• 3 months ago
Pemerintah telah menerima usulan pembentukan 7 Kawasan Ekonomi Khusus (KEK) baru dari para pelaku usaha dalam negeri. Salah satu KEK tersebut berlokasi di wilayah Ibu Kota Nusantara (IKN). Selain IKN, sebanyak 7 usulan KEK tersebut berlokasi di berbagai wilayah, mulai dari Pulau Jawa hingga Sulawesi.

Pelaksana Tugas Sekretaris Jenderal Dewan Nasional KEK Rizal Edwin Manansang, mengatakan saat ini usulan tersebut masih dalam tahap peninjauan oleh Pemerintah. Khusus untuk usulan KEK di IKN, Rizal membeberkan bahwa proyek tersebut akan berfokus pada penyediaan energi serta aktivitas pertambangan. Dia juga menyakinkan bahwa tujuh usulan KEK itu sudah diminati banyak investor dalam maupun luar negeri.


00:00The National Council of Special Economic Zones notes that investment in the Special Economic Zones during the first semester of 2024 reached Rp31.4 trillion.
00:19The realization is equivalent to 40% of the investment target in 2024, which is Rp78.1 trillion.
00:30The development of Special Economic Zones in various regions must be carried out by the government. This is in line with the potential of the economy of each region, which is considered to be quite even.
00:42In the National Council of Special Economic Zones notes, from 2012 to the first semester of 2024, it was noted that the investment has increased by Rp205.2 trillion.
00:55Even until now, as many as 20 Special Economic Zones have been formed. In addition, Special Economic Zones so far have absorbed 132,227 workers and 368 entrepreneurs.
01:10Meanwhile, the Special Economic Zone investment in the first semester of 2024, the National Council of Special Economic Zones notes that it has attracted Rp31.4 trillion.
01:19It is noted that 40% of the investment target in 2024 is Rp78.1 trillion.
01:27On the other hand, there are currently four new Special Economic Zones that have been proposed.
01:32The four are Nipah-Kepulauan Riau, Edutek Medica Internasional Banten, Pariwisata Kesehatan Internasional Batam-Kepulauan Riau, and Industri Hijau Bungku-Sulawesi Tengah.
01:43From Jakarta Tim Liputan, IDEC Channel.
02:13And there is already Mrs. Esther Sriastuti, Executive Director of INDEV. Good morning, Mrs. Esther.
02:19Good morning, Mr. Tas.
02:21Thank you for the opportunity, Mrs. Esther. We will review first.
02:25This is a Special Economic Zone, but now there are several.
02:28What is the perspective of INDEV?
02:30How far is the development and development of Special Economic Zones that already exist now?
02:37Yes, thank you.
02:39So, if I look at it, there are already 20 Special Economic Zones.
02:44But if you look at the development, it's just so-so.
02:52If you look at the data, it has already absorbed around Rp201 trillion.
02:58Meanwhile, the realization target is quite a lot.
03:04Well, for the first trillion, the investment realization in 2024 was around Rp401 trillion.
03:13So, in my opinion, this is quite enough to attract investment.
03:19However, in terms of development, the creation of employment, it was only Rp132,000.
03:29Around Rp132,000.
03:32Meanwhile, we still need more employment.
03:38Well, it means that the investment that comes in here is not yet easy to create employment.
03:45That's it, Mr. Tas, from me.
03:47Wow, even though we already have a lot.
03:49But what was expected, indeed, every economic development,
03:52a new economic zone, there is indeed a creation of employment.
03:55Especially for the people in the location of that economic zone,
03:59as you said, only around Rp132,000 of jobs have been absorbed.
04:04Well, if we talk about the development of a special economic zone,
04:08Mr. Eyad, maybe you can explain too.
04:10Is it really correct that it becomes the most ideal system
04:17if we talk about the development of an economic zone in Indonesia?
04:22Yes, this is in the context of, for example, equality and speed.
04:26So there is the word equality and speed.
04:29Equality in the sense of redistribution, not only to Java-centric, but Indonesia-centric.
04:36Now, the question and challenge is at the level of readiness in each area.
04:43This is the biggest obstacle.
04:45The first one is the support of facilities and facilities.
04:50Support, for example, from the energy side.
04:53Then, what is also interesting is in the context of the SDM.
04:57So the most interesting question is the technical aspect,
05:00and the non-technical aspect is sometimes balanced.
05:03So in the sense that when it is established, it becomes a task.
05:07Is it related to the infrastructure,
05:09it becomes the responsibility of the area manager
05:12or becomes the responsibility of the government.
05:15Now, the facts that happen must be broken down.
05:18From so many special economic areas,
05:20which is the area that grows faster?
05:23And second, in the context of being related to other services and distribution systems.
05:29For example, will it be in the area of special economic areas
05:33in the context as a hub or as an economic activity center?
05:37So, the capacity of support from the port, airport, transportation network,
05:43technology network, is it ready or not?
05:46Now, I also have a very interesting point of view.
05:49Do we need to evaluate from the energy of each special economic area?
05:54Second, on the achievement of the target.
05:56In this case, first, when it is given the ease of making a gap area,
06:02is there any kind of evaluation in the next 5-10 years?
06:07Or in the already existing economic areas,
06:09if it is not achieved, does it need to be evaluated?
06:12Where is the weakness so that the achievement is not maximal?
06:15So there is a change in regulation to attract,
06:18so that there is an acceleration of growth.
06:21Okay, but in your opinion, is it already designed from the beginning?
06:24As soon as a special economic area becomes a hub,
06:27then becomes an economic center,
06:29and so it will affect the availability of the infrastructure?
06:35Now, this is an interesting question.
06:37Who gave the recommendation to become a hub?
06:40When this initiative came up.
06:43We already have several areas.
06:45Suddenly there is an investor, there is an investor who says,
06:48I want to build this, but I ask for a license to get a special economic area.
06:54The question is,
06:56the recommendation to become a hub is like that.
06:59Is there any kind of key performance indicator?
07:02Or what indicators are applied?
07:05Because we know that each hub must have its own specialties.
07:09For example, there are several areas around Jakarta that want to be developed.
07:14For example, there is a model, for example, once in SDJ.
07:18There are two that are presented.
07:20In the context of education and in the context of health.
07:23There are areas in Batam,
07:26or other areas in the new Central Agro Industry Area.
07:32Now, when the license is given,
07:34is there any pressure or support given by the government?
07:40So the question is,
07:42if for example there is a PSN,
07:44PSN is actually not just a project,
07:48but there is some kind of incentive in it for acceleration.
07:52So behind this cake, what is actually behind the cake?
07:56Are there regulations that facilitate the growth?
08:00Is there an incentive from the APBN environment, for example,
08:03to support the sector in the context of growth acceleration?
08:07Because there are many in business like this,
08:09the external cost is sometimes not part of their investment.
08:13Okay, okay, okay.
08:14Okay, Mr. Yaya.
08:15Well, it's interesting.
08:16So, Mr. Esther, how about an in-depth review?
08:19That is, from the point of view of several challenges,
08:22how far is it, how big is it?
08:24What is the biggest benefit from the development of this special economic area
08:28to Indonesia's economy?
08:30Moreover, there will be a new cake addition later.
08:34Yes, I agree with Mr. Yaya.
08:37So this is actually not just a project,
08:42but we have to see the development again.
08:47So I'm more inclined to not build a special economic area
08:53but there are already 20 cakes,
08:57special economic areas in Indonesia,
08:59from Sabang to Merauke.
09:01But if we look again,
09:03how is the development,
09:05I myself also,
09:10if we talk about the special economic area of ​​Mandalika,
09:14it's just crowded if there's an event.
09:17Well, this is what is not expected.
09:20There should be an event or no event,
09:23it should still be crowded.
09:26The tourism economy must continue to grow.
09:30Then if we look again,
09:34Nongsa is an island in Batam,
09:37which I think is quite interesting
09:40to become a tourism cluster industry.
09:45Well, this is more like a digital park.
09:48Well, if we look at the development,
09:51it's still not crowded.
09:55The government should not waste money.
10:02So we have to build Nongsa first,
10:06then focus there.
10:08Then if it can attract investors,
10:12then we will clone it to other areas.
10:16So don't just sporadically
10:1920 special economic areas.
10:23Well, from the allocation side,
10:26APBN funds are also quite heavy.
10:29Well, secondly,
10:31if we look at the integration side,
10:35the so-called special economic areas
10:38that I see in several countries,
10:40because I happen to have a study
10:43comparing special economic zones
10:46in several countries,
10:47namely Singapore, Indonesia, Thailand,
10:50China, and Malaysia,
10:53they are very different.
10:56They are integrated,
10:58their special economic areas are integrated.
11:01If their special economic areas
11:04are in the form of industries,
11:06they are integrated with ports,
11:08with toll roads,
11:11with airports,
11:14so that when the industry
11:18from the special economic area
11:21can export and import within one day.
11:25So when they need raw materials for import
11:29or export the product,
11:31it can be done in one day.
11:33This has not happened in our country.
11:36Not yet.
11:39Well, that's it.
11:41How effective is it
11:43if this special economic area can increase
11:45the national economic outlook in general
11:47if the locations have been adjusted?
11:50What was emphasized by Mr. Eyad
11:52is whether the infrastructure already supports
11:54one area,
11:55whether it becomes a hub or an economic center.
11:58We will discuss it again in the next segment, Mr. Eyad and Mr. Esther.
12:01We will be back after the break.
12:31I would like to ask the audience,
12:34how is it that the presence of the Special Economic Area,
12:37the location of the Special Economic Area,
12:39is in line with the vision and mission of the Special Economic Area?
12:43If you look at it,
12:45from the perspective of infrastructure development,
12:47related to distribution channels and others,
12:49which is also emphasized by Mr. Esther from Indep.
12:52Yes, what Mr. Esther said is true.
12:55First, in the context of accelerating regional growth,
13:00we need growth centers.
13:02One of the ways to accelerate growth
13:05is by building CAG in the forest.
13:08But the question is,
13:10what is the function in the context of regional contribution?
13:14Because as Mr. Esther said,
13:16the CAG is built, the industry is built,
13:18but the SDM is not there.
13:20If we compare it to Vietnam,
13:22when there is a plan to invest in the digital sector,
13:26the digital industry,
13:27Vietnam has prepared thousands of human resources
13:31that can enter and be accommodated in that area.
13:35So sometimes,
13:37the permit or status is easily provided,
13:40but in the context of the preparation of human resources development in the region.
13:45So the distribution in the region.
13:47So it means that in the region,
13:49if the type of industry is built,
13:51is there a support human resource?
13:53How is the energy supply?
13:55How is the efficiency in the context of ease?
13:58Then in the context of logistical needs.
14:01So each region does need a growth center,
14:04but not all growth centers can grow as expected.
14:09Okay, but if we look at the existing conditions,
14:12what do you think?
14:13Because we want to add new CAGs,
14:16does it need to be re-researched?
14:18Do we need more comprehensive research?
14:22Yes, what's interesting now is
14:24where is the CAG distribution more?
14:27CAG in Java Island is faster than CAG outside Java Island.
14:32Because we do compare.
14:34Java's infrastructure performance is indeed better.
14:37The market is bigger, the resources are better.
14:40Now, if later what is developed in Batak,
14:43what kind of industry is it?
14:45Then how is the function of the relationship?
14:48There are indeed some thoughts that have been done.
14:51For example, how Batak becomes a hub,
14:54becomes an industry development pattern
14:57for the Sumatra region.
14:59But the question is,
15:00the area is built,
15:02but in the context of infrastructure support,
15:04the area is not ready.
15:06Because in the area, this is a central area.
15:09Only the fiscal capacity of the area,
15:12not all areas are ready.
15:13So this is interesting.
15:14This is for the friends of the region,
15:16Hanogra or Musibah.
15:18This is interesting.
15:20When we have never been to Batak,
15:22try to check again,
15:23the regional head of the regional government,
15:26their RKPD,
15:28is there a relationship,
15:29a synergistic relationship,
15:31between the presence of this CAG
15:33with the support of the existing development plan?
15:37Especially related to their fiscal capacity.
15:40So, in fact, this is already central.
15:43Please develop it, we are waiting.
15:46This is interesting, Mr. Yed.
15:47We will divide the portion again.
15:50How do you see it,
15:52with the condition that,
15:53is it centralist,
15:54if we look at the development of the special economic zone in Indonesia,
15:57so that the involvement of the region,
15:59can it also be fully integrated
16:04with their work program
16:07in one year or five years,
16:09as long as they are in charge.
16:13Yes, it is not yet integrated.
16:16So, we still have a task,
16:19coordination and policy integration,
16:23both from the center and to the regional level.
16:28So, this becomes a task
16:32that must be found a solution.
16:37Don't let the existence of the special economic zone
16:41that is abandoned,
16:42doesn't have an extraordinary multiplier effect.
16:47It was supposed to be a growth pool,
16:51but it turns out,
16:54it doesn't have the legal power
16:56for a fairly large economic growth.
17:00So, how is the government's effort
17:02that this special economic zone
17:05will also correlate with the intensity of investment
17:09or investment realization in Indonesia?
17:12Well, it shouldn't be like a project chasing after a shadow.
17:16We have to keep building.
17:18Let's first look at the 20 special economic zones,
17:22what is the performance like?
17:24So, is there a key PI?
17:29I agree with what Mr. Yahyat said earlier.
17:32So, there must be a key performance indicator.
17:35If it's okay,
17:38for example, the impact of economic growth
17:41is already quite high,
17:44we can continue to build.
17:47But this is not yet.
17:4920 special economic zones each have their own problems.
17:53So, for example,
17:56Mandalika, I went there,
17:59it's quiet.
18:01If there is an event, it will be crowded again.
18:06Well, don't let this happen.
18:10Then Batam, for example, which will be a hub,
18:14it turns out that we haven't been able to compete with Singapore.
18:19That's how it is.
18:20So, what strategy?
18:21What kind of innovation or solution
18:24that may need to be taken care of?
18:26Remember, okay, we were able to review it again
18:29with existing special economic zones,
18:30but what about the addition of new special economic zones?
18:34Yes, if you look at the theory,
18:40I was doing a research on this special economic zone
18:44using Michael Porter's theory.
18:47So, we have to map it first.
18:50Is there demand-driven?
18:54Is there a demand for products in the area?
18:59Is there a supply?
19:02Then, is there an infrastructure?
19:05Is there a regulation from the government?
19:08Then, is there a supporting industry?
19:11So, there are four diamonds in Michael Porter's theory
19:15that must be fulfilled.
19:17So, when it's fulfilled,
19:21just focus on developing it.
19:24That's CMAS.
19:26I don't see it.
19:28Sometimes it's just demand
19:31and supply, but the infrastructure is not ready.
19:34The regulation is not ready.
19:36That's how it is.
19:38Mr. Eya, lastly, what is your view
19:41when you see the potential,
19:43the optimism from the presence of the KAEK
19:45can move not only the national precolumnia,
19:47but also in the area where the KAEK is located?
19:50What kind of workforce is still under the line?
19:55For example, I learned from the evaluation
19:57when I was given the opportunity
20:01to invest in these economic growth centers.
20:05There are some areas that actually
20:07the support is ready,
20:09the infrastructure is ready,
20:11but in the context of investment,
20:13it is not interested.
20:15The question is, what is behind
20:17the lack of interest
20:18when the investment enters the area?
20:20Maybe there are some examples, for example,
20:23is there any kind of guarantee
20:26if there is, I'm sorry,
20:28a delay in the investment,
20:30is it protected?
20:31With existing regulations, for example.
20:33For example, like this.
20:35When the government gives a mandate
20:38to a BUMN to build a toll road in Sumatra,
20:42frankly, the risk of investment is high.
20:45The potential of economic recovery is also long.
20:48But the regulation protects
20:50the potential of its continuation
20:52can be maintained by the business body.
20:55The second is also in the context of
20:57who manages this economic area?
21:00Is it the business body,
21:02or in the context of investment
21:05that the infrastructure has entered?
21:08Then the last one, in my opinion,
21:10let's evaluate first.
21:12In my opinion, with the two experts earlier,
21:14we evaluate the keynames of each area
21:18where the delay is.
21:20If the delay is in the context of, for example,
21:23the development of the next step
21:25because there is a problem with the infrastructure,
21:27we fix the infrastructure.
21:29Lack of power source,
21:31we optimize the lack of power source.
21:33Because usually, if the SDM needs to be simple,
21:36the investor asks there,
21:38can you take the SDM from outside?
21:40Can you do it from the outside?
21:42In the context of the condition,
21:44they want to invest in our place.
21:46Okay, Mr. Yatidudiah,
21:48there are many things that need to be reviewed,
21:50but I still have one question that I'm curious about.
21:52Will we have one condition,
21:56In the sense of the presence of KEK itself.
21:58Mrs. Esther can answer this.
22:03Until now, it's not overcapacity,
22:06it's undercapacity.
22:09Because we see
22:11this one specific economic area
22:13can't be crowded yet.
22:17Whereas our target is,
22:20for example, if we talk about CE Mangke,
22:23it's to focus on the palm oil industry.
22:28Well, over there,
22:30it's not yet integrated
22:33with the port,
22:35with the road.
22:38So, if you want to make a derivative product from palm oil,
22:44it's still difficult,
22:45there is no sporting industry yet.
22:48So, this is still a lot of work, actually.
22:51Don't let this be just a project,
22:55but it has to be integrated
22:59with several infrastructures,
23:01the demand condition,
23:03what the supply is like,
23:05what the sporting industry is like.
23:09That's it.
23:10So, I still have a lot of work.
23:13Yes, that's it.
23:14The notes that have been delivered
23:16by our comprehensive resources today,
23:18related to the SEK,
23:19how this integration becomes the key,
23:21then what the demand is like,
23:23then the benefits felt from the presence of the SEK
23:27to the regional economy,
23:29or national,
23:30that is also the most important
23:31and the supply of workers in Indonesia.
23:34Okay, Mr. Yaya, thank you very much
23:35for the sharing that you have delivered.
23:37Mr. Esther, thank you for the analysis
23:38that you have also given to the audience today.
23:41Happy to continue your activities again.
23:43Stay healthy.
23:44Mr. Esther, Mr. Yaya, thank you.
23:46Okay, thank you.
24:11Thank you.
24:41Thank you.
25:11Thank you.
