• 2 months ago


00:00Do you have everything, darling? Your car keys, your cigarette lighter?
00:03Yes, yes. I'll be home early. That is, if I don't take too many shots on the 19th hole.
00:07Try to make it one under par.
00:09Missy! Missy! Guess what happened. Oh, it's terrible.
00:12Goodbye, Mr. B. Have a nice game. They arrested Elaine.
00:15No, they haven't. Oh, that's awful.
00:17Elaine who? What for?
00:18Oh, never mind, darling. You run along. Well, didn't Charles tell them what happened?
00:21Oh, Hazel, if they railroad that poor child...
00:24Charles who? What child? Will you tell me what...
00:26She's in the hospital. They got her on the operating table. Oh, I could murder that child.
00:29Dorothy, Hazel, will you tell me what this is all about?
00:31The lamp in the window, dear.
00:33Oh, if they send that sweet little thing to prison for a crime she didn't commit,
00:36I'll never buy another bar of their soap as long as I live.
00:40Lamp in the window? On television, George.
01:30Gonna go and lay my burden down
01:34Down by the riverside
01:37Down by the riverside
01:41Down by the riverside
01:44Gonna go and lay my burden down
01:48Down by the riverside
01:49Hey, Dad. Hi, son.
01:54Oh, hi, Mr. B. What are you doing home so early?
01:57I'm sorry. I'm very sorry.
02:00Oh, don't stop on my account. I'm just passing through.
02:02No, don't go, Mr. B. We want you to stay and listen and give your honest opinion.
02:06Come on, Mitch. Once more with feelings.
02:11Gonna go and lay my burden down
02:15Down by the riverside
02:18Down by the riverside
02:22Down by the riverside
02:24Fine, fine. Very good.
02:26Oh, Mr. B., you're just saying that to spare our feelings.
02:29Not at all. It sounded fine. Great.
02:31Golly, Mr. B., I thought you had better taste.
02:34It'd be all right if we were just singing it for our own amusement,
02:37but if we're gonna go on the road with this...
02:39On the road?
02:40They want to sing in the song festival at the State Fair, George.
02:44Amateur contest.
02:46And Mitch is finding out how we get into it.
02:48Girls, we gotta jazz this song up.
02:50We ain't gonna get no place singing it the way it's written, you know.
02:53Well, how's this?
02:57Gonna go and lay my burden down
02:59That'll only be another few minutes, darling.
03:01I'll get your evening paper for you.
03:02Bring it into the den, will you, hon?
03:04And some cotton for my ears.
03:06And a ladder.
03:07A ladder?
03:08To bring you down from the ceiling.
03:10Down by the riverside
03:12Down by the riverside
03:16Gonna go and lay my burden down
03:19Down by the riverside
03:21Down by the riverside
03:26Boy, that's got more corn than a box of Cracker Jack.
03:37Down by the riverside.
03:43Baxter residence.
03:44Oh, hello, Hazel. Is Mrs. Baxter in?
03:46Oh, hi, Mr. B.
03:48Oh, Missy's taking a shower.
03:50Shall I have her call you when she gets dried off?
03:52Uh, no.
03:54Just tell her that it's Mr. Griffin's birthday Thursday and...
03:57Oh, no kidding. How old's he gonna be?
03:59Well, I think he was born on the...
04:03Hazel, it doesn't make any difference.
04:05Now, look, I'm very busy. Will you deliver the message?
04:08Tell Mrs. Baxter, if it's all right with her,
04:11that I think it's a nice gesture
04:13to invite Mr. Griffin to dinner Thursday night.
04:15Oh, well, it'll be all right with Missy.
04:17She ain't got nothing planned.
04:18And, you know, Thursday is my day off, but I...
04:20I know it is, Hazel.
04:22But I was hoping you could change it to another day.
04:24Well, that's all right, Mr. B.
04:25I don't mind changing it for something as important
04:27as Mr. Griffin's birthday.
04:29Thank you, Hazel. Goodbye.
04:31Gonna lay my burden down.
04:37Miss Scott, will you get Mr. Griffin on the phone for me, please?
04:41A surprise party for Mr. Griffin?
04:43Darling, it wasn't my idea. You were the one who suggested it.
04:46I suggested it? Dorothy, that's the last thing...
04:50I'm sorry. I didn't mean to bust in
04:52when you was having a fight, Missy.
04:53Hazel, why don't you deliver my messages the way I give them?
04:56Now, all I said was, why don't we invite him to dinner?
04:58But I didn't mean to have a whole bunch of people.
05:00I don't think 18's a bunch.
05:03Well, why can't we have a party?
05:05You'd feel pretty bad if it was your birthday
05:08and you didn't have one.
05:09Well, Hazel, everyone isn't as sentimental
05:11about birthdays as you are.
05:12Well, I am, and you are too, George.
05:15Yes, but not Mr. Griffin.
05:16I don't know. Something always happens at surprise parties.
05:19It always goes wrong.
05:20Oh, nothing is going to go wrong, Mr. B.
05:22You want to bet?
05:23Five bucks?
05:24Of course it won't. Darling, I promise.
05:25Is it a deal?
05:26It's a deal, and I hope I lose.
05:28Oh, sure. You'll lose, all right.
05:29Well, if you'll excuse me,
05:31the girls are having a meeting over at Rosie's house,
05:33and I'm going to ask Rosie to serve.
05:35I'm going to ask Mitch to tend bar.
05:37Fine, Hazel, but I wouldn't want him to do it for nothing.
05:39Oh, forget it, Mr. B.
05:41You'd do as much for him sometime.
05:46Next Thursday?
05:48Well, I'm not sure, Hazel.
05:51Oh, now, Rosie,
05:53you owe me five hours from last August
05:56when your folks had that garden party.
05:58Our share of the work plan ain't got no room
06:00for members that don't pay up.
06:02Well, okay,
06:04but an inside party is a whole lot harder than...
06:07Hi, sugar. Hi, Rose.
06:10I just love it when someone calls me Rose.
06:13Coffee, Mitch.
06:15Yeah, but where are the rest of the girls?
06:16Oh, they'll be here in a minute.
06:17I'll get it for him. I know just how he likes it.
06:19Cream in first, right, Mitch?
06:21Only had to tell her once.
06:23Sugar, you sure know how to make a man feel like a king.
06:26You've got something on your mind, I can tell.
06:29Come on, out with it.
06:31That woman can just read my mind.
06:34I sure would hate to try to keep a secret away from you, sugar.
06:37Well, I found out how we entered the contest
06:40for the song festival.
06:41You did?
06:42They got talent scouts who go all over the state
06:45sort of screening the contestants for the preliminary tryout.
06:48One of them's gonna be in town one day this week,
06:51staying at the Westmore Hotel,
06:53and I've already got a set for the audition.
06:56We better double up on them rehearsals.
06:58When is the audition?
07:00The only time open is Thursday night at 8 o'clock.
07:05Well, this talent scout, is he only gonna be here for one day?
07:08It's a she, Pauline Dunbar.
07:11What's troubling you, sugar?
07:12I've got something to talk over with the Baxters.
07:14I'll be back in a minute.
07:21That's wonderful, Myra.
07:23I'm sure any small gift would please him enormously.
07:33Mr. B., here's your five bucks.
07:35I've been thinking it over, and you're right.
07:37Mr. Griffin wouldn't want me.
07:39Mr. Griffin wouldn't want any party.
07:42Well, no, when I'm wrong, I admit it.
07:44And here's your money, because I give up.
07:46You won the bet fair and square.
07:48Oh, boy, I wish I had the tape recorder on.
07:51I bet you never thought you'd live to see the day, huh, Mr. B.?
07:54But, Hazel, we've already invited everyone,
07:56including Mr. Griffin.
07:57Well, couldn't you have it on Saturday night?
07:59Saturday night's a much better night for a party.
08:01Because Mr. Griffin's birthday is on Thursday.
08:04But you said he wasn't the sentimental kind.
08:09Oh, hello, Mr. Griffin.
08:11Maybe he can't make it after all.
08:12Maybe he has a previous engagement.
08:14What's that?
08:15That's right, Thursday at 8.
08:17Unless, well, unless some other night would be better for you.
08:21Oh, it is.
08:23Isn't that a coincidence?
08:25He says Thursday's his birthday.
08:28Well, I'm sure Hazel would be glad to bake a cake for you.
08:31That settles that.
08:33Oh, sure, I'll bake him a cake.
08:35Well, it'll be nice for us, too, Mr. Griffin.
08:38Good night.
08:42Oh, I guess I could manage all right.
08:45You're darn right you will.
08:46I could start serving at 7 o'clock,
08:48and then I could leave at quarter of 8.
08:50I could be back then by...
08:51Hazel, you're not leaving this house until the party's over.
08:54Oh, but, Mr. B., I could get somebody to take my place.
08:57This is very important.
08:58If you'd only said something earlier in the evening, Hazel.
09:04Hello, Mr. Griffin.
09:07Oh, well, I'm glad you told me.
09:09And I won't say a word to anyone unless they should ask.
09:15He wears a size 11 1⁄2 sock,
09:17and his favorite color is red,
09:19in case someone should ask.
09:22I'm sorry, Hazel.
09:23Oh, don't worry about it, Missy.
09:25All we gotta do is to give Mr. Griffin a party he'll never forget.
09:28I knew we could count on you, Hazel.
09:30Oh, it's awfully sweet of you to give up your own plans.
09:32This is something terribly important.
09:34Oh, no, it's just something I was gonna do with the Sunshine Girls.
09:37They can get somebody else.
09:39All we gotta worry about now
09:41is to make this party for Mr. Griffin a real doozy.
09:47Well, you can do what you like to about it, Rosie,
09:50but as far as I'm concerned,
09:51it was Hazel's idea about the quartet,
09:53and if she can't be in it,
09:55I'm over the hill and far away.
09:59Hazel, Rosie told me about Thursday night.
10:03Well, you just have to get somebody else to take my place.
10:06That's what I say.
10:07Without you, there ain't gonna be no Sunshine Girl Quartet.
10:10Oh, but it ain't fair that everybody lose that big chance just on account of me.
10:14There'll be other contests we can enter.
10:16But I can't let the Baxters down, neither, you know, nor Mr. Griffin.
10:20Of course you can't.
10:22Now, come on, cheer up.
10:24Give old Mitch a big smile.
10:26Oh, I don't know what to say.
10:27I'm saying it for you. It's settled.
10:29Well, maybe there's something we can do.
10:32Like what?
10:33Well, I don't know, but I ain't gonna quit until they count ten.
10:47Now, open the refrigerator door, will you, Mitch?
10:49But, sugar, I've already called Miss Dunbar.
10:52Hazel, I fixed the flowers.
10:54Hello, Mitch.
10:55Hi, Miss Baxter.
10:56Mitch is gonna mix the drinks over here, missy.
10:58And then the girls are gonna bring them in.
11:00Is that okay with you?
11:01Splendid. Anything you say, Hazel.
11:03We appreciate your helping out, Mitch.
11:05Listen, I have to get to the beauty parlor.
11:06Is there anything more you want me to do?
11:07No, you just run along.
11:09Everything's under control.
11:10But if you're sure, I won't be too late.
11:12I think maybe you better go see Miss Dunbar instead of calling her, Mitch.
11:16Oh, but sugar...
11:17Well, I got my cake to decorate.
11:18I can't go see her.
11:19Okay, sugar, I'll go see her.
11:21But what shall I say to her?
11:22Well, just ask her if she'll stay till tomorrow.
11:24But what if she's...
11:25Oh, better still, why don't you ask her to the party tonight?
11:27Maybe she'd like a home-cooked meal.
11:31Baxter residence.
11:33Oh, hi, Mr. Griffin.
11:35Well, no, missy just gone to the beauty parlor.
11:40Tell her we'll audition for her while she eats.
11:43Mitch, if we miss out on the audition,
11:44Rosie's gonna be sore at both of us.
11:46Now, go on.
11:47But what if she says...
11:48Now, Mr. Griffin, if you keep me talking,
11:50you won't get nothing to eat.
11:55No, I ain't gonna tell you what we're gonna have
11:57or who's gonna be here.
11:59Well, don't you want some surprises?
12:01Go on, Mitch.
12:02Use your American know-how.
12:10Thank you for the audition.
12:11My office will get in touch with you.
12:29Miss Dunbar, my name is Mitch Brady.
12:31I'm representing the Sunshine Girls.
12:33Oh, yes, you're the gentleman who made their appointment.
12:35But they're not auditioning till 8 o'clock tonight.
12:37I know it.
12:38That's the reason why I come to see you.
12:39They can't make it.
12:40Oh, well, that's too bad.
12:41Thank you for letting me know.
12:42Hey, wait.
12:43You can't scratch them off like that.
12:44Couldn't they...
12:45Couldn't they audition till 8 o'clock tonight?
12:47I know it.
12:48That's the reason why I come to see you.
12:49They can't make it.
12:50Oh, well, that's too bad.
12:51Thank you for letting me know.
12:52Hey, wait.
12:53You can't scratch them off like that.
12:54Couldn't they get an audition maybe tomorrow sometime?
12:56I'll be in Scottsville tomorrow.
12:57Oh, I know.
12:58It's only a couple of hundred miles from here.
12:59And I could drive the Sunshine Girls down there.
13:01Oh, I'm awfully sorry.
13:02My schedule is completely filled.
13:07Well, what are you doing about dinner tonight?
13:09You know, I bet you haven't had a decent meal
13:11the whole time you've been on this road.
13:13And you know it just ain't right for a pretty girl like you
13:15to be eating dinner all alone.
13:17Especially if you might say
13:18when you can do your job at the same time.
13:20Oh, I'm sorry.
13:21I couldn't.
13:22The Baxters would just love to have you.
13:24And you could listen to the Sunshine Girls while you ate.
13:27You call that a sandwich?
13:29Wait till you see hazel prime ribs, turkey ham,
13:32seafood curry with three kinds of salad,
13:34fresh baked rolls, birthday cake,
13:36and homemade ice cream.
13:38Well, it's awfully nice of you to invite me,
13:40but I'm planning on taking an early train.
13:43Well, the Baxters don't live very far from here.
13:46Just down on Marshall Road a little ways.
13:48And if you took an Ace Taxi cab,
13:50it wouldn't cost you a dime.
13:51All you gotta do is just give this card to the driver.
13:54Uh, that's me, Miss Brady, uh, president.
13:57Uh, when you say homemade ice cream,
13:59you don't really mean homemade, do you?
14:01In an old-fashioned freezer with,
14:03with fresh eggs and cream?
14:05That's the kind.
14:08These Sunshine Girls,
14:10are they really good?
14:12Why, nobody in this town
14:13would think of throwing a party
14:14without the Sunshine Girls.
14:17Oh, Mr. Brady,
14:19I just can't possibly rearrange my schedule
14:21at the last minute.
14:22I, I hope to have an opportunity
14:24of hearing these, uh, Sunshine Girls some other time.
14:26Thank you for calling.
14:41Good evening.
14:42Good evening.
14:43Thank you.
14:44Myra, and Harry.
14:45Oh, it's so good to see you.
14:47Hello, darling.
14:48Is Mr. Griffin here yet?
14:49No, I didn't invite him until eight.
14:51This is supposed to be a surprise party.
14:53Well, if you'd have been able to pull anything
14:54over on the old steamroller, Dorothy,
14:56you'd have been the first one to do it.
14:58Oh, the gnolls, come in.
15:06I sure don't know what else
15:07I could have said to that woman, Hazel.
15:09Oh, Mitch, if you couldn't convince her,
15:11nobody could.
15:12I feel like I sort of let you down.
15:14Oh, I don't mind for myself.
15:16I just feel sorry for Rosie and the other girls.
15:18Sorry doesn't mend any fences.
15:20We need more martinis.
15:22Well, I told you you ought to get another singer.
15:24But it didn't take much coaxing
15:25for you to change your mind.
15:27Oh, come on, Rosie.
15:28The rest of the girls
15:29are being good sports about it.
15:31Are you calling me a bad sport?
15:33No, Rosie, Mitch didn't mean anything like that.
15:35Now, Miss Burns, you just stay right out of this.
15:37I wouldn't be here if it weren't
15:38that I were paying up those five hours' work
15:40you've been dunning me for.
15:43At exactly 11.35,
15:47you and I are quits.
15:48But, Rosie...
15:52If I'd been the one that had to work, Mr. Brady,
15:54you wouldn't have called off the audition.
15:56But since it was my erstwhile friend,
15:58Hazel Burke, who had to lose out,
16:00that was a different tune.
16:03Now, don't fret yourself, sugar.
16:05You still got me.
16:07Yeah, and I sure appreciate your friendship, Mitch.
16:09But Rosie's the oldest friend I got,
16:11and I think the world of her.
16:13But, boy, sometimes she makes me so mad.
16:16If I'd only been able to talk that Miss Dunbar
16:18into coming here tonight.
17:14Well, good evening.
17:16I'm Pauline Dunbar.
17:17Well, how do you do?
17:19I'm Harvey Griffin.
17:21I'm the birthday boy.
17:24Well, congratulations, Mr. Griffith.
17:27Griffin, with an N.
17:29But you can call me Harvey.
17:31Very well.
17:32I'm the birthday boy.
17:34Well, congratulations, Mr. Griffith.
17:36Well, congratulations, Mr. Griffith.
17:38But you can call me Harvey.
17:40Very well, and you can call me Pauline.
17:42Oh, good.
17:46Good evening.
17:47Yes, good evening.
17:51Surprise, surprise.
17:53Oh, here he is, Dorothy.
17:55Happy birthday, Mr. Griffin.
17:57Thank you.
17:58Call me Harvey.
17:59Surprise, surprise.
18:01Glad you showed up, Harvey.
18:02Sure is, Harvey.
18:04Yeah, call me Harv.
18:06You know Pauline?
18:07I do now.
18:08Come along, Pauline.
18:10Happy birthday, Mr. Griffin.
18:13Happy birthday, Mr. Griffith.
18:14Thank you.
18:17Oh, excuse me.
18:19Well, thank you very much.
18:21Have you known Harvey long?
18:23No, I haven't.
18:24I was supposed to be to Mr. Brady here, but I don't see him anywhere.
18:27Well, I hope he doesn't show up.
18:30Here's to Harvey Griffin.
18:33Harvey, happy birthday.
18:35Thanks, everybody, thanks.
18:40All right now, Harry.
18:41No fair stealing my girl.
18:43Oh, no, Harvey.
18:45Good looking woman.
18:46Wonder where he found her.
18:47Just like him to bring a guest without even telling me.
18:50However, it's his birthday.
18:52Seems like he's getting a kick out of it, too.
18:54Oh, just a minute.
18:55Just a minute.
18:57Happy birthday to me.
19:05You tell Hazel that was a wonderful dinner.
19:07Oh, it was.
19:14Oh, black, please.
19:16Darling, that was a feast.
19:18Hazel really surpassed herself tonight.
19:20Oh, she did everything she could to make the party a success.
19:23Thank you, Rosie.
19:25Will you tell Hazel to bring the cake in now anytime it's ready?
19:28Yes, ma'am.
19:30But you can't leave town without seeing my factory.
19:33Oh, I wish I could stay over, but I must be in Scottsville tomorrow.
19:37Oh, and that reminds me.
19:38Do you know what time the entertainment goes on?
19:40Oh, are we having entertainment, too?
19:42Well, I was told I'd hear a very fine amateur quartet here tonight.
19:45As a matter of fact, that's the reason.
19:47Well, I should say you will.
19:50Say, George, Bill.
19:51The young lady wants to hear us sing.
19:54Quiet, everybody.
19:56In honor of Harvey Griffin and by special request.
19:59Oh, come on, Harry.
20:00Oh, don't be bashful, George.
20:02George, be a sport.
20:05All right.
20:10Old hallowed walls and ancient oak
20:13Will sing of you in days to be
20:16And French's bond again evoke
20:20Remembering our fraternity
20:24Remembering our fraternity
20:27Remembering our fraternity
20:30Will sing of you in days to be
20:34Remembering our fraternity
20:45Just beautiful.
20:46Thanks, fellas.
20:47My law firm.
20:49Wonderful bunch.
20:50Beautiful voices, too.
20:52Didn't you think that was beautiful?
20:53Oh, yes.
20:54Yes, that was very nice.
20:56I don't understand, though,
20:57Why they call themselves the Sunshine Girls.
21:02Well, Harvey, it was so nice to have met you
21:04And to have shared your birthday.
21:06I hope you have a hundred more.
21:07Oh, but Pauline.
21:10And thank you very much.
21:12My office will get in touch with you.
21:16Thank you so much for inviting me, Mrs. Baxter.
21:19Well, it was our pleasure to have you here.
21:21Thank you.
21:22Good night.
21:23Good night, Miss Dunbar.
21:24It was a lovely party.
21:25I wish I didn't have to go so soon.
21:27May I phone for a cab now, please?
21:29Oh, well, why don't you use the phone in the den?
21:32It's a lot quieter in there.
21:34Thank you.
21:36Into the dining room, everybody.
21:46Happy birthday, Mr. Griffin.
21:54Isn't that beautiful?
21:57I never saw such a beautiful cake in my whole life.
22:00It's too beautiful to cut.
22:04Blow out your candles.
22:05No first, you gotta make a wish.
22:07I wish everybody's as happy as I am.
22:12I wish everybody's as happy as I am.
22:31What do you say, boys?
22:32How about another song?
22:34Oh, fine, fine.
22:35Well, that's the only one we know.
22:37As long as we're all here, why don't we do our number?
22:39Yeah, why not?
22:43Gonna go and lay my burden down
22:47Away down
22:48Down by the riverside
22:50Away down
22:51Down by the riverside
22:52Away down
22:53Down by the riverside
22:55Gonna go and lay my burden down
22:57Away down
22:58Down by the riverside
23:00Down by the riverside
23:05Gonna go and lay my burden down
23:07Away down
23:08Down by the riverside
23:10Away down
23:11Down by the riverside
23:12Away down
23:13Down by the riverside
23:15Gonna go and lay my burden down
23:17Away down
23:18Down by the riverside
23:20Away down
23:21Down by the riverside
23:22Away down
23:23Down by the riverside
23:25Gonna go and lay my burden down
23:27Away down
23:28Down by the riverside
23:30Down by the riverside
23:40Go ahead, Mr. Griffin. Cut the cake.
23:42Miss Dunbar!
23:47You come after all.
23:49Oh, that was really very good. Very good indeed.
23:52I told you they was. Gang, meet Miss Dunbar.
23:55How are you?
23:56I'll bet anybody 50 bucks you're gonna be the biggest taxicab operator in this state before you know it.
24:02Miss Dunbar, you want us to sing another number?
24:04Oh, yes, I wish you would.
24:06Okay, Mitch, give us the old one and a two and...
24:09Hey, Missy, you better help Mr. Griffin cut that cake. He's making a mess of it.
24:16For he's a jolly good fellow
24:18For he's a jolly good fellow
24:20For he's a jolly good fellow
24:22Which nobody can deny
24:23Which nobody can deny
24:25Which nobody can deny
24:27For he's a jolly good fellow
24:31Which nobody can deny
25:01For he's a jolly good fellow
25:05Which nobody can deny
25:08Which nobody can deny
25:11For he's a jolly good fellow
25:14For he's a jolly good fellow
25:17Which nobody can deny
25:19For he's a jolly good fellow
25:23Which nobody can deny
25:25This has been a Screen Gems film production.