Watch Online Hazel 1961 - s2ep15

  • 2 months ago


00:00Dorothy, I want to ask you a question, and I want an honest answer.
00:16All right, dear.
00:18Do you think my hairline's receding?
00:20Oh, of course not, George.
00:23Why, you have as full a head of hair as the day we were married.
00:26I knew that barber didn't know what he was talking about.
00:28You know what he said to me?
00:30He said I should be drinking gelatin to strengthen my hair.
00:33Why, that's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard.
00:36Here you are, Mr. B.
00:37What is it?
00:39When a man starts getting bald, there ain't much you can do about it, but we can help
00:43slow nature down a bit, huh?
00:46Bottoms up.
01:30Oh, here's four.
01:31That's too heavy for you.
01:32Let me take it.
01:33No, it's not too heavy.
01:34I can do it.
01:35I'm getting stronger every day.
01:36By golly, he is.
01:37Ready, Stan?
01:38Coming, George.
01:39Bye, Mavis.
01:40Bye, Daddy.
01:41You be a good girl now and marry Mrs. Black.
01:42Tell the other children I'm sorry I didn't get to say goodbye.
01:43Bye-bye, darling.
01:45Have a good time in California.
01:46Good time.
01:58Well, what do you think?
01:59We should stay here.
02:00Good time.
02:01We'll only be there long enough to have a conference with this man.
02:02Very good of George to come along and represent me.
02:04We should get back in two or three days.
02:07If you don't miss a plane.
02:11Holy smoke, we better get going.
02:21More pancakes, Mavis?
02:26No, thanks.
02:28Why, those are Hazel's famous blueberry pancakes.
02:31They're very nice, but I don't care for any more, thank you.
02:34Oh, I'm sure Mrs. Black couldn't make them any better than I can.
02:38My mother could, before she died.
02:40Oh, well, sure.
02:43Brothers can do anything.
02:45But your being here these last two days and having breakfast and dinner
02:49has been kind of like a real vacation, huh?
02:52It's a change.
02:53Boy, you've been having a ball.
02:55Nameless means it's not as good as California.
02:58Yeah, I know what she means.
03:00The school bus will be here any minute.
03:01Your lunchboxes are on the table in the kitchen.
03:06Well, I've done everything but stand on my head
03:10to keep her from thinking of California.
03:12I know, Hazel, so have I.
03:14She just can't understand why her father didn't take her.
03:17She doesn't think her dad loves her anymore.
03:19I know.
03:21Oh, by the way, George called last night after you went to bed.
03:24Oh? What's happening?
03:25Not a thing.
03:26They haven't even been able to contact Mr. Murdock.
03:28That's the man they have to see.
03:30Oh, he's the airplane man.
03:31Yes, as I understand it,
03:33Stan has to get some kind of a license agreement with the Murdock company
03:37before his own company can go ahead with this new invention.
03:40Well, California's a nice place to...
03:42Huh? Oh, what's new in the paper?
03:44Oh, well, let's see.
03:45Senator Sterling's coming to town tomorrow.
03:48He is? No kidding?
03:49Yes, his picture's right here on the front page.
03:51Oh, yeah.
03:52Who's Senator Sterling?
03:54He's just about the best senator this state ever had,
03:57and I helped elect him.
03:58Pays all.
03:59Well, you saw that letter I got.
04:01Oh, I want you kids to see the picture of my friend, Senator Sterling.
04:05He's coming all the way from Washington
04:07to go to one of them $100-a-plate dinners.
04:09Where do they have $100-a-plate dinners?
04:12Just about every restaurant in town, seems like.
04:15But he's going to one at the Buckley Hotel.
04:18Say, I just got a scrumptious idea.
04:21Why don't I take the kids down tomorrow after school
04:23and introduce them?
04:24Hazel, since when are you and Senator Sterling
04:27such great friends?
04:28Well, I shook hands with him at that election rally
04:31two years ago, I told you about it.
04:32Well, there were 8,000 people there.
04:35Well, he'll remember me,
04:37after all I did to get him elected.
04:39And don't you remember he wrote me that letter
04:41and said he wanted me to come and pay him a visit?
04:43Hazel, that was a routine form letter.
04:45It wasn't even typed. It was mimeographed.
04:48Well, why did he say it if he didn't mean it?
04:50He said that he wanted to hear my opinions
04:52on how the country was being run.
04:54And if there's one thing I got, you know it's opinions.
04:57I want to meet him.
04:58You can't, Harold.
04:59Remember, I'm taking you to the dentist tomorrow.
05:01Aw, gee.
05:03I wish they'd all fall out again.
05:05Harold, what about you, Mavis?
05:07Would you like to go and meet Senator?
05:09Well, Mavis means she'd rather go see California.
05:13Yeah, I know. I know what she means.
05:15School bus.
05:16Yeah, oh, come on.
05:18George, I'm so sorry.
05:20You mean you haven't been able to see Murdoch at all?
05:23I can imagine how Stan feels.
05:26Well, look, darling, if you do decide to give up
05:27and come home, what plane will you come in on?
05:31All right.
05:32Good night, darling.
05:33I love you.
05:42Senator Sterling.
05:44Well, Mrs. Talbot.
05:47Here it is, nearly 4 o'clock,
05:49and this is the first time we've seen each other
05:51since we arrived.
05:53Do you feel all right, Senator?
05:55Oh, just weary, Mrs. Talbot.
05:57Weary to the bone.
05:58How is Mrs. Sterling?
05:59Oh, she's all right.
06:00She's in the bedroom.
06:01I persuaded her to take a nap before the banquet.
06:04Here's your list of phone calls for today.
06:07More than 100.
06:09I didn't get to bed last night.
06:10I was working out committee procedure
06:12with a new council in Washington.
06:14Flying here, I skipped breakfast for a newspaper briefing,
06:17then I've been with the governor all day.
06:19And I'll bet you skipped lunch, too.
06:21I'm afraid so.
06:22Politics, politics, politics.
06:25Well, Mr. Andrews called.
06:27He did?
06:27Yes, he said he was flying from Washington.
06:29He wants to see you about something.
06:31But I'll be back there tomorrow morning.
06:33Couldn't it wait?
06:34He said it was confidential and top secret.
06:37Why don't you lie down on the couch and take a rest?
06:40Yes, it does look inviting, doesn't it?
06:43And Mrs. Talbert, do you suppose you could find
06:47a glass of milk and some graham crackers for me?
06:50It took forever for room service
06:52to bring your wife's lunch up here.
06:54I'll go across the street and get it myself.
06:57You just have a good rest.
07:15Come in.
07:17Oh, hello, Senator.
07:19No, don't get up.
07:21You remember me, of course.
07:22Uh, uh, of course, of course.
07:27How are you?
07:27Oh, fine, just fine.
07:29I haven't changed a bit, have I?
07:31Not a bit.
07:33This is the great man himself, honey.
07:35She's just been dying to meet you, haven't you, dear?
07:37I've never heard of him.
07:38Oh, you've got some food on your mouth.
07:41We think you're just the best senator
07:42this state has ever had.
07:44But we're not going to stand here bragging about you
07:46because we don't want to take up your valuable time.
07:49You having trouble with your neck?
07:52It's quite all right, thank you.
07:54I was just lying down for a moment.
07:55My secretary just stepped out to find me a bite to eat.
07:58I haven't had any food all day.
08:00Oh, for Pete's sake, that ain't no way
08:02for an intelligent man like you to act.
08:04You've got to keep up your strength.
08:06It just so happens that Mavis didn't eat her lunch.
08:09So she has half a tuna fish sandwich left.
08:13Well, thank you, but I'm sure my...
08:14No, you're welcome to it.
08:15It's a little squash, but it's real good.
08:17Well, I don't see how I can very well refuse
08:21a tuna fish sandwich from such a loyal constituent.
08:24Won't you sit down?
08:25Oh, no, no, we ain't staying.
08:27But I'd like to ask you a favor.
08:31Well, we brought along a lot of newspapers
08:33with your picture in it so you could autograph them
08:35for the people I got to vote for you,
08:37like the Sunshine Girls and the Bus Drivers bowling team.
08:41Just my name?
08:42Well, I think it would be kind of nice
08:43if you said something a little personal,
08:46like, well, Gladys, you know, she's got water on the knee.
08:49If you just mentioned the knee, she'd know what you meant.
08:52Yes, but would my wife?
08:54I'll just wish Gladys health and happiness.
09:01Flo's got trouble with the end of her spine.
09:04Oh, that neck's really bothering you, ain't it?
09:06I've got the most agonizing pain there.
09:09Well, my boss, Mr. Baxter,
09:10I'm a housekeeper for the family.
09:12He has the same trouble with his neck.
09:14It's just muscle tension, that's all it is.
09:16I help Mr. B. He says I'm better
09:18than the Finnish massage parlor.
09:21I'd be glad to help you if you want me to.
09:24Well, I don't see how it could get any worse.
09:28That feels good.
09:35Come on in the house, Dan.
09:37We'll have a cup of coffee
09:38before we take the bags out of the car.
09:40It's been the most discouraging three days I ever put in.
09:57George, you're back!
10:00Any luck?
10:01Well, we tried every trick in the book,
10:03but we just couldn't get to see Murdoch.
10:05Oh, well, maybe there's someone else you could see.
10:07I don't think you understand the situation.
10:09You see, Murdoch Aviation owns the patents
10:11on a couple of parts we use in our engine.
10:13I have to clear the licensing rights.
10:15When I spoke to Murdoch on the phone months ago, he agreed.
10:18Now that I have to have his signature,
10:20Mr. Murdoch is in seclusion in some California hideout,
10:23working on some new kind of a plane,
10:25refuses to see anybody.
10:26Well, how about a cup of coffee?
10:28Where's Hazel?
10:29Oh, I'll fix you some.
10:30Hazel isn't here.
10:31She took Mavis downtown after school.
10:33Can you imagine her thinking she can get in
10:35to see a busy man like Senator Sterling?
10:37I wouldn't put anything past Hazel.
10:39Why, she's...
10:41Senator Sterling.
10:42He's in town for some kind of a banquet.
10:44Senator Sterling?
10:45Wait a minute.
10:46This may be a break.
10:47Do you suppose he'd help us meet Murdoch?
10:49Well, he could.
10:50He's chairman of the committee
10:51that examines Murdoch's government contracts.
10:53Why, he could put us in touch with Murdoch
10:56Yeah, but can you get to the senator?
10:58I think so.
10:59You get some rest.
11:00Leave Senator Sterling to me.
11:02Ah, ah, ah, ah.
11:04That feels much better, thank you.
11:07Come in.
11:09Oh, I beg your pardon, Senator.
11:10I didn't know you had anyone with you.
11:12Oh, that's quite all right.
11:14These are constituents of mine.
11:16Mr. Andrews, I'd like you to meet Mrs...
11:18Miss, not Mrs. Miss.
11:20Oh, I'm sorry.
11:21You're sorry.
11:22Oh, and I believe this young lady's name is Mavis.
11:26This is Mr. Herbert Andrews.
11:28How do you do?
11:29Senator, I'll wait in the other room if you...
11:31Oh, no, we was going anyway.
11:33Mr. Andrews flew down from Washington
11:35on an urgent matter.
11:36He's the counsel of the investigation committee
11:38of which I am chairman.
11:39Senator, you'll want to see that immediately.
11:41Oh, that looks mighty important.
11:43I guess Mavis and me ought to be moseying along.
11:45Well, it's been very nice of you
11:47to come and visit with me.
11:48Oh, thanks.
11:50Bring the newspapers, honey.
11:52I hope we haven't been a bother.
11:54Not at all.
11:55You've been a very great help.
11:56My neck feels much better.
11:58Oh, well, the pleasure is all mine.
12:00I can't tell you what we're getting out of this visit.
12:02You must do it again sometime.
12:04Yes, we will.
12:10Altogether, the most refreshing
12:12and delightful constituent I have ever had call on me.
12:15Senator, I think you'd better look over
12:17the contents of that envelope.
12:18Oh, yes, yes.
12:19What is it?
12:20The evidence we needed.
12:21The evidence the crime committee's been waiting for.
12:30She can't have gone far.
12:31If we can catch her before she gets to the elevator...
12:34Oh, my shoes!
12:35My shoes!
12:37Is she out there?
12:38I don't see them.
12:40We're going down the hall.
12:41Stop her!
12:42Stop her!
12:48Well, I'm very sorry to have troubled you.
12:50I laid that envelope on the stack of newspapers.
12:52The little girl must have put the other papers on top of it.
12:55I'm sure she doesn't know she has it.
12:57It must be among all those newspapers.
12:59Senator, if that evidence ever got into the wrong hands...
13:01Don't talk about it.
13:02Why, if the press ever learned that a document like that...
13:04Don't even think about it.
13:05Keep calm.
13:09Hello, I'm very sorry to bother you,
13:11but do you have a housekeeper?
13:14You don't.
13:15All right, thank you.
13:16Well, Donald A. Baxter doesn't have a housekeeper either.
13:18Keep calling.
13:20There must be 50 Baxters in this town.
13:22Are you sure you've got the right name?
13:24I'm positive.
13:25She didn't mention her own name.
13:26She assumed I knew it.
13:27She said she was a housekeeper for someone named Baxter.
13:33Hello, I'm very sorry to trouble you,
13:35but do you have a housekeeper?
13:37No, I'm trying to locate a housekeeper.
13:40Oh, you're looking for one too.
13:43Thank you.
13:44Wrong Baxter.
13:45Hang up and keep trying.
13:58Yes, I'm Mrs. Baxter.
14:00Hello, I'm very sorry to trouble you,
14:02but do you have a housekeeper?
14:03Yes, I do.
14:05This Mrs. Baxter has a housekeeper.
14:07Ask her if she has a little girl.
14:09That high, about 10 years old.
14:11Do you have a little girl about 10 years old?
14:15No, I have one child.
14:17A son.
14:18No little girl, only a boy.
14:21Wrong again.
14:22Hang up and try it again.
14:23I'm very sorry to have troubled you.
14:38Mrs. Talbot.
14:39Did you have a nice rest?
14:40Mrs. Talbot, there was a woman in the hotel room.
14:43She had a little girl with her.
14:45Perhaps you passed them on the street.
14:46Possibly you saw which way they went.
14:48No, I didn't.
14:49Hello, I'm terribly sorry to bother you,
14:51but do you have a housekeeper?
14:54Mr. Andrews, I just remembered something.
14:56She said she'd organized some bowling team to vote for me.
14:59They'd know her name.
15:00Which bowling team?
15:01The, oh, the bowl drive...
15:05Bus, bus drivers bowling team.
15:11There she is, that's her picture.
15:13They can tell us where we can find her.
15:14Senator, I suggest you let me do all the talking.
15:17Your face is very well known in this state.
15:19It'd be better if you weren't linked with the loss of that evidence in any way,
15:22or it'd be a major political blunder.
15:24Yes, yes, I agree.
15:25You say nothing of the fact that you're under oath to keep such evidence secret.
15:29Say, I beg your pardon.
15:32This woman, her picture's on the wall here.
15:34You know her?
15:35Do I?
15:36She's the greatest friend the Bus Drivers Recreation Committee ever had.
15:39She's the one who organized...
15:40Then you can tell us her name and how we can locate her.
15:43Sure I can.
15:44Thank heaven.
15:50Hey, Eddie.
15:52Come here a second, Eddie.
15:53Excuse me.
15:56What are those guys doing?
15:57Well, they wanted to know Hazel's name.
15:59Why'd they take her picture off the wall?
16:01I don't know.
16:02They asked me where she lived.
16:03You didn't tell them, did you?
16:05No, not yet.
16:07One of them is hiding his head behind that newspaper.
16:09Now, the only guy that ever did that before around here
16:12was trying to serve a sermon.
16:16You, uh, wanted to know whose picture this was?
16:18Her name is Kitty Callahan.
16:20She moved to Chicago last week.
16:22Come on, now.
16:23You know she didn't move to Chicago.
16:28All right, fellow.
16:30Where can we find her?
16:31St. Louis.
16:32St. Louis?
16:33Mr. Andrews.
16:36I don't think it wise to press the matter.
16:38Besides, I just remembered something else she mentioned.
16:40The Finnish baths.
16:43Bring that picture along.
16:45My gosh!
16:47When that guy turned around, I saw who it was.
16:49Senator Sterling!
16:51What does he want with Hazel?
16:53Oh, she must be in more trouble than we thought.
16:55The Senate is getting mixed up with Hazel.
16:58The country is in more trouble than we thought.
17:01I know her.
17:03What she knows about scientific massage,
17:05you could stick in an eyedropper.
17:08And what the earthquake did to San Francisco, huh?
17:10That's what Hazel Burke does to people's necks.
17:13Hazel Burke?
17:14I know her boss.
17:15He used to be a customer of mine.
17:16A real good customer.
17:18But not no more, he ain't.
17:20Not since Hazel's been twisting his neck for free.
17:22Or George Baxter.
17:24George Baxter.
17:26Thank you very much.
17:31Hazel, I understand the seriousness of your client's problem.
17:34But I really don't know where the senator can be located.
17:38Although he did mention a most unlikely place.
17:42The bus driver's...
17:44The bus driver's recreation hall.
17:47Thank you. Thank you very much.
17:52Here we are.
17:55Oh, hi, Harold. Where's your mother?
17:57She's on the telephone trying to find Dad.
17:59Hazel, look who's here!
18:01Well, for Pete's sake!
18:05Miss Burke.
18:06Well, I certainly never expected to see you again so soon.
18:09And it's been entirely too long since I last saw you.
18:12Seems like at least ten years.
18:15You met Harold and Miss Baxter?
18:17Yes, a very charming woman.
18:19I came to bring these photographs of myself.
18:22That picture in the newspaper is not exactly a favorite of mine.
18:25I thought perhaps you would accept these instead.
18:27Oh, these are the berries.
18:30Allow me.
18:31Oh, sure.
18:32I could autograph them for you now,
18:34and I'm sure they'd last a lot longer than the newspapers.
18:37Oh, sure. Newspapers only turn yellow,
18:39but I wouldn't want you to pay for these out of your own pocket.
18:42I'd consider it an honor if you'd accept them.
18:45Wouldn't your dad be tickled pink to meet the senator?
18:51That is the best custard pie I've ever tasted.
18:54Don't forget you're going to a banquet tonight.
18:56My dear, it's because I've had experience at banquets
18:59that I'm going to ask for another piece.
19:01Oh, sure.
19:09George, did you talk to the senator?
19:11I could locate him. I went to his hotel,
19:13I traced him to the bus driver's recreation hall,
19:15but lost him in a Finnish bath.
19:17Well, we might as well throw in the sponge.
19:19No, not yet, Stan. Come on in the house.
19:25I still have a few angles I haven't tried.
19:30Come on in the den where we can talk.
19:34A lot of members of the Bar Association know the senator.
19:36I'm going to call every member I've ever met.
19:39One of them is bound to know where I can reach him.
19:44Well, I'd better start autographing these things.
19:49No, I just thought you might know where we could locate him.
19:52I see. Well, thank you very much anyway.
19:57Oh, I didn't know you were home, Dad.
19:59Well, son, please don't tell anyone.
20:01And close the door as you go out.
20:02We don't want to be disturbed by anybody.
20:04Not by anybody, do you understand?
20:05Not until I can locate Senator Sterling.
20:07Well, Senator Sterling, he needs...
20:09Son, didn't you hear me? We do not want to be disturbed.
20:13Yes, sir?
20:14All right.
20:17Wait a minute. Where are you going with that ink?
20:20Wait a minute. Where are you going with that ink?
20:22Senator Sterling's pen when he wants to fill it.
20:25Oh, well, be sure you turn it when you're through.
20:31And this one for Rosie.
20:33She's the maid down the street.
20:35Don't forget the one for me.
20:37For you.
20:38My dear, after what you've done to restore my appetite and my digestion,
20:42you just buy a gilt frame and I'll come and sit in it.
20:47Oh, here's Mr. B and Mr. Blake.
20:50Mr. Baxter, how do you do?
20:52I've been looking forward to meeting you.
20:54I'm Senator Sterling.
20:55Oh, yes, I know.
20:57How do you do?
20:58And this is Mr. Blake.
20:59How do you do?
21:00And this is Mr. Andrews.
21:02How do you do?
21:03I've been trying to reach you all afternoon.
21:05So I gather Mrs. Baxter and Hazel have been telling me about Mr. Blake's problem.
21:10And I can tell you why you weren't able to locate Mr. Murdock in California.
21:14He isn't there.
21:15He isn't?
21:16They didn't want anyone to know where he really was.
21:19He's been in Washington the past three days.
21:21A highly confidential matter.
21:24If you would like, I will telephone him and set up an appointment.
21:27Well, it certainly would.
21:29Of course you understand I can't influence him in your favor.
21:33Oh, you don't have to.
21:34It's already agreed.
21:35The problem has been trying to get his signature.
21:37Mr. Baxter just went along to arrange any legal details Mr. Murdock might want.
21:41I'd be glad to set up an appointment in Washington.
21:44May I use your phone?
21:45Oh, certainly.
21:46The one in my study is more private.
21:49Right this way, Senator.
21:52Well, I don't know what gave me the idea it'd be more private.
21:57Mr. Blake?
21:59You ain't said hello to Mavis yet.
22:02Oh, yeah.
22:04I'll do that just as soon as he sets up the appointment.
22:06But Mr. Blake, Mavis thinks you don't love her no more.
22:10What are you talking about?
22:11That's absurd.
22:12Well, she don't think so.
22:13Look out here.
22:21You said that you were going to take her to California.
22:23And then you went and you didn't take her.
22:25Well, of course not.
22:26That was business.
22:27Well, did she know that?
22:31I didn't think she'd understand.
22:33So she thinks you just breezed off and left her.
22:38She doesn't have no mother to smooth things over, you know.
22:41Now she thinks you don't love her.
22:44I'll take her to Washington with me.
23:04Guess what?
23:05We're going to Washington.
23:06The Senator invited us.
23:09And me too?
23:11Mother's going to call my teacher.
23:13Oh, boy.
23:14Ain't that something.
23:15When are we leaving?
23:16Tomorrow morning.
23:17Washington, D.C.
23:18Oh, boy.
23:20The capital of our country.
23:22And then we'll go to the White House.
23:23And then afterwards we'll go over to the Smithsonian Institute
23:26and see all those five million year old boats.
23:29Can we bring one home for Smiley?
23:31Oh, sure.
23:32And then we'll go to Congress and listen to the speeches.
23:35Oh, some of them men are real talkers.
23:38Boy, they got real rich voices.
23:40And they can talk for hours.
23:42Remind me to turn the gas off under the water heater before we leave.
23:47And then we'll go to the Lincoln Memorial.
23:50They got a great big statue of Abraham Lincoln.
23:53And they got the Gettysburg Address right up on the wall.
23:56Boy, I seen so many pictures of it.
23:59Just seems like I could stand here and look up at it.
24:02Four score and seven years ago,
24:05our fathers brought forth upon this continent a new nation
24:10conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition
24:14that all men are created equal.
24:17I don't remember all of it, but it ends.
24:20That we here highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain.
24:26That this nation under God shall have a new birth of freedom.
24:31And that government of the people, by the people, and for the people
24:36shall not perish from the earth.
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