Destino y Amor Cap 13 en Español Latino

  • 3 months ago
Destino y Amor Cap 13 en Español Latino


00:00:00Destino y Amor, una encantadora coincidencia.
00:00:37El culpable debería presentarse.
00:00:40Si leyó este mensaje, no puede estar en paz.
00:01:00¿Por qué no llegará?
00:01:23Oigan, ¿están bien?
00:01:25Por poco nos matas, deberías tener más cuidado.
00:01:30En verdad lo lamento. Me haré completamente responsable.
00:01:33Yo pagaré los gastos del hospital.
00:01:35Ahora ya tengo que irme, pero después hablaremos del dinero.
00:01:39Está bien. Estamos a unos tres metros de la entrada de Purenhaneul.
00:01:43Apresúrate, ¿sí?
00:01:44¿Sí? No lo creo, señor.
00:01:46Si se va ahora, seguramente va a afugarse.
00:01:49Va a tener que acompañarnos hasta el hospital.
00:01:51¡Esto fue su culpa!
00:01:52Oye, ¿no crees que deberíamos llamar a la policía?
00:01:55Antes deberíamos llamar al seguro y tomar unas fotos.
00:01:58Ah, de acuerdo, lo entiendo.
00:02:01Solo debo hacer una llamada, ¿sí? No me tardaré. Por favor.
00:02:11¿Dónde estás? ¿Por qué no has llegado?
00:02:13Tayhí, no voy a poder llegar.
00:02:16Ay, ¿de qué hablas? ¿Qué voy a hacer sola?
00:02:19Ya iba para allá. Sin embargo, tuve un conflicto. Ya no podré irme de aquí.
00:02:24Ay, no puede ser. ¿Y qué debo hacer ahora?
00:02:27Yo no podré llegar. Así que deberías ir tú sola.
00:02:31Ya casi es hora. Mejor date prisa.
00:02:33Si se publica el video, estaremos acabados.
00:02:36Vete de una vez. El arboreto está cerca. Ve ya.
00:02:39Ay, de acuerdo. Voy para allá. Adiós.
00:02:51Quien llega a este lugar es quien secuestró a Yonkyu.
00:04:20¿Quién es ese?
00:04:22No puedo creerlo.
00:04:27¿Quién es ese?
00:04:48Tengo un mensaje para usted.
00:04:58El trato ha sido cancelado. Vete de inmediato.
00:05:16¿Ya le diste el mensaje?
00:05:17Sí. Ya le entregué el mensaje.
00:05:28¿Qué está pasando?
00:05:30¿No va a venir?
00:05:34¿Lo debo esperar?
00:06:15El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:18¿Qué voy a hacer ahora?
00:06:27El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:29El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:31El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:33El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:35El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:37El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:39El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:41El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:43El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:45El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:47El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:49El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:51El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:53El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:55El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:57El culpable no se resultó.
00:06:59El culpable no se resultó.
00:07:01El culpable no se resultó.
00:07:22¿Cómo te has sentido?
00:07:26Me duele la cabeza y me empezó a doler el cuerpo.
00:07:29Estoy tan triste que no tengo ánimos para salir al cine ni para cenar.
00:07:33Lo siento, de verdad.
00:07:35¿Tomaste medicina?
00:07:39No salir hoy no significa que nunca lo haremos.
00:07:42Después haremos algo juntos.
00:07:47¿Qué tienes?
00:07:55¿Y tú? ¿Cena algo?
00:07:58Antes tengo cosas que hacer.
00:08:01Solo no olvides comer.
00:08:21¿Por qué no se habrá presentado el culpable?
00:08:24Estaba seguro de que sí irían.
00:08:51Director Johnson.
00:08:56¿Por qué me llama tan tarde?
00:09:01Hola, buenas noches, director.
00:09:03Kongshim, lamento llamar a esta hora.
00:09:07No se preocupe.
00:09:10Ya salgo tarde, ¿cierto?
00:09:12No, tranquilo, no hay problema.
00:09:15Kongshim, ¿por qué me llama tan tarde?
00:09:18No, tranquilo, no hay problema.
00:09:20Kongshim, en verdad lo lamento.
00:09:23No debería hacer esto... ebrio.
00:09:26¿No está en casa?
00:09:28¿Salió a beber solo?
00:09:30Yo... solo bebí un poco.
00:09:34Director, ¿pero se encuentra bien?
00:09:39Sí, me encuentro bien. Solo quise llamar.
00:09:43Kongshim, lo siento tanto.
00:09:49Lamento mucho molestarte.
00:09:58¿Qué habrá sucedido?
00:10:13Llamada de Kongshim.
00:10:20Director, soy Kongshim.
00:10:22¿Dónde está? Dígamelo.
00:10:24¡Ay! ¡Director!
00:10:26¡No puedo cargarlo!
00:10:39¡Vamos! ¡Entre!
00:10:42No, sube tú. Quiero que llegues bien a tu casa.
00:10:46Tranquilo, usted lo necesita más que yo. ¡Vamos!
00:10:49No puedo dejarte aquí sola tan tarde.
00:10:54Por favor.
00:10:56Solo a la entrada de mi vecindario.
00:10:58Y usted se va a su casa, ¿de acuerdo?
00:11:00Está bien. Entra.
00:11:15Oiga, Director. Le traje algo de agua para que beba.
00:11:19Director, le traje algo de agua para que beba.
00:11:35Director, ¿está dormido?
00:11:38¿Qué hago?
00:11:50¿Qué pasó, Kongshim?
00:11:52Ayúdame. Necesito que vengas.
00:11:55¿Qué? ¿Qué sucede? ¿Dónde estás?
00:11:58Estoy en nuestro vecindario en el parque. Estoy con el director.
00:12:03Es solo que está ebrio. Y me quedé con él.
00:12:07¿Entonces ahora estás con Johnson?
00:12:09Sí. Ven, por favor.
00:12:11De acuerdo. En un momento voy.
00:12:19De acuerdo.
00:12:50Ven, ayúdame.
00:12:56¿Qué le ocurrió?
00:12:58No tengo idea de lo que le pasó. Solo sé que bebió demasiado.
00:13:03Y me llamó estando ebrio.
00:13:05Fui a verlo porque me preocupaba.
00:13:07Cuando lo grabé, no había nada.
00:13:10No sé qué le pasó.
00:13:12Solo sé que bebió demasiado.
00:13:14Y me llamó estando ebrio.
00:13:16Fui a verlo porque me preocupaba.
00:13:18Cuando lo vi, estaba mucho peor.
00:13:21Después intenté enviarlo a casa en un taxi.
00:13:24Pero él insistió en que lo compartiéramos y aquí estamos.
00:13:29Hiciste lo correcto.
00:13:31Yo siento que moriré pronto.
00:13:45Creo que se quedó dormido por beber demasiado.
00:13:47Deberíamos llevarlo a casa.
00:13:49¿Me ayudas a levantarlo?
00:14:06La mitad.
00:14:09Muy bien.
00:14:11Cuidado con su cabeza.
00:14:16Le quitaré esto.
00:14:24Te agradezco mucho.
00:14:25De hecho, creo que hiciste más que yo.
00:14:29Me pregunto qué fue lo que le pasó.
00:14:31Yo también.
00:14:35Que descanses.
00:14:36Me voy.
00:14:38Nos vemos.
00:15:15¿Dónde estoy?
00:15:45Descansa, Dante.
00:16:16Johnson ha despertado.
00:16:18¿En serio?
00:16:20¿Qué es esto?
00:16:22Es un jugo que yo misma preparé.
00:16:31¿Cómo durmió, director?
00:16:35Buenos días.
00:16:37¿Cómo está?
00:16:43Buenos días.
00:16:45¿Todo en orden?
00:16:48Todo bien.
00:16:49¿Recuerdas qué pasó?
00:16:51Kong Shim me trajo a esta habitación.
00:16:54Sí, director.
00:16:55Así es.
00:16:56Toma esto.
00:16:57Ayudará con la resaca.
00:16:59Ustedes quédense conversando mientras preparo una sopa que también le ayudará.
00:17:04No es necesario, Kong Shim.
00:17:06Ya me voy.
00:17:07¿Por qué?
00:17:08Te preparo un jugo.
00:17:09Estoy muy ocupado.
00:17:11Kong Shim, gracias.
00:17:13Dante, lamento la molestia.
00:17:16Ya me voy.
00:17:34¿Ustedes ya fueron al templo?
00:17:36Así es.
00:17:37Fuimos temprano esta mañana de visita.
00:17:40Que le vaya bien.
00:17:48Ven a sentarte.
00:17:50Es increíble.
00:17:51Me sorprende lo estricta que es esa mujer.
00:17:53Va a ir sola al aniversario luctuoso de su hijo.
00:17:56En verdad me parece increíble.
00:17:58No se sentiría tan sola si su nieto estuviera aquí con ella.
00:18:02Al menos pienso que alguien debería acompañarla.
00:18:05Ya se lo hemos dicho varias veces.
00:18:07Sin embargo, ella insiste en ir sola.
00:18:10Es justo por eso que te dije que no puedo creer lo estricta que es esa mujer.
00:18:14Ay, ya pasó demasiado tiempo.
00:18:16Ay, creo que han pasado 20 años desde que el padre de Junpyo falleció en ese fatal accidente.
00:18:27Ya estoy aquí.
00:18:28¡Qué bien!
00:18:29Ya llegó Yunso.
00:18:31Debiste haber venido a pasar la noche en casa sin importar lo mucho que hayas bebido.
00:18:36Así podría haber cuidado de ti.
00:18:39Lo siento.
00:18:41Madre, ¿cómo te has sentido?
00:18:44Ya no estoy enferma.
00:18:45Me siento mejor.
00:18:49Oye, Yunso.
00:18:51¿Sabes que hoy es el aniversario luctuoso de tu tío?
00:18:56Hoy es el día en el que el padre de Junpyo falleció.
00:19:00Ah, sí.
00:19:01Entonces, tendrás que ir al templo conmemorativo.
00:19:05Todos nosotros ya fuimos esta mañana.
00:19:07De acuerdo.
00:19:09Pero el nombre del templo es Juan, ¿no es cierto?
00:19:13Así es.
00:19:14Conmemorativo Juan.
00:19:22¿Qué es lo que pasa?
00:19:24¿Estás bien?
00:19:47Conmemorativo Juan.
00:19:53¡No puede ser!
00:19:56¿Qué pasa?
00:19:57¿No te gusta?
00:19:58No, I'm allergic. I don't eat eggs.
00:20:00I don't eat them either.
00:20:02It's just that I inherited that allergy from my father.
00:20:05That's incredible.
00:20:07Apparently, you and I...
00:20:10a great list of things in common, don't you think?
00:20:23Could it be that Dante...
00:20:28is jumping off?
00:20:58No, I don't think so.
00:21:00I don't think so.
00:21:02I don't think so.
00:21:04I don't think so.
00:21:06I don't think so.
00:21:08I don't think so.
00:21:10I don't think so.
00:21:12I don't think so.
00:21:14I don't think so.
00:21:16I don't think so.
00:21:18I don't think so.
00:21:20I don't think so.
00:21:22I don't think so.
00:21:24I don't think so.
00:21:26I don't think so.
00:21:47What's wrong?
00:21:51Let's go.
00:22:12Let's go.
00:22:13Take her to the hospital.
00:22:14I'll see you there.
00:22:16No, no, no.
00:22:17There's no need to go to the hospital.
00:22:20I feel better now.
00:22:22I think I'll just get dizzy for a moment.
00:22:25Are you really okay, Grandma?
00:22:27I'll be fine after I rest.
00:22:29Still, I think it's best if we go to the hospital.
00:22:32Yes, that's fine, son.
00:22:34But please stay here.
00:22:38Okay, I'll stay here.
00:22:47Thank you.
00:22:55Thank you.
00:23:25Thank you.
00:23:46That was very close.
00:23:49You were about to see Gensou.
00:23:52It didn't happen.
00:23:54I'm fine thanks to you.
00:23:56Don't you think Gensou knows something and that's why he came?
00:24:01I don't think so.
00:24:03I think it was just a coincidence.
00:24:06Junpyo, I want to know how much longer are we going to hide?
00:24:13Grandma, you promised not to call me Junpyo yet.
00:24:20Call me Dante, at least until we can tell people the truth.
00:24:26Until then, I'm Dante.
00:24:28Yes, of course.
00:24:30I agree, Dante.
00:24:34I don't care if your name is Junpyo or if it's Dante.
00:24:39What matters is that I found you.
00:24:42I feel like I'm living in a cloud.
00:24:46I feel like this since I saw you again.
00:24:50The moment you told me you were Junpyo...
00:24:56I felt like I had nothing to regret.
00:25:08It's good to see you.
00:25:10You don't look well.
00:25:14We haven't talked for a month.
00:25:17Tell me where you were.
00:25:20It's just that...
00:25:22Go on.
00:25:24I think...
00:25:26I found Junpyo.
00:25:33What did you say?
00:25:35You found our Junpyo?
00:25:39Are you serious?
00:25:42Answer me.
00:25:44Tell me now.
00:25:46Tell me if what you're telling me is true.
00:25:49Did you find him?
00:25:52You said you found him.
00:25:54Tell me now.
00:26:02Analysis results.
00:26:04Is this the result of my genetic test?
00:26:07Yes, indeed.
00:26:10This is the result of your genetic test.
00:26:13It's the one that was already given to you.
00:26:15And well...
00:26:17This is Junpyo's genetic result.
00:26:20The DNA matches.
00:26:23The DNA really matches?
00:26:29That confirms that he is my grandson.
00:26:33Where is he? Who is he?
00:26:36In fact...
00:26:41I think I am Junpyo.
00:27:10Where have you been all this time?
00:27:13I can't believe you were so close, Junpyo.
00:27:23I'm sorry.
00:27:26I'm sorry, Grandma.
00:27:32Please don't go.
00:27:39Don't leave again, please.
00:27:45I won't go anywhere.
00:27:50I won't disappear again, Grandma.
00:28:06Only you and I know that I am Junpyo until we catch the culprit.
00:28:14But it is very important that it is a secret.
00:28:17All right.
00:28:19That's how it will be until you catch the culprit.
00:28:23I know the kidnapper is in this company.
00:28:27To know who he is, I will need to work in the company.
00:28:31All right.
00:28:33To be able to move freely, I will be the secretary of the presidency.
00:28:38Since that is a position of respect.
00:28:41Yes, of course.
00:28:43So I'll have to send the current secretary somewhere so that the position is vacant?
00:28:50Yes, Grandma.
00:28:52You don't have to tell my secretary to leave.
00:28:58So this man, Andante, has the position of secretary?
00:29:03That's right. There was a position of secretary available and I decided to hire him.
00:29:09Let's go.
00:29:28Tell me why you keep crying.
00:29:31I cry when I remember that you told me that you were Junpyo.
00:29:35And I can't help it.
00:29:42I thought the culprit would show up at the arboretum.
00:29:46My plan failed.
00:29:50I don't care anymore if you find him.
00:29:54I am satisfied to have you with me.
00:29:57I'm worried that you risk your life looking for him.
00:30:00I want you to be safe.
00:30:02But I also want to tell everyone.
00:30:08I want to tell you that Junpyo is back.
00:30:11I want you to know the truth.
00:30:13Only then can we live in peace.
00:30:19I'm sorry, Grandma.
00:30:21We have to wait a little longer.
00:30:24Because the same person who kidnapped me...
00:30:29caused my mother to die in a car accident the day of my kidnapping.
00:30:34And left my father in a coma.
00:30:37That's why I have to capture him.
00:30:41I just...
00:30:45I ask you to be patient, Grandma.
00:30:48We have to wait a little longer.
00:30:51Of course.
00:30:53It must be difficult for you.
00:31:01Don't you have good news?
00:31:10In fact...
00:31:13I think I have a big problem.
00:31:21It's just that there's a girl I really like.
00:31:24Don't tell me.
00:31:26Who is the girl?
00:31:28Now you'll have to introduce her to me.
00:31:31My heart is racing.
00:31:33I really would like to meet that girl.
00:31:38It's true that I like that girl a lot.
00:31:42But I have felt very confused.
00:31:45And I can't tell her that I love her.
00:31:50Since in the last few days...
00:31:53I don't know if I'm Junpyo or Dante.
00:31:58Until I catch the culprit...
00:32:00I will live as I do today.
00:32:03But my adoptive father who raised me...
00:32:07He can die at any moment.
00:32:09It's too much.
00:32:12That's why I...
00:32:15I won't tell you right now.
00:32:19My whole life is so confusing.
00:32:23Because I don't want secrets.
00:32:28But I won't even be able to tell you who I really am.
00:32:33Telling you what I feel wouldn't be honest for me.
00:32:36If I'm going to hide who I really am anyway.
00:32:42I love her.
00:32:44And it hurts me not to be able to tell her.
00:32:48That's the problem, Grandma.
00:32:51And if the girl misinterprets everything and goes for it?
00:32:56That's my fear.
00:33:01She's a girl I can't let go.
00:33:06Son, listen.
00:33:09I'm sorry to cause you this.
00:33:25Dante? Dante?
00:33:29The door is open.
00:33:36You're early.
00:33:38Yes, I just got here.
00:33:45They're for the movies. The restaurant owner gave them to me.
00:33:48I think it's because they expire today.
00:33:50We should see a movie. They expire today.
00:33:54Use it.
00:33:56Of course, if you don't want to, don't do it.
00:33:59You don't feel obligated to use it.
00:34:07It's just that I have a lot of things to do, so I don't think I can go to the movies.
00:34:11Invite someone else.
00:34:14It didn't work.
00:34:17Okay, I'll get rid of him.
00:34:19Yeah? I don't care.
00:34:23It's so hot.
00:34:25Okay, see you.
00:34:37And I don't care how you react or how you behave.
00:34:44So it doesn't matter if you reject my feelings.
00:34:47I assure you that I will keep doing it.
00:34:53I love you.
00:35:05Half an hour to start.
00:35:08Should I go to the movies to see the movie with her?
00:35:16I don't think so.
00:35:18After going to the movies together, I won't be able to leave her.
00:35:23I don't know.
00:35:31Great, great.
00:35:33Now that everything is messy, I won't find her.
00:35:43It's Kong Shim.
00:35:45What do I do?
00:35:47It can't be.
00:35:49Where is it?
00:35:50I lost it.
00:35:52I lost it.
00:35:53I don't know where it is.
00:36:06Kong Shim, are you watering?
00:36:09Yes, I want to give one to the owner of the octopus restaurant.
00:36:13Between that and this plant, which one do you think is better?
00:36:18That one.
00:36:20That one?
00:36:21Then I'll give you that one.
00:36:27Listen, about the movie, about that ticket...
00:36:32Forget it.
00:36:34It's okay, forget it.
00:36:35You can be calm.
00:36:36When you don't want to do something, you just have to tell me.
00:36:39I prefer you to be direct.
00:36:42No, I have no problem with that.
00:36:45I understand.
00:36:46You have work.
00:36:48It wasn't that.
00:36:50Kong Shim, what I'm trying to say is that...
00:36:53Oh, you really don't need to give me an explanation.
00:36:57I invited you, but you couldn't go.
00:37:01That's all.
00:37:03I have to go.
00:37:13I'm a failure.
00:37:17I'm a failure.
00:37:32Where are you going?
00:37:35To cut my hair.
00:37:37Oh, really?
00:37:39That's good, because there were several things I wanted to tell you about your haircut.
00:37:42I'll go with you.
00:37:43I also need a change.
00:37:45Can I take advantage of it today?
00:37:51Do wigs also get cut?
00:37:54No, it's for my real hair.
00:37:56Let's go.
00:37:57I'm going to a men's hairdresser.
00:38:02Oh, what a pity.
00:38:04Let's go.
00:38:16Good morning.
00:38:18Come in, please.
00:38:24This way.
00:38:35Oh, hello, sir.
00:38:38How are you?
00:38:39Will you cut your hair?
00:38:41No, I'll get a treatment.
00:38:43Kong Shim always talks to me about hair treatments, and today she brought me here.
00:38:48She's an extraordinary daughter.
00:39:03You put all the treatment my dad needs, okay?
00:39:06Yes, of course.
00:39:08And this boy, who has hair like an old man,
00:39:12it's better that you be careful and don't cut too much on the sides.
00:39:15Just the front.
00:39:16I think he has a lot of hair on the front.
00:39:18That's not attractive.
00:39:19Don't cut too much either, it's going to look very strange.
00:39:24There's a lot back there too.
00:39:25It's so much that it looks like his hair is too thick.
00:39:29But it can be fixed.
00:39:31Just be careful, please.
00:39:34It's in your hands.
00:39:39How do you want your haircut?
00:39:43Please do what she said.
00:39:45Of course.
00:40:04One second!
00:40:09Remember not to cut too much on the sides.
00:40:20I'll wash your hair.
00:40:25Come with me, okay?
00:40:26Of course.
00:40:35Oh, it's true.
00:40:37I'm on my way.
00:40:38Just give me five minutes.
00:40:44I forgot Mom and I were going shopping.
00:40:47I have to go.
00:40:48Run, run.
00:41:08Hey, did you hear?
00:41:11Kong Shim had to go.
00:41:13They called him for a business trip.
00:41:16The owner of the octopus restaurant showed him a place where he wants to decorate the walls.
00:41:21My dear Shim is very excited to be able to make money with his art.
00:41:27That's great.
00:41:28It's just that my wife and I will be busy.
00:41:32I'm worried not to be able to go.
00:41:34Don't worry.
00:41:35I can take Kong Shim tomorrow.
00:41:37You know, I didn't want to ask you for that favor.
00:41:40Shim told me you've been very busy these days.
00:41:44Fortunately, tomorrow I have all day off.
00:41:48Then I'm counting on you.
00:41:51I'll take her.
00:41:52You don't have to worry about anything.
00:41:54Thank you very much.
00:41:55Of course.
00:41:57I'll take her.
00:41:58You don't have to worry about anything.
00:42:00Thank you very much.
00:42:01Of course.
00:42:23I don't know if I'll be okay alone.
00:42:27Should I ask Dante to go with me?
00:42:33I don't know.
00:42:34He's going to tell me he's busy.
00:42:39Hey, Gunam.
00:42:41You can be calm.
00:42:42I don't have dinner here tonight.
00:42:44Will you go out for dinner, Dante?
00:42:46I would like to have something different for dinner.
00:42:48Yes, whenever you want, just let me know.
00:42:50Thank you.
00:43:09You must hurry.
00:43:10Later there will be a lot of traffic.
00:43:14I mean your business trip.
00:43:17How do you know that?
00:43:19I talked to your father and he asked me to go with you.
00:43:23So you're going with me?
00:43:25Are you serious?
00:43:27Yes, of course.
00:43:28Your father asked me as a favor.
00:43:31And since I have nothing to do today ...
00:43:34Do you like sashimi?
00:43:36They do it in the place where we go.
00:43:38And the owner promised me that he would give me a lot of sashimi.
00:43:41I didn't want to eat alone.
00:43:42I'm glad you're going.
00:43:43Thank you.
00:43:46We're late.
00:43:47Let's go.
00:43:51Get in that car.
00:43:53I asked for it in the company.
00:44:11Aren't you tired of driving?
00:44:13I'm fine.
00:44:14I'm fine.
00:44:21If you want to sleep, do it.
00:44:24No, of course not.
00:44:26It's rude for the copilot to sleep.
00:44:33Last night I drew a sketch and I couldn't sleep.
00:44:44Mask gum keeps me awake.
00:45:02Don't fall asleep.
00:45:04Wake up.
00:45:05Don't dream.
00:45:07Don't dream.
00:45:12Don't dream.
00:45:37Don't dream.
00:45:52My head.
00:45:57I'm sorry.
00:45:58I didn't want to fall asleep.
00:45:59Hey, this car isn't mine.
00:46:01Be very careful.
00:46:03I thought you'd break the window.
00:46:05I'm sorry.
00:46:08Oh, come on.
00:46:14Do you want to rest a little?
00:46:17It would be good.
00:46:26This luggage is very heavy.
00:46:28No, it can't be.
00:46:29There's one more to go.
00:46:31There it is.
00:46:33Give me that.
00:46:34Isn't that a lot of trouble?
00:46:35Of course not.
00:46:36Give it to me.
00:46:37Thank you.
00:46:38There it is.
00:46:39It's all ready.
00:46:40Are you 32?
00:46:42I think you'd be a perfect son-in-law.
00:46:45We have a daughter.
00:46:47And they're the same age.
00:46:49Her name is Bae Eun-sol.
00:46:51She's 32 and she's a very pretty girl.
00:46:53Hey, what are you talking about?
00:46:55I don't know how you come up with saying these things to this young man.
00:46:59Before she gets married.
00:47:03Yes, it's true.
00:47:05Do you like older women?
00:47:07Our oldest daughter is called Bae Eun-chul.
00:47:11She's older than you.
00:47:12She's 39 years old.
00:47:14But she's not that different.
00:47:25Are you helping these gentlemen?
00:47:28Yes, yes.
00:47:31We have to go now.
00:47:36See you.
00:47:38See you later.
00:47:39Bye, honey.
00:47:43Come on.
00:47:44Get in, we have to go.
00:47:55You know...
00:47:57I only told you, honey, to help you get out of that situation.
00:48:01That's the only reason.
00:48:04So don't get me wrong, please.
00:48:06That's the only reason.
00:48:07There's no other reason.
00:48:10Yes, of course.
00:48:15So, let's go.
00:48:18Let's go.
00:48:32Do you have time tomorrow?
00:48:36I don't know if you'd like to eat with me.
00:48:39Since I haven't had time to thank you.
00:48:53I know he liked Father and Grandmother Jeon So.
00:48:56And I also know his mother liked him even more.
00:48:58However, now I don't know what I'm going to do.
00:49:01I really have no idea what I can do after what happened between his mother and you.
00:49:09Listen, don't worry.
00:49:11I can't help you, but I assure you that I will not block your happiness.
00:49:14What I'm going to do is...
00:49:17talk to Tae Hee and solve this once and for all.
00:49:19And how will you do it?
00:49:22I'm going to apologize.
00:49:24I have no other option.
00:49:25I'll just stand in front of her and apologize until my hands are bleeding.
00:49:30I'll lose my dignity.
00:49:32But if my daughter is happy, I have no problem.
00:49:36Tell me, when will we meet the parents?
00:49:41We haven't reached that stage yet.
00:49:45They're not at that stage.
00:49:47And why are you telling me this?
00:49:49You just made me feel humiliated for apologizing so many times in my head.
00:49:53Now I know what I've been thinking about and how to apologize without reason.
00:49:57Oh, it's so humiliating.
00:49:59Next time, tell me what stage you're at.
00:50:03It can't be.
00:50:247, 0, 8.
00:50:36Good morning.
00:50:37They sent me here to decorate the walls of this place.
00:50:40Oh, no.
00:50:42Another one?
00:50:44Oh, it's your fault.
00:50:45You asked for help in so many places just for a simple wall.
00:50:49Oh, what are we going to do now?
00:50:51Don't do it again.
00:50:54Sir, I've been traveling all night.
00:50:57I came from Busan just for this job.
00:51:00You do it for having traveled so much.
00:51:02Sir, I came while still in crutches.
00:51:05And all just to have a job.
00:51:07Well, you do it.
00:51:09Since you're hurt.
00:51:12And why are you coming?
00:51:15I just want a job.
00:51:27I'm so sorry.
00:51:32I'm sorry that your husband is so poor.
00:51:38But what I regret the most is forcing you to work day and night non-stop.
00:51:42Oh, no.
00:51:43Working day and night non-stop.
00:51:45Oh, no.
00:51:47With this job.
00:51:51We wanted to pay for a decent wedding.
00:51:59Oh, honey.
00:52:13Hey, Kong Shim.
00:52:15When I called you, honey, a moment ago,
00:52:18I just did it to help you secure the job.
00:52:22Of course.
00:52:23I know and I appreciate it.
00:52:28Make sure this side is well painted, okay?
00:52:31Thank you for giving me this opportunity.
00:52:33I won't let you down.
00:52:43Thank you.
00:52:45I love you.
00:53:10Don't look at her. She'll lose focus.
00:53:14Excellent choice.
00:53:16What a nice girl.
00:53:20I know.
00:53:24And how did you meet?
00:53:29I liked her, so I followed her everywhere.
00:53:36Can you give me that eraser?
00:53:44Thank you.
00:53:48I love you.
00:53:49Thank you.
00:54:03Hey, sir.
00:54:04Can I start painting now?
00:54:08Don't tell me they didn't tell you what the job would be like.
00:54:11For the moment, you won't have to paint it.
00:54:14The painting must wait until the meeting tonight is over.
00:54:18No, they didn't tell me anything about that.
00:54:23Hey, the food is ready.
00:54:25Work after you eat something, okay?
00:54:40What do you think, Dante?
00:54:47The meeting is going to be extended.
00:54:49Come with me.
00:54:50You'll eat later.
00:54:51Come on, turn that off before we leave.
00:54:54Hurry up.
00:54:55Hurry up.
00:54:56Come here.
00:54:59They are the newlyweds I hired.
00:55:02They will be in charge of painting everything.
00:55:08Drink this.
00:55:09I appreciate it, but I have to drive.
00:55:12Come on, don't be like that. Drink.
00:55:14Thank you, but we can't.
00:55:15Oh, young people these days are boring.
00:55:17At least they should sing something for us.
00:55:20If they sing well, all of you will have to hire them to paint.
00:55:24What are you doing?
00:55:25Come on!
00:55:26Come on!
00:55:27Que canten! Que canten! Que canten! Que canten! Que canten! Que canten!
00:55:34I'm a little more
00:55:36It's okay, it's you
00:55:38The feeling between us
00:55:40The feeling between us
00:55:42It breaks my awkwardness
00:55:45This moment is only allowed to me
00:55:49I'm a fool now
00:55:57Ah, you guys together
00:55:59make the most beautiful couple!
00:56:02That's right, and they don't have babies?
00:56:04If it looks like them, it would be a very beautiful baby
00:56:07They should have one, even though they don't have much money
00:56:10Babies are very cute, one brings them a lot of happiness
00:56:13They should have one tonight
00:56:16Yes, you're right
00:56:18Make one! Make one! Make one!
00:56:25Don't worry, we'll make a lot of noise for the rest of the night
00:56:33And hurry up!
00:57:01Sir, when can we continue working?
00:57:04The meeting is getting longer
00:57:07I don't think you can finish it today
00:57:15You should sleep here tonight
00:57:17You can continue tomorrow morning, with a blanket it will be enough
00:57:20Excuse me, don't you have another room?
00:57:24I don't have one
00:57:26We want...
00:57:28Hey! Weren't you listening?
00:57:33Good luck tonight
00:57:38Yes, see you later
00:58:04Gong Shim, hey, don't just stand there
00:58:07Lie down, the blankets are for you
00:58:14I'm sorry, I didn't mean that
00:58:18I just want you to be comfortable
00:58:21You can take it off if you want
00:58:28I'm sorry, that sounded really bad
00:58:30I was talking about your wig
00:58:34Do you want to clean yourself first?
00:58:38I think everything I say sounds terrible
00:58:41What do you mean, Dante?
00:58:44I have an idea
00:58:46I'm going to lie down and I'm going to sleep
00:58:52I'll go for a walk and I'll be back in a while
00:58:56Yes, good idea
00:58:58I won't sleep because I can't sleep in other people's beds, I never make it
00:59:03But you, go for a walk
00:59:05Yes, I'll be back
00:59:06Take care
00:59:12Oh, it's so hot
00:59:21Let's go
00:59:39Gong Shim, wake up
00:59:47Gong Shim, there are the blankets
00:59:51Let's go
01:00:21Gong Shim
01:00:41Gong Shim
01:00:44I'm sorry
01:00:46I'm sorry
01:00:49I appreciate you still being my friend
01:00:56Gong Shim
01:00:59Can you stay here
01:01:02Waiting for me a little longer?
01:01:07Would you?
01:01:47Gong Shim
01:01:49Ah, you're awake
01:01:51When did you wake up?
01:01:53Not long ago
01:01:55Oh, can I help you with something?
01:01:58In fact, yes
01:02:00Carefully draw a line on the octopus' eye, okay?
01:02:06Of course
01:02:36I'm done
01:02:38Wow, it looks great
01:02:42Seriously, it looks great
01:02:47Good job
01:02:49Thank you, Dante
01:02:51Oh, honey
01:02:53It's a work of art
01:02:55Oh, it looks wonderful, Gong Shim
01:03:01Good job
01:03:03Thank you
01:03:14I think you should take a picture in front of your painting
01:03:18You think so?
01:03:26Here we go
01:03:28One, two, three
01:03:35Now one with you, okay?
01:03:38Go with her
01:03:42It looks like they don't love each other
01:03:45They should hug each other
01:03:52Like this
01:03:54One, two, three
