Al Fondo Hay Sitio 11 Capitulo 57 Completo HD Online

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Al Fondo Hay Sitio 11 Capitulo 57 Completo HD Online
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 11 Capitulo 58 Completo HD Online
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 11 Capitulo 59 Completo HD Online
Al Fondo Hay Sitio 11 Capitulo 57 Completo HD Online
00:00¡La iglesia!
00:02¡La iglesia!
00:04¡Te extrañé amiga!
00:06Juan told me that before leaving Charito told him
00:09He sweated, right? It's that guy
00:11Yes, I also talked to him
00:13You only talked?
00:15For now
00:17Aren't you going to take a plane and go there?
00:19Look, if there's something I'm sure of right now
00:22It's that my thing with Charo
00:24It's that my thing with Charo
00:25It's that my thing with Charo
00:27Claudio, why so much silence?
00:29Teresa Collazos went shopping
00:31No, Miss Teresa Collazos is not going to live with us anymore
00:34Excuse me
00:37How much I needed to hear good news
00:41You're hungry
00:44I haven't had lunch yet
00:47What does the baby prepare without eating?
00:51I'm going to go prepare something for you
00:53I'll bring it to you so you can eat it secretly
00:56What if he finds out?
00:57No, no one is going to find out
00:59I'm always stealthy like the wind
01:02So, did you leave your salary in the corporation to work in that neighborhood chifa?
01:08Do you think I did wrong?
01:11No, not at all
01:13You've done the best you could, my love
01:15Come on, I'll walk you home
01:17No, no, don't worry
01:18Hey, I'm worried
01:19Come on
01:20It's fine
01:21This is heavy
01:22You see?
01:24Now, it's my turn
01:31I'm going to eat more
01:46I'm very hungry
01:47My fat gut is going to eat my skinny gut
01:50I think we're out of here
01:51Let's look for a menu
01:54Here, for you two
01:56Eat quickly
01:57What is it?
01:58Rice with eggs
01:59The only thing I could prepare
02:00Hurry up
02:01Excuse me!
02:03What is going on here?
02:19Why did he do that?
02:24What are you doing sitting here?
02:27Hi cousin
02:30Oh, cousin
02:31Let me introduce you to Jackson
02:33He's my classmate
02:35Jackson, this is my cousin Jimmy
02:37Nice to meet you
02:39Well, bye
02:46Hey, is your cousin the neighborhood chifa?
02:50Are you sure?
02:52I'm sure he's doing something else
02:54I better not tell you
02:57What a nice house
02:59Hey, this neighborhood is nice, right?
03:08What does this mean?
03:11This is a tupperware
03:13Yes, I know it's a tupperware
03:14But what's inside?
03:17It's empty
03:18What's it going to have?
03:19What do you mean it's empty?
03:20What's it going to have?
03:21Olinda had asked us to lend her a tupperware
03:24And we had lent it to her
03:25And now she's returning it to us
03:26That's what it was
03:27Thank you
03:28No, no, no
03:29You stay here
03:30You're not leaving
03:31Stay here
03:32What's in the tupperware?
03:34What's in the tupperware?
03:36Give it to me
03:37Give me the tupperware
03:38No, no
03:39Give it to me
03:40No, no
03:41Give me the tupperware
03:42Now, give it to me
03:43No, no
03:44No, no
03:45No, no
03:49What's inside?
03:50Rice with eggs
03:51Oh, there was food?
03:52No idea
03:54Oh, Teresa
03:55Don't do it
03:56Don't do it
03:57He's playing the fool
03:58You're betraying me
04:01It's to kill
04:02And we're going to stay in the bus until late
04:03Let me see
04:04If there's food
04:05I have prepared for lunch
04:06There's a pot there
04:07You can grab from there
04:08Your food is disgusting, Tere
04:10It's disgusting
04:11There, I said it, I said it
04:13Don't say it like this
04:16Yes, it's a shithouse, sister
04:17How can they say that?
04:20I really don't know.
04:22I really didn't want you to...
04:24Look, say no more!
04:26I already realized what you're doing.
04:28You want to go against me.
04:30You want to beat them by telling them
04:32off but you want them to go against me.
04:35I'm completely disappointed in you.
04:42But don't take the tupperware...
04:43Please don't take the tupperware.
04:44No, no!
04:46¡No! ¡El tape! ¡No!
04:50¿Y la bodega también es suya?
04:51Sí, de Don Gilberto.
04:53Te aseguro, más de una vez te llevaste un chocolatito.
04:55No, no. ¿Cómo crees?
04:57¿No te llevaba ni un chicle?
04:59Ajá, no mientas.
05:00Ay, claro.
05:17¿Y ese pata?
05:18Nunca lo había visto en el policlínico.
05:21Ya no es tu problema, Cristobal.
05:31Debe ser un tipo que se ofreció a cargarle la canasta, nada más, ¿no?
05:36¿Y por qué se ofreció?
05:41¿Y si le regaló la canasta?
05:43¿Si quiere algo con ella?
05:45¿Si ella quiere algo con él?
05:48Ya, Cristobal, déjate de vainas.
06:06¡Papito! ¡Mira lo que hizo tu mujercita!
06:13¿Tú también?
06:17¿Qué tienes ahí?
06:22¡En tu boca!
06:29Papá, ¿no te das cuenta que esa mujercita quiere hacerme quedar mal?
06:33¿Quiere sabotearme?
06:38No es así.
06:40Lo que pasa es que me quedé con hambre.
06:43¿Pero si te quedaste con hambre?
06:46¡Me decías si yo te servía lo que preparé en el almuerzo!
06:51¿Quedó algo?
06:52¡Por supuesto! ¡Quedó un montón! ¡Hasta mañana!
06:57Qué bueno.
06:58¿Quieres que te sirva?
07:00Ah, claro.
07:03Yo estaba comiendo esto porque pensaba que no había quedado nada.
07:08¡No, papá! ¡Ha quedado un montón!
07:10¡No, papá! ¡Ha quedado un montón!
07:13Te voy a servir así mucho, mucho para que quedes satisfecho.
07:18Ya. Entonces me llevo esto.
07:30Vamos ya, vamos. No vamos a salir hoy día ya.
07:33Entonces tenemos que obligarlo a que salga, mano.
07:35Ya, mañana será.
07:37¡Por hoy te salvaste, desgraciado!
07:39¡Igual te vamos a agarrar, no más te digo!
07:42¡Dale, segura, nuestra viejita españolete!
07:45Madre mía en qué lío me metí.
07:48Por Dios, ayúdame. Ayúdame, Diosito.
07:51Yo sé que no te rezo desde la primera comunión, pero me tienes que ayudar.
07:54Y tú también, virgencita de mi vida. Ayúdame, por favor.
07:57Que esta gente me matan. Me dejan seco.
08:02Estoy molesto, mano.
08:04Vamos a dar una vuelta. Vamos a dar una vuelta para que se te pase.
08:06¿Yo vuelvo a ti?
08:07Vamos, ya.
08:16Normalmente es refresquito, pero mi tía Charo se fue de viaje y recién nos estamos acomodando.
08:21El agua está perfecto. Es más saludable.
08:24Gracias por cargar la canacita por mí.
08:26Oye, casi te tuve que robar.
08:28Es que me da pena que vengas hasta aquí.
08:32Ay, Dios.
08:34¿Te sigue doliendo la cabeza?
08:37Sí, creo que voy a tomar una pastilla.
08:40Mira, no tengo nada en contra de las pastillas,
08:42pero creo que unos buenos masajes te quitarían ese dolor.
08:47¿No me crees? Mira, dame tu mano.
08:53¿Cuándo empezó el dolor?
08:55Ahora en la mañana.
08:57¿Mucha chamba?
08:59Hace poco terminé con mi ex y las cosas no han sido fáciles desde entonces.
09:07No, además de decepción, cólera y pena.
09:11Mucha pena.
09:16Oye, ¿ya no me duele nadita?
09:36¿Cómo lo hiciste? ¿Funcionó?
09:39Se llama reflexología y funciona mejor en los pies.
09:42¿Sabías que hay más de 7.200 terminaciones nerviosas en la planta de los pies?
09:48Si quieres, te hago para que te relajes un poco.
09:50Ay, no. Qué vergüencita.
09:52¿Por qué? Es como cualquier otra terapia.
09:55¿Quieres relajarte o no?
09:57Ya, pero con medias.
10:00Ya, está bien.
10:01Ya, pero con medias.
10:04Ya, está bien.
10:06Ponte cómoda.
10:12Espera. Espera. Me da mucho... Me da cosquillas.
10:18Muere la cosquilluda.
10:21Ya, ya. Pon las manos.
10:22Sí, sí.
10:43Hoy no pudimos darle su merecido el españolete ese.
10:46Pero al menos hoy vamos a dormir como gente.
10:49Si o no, perro atleta.
10:51Claro que sí, mano.
10:52Por fin se fue el abuelo.
10:54Era una pesadilla, mano.
10:55No sabés lo que era sentir su respiración en el cuello.
10:58Ay, su ronquido, mano.
11:01¿Y sus gases?
11:03Hacían agrimear los ojos, mano.
11:05Sí, claro, claro.
11:06Es un olor tan potente, tan potente, mano,
11:09que te hacía perder el conocimiento, perro.
11:13Ay, qué rico.
11:15Esto es vida.
11:17Hoy sí voy a dormir como bebé.
11:18Pero antes voy a hacer un viaje para el baño, perro.
11:21Está bien, está bien.
11:26¿Alguien vio mi vasenica?
11:29Está acá. Está acá, abuelo.
11:31Acá abajo.
11:43Está saliendo con él.
11:45¿Pero por qué lo hace?
11:48Eso ya qué importa, Cristóbal.
11:51Yuli está pasando la página y tú deberías de hacer lo mismo.
11:55Deja de comerte la cabeza.
12:11Ya es hora de que salgas de mi cabeza.
12:28¿Qué está pasando?
12:29Agáchate, te va a ver.
12:30¿Ya te ves adormida?
12:31Sí, sí. ¿Qué ocurre?
12:34Claro, ¿qué ocurre? Preguntas, ¿no?
12:36Como tú almuerzas en el policlínico no te enteras,
12:39pero acá nosotros le estamos viendo negras.
12:41No entiendo.
12:43Ven, ven.
12:45Ven, vamos.
12:49A ver.
12:59Vamos, vamos, vamos.
13:01¿Ves, linda, mi lindita?
13:07¡Sálvate, Juana!
13:11¿Qué hacen todos aquí?
13:14Perdón por invadir tu privacidad,
13:18pero necesitamos que nos hagas un favor.
13:22No quisimos perturbar tus sueños.
13:25Oh, linda.
13:26Queremos que mañana tú nos prepares el desayuno, por favor.
13:29Pero le toca a Teresita.
13:31No podemos seguir comiendo su comida.
13:34Es una cochinada.
13:35¡Tampoco le digas así!
13:37Ay, apéguense. Está muy desesperada.
13:39Es mi hijita, pero no puedo negar lo evidente.
13:43No tiene ni pizca de talento para la cocina.
13:46Hoy les preparé un rico arrocito con huevo,
13:49y ella se molestó cuando se enteró.
13:51No puedo hacer eso.
13:52Te pagamos cuando quieres.
13:53No se trata de eso, Pepe.
13:55Teresita se está esforzando mucho
13:57en tratar de ser una buena ama de casa.
13:59¡Linda, no entiendes! ¡Esto es pido muerte!
14:01Por favor, lindita. Te lo suplicamos por favor.
14:03Ablanda tu corazón.
14:04Sí, sí, sí.
14:06¿Qué podemos hacer con la pizarra?
14:08Ella escribió bien clarito
14:10que la que preparaba el desayuno mañana era Teresa.
14:13Mañana o más tarde les preparé el almuercito.
14:15No hay problema.
14:16Eso es imposible.
14:18¿Por qué?
14:19Porque hoy sobró el almuerzo.
14:22Por favor, por favor.
14:24A ver, a ver, tranquilo, tranquilo.
14:26¿Qué pasa?
14:27Yo tengo la solución.
14:28¿Cuál es?
14:29Voy a cambiar los nombres en la pizarra.
14:32No se va a dar cuenta.
14:34Es mi idea.
14:35Ahí vas tú.
14:36Ya está.
14:37Ese es la voz.
14:40¡Sí, yo!
14:59¿Cómo la Charo puede levantarse a esta hora?
15:03Un ratito más.
15:09¡Qué rico!
15:10¡Qué delicioso!
15:11¡El tecito con limón!
15:12¡Está hecho en casa!
15:14¡Está rico!
15:15¡El tecito con limón!
15:16¿Otra vez tú?
15:17A mí me tocaba hacer el desayuno.
15:20No me digas.
15:21¿Me confundí?
15:23No me digas.
15:24¡Me confundí!
15:25En la pizarra está clarito.
15:26A la Tere le tocaba hacer el desayuno.
15:29No me digas.
15:30¿Me confundí?
15:32No me digas.
15:33¡Me confundí!
15:34En la pizarra está clarito.
15:35A la Tere le tocaba hacer el desayuno.
15:37No, no, no, tía.
15:38No, no, no.
15:39Mira, mira, mira.
15:40Chequea, chequea.
15:41Ahí está.
15:42En claro, ahí está.
15:43Sí, ahí está.
15:44Sí, sí.
15:45¿Quién fue?
15:46¿Quién fue?
15:48¿Quién fue?
15:49Mira, hijita.
15:50En esto estamos todos.
15:51Queríamos que te tomes un descanso.
15:52Papito, ¿tú estabas al tanto?
15:53Ayer ya hiciste mucho por nosotros.
16:07Nada, nada.
16:08Nada más Shorty, con nosotros.
16:10¿De quién fue la idea?
16:11Fue tuya, ¿no?
16:12Olinda, no tiene la culpa.
16:13No, no las defiendas.
16:14Fue tu idea.
16:15Ya sé lo que planeas.
16:16Que todos me vean a mí como si fuese una inútil.
16:17A ver.
16:18¿Qué te tocaba hacer a ti?
16:20Lavar ropa.
16:21¡Ya está!
16:22¡No se diga más!
16:23Yo voy a lavar la ropa.
16:24Tía, no, no te molestes, ¿sí?
16:26Yo voy a lavar la ropa.
16:27ite, tia, relajate.
16:28Yo voy a lavar ropa.
16:29No, pero...
16:30Ya bueno, bueno, ya.
16:36That's it!
16:56Good morning. I wanted to tell you that I'm not going to...
16:58Save your words. I don't care what you do with your life.
17:03Miss Alicia, would you like some breakfast?
17:06Wait in the kitchen, please. I don't want to be late.
17:19What's up, bro? Nothing?
17:21Nothing. He's more coward than I thought.
17:24We just have to do one thing.
17:29Come in.
17:31Wait, wait, wait. That's enough, please.
17:34As the head of security of the New Lomas,
17:37I can't allow them to take the house of a neighbor of the New Lomas.
17:42I can't allow it.
17:44Now that it just so happens that I'm going to do my round,
17:49and I don't realize anything of what's going on,
17:52I'm in charge. That's when things change.
17:59Let's go, bro.
18:01Right there.
18:04Get in, get in.
18:06We're going to blow it up.
18:09Easy, easy, bro.
18:11One moment, please.
18:13I swear to God that I didn't want what happened to happen to us.
18:16You're going to pay for everything.
18:18Get out of here.
18:20Get out!
18:23Oh, man.
18:25Let's go, let's go, let's go.
18:27I don't feel my sternum.
18:52I don't feel my sternum.
19:07I don't need anything else to be happy.
19:16Oh, my hands.
19:18Soft and tender.
19:20Now that I've washed so much, they're going to get rough.
19:24They're going to look like Felix's.
19:26All full of calluses.
19:28But everything is so that everyone realizes
19:30that I am better than the bat from Chalhuanca.
19:33Because she thinks I don't realize.
19:36But I know that she wants to be the matriarch.
19:39She wants to be the matriarch of this home, but I'm not going to allow it.
19:42Because a matriarch like Charo has to be a leader.
19:46She has to push her people.
19:48She has to be a woman with strength.
19:50With voice.
19:51And I have all those qualities.
19:53Because I'm going to make my mommy, who is in heaven,
19:55next to Angel Gabriel.
19:57What a thing.
19:59She's not going to come and take my place.
20:02Of course not.
20:04The house.
20:17More slowly.
20:18To wake up my kitten that is sleeping.
20:23I'm ready.
20:24That's it.
20:25Don't forget your keys again.
20:27No, no, it's not going to happen.
20:29Who cancels me?
20:30How much is it?
20:31How much?
20:3230 soles.
20:3330 soles.
20:34Thank you, my friend.
20:35You eat.
20:37Here it is.
20:38Is it missing?
20:39No, no.
20:40I'll transfer it to you.
20:41It's ready.
20:42I'll transfer it to you.
20:44Thank you.
20:45Thank you, my brother.
20:46Send me your number.
20:47It's ready.
20:48I'll sign it.
20:49Thank you.
20:50God be with you.
21:02Hey, brother.
21:03It doesn't open.
21:04It doesn't open.
21:05Push hard.
21:06I'm going.
21:07Don't hide, miserable.
21:08Hey, brother.
21:09What was it?
21:10I don't remember anything.
21:11No, no.
21:15Hanging hammers?
21:16They have the house full of traps.
21:17What do you think?
21:18My poor little angel.
21:36My poor angel.
21:40Hey, wait a minute, brother.
21:41We have to put an end to these attempts of aggression.
21:42If we are the only aggressors here.
21:43But we can't continue with this shameless violence, brother.
21:44Yes, we can continue.
21:45Yes, we can continue.
21:46But what are you doing?
21:47Hey, hey, hey.
21:48I support you.
21:49I support you.
21:50Hey, brother.
21:51Brother, brother.
21:52We have to change the plan.
21:53Yes, brother.
21:54I think it's time to vote.
21:55Plan L.
21:57No, brother.
21:58Don't ask me that.
21:59What is more important?
22:00What's more important? Tell me!
22:01Put me in my place, man!
22:02I'm going to put me in your place, man.
22:03I'm going to put me in your place, man.
22:04I'm going to put me in your place.
22:05What's more important?
22:06What's more important?
22:07Tell me.
22:08What's more important?
22:09Do we have to do it?
22:10Well, well, you're right.
22:11A son has to do what he has to do.
22:12Send it.
22:13You're going to love it.
22:14I came a week ago and I was impressed.
22:15And that's because you're a Sibarita.
22:16I know all the Guariquis.
22:17Two sopan guaguao.
22:18Bon Appetit.
22:19Thank you very much.
22:20Thank you.
22:21Thank you.
22:22Thank you.
22:23Thank you.
22:24Thank you.
22:25Thank you.
22:28Bon Appetit!
22:29Thank you.
22:43This is impressive!
22:45I told you.
22:48My friend told me about this place.
22:50But this exceeds all my expectations.
22:52Congratulations Mr. Chef of In our part!
22:55Ah, well, very good.
22:57Yes, cook and best friend.
23:05Oh, but this shirt, how modern.
23:07I had not seen my daddy.
23:13What happens?
23:15What have you done to my daughter's blouse?
23:17Oh, but look, I left her all pretty, smelling delicious, plus all pink.
23:21It was white!
23:23But pink looks better.
23:25It was her school uniform, Teresa!
23:27Oh, well.
23:28Tito, do not get bad.
23:30Vivi, Vivi!
23:32It's all pink!
23:34But, Tito, let me explain.
23:37Come here.
23:38No, Teresa!
23:39This can not go on like this!
23:41What happened to dad?
23:43Please, tell me it's going to explode.
23:45And what else does it give if it's all bad?
23:47What was it? What was it?
23:49What are those screams?
23:53Teresa has spoiled all our clothes.
23:56It's all pink as if we were model boys!
23:59My Doracus boots?
24:01And also my little girl's uniform!
24:03My favorite jacket?
24:05My jeans!
24:07It's going to look like a ...
24:08Look, I don't know about you, but I'm sick of it already!
24:10Sick of what?
24:11Tell me, sick of what?
24:12Teresa, with all due respect,
24:14your work as a housewife leaves much to be desired.
24:18You don't know how to wash, you don't know how to cook,
24:20and on top of that you treat us badly!
24:21In other words,
24:22you can't keep taking care of the house!
24:25Yes I can!
24:26Aunt, aunt, you have to accept your limits.
24:29But then who's going to do the housework?
24:31You four don't even know how to wash the pot!
24:35I suggest Linda arrive.
24:38But Linda has just arrived to this house.
24:39What is she going to do about this house?
24:41Ah, she's going to do better than you anyway.
24:44Grandpa, grandma, talk to her.
24:45Defend yourself.
24:46No, thank you.
24:50It's just that I have to help Gilguerito a lot with the winery.
24:53Oh, cutie, but you like to cook.
24:55The truth is that I don't want to have problems.
24:58But you know how to do things in the house, cutie.
25:00Yes, of course.
25:01And you're not going to have any problems.
25:03Because in this house, disagreements are solved democratically, right?
25:07Yes, yes, yes.
25:09Two rich clients have gone crazy with your flavor.
25:18Seriously? And what did they eat?
25:20Guagua soup, but now they're going to taste your salty taialin.
25:23Oh, well, great.
25:24Then I can take them.
25:26I'll say hello to them and we'll talk a little more, right?
25:28No, bring it here.
25:30But ...
25:31Bring it here, now.
25:32The cooks are humble people.
25:34Nothing from being out to the civil in lakes like television stars.
25:37No, sí, señora Lee, pero es que yo...
25:39¡Dale cocinela a su cocina!
25:57In 30 you have to change the sura of patient 302.
25:59You've noticed.
26:02How's your headache?
26:04Fine, it doesn't hurt anymore.
26:06The truth is, I didn't believe in that kind of little things, but...
26:09Little things?
26:11Oh, sorry, in that kind of therapies.
26:13But you made me change my mind.
26:15Hey, why do you always talk without a reason?
26:18Little things, nothing.
26:21I don't know, it's a little habit.
26:23Little habit.
26:25Oh, sorry.
26:30Hello, Uncle Pepe?
26:36For what?
26:37Let's start with the counting of the votes.
26:39Out of pure zeal.
26:40We're going to draw lots.
26:41And with the vote of the charo, which is abroad, I'm going to win.
26:44We'll see.
26:45Compadre, proceed.
26:47Let's see.
26:48The first vote is for...
26:52It's not you, Judas.
26:55The second vote is for...
26:59Well, the three remaining votes are mine.
27:01Let's see, let's see.
27:03The third vote is for...
27:07Now it's my turn.
27:09Well, let's see, let's see.
27:11The fourth vote is for...
27:18The fifth vote is for...
27:25And the last one is...
27:31So the winner is...
27:37You didn't vote for me either?
27:42Forgive me, but...
27:44I voted for Blanco because...
27:46you are not made for household chores.
27:51But I don't understand.
27:53I gave up my luxurious life to come and support you and you pay me like this?
27:58It's not like that, aunt.
28:00No, it is!
28:01You are being ungrateful to me!
28:03Don't you realize?
28:05Again you are turning your back on me!
28:07And I'm not going to tolerate that!
28:09I'm leaving here!
28:11I'm leaving!
28:13I'm leaving!
28:17You have too much work.
28:20Baby, we did what we did because you already have too many responsibilities.
28:25The junior.
28:27The canine clothes.
28:29All that.
28:30Don Gil, don't lie to him.
28:31He lost because as a housewife he is a zero to the left.
28:33Don't be so insensitive.
28:35Carmen is the one who knows how to lose.
28:36Aunt, you can't go.
28:37Don't tell me that!
28:38Aunt, please.
28:39You are from my team.
28:40Don't you like ironing, sweeping, cooking?
28:42Nothing, yes or no?
28:43But you will never be able to replace Charo, Tere.
28:46Don't you want to help me?
28:48Let's see, let's see, let's see.
28:50I would like to say a few words if you allow me.
28:54First of all, thank you for your trust.
28:56But we must also recognize the great effort that Teresita is making.
29:01Oh, come on!
29:02Murciélago of Chalhuaca.
29:03Well, I'm leaving.
29:08Aunt, where are you going?
29:11To a place where they do value me.
29:13Excuse me, excuse me.
29:17And I'm going to take my holy mother.
29:19Because she,
29:20she did love me above all things.
29:23Look, there it is.
29:26She did value me above all things.
29:28And I would not tolerate an injustice like the one they have had with me.
29:43Mrs. Francesca, they are looking for you.
29:46The prodigal daughter.
29:49I'm back.
29:50I see.
29:51Where does that of my family need me?
29:53After the charrozollola that is in command.
29:55Frances, I have to be honest.
29:58The truth is that every time I feel more distant from my origins.
30:02I feel that I belong here.
30:04Well, neither you nor I are for big things.
30:07Thank you, Frances.
30:08I want to ask you a favor.
30:10Whatever you want.
30:11Promise me.
30:13I promise you.
30:14Swear it to me.
30:15I swear it to you.
30:17Can my mommy stay with us?
30:29Now I feel at home.
30:34I hope it causes the same effect in Diego.
30:37I hope so.
30:45Jimmy, don't you have to work today?
30:47I know, I know, Laia.
30:48But I wanted to know if I could talk to you a little bit.
30:51Can we go outside?
30:53Let me put this on slow fire.
30:55Is there a knife, okay?
31:02I guess you want to talk about your mother, my father ...
31:07Jimmy, the door is closing.
31:09Open up.
31:12I can't hear you.
31:13Let me open the door.
31:15Let me open the door once.
31:18It's just ...
31:19It's just ...
31:20The door has locked.
31:21I don't know.
31:22It's locked with something.
31:23I'm going to try to fix it.
31:28There it is.
31:29What are you doing, man?
31:31It's just ...
31:32Well, it failed.
31:33I don't know what happened.
31:34It's wrong.
31:35It's wrong.
31:36How strange.
31:37Well, what did you want to tell me?
31:39I wanted to tell you that I am very happy to work with you in Francesca's.
31:44Do you know what happened with our parents?
31:48I am very ashamed of what I did to my father.
31:50But hey, thanks for not mixing it up.
31:52You are a professional, from head to toe.
31:55And you are a good friend.
31:57Tell me.
31:59Forgive me for telling you, Francesca,
32:01but your appreciation of art is somewhat distorted.
32:04Why do you say that?
32:05I just saw Doña Nelly's painting hanging in your living room.
32:08Oh, don't make me remember that, please.
32:12How are the numbers going?
32:13Better than expected.
32:15Don't tell me.
32:17Francesca's success has been overwhelming.
32:20It has gone so well that I would dare to suggest that you continue to invest in the sector.
32:25Open another restaurant?
32:27Why not?
32:28Maybe later.
32:30Starting from scratch involves considerable costs.
32:35This time it was just a reopening.
32:38In the first time, we spent a lot of money.
32:42And a restaurant is not a guarantee of success.
32:45You could think of a simpler business, but with potential.
32:49And invest there.
32:50Look, today I met a chef where they cook delicious.
32:55A business like this, which being good, with a small investment,
32:59becomes extraordinary and can become a trend.
33:04Why don't you visit him?
33:16Stop. Stop.
33:17Joel just called.
33:19He says everything is ready.
33:20We are going to enter the house of the devil.
33:24I don't know, compadre.
33:26What? Are you backing out?
33:28No, no. It's not that.
33:30It's that my daughter is coming.
33:32And I don't want her to see me doing an irrational revenge.
33:36It's about the honor of the charo, compadre.
33:38I know. I know, Pepe.
33:40But I don't want my daughter to think I'm a devious beast.
33:44I really don't want to give her that impression.
33:46Come on, keep sleeping.
33:52To celebrate the good.
34:02Who is it?
34:03Let me open the door.
34:07Let me open the door.
34:09What a head you have. I forgot the keys.
34:15Oh my God.
34:19No, no, no.
34:20What are you doing?
34:21No, no.
34:22What's going on?
34:23Where is my daughter?
34:25Where is my daughter?
34:26We are not like you.
34:28We don't kill women without a reason.
34:29Get him out.
34:30Don't touch me.
34:31It's too late for that.
34:32Let's go.
34:33No, no.
34:34Stay here.
34:35Stay here.
34:36Stay here.
34:37Stay here.
34:38I'm innocent.
34:39I'm innocent.
34:45I'm innocent.
34:46You know.
34:47Yes, I know.
34:48It is necessary that they show me more.
34:49I'm innocent.
34:50I'm innocent.
34:51Get out.
34:55But what is this?
34:57Why those terrible arguments again?
34:59...hadn't you already returned to your house?
35:04Tell me.
35:07Miss Teresa returned to the house.
35:09But why?
35:10Because she fought with her family again.
35:13Excuse me.
35:14His family loves her, but why do we have to put up with her?
35:18Doesn't Francesca realize that her protégée is turning our house into a young village?
35:22You're going to take him away!
35:24Look at this chocolate, cutie!
35:26Yum, yum, yum!
35:29What are you going to do to me, please?
35:31We're going to give you a lesson, don't forget it!
35:33You've all been misunderstood!
35:35You've all been misunderstood!
35:36I'm going to get rid of your mother!
35:38What did he say?
35:39Open the front door, let's go, quickly!
35:42Help me, help me!
35:43What's going on here?
35:44Get in the car!
35:45Everything is taken care of like savages!
35:47One more step and I'll call the police!
35:49Call the police!
35:52He's getting away!
35:57What was he doing?
36:06Sooner or later, we're going to catch him.
36:08And my old lady will be avenged.
36:11You're going to Arequipa.
36:13We have a project going on there that could require your presence.
36:16Yes, yes, yes.
36:18You should never have gotten involved with Charo.
36:20Yes, yes, yes.
36:22We're going to buy you clothes and then you can go.
36:24Yes, yes, yes.
36:26What does it smell like?
36:27Oh, yes, what does it smell like?
36:29It smells like a mess.
36:31Oh, no.
36:32Oh, no.
36:33Oh, no.
36:34Don't tell me what happened, Professor.
36:38I'm going to have to wash the car.
36:49Hi, Frank.
36:50Tell me.
36:51Daughter, it's me.
36:53Francesca lent me her phone.
36:55I have to be away from Lima for a few days.
36:58And I guess it's for your safety, right?
37:00Yes, yes, yes.
37:02Well, don't worry.
37:03As soon as you need it.
37:05See you later, Dad.
37:26That was a good day, man.
37:28That's right, brother.
37:29And tomorrow, double shift.
37:36Right now?
37:38Like all life, brother.
37:41It's just that today I'm not going to be able to.
37:44Not yesterday?
37:45Not before yesterday?
37:46Now what's the reason?
37:48I have a family reunion at my daughter's school.
37:51You already have me here with that thing, man!
37:58And who was it?
38:00I don't know.
38:02But it looked like a colleague of his from the polyclinic.
38:05It looked like they were together.
38:08And how do you feel about that?
38:11I couldn't sleep.
38:16But I realized something important.
38:18Oh yeah?
38:19About what?
38:20I think Julie and I...
38:22We're done.
38:23I have to move on.
38:25Oh, Kiris, I don't believe you.
38:27And much less after everything you've told me.
38:29I mean it, Laia.
38:30I love Julie, but...
38:33If she's moving on,
38:35I have to do it too.
38:39Are you ready to move on?
39:03What an ugly place.
39:05Ronald must have been confused.
39:19What was that kiss?
39:21I wanted to check if it's true that you've moved on.
39:25And to be honest,
39:27I don't really get it.
39:30What do you mean?
39:32There was something about the kiss that didn't...
39:35That didn't convince me.
39:38But we'll get out of doubts, right?
39:42I love you.
39:56They won't believe this.
39:59I love you.
40:10Now it's clear to me that you've moved on.
40:14It's good to have cleared that doubt.
40:17Well, I have another one.
40:19Which one?
40:21For you, this kiss that you've meant.
40:28I don't want you to take it the wrong way.
40:31But for me, this kiss was just a kiss.
40:35Nothing more.
40:37I'm not saying I didn't like it, I liked it, but...
40:40I think I'm not in the right moment to...
40:43get emotionally involved with someone.
40:48Well, it's good that you say it and that you think so, right?
40:51Because I was a little worried if...
40:53if you wanted a serious relationship now or...
40:57No, don't worry, that idea didn't cross my mind.
41:00You know I know more about flow, not what comes up.
41:03Yes, I know.
41:04No worries, and when we feel like it, well...
41:07we have a good time, right?
41:13We're going to move on.
41:15I'm going to the kitchen and you stay here.
41:17Yes, I'm going to clean the living room.
41:23I'm not going, I'm not going, I'm not going with you.
41:31I've been thinking, I've been thinking.
41:36I'm going crazy, baby.
41:39But what the hell is this?
41:41I don't understand how Ronald Cross could even sit...
41:44in this bad death place.
41:47No, I'm not going to eat here.
41:50Maybe he'll give me something and I'll end up hospitalized in the clinic.
41:55Hey, lady!
41:57Here's the letter.
41:58Come on, come in, sit down.
42:00No, I'm leaving.
42:01No, you can't leave without trying this specialty of the house.
42:05Come on, sit down.
42:06At your convenience.
42:07Here it is.
42:08Now, come on.
42:10Mile, open it.
42:12At your convenience.
42:13Here it is.
42:14Now, come on.
42:15Mile, even Choca Mando has tried our guaguao soup.
42:23It's fine.
42:25If Choca liked it, it must be good.
42:30I'll stay.
42:31Anything else, ma'am?
42:34What do you recommend?
42:35All the dishes are delicious.
42:37I recommend eating at the Taipa airport,
42:40which comes with guantan de cuartesia.
42:44Well, then bring me the guaguao soup
42:48and that Taipa airport.
42:51It's hot.
42:55I hope I don't die in the attempt.
43:08Are you thinking all the time?
43:10Or doing things for your daughter?
43:12Pepe, I don't understand what bothers you.
43:15It bothers me that you don't have time for us, compadre.
43:18Pepe, how can you say that?
43:20We are together all day, we work from sun to sun,
43:22and on top of that, we sleep in the same room at night.
43:24On the other hand, I see my daughter little between school,
43:26when she goes to her mother's house.
43:27I have to take advantage of the time she gives me.
43:30Compadre, we have to drink our beers,
43:33enjoy life,
43:34find recreational moments and healthy sports, compadre.
43:37I understand you, but you understand me too.
43:40I am a first-rate father.
43:42If you want, you can, compadre.
43:45Or maybe when I had Happy, I left you aside.
43:47No, you didn't leave me aside.
43:49What's more, we raised the boy together.
43:52Well, compadre, but you're not going to compare.
43:55Besides, Happy is not your son.
43:59But I did it as if it were, compadre.
44:02But I did it as if it were, compadre.
44:04Okay, okay.
44:05It's fine, but you met him when he was already an adult.
44:08On the other hand, Maripaz is a teenager with existential problems.
44:12How are you going to say that Happy has no existential problems, compadre?
44:16If he alone is already an existential problem.
44:19Yeah, yeah, but Maripaz is a little woman, compadre.
44:21No man or woman is the same, compadre.
44:24Pepe, Pepe, Pepe.
44:26Let's do something.
44:28Wait until he returns from the family reunion and then we make him beautiful.
44:31No, no, no.
44:32We put him to chill.
44:33Compadre, don't be like that.
44:34I'm back from Spain, compadre.
44:35Don't push yourself like that, Pepe.
44:37We have to talk.
44:42How does it show that he is not a father?
44:51Oh, his mother.
44:52What's up, Chape?
44:54Let's see what my ex-boss says about this.
44:58Come on, I'll put it on.
45:02Good, there it is.
45:03Pour more.
45:04The dish is for a new client, for whom the church asks.
45:06Yes, but this is the amount we always serve.
45:08You told me, less chicken, more vegetables.
45:10Hey, you just pour more.
45:12Of course.
45:16There, more.
45:20There it is.
45:22A little bit.
45:24So that the dish is beautiful.
45:25There it is.
45:29Oh, well.
45:35Oh, now what does Bondillo want?
45:42Oh, what did you do, you fool?
45:53How cool to talk to you, Koki.
45:55It's been a while since we talked like good friends.
45:57We have to get together more often.
45:59From now on, you will be my best friend.
46:01What an honor, what an honor you give me.
46:23So what Cristobal said was true?
46:25What did Cristobal say?
46:28Well, apparently you have already passed pages
46:30and you have a new love.
46:37I want to congratulate the chef of the restaurant.
46:40Ah, but the chef is cooking, she is very busy inside, Pé.
46:44It is very important for me to congratulate her,
46:46I am, in quotes, surprising.
46:48I am going to give you his greetings, thank you.
46:50Please allow me to do it personally.
46:55Thank you.