• last year
00:00Really on fire here, but we you know as much as I want to laugh about that. We do have some breaking news
00:12Sad day sad day
00:14For the franchise for the go-to-state Warriors
00:17And kind of knew this day was coming the last couple days as Al Adams has passed away
00:22He was surrounded by family at his East Bay home
00:24He took his last breath and when we say Al Adams for a lot of youngsters out there
00:28You need to know who Al Adams is
00:31He'd been with the Warriors for six decades. Okay over 60 years
00:36player coach
00:40No person in NBA history has been with one franchise for over 60 years
00:47How many people have only received one paycheck a paycheck from one employer in their life?
00:54Not many right he was with the Warriors for so long he was with them in Philadelphia
00:58Obviously was a teammate of Will Chamberlain when he scored a hundred points in Hershey, Pennsylvania
01:02He was the second leading scorer in that game
01:04Yeah, that's just like he's like the Forrest Gump of that era of NBA players and today is Will Chamberlain's birthday
01:11Which is crazy gosh
01:13You know in that game Al Adams is a perfect eight for eight from the floor and one for one from the free-throw line
01:20Prompting Will Chamberlain to sign a ball for him said Al the man who always did the right things at the wrong time
01:25The true story, of course, he was a coach of the 1975 NBA championship that Rick Barry holds deeply to his heart
01:31He's still the all-time leader in regular season coaching wins for the go-to state Warriors. He coached the Doves for 13 years as a GM
01:39He drafted Chris Mullin. He drafted Chris Mullin and he was a community ambassador
01:44Since the 1990s and he's the nicest guy I've ever met and I think the heavens that he was alive
01:50To get enshrined it to the bat day Smith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame back in 2019
01:55He is really truly one of the nicest men I've ever met in my career one of the kindest hearts
02:00His his number 16 is retired up there in the Raptors next to Rick Barry next to Will Chamberlain
02:06Next to Chris Mullin and there's some culture now read one for Chris Mullin
02:09I know Rick Barry has a quote there
02:11You but Molly said this is a difficult day for me and I remember we did a package on now Adels
02:16maybe last season maybe the season before and
02:19Molly obviously was choking up. Obviously was choking up and
02:23Molly said our idols had a huge positive influence on me in my career not just drafted me in
02:281985 and bring me to the bay but guiding me through my journey as a player and a young man both in good and difficult
02:33Times he was a dear friend mentor and robot on someone. I admired
02:38tremendously and tried to emulate
02:40He set the standard for all of us when it comes to integrity and humility and was truly a champion both on and off the court
02:47There will never ever be another Al Adels aka the destroyer and I know we have some sound
02:53From Molly on Al Adels because when Molly was going through a difficult time
02:58You know drinking and he had to go to rehab or whatnot
03:00And when he first got drafted Al told all his coaches back east I got Molly
03:05He's in great hands. I got him and
03:09The respect I saw Molly half-right also respect us
03:12He would bury half-right out of the respect when they had a ring night a couple years ago
03:17Adels was there and he got one of the biggest pops in that arena Chase Center one of the biggest pops out there
03:25Because we understand who our idols is we understand we understand. Let's hear from Molly on Al Adels when I was drafted
03:31Al Adels was the GM class personified. Yeah always prepared
03:36Humble and gracious yes, and you know when I got drafted here. He told my parents one thing
03:43I'm gonna take good care of your son
03:46And he did exactly that and that man
03:49You know he's meant so much to me of my life
03:52That that piece is beautiful. Yeah, it almost doesn't do it justice because this guy is one of the beautiful most beautiful
03:58You won't be as I've met in my life, and he's impacted so many lives in this Bay Area, and it's just
04:04He's just the greatest allows the greatest guy ever met my life
04:11You know
04:14My grandfather's a year older than him give or take and
04:19When I hear stories from from him I I do think that
04:24Just as as a human as you take a step back forget basketball that generation of people
04:30They're extremely valuable
04:32Just for their wisdom and their knowledge and the things that they went through
04:36survived World War two
04:37The Great Depression the Cold War you know so many different things that they've been through the civil rights movement
04:45and that era of
04:48Man and woman is obviously they're falling left and right right now
04:52And I see and I'm not trying to rip Anthony Edwards, but on a day where people are talking about him basically
04:59Crushing prior generations and only giving Michael Jordan a lot of appreciation and love this is one reason not to get on the soapbox
05:05but why I always
05:07You know talk about the older Niner teams and the older Giants teams and the older warrior teams and things like that and and I?
05:13Know for the young people they think new is always better and and whatnot
05:17I just think that we don't value the oldest generation left in society
05:21Enough and it used to be when you were out in the wilderness
05:24There was the old wise person
05:26And it was the oldest person in the tribe or in the group or whatever and you'd learn all the wisdom from that individual
05:32And I do believe this is more of a societal issue is that we just don't we don't appreciate them enough
05:37We don't pick their brains enough. You know they've been through a lot of things doesn't mean
05:41They're right doesn't mean that some of their beliefs and things that they went through were always
05:45You know that we look back on we're always the right way of doing things, but there's a wisdom in
05:52Having lived that long and I look at someone like al adels and as a longtime lifelong warrior fan
05:57I was telling the story at the break that you know I used to collect a lot of cards
06:01And they would give out cards when you go to the games and al adels was always one of like the throwback cards that they
06:05Would give you and it'd be him on the sidelines in his big puffy collared shirt
06:09And in the back of the card almost every one of them you know pioneer
06:14African-american player coach you know he wasn't the first, but he was definitely a pioneer during the 70s
06:20You know and he's a guy the reason
06:23I said Forrest Gump earlier like if you just look at the history of the NBA
06:26Playing for one of the original basketball teams in the in the Philadelphia Warriors
06:30He was a part of so many moments in the in the game, and I got a chance
06:35I didn't meet him like you met him. I met him in passing he pulled up in front of Oracle
06:40I was walking into the stadium. No one knew who he was I was in the parking lot, and I was like oh my god
06:44He's like a Toyota Corolla. He's an older man at that was about 10 15 years ago
06:48I go Al Adams, and he looked at me like he couldn't believe I knew who he was and he rolled down his window
06:54That's how long ago was he rolled it down like this reached his hand over shook my hand
06:59I thought my hand was gonna be collapsed because he had such a strong grip and I was thinking to myself man that guy's
07:04To Molly's point just class personified and respect and dignity, and it's everything that you want
07:11Someone that represents your community be known for one of the first african-american head coaches in the NBA doesn't get talked about enough
07:18Kevin assists in the 68 while he was still a player. It shows the respect he garnered
07:23From his coaches and front office and his teammates for crying out loud
07:27He was named player coach midway through the 69 70 season and so
07:30First time I ever met him and I always think about these moments remember
07:33We had Mike Tirico on and I I mentioned at the Olympic Club when they had the US Open which Paul is a girl one
07:38Payne Stewart's third the second right
07:41finished the second place
07:43And it was just a small thing, but Mike Turrell we backed up something and Mike Turrell's hey
07:48Thank you guys so much, man. Where it was a small thing behind the scenes like oh, that's cool, man. That's cool, dude
07:55Myself Igor Spivak Alex Eppenbaum, we're at a Warriors game opening night, and we were jacked up
08:00they just had you know Troy Murphy Gilbert arenas Mike Dunleavy Jay rich obviously and
08:07We're walking around and we see Al Adams on the perch at old Oracle arena
08:12And we're like oh man, they're like, you know again, it's like oh these guys know who I am
08:17He's like, what's up young man? You guys good? They're like, hey, man. We still here man. We Warriors for life
08:21He goes we'll stick with us young man. Stick with us, man. We gonna turn this thing around man. All right
08:25We're gonna turn this thing around
08:26He shook everybody's hand when he didn't have to and it's a small things like that behind the scenes without the cameras
08:32Without the fanfare. How do you treat people and I was like that in every step?
08:38Later on as I became the host of the pregame show, what's up, young man?
08:42What's up, man?
08:43You really can't shoot a basketball
08:44He was just laughing he kind of hit me in the shoulder and kind of teased me or went on it was the respect
08:49That he garnered and the things that he did. There's not a bad word
08:52Everybody anybody's ever said about out of us not one bad word not one bad word
08:57I always think about you know, the older athletes they kind of just get it
09:01You know what? I mean when it comes to not everything needs to be online, right?
09:05I think that we're caught up in this online life that we live and you know
09:10How does someone treat you when no one's looking?
09:12When there is no camera when there's no phone when there's no this when there's no that
09:16You'll never hear a bad word about the guy. They don't call him this. This is I mean, I always called him
09:20He's mr. Warrior to me like in the way. I know Will Chamberlain has all the records, right?
09:25But to me what Al represented to the organization was significantly deeper than his contributions is just a player
09:32Through all the thick and thin drilling there's one thing that united warrior fans Al Adams was the man
09:38I was the guy he was the man and I'm glad he got his his blessing in the Hall of Fame
09:42I'm glad he that's a blessing now. I'm not sure if he attended
09:46I'm not a hundred percent sure if he was able to go to that Hall of Fame induction
09:49I got a double check on that. I know we're gonna run a special tonight on NBC Sports barrier in honor of Al Adams
09:55Again, he leads the players at most coaching wins. That's great numbers retired. He's a championship head coach
10:01He's coached all-star games. He's done every role. He's been player coach
10:06GM ambassador
10:08Again, six decades with the go to state lawyers and this one hurts. This one hurts deeply
10:13This is gonna affect a lot of people a lot of teammates, you know
10:16Clifford Ray comes out here the way Clifford Ray and Rick Barry speak
10:22The way they discuss who Al Adams was I mean here I read a quote right here from Rick Barry
10:28My heart is heavy today with the loss of my mentor and friend I
10:31Was my roommate during my rookie season in the league. He taught me valuable lessons
10:36I'm being a professional that could be learned on the court later as our coach in the 75 championship season
10:41He exemplified leadership togetherness and a keen strategic ability that enabled us to succeed at the highest level
10:47He shared so many wonderful and memorable moments together. I thought two prayers God to his wife and his entire family
10:55He will be dearly missed and
10:59Again when the way I saw Mully cuz you know
11:03Then work one bully now for over four years the way I saw him choke up with discussing our idols
11:08Kind of hit me in the face like oh, this is deeper than that
11:12He was discussing out because he knew I was struggling a little bit
11:15He wasn't coming around arena as much as he used to and the way he choked up
11:19It's like oh I'll had a bigger impact than I thought
11:22You know cuz we see that we see the number retired. We know who he is as a coach
11:26We see him on it, but it's like oh wait
11:28It's deeper than that you think about the community Steini and Evan just had a son on yesterday. I'll add us jr.
11:34And all the camps he would run
11:36Juan Toscano Anderson
11:38his career kind of got kick-started because
11:41He met with the idols and went to a camp Logan Burdock was at a camp ran by our idols
11:46So his community work behind the scenes he lived and breathed the Bay Area. He never left us
11:51He never left us think about that 60 years with one organization, man. That's crazy. I'm glad you put that out there
11:58You know we've talked. I mean I don't have a tough year this year
12:01You know and I don't try to always bring it back to me and my family, but it's just legacy
12:05Like what's your legacy when you pass on right?
12:07And I'm not trying to make this an indictment of anyone sometimes we go through life
12:11I'm so guilty of this and this thing that's bugging me is the most important thing in my life
12:17You know at that moment for whatever reason when at the end of the day
12:21It's so dumb you know and I think we spend a lot of time and I get it
12:26It's the topics of the day and and you and I are both guilty of this the audience is guilty of this everyone the money
12:32And the this and the that it's a top of the NFL the NBA Major League Baseball
12:37You know we're losing our minds everything. What's your legacy?
12:40Yeah, right
12:40And I bet you that when people reflect on our idols
12:44It's gonna be about the man and his imprint on individuals and you reference Chris Mullen
12:49Life like that yeah basketball secondary you legitimately save that human beings like when Rick Barry calls him my mentor
12:56I think we have too few mentors in this modern era too many of the older folk
13:01and now we're the older folk don't want to take the time out to help the younger folk and
13:06You know I just think that this is a good reminder that if there are people in your life that you love
13:10Don't wait on it reach out to him. Tell him you love him, and if there's somebody that needs help help him
13:15you know wow this is
13:19No the youngsters got it
13:20You know that's why the Anthony Edwards
13:22And I sent it to the throw yesterday the Anthony Edwards quote about you know Michael Jordan was only a skillful player
13:26And I'm like oh you're falling down that rabbit hole again
13:28And I see Isaiah Thomas
13:30And I had a quick chat with Molly about and it's just the lack of respect for those that paved the way that came that way
13:36Jake would JJ Reddick
13:37Talked about Oh Bob Cousy played against a bunch of plumbers
13:41And JJ Reddick they would have locked your ass up
13:43He wouldn't have made all the money you made if you're playing that era
13:46And it's a lack of respect these young kids
13:48You know it's a lack of respect that they have for the for the guys who paved the way you know that's why
13:53Guys who came before us on the microphone whether it's television or radio
13:57No matter what I had the ultimate respect for them respect the seat respect the opportunity
14:02Respect the people who came before you in whatever work you're in exactly respect your family etc
14:08Like you know what I mean like a I think that when I think about al adels
14:11You know I think about how he conducted himself
14:14Through the thick and thin and how loyal he was to this community this organization
14:20It's a rare trait in today's bounce around society
14:23You know the guy we just had on Matt Spiegel you know his partner just left for a television gig
14:27And he's trying to better his family, and he said but like to stay with one company or one
14:33person 60 years so
14:35One check from one employee. That's pretty rare, and I think that's how good of a person you are no doubt no doubt
14:41I mean to be over there 60 years through all the ownership changes
14:45You know because a lot of owners have come in and they don't respect the people who paved the way for them to get the
14:50job or to become the owner of the team and some of the historians there, and they're like
14:55He got he stuck through all the ownership changes and think doctor warriors having all these other
15:00God and GM changes and coaching changes and what the franchise has gone through and
15:06still ring night
15:08Parades you know when you look at the parades with the Giants right Willie Mays always had a car of course
15:14McCovey bonds all the Warriors
15:17Jim Barnett
15:18Al Adams he's got his whip. It's a great. He's coming down Market Street
15:22He's coming down in a Broadway Street in Oakland, California
15:25Wherever to wherever the parade was so if you want to send flowers and honor because we've lost some legends Orlando
15:32Cepeda Willie Mays we've lost some heavyweights man Jerry West Bill Horton now
15:36We lose another one another one. Well. You know it's
15:40Real quick real quick. I just wanted to say if you want to send flowers it to our idols or family
15:46Please address them to Fouche's Hudson funeral home at
15:5065 Telegraph Avenue in Oakland, California
15:53You know it's it's something that I I hold as like a duty if you will
15:58You're talking Anthony Edwards that is somebody whoever's in his life somebody older could be a mentor for him or somebody who plays with him
16:05I don't know somebody that's an opportunity to like put your arm around him and educate him and explain to them
16:12Why it's important you know like that's I'm a big believer in that like
16:15You're gonna have and there's people in your life cousins and uncles and nieces and nephews and your own children or whatever
16:22Friends you got to put your arm around him and explain to them why these things are important
16:27Kevin Durant was just hanging out with Anthony Edwards
16:30You know Kevin Durant is a guy who appreciates the history of the game for example
16:35I've seen Kevin Durant a couple times come back to Chase Center, and he sees Mully. He beelines a Chris Mullen big hug big embrace
16:42How you doing Mully?
16:44Embracing the guys Kyrie Irving Kyrie Irving when he came out here with Dallas. It's Mully was telling me story
16:49He was in the back. He's walking into Kyrie goes. Oh, what's up? Mr.. Mullen called him mr. Mullen Wow
16:55And he goes my dad always talked about you man. He always talked about you and
16:59The respect there, that's why I kind of come around on Kyrie Irving cuz I was like oh
17:03He does respect the guys before him and he talked to these
17:06Discusses that all the time in his postgame pressers
17:08I know he went off deep in a little bit here and there but
17:11He does respect somebody needs to get around Anthony Edwards real quick because he's such a likable human being he's the next superstar here
17:17In America, but that's not that's not something that needs to be said like you're gonna disrespect Scottie Pippen
17:22Well, I'm skillful Charles Barkley was a skillful Karl Malone Hakeem Olajuwon was a skillful
17:26I could go on and on and on and on when you're 23, and you feel invincible
17:30You know you just there's things you say and do and you look back at your life, and you go. Yeah, I regret that one
17:36It's like me coming out of a Niners training camp thinking that Trey Lance was the man
