Persona 3 Reload Ch 40 Weekend With Friends_1080p

  • last month
00:16I just mean you can stretch out and relax. We won't get yelled at for being too noisy
00:23It's just- I was able to find my true calling thanks to you
00:28I'm so glad I met you. Those are my true feelings, and I hope you feel the same. So...
00:36Will you stay with me a while longer?
00:51I... love you. I really do.
00:58Let's see... On cleaning duty today is... Yuraka-senpai and you. Thanks for your help!
01:05All right, we're out of here.
01:08Okay, let's make this quick.
01:13This room's smaller than my bedroom, but it's still surprisingly big. Let's take a break.
01:19So, I've decided that I'm going to study abroad. To be honest, I'm not really excited about it.
01:26But I already told my teacher I don't want to be a doctor, so...
01:32Do you want something to drink? It's on me.
01:35Hey, look out!
01:38Hey, hang in there! Can you hear me?
02:05You're awake! Oh, thank goodness. I kept calling your name, but you wouldn't wake up, so I...
02:24I don't see any cuts on your head, so I don't think you'll need stitches. Can you remember your name?
02:30That's wonderful to hear. Really, it's such a relief.
02:37Well, your pupils aren't dilated, so I don't think you have a concussion.
02:41I was worried that when you fell, you hit your head or your face, and I...
02:46Anyway, do you remember what happened?
02:50The box. I was the one who put it up there. We have a maid who cleans our house, so I don't do much cleaning myself, and I just got lazy and put it up there.
03:03It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. All I could think about was what would happen if you didn't wake up. I was so scared.
03:12I felt so helpless seeing my friend in trouble and not being able to do anything. I'm not a doctor.
03:20When I was younger, my dad told me a sad story about how he lost a good friend. He just collapsed one day, even though they played together all the time.
03:32Seeing you lying there, I understood how my dad must have felt losing someone he was so close to.
03:39Do I want to be a doctor? But I'd be doing exactly what my dad wants.
03:46Sorry, we should get going. Can you walk? Here, you can lean on me.
04:01Hey, can we step out for a bit? I want you to come to the station with me. I'll tell you more there.
04:10Sorry to make you come all the way here.
04:15I, um, suddenly have no idea what to do with my life anymore. Do I want to be a doctor, or do I want to be an artist?
04:24I've decided to do a little soul-searching, and I won't go back home or to school until I figure it out.
04:30I haven't figured out exactly where I'll go, but it has to be somewhere away from home.
04:35I've got plenty of money. I may have taken my dad's credit card from his wallet.
04:41I'm glad we had a chance to talk before I left. Tell the others I said goodbye.
04:48Don't say that. You're going to make this harder for me.
04:52Promise me you'll take care of yourself.
05:01Ma'am, are you alright? That cough...
05:04She's having trouble breathing and she's running a fever. This is bad.
05:09I may be jumping to conclusions here, but sorry about this.
05:14I knew it. She's a smoker. This is really bad.
05:18I think she suffers from chronic bronchitis, so if she caught a cold, it may have exacerbated the symptoms.
05:24Call an ambulance. Hurry!
05:34We'll leave the rest to the paramedics. Well, I better get going.
05:41My chest!
05:47Sir, are you okay?
05:50My train's about to leave. What should I do?
05:56Alright, then I'll...
05:58I'll go ask the station attendant to call an ambulance. You stay here and perform first aid on him.
06:28Okay, I told someone.
06:32Wait! I think he's going into cardiac arrest!
06:35Let's sit him in an upright position.
06:38Oh no! He's breathing! And signs of cyanosis!
06:43I have to do something! I have to or this man will die!
06:48I need your help.
06:51Lay him down on his back. Gently. Now, if I were you, I'd...
06:55Lay him down on his back. Gently. Now, if I were you, I'd...
06:58If I performed CPR while giving him a cardiac massage...
07:07At least I helped him as much as I could.
07:10Thank you. I don't think I would have had the confidence on my own.
07:14I'm really glad you were here with me. We both saved their lives.
07:19I think I'll go back home.
07:22I finally know what I really want.
07:25That said, I'm not looking forward to apologizing to my dad.
07:30Alright, then. I'll see you at school.
07:39Everyone, listen up!
07:42As of today, I am quitting the club.
07:45I'd like a new club leader to be chosen from the second years.
07:47Why? Where's this coming from?
07:51I have to study for my entrance exams.
07:54Wait, so then...
07:57I'm going to med school, getting my license and becoming a doctor.
08:02Did your dad say you had to quit because you have to take over the hospital?
08:06My dad has nothing to do with this.
08:09I made this decision for myself.
08:12I'm going to have to turn down the opportunity to study abroad.
08:14And since I'm so behind on my studies,
08:17I'll have to pull a lot of all-nighters to catch up.
08:20I really enjoyed leading the club, so thank you all for everything.
08:25There's something different about you, Keisuke-senpai.
08:28You seem way more confident.
08:32Hey, you're giving me too much credit.
08:36Hey, can we talk upstairs?
08:45After today, we won't be able to chat like this anymore.
08:51Which is why I wanted to give this to you now.
09:01This arrived yesterday.
09:03It turns out I earned an honorable mention.
09:06But the top prizes ended up going to a couple other artists.
09:09It made me realize I still have a lot to learn.
09:11Like mastering the basics for starters.
09:14Studying for the med school entrance exams is going to be hard.
09:18And this would only distract me.
09:20That's why I want you to have it.
09:27Funny how it seems like I'm always asking you for favors,
09:30even though I'm older than you.
09:32Remember how we helped those people at the station?
09:35They all have important people in their lives.
09:37Just like how you're an important person in my life.
09:40If they had died,
09:42they never would have gotten to be with those people again.
09:45So that's why I'm becoming a doctor.
09:48I'm not coming off as arrogant, am I?
09:54See? I can be the reliable one sometimes too, you know.
09:59I did used to be the club leader, after all.
10:02It feels like I went in a huge circle and ended up right back where I started.
10:06And I know it might look like it.
10:09But I'm not doing this because my dad's a doctor.
10:12I'm doing this because I want to be a doctor.
10:15And if you ever need an emergency operation,
10:18I'll oversee the surgery myself.
10:21I mean, if I keep you alive,
10:23we get to spend more time together.
10:36Your health is everything.
10:37It's best if you never even have to see a doctor.
10:40Do you get the proper nutrients living in the dorm?
10:43Let's pick up something healthy for you to eat on the way home.
10:50Oh my dear, there's a mistake there.
10:54That's not how you write, Gecko-kun.
10:57I know, I know.
11:00I hardly ever write it, so...
11:02I just forgot how it looked for a second.
11:05I feel a little bad for all the people who've been campaigning to save the tree.
11:11Oh! Speak of the devil!
11:14I'm writing a letter.
11:16Something I haven't done in ages.
11:18I'm used to the keyboard doing all the work for me.
11:22What? Is that surprising?
11:24I'm actually quite the net surfer, you know.
11:31No! Oh no, don't look!
11:33I'm shy.
11:36We'll tell you when the time is right.
11:40Are you curious about the letter?
11:42Excited, perhaps? Even exhilarated?
11:48We are too.
11:50Your enthusiasm is contagious, you know.
11:52Just talking with you is enough to make our hearts race.
11:57Just look at my wife.
11:59She's as giddy as a schoolgirl.
12:01That said, I hope we can wrap up the matter before your next visit.
12:13Please, just wait a little while longer.
12:19Even if the tree is gone, you still live on, inside us.
12:31Oh, you're here.
12:34You could have woken me up.
12:37Or did you just want to admire my pretty face slipping like a baby?
12:46We recently closed the book on a difficult matter,
12:49so I suppose the relief has put me at ease.
12:53It's the middle of the day, but I feel awfully sleepy.
12:58While we're all here, I think it's time we told you.
13:04The truth is, we sent a letter to Gekko-Khan.
13:09We asked them to go ahead and cut the persimmon tree down.
13:18I'm sorry, but I can't do that.
13:21I don't know how to do it.
13:23I don't know how to do it.
13:28Just the reaction I was hoping for.
13:31It was more than worth it to surprise you like that.
13:34Sorry for doing this without running it by you.
13:38When we went to visit the tree together, I met a school faculty member on my way back.
13:44He told me the administration is planning to put up a new school building where the tree currently is.
13:50It would be selfish of an old man like me to deprive those young people of new learning opportunities.
13:56Helping children reach their potential is more important than clinging on to old memories.
14:01I think our son would agree.
14:04He was a teacher, after all.
14:11Yes, we had a long talk about it, and this was the conclusion we came to.
14:17You really set an example for young people, being so considerate to old folks like us.
14:23We pray with our son in heaven that more kind souls like you will graduate from Gekko-Khan.
14:30Here, we'd like you to have this.
14:36It's the first fruit produced by the persimmon tree.
14:40A little rough around the edges, just like our son.
14:43My dear was the one who suggested we give it to you.
15:01Now, we have to cheer up and get on with our lives.
15:04We're too old to waste a single day.
15:07If we kick the bucket while wasting our days away, I'm sure he'd laugh at us from heaven.
15:11It's hard on the parents to have such a well-respected son.
15:16Oh my, does it sound like I'm boasting?
15:20Does it sound like I'm boasting?
15:41Excuse me, could I trouble you for a moment?
15:45Have you seen a kitty cat around here?
15:49She's a precious little white-spotted cat named Meechan.
15:54She slipped away when I wasn't looking.
15:57I'm so worried about where she could have gone.
16:02She's getting on in her years, like me, so I doubt she could have gotten very far.
16:09A white-spotted cat. Did you see one?
16:12Goodness, really? Where might this have been?
16:26Thank you, dear. I'll go look for her.
16:35A white-spotted cat named Meechan.
16:39A white-spotted cat named Meechan.
16:42If you don't mind, could we help her look?
16:45Being separated from a loved one can be very distressing after all.
16:55Um, what's the phrase usually used in situations like these?
17:00What goes around, comes around to hit you in the back of the head.
17:04That's it!
17:06She might be so hungry, she could eat a house!
17:12Or was it hungry as a house?
17:16In any case, we should hurry.
17:38Are you there?
17:49There's no trace of her. I can detect hostile readings like shadows.
17:54But when it comes to this...
17:57I'm useless, aren't I?
18:00And I was the one who insisted we search.
18:03I'm sorry.
18:05It's fine.
18:14But it's getting dark. We should probably give up the search for today.
18:19I'm happy that you took the time to indulge me in this.
18:24It's not working out.
18:27After all, how could a machine like myself have feelings like a normal person?
18:32I'll be going back alone today.
18:35I need some time to think.
18:37I'm sorry.
18:39After you invited me out, too.
18:44Oh, welcome back!
19:02Oh, Risa.
19:20Um, hey.
19:46By the way...
19:57So, um...
19:58So, um...
20:24Today's lesson is called...
20:26The smaller the dog, the louder the bark.
20:29Have you ever wondered what it would be like to see through people's bathing suits at the beach?
20:43I don't think I've ever seen you this enthusiastic.
20:46Consumers might be persuaded by such candor.
20:49We could position you as the boy next door.
20:54Our company ran an ad in, uh, adult magazines, proposing a special filter for digital cameras.
21:01Simply attach it to your camera and...
21:04Start peeping!
21:06Untrust them with your camera's eye, it says.
21:10It's been selling like hotcakes.
21:12In fact, it's our number one seller!
21:17Unfortunately, customers have been complaining that it doesn't work.
21:24I told my staff to just ignore them.
21:26Nowhere does it guarantee that you'll be able to see anything.
21:30What are they gonna do?
21:31Tell everyone their creepy plan didn't work out?
21:35Sorry, bucko!
21:37By the way, try to cut back on the donuts and cupcakes, huh?
21:42I have an idea for an ad campaign.
21:44Women would go crazy over a handsome young man in swim trunks.
21:49You'd be perfect for the job!
21:52Have you been keeping your promise?
21:54You didn't tell anyone, did you?
21:57If you go back on your word, I'll edit your face into the most obscene material I can find!
22:06I'll see if it makes any difference!
22:10I need two.
22:11Excuse me, I just bought all of these.
22:14Are they good?
22:16They're cheap!
22:18I'm kidding!
22:20Because I'm a guy, too.
22:22I'll send you a message.
22:26Here, take these.
22:28You should be proud of yourself.
22:31I'll send you a new one.
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27:02I don't think you should be going through something like this,
27:06you should be doing something alike.
27:09Oh, good.
27:13Oh, good.
27:17All right, here we go.
27:19Five, six...
27:21Two, one...
27:53There's one thing I've never seen before.
27:58I think it's from the Mimic.
28:03Not sure if that's a thing, but it's a thing.
28:08Not sure if that's a thing, but it's a thing.
28:13We'll see.
29:181, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
29:481, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
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30:181, 2, 3, 4, 5
30:34Add a little green
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31:40Guess this means it's really over. Running track, I mean, kind of makes me feel empty inside.
31:51I'm thinking of finding a job, actually. Not to sound dramatic, but... I want to do it to protect my family.
32:00I know where, too. My dad had connections at a car factory, so I'll apply there.
32:11The thing is, it's been pretty far away. Go ahead and order extra noodles. It's on me.
32:23Yeah, eat as much as you want.
32:26You helped me figure a bunch of things out, you know? I always blamed school or my family for everything. I was using it as an escape from my own responsibilities.
32:34I really lucked out by meeting you. If I hadn't, I'd still be stuck in that same hole, and I'll never forget that.
32:42Well, I better start packing. A lot of goodbyes to get through and not enough time. We should grab a bite again after school soon. Who knows how many chances we'll get after this.
32:51Ramen's just too good to pass up, right?
33:04Glad we can meet up one more time before I take off.
33:11Always sharp as a tack. Yep, I'm leaving right after this.
33:17The factory's way out west, so I'm moving into a dorm there. I've already sent my luggage, now I just gotta send myself.
33:24My mom started crying and blaming herself, but I'm the one who wants to do this.
33:29This is a new chapter in my life. Guess I should say goodbye to this ramen, too.
33:42Well then, I better get going.
33:50Sure. Then let's head to the station.
34:22I've been keeping it for good luck. Sometimes I get pretty pissed that he's not around anymore.
34:28My life wouldn't have been so complicated, you know? I could've enjoyed track more, I wouldn't have had all that pressure to be the best.
34:36But by blaming him like that, I was just running away from my problems.
34:40That's why I want you to have it. I don't want to risk running away again.
34:45But if I know you have it, I'll be able to stand on my own two feet. Then, next time we meet, I can still be proud of who I am.
35:11We'll see each other again someday.
35:15By the way...
35:22Oh, ow!
35:40So, uh...
35:45What's up?
36:10Yes, that's it!
36:12Hell yeah!
36:14That's true.
36:19Well, that's...
36:35Oh, hey! Been running into you a lot lately.
36:39Aren't you freezing in this weather? You guys must be pretty dedicated.
36:45I'm seeing a lot of weirdos lately. I get it when people are stressed out in the spring, but why now?
36:58You're as peppy as ever, Coral John. Maybe all that warm fur makes a difference.
37:04It's so freaking cold. We're gonna get sick if we stay out here in this. Let's head back home.
37:15Huh? What is this?
37:20Is this... an emergency? A serious emergency?!
37:26So the world's coming to an end, huh? I think I remember some other cult saying stuff like that.
37:32Except they really weren't about initiation fees. It was more about giving up material wealth, wasn't it?
37:39Stealing ideas from real, actual religions. That's a textbook cult tactic, you know?
37:46You mean... this was all a trick?!
37:51Oh, yeah. You've been duped, kid. But not by us.
37:56You should blame that cult you believe in so much.
37:59Now that I know the truth, I almost feel sorry for you.
38:03But you had to take things too far.
38:05Try not to hit his face. If you leave any marks, he might be able to press charges.
38:12Am I... am I gonna die?!
38:21But if I die here, I'll be reborn, and I can go to the next world.
38:29But if I die here, I'll be reborn, and I can go to paradise.
38:37I'm not scared! I'm not scared!
38:45W-w-what? W-w-what are you doing here?
38:50After I said such awful things to you...
38:53That we were through?
38:55I'm freaking out!
38:59What did that hurt me?!
39:04I'm sorry! I'm so sorry!
39:10Gross! Dude, you're getting snot everywhere!
39:14Screw this! I gotta get to work!
39:24I've had just about enough of this.
39:27Look, just forget about the money, but I don't ever want to see you near my son again.
39:38You're so wonderful! You have such a kind soul!
39:47Hey, um... so, about last time, uh...
39:54Let's go to Hagakure!
40:02My younger brother and I were twins, but not the kind that looked the same.
40:08He was the better-looking one.
40:10Everyone called me the uglier Suimitsu.
40:14They always compared me to him, and I can never beat him at anything.
40:20There was a time when I used to hit him for no reason.
40:24But even then, he still treated me like a brother.
40:29Then in middle school, we bought steamed buns.
40:34And then he died.
40:36Food poisoning.
40:38They said the meat was undercooked.
40:41Just his bun, though. Not mine.
40:45But I couldn't even cry.
40:47I actually felt... relieved.
40:51I thought, maybe they'll all finally stop laughing at me.
41:01Thanks, but... I know already.
41:05I was a terrible brother.
41:08At first, I tried to be more like him.
41:11I went to cram schools and did martial arts and everything.
41:15But I could never be as good, and eventually...
41:18See? I started to feel like people were laughing at me.
41:22The only time I feel safe is when I'm eating.
41:25All that matters is what's in front of me.
41:28And everything else melts away.
41:31See? That's what the Gourmet King really is.
41:35I only eat to run away from my problems.
41:38But if I keep this up, I'll never be able to replace my brother.
41:42Will I?
41:49You don't think... anyone could replace me?
41:54Is that really how it is?
41:59I hear you. You're right.
42:01I can never be like my brother.
42:03We're two different people.
42:05How did I miss something so obvious?
42:08I can be pretty dumb sometimes.
42:14Really, thank you so much.
42:16Thank you so much.
42:31Oh, I know this is sudden, but I'm relieving you of your duties as the Gourmet King's Royal Guard.
42:37You're fired.
42:39Because you're the new king.
42:41All hail Gourmet King the Second!
42:47Gourmet King the Second
42:50The restaurants in the strip mall gave this to me because of how often I eat there.
42:55I feel like I've been fake all this time.
42:58But one day, I will become the true Gourmet King!
43:02I think I'll become a food critic.
43:04It'll be my job to eat.
43:06I'm gonna become a food master!
43:10Then when I die and go to the afterlife, I can face my brother.
43:15And then I can tell him I was the best at something for once in my life!
43:21So until I reclaim my crown, you can hang on to it.
43:25I may have lost my title, but someday, I'll make my grand return as Gourmet King the Third!
43:32That's my promise to you.
43:35And to my little brother.
43:40I've been talking so much about my brother, but...
43:43I'm okay!
43:45My memories didn't make me sad and hungry this time!
43:50Oh, wow.
43:52I never realized how good the ramen tastes here!
44:13Hey! Hey! What do you want to do next?
44:16It's your turn, okay? You get to pick!
44:23Aw, I hate the seesaw! It makes my butt hurt.
44:35I don't want to go home. I don't like it there.
44:38I don't want to go home. I don't like it there.
44:43Can we stay here a little longer?
44:46I'm sorry, I'm fine.
44:48I'm sorry, I'm fine.
44:50I'm sorry, I'm fine.
44:52I'm sorry, I'm fine.
44:54I'm sorry, I'm fine.
45:04You know...
45:06My mom and dad, all they ever do is fight.
45:10And just the other day,
45:12day. He said they were getting a divorce. I told them not to, but they won't listen.
45:19They probably don't care about me.
45:24Hey, you'll play with me again later, right?
45:28We're friends now. We are on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Saturdays. You have to come see me, okay?
45:43It's full moon again. Crazy how time flies. When I wonder if the path is in the right direction.
45:53But I do believe things come to life by accident. When you have lanes on, it sounds like it's meant to be.
46:03Wake up, you freeze me when things fall apart. Get up, what matters is games, how you let them all
46:08breed up. Fire in my soul, fire in my heart. It's you on the other side of the door.
46:13How long can you live in this? Is your life worth nothing?