It's like a who's who of like playoff performer and studs
02:45And to think that a lot of those guys aren't gonna have their hometown team anymore
02:49I mean, I just and you know how much I love baseball
02:52I just I wonder what the effect is and then
02:54It's gonna have just on the on the community and everybody in general just being a baseball geek
02:58Flipping over the channel watching American League baseball when Giants go to commercial go in the A's game
03:03We're just having a laptop. Yeah and the television watching the A's and I remember didn't I have like a 21 any game against the Angels?
03:10What was that Spadone? They had like this epic 20. We stayed up all night. I remember Twitter all
03:19Jamal Jamal Weeks
03:22Weeks is uh, I think Ricky weeks to his coaching would Milwaukee now Oh Brewers. Yeah, I saw his day pop up
03:28It's good. Him and Braun were sick. Yeah, they were they were sick together, but
03:31Hammer, they've got that's what his nickname was another Hurricanes legend the tainted substance. He was another hurricane legend, wasn't he?
03:38I remember when I would go to like baseball games Miami people love telling stories about
03:42Ryan Braun routinely put balls in the parking garage that was on the other side of the right field fence a good
03:47350 feet away or something like lying about the urine sample. I was just gonna say
03:52Rogers having his back to you and then lying about it
03:55Ryan Braun was sick though that him Prince Fielder Ricky weeks that team was nice
04:00I think about that biogenesis clinic that you know a rod and whatnot got mixed up with
04:04Right across the street from the Miami baseball field. Yeah, that's funny. It was it Gomes. Who was the center fielder?
04:11Johnny Gomes. No, it was like Chris Gomes or something. Johnny Gomes different different corner outfielder DH
04:17This guy was like Chris Gomes or something like that centerfield is Yon Gomes, but that's the catcher whatever happened to a drill cotton
04:24with the Oakland A's
04:25It's random. I know because I remember it's real cotton had a great start the start to see like he was dealing, right?
04:34Sunday afternoon delight. I was like popping this guy reminds me of Pedro. He goes, you know what I thought about that
04:39The most recent MLB team by the way Bonte was the Giants in 2022. Are you serious?
04:44Giant in 2022 Terrell cotton. He had his starting
04:48Forget I remember
04:50Puppetex in a group thread. I can't fight a game where they got cots bitch of the kids see
04:55We're like, I mean it was AJ puck Lazardo. Yeah, who are the other ones?
05:02Daniel Murphy, I remember at one point
05:05All the young players that we're gonna be something. Yeah. Well, there's just I mean you can go to Sean Doolittle you can go to
05:12Josh Donaldson, you can go to Matt Olsen. Who's not there Matt Chapman not there Coco Chris is the old guy for a while
05:18We love Coco crisp you can just go there's I mean, I feel like I'm Joe Horn right now
05:22There's so many of you Mac and give you an exact name shorts that you got from the Cubs when you traded
05:27They traded to the Cubs
05:32So Russell now playing I think overseas Adam was on Crosby
05:37Because he was sick and I remember
05:42Harold riddles, I'd never forget it because I think you want Ricky of the year and the next year they were making like baseball
05:47Tonight we're making like the MVP predictions. Harold riddles is like my MVP is gonna be Bobby Crosby this guy's
05:55He was good, it was him who was the right fielder before him not Van Poppel is ring house and uh, who was the
06:02Top seven. So yeah, there's probably your guys's aerial Prieto. Remember him? Oh, yeah
06:07No, but who's that right fielder that was supposed to be good for the A's. Oh, it's gonna kill me
06:12Mondo in San Lorenzo. What's up? I know what's happening
06:15Derek Park
06:20Yeah, I heard you guys talk about that, you know that crazy long game
06:24I was I'm not sure if it was the Angels, but I remember it was it was a Monday
06:28I think it was
06:33Yeah, I had to work at like 6 a.m
06:35The next day, but you know, you don't get to see 19 in a game very often man
06:40I think I think who was it Jerry Blevins?
06:43I think he has actually come back because they were out of position players because the bullpen was just packed for that whole game
06:48But uh, yeah, I mean, I've been a fan for about five years old
06:52My dad a season ticket takes the games all the time
06:55Grew up in the 2000s with money ball
06:57I think go during game 18 to how to smoke the ball a foul ball over to our seats and almost hit me and they
07:02Had my dad like, you know
07:04Set me down to I could hit but
07:07You know the best it's just been really sad and seeing the team
07:10Degrade from you know, the height of what it was like, you know 70s 80s all that kind of stuff
07:16Like it's you know, I'm I recently moved and I'm having this, you know
07:20I just want to sell myself because like this has no
07:23Sentimental value to me anymore. And I think one of the worst parts for me is that when cattle came in they had all the promotions
07:29They had a bunch of new programs. They're trying to launch and really trying to get the fans into the stadium
07:34I think it was that treehouse pass. Whatever was like that was exciting
07:37But like you guys said this is a weasel and it's really sad to see the team go from the height of what it was
07:43You know during my formative years into what it is now the show look for myself like my friends, you know
07:50I still got the team, but you know
07:56What are you gonna do what are you gonna do when they go to sack I
08:03Don't know
08:08But I should bring my dad up for one last game
08:12like you guys talk about it right now like
08:15Alright, but I don't know what happens but uh, enjoy it with your dad. Enjoy it
08:22Let's go to Brian from the last dive bar Brian. What's happening? You're on a roast
08:28Man what is going on? You guys are absolutely
08:31Cooking the coffee is scorching hot this morning. I had to call in I was inspired by you guys
08:37This is dragon John Fisher. This is great
08:40Yeah, it gets tiresome though. You know, what else can we say about him?
08:44What else can it's just like talking Farhan's ID. What else do you want us to say about Farhan's ID?
08:48It is what it is. It's just good. It becomes stale. I mean beat be I'm looking at it right here real quick for you
08:53You you go in here
08:54Can say go McGuire Weiss three consecutive rookies of the years in the late 80s and then they go Ben Grieve was the guy I
09:01Was talking about and then you get Crosby Houston Street Andrew Bailey all in like a four or five year
09:07But I mean just the amount of talent they've had is unreal
09:10It's the ownership Dave their farm system has been so far better than the Giants for
09:17Go ahead Brian
09:19Yeah, you know, I mean Jackie you really hit it on the head at the start this has been systematic, right?
09:24I've never seen an organization
09:27Systematically just dismantle the history
09:30The rich history of a franchise. I mean the only team outside the Yankees to win three World Series
09:35You got going up another three, you know World Series in the 80s. You had the money ball
09:40you never capitalized on on anything and this has been completely systematic and in the final year of the
09:45Coliseum the final year you've done absolutely nothing as an organization to acknowledge that lean into that
09:52I mean at least when the Raiders left there was somewhat of a farewell tour and they gave that bit of decency to the fan
09:58Base, but the A's know they even they've known that they were going to Vegas all the way
10:042021 is when they were first starting to announce it and the rumblings were going on
10:08And so they knew this day was coming. They've done absolutely
10:11Nothing to acknowledge the fans to acknowledge the employees
10:15I mean even the employees Vince Petronio
10:17He's been with the A's for 18 years had to go through the Chronicle to announce that he was leaving and most employees that are
10:23Still there that have been there for 20 30 years
10:25Don't even know the fate right and and aren't even getting communicated to by the the organization and they're just getting letters
10:33We've had employees that have told us that they've been told that if they want a celebration for them leaving they have to hold it
10:40Themselves, it's spiteful. It's intentional and I've never seen something on the level this big
10:46And so like our mission has been just exposing Fisher and the antics of what they're doing
10:51On a level that has never been seen before and now you can't talk about the A's without talking about how bad
10:57Fisher's been for baseball for the A's for the franchise the history
11:01I mean the guys completely pooped on it. Like you said like nobody else
11:05I mean, I've never seen diarrhea on a fan base and an organization like this guy has had I mean well said Brian
11:11What do you do now though? What what's baseball where's baseball?
