When I Took this Starving Homeless from the Soup Kitchen to an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet

  • 2 months ago
When I Took this Starving Homeless from the Soup Kitchen to an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Alright, that's a wrap for today!
00:03My name is Masato Yamamoto.
00:05At 25, I'm an aspiring streamer active on TokiTube.
00:10I work part-time at a restaurant and mainly post videos related to cooking.
00:15Using my culinary skills, I organize soup kitchens for the homeless.
00:21Is it already over?
00:24Yes, we've run out of ingredients.
00:28No way!
00:30I was looking forward to a meal after so long.
00:33What should I do?
00:35Leaving her like this is heartless.
00:37I've got it!
00:38If you'd like, how about going to an all-you-can-eat barbecue instead?
00:44I got a discount ticket from a friend.
00:46It's lonely to go alone, so I'll treat you.
00:49Thank you!
00:51I'm Saya Fukuda, by the way.
00:53I'm Masato Yamamoto.
00:55Just give me a moment to clean up.
00:5830 minutes later.
01:00It's nearby.
01:02Isn't that Masato?
01:05He is Charao Yabasugi, was a classmate from high school, always popular.
01:10He's now a well-known streamer on TokiTube.
01:13He somehow found out about my video uploads and teases me whenever we meet.
01:18Is that tattered girl your girlfriend?
01:21Homeless is your girlfriend?
01:24Cut it out!
01:25Don't say things like that!
01:27Besides, she's not my girlfriend.
01:30I'm just stating the facts, man!
01:32By the way, do you even have the right to give me opinions?
01:36I'm a super famous TokiTuber!
01:38Compared to me, you barely get 20 views, right?
01:44It's tough for talentless guys like you.
01:47I can earn tens of thousands just by streaming a bit each month.
01:51I earn way more than other classmates, and streaming is a breeze!
01:57I'm working hard, too!
01:58You don't have the right to laugh at someone else's efforts!
02:02That loser's barking is barely audible!
02:04Well, I'm busy with shooting, so I'll be off now.
02:08Dang it, I'll definitely surpass him someday!
02:11Are you okay?
02:13Uh, sorry, let's go quickly.
02:17Well then, enjoy.
02:19The staff seems intimidating.
02:22What should I start with?
02:26She looks genuinely happy.
02:27Um, I'm sorry for getting you involved in that weird situation earlier.
02:32No, I don't mind at all.
02:35But who is he?
02:37He's Charao, a TokiTuber.
02:40A streamer, right?
02:42Yes, I also post cooking videos, but things aren't going well.
02:47Charao somehow found out about it and likes to tease me.
02:50Ugh, that must be tough.
02:53But I won't let his words break me!
02:55Well, even though I'm trying hard, my views are still low.
03:00Even today, on the first anniversary of opening my channel, I came here as a reward to myself.
03:07Is it okay for me to be here on such an important day?
03:10Of course!
03:11It's lonely to eat alone.
03:14Thank you so much!
03:17How can I repay you?
03:19I know!
03:20Let me help with your streams!
03:24My previous job was related to streaming.
03:27Despite being homeless now, I think I can be of help.
03:31Please let me repay you today.
03:33Are you sure?
03:34Your daily life seems tough enough.
03:37Um, that's...
03:41Then why don't we live together?
03:45But if I cause you any more trouble, it defeats the purpose of repaying you.
03:50I can't just have you help with streaming when you don't even have a home.
03:54If living with a guy makes you uneasy, you can say no, of course.
03:59No, it's not like that.
04:01I wouldn't doubt someone who has helped me this much.
04:05You're such a kind and wonderful person.
04:10I'll accept your offer.
04:11Let me help you!
04:14From that day on, she immediately started helping with the videos.
04:18She was more knowledgeable about video uploads than me,
04:21teaching me various things like the tricks of making thumbnails and video editing.
04:26And during the live streams, the dishes we made were tasted by her.
04:32Tastes like happiness!
04:35Thank you!
04:36She praises everything, and she's such a good person.
04:39All right, I'll work even harder!
04:42And so, in the blink of an eye, one month passed.
04:46Whoa, 10,000 views!
04:51You did it, Masato!
04:54She's so close!
04:55And is she soft?
04:58Other videos are getting more views too, at this rate, surely.
05:02Um, I appreciate it, but let's calm down for a moment.
05:10I'm sorry, I got a little too excited.
05:16No, it's fine.
05:19It's embarrassing, especially since I've gained a bit of weight lately.
05:25That doesn't bother me at all!
05:27In fact, she looks just right.
05:29She actually reminds me of that streamer I admired.
05:32And no, she's a bit different though.
05:37Then please take responsibility for turning my body like this, okay?
05:43Actually, recently, I've been getting a lot of attention from men when walking around the town.
05:52If I ever get bothered by someone scary, please help, okay?
05:56We're going shopping for ingredients together tomorrow too.
06:00Ah, I see.
06:02Of course, I'll definitely help.
06:05Well, it shouldn't be too difficult.
06:07The next day...
06:09Why are you walking around with such a beautiful woman?
06:13Foreshadowing pays off too soon!
06:16And what about the homeless person from the other day?
06:19She was supposed to be your girlfriend!
06:22No, she's...
06:23I don't care about your excuses!
06:26You're the one who asked about her!
06:29Do you not know who she is?
06:33Look, it's her!
06:34Saya, the former famous streamer who retired a year ago due to a controversy!
06:41That's not true!
06:43See? The voice is just the same!
06:45Anyway, should I do something about it?
06:50Your controversy involved a suspicion about a guy, right?
06:54So, let's say you were dating me, a handsome guy successful in streaming.
06:59Then, everyone would recognize us as a beautiful couple,
07:03and the controversy would settle down.
07:05So, date me!
07:07I refuse!
07:10I cannot be with someone who would hurt my benefactor!
07:14Argh! Being arrogant just because you used to be popular!
07:20You can say anything you want about me, but don't speak ill of her!
07:24What? Even though you're a less popular TokiTuber than me?
07:29Even if I'm not as popular,
07:30I don't want to become the kind of person who can hurt others without hesitation like you!
07:35Let's go!
07:36Hey, wait up!
07:38I didn't expect him to keep chasing us for a while.
07:44Glad we managed to shake him off.
07:47I-I'm sorry.
07:50It's because of me.
07:52No, it's not your fault!
07:55But, are you really Saya?
07:59A year ago, there were rumors about me having a boyfriend,
08:04and it caused a controversy.
08:08The truth is, the voice of the person in the next room accidentally got picked up in my stream,
08:15and I've never had a boyfriend, but no one believed me.
08:19I thought of taking a break until things settled down,
08:22but I'm still scared and can't bring myself to restart.
08:26So, it's been a year like this.
08:29But I'm hopeless at everything except streaming.
08:32I make mistakes at work and end up quitting quickly,
08:36so I couldn't pay rent and got kicked out of my apartment.
08:40I'm sorry for keeping quiet for so long.
08:43I thought if I mentioned it,
08:46with my history of backlash, you might not want to get involved anymore.
08:51So, if you don't want me to interfere, then maybe I should just-
08:56That's not true.
08:58Actually, I had a feeling about it.
09:02I didn't want to hurt you, so I kept quiet.
09:05And thanks to you, I was able to increase the views on my videos.
09:11So, the past doesn't matter.
09:13I want you by my side from now on.
09:16If someone like me is okay, then I want to be by your side too.
09:23Really? Sure.
09:25I got that on record, you know.
09:30I will never leave your side again.
09:32Even when we become old, we'll be together forever and ever.
09:37Uh, yeah.
09:39Did she say something strange, or is it just my imagination?
09:43Continuing to post videos together, there came a moment.
09:47Phew, editing is tiring.
09:51Nice work.
09:52Want me to give you a massage?
09:55Well, if you don't mind.
09:57All right.
09:58Relax and release the tension from your body.
10:03I can feel her touching on my back!
10:11Wait, did you just sniff me?
10:13It's your imagination.
10:15Come on, stay still.
10:19On another day, they decided to watch a video they had posted together.
10:24She's so close!
10:26Is something wrong?
10:28Um, you're a bit too close, aren't you?
10:33Do you not like it?
10:34You said we'd be together all the time the other day.
10:38Um, well...
10:41No, you wouldn't reject me, right?
10:43You're just a little shy, I'm sure.
10:48That's what makes you cute and wonderful.
10:51Is she crazy about me or something?
10:54No, no way.
10:55She probably doesn't even like me, right?
10:58Let's just calm down for now.
11:03Will you call me Saya?
11:06You can call me Saya, and you don't have to be so polite either.
11:12O-okay, Saya.
11:18You... you said my name!
11:21This is too cute!
11:24A few days later.
11:26Lately, Saya seems a bit off.
11:28She's oddly close.
11:30Ugh, it's bad.
11:32The comment section is being flooded with trolls.
11:37W-wait, it's true!
11:39It seems like someone took a picture of us together and posted it on Tokidder.
11:44Isn't this Charo's account?
11:46I'm sorry!
11:48It's because of me that this happened!
11:51But why are you blaming yourself, Saya?
11:54The accounts causing trouble are the same people who came when I had my controversy.
11:59Maybe it's better if we're not together anymore.
12:03No, it's not your fault!
12:07There are fans leaving comments worrying about us.
12:11The fact that we've gained this much support is thanks to you.
12:14Besides, Saya, deep down, don't you want to return to streaming?
12:20Then running away won't solve anything!
12:23A year ago, you were alone.
12:25But now we're together!
12:26We can overcome this!
12:28We can do this together!
12:29I understand.
12:32To help regain my confidence, let's work together.
12:37Let's do our best together!
12:40From then on, we continued to work hard without succumbing to the controversy.
12:44We decided to post a video refuting Charo's content just once,
12:49and the rest of the time we continued to post our usual videos.
12:53We avoided unnecessarily provoking the controversy
12:56and focused on creating videos that more people could enjoy.
12:59And a month later...
13:02We finally reached 500,000 views!
13:06Our channel subscribers have surpassed 200k too!
13:11It's going well!
13:12The controversy has calmed down quite a bit,
13:15and we were able to overcome it thanks to you, Saya!
13:18No, that's not true.
13:21I'm sure we wouldn't have overcome it if either of us was missing.
13:25So, we overcame it together.
13:29You're right!
13:30People can't live alone, so I want to celebrate together!
13:35Then let's go for barbecue!
13:37To the same place we went to for the first time!
13:41Let's go!
13:43One hour later...
13:46What kind of meat should we have today?
13:49She really loves barbecue.
13:53Wait, Chado?
13:56Why are you guys here?
13:58We came to celebrate reaching 200,000 subscribers on our channel!
14:02Speaking of which, Chado, why are you working here?
14:05Didn't you say you were making easy money on TokiTube?
14:09It's all because of you!
14:11After you guys posted those videos, I started getting called out for lying!
14:16Thanks to you, I got caught up in the controversy!
14:19What are you going to do about it?
14:21You brought it upon yourself!
14:24Shut up!
14:25Fine, then at least let Saya come to my side!
14:30You were the one who stopped Masato's controversy, right?
14:33He can't do anything, so help me with mine!
14:37I refuse!
14:39Why did you help someone like him and not me?
14:43He helped me when I was homeless!
14:46Unlike you who made fun of me for being poor!
14:51I can't believe that homeless person who was with Masato at the beginning was you!
14:56That's right!
14:59Then I'll expose that you were homeless!
15:02If you don't want rumors!
15:04Who would believe your words now?
15:06Well, that's...
15:08Besides, even if there's another controversy over such a story, we'll overcome it together!
15:16From now on, no matter what happens, we'll continue posting videos together!
15:21Whatever you say won't matter, so never come near her again!
15:25If that's what you want, I'll spread the story about her being homeless!
15:30Shut up!
15:34What's all this noise you've been making toward the customers?
15:38I sincerely apologize for the rude behavior of our employee!
15:44Come on, you apologize too!
15:47Sorry about that!
15:49Today, we'll provide special service for you!
15:52Uh, thank you!
15:55One hour later...
15:59We ate a lot, didn't we?
16:02Seeing you eat happily makes me happy too!
16:06That's kind of embarrassing...
16:09Not at all!
16:10I think it's really cute!
16:12And I want to see that smile of yours forever, by my side!
16:18I love you, Saya!
16:19I want to be with you, supporting each other in times of trouble!
16:25I feel the same way!
16:27I love your kindness!
16:30From now on, let's go official!
16:33After that, Chado continued spreading false rumors about other streamers in his videos
16:39and ended up facing legal consequences.
16:41He quit his part-time job, and being a former famous streamer,
16:45he found himself known in various places, facing rumors about him.
16:49Furthermore, a video taken by someone at the barbecue restaurant that day
16:53went viral on social media.
16:55As the person who protected Saya from Chado,
16:58I received comments like,
17:00''He's like a prince!''
17:01and ''If it's him, Saya's in good hands!''
17:04Some comments even apologized for the trouble Saya faced.
17:08Saya resumed her streaming activities.
17:10Additionally, we started a couples channel together.
17:14I tried making a cake, too!
17:24Saya and Masato forever!
17:27I appreciate everyone's comments, but it's kind of embarrassing.
17:31Why are you just reading comments?
17:37Even though you have a lover right in front of you,
17:40why are you looking elsewhere?
17:42Are you that interested in other people?
17:45Well, it's during the live stream.
17:49Even during the live stream, I'm all about you, you know?
17:52You're different, right?
17:54Then you need to fill your head with thoughts of me more and more
17:57from the moment you wake up until you go to sleep at night.
18:01No, even in your sleep, in your dreams.
18:05I'll make sure you can only think about me 365 days, 24 hours a day.
18:12Y-yeah, she's definitely crazy about me!
