Persona 3 Reload Ch 29 Hidden Agenda_1080p

  • 3 months ago
00:14That's enough now then
00:17Ordinarily we would withdraw here
00:20But that is not an option tonight
00:23This body, ephemeral though it may be, is worthless without my power.
00:30Therefore, I've only one choice.
00:35I shall prove my existence here and now!
00:44What are you doing?!
00:47Don't be so reckless!
00:52Sorry, but...
00:55I haven't forgotten what you said to me.
00:59You win, go on and defeat the Shadow.
01:03Maybe then you'll see what you've been fighting for this whole time.
01:09Wait a sec! Don't tell me you're gonna jump!
01:13I'd rather die than surrender to you!
01:17Take a good look! This is how we live!
01:29They jumped!
01:31What the hell?
01:34Don't let it get to you. They chose how they wanted to go out.
01:39We're not done here yet. Our real target is waiting. Let's just focus on that for now.
01:47The Shadow's Maze
02:01This is the- I'll do everything I can to support you.
02:04Thank you.
02:14I think that's the Shadow's main body floating up there.
02:18If it's that high, their attacks won't have the range to reach it.
02:22Wait, but... I'm picking up similar readings from those statues down there.
02:28There's a connection with the floating target. I'm sure of it.
02:32Not even my arrows can reach that far!
02:36Target is out of range.
02:38Target is out of range.
02:56The main body is down! It looks like it loses the ability to fly when you take out those statues!
03:02This is your chance to attack! Give it everything you've got!
03:20Let's commence!
03:22Take no prisoners!
03:34Target detected!
03:38Target detected!
03:46The Shadow is back in the air! You can't attack it anymore!
03:54Not him!
03:59Target detected!
04:00Target detected!
04:15Elisa, move out!
04:33What the hell?
04:34Suck it all up!
04:47Juno, hear me! Please help them!
04:55Target destroyed!
05:00Ready to engage!
05:02Arcea activated!
05:12Let's end this!
05:16Just one more!
05:18Take this!
05:25Take it on!
05:27Eat this!
05:30And take this!
05:47I'm picking up a powerful reading from this statue!
05:50This one's not like the others!
05:52Let's do what we can to take it down!
06:01They're so big!
06:14We're almost there!
06:15Resilient! He'll get us!
06:22Can you use an item?
06:26Not over yet!
06:28What's next?
06:41I'm getting an unusual energy reading from the main body!
06:49Damage inflicted!
06:55Can't afford to lose!
06:58Take this!
07:20It's getting more aggressive!
07:27Target destroyed!
07:34The enemy lines!
07:36Here we go!
07:39Immune to damage!
07:40Weapon in range!
07:58How the hell...
08:22Is it...
08:26The operation is over.
08:28Or should I say...
08:30Mission complete.
08:34It's finally over.
08:39I believe a celebration is in order.
08:41What will be our victory cheer?
08:58What was that?
09:02I wonder if I, Gassan, can even get hungry.
09:07So, Kirito-senpai.
09:09You're going to help us with the victory party tomorrow, right?
09:13You certainly don't waste any time.
09:16Well, I do suppose we've earned it.
09:20Well, in that case, how about sushi?
09:22Sushi, huh?
09:25It has been a while.
09:27Well, I've got dibs on the halibut and sea urchin.
09:32Then I'll call the fatty tuna.
09:35Oh, we're divvying it up already?
09:38Can I get the salmon roe, then?
09:42Hey, wait a minute!
09:44You can't do that!
09:46I reserve the fatty tuna, bluefin, shrimp, squid, scallops, and...
09:50tuna, bluefin, shrimp, squid, scallops, and sea eel.
09:55Hey, that's not fair! You don't even eat!
09:59How immature.
10:01Fighting over sushi.
10:06Mitsuru-san, please order tamago for me.
10:09They say you can tell a chef's skill by how he prepares eggs.
10:13A chef's skill?
10:15Geez, how old are you again?
10:17Okay, okay. I'll have the very best delivered tomorrow.
10:22You mean it? Oh, man! I'm so glad I'm still alive!
10:28Junpei, you can have the leftover dried gourd roll.
10:32What? But it was my idea in the first place!
10:35I guess it's time to say goodbye to the dark hour.
10:38Even though it seemed like a curse, for some reason I feel sad to see it go.
10:48We really did it, didn't we?
10:52Yes. We've saved the world, even if not for a little bit.
10:56I'm glad we did it.
10:58I know.
11:02We've saved the world, even if no one knows it.
11:15Good morning.
11:18This is the first time we've talked during the day.
11:23Isn't this weather lovely?
11:25This really is the start of a new day.
11:27For both of us.
11:32All the fragments of my memory are finally back together.
11:36I understand my purpose now.
11:40The time has come.
11:43I know this is going to hurt, but there's something I have to tell you.
11:49This is goodbye.
11:52For you and me.
11:53For you and me.
11:55In my eyes, our friendship was a miracle.
11:59I want you to know that.
12:02But even miracles don't last forever.
12:07If only they did.
12:15I'll always treasure the time we had together.
12:19Today may be the end, but the bond between us can never be severed.
12:26Remember that.
12:35It was fun while it lasted.
12:37So long.
12:48I'm sorry.
12:53Yeah, seriously!
13:19I'm sorry.
13:30Hell yeah!
13:45Damn, this is some primo sushi!
13:49The slices are huge!
13:53Man, I'm starving! Can we eat?
13:57Hey, where are Aigis-san and Ikutsuki-san?
14:01He took her to the lab for a tune-up or something.
14:04He said they'll join us later.
14:07The chairman just can't stay away from the lab, can he?
14:13That must be my father.
14:19We've been waiting for you.
14:22So it's finally over, then.
14:25That's right.
14:28Who's he?
14:31Can't you tell? That's Kirijo-senpai's dad. She looks exactly like him.
14:37You think so?
14:40Congratulations, everyone. You've done well.
14:43No words can express my gratitude.
14:46Though you'll never receive the recognition you deserve, your achievement was truly monumental.
14:52Thank you. Really.
15:00To you, I owe a special thanks.
15:03For lending us your power until the very end.
15:07Oh, it was no big deal.
15:09Thanks to you, the twelve shadows behind all this chaos have been destroyed.
15:15You've carried this burden long enough.
15:18You deserve a chance to experience the joys of youth.
15:21As of midnight tonight, the Specialized Extracurricular Execution Squad will be disbanded.
15:31Oh, right.
15:34No longer must you risk your lives in battle.
15:36Tomorrow, you can triumphantly return to a normal school life.
15:43Is something the matter?
15:46Nah, it's nothing.
15:50Alright, everyone. It's time to celebrate.
15:53Your feast awaits.
15:55And don't worry about holding back. Eat as much as you'd like.
16:00Sweet! Freakin' finally!
16:03Sweet! Freakin' finally!
16:09Listen up, everyone. Now that we're good and stuffed, how about we take a picture together?
16:16A picture?
16:18Actually, I did try to take one last night.
16:22Except I forgot it doesn't work during the dark hour.
16:26You mean you brought a camera with you to the battle?
16:30Well, yeah. I mean, it was our last battle and all.
16:36Excuse me, mister. Do you mind taking our picture?
16:40Ugh, you feel like such a tourist. But you know, I do kinda want a picture too.
16:47Oh, wait. Hikutsuki-san and Aigis aren't here. I guess we'll have to take another one later.
16:53Alright, everyone. Get together.
16:59Come on, squeeze in tight. Everyone.
17:02You want me close too?
17:05Uh, no, not you.
17:08Geez, don't make the poor camera guy wait all day.
17:12Hey, we're good to go. You can take the picture whenever.
17:17How's this for a pose?
17:21Hey, get your hand out of my face!
17:30Ugh, is it just me, or did this not get my good side?
17:35We'll just take another one when Aigis and Hikutsuki-san get back, alright?
17:40Yes, yes, we hear you. I could really get used to this worry-free lifestyle.
17:49How about you, Kuro-chan? Are you excited for all this meat?
18:00One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight.
18:06Hey, how come nobody's eating? Don't tell me you're full already.
18:11Are you kidding? I'm starved.
18:15Yeah, me too. I could need another bite.
18:20How about you, Senpai?
18:26I'm good for now.
18:29Eh, suit yourself.
18:35For Maru, ya hungry?
18:40Don't give the dog raw fish, you'll make him sick!
18:47Aigis and Hikutsuki-san sure are running late.
18:52And just look at the time. It's almost midnight.
19:07The hell?
19:10Those guys in the suits transmogrified!
19:17The dark hour's still happening?
19:20Senpai, what's going on?
19:24I'm not sure.
19:26Guess I was right to have my doubts.
19:29Yeah, something didn't feel right.
19:34Say what?
19:39Hey, did you hear that?
19:41It sounds like a bell, but where's it coming from?
19:46Where's Hikutsuki?
19:48And he hasn't even called. What could he be doing with Aigis that's making him so late?
19:59Everyone, prepare to move out.
20:03We're heading for Tartarus.
20:06Um, to do what?
20:09I don't know, but that's where the sound is coming from.
20:13We have to find out what's going on.
20:31Aigis? What are you doing here?
20:37She's simply here to fulfill her role. As a weapon, that is.
20:46Hikutsuki-san! What are you trying to pull?
20:50You said the dark hour and Tartarus would disappear if we defeated the Twelve Shadows.
20:55That's why we've been fighting this whole time. So why?
21:00What are you trying to accomplish?
21:03Destroying the shadows, getting rid of the dark hour?
21:06It was all a lie, wasn't it? You've known since the beginning.
21:12Excellent deduction, Kirijo-kun. Unfortunately, you're too little too late.
21:23You tricked us?!
21:26It's all going just as I planned.
21:29It's no accident that the dark hour and Tartarus continue to exist.
21:33I never intended for you to rid the world of them. Quite the opposite, in fact.
21:41What do you mean?
21:43The Twelve Shadows were parts of a whole. They were destined to be reunited.
21:49And thanks to your diligence, that destiny has been fulfilled.
21:53Death, the Almighty, shall soon arise and bring forth the Fall.
22:03What are you saying? Why would you want that?
22:07The end shall come and free this world from despair.
22:12It will be the death of everything, but also the beginning.
22:19What is he saying? Is he out of his mind?
22:24You see, I too was a scientist on the project ten years ago.
22:30The experiment did go awry.
22:32But that wasn't the reason the dark hour and Tartarus came to be.
22:37They manifested as a result of harvesting the shadows' power, just as the experiment was designed to do.
22:45That's why your grandfather gathered so many shadows. To initiate the Fall.
22:52That can't be!
22:54Humanity has overrun this world, turning it into a barren void in the process.
23:01The only hope of salvation lies in ruin.
23:06According to the prophecy, the Fall will be orchestrated by a prince.
23:13And once he has delivered us all, he shall rule the new world as king.
23:18The attempt years ago failed, but the time has come at last.
23:25I am that prince.
23:29This is insane! Are you serious with this shit?
23:34I do apologize for deceiving you.
23:38But all your hard work has paved the way for the future.
23:43Stay at my side for just a bit longer, and you too will find salvation.
23:51Find it how? By dying?
23:55I have a question for you.
23:58And what's that?
24:01In that video from my dad, he said the shadows had to be defeated.
24:06Was that a lie too?
24:07Ah, that was in fact his recording.
24:10Of course I had to modify it to my specifications.
24:16You doctored it?
24:19Such an unsavory way to phrase it.
24:24Your father, Eijiro Takeba, was a superb scientist.
24:30He was the one who created the world.
24:32Your father, Eijiro Takeba, was a superb scientist.
24:37He didn't know me at the time, but I truly respected him.
24:43While others focused on the shadows' abilities, his research led him somewhere far deeper.
24:50But unfortunately, he couldn't comprehend the magnificent potential of the fall.
25:00He left that recording at the expense of his life.
25:05So it seems. But it did come in quite handy. I'm sure he'd be happy knowing that.
25:13So you were behind it all?
25:18You used my dad! And me too!
25:21Used is such an ugly word. It had to be done for the sake of the world.
25:29Our job is to right the wrongs of the past.
25:34And we intend to do just that.
25:38Senpai, what are you-
25:42I was hoping you'd be able to see the light.
25:46But you are just kids after all.
25:49Maybe my expectations were too high.
25:53Aigis, it's time you fulfilled your role.
25:57Capture them, and prepare them for sacrifice.
26:05Energy output at maximum.
26:10Aigis, what's wrong? Aigis, please!
26:40What's going on here?
26:52What the hell?
26:58What is this?
27:06Dammit! I can't get these off!
27:14Ikutsuki, what is the meaning of this?
27:18It's exactly what it looks like.
27:21They are our sacrifices.
27:24Harbingers of the Fall. All the pieces are in place.
27:29And now, the prophecy shall be fulfilled.
27:35Bastard! You're full of shit!
27:39My, my. How lively.
27:50You traitor! Are you insane?
27:54Far from it.
27:56You know, your father was an unfortunate man.
28:01After all this time, even his own son can't comprehend his vision.
28:08My father was wrong.
28:09Death as deliverance is an ideology no one should ever embrace.
28:15You fool.
28:18You've become nothing but a burden.
28:21Aigis, this man will be our first sacrifice.
28:26Now, deliver unto him!
28:32No! Please, Aigis, don't!
28:40What are you doing, Aigis?
28:46Fine! I'll do it myself!
28:50Ten years. I've wasted ten long years!
28:55I am not like your father. I won't make any exceptions!
29:30Blast it!
29:32Aigis, execute the sacrifices now!
29:36I'm putting an end to this!
29:42Hey, come on! I know you wouldn't do this!
29:47Do it, Aigis!
30:10What the...
30:16You good-for-nothing failure of a machine! I'll do it!
30:42It's all over, Chairman.
30:45You don't get it, do you?
30:47Why do you waste your time searching for a reason to live in this broken world?
30:51There's no point to it at all.
30:53The only possible way to fix this is to start over!
30:56Yes. Yes, I was chosen.
30:59I'm going to be the god of the new world!
31:07What a shame.
31:09I was so close.
31:15I'm sorry, Aigis.
31:17I'm sorry, Aigis.
31:19I'm sorry, Aigis.
31:21I'm sorry, Aigis.
31:22I was so close.
31:49How did it come to this?
32:07My father once made a promise.
32:10He swore he would atone for putting our generation in danger, even if it cost him his life.
32:17But I...
32:20I wanted him to live.
32:22I became a Persona user so I could protect him.
32:52I'm sorry.
33:00Excuse me.
33:02Well, actually...
33:23I'm sorry.
33:31Looks like they cleared out the chairman's room.
33:35Well, no surprise there.
33:38Aigis isn't here either.
33:42I just can't believe all this.
33:46It's in the papers, too.
33:48Kirijo Group CEO dies suddenly.
33:50They're blaming it on an illness, though.
33:54Yeah, it's never the truth.
34:01Kirijo-senpai's not here, huh?
34:04She's an only child, so there's a lot to be settled.
34:08Like the funeral and the family business.
34:10She'll probably have her hands full for at least a week.
34:15That sounds rough.
34:17I hope she'll be okay.
34:22What are we supposed to do now?
34:26What'll happen to Chidori?
34:29No word yet.
34:31They're probably too busy to be thinking about that.
34:34In fact, the entire Kirijo Group must be in a state of panic.
34:39I hope Aigis is okay.
34:47I wanna hear what they have to say, but they haven't made a peep.
34:50Are we supposed to just wait for them to get their act together?
34:54Mitsuru's meeting with the company execs.
34:57Might explain the delay.
35:02But still, what are we going to do?
35:04We have no idea how to get rid of the Dark Hour.
35:07We don't even know who to fight now.
35:10He kept saying stuff about the fall.
35:13What would've happened if we were sacrificed?
35:21So many unanswered questions.
35:26But standing around here isn't gonna solve anything, right?
35:31But there is one thing we know.
35:33Tartarus is still around and shadows are swarming the place.
35:37We should train so we're ready for whatever we might be up against.
35:46Alright, that's it for tonight.
35:48Try to get some rest, even if you can't sleep.
35:54Roger that.
35:59Oh, right! Yukari-chan!
36:05Hm? What's this?
36:07A disc?
36:11There were traces of a video on the Chairman's PC.
36:15A lot was deleted, but I was able to restore some of it.
36:19And, well...
36:21I think it's something you need to see.
36:25Thanks, Spuka.
36:27I'll be sure to watch this later.
36:31Just don't forget!
36:37So it's just a normal DVD?
36:39Alright, let's see what's on here.
36:41Oh, there we go.
36:45I can only hope that this recording reaches someone with a conscience.
36:51Isn't this... that video?
36:54My employer has become obsessed with a loathsome idea.
36:59This experiment should never have been conceived.
37:03That's why I had to do something to put a stop to it.
37:08However, in doing so, I released a number of shadows that are certain to torment future generations.
37:15But I didn't have a choice.
37:17If I didn't do this, it could have destroyed the entire world.
37:21Please, you need to listen very carefully.
37:24Whatever you do, it is imperative that you do not hunt the shadows that have dispersed.
37:29This part's...
37:31I wasn't able to do anything to stop this madness.
37:35He won't listen to a word I say.
37:38He's been seduced by the Devil's temptations.
37:41Those monsters will try to reunite and become one again.
37:45If they succeed, then we're all doomed!
37:49I'll say it once more.
37:51Do not go after the shadows that were released!
37:54This is the original video.
37:57The real one, before Akutsuki went and tampered with it.
38:01Dad was trying to put a stop to the experiment.
38:05There's not much hope for me now.
38:07I have just one request.
38:09Whoever finds this, please give my daughter Yukari this message.
38:15I know I promised I'd be home soon, and I'm sorry to break that promise.
38:20But I want you to know, as your father, I was never happier in my life than when I was with you.
38:26This really is my dad?
38:28I love you, Yukari.
38:30Please, take care of yourself.
38:47I know one thing for sure now.
38:50I was right to believe in you.
38:54I'm doing okay.
38:57It took a while, but I finally got your message.
39:06I'll fight for what I believe in.
39:08That's what you would have wanted.
39:10Right, Dad?
39:36To be continued...
40:06To be continued...
