Twisters 2024 Action/Thriller 4DX Movie Review

  • 3 months ago
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00:00Hello everyone, now today I went to see a movie that I was hesitant to see. Now I did see the
00:10first Twister movie in the 90s and I saw it in the theater in Toronto but this theater in Toronto
00:16was one of my favorite theaters. It was called the Uptown and at the back it had it called Backstage.
00:22Backstage was a very small cinema and it was one of the same cinema but the Uptown had the film
00:29festival there, they had actors there, and one theater in particular was huge. Stadium seating,
00:37the sound system would shake the seats, and you would feel the wind. You would feel things because
00:44the sound system was so good. It didn't need 3D. The theater itself was incredible. So I saw the
00:54first Twister movie there in the front row with my feet up and there's a stadium there. So the
01:01person came on and said the theater will shake, there's not really a tornado, you know, and enjoy
01:08the picture. And he had to tell you that because the theater shook and it was an incredible experience.
01:15Nowadays theaters aren't as good as some of the older cinemas were and they tore down those cinemas.
01:22So when Twister came out I was like, eh, I didn't really want to see it. And there are a few days a
01:28week I put away my phone and I put away my camera and I just go for a walk. And this is one of the
01:35times I went for a walk and I saw Twister playing in 4D. Now 4DX or whatever they call it, 4DX I
01:45should know. And I've been to movies like that before but I keep on forgetting they exist. So
01:52there was only one seat available. They literally said it was sold out for that time. But I went up
01:59because sometimes they always have some seats open. Especially if it's only like one seat. Because
02:05most people go with two or three people or more. I always like going by myself in a lot of ways.
02:12Have I gone with people before? Yes. But a lot of times I like going by myself. The experience
02:18by myself I enjoy a little bit better than my friend hitting me in the shoulder and whispering
02:25in my ear. Quiet. Quiet on the set. I want to watch the movie and enjoy it. So I asked and they said
02:32yeah we have one seat available. And I was like I hope it's a good seat. And it was a seat I would
02:37normally pick. So that was cool. My mistake was that I should not have got popcorn. When you go
02:45into a 4DX movie if an explosion happens the explosion actually comes out. Not out of the
02:53screen. But they have all these things around to make the explosion. You see the explosion. You
02:59smell the explosion. So if it's foggy the whole cinema becomes foggy. If the whole if something
03:06shaking or you're flying a plane your seat moves. And there's settings. You can have it to maximum,
03:13low. And then there's also water settings. Well I had it all to maximum. I wanted to enjoy this. It
03:20cost 30 bucks. Now one of the actors too that I did not know was in it. And she's a young actress.
03:28Her name is Daisy Eager Jones. If I'm saying eager right I think. Or I'm not quite sure. But
03:36Daisy Jones. And she's she's known for Normal People. A TV series called Normal People that
03:43I've never seen. And she got her start in TV series. So she did two TV series prior to Normal
03:50People. But she is known for Normal People. And she's a wonderful wonderful actress. And I did
03:55see her once before on a Disney movie. I think it was a Disney movie called Flesh. And it's on
04:02Disney Channel now. Maybe that's why I think it's a Disney movie. And it's a horror thriller comedy
04:07type movie. And she was fantastic in that movie. So this was her fourth film I believe. So I think
04:14this is her first film that actually went to the theater. But I'm not sure. I I'm just not sure.
04:21She's a wonderful young actress. And I can't wait to see her in other stuff. And the movie focused
04:27on her. But the experience of seeing this movie with rain falling on you. And you felt like you
04:34were actually in the tornado. Sometimes I thought I was going to fall out of my seat. I was like
04:39whoa. I loved it. And popcorn kind of went all over the place. Some people my popcorn got wet.
04:46And that's why I shouldn't have bought popcorn to begin with. And people were screaming and yelling.
04:52People were having a blast. The movie itself was a simple story. Nothing really amazing.
04:59But the 4DX is what made the movie. And especially it being also in 3D. So this was an awesome
05:07awesome experience. If you've never experienced 4DX. Now if you have any sort of heart trouble
05:14or anything like that. Or smells bother you or give you a headache. Don't. Because these
05:19smells are strong. Like when you smell an explosion and see that kind of like explosion
05:25coming in your face. Some people might go cough. You know when you see you hear that wind. And you
05:32see that fog. And water squirting in your face. Like I said you can turn off some of these features.
05:38But why? You're paying 30 bucks. You want the full experience. And there's not a lot of people
05:43in there. This is way cinema should be. Especially for a movie like this. But the acting was great.
05:50It was a lot of fun. And it was very entertaining. It went by very quickly for a two hour movie.
05:57And when I got up I felt like I had a workout. Just to keep in the seat. So I give this movie
06:04for that experience. I give this movie a 9 out of 10. I really do. The experience was amazing.
06:10I had a blast. People talked about the experience afterwards. But if it was just that experience
06:16was not there. I give this movie a 7 point. A 7.5. It's still a very entertaining movie.
06:24A very entertaining movie. The acting was great. And I can't see what this Daisy actor does again.
06:32She played Kate in this movie. And there was also a man actor in here too. I haven't really seen him
06:38in too much. But he was quite good as well. All the acting was great. The dialogue was fun and corny.
06:46And it went by quickly. Where I thought it might go slow. Because it was a two hour movie.
06:51But what it was about. If you've seen the first Twister. These people try to analyze Twisters.
06:59Or tornadoes. They analyze them to see where they come from. How they can spot them before they tear
07:05up a town. But some corporations are evil. And they have a hidden agenda to find out this information.
07:15That was the first one. Maybe this one too. So it had a simple story. Something happened at the
07:20beginning. Where the actor Daisy. She's Kate in this one. Didn't want to do it anymore.
07:29So something drastically happened. Where she says I cannot do this anymore. Her friend comes and says
07:34we need you. We can do a 3D printing of the tornado and save many lives. So that got her
07:41interested to come back into the game. But as she's with that team. There's a team on YouTube
07:48that pops up. I can't remember the name. They gave themselves a name. And they did crazy things.
07:54Crazy things. And they kind of followed them around. I don't want to say anymore. I got to
08:01bite my tongue now. Because maybe I've also said too much. But it's a very entertaining movie.
08:07It's a lot of fun. See it in 4DX if you get the opportunity. Or see it at least in 3D. It's an
08:14awesome movie. 7.5 out of the 4D experience a 9. And right now I believe it has like a 7.1 out of
08:2410 on IBMD. I think it has 80% in Rotten Tomatoes. So it's doing well. And it's also doing well at
08:31the box office. All right everyone. But I'd like to know what they're going to call the third one.
08:35The third one. First one was Twister. This is Twister with an S at the end of it. What are
08:41they going to call the third one if they make a third one? All right everyone. Bye for now. Check
08:45out my movie reviews. Food reviews. I went to the RIV Fest. I have tours and interviewing people.
08:52Farmer's Market and much more. Thank you for watching. And have an incredible day everyone.
08:57And bye for now.
