Joked with the Burger Shop Employee that I Wanted Her, and Ended Up Living Together

  • 2 months ago
Joked with the Burger Shop Employee that I Wanted Her, and Ended Up Living Together
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00I'm Kouki Nakano, a freshman in college.
00:03I go to Koiwa Burger near campus a few times a week because…
00:09One Koiwa Burger, please.
00:11Got it.
00:13I'm just trying to see that fine cashier, Dean Aoki.
00:18Couldn't talk to her again today.
00:21Dean's a year above me.
00:23We met about six months ago when I was cramming for exams and needed a chill spot to study.
00:28Saw her serving, and bam!
00:31Love at first sight.
00:33Every time I saw her, my motivation skyrocketed.
00:37But then one day…
00:41Whoa, it's already this late?
00:43Wait, is she looking at me?
00:45Did I mess up her clean-up?
00:48Sorry, I know I'm in the way.
00:50But I'll leave now.
00:53No, I'm not mad.
00:55People always get the wrong idea, but this is just me being me.
01:01Oh, okay.
01:04This is me.
01:06Huh, she's got some confidence.
01:10I always act all goofy to fit in, but I admire that cool vibe.
01:17Is that so?
01:18Is she really not mad?
01:21She looks mad, though?
01:23But she probably hates losers like me who can't hold their own.
01:28Even after exams, I kept coming to the shop.
01:32Still, no chance to talk to Dean.
01:36But then one day…
01:39Why is this happening?
01:42Man, those usual guys were off, so I'm glad.
01:46Hey, I don't like eating alone, you know?
01:50I didn't know.
01:52You just dragged me along.
01:55Got roped into coming to my usual spot with the good-looking but mean Charao Yabasugi.
02:02Yo, you're cute.
02:03You got a boyfriend?
02:05Let's date.
02:08Hey, Charao, cut it out.
02:10You're annoying her.
02:12Hey, don't ignore me like that.
02:15But Aoki isn't flinching at all.
02:17And Charao's getting antsy.
02:22Did you just laugh?
02:23Come over here.
02:25All right, rock, paper, scissors.
02:31Let's do this.
02:32Rock, paper, scissors.
02:38I lost.
02:40I can't do this penalty thing.
02:43You're not going?
02:45It's a chance to get close to that girl.
02:50You were checking out that cashier when you walked in, right?
02:54I couldn't.
02:55But you can make it happen.
02:58Charao, is he trying to help me get closer to Dean?
03:02Maybe he's not so bad after all.
03:04I shouldn't have believed those rumors.
03:07All right, I'll give it a shot.
03:11What would you like to order?
03:13Two koiwa burgers, one large fries, and also you to go.
03:21Maybe this will help us get closer.
03:26Did it work out?
03:28She looks super pissed.
03:31We'll be ready soon.
03:36She definitely hates me now.
03:40You're really going all out.
03:42You're the best.
03:45Did I get played?
03:47Because of you, I can't come back here anymore.
03:50Thanks a lot.
03:52There's someone better for you.
03:54Cheer up.
03:57He's acting like it's not his problem.
04:0120 minutes later.
04:05This is gonna be my last koiwa burger from that joint.
04:10Oh, what now?
04:11I'm trying to enjoy my meal here.
04:14Who is it?
04:16Uh, um...
04:19Different clothes, but it's Dean, right?
04:25I came to...
04:28Deliver myself to you!
04:32What are you talking about?
04:34And how do you know where I live?
04:36Uh, I happened to leave work around the same time you were leaving the shop.
04:42And I saw you going into your apartment as I was walking behind you.
04:46That means she followed me, right?
04:49But more importantly...
04:52What do you mean you came to deliver yourself to me?
04:57Earlier, even though you ordered, was surprised and couldn't smile, you know?
05:04So I heard you talking about regretting it and not being able to come back to the shop.
05:09And I didn't want that.
05:13Wait, did she not like me?
05:19If you want, do you want to eat something?
05:24Earlier, I ordered two for a friend, but he said he didn't want it.
05:28So I'm stuck with it.
05:30I can't finish it alone, so it'll help if you ate with me.
05:37Well then, I'll...
05:40Watch out!
05:47No worries!
05:49What am I doing?
05:52After that, we ended up having a meal together.
05:59This awkward silence...
06:01Is she still mad at me?
06:05Did I...
06:07Not smile well?
06:11I was worried I didn't smile properly.
06:15Nah, you were good.
06:17I was just surprised because you don't smile often.
06:21I'm sorry for making you feel uncomfortable.
06:24I'm sorry!
06:27Hold up, Dean!
06:30Wanted to overcome being bad at talking,
06:33so I started working in customer service.
06:36But I get nervous and can't talk well.
06:39Plus, I can't smile naturally.
06:42Hey, you didn't make me feel bad at all!
06:47Thank you so much!
06:49You're really kind.
06:51It's embarrassing to make customers worry about me.
06:55I need to learn to smile more naturally!
06:58Dean's definitely struggling.
07:01I want to be there for her.
07:02All right.
07:04Then I'll make you laugh!
07:08I think if you get less nervous, you'll smile more naturally.
07:12If it's okay with you, let me help you!
07:18I appreciate it!
07:20That day, I asked for her number.
07:23And so, my days of making Dean laugh began.
07:28On our very next day off, we decided to go out together.
07:33This movie's supposed to be super hilarious!
07:38It's a nationwide hit!
07:40If everyone's laughing, she'll surely laugh too!
07:44That's what I thought, but...
07:47Sorry, but was it not funny?
07:52I couldn't really get into the storyline.
07:55But, Koki, you weren't laughing much either, right?
07:59I already checked it out and came once.
08:05I'll definitely make you have fun next time!
08:11Even though I said that, how can I make her laugh?
08:17You were so down earlier, but today you seem happy!
08:21The cafe we went to yesterday was awesome!
08:24The vibe there makes anyone smile!
08:32Who are you?
08:34Please tell me about that cafe!
08:37I'm gonna make her smile this time for sure!
08:41That's what I thought, but...
08:45I failed again...
08:48Um, I...
08:51Hey, isn't that the girl from Koiwa Burger you talked to the other day?
08:57Oh yeah, you're right!
08:58But she's not smiling even on a date!
09:02I'm out, man!
09:06That's not true!
09:10It's just me being lame!
09:12Dean is a really charming girl!
09:17So, apologize to her!
09:22I'm sorry too!
09:24Was kinda pissed cause you wouldn't talk with me!
09:27No worries!
09:29I'm sorry for not being able to make you happy.
09:33And for being immature with my actions.
09:38I'll work harder to make you smile!
09:43It's not that!
09:45I'm always nervous!
09:48Even during that movie I couldn't focus on it much!
09:51So it's not that I didn't enjoy it!
09:56Was I being rude?
09:58Nah, it's all good!
10:00Just being with you makes me happy!
10:04Wait, did she just smile a bit?
10:08After that, we went out a few times under the guise of making her laugh.
10:13But while I saw smiles, I hadn't seen her truly laugh yet.
10:20One day, I heard this dolphin show's pretty funny
10:23cause of how the dolphin moves that make you laugh!
10:26Is that so?
10:27Sounds fun!
10:29And so, the dolphin show began!
10:36I thought I wouldn't get soaked from the seed!
10:40It's okay!
10:41But more importantly…
10:45Are you okay, Koki?
10:47Oh, I'm totally fine!
10:50More concerned about how she's close!
10:54It'd be a hassle if you caught a cold!
10:57Dean's worried about me!
10:59She's kind even when she's wet!
11:04I guess…
11:06He was looking at us?
11:08It might just be me, but I feel like he was trying to say something!
11:15I never expected this!
11:20Dean smiled!
11:22She's so cute!
11:26A few hours later…
11:29The aquarium was super fun, huh?
11:32Yeah, thanks for taking me!
11:34That's good to hea-
11:40It's fine!
11:42Like this!
11:46She's holding my hand!
11:49You… don't like it?
11:52Nah, I like it!
11:54This looks good, doesn't it?
11:57Um, Dean, I…
12:00Hey, Koki?
12:02You on a date?
12:04Ugh, Charao…
12:07Wait, ain't this girl from that Koiwa burger?
12:11Did you get close to her from that?
12:14Um, well…
12:16Ugh, you're that Koki, and…
12:20You're being played, girl!
12:24When I told him I wanted to be friends with you, but he talked to you instead!
12:30So, he doesn't really care about you!
12:34What? That's not-
12:36Thanks for that, Koki!
12:38Now back off!
12:40I refuse!
12:43I won't let you have her!
12:46What did you say?
12:47Let's go, Dean!
12:49Hey, wait up!
12:52Pant, pant…
12:55Dean, sorry!
12:57My friend caused this trouble!
12:59It's not your fault, Koki!
13:02Also, about earlier…
13:03I didn't do it for Charao!
13:06I get it!
13:07Sorry, I have to work now, so…
13:13Did she really understand?
13:16But, that night…
13:19I'll be busy and won't be able to text nor call you!
13:23Why is she suddenly saying that?
13:25Is there a misunderstanding?
13:29Feeling anxious…
13:30I visited Koiwa Burger several times…
13:33Dean isn't here again…
13:39Never seen this person before…
13:41But maybe she knows about Dean?
13:43Should I ask?
13:46Is Dean off today?
13:48What's your relationship with Rin?
13:52Are you the one who said you want her or something?
13:55She was bothered by you and quit her job!
13:59No way…
14:01She quit because of me…
14:03She really hates me…
14:05I didn't notice at all…
14:07Maybe I've been a burden to her all this time…
14:11I should just give up on her…
14:14Wait, a message from her?
14:16Maybe it was just a misunderstanding or…
14:19Sorry, I'm still busy so it looks like we won't be able to meet.
14:23She didn't even give me a reason…
14:25Is this a polite rejection?
14:28I guess I'll stop texting her from now on…
14:31A few days later…
14:34Man, it's tough knowing I gotta give up on her…
14:38Hungry too…
14:40Craving Koiwa Burger…
14:42But going to that joint feels awkward…
14:47Thank you!
14:48This place is fine, right?
14:51I miss Dean…
14:53Wait, Dean?
14:57Wait, Dean!
14:58Hold up, let's talk for a sec!
15:02Right, let's share this then!
15:07Couldn't help calling out!
15:09If I did something to bug her, at least one apologize!
15:13Dean, sorry for the trouble!
15:16Apologizing means what that guy said before was true, huh?
15:20That it was all for him, and you didn't think anything of me!
15:24Nah, that's not it!
15:26Some new staff told me you quit cause I'd cause trouble…
15:30And then I realized…
15:33I didn't quit though!
15:36And that customer wasn't you, it was the guy from before, I think!
15:42After that, he kept ordering you to go,
15:45and I shared it with the manager and others!
15:47The new person must've misunderstood…
15:50Also, since someone else quit recently,
15:53that person probably mixed up that person and me too!
15:56I'm sorry for the inconvenience!
15:59No, but why weren't you at work then?
16:03My dad got hospitalized, so I went back home.
16:06I didn't want to worry anyone in case it didn't get better.
16:10But now he's discharged and doing well!
16:13Glad to hear your dad's okay!
16:15But even though my dad's better and I thought we could meet,
16:19you stopped coming to the store!
16:21So, I thought maybe you ordering me was for that guy after all!
16:28No, I wanted to get closer to you, Dean!
16:33He said ordering you would be a way to get close,
16:36but I messed up, sorry!
16:39I've liked you, Dean, for ages!
16:43It was love at first sight!
16:45Your confident vibe attracted me!
16:48I used to be all flimsy and uncertain,
16:51but being with you made me a bit stronger!
16:55From now on, I'll make you smile, Dean!
16:57Will you go out with me?
17:00I've liked you for a long time too!
17:04You always work hard, study late…
17:07I respected your diligence!
17:09And you said I was cool for the first time,
17:12even though people think I'm unfriendly and don't talk to me.
17:16But I got so nervous and stiff, I regretted it for ages!
17:23I thought I said too much and you hated me!
17:27Of course not!
17:28I always wanted to talk more!
17:31Sorry for not being able to do it well!
17:34Let's talk more from now on, at your pace!
17:41After that,
17:42the employee who mistook me for Charao apologized.
17:46Charao kept asking her out and got banned from the store.
17:50The rumor spread at university,
17:52and people started keeping their distance from him.
17:56Since Dean and I started dating,
17:58she's been smiling more,
17:59and she's even praised for her service at the store.
18:04And our relationship continues…
18:08I'm home!
18:10Oh, hey!
18:12Dean, what's wrong? Tired?
18:17You don't remember what day it is today, do you?
18:21Of course I remember!
18:22Look, it's our first anniversary!
18:25Bought this thinking we'd celebrate together!
18:30Love you, Koki!
18:32Let's stay together forever!
18:42I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
