When I Took Home My Former Boss and Her Daughter Who Came for a Soup Kitchen…

  • 2 months ago
When I Took Home My Former Boss and Her Daughter Who Came for a Soup Kitchen…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Impressive! Now that's what I'm talking about! Your cooking is the best! Everyone's gonna enjoy it with a big smile on their faces!
00:10Thanks, Otaku!
00:12My name's not Otaku, it's Otakuda!
00:15My name's Yamato Sato. I quit my job a year ago, and now run the family-owned Western-style restaurant. On my days off, I do volunteer work with my buddy Otakuda, helping out with a soup kitchen for the homeless.
00:30Mom, I'm hungry!
00:33Um, can we have some food, please?
00:37Sure, right away. Wait, is that you, Saya? What are you doing here?
00:45She's Saya Takano, my former boss from my last job. She taught me the ropes at work, and I've admired her for her skills ever since. I'm pretty sure the little girl with her is Mei. She showed me a picture of her before.
01:00I can't believe Saya, who was so capable, ended up homeless. Here you go.
01:08Um, we're almost done handing out food. Would you like to come over to my place and chat for a bit?
01:19Thanks for letting us use your shower. It's been a long time! It felt so good!
01:26N-no, it's nothing! Saya, she's still so beautiful! So, why were you in a place like that, Saya?
01:36Well, after you quit, I got divorced.
01:42My ex-husband had a gambling problem, and racked up debts, and I didn't notice. When he couldn't pay, he left me with the divorce papers and disappeared. I had to take care of the debt, and it got so bad that the company started contacting me because I couldn't pay on time.
02:01Everyone told me, you don't have to worry. But I didn't want to be a burden, so I quit on my own. I managed to sell some of my belongings and the house to deal with the debt, but as a result, we have nowhere to live now.
02:17That's- Saya, you were so skilled at your job.
02:22Even though I was skilled at work, I didn't have good judgment when it came to men. Huh? That's why Mei ended up shouldering the burden, making me a lousy mother.
02:34That's not true at all! Your ex-husband is the one to blame!
02:40But things gotta be tough, right? Oh, I've got an idea! Why don't you live and work here with us?
02:48This place has living quarters upstairs, and there's some extra rooms. You can use them.
02:54You can't be serious! I don't want to be a bother!
02:58You won't be a bother at all! Plus, a year ago, it was me who owed you for everything. With your daughter and all, don't hesitate to accept.
03:09You're right. I can't let Mei go through more hardship. Thank you for being so kind.
03:16And so, from the next day on, we started working together.
03:20Alright, first thing, let's tackle the pre-opening cleanup.
03:24Got it!
03:26Saya was so capable, she'll probably pick up the job quickly.
03:31Wait, Saya?
03:33Ow! Sorry!
03:36You okay? Here, grab my hand.
03:45So close! But man, she's still beautiful up close.
03:52What are you doing?
03:55Uh, it's nothing. We just tripped, that's all.
03:59Mom, you tripped again.
04:01Huh? Again?
04:03It's nothing. But anyways, I'll go change real quick.
04:08Afterwards, Saya kept making mistakes. She broke plates while washing them, and register errors happened often.
04:16What happened to the Saya I knew?
04:19After closing up.
04:21Alright, that's it for today. Thanks for helping, Mei.
04:26Ugh, sorry for messing up so much.
04:29N-no worries. Even I messed up a ton when I first started.
04:33But honestly, Saya, I didn't expect you to make so many mistakes either.
04:38When I first started at my old job, I messed up a lot too.
04:42I've always been clumsy. I mess up a bunch when I try new things.
04:46But I worked harder than anyone else to earn their respect.
04:50That's why I want to be useful at this job ASAP.
04:54No need to rush. Eat this, and it'll boost your spirits.
04:58What's this?
05:00It's our staff meal. Good food can brighten your mood.
05:03Look, there's some for Mei too.
05:06Yay, I'm starving!
05:08It's delicious!
05:10I love this!
05:12But why is the restaurant so empty, even though the food is so good?
05:18Actually, this restaurant used to be my parents'.
05:22But about a year ago, they were getting worn out.
05:25So they were thinking of closing it down.
05:28But I didn't want to let go of the restaurant my parents had worked so hard to build.
05:32So I told my parents, I'll make it prosper again, no matter what!
05:36And took it over.
05:38So... your parents used to live upstairs?
05:42Yep. They moved to a coastal town now and are enjoying their retirement there.
05:47They always wanted to live by the sea, so I used the money I saved from my old job to take care of them.
05:53Yamato... you're a really kind person.
05:57Then I need to work even harder.
06:00I've grown to love your cooking, Yamato, and I want more people to taste it.
06:05I'll help too!
06:09And so the two of them energetically lent their helping hands.
06:14Thanks to them, the restaurant became livelier than when I was running it on my own.
06:19The whole place had a cheerful vibe, and the customers were satisfied.
06:23These days continued for a few months.
06:26Recently, the two of them also helped with the soup kitchen.
06:29Here you go! Be careful, it's hot!
06:35She's still a beauty!
06:37Lately, she's become healthier and more beautiful.
06:41Well, well! If it isn't Saya and Mei, huh?
06:48Um, who's this?
06:50This is Ikuru Kanenashi, my ex-husband.
06:56The other day, when I went to your place, you guys weren't there.
07:00I was wondering where you went, and here you are, doing a soup kitchen for the homeless.
07:06I mean, unlike you, I've become a famous food review streamer now.
07:11Went to a nearby restaurant today.
07:14I've never seen your face before.
07:17I wear a mask when I do this, duh.
07:20But really, leaving you and doing this was the right call.
07:25I kind of feel bad for myself that my ex-wife is doing something so miserable.
07:32Cut it out already.
07:35Because of you, they've been through so much hardship. Don't you realize that?
07:40What's your problem? You're just a guy serving lousy food to the homeless.
07:45Isn't it rude to defy someone as famous as me?
07:49Who's being rude here?
07:51Yeah, Yamato makes super delicious food, way cooler than you, Dad.
07:57And he's a brilliant person who runs his own restaurant, too.
08:01Huh, running some joint that does soup kitchens? Nothing impressive.
08:07The food's probably trash anyway, not worth checking out.
08:12Well, unlike you folks, I'm busy, so I'm out.
08:17This is just unbelievable.
08:19I feel terrible for putting you through this, Yamato.
08:22It's not your fault, Saya. And the fact that the restaurant's empty is true.
08:28By the way, why are you running a soup kitchen when the restaurant's struggling?
08:34It's because my parents always taught me to care for others.
08:38My dream is to have a restaurant where everyone who comes in leaves with a smile.
08:43To do that, I believe you should start by caring for the people right in front of you.
08:48Plus, making people happy with my cooking feels great.
08:52I have the skills, so why not put them to good use here?
08:56Well, it might not matter if no one comes to the restaurant.
09:03It's okay, Yamato.
09:05You're such a kind and wonderful person. It's impossible that you won't be rewarded for that.
09:13I want to support you. I'll do anything for you.
09:17So how about we brainstorm together on how to revive the restaurant?
09:21You're right. I'll try harder. With you, Saya.
09:25Okay, then. Let's get started as soon as we get back.
09:31An hour later...
09:34So where should we start?
09:36Maybe we should start by developing a new menu?
09:40That sounds great. And we could do some promotion with Tokitor, right?
09:45I'll make flyers!
09:47Yeah, thanks.
09:49Another hour later...
09:51So, I tried making some, but...
09:55Yamato, no matter what you make, it's all delicious.
10:02But I feel like something's missing.
10:05Oh, I know! Can I borrow the kitchen for a bit?
10:09Huh? Sure.
10:11All right. How about this?
10:14Open wide!
10:17Come on, open your mouth. It's gonna fall.
10:20Uh, uh...
10:23What do you think?
10:25It's even better than before!
10:28Really? I'm glad.
10:32You two are like husband and wife!
10:35W-we're not!
10:37You two are so in sync, too!
10:41Uh... wait, me? A husband?
10:45I'm happy about it, but I wonder how Saya feels.
10:50Several weeks later, we completed the new menu and started promoting it on Tokitor while distributing flyers.
10:57As a result, rumors spread about a restaurant with a beautiful lady and a cute kid, and the number of customers began to increase.
11:05Great job today! Recently we've been getting more customers!
11:10Thanks to you and May helping out, I want to thank you both! Is there anything you'd like?
11:16Well, you know...
11:19I wish she had a father, you know?
11:25I mean, May's attached to you, and if it were with you, Yamato...
11:31Is this for real? But I mean, I also...
11:35What are you doing?
11:38May! When did you get here?
11:42Uh, it's nothing.
11:45But if we can turn this restaurant around, I'll definitely express my feelings!
11:50However, a few days later...
11:53It seems like we're losing customers.
11:56Quick, Yamato! Check this out!
11:59It seems like a food reviewer streamer is spreading bad reviews about our place, and I think it's Ikeru.
12:06No way! Because of that grudge from the other day?
12:10Could be, but I've never seen him in here.
12:13Still, he's spreading lies like there were bugs in the food!
12:17But it's just gossip, right? He doesn't have many subscribers, and it should blow over soon.
12:23I hope so.
12:25However, my thoughts were too optimistic.
12:28He continued to spread videos with complaints like the staff are rude, the place is dirty, and the food is terrible, causing an uproar.
12:37My restaurant's customers dwindled.
12:40This isn't good! We were so close to turning things around!
12:44Maybe I really can't run this place.
12:47If things continue like this, it'll be a problem for Saya too.
12:51Wait, speaking of which, where did Saya go? I haven't seen her since this morning.
12:59These people, the homeless who always come for the soup kitchen, and even Otakura...
13:06Why is everyone here?
13:08I told them the situation, and they said they want to help.
13:13Because you've always helped us.
13:16Some folks want to kick out the homeless, but you've fed us delicious food, so now it's our turn to help you!
13:24But I can't cause you guys any trouble!
13:28What are you saying? Just like you want to help others, we want to help you!
13:34I absolutely don't want your restaurant to disappear because of these rumors!
13:39I love your cooking! Everyone loves your cooking!
13:43So to keep going, let's give it our all together, okay?
13:48Thanks! I want to keep this place running! I want to make everyone smile!
13:53So, please, I need your help!
13:55You got it! Count on us!
13:59And so, with everyone's help, the homeless folks first cleaned up in our bath, and then helped with promotion using the flyers.
14:07Those with special skills from their previous jobs helped with interior decor and customer service.
14:13And with that, a few months later...
14:16It's finally packed in here! Huh?
14:20Thanks to everyone, it's all good! Gotta really thank you guys!
14:26A few days later...
14:28Thanks to all of you guys, the restaurant's back on track! Really appreciate it!
14:33I whipped up today's meals with some extra hustle, so please enjoy!
14:38Oh, you've been helping us out all along, so it's all good!
14:42Plus, we've got a goal now!
14:51And wait, that outfit!
14:53Because of you guys, my life's a mess!
14:58My video trashing your joint is blowing up! They're calling me a liar and saying I never set foot in your place!
15:04I got demonetized, and I'm freaking broke!
15:08This mess is all your fault, Saya! So, you gotta support me!
15:13What are you talking about? If you hadn't put out a bunch of lies, none of this would've happened!
15:18And we're preparing to sue you for business interference!
15:22What? The joint's still running, ain't it? So what's the problem?
15:28That's enough! What you tried to destroy is a precious place to all of us! We'll never forgive you for this!
15:37On top of that, she's someone really important to me! I won't let you make her miserable!
15:42I won't ever hand her over to someone like you! Don't ever show your face in front of us again!
15:48Aw, man! C-Come on, spare me, man! I don't have any cash, you know!
15:54Then, wanna collect cans with us?
15:57We'll show you how we live! The people you've been looking down on, haha!
16:02No! I don't wanna become homeless!
16:06Thanks, for earlier. Hearing you say that I'm important to you made me happy.
16:13Well, actually, Saya, I've admired you since I was at my previous job.
16:20I really like you! And I'll work hard to become Mei's father, too! So, will you marry me?
16:27Yeah! From now on, let's be a family, darling!
16:31And so, we're bound together!
16:35Afterward, it turned out Ikiru had been harassing other businesses as well.
16:40He got sued by numerous places and ended up losing his home, too.
16:45No one extended a hand to help the now homeless Ikiru.
16:49As for the people who helped out at the shop...
16:53While helping you, I felt like I wanted to start working again. So, I'll give getting back on track a shot.
17:00Thanks to you, I started looking ahead. Appreciate it!
17:04So, everyone is working hard to get back on track.
17:08We continued to make the shop prosper.
17:11Mei's finally asleep.
17:13Then, shall we?
17:17I feel like... I want another family.
17:22What? I-is she sure about that?
17:26The day when our family grows may be approaching soon.
