Watch Online Hazel 1961 - s2ep12

  • 3 months ago


00:00In the mail, Mr. B. Thank you, Hazel.
00:06Hey, Dad, can I get a tattoo?
00:09A tattoo? Why, certainly not, son.
00:12And why would you want a tattoo?
00:14Because Hazel had a boyfriend in the Navy that had one.
00:17Oh, is that true, Hazel?
00:20Yeah, he had it on his chest.
00:23Hmm, what was the tattoo?
00:25Oh, well, it was kind of a mermaid, you know, with a ribbon across her front.
00:32And you know what it said on the ribbon?
00:34I haven't the faintest idea.
00:36It said, I love Hazel.
00:39So that's why I want one just like it.
01:26He better really be worth seeing. I should be home getting my dinner.
01:29Oh, he's a dilly. He should be along any minute now, because he walks his dog this time of day.
01:34Rosie, there he is.
01:49You gotta admit, not many men come wrapped that way.
01:52Boy, you can say that again, Hazel. He's gorgeous.
01:56Well, now that you've seen him, how do you think I should get to meet him?
01:59Well, the first thing I think we need to do is to find out who he is.
02:03Oh, I know that already. I found out from Bonnie. His name is Pablo Rivera.
02:07He's a chauffeur for the Chile Council.
02:09For who?
02:10Oh, some big diplomat from South America.
02:13They've rented the Gustafsson house.
02:15Well, what do you think I ought to do next?
02:17Well, Hazel, if there's one scientific thing I know about men,
02:20it's that they scare off very easily.
02:23Well, I was thinking about maybe asking him over for a cup of coffee.
02:26Oh, I wouldn't do that if I were you. That wouldn't be subtle enough.
02:31Where did you say the old Gustafsson house is?
02:34Over on Chestnut Street.
02:37Suppose I was to send him one of them secret pal letters.
02:40Welcome to the neighborhood from your secret pal.
02:43Well, I don't think there'd be any harm in that.
02:46Well, the only thing is, how would I be sure that he'd know that it was me was his secret pal?
02:52Oh, that would be the problem.
02:55What if, uh...
02:57Hazel, I think the best thing for you to do right now is nothing.
03:01Let's just sleep on it, and maybe one of us will think of a real good, subtle idea.
03:06Oh, thanks, Rosie, for your advice. You know, I might have goofed the whole thing.
03:11Oh, it's the least one sunshine girl can do for another, Hazel.
03:14Oh, thanks, anyway. I'll call you tomorrow after breakfast.
03:23Oh, hi, Mr. B.
03:24Hazel, have you seen my briefcase?
03:26Oh, boy, I sure did. I noticed it was kind of tacky last night, so I saddle-soaked it. Don't it look swell?
03:33Well, it certainly does. Thank you very much, Hazel.
03:36Oh, Mr. B., I want to pay you back that $5 you loaned me till payday.
03:40Oh, that can wait, Hazel.
03:41Turn your head.
03:44I'd like to pay back my debts. There you are.
03:46All right, thank you very much.
03:47Oh, would you like to buy a ticket for the sunshine girl's picnic on Saturday?
03:51Well, Hazel, I...
03:52Well, the health and welfare fund, you know, is kind of low, so on account of Hilda's water on the knee...
03:57All right, Hazel, how much are the tickets?
03:58Five dollars.
04:00Well, I could have figured that one out myself.
04:03Turn your head.
04:06Now, there's your ticket. That's for two.
04:09Oh, you and Missy are going to have a ball.
04:11They're going to have games, and they're going to have contests with prizes, and singing.
04:15Oh, fine, Hazel.
04:16Oh, but the best part is going to be the entertainment.
04:18Because little Harold and Mitch is working up a musical act, and I'm going to do the announcing. Ain't that swell?
04:24Very swell. Now, if you'll please excuse me, I do have an office to go to.
04:28Oh, sure, Mr. B., I wouldn't want to hold you up.
04:32Have a good day.
04:33Thank you, Hazel. Same to you.
04:36Hazel! Hazel!
04:38Hi, Flo.
04:39Hazel, you should see what Rosie's got in her kitchen. He's the most gorgeous man you ever laid your eyes on.
04:44Oh, what's his name?
04:45Well, I don't know. She wouldn't tell me. She wouldn't even let me into the kitchen to borrow the eggs I came for.
04:50Well, what does he look like besides gorgeous?
04:52Well, from the glimpse I got when she handed me the eggs, he looks just like Rudolph Valentino all over again.
04:59Kind of smoldery?
05:00Very smoldery. She's giving him breakfast.
05:03How do you like that, Rosie?
05:09Thank you.
05:11There was a most delicious breakfast. You are a wonderful cook, Signora Rosie.
05:18One day some lucky man will come along and change all that for you.
05:21Oh, you do talk, Signora Vera.
05:24Why do you not call me Pablo? It is much more friendly.
05:28Oh, and I certainly do want to be friendly, Pablo.
05:32More java?
05:33Por favor.
05:43How long do you say it would be before your boss and his staff came from South America?
05:48I did not say, but it will be more than a month for me to rattle around in that big empty house.
05:53I do not look forward to it.
05:55I did not say, but it will be more than a month for me to rattle around in that big empty house.
06:00I do not look forward to all those days of loneliness and those drugstore meals.
06:06You don't have to be lonely, Pablo.
06:25Tell me.
06:46Tell me.
06:48Oh, let's not answer it.
06:50Tell me, what's it like being in the diplomatic corps?
06:53Don't you think you should answer the doorbell first? It might be something important.
06:56Well, it's probably nothing but the mailman with the package.
07:07Morning sunshine's very bad for a person.
07:24Thank you.
07:27Good morning, senora.
07:28Oh, hi. I'm Hazel Burke, senorita.
07:31Someday some lucky man will come along and change all that.
07:36What's the matter, Rosie?
07:37Well, someone must think it's Halloween. There's a pin stuck in the doorbell.
07:40Oh, let me get it out for you.
07:44I am Pablo Rivera.
07:45Oh, hi Pablo. Well, tell me all about yourself. You can just call me Hazel.
07:50Hazel. That is a beautiful name.
07:53I'm afraid Pablo is just a simple man. There is not very much to tell.
07:57Oh, well, just for openness, how many kids you got?
08:00Oh, I'm just a poor bachelor.
08:02Oh, ain't that a shame. Sort of a senorita, senor.
08:09Yes. No one to care for me. No one to darn my socks or cook for me.
08:16No one to comfort me when I am sad or laugh with me when I am glad.
08:21Oh, you poor man.
08:24All alone on foreign soil.
08:28Ah, well, thanks.
08:31Here's your mail.
08:33Well, let's let go of the mail, Barney. I've got to get back to my work.
08:37Well, first I wanted to ask you something.
08:39Well, all right, but be quick.
08:41I was wondering if you'd be my date for the Sunshine Girls picnic.
08:45The picnic?
08:46Yeah, you know, next Saturday over at the park.
08:48Oh, well, I'm sorry, Barney, but I can't go.
08:51And anyway, why aren't you asking Hazel?
08:53Well, Hazel's been seeing a lot of Mitch Brady lately, and I figured he'd already asked her.
08:58Well, then Flo will be delighted.
09:00Now, if you'll just let go of the mail, please.
09:04I was just bringing something to a boil in the kitchen.
09:07Oh, thanks.
09:09Turn your head just a sec.
09:13Now, here's your ticket.
09:17If you ain't been to a Sunshine Girls picnic, you ain't lived.
09:21I shall look forward to it.
09:22Oh, and that ticket is for two, you know.
09:25So I see.
09:26Sure, and it's for you and whoever else you might want to bring.
09:30We're going to have entertainment.
09:32I'm going to do the announcing.
09:35Oh, sure, and we're going to have contests with prizes.
09:37Everybody says that I'm a terrific winner of contests.
09:41So, who are you going to take along as your date?
09:45Well, I haven't...
09:48Hi, Rosie.
09:51I just come over to tell you they got a terrific sale of corsets at Masterson's.
09:55You know, it's amazing what they do with corsets nowadays.
09:59Now, you'd never believe that Rosie...
10:01Some people may think that's a ladylike topic of conversation, but I don't.
10:06She's very sensitive about that subject.
10:08That's why she raised her voice in such an unladylike way.
10:11Hazel, don't you have work to do at the Baxter's?
10:14I sure do.
10:15I've got to fix a big Spanish dinner.
10:18I'll expect you about six.
10:20And if you want to come over early, why, we can have a little chin fest.
10:24I shall count the minutes.
10:25And be sure and bring all your socks that need donning.
10:28So long, honey.
10:36Missy, is it okay if I invite someone for dinner in the kitchen tonight?
10:40Of course, Hazel.
10:41Oh, boy, what a relief, because I already asked him.
10:45That Pablo Rivera you were telling me about?
10:48Yeah, the poor fella.
10:50Poor fella?
10:51Oh, that's not the impression I got.
10:53All alone on a foreign soil with no one to comfort him when he's sad
10:57and no one to talk to him when he's glad, you know?
11:00No one to do his laundry for him or cook his dinner for him, don his socks for him.
11:04Oh, I'm donning his socks for him right after dinner.
11:07I hope he takes me to the picnic.
11:09Boy, maybe after the dinner I'm fixing for him tonight he'll ask me.
11:12What about Mitch Brady? I thought he'd be taking you to the picnic.
11:16He ain't asking.
11:17Well, you know he will.
11:19Oh, Missy, Mitch is a good egg, and he's more fun than a merry-go-round,
11:23but you got to admit he ain't no Prince Charming.
11:26Is that so important?
11:28Oh, sure, particularly when you ain't no Sleeping Beauty yourself
11:31and you ain't getting no younger.
11:34Hazel, I wish you'd forget about Pablo.
11:37Because I don't want you hurt by someone who isn't worth the tip of your little finger.
11:41Oh, there ain't no harm in believing in fairy tales
11:45as long as you know they won't come true.
11:50You can use the silver candlesticks on the kitchen table tonight if you want to.
11:54Oh, boy, there ain't nothing like candlelight to make a person look younger.
11:58It's one of the oldest tricks in the female business.
12:01Oh, Missy, you're a doozy.
12:04Ooh, you're a real doozy.
12:20Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!
12:24Well, I guess that's enough practicing for one day, Harold.
12:27Are we going to practice again tomorrow, Mitch?
12:29You bet your boots I'm going to be right here when you get home from school.
12:32Oh, boy!
12:34Have you thought how you're going to announce the act, sugar?
12:36You're darn tootin'. I've been practicing in front of the mirror.
12:39Well, how about letting us men folks hear it?
12:45Sunshine girls, ladies and gentlemen,
12:47next on the program is an act composed of Master Harold Baxter,
12:52a swell kid I'm proud to say I helped raise.
12:55And his dad is a real swell lawyer,
12:57one of the swellest that you ever could have if you get in trouble with the law.
13:01And his mother's the best little decorator you could ever have
13:04in case you get in trouble with the Department of the Interior.
13:09That's a good one, Hazel.
13:11It's funny.
13:13So here's Harold Baxter with his accordion,
13:16made of genuine mother-of-pearl.
13:18And Mr. Mitch Brady, a real swell fella
13:21that runs the checkerboard taxi company,
13:24called Klondike 58723.
13:28So now, without further ado,
13:31I give you Baxter and Brady.
13:37Now, sport, don't you think it's time for you to go out and get a little fresh air?
13:44See you tomorrow, Mitch.
13:45You betcha, Harold.
13:48Man, are you and me gonna have us one wing-ding every time for that picnic, Hazel.
13:52And you know what?
13:53We're bound to walk off with at least one of them there projects,
13:55and there ain't nobody can beat us in that three-legged race, sugar.
13:59Wait a minute, Mitch.
14:00I think we got some kind of misunderstanding going on here.
14:03About what?
14:04Well, you never asked me to be your date at the picnic.
14:06Chuck, sugar, there ain't no one else I'd ask.
14:08But since you ain't asked me, and I didn't say I would,
14:11and I wouldn't break a date with you, Mitch,
14:14but since I never made one...
14:15What are you getting at, woman?
14:16Well, if you're asking me to be your date...
14:18Sure, I'm asking you, sugar.
14:21Well, then I'm sorry, I gotta say no.
14:24But thanks, anyway.
14:26Have I done something wrong that I don't know about?
14:28No, of course not, Mitch.
14:30Well, then how come you won't go to the picnic with me?
14:32Well, I might have to do my bit about improving Latin American relationships.
14:38Hazel Burke, you're talking all around in curly cues.
14:40Now, you know I'm a straight man, and that's the way I like to hear you talking.
14:46Somebody else might ask me.
14:50I think the world of you, Mitch,
14:52but we never had no kind of understanding between us.
14:55Well, I had an understanding, but I guess I was having it all by myself.
14:59Oh, that don't mean I ain't gonna go on being your friend, Mitch.
15:03Who is it?
15:04It's Pablo.
15:05Oh, come on in, Pablo.
15:08Hazel, it is so good to see you again.
15:12I hope I am not too early.
15:14Oh, no, no.
15:15I want you to meet Miss Brady.
15:17Mitch, this is Pablo Rivera.
15:35He ain't no such thing as a trash collector.
15:37I don't see how you could think such a thing.
15:39I've made a mistake. I'm sorry, senor.
15:41You just watch it, mister.
15:45Oh, Rosie, what are you doing here?
15:47Oh, I had no idea you'd be here this early.
15:52That's my good fortune.
15:55Hi, Rosie.
15:56Oh, hi, Mitch. I didn't see you.
15:58Well, now that you're crowding up my kitchen, what can I do for you?
16:01Oh, Hazel, I brought you a present just to show you there's no hard feelings between us.
16:05At least not on my part.
16:06Oh, thanks, Rosie.
16:08They're having a one-cent sale at the drugstore on that rinse that Hazel uses to cover up all the gray in her hair.
16:14Oh, I brought her two bottles.
16:17This is my natural color.
16:20If you're not doing anything after dinner tonight, why don't you come over and watch TV with me?
16:26I would like to.
16:27After dinner, he's sitting with me while I don his socks. Now, so long, Rosie.
16:31So long.
16:33Oh, I spec I better be going, too, Hazel. I'll see you around.
16:37Yeah, see you around, Mitch.
16:38Buenos dias, senor.
16:40There's something I gotta ask you, mister.
16:42See, what is that?
16:43How come you're always smiling like that?
16:45You just have your teeth cleaned?
16:50Come on.
16:58I just don't like the idea of having to spend the evening in here.
17:01Now, it's my living room and my den. I should have a choice.
17:04Darling, Hazel doesn't ask many favors.
17:07And when she hinted around about entertaining Pablo in the living room on account of it was kind of romantic in front of a flickering fire, I couldn't say no.
17:15Well, I don't like it and I don't like him.
17:17He's just out after a lot of free mending and free meals.
17:20I admit, he's quite an operator.
17:21And Hazel's gonna end up with her feelings hurt.
17:23I'm surprised she's not smart enough to see through him.
17:26Oh, she's smart enough, George.
17:28She just doesn't want to.
17:30Well, she better not shine his shoes.
17:34What's so terrible about that?
17:36She won't shine my shoes.
17:37That's because she knows you're one prince charming who's already dated up for the picnic.
17:48They're practically shining so you can almost see yourself in them.
18:01You have to say something, Hazel.
18:03I got your shoes all shined.
18:05Gracias. Gracias.
18:07Hazel, you are a wonderful woman.
18:10Oh, wonderful in what way?
18:13Oh, in so many ways.
18:14Oh, yeah? How?
18:15First, you're the most fabulous cook that Pablo has ever known.
18:19You have darned my socks so carefully they will not make blisters.
18:23And you have shined my shoes so they are like mirrors.
18:26Now, what more could a man ask for?
18:28Oh, thanks, Pablo. Thanks.
18:31You have to go so soon?
18:33I am afraid so, Hazel.
18:35Well, here are your socks.
18:37A thousand thanks.
18:39But first, Pablo would like to do something for Hazel.
18:43He would?
18:45He would like to ask Hazel to go with him to the picnic of the sunshine girls.
18:51And he will not take no for an answer.
18:53Well, that wasn't exactly the answer I had in mind.
18:57Oh, I won't be a second.
18:59Oh, never mind. I will show myself out.
19:02Buenos noches.
19:03Buenos noches.
19:09Baxter residence.
19:11Hazel Burke.
19:12Have you vamped Pablo into taking you to the picnic?
19:15Well, I didn't exactly vamp him, but he's taken me.
19:18That's all I wanted to know.
19:24You can come back in now.
19:31I accept your invitation to the picnic.
19:34Oh, that's well, Rosie.
19:36Me and you will have us one wing ding at a time.
19:40Oh, hi, Mitch.
19:42Evening, Hazel. Is little Harold still up?
19:44Yeah, he's up in his room studying.
19:46Would you call him? I want to talk to him about something.
19:48Oh, sure.
19:51Yes, Hazel?
19:52Mitch is here. He wants to talk to you.
19:55What do you want to talk to him about?
19:57It don't concern you.
19:58Anything that concerns little Harold?
20:00No, it doesn't concern me at all.
20:02Well, what do you want to talk to him about?
20:05What do you want to talk to him about?
20:07It don't concern you.
20:08Anything that concerns little Harold concerns me.
20:11Hi, Mitch.
20:12Hi, Harold.
20:13I just dropped by to make an arrangement for rehearsing our act tomorrow.
20:16But you already made arrangements.
20:18You're going to meet here after school tomorrow.
20:20You know where Rosie lives, Harold?
20:22Yeah, over at the Craig's.
20:24What's that got to do with it?
20:25That's where we're going to be rehearsing our act from now on.
20:28How come?
20:29Well, Rosie's going to be my date for the picnic.
20:32Naturally, she's going to be announcing the act.
20:34But I'm going to do the announcing.
20:36I don't think that'd be fair to Rosie, Hazel.
20:38I'll see you over at Craig's tomorrow after school, Harold.
20:41So long, Hazel.
20:50Yes, Philip?
20:52You can be my date at the picnic,
20:54and you could announce my part of the act.
20:57But the only trouble is I already got a date with that local.
21:03Rosie won't be able to announce that part about how proud she is,
21:07because she helped raise me.
21:10You like that part, Spud?
21:13I guess it was my favorite.
21:15My favorite.
21:46It's me, Hazel.
21:49What are you doing thumping on my window?
21:51Well, I didn't want to wake up the Craig's, but I got to talk to you.
21:54I can't think of a single thing I want to talk to you about, Hazel Bird.
21:58It's about the picnic.
21:59I want to talk to you about swapping one Pablo Rivera for one Mitch Brady.
22:05Well, come on, Hazel.
22:06It's about the picnic.
22:07I want to talk to you about swapping one Pablo Rivera for one Mitch Brady.
22:13Well, come on, Hazel.
22:14Come on around the back, and I'll let you in.
22:19So, I think you ought to take Rosie to the picnic,
22:22because she can don socks and shine shoes just as good as I can.
22:26Of course, she ain't as terrific a cook,
22:28but the most important thing is that she'd have more time to take care of you
22:32till the Chili Counsel and his staff gets here.
22:34So, how is that?
22:35You know, the Craig's ain't got no kids,
22:37and the Baxter and me got little Harold to look after,
22:40and he takes up a lot of my time.
22:42So, what do you mean?
22:43So, I wouldn't be able to cook no more dinners for you.
22:46No more dinners?
22:47No more dinners.
22:49Pablo will speak to Rosie in the morning.
22:51Good night, Hazel.
22:56What about Rosie?
22:57Oh, I squared it with Rosie.
22:59I swapped a Pablo for you.
23:01Well, how about that?
23:04Well, how about that?
23:06So, will you take me?
23:07Sure shooting I will, sugar.
23:09Sure as you're ever shooting.
23:13And now, the wonderful team of Baxter and Brady
23:38will render for you their immortal version of Camp Town Races.
24:13Oh, well, take away Pablo's terrific physique
24:29and his wavy hair and his movie star face
24:32and his sexy voice and his hand kissing,
24:35and what have you got?
24:37Oh, shuck, sugar, that's easy.
24:39You got Mitch Brady.
25:13This has been a Screen Gems film production.