[Funny-Horror] Amnesia- HALLOWEEN SPECIAL 30 MIN - Mystery

  • 2 months ago
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BROFIST ...........
00:00How's it going bros? My name is bear bear
00:04Welcome back to some amnesia
00:07We're gonna play mystery today if I can be able to fucking click it already there we go
00:13You find yourself in a morgue who put you there. I like brief stories. I
00:18Don't know people are like oh, I have to write the story
00:21You're in the morgue. How did you get there?
00:24No, it's good. It's good. Morgan's good. I mean it's good. It's Halloween. It's gotta be something pleasing
00:29I don't even know
00:32Yeah, I guess loading screen as usual because I'm a good youtuber all right, let's go
00:39See what happens in the morgue stays in the morgue
00:43Okay, so someone put me in the morgue and
00:47Oh, this is a morgue really
00:49Not pretty cozy actually I'm surprised. I thought it was gonna barrel. What is this? Oh, it's not a barrel. It's okay
00:56It's okay. I'm gonna do science
01:02Ready to do that, okay
01:06Yeah, I haven't found Stefano in so long time like sometimes. I find him in every freaking mod and
01:14Sometimes I never seem to find him
01:17What the heck happened here someone really had fun with this guy damn damn. Oh wow he's
01:25He's do that
01:30Oh, he likes it, holy shit
01:35All right, we'll leave him alone
01:37No, don't go pity. No man. Sorry. I just I'm not into that okay
01:43Okay, that's it
01:46So much latin. Oh, it's a new potion. I thought it was like latin. I don't matter how much sanity portion. Can you need?
01:57Wow, this is really good like all
02:01Stuff wait we didn't check this one
02:05Nothing in here, or is it pretty cozy actually that's creepy. I don't want to go
02:11Okay, ah this is like a good one. Huh, how you doing, bro? Can I take your king don't do anything?
02:21You just wanted a hug, okay, you just want a hug. What are you a beer?
02:27Are you beer no, it's just a man. It's purple. I don't know why beers would be purple, but whatever. Oh
02:34Jesus crap my head. Oh, man. What are they doing?
02:39What are they doing? What's up with this freaking place? Oh
02:43Sorry, I don't trust you. I don't trust you
02:48Triple don't trust. Oh, man
02:50Yeah, we must destroy everything
02:53hate statues
02:57What the fuck did I do? I don't even know oh
03:02Okay, okay, I got it. It was you wasn't it ha ha ha pretty. Yeah, you're stuck. Come on. Oh wait
03:10We're good. We're good. We're good. Actually. I want to do something before I go. Where's your helmet?
03:16Wait, what are you doing buddy? You can't do it. No. I'm doing it. I'm doing well. You need to reconsider. I'm sorry
03:21I'm sorry not you're dead
03:26Okay, finally got my revenge on
03:31What's going on here?
03:34Oh, yeah, I can do that, but I need the key
03:39No, we don't take keys. Mr. Chair. What do what do you think? I don't know
03:46I'm a sheriff, so you can try and throw me as you usually do. All right, I'll do it
03:50there like
03:52We need something
03:54That means we need something like a hammer or a sledgehammer
03:58Or penis a huge penis like a normal penis where we need a big one really big one
04:05Super duper boot, but can I twister nipples?
04:10I really thought I looted everything. I don't understand really
04:14What's going on here?
04:16All right
04:18Then what I have to scream right? Otherwise, it doesn't work. I can't open this for some reason
04:25It seems very stuck
04:27Maybe I need to keep for it
04:29It's this
04:32Ah, holy crap, yeah, let's go
04:40I'm a Tom. I'm a Tom. You're coming with me. Mr. Chair. Oh, man. I thought I could just lay here. We're super comfortable
04:46I don't care. Mr. Chair. It's you and me, buddy
04:49Just you and me new adventures. Oh
04:53Your shadow scared me. Mr. Share. What? Oh, man. I'm sorry Pete. Oh, no, that's another shadow
05:00That's not
05:06Stop don't make noises. Okay. I'm sorry. It's like blood everywhere. What happened here? It's not a good pity
05:12I don't know. We really should go here
05:15That'll be right. It'll be freaking. All right
05:20Yeah, okay, let's go
05:30You go first, mr. Chair you go first. Oh man, what's going on here?
05:37Bro, what did they do to you?
05:46Sexual things and I was like it seemed cool first
05:49But then he was like brought a scissor and I was like, hey, bro. I'm not into scissors and yeah, he was like I
05:57Like scissors and I was like, okay, but just don't cut me in half and look at me
06:02Look at me now pity if you ever see a girl with scissors
06:08Man, okay
06:10Whatever make sure
06:12She's saying no. Okay while having sex, of course actually now anytime. All right, I'll take that advice
06:20Okay, let's go down here I
06:23Might need a crouch. I am crouching who told me that mr. Chair. Oh, man
06:31Okay, that's all right
06:34Ola doled off kinky Lonnie cough cough along a binky bonnet. Oh, let the lid off
06:40Mmm, I don't trust this. I've done pattern piff puff puff do for and yeah. All right, let's go here
06:47I bet this is right. I bet this is right. Maybe there's a looting over there though
06:53They're usually like oil and stuff in these corridors. No, there's nothing. Okay good. I bet this right
06:59Why did I waste my time with the rhyme then? Okay, whatever. Let's just go. Let's just go
07:06Boxes boxes, how do I boxes boxes boxes boxes boxes? Oh
07:14Wow, I'm super tall. Why am I wasting my land? It's good
07:23Come on oh
07:26Man, I don't like this. I was going to warn you about the barrels
07:32Watch out for the barrels. Okay, I'll trust these
07:53Okay, we're good. Hey, what is it? Oh, I need to turn this up. Okay, we're good
08:07Okay, oh
08:12See you later, bro. See you freaking later. Oh my
08:19Let's go here. Holy cows. I don't even like cows. I woke up in a morgue not knowing what happened
08:28And I don't read that slow so it's okay you can change now
08:33Seeing a strange creature wondering what it was probably my mom, but whatever
08:40My hands started to cramp heart started racing penis started erecting
08:50Started remembering the same things we had done
08:54which the sexual intercourse, of course, but
08:58Ripping people apart only to put them back again
09:01Putting the penis inside. I knew I got to get out
09:06chapter one
09:11Maybe okay. That was it. Oh, wow. All right
09:19That was decent enough, I guess I mean, I don't know
09:25I'm not I wanted to put up more stuff today. I promise but it's just perhaps is really being a bitch to me
09:31I don't know what it oh, it continues. Holy shit. I
09:35Guess I can continue
09:44God so many mr. Shares
09:52So doctors one mr. Shares enough Jesus Christ
10:00Hey, where did music go?
10:05Hey, baby, hey
10:08Hey, baby
10:12Hey, baby, I'm boom. Do you like my ass?
10:15Why are you talking my ass? Why are you talking my head, bro? Why are you talking my ass?
10:18Why are you talking my head, bro? Oh, man. I'm bummed. I'm so freakin. BAM. I'm bummed. I'm bummed. I'm bummed
10:25Where the heck have you been pig? I miss you so much. What are you doing? Oh, ah, oh
10:30Man, oh look at me. Look at me. Oh, I just oh, man. Do you like?
10:34Do you like that? Do you like that? You like when the sledgehammers like all over me?
10:40Do you like when I do that? Huh? Do you like when I do these? Oh
10:44Yeah, I like that a lot. I like that a lot, you know, oh man
10:50Do you like do you like when I'm all hot by the fire? Do you want to make out by the fire pity?
10:56Do you want to kiss me by the fire? I'm so pumped but you know, you want to kiss me
10:59So it's totally cool. If you want to kiss me, I mean, I wouldn't refuse
11:03I'm not gay or anything. But you know, if you want to kiss me that could be a fun thing, you know
11:08Just between friends. I mean friends kiss. I mean, it's not that way. I can't be I
11:13Get it. I get it. You're perfect. I don't know what I'm
11:16So, oh you like I see what you like when I show my butt up the door, don't you?
11:21You can continue you can continue. Just keep on doing it. Oh
11:25Oh, I see what's happening in here
11:29You want a gangbang? That's it. Hey
11:34About a poop a poop. Yeah, bro, bro poop. Oh
11:38Wow, they really are pump
11:40All right. This is cookin or whatever. Oh, yeah, you like that? Okay. I don't even know what's going on in there
11:47This is really weird
11:50They have my land. Oh, yeah, it's a lemon
11:55How do I open come on ah
11:58Good what is this bone saw?
12:03Should I use them on piggies?
12:08No, okay, whatever I'll leave piggies alone waste enough time on them piggies
12:16Huh, I need a key probably this no, okay, then it's probably this one
12:22Come on. Wait, I just started in here, right? I don't remember
12:29Why did they give me a key? I don't I don't even know
12:34Maybe it's for I ran over
12:41It's used for amputation
12:44Can I amputee piggy piggy do you like this? Yeah, I like it, but you know, all right, whatever
12:51Come on
12:53It's gotta be somewhere I can't break down on the table shit
13:00Okay, seriously though, what the fuck what do you want from me? Is there a clue of course I
13:14Come on there's three doors one key. Why?
13:18What does the quickie say nothing, of course perfect, oh wait, there's one here
13:26Not perfect just great
13:29Alright, let's go
13:30I'm not so pumped anymore, but whatever. Yeah, this is kind of cozy. I'm not not all
13:37negative to this
13:41Something good happened. I'll miss a leg
13:47I'll be there. What have you been? Oh, man. What?
13:52Man, I don't remember anything. Did I do that? Yes, I remember freaking Germans
14:00Man, I can't stand Germans
14:02That's a bad day. Yes. I fear that I had to rely on rail and whatever. I miss you so much
14:08I know I miss you too, buddy, and I'm not racist or anything, but German they will I don't even know I
14:14Think this funny likes Germans. He's just I don't know Germans the Nazis
14:19What are you not see, right?
14:21Okay, Savannah. I'm just gonna put you down here and just don't do anything bad. Okay, I won't don't worry pity
14:31Sanity potion, please be like an atom atom. I don't need sanity potions. Why do they always give you sanity potions?
14:40Tripping balls on it in the box trip involved in the back
14:43He really put the door in a great way, by the way, so okay. It's fun. Let's get the heck out of here
14:49I am golden edition Stefano. Yeah
14:52That's some sheep
14:53Gucci, I mean goosey, okay
14:56Which way this way pity? I know because I'm Stefano. All right good
15:03Sledgehammer, I don't even know this way. I told you this way. Okay, I've decided yes, of course
15:11I am Stefano. I know everything good
15:15Huh, it's like a million freaking doors, I don't
15:21Suck stop dropping me. Okay. I'm sorry. I'll be more careful
15:27Be more careful. What is this?
15:31Okay, I'm gonna put you down here buddy the fuck is going on there
15:38No, okay. It's in here then
15:43What's going on here?
15:45I'm gonna read like this cuz I don't trust
15:48We had hatchets all today doesn't seem to help found secret should put a copper over. I don't ever look there
15:54Did you write that mr. Chair? No, no, I didn't write that. Okay, maybe I did but whatever. I mean, I'm a share
16:00Look under the carpet. Look under the carpet. All right, fine. Look. Oh
16:06Man I
16:07Was just about to tell you that video I knew it already. All right, fine. Fine. Ah
16:13That's pretty neat why am I wasting my all
16:18Uh-huh, that's what I'm talking about. I hate moving this is it not good enough or what?
16:27Hmm come on
16:35Mean it's kind of cool, but it doesn't seem to be. Oh, wait. There we go
16:40Can I push it further
16:42No, it should open
16:47Yeah, this carpet is stuck maybe I can move it the other way
16:51Come on, come on. Yes, I
16:55Can only move it one way?
16:57Okay, now it seems good
17:01Now it doesn't seem good maybe I need I don't know a sledgehammer
17:08Come on I don't even know Stefano do something
17:12What did you do buddy? Why did you throw me? Oh, man. Why I will kill you. I will seriously kill you
17:19Sorry, like the Germans. Ah
17:22Perfect. There we go
17:24You go first if Anna, okay, I'll go you're on him. Ah
17:28Wow, oh, holy shit, I didn't really jump in my life. Oh, is this supposed to happen?
17:44So far you may of course I am so fun, of course I make it what do you think do you see red?
17:49That's not good. Hmm
17:51Don't worry PD. I know you hate barrels, but it's okay. Just take it easy
18:01Barrels hiding my doors barrels
18:05Always trying to get in my way. I fucking hate barrels. I
18:09Don't know where to go Stefano. This way PD. You have the wooden plank, right? I mean, it's impossible to
18:18Why can't you just go under here so really
18:39Don't look back just one I'm running and
18:45Trying to pick up Stefano it didn't go so well. All right, let's do it not again
19:42Think I beat my pants
19:48Okay, okay, oh
19:52Man oh man. I said oh man. I'm
19:57Yeah, what do I do I don't even know pretty wonderful scared
20:01scares me how I'm freaking shaking and stuff out of bed and
20:05Maybe the oh man, there's key. Perfect. Let's pick up the key and
20:12Can't even do commentary anymore. I'm out of oil. Fuck. Okay, so I don't you know, no, no, no
20:21Okay, this would be a
20:26Okay, I'm going I'm going I'm going oh
20:29I don't even know. I have so much all good. Good. Good. Good. Good. Okay, baby. Be careful. I know
20:36Baby, I'm stuck in the ground. No, it's a quicksand
20:41No, it's about oh, oh, oh, all right, I'll get it continue without him. Oh, man
20:53All right, I need to do this for Stefano I need to continue for Stefano
20:59This chairs tripping balls. Okay
21:07Hey guys, I'm in a party without me. Hey, it's a party play music inside. It's awesome. Super fun
21:13All right, you're invited. No, what I'm not. Um, okay, whatever
21:19I don't like shares that much. Why do you say Peter? Oh, wow, it's so creepy
21:25This is so creepy. This is so creepy. Let's go in here
21:31No, no, no not
21:37I can't get this custom not possibly get any worse
21:44Triple triple just any
21:49Oh, oh, okay. Thanks. Okay. I'll just get out now you guys can do whatever you want in here
21:57Who put you there?
22:00Charlie I trust you
22:10Okay, we're good and all is well all is super duper good you still having a party in there
22:17Yeah, it looks like you know, okay fine. I don't care. I don't I don't even care anymore. Why did I get this bone saw?
22:23It's not for here. Really?
22:27Said for them. Why did I get a key?
22:31Why why tell me what I?
22:36Don't even like pianos. I hate pianos. Okay, I like piano
22:41Fine, I'll put all of you. I don't even care
22:47Come on up there. What why is your movie is a lamp after me now freaking lamp is after me. It's not good
22:55That's what my mom told me. It's like pity
22:58monsters penis monsters
23:01Out on vampires goats everything but if lambs get at you just go be quiet and go all right
23:08Fine, that's what I'll do. I
23:10Wish the keys told you where they go at least like I mean it should be there, but all right
23:16Let's see if we can find another door
23:19Maybe over here in the darkness
23:21Yeah, there's a door here perfect, but it wasn't here right? Oh, it was there holy cow oh
23:27Man, are you kidding me? I don't trust corridors either
23:33Okay, no problem. Yeah, just strolling in the corridor
23:37Strolling in the car. Oh
23:40Are you kidding me? Are you fucking kidding me? It's an Iron Maiden I
23:45I don't like Iron Maidens that much. I'm gonna lie. They usually make me hit my leg, and they're really good, okay?
24:02No no I didn't do anything. I didn't do anything
24:06Okay, I'm just gonna get the heck out of here. I didn't do anything
24:10No, no no no oh
24:14Hey, oh
24:16Okay, I'll just hide in here
24:19And no one will ever know and I was in this
24:24Okay, ah
24:26Ah girls. Yeah, damn it. Why is it girls? Okay?
24:40Is he gone that's kind of cozy in here good
24:52Good okay, it's just a corridor
24:58Hello anyone here
25:01Haha, I just want to get the fuck out of this place and
25:06Maybe then we can talk about
25:08Getting I don't know you can get my money. I don't care. You can get my woman. I don't care
25:12You can do anything take anything
25:14Hadn't what is that is that it?
25:18No, not a penis monster
25:21penis monster with a flashlight
25:24The fuck is going on here
25:28Go away
25:32Doing I don't like this. I don't want to go there I
25:37I wish I had Stefano or mr.. Sheriff, whatever. I don't even I don't even know anymore
25:46Come on
25:50I guess there's only one way nice to run here to
26:06Look look
26:08Okay, I I knew that was gonna happen. I knew that I knew that I was on my house
26:15I was on the house
26:16I was on the head and huge on the hittle as we say in the fizzle schnitzel schnitzel schnitzel sausage
26:23I'm not hungry, okay
26:25Let's go here
26:28Yes, perfect. Yes. Yes. Yes. No yes. Yes. No yes
26:40It's impossible
26:45Bells I
26:49Knew it the barrels the barrels for your gang themselves. I knew it barrels
26:59Barrels I'm really starting to think someone made this for me. I didn't check where I downloaded it, but holy shit. It's scary as fuck
27:07Your mind is playing tricks on you. This is not real you're hallucinating this might come as a shock to you
27:13But that is not all I can say for now when you wake up. Please make sure not to go through
27:18the prison
27:20The what what do you oh?
27:23Man, no, I don't want to go anywhere
27:28No no ah come ah that's bad luck that's bad luck right there
27:43Okay, we're good. All is good. Let's get the fuck out of here. I'm just gonna go and be like hello, Mr.. Shares
27:50Master, Mr.. Shares, what do you do? What do you do to these naked people?
27:54This key will unlock a door in this room
27:56You will need to open the next door as well in future you will be confronted with two choices continue to the prison
28:01Leave this place immediately never return. I guess we got to go to a prison
28:05I mean, it's gotta be boring fun. Wow this custom one is awesome
28:09It's amazing. It has different endings and stuff all right. Let's go to the prison. I don't care
28:15I'm a man and men goes to prisons
28:18That's manly look how many ladders I have
28:21Like he made a great job with scares, but it's really buggy
28:28Okay fine, I don't care
28:32Fuck is going on here
28:35Prison do not do not do not do not prison do not listen to me listen to
28:41How the heck did you get over there? Tell me tell me how did you get over there? Why do you have this on you?
28:47I don't even know all right. Let's go to prison
28:52Have fun
28:55Stupid asshole he's an asshole, and he's stupid. That's stupid all right. Let's go here good
29:01Wait didn't I come from here?
29:03Okay, we're good. This is a deal
29:09Okay, I picked up a shiver one soap and then chisel my nasal puzzle
29:13Yeah, you will need to complete a puzzle to enter the next room
29:15I will give you a hint the puzzle is which door is the right door
29:23Okay, which door is the right door I guess the right door is right door. I actually came up with that puzzle
29:29watch out I
29:32I came up with that puzzle
29:35All right, which doors are bells
29:40Should I leave
29:42Should I leave okay, I get it or should I stay I
29:49Should stay I think
29:51But I get the feeling like they will happen bad things even if I leave
29:55But we'll start with this one, and I'll do their next ending
30:02What you don't want me you don't want me I
30:08Chose you don't know what you will find and that's a good thing because you will not know what you have done
30:23That was an excellent custom on holy crap that's awesome
30:29But I want the second ending as well come on
30:32Should I do it should I continue should I continue?
30:36I'll do it. I really record for a long time. I think I'll do it tomorrow. Okay, I
30:43Think that's pretty much it. Oh, yeah thumbs up and favorite and all that kind of stuff
31:16Okay, wait wait
