Persona 3 Reload Ch 39 Team Works_1080p

  • last month
01:03Hope we don't run into any creeps here
01:08For a second, I thought this place was actually kind of pretty I mean look nice
01:18The atmosphere on this floor is very unusual
01:42All right, let's go let me show you what I
02:47Operations complete
02:54I'm sure there's some reason this area shapes this way
03:02Yes, I've got this
03:07That's great
03:13Powerful enemies
03:30I am fully determined
04:00Nice reflexes Yukari-chan!
04:14Just one more!
04:16That about does it! No shadows detected!
04:46Nice reflexes Yukari-chan!
05:06Nice reflexes Yukari-chan!
05:16Nice reflexes Yukari-chan!
05:29Yukari-chan's down! She's in trouble!
05:37That's the best!
05:55Oh yeah!
06:04Her leader took one out!
06:11Yukari-chan's down! She's in trouble!
06:15Yukari-chan, are you okay?
06:18That's a win for the team!
06:20Good job everyone!
06:24Nicely done!
06:43Powerful enemies!
06:57All right!
07:05Uh oh
07:10That was close
07:16Her leader took one out!
07:21That's the best!
07:25All right! Here I go!
07:31And with this...
07:33You're finished!
07:39Just one left!
07:41Keep it up everyone!
07:51Not afraid anymore!
07:53No shadows detected!
08:16Here I go!
08:36All right!
08:46All right!
08:50That's the best!
08:55That's the best!
09:04Oh yeah! Check this out!
09:11Ah ha!
09:13Oh yeah!
09:19I kick ass!
09:23All right!
09:26That's the best!
09:42Man, I really want to go to karaoke
09:44Since it's quiet here
09:46Mind if I practice for a bit?
09:48Yo! There's a shadow!
09:53I haven't found any new materials, but Junpei's believe it or don't.
10:06Please keep it that way.
10:08Besides, aren't ghost stories usually told during summer?
10:18I've got this!
10:21That's great!
10:25If only we had a functioning car here.
10:28Then we could just run over any shadow we see!
10:43Use it!
10:48Thanks for acting so fast!
10:50This should end it!
10:59Suck on this!
11:03All enemies defeated! Good work out there!
11:32We're so close to the end.
11:34Just thinking about it makes me nervous.
11:45Hell yeah!
11:49Arms in!
11:58That scared me!
12:03Sorry, guys.
12:10I can't get down! This is bad!
12:13Damage inflicted!
12:15Come for it, Persona!
12:19But I still got some fight in me!
12:24Not so fast!
12:41Her leader took...
12:42Persona, engage!
12:48All enemies defeated! Good work out there!
13:28Hell yeah!
13:36All right! Here I go!
13:42And with this...
13:44You're finished!
13:58Here's just for...
14:11Like this?
14:12No! Can anyone help?
14:18Can't let this go to waste!
14:21I owe you one.
14:26That about does it! No shadows detected!
14:35That's true.
15:00By the way...
15:10By the way...
15:14No way!
15:35I don't see Odagiri. Is he absent today?
15:39Um, no. I'm pretty sure he came to school today.
15:44Then where is he?
15:46Probably busy playing detective asshole.
15:50Ah, so this is what Fushimi was telling me about.
15:54I see. Well, his intentions are good, so you can't really blame him.
15:59But I understand how you feel.
16:02Oh, uh, you're all free to leave now. Good work today.
16:10You hear me? I wanna see evidence, smart guy!
16:15I don't need evidence. I already know everything about you.
16:19Like how you were arrested for beating up that guy in the park who snitched on you, right?
16:28Whoa, he's still at it? This is the third time today.
16:33My boyfriend was so pissed after he was accused. This guy's really asking for it.
16:40Keeping quiet will only make things worse for you.
16:43If it's really not you, then give me some names.
16:47And don't worry, I won't tell anyone.
16:50You have my word as a member of the disciplinary committee.
16:54Better fuck off, asshole.
17:08God, what a shitty day.
17:17Don't think I'll just let you get away with that!
17:21Oh, hey, what is it? Did you need something from me?
17:30You bet I am.
17:32If we turn a blind eye here, there's no stopping this from happening again.
17:37And once it spirals out of control, there will be nothing we can do.
17:41We should nip this problem in the bud while we still can.
17:45I know what people think of me.
17:47Then again, those who fight for justice have always butted heads with others.
17:51History speaks for itself.
17:54So let my actions serve as a warning to other offenders.
17:58A sensible person like you should understand, right?
18:02I'm going to keep at it for now. You should head home before it gets dark.
18:11How many times do I have to explain it?
18:14It's like I'm talking to a moron.
18:17Why would you even accuse me?
18:19The cigarette butt was in the boys' bathroom, right?
18:23Then can you prove it wasn't a girl who brought it and left it there?
18:28With that logic, this is never going to end.
18:31I'm done with this. You're on your own.
18:40Punch in the anderthals.
18:45Try not to hold it against them.
18:48They think like children. They just can't help it.
18:52Sooner or later, they'll see the light.
18:55Then I'll earn their trust, and they'll learn to respect me.
18:59I don't mean to isolate myself. I'm just remaining detached.
19:04Someone always gets hurt in any relationship sooner or later.
19:09I suppose I've gone on long enough. I apologize.
19:16No point in having a meeting today if no one else is here. Let's go.
19:24Sorry you went out of your way to stop by, but it was a quick meeting.
19:28Everyone left already. It's nice not having those hyenas around.
19:33There's something I want to take care of before I go home.
19:38It's that cigarette butt in the boys' bathroom.
19:41I have to hurry and narrow down my suspects.
19:44So, as you can see, we can't exactly hold a meeting right now.
19:48You can leave if you want.
19:57If you're not in a hurry, can you spare a few minutes?
20:00I'd like to share something.
20:06A man without position, honor, or education?
20:10What does he cling to as he struggles through life?
20:13Sincerity, a man once told me.
20:15Do you want to know what happened to that man?
20:20Well, a TV anchor woman was injured on the job while reporting on a story.
20:24The TV station executives deemed it an unfortunate accident.
20:29But when a magazine caught wind that they were hiding something,
20:33the execs threw the writer under the bus.
20:35They said it was the writer who covered up the truth.
20:38They turned him into a scapegoat.
20:41And now, that man is blacklisted from the TV industry.
20:45His life's calling.
20:47The same man who taught me the meaning of sincerity.
20:51In today's society, the weak are preyed upon by the strong.
20:55You can't survive on sincerity alone.
20:58As for me, I want to lead an organization that fosters strength.
21:02And to do that, order is essential if I want to keep those with power in check.
21:08Well, seems like a good spot to call it a day.
21:11Shall we head out together?
21:16Regarding the incident from the other day with the cigarette butt in the boy's bathroom,
21:20It seems the teachers want the student expelled as soon as we find out who it is.
21:27Well, I guess we should have expected that.
21:29It does hurt the school's reputation.
21:31I'll keep everyone posted on this.
21:33It's all for now.
21:37Expulsion, huh?
21:40So, what do you think about all of this?
21:42About the smoker's punishment, I mean.
21:45Yes, I think so too.
21:48Once I catch the culprit, I'll give him a good talking to.
21:51The goal here should be to prevent this from happening again.
21:54I'm not counting on it, but it'd be great if I could get people like him to change their ways.
22:00I don't sympathize with students who break the rules,
22:03but does kicking the... bad kids out really make the school a better place?
22:09I don't know.
22:10Does kicking the... bad kids out really make the school a better place?
22:16It's really not like me to whine about it.
22:19I guess I'm just confused because I feel so powerless.
22:22If I can go above and beyond this time and earn the teachers' trust,
22:26my ward will hold more weight around here.
22:30Just you watch. I'll work my way to the top.
22:34I still have some work left to do.
22:36I need to compile a list of suspects.
22:38You can head on out of here. And take care.
22:44Today's meeting is cancelled.
22:46Um, did Odagiri-san do something?
22:54A teacher came by earlier and called him to the faculty office.
22:58That teacher seemed really upset.
23:08Don't be so stubborn. All you have to do is write his name on the list.
23:14He was appointed to the student council by the president herself.
23:17He's a responsible person.
23:19That's why I didn't add him to the suspect list.
23:23You know there are witnesses who've seen him wandering the streets late at night, don't you?
23:27I thought you hated students who don't follow the rules.
23:31It's not that I doubt the witness reports.
23:34It's more that I trust him.
23:36So I'm not adding him to the list.
23:40Odagiri, I really thought you were smarter than this.
23:43You can go ahead and forget about our deal.
23:48If you'll excuse me then.
23:53So, you heard all that.
24:00I know, you don't have to convince me.
24:03That teacher suspects you of all people.
24:06How he ever got certified is a mystery to me.
24:09Don't worry.
24:11Even if the whole school turns on me, I'll have your back.
24:16I'll have your back.
24:18You're starting to rub off on me.
24:20See you later.
24:26And that concludes the disciplinary committee's forecast report.
24:31Next up is the treasurer's report.
24:37Hey, sorry, but I was hoping you had some time once this meeting's over.
24:41We can talk up on the roof.
24:46I'm sorry to drag you up here, but I wanted to tell you something.
24:52The cigarette butt incident is going to be dropped.
24:55It seems interrogating every student in the school raised a few concerns.
24:59I wanted to be student council president next year.
25:02And that teacher promised to endorse me if I agreed to help him.
25:06But I lost any hope of achieving that when I spoke up against him.
25:10Not to mention the student body isn't so fond of me.
25:13I rambled on about rules and fairness, but all I really proved was that I was desperate for power.
25:24Now I understand why the president asked you to join the student council.
25:27You aren't just feeding me sympathy or empty words.
25:30You genuinely mean what you're saying.
25:34The system only works if you have people's trust.
25:37And trust isn't something you can force on anyone.
25:41When that teacher doubted you, I felt backed into a corner by a fool who simply had more power than me.
25:47It felt like the truth was being distorted and I might lose a friend as a consequence.
25:52If it wasn't for you, I would have become a tyrant.
25:56So, thank you.
25:58Don't you dare repeat what I just said to anyone.
26:01I realize it's out of my usual character.
26:04I'm sure everyone would just make fun of me.
26:06It's just a promise, okay?
26:09I'll see you later.
26:16Which is what I believe to be the proper way to wear one's uniform.
26:20Please keep these things in consideration.
26:22I'm not saying everyone should follow this to the letter.
26:25So we'll leave it to the discretion of the individual.
26:29Holy crap!
26:30Did that just come out of his mouth?
26:33I think this is the first time he's cared about anyone else's opinions.
26:38Well, at least he's trying.
26:42Thank you.
26:43I couldn't have done it without you.
26:45So, how did I do?
26:47What did everyone think?
26:54Hearing that takes a huge weight off my shoulders.
26:58I may have painted a selfish, arrogant portrait of myself to everyone.
27:02So I'll have to win back their trust.
27:05Here, look at this.
27:08One of the guys fessed up about the cigarette butt in the boy's bathroom.
27:11It took a lot of persuasion, but he promised me he'll never smoke again.
27:16This lighter is proof of that.
27:18I earned his trust by showing compassion for others.
27:21Just like you taught me.
27:22That's why you should be the one to have it.
27:34I've spent my whole life looking down on others.
27:37Such baseless bravado.
27:39But you taught me an important lesson.
27:41Something I'll carry with me forever.
27:43I don't think I'll ever be anything like you, though.
27:52The End
28:01Do you remember the story I told you about the TV station's writer?
28:04That man?
28:06He's my father.
28:07I see now that sincerity is important.
28:10And I'm proud of myself for understanding that.
28:13I also realized what an amazing man my father is.
28:18It's about time to go.
28:20do you want to stop by somewhere before we head home?
28:23Now that I think about it, we've never hung out outside of school before.
28:30Listen well.
28:31I have come up with a great idea to get my uncle to appreciate Japan's charm.
28:37I will show him a kimono.
28:39When he sees it, he will understand the beauty of Nihon.
28:47With you in my corner, I have nothing to fear.
28:51The kimono is a Japanese treasure.
28:54Full of culture and history.
28:56If I show it to my uncle, he will surely let me stay in Nihon.
29:01As for the design...
29:04It will be inspired by the mascot of Azuki Ai.
29:08Simple but deep.
29:09I choose this design because, well...
29:14You are the one who took me there.
29:17I can see everything clearly now.
29:20I shall hurry and make the kimono.
29:24I must sew.
29:25Sew like the wind.
29:29Sewing is my life.
29:31My wallet may be light.
29:33And my materials may be cheap.
29:37But I will work hard to make a beautiful kimono and save my future.
29:50This is starting to come together.
29:53I'm satisfied.
29:56When my uncle sees this, I know he'll agree with me about how great Nihon is.
30:05I believe you.
30:07Which means I must work even harder.
30:10I made so much progress today.
30:13And I could not have done it without your help.
30:16Thank you!
30:22My arms are so very tired.
30:25I must have overworked them.
30:27But no matter what the cost, I will finish this kimono.
30:32For my future, for Nihon, I cannot give up now.
30:39If I put in my greatest effort, I will achieve the greatest outcome.
30:44One needle, one soul.
30:47This is my super day.
30:49My everything.
30:56That cheap material has been completely transformed.
31:00I could never have done this on my own.
31:03Without you, I would probably be back home already.
31:07And thanks to all your help, the kimono is almost finished.
31:11I feel so blessed.
31:17My home country.
31:19With my aunt gone, there is nothing there for me now.
31:23I just want to hurry and put an end to this so that I may live and die in Nihon.
31:31There's something I need to tell you.
31:34I have gotten to know many people since coming to Nihon.
31:38But you have been the most subarashi person of them all.
31:43If my aunt was still alive,
31:47I would tell her about what a wonderful friend you have been to me.
31:53And now, we put the final touches on this kimono.
31:58Sure, I am so tired I may be hallucinating a little bit.
32:02But this is the last part.
32:04I can't give up now.
32:15There we go!
32:17At last!
32:19It is fini!
32:26You always know the right things to say.
32:32When my uncle sees this, he will surely change his mind about Nihon.
32:36It is time for him to concede.
32:39I must hurry and go see him.
32:44I have to say goodbye for a little while.
32:47But someday, I will return.
32:51I will not give in to my uncle.
32:59Please, take this.
33:07I made it out of the leftover material from the kimono.
33:12It is a symbol of our friendship.
33:15Please, please wait for me.
33:18I am certain I will return.
33:21Here in Nihon, the times I feel truly at home,
33:26they are the times I spend with you, my tomodachi.
33:36Hatoshi, good night.
34:00It pains me to say this, but I will be leaving tomorrow.
34:07See you later.
34:12Um, sorry that the party ended up being at my place.
34:15I was out buying stuff that might be useful for running practice and I ran out of money.
34:25Oh, really?
34:26Good thing I took the time to tidy up.
34:28Feel free to eat as many snacks as you want, okay?
34:32It was a lot of hard work, but I'm glad we decided to coach those kids in the end.
34:38What do you think?
34:41Um, sorry.
34:42It's just, I never noticed how long your eyelashes are.
34:47I don't think I've looked at you this closely before.
34:49It's only the two of us here now.
34:52Maybe that's why I'm a little nervous.
34:56How about we change the subject?
34:58I'll ask you a question.
35:00Oh, do you like children?
35:06Me too.
35:07I like how they're so pure and always try their best.
35:10It just makes me want to support them as much as I can.
35:13I realized recently how much I like to look after other people.
35:18Let's see.
35:19Okay, next question.
35:20Let's say you get married and have a kid.
35:22Would you want it to be a boy or a girl?
35:29Me too!
35:30Oh, we must be on the same wavelength.
35:33I would dress her up in all kinds of different outfits.
35:35Oh, she could be my little helper.
35:38Either way, I would just hope that the baby didn't take after me.
35:41You could say I'm a little rough around the edges.
35:44But if they took after you, I'm sure they'd be super cute.
35:47They'd probably be athletic too.
35:49I wonder if they'll take an interest in sports.
35:53By the way, do you look more like your dad or your mom?
35:56I've been told that I'm the spitting image of my dad.
35:58It's not that I mind, but I do have mixed feelings about it.
36:03I mean, we don't look that much alike, right?
36:06My eyebrows aren't as bushy for one.
36:13So then I went to ask about it after class.
36:15And you know what happened?
36:16Miss Miahara just wouldn't stop talking.
36:18She wrote off some weird math formula and said,
36:21It's beautiful, isn't it?
36:22All it did was make me more confused than I originally was.
36:26Guess I'll have to go ask again tomorrow.
36:33You think so?
36:34I guess it just feels wrong to not try and understand something.
36:38Anyways, I decided to start being serious about my future.
36:42Remember when I told you about what happened to me at school?
36:45It was when I handed in a blank answer sheet for that pop quiz
36:48and got yelled at by Okoda.
36:50Back then, I just wanted to graduate and go to a community college or something.
36:55But after coaching those kids, I started to realize something.
36:59I enjoy helping people who are willing to give it their all.
37:02So, I finally figured out what I want to do with my life.
37:06Can you guess what it is?
37:12Hmm, close.
37:14You almost got it, Mr. Ex-assistant coach.
37:18I'm thinking of becoming an athletic trainer.
37:21It's their job to monitor each athlete's diet
37:24and help them plan their training routine.
37:26So, I'll go to professional school once I graduate
37:29and then work towards earning my certification when I turn 20.
37:32Between the general education requirements and the classes for my major,
37:35it's going to be over 350 hours.
37:39That's why I'm going to start studying right now.
37:42Improving my writing is my first goal.
37:44It took me all night to finish that three-page essay,
37:46but those kids had a huge influence on me.
37:49I know I only agreed to coach them on a whim,
37:52but teaching them really made me think.
37:55I started wondering what I could teach my own kids one day.
37:58And I realized I didn't have the slightest clue.
38:01If you hadn't been there with me,
38:03I don't think I could have stuck it out until the end.
38:06And I definitely never would have thought about my future either.
38:09So, thanks.
38:13Also, I know I'm always asking you to stick around and help me with stuff.
38:18I just, I kind of feel bad about it.
38:21I'm sorry. I realize now that I might have been relying too much on you.
38:32Why are you so nice to me?
38:41Are you like this just with me?
38:44No, no, that can't be it, huh?
38:52Huh? What?
38:54You mean me?
38:58Are you sure?
38:59I'm not girly or anything like that, you know?
39:02What's happening?
39:03Is this a dream?
39:11Me too.
39:18I feel the same way as you do.
39:20That's why I'm so happy.
39:23Thank you.
39:31Uh, I have to go.
39:33I've got to study.
39:35Um, I'm looking forward to us.
39:43Oh, I forgot to mention.
39:44During lunch break today, that girl was trying to bother me again.
39:47You remember, right?
39:49She's the one who put gum on my shoe locker.
39:51Well, this time, I told her what I thought right to her face.
39:54That she should find what she really wants to do in life.
39:58She probably didn't get what I was saying,
40:00but ever since I figured it out for myself,
40:02I feel like I've been able to see the bigger picture.
40:05I mean, I kind of used to be the same as her, you know?
40:08I guess I've learned how to empathize better now.
40:10Not to mention, you did end up becoming my boyfriend, so...
40:15But, uh, that's not why I invited you here.
40:18I guess I could have told you this next part at school.
40:20But I wanted to talk somewhere quiet.
40:28Don't be so impatient! I'm getting to that.
40:30Why am I the one panicking now?
40:34So, you know the kids we coached?
40:36They each left a message for us.
40:38I know, they were kind of a handful.
40:40They also have an endearing side to them, don't you think?
40:44Aww, you're so sweet.
40:46Sometimes, I can't believe how open-minded you are.
40:49I think I need to learn from you.
40:52Here, this one's for you.
40:58The kids told me to give it to my boyfriend.
41:01Aren't they cute?
41:02That's what I invited you here for.
41:05Well, actually, that was just an excuse.
41:09Because today, well, my parents aren't home.
41:18Yeah, so...
41:22I just mean, you can stretch out and relax.
41:25We won't get yelled at for being too noisy.
41:30It's just, I was able to find my true calling thanks to you.
41:34I'm so glad I met you.
41:36Those are my true feelings.
41:38And I hope you feel the same.
41:40So, will you stay with me a while longer?
41:56I... love you.
41:59I really do.
42:06I love you too.
42:36I love you too.
42:37I love you too.
42:38I love you too.
42:39I love you too.
42:40I love you too.
42:41I love you too.
42:42I love you too.
42:43I love you too.
42:44I love you too.
42:45I love you too.
42:46I love you too.
42:47I love you too.
42:48I love you too.
42:49I love you too.
42:50I love you too.
42:51I love you too.
42:52I love you too.
42:53I love you too.
42:54I love you too.
42:55I love you too.
42:56I love you too.
42:57I love you too.
42:58I love you too.
42:59I love you too.
43:00I love you too.
43:01I love you too.
43:02I love you too.
43:03I love you too.
43:04I love you too.
