GTA Stories Ch 6 Welcome to Vice City (GTA- Vice City Game Movie Sub Indo)_HD

  • 2 days ago
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00:22Tommy Visetti? Huh. Shit!
00:24Didn't think they'd ever let him out.
00:26He kept his head down, helps people forget.
00:28People will remember soon enough.
00:29When they see him walking down the streets of their neighborhoods, it will be bad for business.
00:33Well, what are we gonna do, Sonny?
00:36Treat him like an old friend and keep him busy out of town, okay?
00:39We've been talking about expanding down south, right?
00:42Vice City is 24 karat gold these days.
00:45The Colombians, the Mexicans, hell,
00:47even those Cuban refugees are cutting themselves a piece of some nice action.
00:52But it's all drugs, Sonny.
00:54None of the families will touch that shit.
00:56Times are changing.
00:57Families can't keep their backs turned while our enemies reap the rewards.
01:02So, we send someone down to do the dirty work for us
01:06and cut ourselves a nice, quiet slice, okay?
01:10Who's our contact down there?
01:11Ken Rosenberg, the schmuck of a lawyer.
01:13How's he gonna hold for Sonny's leash?
01:15We don't need him to.
01:17We just set him loose in Vice City.
01:19We give him a little cash to get started, okay?
01:22Give it a few months.
01:23Then we go down.
01:25Pay him a little visit, right?
01:26See how he's doing.
01:45Hey, hey, guys! It's, uh, Ken Rosenberg here.
01:47Hey! Hey, hey, great, hey!
01:50Well, uh, I'm gonna drive you guys to the meet, okay?
01:52Now, I've talked to the suppliers
01:54and they are very, uh, keen to start a business relationship.
01:58So, uh, if all goes well, we should, uh,
02:01be doing very nice to ourselves, which is, you know, good.
02:06Okay, so, they're brothers, okay?
02:08One operates the, uh, the business and the other one does the fun.
02:25Okay, that's them in the chopper.
02:27All right, here's the deal.
02:28They want a straight exchange on open ground.
02:30All right?
02:31Okay, stay tight. Let's go.
02:51Got it?
02:52100% pure grade-A Colombian, my friend.
02:56Let me see it.
02:57The greens?
02:58Tens and twenties. Used.
03:03I think we have a deal, my friend.
03:08Oh, shit!
03:15Come on, get out of the truck!
03:23I poked my head out of the gutter for one freakin' second
03:26and fate shoveled shit in my face.
03:28Go get some sleep.
03:30What are you gonna do?
03:32I'll drop by your office tomorrow and we can start sorting this mess out.
04:20Hello, Sonny.
04:21Tommy Tommy, it's been too long. I
04:27Know I know you're just overwhelmed with emotion 15 years seems like only yesterday. I guess that's a perspective thing
04:35Hey doing time for the family is no piece of cake, but the family looks after its own
04:39Okay, so how'd the deal go down sitting on some white gold?
04:43Look, sonny. We were set up the deal was an ambush Harry and Lee were dead better be kidding me Tommy
04:48Tell me you still got the money
04:51No, sonny, I don't have the money that was my money Tommy my money
05:00You better not be screwing me tell me because you know, I'm not a man to be screwed with wait, sonny
05:05You have my personal assurance and I'm gonna get you your money back and the drugs and I'm gonna mail you the dicks of those
05:11Responsible. Hey, I already know that you're not a fool Tommy, but I warned you neither of mine
05:15If it was anybody else you'd be dead already, but because it's you because we got history
05:22I'm gonna let you handle this, sonny
05:25Got my word. I'll be in touch
05:35Go get some sleep
05:36He says I have been sitting in this chair all night with the lights off drinking coffee
05:43This is a disaster we are so screwed man
05:47These gorillas listen to me are gonna come down here and rip my head off. It's
05:52Ridiculous. I did not go to law school for this. Okay. Now, what the hell are we gonna do? Shut up sit down
06:00Relax, I'll tell you what we're gonna do
06:04You're gonna find out who took our cocaine and
06:07Then I'm gonna kill them
06:09That's a good idea, that's a great idea, let me think let me think let me think oh, there's this retired colonel colonel Juan
06:16Garcia Cortez, he's the one that helped me set up this deal well away from Vice City's established thugs
06:22Okay. Now listen, he's holding his party out in the bay on his expensive yacht and all of Vice City's big players are gonna be
06:29There okay, I have an invite
06:30Of course, I have an invite, but there's no way that I'm going out there sticking my head out the door
06:35No, I told you shut up. I'll go myself. Oh
06:38Whoa. Hey, I like 1978 too, but you know, this isn't gonna be a beard strippers do I mean no offense
06:45But I think that you might turn heads on the runway for the wrong reason with the way I'm dressed
06:49Hey, look here stop by Rafael's tell him I sent you he'll make you look respectable. Okay, go come on
07:02Now I gotta dress like a chump as well as hang out with them I like this shirt
07:25Hmm nice bike
07:37No my bike
08:10Understand you are here on the behalf of mr. Rosenberg. I hope any recent problems have not affected his health or a mental well-being
08:19Rosetti he's just got a touch of
08:23Excellent excellent, and you I just want my merchandise
08:28It's an unfortunate set of circumstances for all involved. Of course. I have initiated my own lines of inquiry, but such a delicate
08:39Meanwhile, let me introduce you to my daughter miss Hades
08:43Karamiya, could you look after our guest while I attend to my necessary obligations? Of course daddy
08:52Mercedes you try living
08:55Anyway, let me point out some of our more distinguished guests. That's our congressman Alex
09:04And have you met my lovely wife Laura no
09:07She's in Alabama. This is can and over there. We have the Vice City Mamba star Titan BJ
09:14Always the drama I've locked down
09:20That is good, well now I'm looking at some crime and that poolside amphibian is jazz torrent lead singer with
09:27Can I tell you do you know how they play ping-pong?
09:32Let me tell you it does not involve a father
09:36Impotent and the chatty trio that sleeping sweat gland is Papa's right hand Kim
09:42Gonzalez and the other two are pastor Richards and pseudo intellectual film director Steve Scott
09:50Invaders when the giant shark comes in and just bites their dicks off
09:54You never saw anything like that before no your party does that by a triumph I?
10:02Can only apologize oh they're not amigo
10:05How do we fight you?
10:07Our business is very trying barbarians at the gate a time for rewarding one's friends and liquidating one's enemies
10:16Who's the loudmouth?
10:18Ricardo Diaz mr. Coe
10:21Oh, I was just taking my friend back into town another time Ricardo Ricardo. Let's get out of here actually take me to the
10:42Will you be working for my father maybe you mind me resting my hand in your lap
10:49So difficult having a rich and powerful father
10:58See you around handsome. I'm sure you will
11:09Well, I hope you're having a good time because I'm going out of my mind with worry here
11:13What did you find out that there are more criminals in this town than in prison?
11:18We need a lead from the streets. Okay. Let me think let me think let me think ah I got it
11:22Okay, there's this limey some music industry slimeball goes by the name of Kent Paul anyway
11:27He's got his nose so far up most of Vice City's ass that if anybody knows the whereabouts of 20 keys of coke
11:33It's this guy all right. He's always at the Malibu
11:36I'll go pay him a visit
11:39Take it easy now
11:52Where'd you pop up from I've been looking for a bird like you for ages Mike
11:56You know, I'm looking for some English guy can't pull
12:00Can't pull me. Yeah, I'm the governor and he asked all things out. No, I mean, I'll tell you whatever you want
12:05I'll get you go. Don't you worry about a thing mate get lost, honey
12:09Wait, wait, wait, wait
12:11You can't Paul a friend of Rosenberg's
12:18Rosenberg Oh
12:20That bonkers ambulance chaser that guy could defend an innocent man all the way to death row
12:26It's another drink Bob
12:28But he's a comedian. Listen to me. I'm missing 20 keys and a lot of cash right? It's a muds game. What do you know about?
12:36What was coming to was there's some chef come trumpet shifter who feels that kitchen of O2 and ocean drive
12:42He's been looking real pleased with himself lately. You could go and check him out. I will
12:48And I'll be seeing you around
12:52That's why go walk away your mug, I know you spark out give me a drink and where's that slut
13:13Hey, what you looking at you better start talking
13:18Hey make me you prick
13:21I'll kill you
13:30Oh way to go tough guy
13:33Beat him to a pulp. That should make him real chatty. You want some too? Hey chill. I want what you want, brother
13:40Oh, yeah, and what's that? You're green and my dead brother's white lady
13:46Unfortunately, you just silenced our lead
13:49Accidents happen get lost. Hey, hey, whoa
13:52No need to go all long-range on my ass the way I see it
13:57We two hombres in a strange town
13:59We need to watch each other's back. My back's just fine brother. You sure about that? Yeah, take this
14:06Follow me
14:12This way
14:31One thing you got to realize about this town you got to pack some heat local gun shops a couple of blocks away
14:55I'm gonna go see what I can dig up. I'll be watching you Tommy
15:12Leo I think we got a buyer for Diaz merchandise. You gotta give him a ring man set up the deal, you know
15:17Where are you now? You okay? Leo? You sound kind of different. Just tell me where you are
15:22Who the hell is this Leo on man? Leo's got away for a while. He left me in charge
15:36For God's sake it's you. Oh, geez. I'm gonna need new pants
15:41Hey those psychos from up north. They've been on the horn and they're coming down here soon. Now, where is the goddamn money?
15:48Relax, relax. We're not at that point. Oh, I thought that you were taking care of this. I really did
15:54And now those guidos say we got to do them a favor, I mean I got to do him a favor
15:58Oh, of course, that's what I mean. Do I look like I can intimidate a jury?
16:02I couldn't intimidate a child and believe me. I've tried now
16:06Look, it's either that or Forelli's cousin Giorgio gets five years for fraud. You gotta take these guys out
16:13I understand help the jury change their minds. Don't worry about no, no, no, no. No, I tried that
16:19The jury case didn't go so well
16:21So make them change their minds
16:44I can't believe this is happening innocent until I say otherwise
17:02Ain't got no suntan. We ain't got my money either. So I'm one of them myself. What are you doing?
17:07So tell me tell me what are you doing? I'm looking for the money Sonny. Don't worry. I am worrying Tommy
17:13That's my style because I think we have this problem in my life with
17:17Unreliable people don't be an unreliable person Tommy, please do us both a favor. I'm looking forward to hearing from you
17:31Every goes without saying Tommy Tommy any progress. No, no. No, tell me later. Tell me later, Tommy
17:35This is Avery Carrington. I believe you met at the party not in person. Howdy
17:40Avery here has a proposition
17:43Uh-huh. Haven't we got other things on our mind? I'm trying to keep the wolves from the door
17:48So could you please cut me some slack?
17:50I'm stretched like a wire and even if I'm dead by the end of the week
17:53I'd like to think that I didn't die poor just calm down both of you
17:58Son, you help me and any greaseballs giving you a hard time. I'll see to it. They take a long dirt nap
18:04Okay, what could I do for you? This delivery company's got its Depot on some prime land
18:10They won't sell they're hanging on like a big old prairie rat, so we got to go in there and smoke that vermin out
18:17Head on down there and stir up a hornet's nest
18:19the security will have their hands full and then you can sneak in and put them out of business and you could drop by
18:24Rafael's for a change of clothes. You might be there a while
18:26But yeah, go for it should be a riot the balls drop like they should
18:30Stop by my office
18:33Who are these pricks anyway lawyer pricks rug-wearing pricks surrounded by pricks
20:29Yeah, this is Cortez you were at my party, yeah, I remember
20:35Mr. Varsity, it was a most unfortunate incident that happened with your business deal. I know I
20:42Want you to know me and my people are doing their utmost to get to the bottom of it
20:46If you'd like to talk to me more privately, you can find me at the bottom. Okay. Good day
21:03Come in and park yourself on the hide son
21:07Hell my daddy used to say never look a gift horse in the mouth and by golly he never did
21:13Would you like a drop of the old Kentucky? No, thanks a clean thinker. I like that
21:18Now the property business isn't all about highfalutin paper pushing
21:22It's about dirt and the will to claim that dirt you with me son. Oh, yeah
21:27Well, I need some tenacious bastard to let go of some dirt and you look to me like the kind of guy to persuade him
21:33Persuasion is my forte. Yeah, he'll be down at the country club down on the golf course
21:38They don't allow guns so his bodyguards won't be packing lawgivers
21:42Go beat eight tons of crap out of him here now
21:45I got you a membership and boy, you're gonna need more appropriate clothing
21:52Is this me nice ass, baby
22:45Who is this guy boys deal with him get him to that psycho have some patience, please
23:05Now look here son, I
23:07Got a problem and I reckon you could help me with it. I'm no builder. No, I was thinking more of your demolition skills
23:15Now this here this is a development as planned and this this is the property that we're looking at
23:21You're trying to say this new office block is kind of in the way you catch on quick
23:26Now I'm gonna head out of town for a while
23:28And if that office development would have faced sudden and insurmountable structural problems
23:33Then I as a civil-minded individual you feel obliged to step in and save the rejuvenation of an important area of the city
23:41Where can I get more guys like you?
