FTS 8:30 19-07: Venezuelan pres. denounces actions to disregard election results

  • 3 months ago
FTS 8.30
*Congress of Mexico City approves law against transfeminicide
*UN food rations cut due to massive displacements in Gaza
00:00In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro denounced that groups of the far-right wing are orchestrating
00:17actions to prevent the victory of the great patriotic poet SimĂłn BolĂ­var.
00:30The Congress of Mexico City approved a law that punishes the crimes of trans-feminization
00:37for genocide and transphobia, which is a victory for the LGBTQ plus movement and the feminist
00:52The Palestinian food distribution program announced a cut in the food rations provided
00:58by the United Nations due to the massive displacements in the Gaza Strip.
01:09Hello welcome to From the South, I'm Ana Mariela from the TeleSUR headquarters in Caracas,
01:14Stay with the news, stay with us.
01:29In Venezuela, President Nicolás Maduro denounced that groups of the far-right wing are orchestrating
01:33actions to prevent the victory of the great patriotic poet SimĂłn BolĂ­var.
01:37The spokesman of the Plataforma Unitaria Democrática, PUTO, Diego Pilleri, affirmed
01:45this Thursday that the political party he represents will not recognize the results
01:51of the Venezuelan National Electoral Council in the elections of July 28th.
01:57In a press conference, Pilleri detailed that PUTO, which represents the extreme right candidate
02:03Mundo González, will only recognize the votes that are reflected in its own report.
02:09Pilleri assured that his vote represents the will of the Venezuelan people, and that those
02:15reports will say that Mundo González is the president-elect on July 28th.
02:22We are going to have the minutes of the 30,026 polling stations of the more than 15,000 voting
02:33centers, in the more than 1,100 parishes, in the 335 municipalities, and we are going
02:40to respect what those minutes say in a process that has to be free, democratic and transparent
02:47on that day.
02:48Whatever our minutes say, which is the will of the people of Venezuela, of course we are
02:53going to respect it, and we are more sure than ever that those minutes are going to
02:58say that Mundo González is the president-elect on July 28th.
03:03Also in Venezuela, the extreme right manipulates the speech of the candidate for the great
03:08patriotic Paul Nicolás Maduro, when he warned about stabilizing plans to not recognize the
03:14electoral results.
03:15Through social networks, from main sectors and several media outlets have disordered
03:20what Nicolás Maduro said, when he warned about the possibility of a bloodbath in Venezuela
03:25if the extreme right does not win the elections.
03:29What was expressed by the candidate of the great patriotic Paul invites the destabilizing
03:34and decriminating plans of the fascism sector, which seeks to prevent a victory of the candidate
03:41of the great patriotic Paul.
03:50Anta Vista Forces in Venezuela mobilizes support of presidential candidate Nicolás Maduro
03:54as part of the presidential campaign.
03:56The main streets of the city of Valera in Trujillo state were fouled by thousands of
04:01supporters of the presidential candidate for the great patriotic Paul Nicolás Maduro.
04:06The first ever president of the PSUV, Nicolás Maduro, assured that President Maduro will
04:12achieve a great victory.
04:14With one week left for the closing of the electoral campaign in Venezuela, candidate
04:28Nicolás Maduro warned that if the fascism right win comes to power, a popular revolution
04:34will be inevitable because a prosecution against Echavista would be unleashed.
04:40Our correspondent Madeline GarcĂ­a with the story.
04:42There are mobilizations everywhere, in the streets you can hear music, noise, more than
04:51250 cities of the 24 states in the country have been visited by Nicolás Maduro.
04:59Raising awareness of what is at stake on July 28, this is Barco Cemedo, capital of Lara,
05:05in the west part of Venezuela.
05:09People gathered close to the stage to wait for Maduro, with that passion that characterizes
05:13the Echavistas.
05:17The nation is at stake, our Venezuela, the country that President Hugo Chávez left us,
05:22that's why we warn the Venezuelan people to be on alert.
05:27It is the poorest people who raise their voices in support of Nicolás Maduro's candidacy.
05:32They are not willing to lose the social conquests and the project that made them visible.
05:44If the fascist right wing were to deceive the people, there could be a bloodbath and
05:49a civil war in Venezuela because the people won't let their country be taken away from
05:55They won't let them hand over the eastern Guayana, they won't let them privatize their
06:00social rights.
06:05In the last hours there was an explosion in a gas pipeline in the state of Anzo AtagĂĽey
06:09in the east of the country, there is also an alert of sabotage to the electrical system.
06:16The fascist right is desperate, they know that we are going to beat them hard on July 28.
06:25They want to harm the country no matter what, they are betting on a hecatomb.
06:36A tragedy, that something will happen.
06:42Earlier he visited Carora, another city in the Lara state, an agricultural region, where
06:47he carried with him the same message to vote for peace.
06:58On July 28 the future of the next 50 years of Venezuela will be decided, they represent
07:03fascism, hatred, revenge and violence, we represent love and peace.
07:12The socialist and humanist model is at stake, the alternative is neo-liberalism and privatization,
07:18Venezuelans have less than two weeks to make a choice.
07:42Welcome back to From the South.
08:00On Thursday the Congress of Mexico City approved a law that punishes the crimes of trans-femicide
08:06for the transphobia, which is a victory of the LGBTQIQ plus movement and the feminist
08:21This law, which is called the Paola Rostro law, was approved with 45 votes in favor and
08:29one against.
08:30It also typifies trans-femicide as part of the systematic and patriarchal violence, where
08:39the perpetrators of these crimes might be punished with penalties ranging from 35 to
08:4670 years in prison.
08:53The Committee on Constitutional Accusations of the Peruvian Congress decided to declare
08:58inadmissible the constitutional complaint against President Dino Boluarte in the case
09:03known as Rolex for the alleged crimes of improper deposit bribery.
09:08The accusation was made last month by the Interim National Prosecutor Juan Carlos Villena
09:15and includes the governor of Ayacucho, Wilfredo Os Corima.
09:21The incident occurred after the president had in her deposition a total of around 15
09:27Rolex watches, which caused tension in Peruvian politics and, as a result, two Peruvian ministers
09:33resigned and authorities write Boluarte's residence stirring a motion in the Congress
09:39that seeks the president's dismissal.
09:47Colombian authorities captured 52 people on Thursday following the murder of social leaders
09:53and peace signatories.
09:56Those arrested were 14 members of the Central General Staff, the main descendants of the
10:01Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, FARC, and 13 members of the clan del Golfo Criminal
10:07Gong, according to the police source.
10:17Social organizations in Argentina reported on Thursday the failure of the negotiations
10:21of the minimum-bid all-and-move all-wage council and the state, while the state will
10:27establish by decree the wage allocation.
10:30The current value is $234,000, and the employees declared that they will only raise it to $264,000
10:40in October, with the state's increases.
10:43The Autonomous Workers' Central of Argentina denounced the complicity of the government
10:48with the big company Economics Ropes.
11:48Welcome back.
11:49The Palestinian food distribution program announced a cut in the food rations provided
11:55by the United Nations due to the massive displacements in the Gaza Strip.
11:59The most recent reports of the United Nations organizations point out that nine out of ten
12:04Palestinians moved to the refugee camps at least once a month after being evicted by
12:09the occupying force.
12:11On the other hand, the workers reduced their food consumption to guarantee the supply to
12:16the new refugees.
12:23On Thursday afternoon, the Al-Falah school located southeast of Gaza City was the target
12:28of an Israeli airstrike that killed two civilians and wounded five more.
12:33According to local sources, after the deadly blast, the victims were transferred to the
12:38Arab Ali Hospital in Gaza City.
12:42Since October 2023, the Israeli operations in the Gaza Strip have killed more than 38,000
12:47Palestinians, most of them women and children.
12:56The Palestinian Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip reported the presence of the polio
13:01causing virus, which was found in sewage samples.
13:06Regarding the fight, the health portfolio announced that tests have been performed on
13:12sewage samples in coordination with the United Nations Children's Fund, and the results have
13:18shown the presence of the virus.
13:20The Gaza Ministry of Health described the presence of the polio virus as a new health
13:26catastrophe while reporting that the virus is being stored and leaked from among the
13:32tents of displaced and underpopulated areas due to the destruction of the infrastructure.
13:44During the meeting of the United Nations Security Council to discuss the situation in the Middle
13:48East, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov denounced the shipment of weapons by the United
13:53States to Israel.
13:55The Russian position is supported by the UN, which has consistently called for a halt to
14:01arms flows in order to bring about a cessation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
14:08Lavrov shared agreeing with the UN's view that as soon as Washington's arms aid to Tel
14:15Aviv ends, the bloodshed will stop.
14:18Under this position, Lavrov also stressed that the Islamic Nation supports a permanent
14:23ceasefire on Gaza's territory, as well as a release of Palestinians deprived of their freedom.
14:32On changing topics, a failure in a computer system left the Microsoft's show program inactive
14:40on Friday, which blocked the activity of companies around the world.
14:45Companies such as banks, airlines, telecommunications sectors, radio and television stations and
14:52supermarkets were out of service due to the massive global blackout.
14:56Some networks reported users uploaded videos showing the screams announcing the offline
15:02flight schedule.
15:04The problems were reported in Australia, Spain, India, United Kingdom, New Zealand, among others.
15:17We have come to the end of this news brief, but you can find this and many other stories
15:20on our website at telesotenglish.net.
15:22You can also join us on our socials, we're on Facebook, Onix and on Instagram as well.
15:26For TELESOTE ENGLISH and FROM THE SOUTH, I'm Maru Marrero, thank you for watching.
