Every Day I Cooked Delicious Meals for My Skinny Childhood Friend, Then a Month Later…

  • 2 months ago
Every Day I Cooked Delicious Meals for My Skinny Childhood Friend, Then a Month Later…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Man, another exhausting day.
00:04I'm Seya Kato, 24 years old, grinding to be a chef at a restaurant.
00:09Time's ticking and it's getting late for greetings, huh?
00:13New neighbor moved in next door, still haven't exchanged a hey.
00:17Was planning on doing it when I got back today, but ended up pretty late.
00:22Situations like this, timing's always...
00:24Wait, hold up!
00:26What the heck?
00:27Someone's collapsed over there?
00:28Hey, you okay there?
00:35Foul or something?
00:37Bags all over the place.
00:39And this?
00:40This is a driver's license.
00:42Haru Maeda.
00:43Wait a sec, could it be?
00:47Pretty sure it is, got that look, and a mole by her ear.
00:52Collapsed person's none other than my childhood buddy, Haru Maeda.
00:56She moved before high school and haven't seen her since.
01:00Never expected a reunion like this.
01:03Haru, it's me, Seya.
01:06Recognize me?
01:09Yeah, that's right.
01:11Haru, you okay?
01:13But seriously, what are you doing here?
01:16Came back for something.
01:18You okay though?
01:20What do you mean?
01:21I mean, you're looking all skinny.
01:25Super thin.
01:26Back in the day, you had more meat on you.
01:30Don't bring up the past.
01:32I don't want to remember that stuff, so just stop, okay?
01:38Thanks for helping me out, I'm fine on my own now.
01:42You're not fine?
01:43Looking like a beanpole?
01:45You even eating right?
01:46None of your business, Seya!
01:49Can't just leave it be.
01:51I'm worried about you, Haru.
01:55Sorry Haru, gonna take you to my place for a bit.
01:59But if you keep going like this, you'll just collapse again.
02:03I'll get you home later, just stick with me for now.
02:07Thanks, Haru.
02:09A few minutes later.
02:12This is-
02:13Whip something up that's good for your stomach.
02:15Figure, these are easy on digestion, should be light on the tummy.
02:20Why are you doing this?
02:22I told you, I'm worried about you, Haru.
02:24Yeah right, like you gotta be so worried about me.
02:28We just met after a while.
02:31Even if it's been a while, you're still an important childhood friend, Haru.
02:35Quit spouting nonsense, it's none of your business!
02:40I'm perfectly fine, seriously.
02:42I don't even need to eat.
02:45Sorry for causing trouble, even though you made this.
02:50But I'm gonna head home now, so Seiya, you don't have to deal with me anymore!
02:56Look, you're all wobbly now.
03:00Please, just take a bite, even if it's just one.
03:04Think of it as doing it for me.
03:06Can't stand seeing you looking sickly like this.
03:10Just a little...
03:11It's delicious!
03:14Glad it suits your taste.
03:16Really easy to eat, and it has a gentle flavor.
03:19Got plenty, so take your time eating.
03:22Thanks, for the meal.
03:25Happy you ate all of them!
03:27But I mean, Haru, why were you passing out?
03:30Could it be... you hadn't had anything?
03:34Well... cutting down.
03:38Moved to a new spot and got mocked for being a bit plump.
03:43I had a crush back then.
03:45He was super popular, so went for broke and confessed.
03:49But right then, the moment I confessed, he laughed like, no way, girls who ain't popular
03:56should know their place.
03:59Chubby folks are just lazy bums.
04:02Snowman-looking girl has no rights, like you're never gonna get any action.
04:07Like that.
04:09That's so harsh.
04:12Those words hit me hard.
04:14I was sad and hurt, but I was even more pissed off.
04:19I swore I'd show him.
04:21I'd get more attention than that jerk who said those nasty things.
04:25So that's when you started dieting?
04:29I worked super hard.
04:31Then, you know, the people around me started giving me props.
04:36Over time, I wanted to be even more beautiful.
04:40I wanted him to see the new me and all.
04:42So I started aiming to be a model.
04:44For that dream, I just had to lose weight no matter what.
04:48I'm still in training, not debuted yet, so I'm kind of in a rush.
04:53Hey, Haru, you know the deal about being a model?
04:57Huh, like being pretty and slim, right?
05:00Nah, it's different.
05:02Sure, being good looking might be important, but the top thing is being healthy.
05:09In the fashion capital, France, they've straight-up banned overly skinny models from working.
05:17So, listen, Haru, you gotta get healthier.
05:23Right now, you ain't slim, you're looking all worn out.
05:26So, what should I do then?
05:29I'll whip up your meal, Haru.
05:32You're gonna cook?
05:34Actually, I'm on the path to becoming a chef, training and all.
05:39So I can whip up some tasty stuff and balance out the nutrition.
05:43But why would you?
05:45Cause I'm worried about you, Haru. We're childhood buds, aren't we?
05:50Seriously, Seiya, you've always been way too kind.
05:55Oh, but you know, if your place is far, I can do meal preps.
05:59No need to worry about that.
06:01What do you mean?
06:03I realized just now. I moved in right next to you, Seiya.
06:08What? You're the one who moved in yesterday, Haru?
06:12I was just as surprised.
06:15Then let's eat at my place every day.
06:18Uh, but that's a bit too much, isn't it?
06:22Nah, it's fine.
06:24Fine? If you say so, we'll eat together. Thanks, Seiya.
06:29Yeah, leave it to me.
06:32From that day on, Haru and I continued to have meals together.
06:36At first, Haru was cautiously eating.
06:39But after a week, she was chowing down with a big grin.
06:42Every time I saw that smile, I just wanted to see more of it.
06:47On a certain day, Haru, who said she wanted to try her hand at cooking, and I went shopping together.
06:53Never would have thought you'd be into cooking, Haru.
06:57Guess if I'm gonna be a model, it's better to know how to cook myself.
07:01Even when eating out, I'll be able to watch what I'm eating in terms of nutrition.
07:06Since you've schooled me about healthy eating, I got interested.
07:10I see. Cooking's a big step towards making your dream come true, huh?
07:15Hey, by the way, Haru, that looks heavy. I'll carry him.
07:19Huh. But you're already carrying stuff, Seiya.
07:23Huh? But I got one hand free. Thanks for hauling this stuff all the way here.
07:30What's wrong?
07:32I thought you'd be weaker.
07:35So you carrying all this so effortlessly, it caught me off guard.
07:40Being a cook, you actually need a lot of strength and power.
07:44Wow. That's cool.
07:47Huh? Did you say something?
07:50Nothing. Come on, let's go.
07:55So, where should we start?
07:57Looking cute in that apron.
08:00Today, we're making omelet rice. Let's chop up them ingredients first.
08:05Dice up them veggies for the ketchup rice.
08:08It's hard.
08:11Careful not to cut your fingers. Go slowly.
08:15Slowly. Slowly.
08:18Haru working hard. So heartwarming watching her.
08:23I remember when I started cooking. Felt just like this.
08:29Seiya, you okay?
08:31Got so caught up watching Haru, I cut my finger.
08:35What a mess.
08:37It's just a little cut. I'm fine.
08:45That'll do.
08:47Oh, sorry about that.
08:50When I get hurt, I do this.
08:52Anyways, rinse the wound with water. Got any disinfectant?
08:56First aid kit's over there.
08:59Okay, I'll go get it, so wash it.
09:02Seiya, I got it.
09:05Gotta pat you up quick.
09:11Ow, ow, ow!
09:14Sorry. I kind of freaked out.
09:18I'm good. You alright, Haru?
09:21I'm fine, but...
09:23This pose is a bit embarrassing, huh?
09:27No way! It's not like that, okay?
09:31I get it. Chill.
09:33Hey, did you get hurt again or something? You okay?
09:37I'm fine, so don't worry.
09:40Sorry, Seiya. Seriously, sorry.
09:43Anyway, let's pat you up. Show me.
09:47A few minutes later.
09:49All good now, Seiya. I'm really sorry about today.
09:53No worries. Thanks for attending to my finger.
09:57You never change, Seiya.
10:01I haven't met anyone kinder than you, seriously.
10:05Man, getting praise like this feels great, but it's a bit embarrassing.
10:11What's up? Your face is turning red.
10:15It's nothing.
10:17Hey, finger's fine, so should we finish up the cooking?
10:21Yeah. Seiya, you better be careful too. No more injuries, alright?
10:27A few dozen minutes later.
10:30It's so good!
10:32Yeah, seasoning's on point.
10:35Eggs didn't quite cooperate, though.
10:38Rolling's got its trick. Practice is the key.
10:41But if you can whip this up in one go, I might become obsolete.
10:46What? Come on. Your cooking is the best, you know.
10:51Since you started cooking, I started to enjoy eating.
10:55And check it, I'm not all skin and bones anymore, see?
10:59Whoa, hold up with the strip show!
11:03As we spent time together like this, I found myself more and more drawn to Haru.
11:09Every time she softly laughed, my heart fluttered.
11:12My feelings of love swelled up, and I wanted to confess before they overflowed.
11:17But I'm still just an apprentice.
11:19I don't have the confidence to make her happy in my current state.
11:23Gotta become a full-fledged pro soon.
11:26Got the graduation test in a month.
11:28Gonna show my results there.
11:33On one of those days off, while thinking that way, Haru had called me out.
11:38Wow, what's this?
11:41I gave it a shot, since you mentioned the graduation test.
11:45Packed in some good luck vibes and a bit of gratitude for all you've done so far.
11:50Still a long way from your level, though.
11:53Can I try?
11:54Of course!
11:56Mmm, this is so good!
11:59Tastes like happiness!
12:03Yup, never had anything this tasty before.
12:06Glad to hear that.
12:09There's a ton, so eat up!
12:12A few dozen minutes later.
12:14Ooh, stuffed! Thanks!
12:18Glad you like it.
12:20Haru, your cooking skills have skyrocketed!
12:23If you keep making stuff this tasty, I'd eat it every day!
12:28You can though, you know?
12:31You know, I like you, Seiya.
12:34I really do.
12:37And if we get married, we can totally share meals every single day.
12:42So, if, like, you got any feelings for me, I want a date with marriage in mind, you know?
12:52Tell me your feelings.
12:54What do you think, Seiya?
12:56I... I've totally got feelings too.
13:01But like, just a little bit.
13:03Can you wait a little longer?
13:05Right now, I can't live up to how you feel.
13:09So like, the answer.
13:11Can we, like, talk about it after the graduation test?
13:16Okay, I'll wait.
13:19So like, I've got this agency thing in a magazine cover audition going on.
13:26For real?
13:27Yep, same time as yours.
13:30I kinda rushed with the confession, but after the audition, can I, like, express my feelings again?
13:37Totally, no doubt about it.
13:39Alright then, let's both do our best!
13:44From there, we tackled our goals together, aiming for the real deal.
13:49But lately, something seems off with Haru.
13:52Feels like she's eating less even though I'm cooking.
13:55But whenever I ask, she just says she's making adjustments.
14:00What the heck happened?
14:02Could something have happened?
14:04Yeah, I remember Haru mentioned she's on social media.
14:08She might have posted something there.
14:10Uh, so I guess this is Haru's account.
14:14Wait, there's a comment!
14:18Oh, I see.
14:20This might be the cause.
14:24Why the rush?
14:25Seiya, what's up?
14:28Hold up, Seiya!
14:29What's the big deal all of a sudden?
14:31You're fine!
14:33You're not chubby.
14:35It's totally normal for you.
14:37Belly fat's there to protect your organs, you know?
14:40Cutting it down too much isn't good!
14:43Seiya, do you, like, know what people are saying about me?
14:49Got worried and checked it out.
14:51It's easy to get hurt by just a casual comment.
14:55But don't worry, Haru.
14:57You're totally cute.
14:58Seiya, I thought I was gonna screw up again.
15:02With the pressure of the audition, I started eating less and less.
15:06But having you around helped.
15:08When you say that stuff, it boosts my confidence.
15:11Thanks, Seiya.
15:12After that, Haru started eating properly again.
15:16She exercised, got enough sleep, and before we knew it, the big day arrived.
15:22We're totally gonna pass, Seiya!
15:26Good luck, Haru!
15:29And a few days later, Haru and I both passed.
15:37We passed!
15:38We totally passed!
15:42So, like, there's something I want to tell you.
15:46You see, the reason I became a cook was all because of you, Haru.
15:52Wait, really?
15:54Yeah, it's true.
15:56Back then...
15:58Is it good?
16:01The best thing I've ever tasted is stuff made by you!
16:04When I eat your cooking, it's like the happiest moment in the world for me!
16:09For me too!
16:10Your smile while eating, that's my happiness.
16:15Couldn't forget that smile of yours, so I aimed to become a cook.
16:19I wanted to be someone who could make people happy with food.
16:23And then, when I met you again, I realized something.
16:27Out of everyone, you're the one I want to make the happiest.
16:32Hey, Haru, I love you more than anyone else in this world, more than anything else.
16:38Please, could you make me the happiest person by being with me?
16:43I'm so happy, Seiya!
16:45I love you too, more than anything!
16:49You've treasured me, supported me.
16:52Kind-hearted Seiya, I love you from the bottom of my heart.
16:57And I want to make you happy too!
16:59Then let's be happy together!
17:02And so, we became a couple.
17:06Since then, I got my own shop after learning from my master and becoming independent.
17:11It's tough sometimes, but business is good.
17:15Haru too is greatly supported as a healthy model for women.
17:19Smoothly, we pushed forward towards our dreams, supporting each other.
17:23And a few years later…
17:28Huh? That again?
17:30No matter how many times I see it, you still look so cool.
17:34Brings back memories, huh?
17:36It's been five years since we graced the cover of that wedding magazine.
17:41Back then, I never thought we'd end up together.
17:45Hey babe, what about me now?
17:48I've aged five years, how do I look?
17:51You're always beautiful.
17:55Thanks to your cooking.
17:57Let's keep being happy together from now on.
18:00Of course, babe.
18:02Our happy days seem like they'll go on forever.
