Al Fondo hay Sitio 11 Capítulo 72 Completo HD

  • 2 months ago
Al Fondo hay Sitio 11 Capítulo 72 Completo HD
00:05You're an excellent cook, Peter.
00:07You've shown it with your growth.
00:09But being the chef of such an important restaurant
00:13is a huge responsibility.
00:15And now what you need is rest.
00:18And that's what you're going to do.
00:19What do you think if to celebrate the success of the restaurant
00:22and to celebrate that Julie and I are together,
00:25we go somewhere on the weekend?
00:28People are tired of sophisticated food,
00:30gourmet dishes and those things.
00:32People like to eat tasty, abundant.
00:35In that sense, I think you should look for a cook
00:38who comes from the village.
00:41Who comes from the village, you say?
00:45Olinda, I have a proposal for you.
00:48For me?
00:50Well, why am I good?
00:53I want you to take care of my restaurant.
00:57Jimmy, if you get tired of driving, let me know.
00:59Come on, calm down, Pacheco.
01:00Let's see if it's expensive or not.
01:01Julie also thinks it's far, right?
01:03Against you.
01:03Don't you think it's far?
01:04I'm from Uruguay.
01:05Oh, I know!
01:06Next trip we can do it in your town.
01:08Oh, yes, that would be nice.
01:10I think you're a wonderful woman.
01:12I've never had a woman like you in my arms.
01:14I think I love you.
01:17I don't care what last name you have.
01:23But what have my eyes seen back there?
01:26They don't hate each other, they detest each other.
01:29So it's all a lie.
01:30To get to the client on foot,
01:33you need street advertisers.
01:35Oh, that sounded like a television commercial.
01:38That, Linda, is marketing.
01:52Enough, enough, enough, for God's sake.
01:55Don't take advantage of my emotional confusion.
01:57I'm not taking advantage, Tere.
01:59Tere, I love you.
02:00And I know the same thing happens to you.
02:01Oh, it's true.
02:02Any mussel could calm this suffocation,
02:06but only you can calm my fire.
02:09You're mine.
02:10No, please, no.
02:14We have to stop this.
02:17Understand it.
02:19I'm Teresa Maldini and you're a humble plebeian.
02:23Teresa, you'll never be a Maldini.
02:25The monkey, even if it looks like a monkey...
02:28What did you say?
02:30Did you call me a monkey?
02:32No, no, it's a saying.
02:34I just heard you call me a monkey.
02:36Do you think I'm a monkey?
02:38It's a saying.
02:40And to think I was being convinced for you.
02:45For you, Mrs. Teresa Maldini, don't be misplaced.
02:49And reason has to persist
02:53and it has to win before the heart.
02:56Is that your last word?
03:01Teresa, no one will love you like I do.
03:05Maybe you're right.
03:10But I already explained my reasons.
03:16Goodbye forever, Teresa.
03:18Forget what we were and forget everything we could be.
03:24Goodbye, Jaspar.
03:26And I'll never forget
03:29that you called me a monkey.
03:33Excuse me.
03:48Thank you.
03:50Thank you.
03:52And when have you been advertisers?
03:54Since practically all life, Mrs. Francesca.
03:57We have always been resourceful.
03:59That's right.
04:00And to resource, you have to know how to sell.
04:03And to know how to sell, you have to be a good advertiser.
04:05Oh, I did understand that.
04:07Does it make sense?
04:08Of course you do, Mrs. Francesca.
04:10So much as it would be very successful
04:13on your part to give bulk to the group of marketing
04:16of your corporation and hire us.
04:19Oh, no.
04:20Linda, where are you from?
04:23It's not such a crazy idea.
04:25Obviously it's not. Trust us.
04:27She won't regret it.
04:29Well, they won't want to throw me into the pool without water either.
04:34Well, present me a proposal.
04:36It's fair. It's fair.
04:37Well, get to work and present me your proposal as soon as possible.
04:41I'll wait for you in my office, Linda.
04:43See you later, Mrs. Frechica.
04:44See you later, Mrs. Frechica.
04:45See you later.
04:47I'm going to work at the flagship!
04:49And we're going to take your advertising campaign!
04:52Stop, stop, stop. He hasn't hired us yet.
04:55But he hasn't told us he hasn't.
04:57That's true.
04:59And he won't go?
05:00And he won't go!
05:19Oh, man, I love it!
05:21I love it.
05:22I know, I know, I know.
05:23Why don't we play something?
05:24We can sing, maybe.
05:25There's a good song over there.
05:27The sea was sea, the sea was at sea.
05:30The sea was sea, the sea was at sea.
05:34Hey, honey, honey, honey.
05:35Eyes to the front, please.
05:36There are almost a lot of people.
05:38Don't worry.
05:39Don't get nervous, Jimmy.
05:40Watch out!
05:42What's wrong?
05:43It's okay.
05:44Calm down.
05:45It's okay.
05:46Chris, Chris!
05:47Lili, look at me.
05:49Lili, look at me.
05:50Lili, look at me.
05:52Lili, look at me.
05:53Lili, look at me.
05:53Lili, look at me.
05:55I'm going to fall.
05:56Both hands.
05:57Both hands.
05:58I'm scared.
05:59I'm scared.
06:00Both hands.
06:01But why are we going down?
06:03Both hands.
06:14Hey, wait, wait, wait.
06:19My Richard Jr. is my priority.
06:21He's also going to be a Maldini.
06:23And I'm sure Francesca is going to give me
06:25a super position at the corporation.
06:28So I'll be able to pay a very luxurious university.
06:31So my son can be a successful son.
06:33A good man.
06:36You have decided very well.
06:38Yes, Teresita.
06:40razón a tejer el corazón.
06:47¿Cómo me gustaría que la Charo esté acá en estos momentos?
06:50¿Qué me aconseje?
06:53Aunque yo nunca he escuchado los consejos de la Charo.
06:56¿Qué iría en este momento?
06:59Teresa Maldini, el hada madrina.
07:04¿Acaso una mujer infeliz puede ser una madre feliz?
07:08Ay, pero es que está tan claro.
07:13¿Cómo le voy a enseñar a mi Richard Jr. a ser feliz
07:16si yo no lo soy?
07:20Pero, ¿entonces qué debo hacer?
07:28¡Me dijo Mona!
07:30¿Cómo me va a decir Mona?
07:35Compadre, lo primero que hay que cambiar es la imagen.
07:40Completamente de acuerdo.
07:42Aguanta. Incluso me atrevería hasta cambiar el nombre.
07:46Ah, esas sí son palabras mayores, ¿ah?
07:48Tenemos que ser arriesgados, compadre.
07:50Si no, el departamento de marketing de la corporación
07:53nos va a comer con zapatos y todo.
07:55Sí, en eso sí tenés razón.
07:56Claro, pues hermano.
07:58¿Quiénes crees que van a competir con nosotros?
08:01Los monstruos esos, pues.
08:02Porque como bien dice doña Francesca,
08:04ella solamente contrata profesionales a uno.
08:08Nuestra propuesta tiene que ser atrevida, innovadora, ganadora.
08:13Compadre, una cosita antes que sigamos
08:15con nuestro nuevo emprendimiento.
08:17Tengo que confesarte que me agarraste frío.
08:19Doña Francesca ha tratado como una basura a Lorena
08:22y yo me he comprometido en ayudarla con su venganza.
08:24Y resulta que ahora vamos a ser sus publicistas.
08:26¡Eso me huele a traición, compadre!
08:28Tranquilo, chamba es chamba.
08:30Una cosa no tiene que ver con la otra.
08:33Y más, como publicista de doña Francesca,
08:36vamos a cobrar bien, compadre.
08:38Le vamos a sacar buen billete.
08:40Y eso te va a servir para solventar los gastos de tu chibol.
08:45En eso sí tenés razón.
08:48¡Clarinete, pues hermano!
08:49Al final, ¿quiénes salen ganando?
08:51Lorena y Maripaz.
08:53Es verdad, es verdad.
08:55Pero igual prefiero que no se entere Lorena.
08:57Como prefieras, compadre.
08:59Pero antes tenemos que ganar la concesión, ¿ah?
09:01Sí, sí, sí.
09:02¿Cómo es el...
09:04¿Cómo es el logo de Francesca?
09:09Así con...
09:10Con letras para...
09:12Para caerse la...
09:13¿Cómo es la B?
09:15A ver.
09:16Pensemos, pensemos.
09:18¿Qué nombre le pondrías para ser lo más popular?
09:23¿Qué nombre le pondrías para ser lo más popular?
09:53Perfecto, perfecto.
09:55Ayúdame acá con esto.
09:56Sí, sí.
09:57Ahí estamos.
09:58¡Ay, qué rico sol!
10:00¡Llegamos sanos y salvos!
10:02¡Ay, qué exagerado, ah!
10:04Ay, mi amor.
10:05No es por ser malo, pero eres un peligro al volante.
10:08Es que es una broma.
10:09Mi hermana me dice la mejor en todo.
10:12Menos manejando.
10:16Ya estamos acá, así que a disfrutar.
10:18Mirá qué bonito.
10:19Oye, qué lindo, ¿no?
10:21¡Ay, Pato!
10:22Sí, mirá a Pato.
10:24¡Qué lindo!
10:25No, no, cuidado, cuidado.
10:27¿Me como una foto?
10:28Ya, vamos.
10:36Ay, gracias, mi amor.
10:37Tranquila, tranquila.
10:38Tú haz tu tarea.
10:39Alma, pero es sábado.
10:41Has debido hacerla ayer.
10:43Tienes respuesta para todo.
10:44Obvio, soy tu mamá.
10:47Ma, está difícil conseguir trabajo, ¿no?
10:51Para eso también tengo respuesta.
10:53Y no, no hay trabajo.
10:56¿Y tus compañeros?
10:57¿No han conseguido nada?
10:58No, todo el mundo está igual.
11:00Ma, y si con la experiencia que tienes,
11:02¿por qué no montas tu propia agencia?
11:04¿Sabes que sí lo he pensado?
11:06De hecho, cuando yo estaba en la agencia,
11:08muchos de los clientes pedían que yo los asesore
11:10y les darme los viajes.
11:11Claro, puedes decir que ahora trabajas por tu cuenta.
11:13Sí, pero es que tampoco es fácil competir con una agencia
11:17que ya está posicionada por años en el mercado
11:19y que tiene todas las garantías.
11:21Mi amor, tú no te angusties, ¿sí?
11:24Hemos tenido mil y un dificultades
11:26y siempre hemos salido bien.
11:28Así que tú no te preocupes.
11:29Yo me voy a juntar con algunos de los compañeros de trabajo
11:32y vamos a ver qué podemos hacer.
11:33No nos vamos a quedar de brazos cruzados.
11:35Sí, ma.
11:36Todo va a salir bien.
11:37Te quiero.
11:38Yo también, princesa.
11:47Tengo que contarte algo.
11:48Oh, lindita.
11:50Ya te dije que no me gustan los chismes.
11:54Tienes que controlarte.
11:55No, por favor, Gilquerito.
11:57¿Qué van a pensar?
11:58¿Que yo soy una chismosa?
11:59No, lo que te quiero contar
12:02es que doña Francesca vino a buscarme
12:06y me propuso encargarme de la cocina
12:09de su restaurante de lujo.
12:11¿Qué me estás diciendo?
12:13Sí, lo que acabas de escuchar.
12:15¿Y por qué no me lo contaste?
12:17Porque reciencito nomás me pasó.
12:21Y además no te conté
12:22porque todavía lo ando pensando.
12:25O sea, cuando doña Francesca me propuso esto
12:28yo me alegré un montón,
12:30pero pasa el tiempo
12:31y como que empiezan las dudas también.
12:35¿Qué dudas son esas?
12:38Pues lo que quiere doña Francesca
12:41es que su restaurante tenga un baño de popularidad
12:45y que no solamente ingresen personas pudientes.
12:49Pero eso es muy bueno, pues.
12:52Sí, pero la duda que yo tengo es
12:56primero que yo ya no voy a poderte acompañar
12:59aquí en la bodeguita.
13:00¿Qué importancia tiene eso?
13:04Yo solo me hago cargo.
13:07Siempre he sido responsable de esta bodeguita.
13:10Ay, me tranquiliza escuchar eso, Gilquerito.
13:15Y mi segunda duda es
13:18que doña Francesca tiene su carácter
13:20y me da cosas que de pronto
13:21nosotras no estemos de acuerdo en algo
13:23y podamos chocar.
13:25Bueno, eso es verdad.
13:27Pero Peter me contó
13:29que cuando se fue la españolita
13:32doña Francesca puso a los asistentes a cargo,
13:36pero ellos se relajaban mucho.
13:38Entonces llamó a Claudio.
13:40Pero al final quien terminó
13:43regenciando a Francesca fue el Peter.
13:47Pero le dio patatús.
13:50Es que es mucha responsabilidad.
13:53Pero tú eres muy joven.
13:56Puedes asumir esas responsabilidades
14:00y con gusto.
14:02Es que con doña Francesca nunca se sabe.
14:05Sabes, conversa con ella.
14:07Comunícate con ella siempre.
14:11Pero solo si estás dispuesta a hacerlo.
14:14Si no, no lo hagas.
14:17No, sí quiero hacerlo.
14:20Sí quiero hacerlo.
14:22Sí, quiero hacerlo.
14:24Va a ser una experiencia interesante para ti.
14:28Gracias, Gilquerito.
14:30No sé qué sería de mi sin ti.
16:31Ya, si quieres una limonadita.
16:36Una limonada.
16:40Yo creo que sí.
16:42Está bueno, ¿eh?
16:44Oigan, chicos.
16:45Ya se está haciendo algo tarde, ¿no?
16:47Creo que deberíamos regresar.
16:48Sí, ¿no? No quiero manejar de noche.
16:50Igual no vas a manejar tú.
16:52¿Por qué?
16:53¿Cómo que por qué, hermanita?
16:54Oye, yo manejé perfecto.
16:56No se pueden ver.
16:57Ya, ya.
16:58¿Ya qué?
16:59No, ya. ¿Sabes qué? Ustedes ya...
17:01Y todo tiene un punto.
17:02Se pica.
17:03La que se pica, pierde.
17:04La que se pica, pierde.
17:10Aquí tienes el contrato para que lo leas.
17:13Es muy sencillo, pero revísalo
17:15y si encuentras alguna objeción, lo conversamos.
17:21Mamacita linda.
17:23La única objeción que yo tengo es que usted
17:26cambie de opinión y me deje ahí tirando cintura.
17:28Eso no va a pasar, oh linda.
17:30Por eso estamos firmando un contrato.
17:32Yo, yo estoy firmando.
17:33Y yo lo voy a cumplir.
17:36Que así sea, pues.
17:53Señor de los milagros, Señor.
17:55Corazón de Jesús.
17:59Ya, ya, ya. Ahí está, ahí está.
18:02A ver, dale una más.
18:03A ver, otra vez.
18:07No, bien. Ni se mueve.
18:08No sé, no prende.
18:10¿Y no tiene gasolina?
18:12Prima, le puse suficiente para ir y venir.
18:14Qué raro, de venida no sonaba nada como para que no prenda ahorita.
18:17Y se le bajó la batería.
18:19No creo que sea eso, mi amor.
18:21A ver, empujan para ver si arranca.
18:23Ya, a lo mejor vamos.
18:25Hay que sacarlo, ¿no?
18:30Ahí está.
18:31Ya, a ver, vamos.
18:32Ahí está.
18:35Eso es.
18:41Dale, a ver, métete, métete.
18:42A ver, y ahora sí, ¿ah?
18:44A ver.
18:45Vamos, ¿ah?
18:46Uno, dos, tres.
18:50Trata, trata.
18:51Arranca, arranca.
19:02Ay, cuidado.
19:04¿Y ahora?
19:05¿Qué hacemos?
19:06Ni idea.
19:08En cualquier momento va a oscurecer.
19:09No podemos dejar el carro aquí, si no, ojo, él me mata.
19:12Bueno, pero si está oscureciendo mejor que las chicas vayan y andan en taxi.
19:15No, no, ni hablar.
19:16Yo me quedo acá.
19:17Ni irme sola, no.
19:18Yo también me quedo.
19:19A ver, a ver.
19:20Puede ser que alguien nos ayude por aquí, ¿sí?
19:22Bueno, hay que cuadrar el carro y vamos a buscar ayuda entonces.
19:25Pero si no encontramos a quien nos ayude.
19:27Tendremos que quedarnos.
19:28¿A dormir?
19:29No hay de otra, prima.
19:45¿Pero qué pasa, Raimito?
19:47¡Habla más fuerte!
19:48¡Seguro se volcaron en la carretera!
19:50¡Cállate, hijito!
19:51¡Tonterías no más dices!
19:52Pero Gil, pásame el teléfono.
19:54Pásaselo, pásaselo.
19:56¡Aló, sobrino!
19:57¿Qué pasa?
19:58Tío, le estoy diciendo al abuelo que el carro a Joel se ha malogrado
20:01y nos vamos a tener que quedar a dormir en Pachacamac.
20:05¡Ah, sí, claro!
20:06¡No ves que nací ayer y se fue todo más viejo!
20:09¡No me cree!
20:12Tío, la firme.
20:13De verdad se me ha malogrado el carro y nos tenemos que quedar acá.
20:15Mañana temprano voy a ver a un mecánico para que lo chequee.
20:18Mira, sobrino.
20:19Por ti no me preocupo porque eres hombre.
20:21Y si te tienes que quedar a dormir en Pachacamac, normal.
20:24Pero tú eres responsable de tu prima, Julie.
20:26Oye, ¿y eso cuál es la diferencia?
20:28¡Ah, ya, por favor!
20:29¡Ya, ya!
20:30Habló la feminista.
20:31No, no, ya.
20:32Habló el sentido común.
20:33¿Quién se va a quedar a dormir, don?
20:35Por supuesto, tío.
20:36Claro que sí.
20:37Mi prima está acá conmigo hoy.
20:38Yo la voy a cuidar.
20:39No te preocupes.
20:40Aquí don Gil y Tito y Olinda te toman la palabra.
20:43Oye, yo no he dicho nada.
20:45Listo, listo.
20:46Gracias, tío.
20:47Gracias por confiar en mí.
20:48Nos vemos mañana temprano.
20:54Couple party.
20:56¿De qué fiesta habla este son?
20:58No, no va a haber ninguna fiesta.
21:00Lo que pasa es que los chicos van a tener que quedarse en Pachacamac.
21:03Porque el carrito de Joelito se ha malogrado.
21:07Y regresa mañana temprano.
21:10Bueno, ¿qué tal?
21:11Vamos a jatear.
21:12Vao, listo.
21:13¿Qué? ¿Ya se van a dormir tan temprano?
21:15Probablemente comencemos un rato.
21:16Sí, claro.
21:17De todas maneras.
21:18Solo que estoy algo cansadita.
21:20Bueno, hasta mañana entonces.
21:22Hasta mañana.
21:34Julie, ¿no te parece un poco tonto que no aprovechemos?
21:39¿Qué cosa?
21:40Pasar la noche con nuestros enamorados.
21:44Ale, yo no...
21:45No tiene que pasar nada si no quieres.
21:48No sé, yo extraño despertarme a lo de Jimmy.
21:51Como cuando vivíamos en el callejón.
21:54Sí, sí, te entiendo.
21:58Pero no sé.
22:07Oye, hermano, qué bueno que encontramos este sitio.
22:09Porque si no estaríamos jateando en el carro.
22:11Sí, qué conservadores son en tu familia.
22:13Que ni siquiera han llamado a su viejo.
22:15Así estamos mejor.
22:17Definitivamente nuestras familias tienen dos formas bien distintas de ver las cosas.
22:21Si tu mamá supiese que estamos acá, estaría aquí vigilándonos.
22:24Ni lo dudes.
22:27¿Quién es?
22:29Pasa, mi amor, está abierto.
22:33¿Viste, campeón cuarto?
22:34Ya quisiera, pero ¿sabes cómo piensa Julie?
22:36Está de acuerdo.
22:39Vaya campeón.
22:40Bueno, ¿quién soy yo para oponerme a sus deseos?
22:42¿Qué les canse?
22:46¡Solos, mi amor!
22:47¡Para la noche!
22:48¡Ay, Dios mío!
23:02¿Quién es?
23:03Hola, ¿cómo han salido?
23:13¿Se puede?
23:15Ale me dijo que venga.
23:19¿Todo bien?
23:25Mi amor.
23:28Solamente nos vamos a abrazar y vamos a dormir.
23:31Yo te echo una promesa.
23:33Planeo cumplirla.
23:34¿Está bien?
23:46Podríamos ponerla en la tele también, ¿no?
23:48Ay, sí.
24:11Yo me siento muy mortificado, madame, por haberle fallado.
24:16Ay, no digas tonterías, Peter.
24:19Era demasiado estrés para ti.
24:21Y como no hay mal que por bien no venga,
24:24al menos eso quiero creer,
24:26la idea de convertir el Francescas en un restaurante popular
24:30me parece maravillosa.
24:31Sí, la comida popular no tiene pierde.
24:34Y con Olinda como jefa de la cocina,
24:37el éxito está asegurado.
24:39Ay, sí. Tienes razón.
24:41Vas a ver que esta vez no vamos a fallar.
24:44Yo creo que sí.
24:52Lo que está haciendo por Teresita
24:55es encomiable.
24:57Me hace compañía.
24:58Y es lo que más necesito en estos momentos.
25:02Ay, sí. Muy contentitos.
25:04Mayor Domo Sobón.
25:14Ay, mamá, esa foto.
25:17Ojalá ese gato estafador no te desplome.
25:59¿Cómo que qué?
26:00Se me ha matado un infarto.
26:01Sí, pero es que se me ha apagado el teléfono
26:02y traje el cargador porque el de Jimmy no le hacía mi teléfono.
26:04Ya, pero no lo puedes hacer un poco más.
26:05No sé. Tranquilo.
26:06O sea, no entiendo.
26:07Pero, pero...
26:08¿Qué te pasa?
26:09Ya ve, ya ve.
26:10¿Qué te pasa?
26:12Pero qué divertimente eres, hermanita.
26:14Dios mío.
26:16Madre, cierran las puertas.
26:21Estaba durmiendo tan rico.
26:23Sí, yo también.
26:24Ya, bueno, volvamos a dormir, amor.
26:37Mi amor.
26:41Aquí ya se me fue el sueño.
26:44¿Podemos poner alguna tele?
26:57Amor, amor.
26:59Yo, yo tengo contigo una promesa
27:01y planeo cumplirla.
27:03Pero si me besas de esa manera,
27:06no creo que responda.
27:11Está bien.
27:12Vamos a dormir.
27:28No puedo vivir sin ti.
27:32Solo con mirarte me haces feliz.
27:37Sabes que te amo.
27:42Estaré siempre a tu lado.
27:55Un poquito.
27:56Un poquito de baby botox acá y acá.
27:59Y ya estoy, porque mi carita todavía está potito de bebé.
28:12Hola, Teresa.
28:15¡Qué lindas flores!
28:17Son para ti.
28:19¡Ay, para mí!
28:23Tienen una tarjeta.
28:24Te dejo para que la leas.
28:33A pesar de todo,
28:35no puedo dejar de amarte,
28:43Me enseñaste a querer.
28:45Hoy he vuelto a nacer.
28:47Tú serás por siempre mi universo.
28:50Quiero despertar a tu lado.
28:53Muchas gracias, Daniel.
28:54Eso es todo. Buen viaje.
28:55Muchísimas gracias.
29:00Bueno, el bombo vuelve y está listo.
29:03Ay, nos vamos a Lima.
29:04Qué pena.
29:05Sí, qué pena.
29:06Quería quedarnos.
29:07Yo también.
29:08Cumplí mi promesa.
29:10Lo sé.
29:14¿Ya están?
29:15¿Sí? ¿Ustedes?
29:19Vamos, ¿no?
29:20Ay, se acabó.
29:21Qué pena.
29:26Buen viaje.
29:27Vuelve pronto.
29:29¡Otro viaje!
29:30¿A dónde?
29:31A Recuai.
29:32Ah, Recuai.
29:33O Cusco.
29:34O Argentina.
29:37Sí, claro.
29:38¿Por qué no Argentina?
29:49¿Cuánta plata se estará gastando Antonio en esa sinvergüenza?
29:56¡Doña Francesca!
29:57¡Ya tenemos la propuesta!
29:59¡Ah, qué bien!
30:01¡Nos hemos amanecido ideando la estrategia de marketing!
30:19¿Si gusta, nos reunimos así un toque?
30:21¡Claro que sí!
30:22¿Hay que ponerleOKo pare?
30:23¡Sí, hagámosle del avioncito!
30:25¡Alas y motorcito!
30:28Y la sangresita es lo que más me gusta.
30:30¿Tú la haces, verdad?
30:32¡Sí, rapidito, lo hago todos los días!
30:33¡Muy bien!
30:35Buenas, familia. ¿Qué tal?
30:38¡Hola! ¡Por fin, llegaron!
30:39¡Ya nos estábamos preocupando!
30:41¿De dónde vienen tan temprano?
30:43Ayer se fueron de paseo, si, y se les malogró el carro,
30:46And then they had to stay up with their partners.
30:50Oh, cutie, you can't with your genius.
30:54Those things don't vent so happily.
30:58Think of Maripazita, just the example he gives her.
31:01Yes, you are right, Gilguerito.
31:03Sorry, I ran away. You see what I tell you, kid.
31:06When did you go?
31:07We went to Chacamac.
31:09It was a round trip, right? But the car broke down.
31:11Well, happily they fixed it and they are here.
31:15Why don't you sit down to have breakfast?
31:16Oh, I'm going to leave my things and wash my hands.
31:18Me too.
31:19Yes, let's go.
31:20Oh, it was the bad-ass car.
31:22Yes, yes, no, yes, no.
31:24We are in a hurry because if we don't sell him his good money.
31:27Yes, we have to talk, huh?
31:29Well, family, we are leaving now.
31:31Aren't you going to sit down to have breakfast?
31:32No, the duty calls us, but I'm going to take a break.
31:34Let's go.
31:38Where are you going, crazy kid?
31:40It must be something very important so that they don't sit down to have breakfast.
31:46Oh, how beautiful.
31:49How beautiful the beauties.
31:52I just found out that they slept with their vernacular lovers.
31:57It's not what you think, dad.
31:59The car really broke down.
32:01Please, the car broke down.
32:03With me.
32:04I'm just telling you that if they show up one day with their Sunday 7th,
32:09I'll disinherit them.
32:12Sunday 7th?
32:14Oh, I'll explain later.
32:31I agree with all your proposals.
32:34Even the name change?
32:37We don't have time to waste,
32:39so tell me how you have organized for the start of the campaign.
32:45We want to start by taking some pictures.
32:49We thought it could be tomorrow.
32:51It couldn't be today?
32:52That's how we save time.
32:54Does that mean we're hired?
32:57What do you think?
33:12What are you doing here?
33:13What a coincidence. How are you?
33:15Good, good.
33:16Yesterday we ran away to Pachacamac,
33:18to Andalusia, Yuli, Cristobal,
33:20and we had to stay there because the Bumblebee failed.
33:22Ah, the old trick, right?
33:24Why does everyone say the same thing?
33:26Those things don't happen with your mom.
33:28Hey, how are you?
33:30Good, good.
33:31Yes, I'm there chatting with the grandchildren.
33:33I can imagine.
33:34And when are you coming back?
33:38No, it's just that she's...
33:40I guess she's very ashamed of everything that happened with that guy.
33:43And besides, she's happy.
33:45Because she's with Greg, with the family, right?
33:47Nicolás is working all day, so she has to be with my nephews.
33:49Yes, I understand.
33:52And you?
33:53Have you forgiven her?
33:55I love her.
34:00Hey, what do you think if you open with me and you stay?
34:04What do you think if you open with me and you stay?
34:06Do you stay? Yes?
34:07I am the manager, so you can be my guest.
34:09What an honor.
34:10Let's go.
34:12Be careful, be careful.
34:16The epitrimethium has been left, compadre.
34:18You see something else.
34:20A warmer environment, more peasant, more cheerful.
34:23That's right, brother.
34:25Now we just need to put the photo of Doña Francesca,
34:27change the name of the restaurant,
34:29and we are ready for the opening.
34:32What a win, brother.
34:36I don't know how they were able to convince me.
34:40I hardly recognize the restaurant.
34:42It was nice.
34:44Well, if I didn't know I was in the Francescas,
34:47I would think I got into any fucking thing.
34:49That's the idea, that's the idea.
34:51Ready for the photo session?
34:53It's never ready, but...
34:55I guess this idea of yours is winning.
34:59We are...
35:04A song for all those who are looking for love,
35:29I love it.
35:31We have already printed the new letter with the dishes that Linda gave us.
35:34We have included beers in the list of drinks.
35:36And we already have the new uniforms of the waiters,
35:38white shirt and black pants.
35:40Yes, and we have also asked the waiters to be kind,
35:42but relaxed.
35:44They are not going to relax drinking beers in the kitchen.
35:46No, no, no, not at all, Doña Francesca, please.
35:50And when can we open the doors to the public?
35:52To the new public, you mean.
35:54Yes, yes, if we start with the full campaign,
35:57we could open tomorrow.
36:18Guys, I'm very nervous,
36:21because today is my first day as manager
36:24in the restaurant Doña Francesca.
36:26Everything will be fine, Linda.
36:28Count on us.
36:30Thank you, Judas.
36:31I know I count on you,
36:33and I count on all of you guys,
36:35but the truth is that I'm very afraid of failing.
36:37No, no, no, that's not going to happen.
36:40No, but if Doña Francesca comes,
36:42I mean, Doña Francesca, and watches me,
36:44I'm going to be shaking and nothing is going to come out.
36:46But Doña Francesca said she wasn't going to show up
36:49because she doesn't want the new waiters
36:51to relate to this popular restaurant.
36:54Guys, guys.
36:55People have arrived.
36:56People have arrived.
36:57I'm going to fear them.
36:58Oh, Lord of Quinoa, Padre.
36:59Virgencita de las Unas, Virgencita de las Alpes.
37:02Oh, Lord of the Miracles, Lord.
37:04Santa Rosita de Lima, San Martín de Porce.
37:07Good afternoon.
37:08Welcome to Doña Francesca.
37:10My name is Lucio, and I'm going to fear them.
37:12Thank you.
37:13So you don't get dirty, Abuelito.
37:15Thank you, little girl.
37:17Thank you.
37:18Today is my dad's birthday.
37:20Happy birthday, sir.
37:22Thank you, young man.
37:23Yes, young man.
37:24And today we want to have fun with everything, my daddy.
37:27Of course.
37:28You tell me.
37:29What do you want to eat, old man?
37:31Let's see the cards.
37:33Very well.
37:34Let me give you the cards.
37:35Thank you.
37:36There it is.
37:37Thank you.
37:38Let's see, let's see.
37:39Let's see, little girl.
37:40Let's see.
37:41You know better.
37:42Everything looks delicious.
37:43Oh, yes.
37:45What do you want, Dad?
37:46A potato salad.
37:47No, old man.
37:48How are we going to come here to ask for a potato salad?
37:51It is one of the specialties of the house.
37:53What's more, we have a double extreme.
37:55Double extreme.
37:56That's what I want.
37:57Are you sure, daddy?
37:59Of course.
38:00Then a double extreme potato salad comes out for the gentleman.
38:03And for the lady?
38:04I want a mutton soup.
38:07For you?
38:08For me, well, an extreme pollada.
38:11An extreme pollada.
38:12For you?
38:13Me too.
38:14A pollada.
38:15A pollada.
38:16For you?
38:17Yeah, well, a pollada.
38:19To drink?
38:20Let it be two.
38:21Let it be two.
38:22Sir, a beer too, if you want.
38:24Of course.
38:25I'll be right back.
38:30What did he say to you?
38:31Let's see.
38:32First, a double extreme potato salad.
38:34Don't play.
38:36Don't put that away yet.
38:37Oh, yes.
38:38A mutton soup.
38:39Pour your blood, sir.
38:40And three polladas.
38:41Protect us, blessed Lord.
38:43Let's see.
38:44For my fault, for my fault, for my great fault.
38:47Let's start.
38:49Let's start.
38:50The salad.
38:52The salad.
38:54The potatoes.
38:55We're going to fry the potatoes.
38:57Well fried, crunchy, crunchy, crunchy.
38:59Today, Mrs. Francisca opens her doors to the public.
39:06I have preferred to be more discreet this time
39:08and not announce the reopening of the restaurant with bombs and dishes.
39:12What's more, I'm not even going to show up there.
39:16It's true.
39:18The advertising strategy was the best.
39:22Yes, we bomb everywhere.
39:24The networks, radios, television channels, everything.
39:29Yes, Pepitito, you turned out to be some good advertisers.
39:34Thank you, Ronald.
39:36I also hope it is a success.
39:39This extra double salchipapa is very good.
39:43It's the second dish you eat, grandfather.
39:45I'm going to burst.
39:47Everything is delicious.
39:50Hey, old woman.
39:51We've never come to this restaurant.
39:54But they already screwed up.
39:55They already screwed up because from now on I don't want to go anywhere else.
39:59Yes, dad.
40:00Forget the cake.
40:03Now we are going to sing Happy Birthday.
40:07One, two, three.
40:10Happy birthday to you.
40:16We wish you a happy birthday.
40:22We wish you a happy birthday.
40:29Happy birthday to you.
40:34We wish you a happy birthday.
40:37Stop, stop.
40:38One moment, daddy.
40:39Make a wish.
40:40Come on, come on.
40:42Now blow out the candles.
40:44With force, daddy.
40:45With force.
40:55Call an ambulance.
40:56Call an ambulance.
40:59Call an ambulance.
41:00Call an ambulance.
41:04Call an ambulance.
41:05I'm going to see your cell phone.
41:06Call an ambulance.
41:08Daddy, listen.
41:09Daddy, listen.
41:10Cat's nail.
41:14A little nail.
41:15Not bad.
41:16Little nail.
41:17Not bad?
41:18Yes, not bad.
41:23What's up, assholes?
41:27Call an ambulance.
41:29Call an ambulance.
41:30But what happened?
41:31In the middle of Happy Birthday he gave him a patatoos.
41:34Let me check him.
41:35What's his name?
41:36Daddy Cucho.
41:37Daddy Cucho.
41:38Can you hear me?
41:41I'm very sorry.
42:05Come back maybe you promise.
42:06I don't know.
42:07I don't know.
42:08specified positive.
42:09I don't know.
42:10The signal.
42:11Give back my father.
42:12Give back my father.
42:13I don't know.
42:14Come back now please.
42:15You don't know, daddy.
42:18Come back.
42:21Leave me.
42:23I don't know.
42:25I'm sure they cook with recycled oil.
42:28That's why the sausage has that color, right?
42:31Damned inhumans.
42:34You killed our Cucho.
42:36We are murderers.
42:38We are going to go to jail.
42:42We are going to go to jail.
42:43To pay for it.
42:45To pay for it.
42:48What a surprise.
42:49But what is that, you idiot?
42:52Excuse me, old man.
42:53Fierita, I have some words on the trip.
42:57I'm very upset.
42:58Excuse me.
42:59But why did you come back so soon?
43:01Did you get bored of the mines or what?
43:03Who gets bored of the mines?
43:04Who gets bored of the mines?
43:05That's what I miss.
43:07Franklin saw my face one more time.
43:10Did he speak well?
43:12He took me to the tour with deceit.
43:14Joel, I don't understand.
43:16Weren't you going to sing?
43:17Yes, that was supposed to be the plan.
43:18But in the end it wasn't.
43:19Did he keep your money?
43:20No, it's not that.
43:21He took me to a TV show.
43:23But it was a joke.
43:26What do you mean?
43:27I don't want to go into details.
43:29I get upset.
43:31So they made fun of your music?
43:33It can't be.
43:34Your music is great.
43:35How can they make fun of it?
43:36That's what I'm saying.
43:37You were very famous in those lands.
43:39And I'm very famous.
43:42But they make fun of it.
43:44They make fun of what I do.
43:46They say I'm a laughable piece of shit.
43:48Can you believe it?
43:49What else?
43:50They made fun of me.
43:52But I couldn't sing because I was so embarrassed.
43:54You know I'm not a laughable piece of shit.
43:57You know what?
43:58We're with you.
44:00Thank you, man.
44:02You will always be my idol.
44:03You are my role model.
44:05Thank you, but you are my idol.
44:07I want you to know that you are a prophet in your land.
44:11King of prophets.
44:12King of prophets.
44:13Well, well.
44:14I only have one thing to tell you, Joel.
44:17Tell me.
44:19What did you bring us?
44:22Alfajores, dulce de leche and some football keys.
44:26Distribute them, but leave them for others.
44:28Thank you, Joel.
44:29I'll keep this key for the bus.
44:31Now that Latere is not here, the dulce de leche is not going to run out in half an hour.
44:36But it's the truth, Mr. Gil.
44:38Do I speak badly of your absent daughter?
44:41Well, but I don't want to cover the sun with a finger either, Mr. Gil.
44:44Since Latere is not here, there is plenty of food in the fridge.
44:46Since she's not here, I have an emptiness in my heart.
44:51Cut it out, man.
44:53It's okay.
44:54Forgive me, Mr. Gil.
44:55Forgive me.
44:56You are forgiven.
44:58But from time to time you should put yourself in the other person's shoes.
45:03Yes, yes.
45:04And well, I'm going to rest.
45:05Wait, wait.
45:06More, more, more.
45:07Something very important that I have to tell you.
45:09The Spaniard deceives his mother and stays here.
45:17I spoke with my friend David.
45:19He tells me that they are going to call you very soon for an interview.
45:22I do not assure you anything.
45:23But it is the chain of GHB hotels.
45:29GHB, the multinational?
45:31The one of the luxury hotels?
45:32Yes, yes.
45:33Oh my God!
45:35How delicious!
45:37How can I help you, Maldini Bamba?
45:39Let's see.
45:40With respect.
45:41Nothing of Maldini Bamba.
45:42You know that I am unique and original.
45:45What do you need?
45:47My car.
45:48It's making a strange sound.
45:50Again with that story?
45:51That's true.
45:53A lot of cane for you, see?
45:55It's a lot for you.
45:58Stop, stop, stop.
46:00Why are you making fun of me?
46:02What do I tell you?
46:03What do I tell you?
46:07Another one who has to stop eating before going to sleep.
46:15Can you explain to me why there is no attention?
46:17I killed a commissioner.