Every Day I Cooked Delicious Meals for the Skinny Lady Next Door, Then a Month Later…

  • 2 months ago
Every Day I Cooked Delicious Meals for the Skinny Lady Next Door, Then a Month Later…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Ricky Fukuda 22 years old just your regular office worker
00:05Started living solo when I joined the company and I'm in the middle of moving in right now. Yeah
00:12Almost done tidying up I guess
00:15Neighbor, maybe. Hey there. I'm Ricky just moved in next door. Hi. I'm I
00:22Well, then see you later. Ah
00:26Yeah, sure thing and nice meeting you
00:29She's kind of looking woozy, but is she okay?
00:32Oh, well, just the neighbor no need to dig deep caught a bit of rustling and door closing sounds
00:38But didn't see I around after that
00:41but then one day
00:43There's I looking worse than before, huh? It might be nosy. But man, this feels kind of worrisome
00:51um, I
00:55You look like you don't feel good. Are you? All right, huh?
00:59Saw a glimpse of your trash the other day a lot of supplements, right? That's pushing it a bit, isn't it? Huh?
01:07What is your problem?
01:09What don't be poking your nose in others trash
01:13Sorry about that. But seriously not eating properly is that's my business
01:19It's not your concern so just back off I get it I get it no need for the extra service but
01:27like I said
01:32You okay?
01:39Well for now, I'll take you to your place. So grab on
01:44Thanks. Nah, no problem. Seriously you good
01:49Sorry for causing trouble
01:51I'll be fine on my own now
01:54After that, she sent me back to my room, but I couldn't just leave her like that
01:59The thing is I had a time when I was weak always napping
02:03I remembered how it felt the fatigue the loneliness. Why can't I be like everyone else out there playing around?
02:11Being healthy like everyone else
02:13When you're feeling super bad you think about all sorts of stuff and it's tough
02:18Maybe there's something I can do for her. Yeah, first things first
02:23Let's get her some good food help her get back on track and
02:28Then an hour later
02:31Thanks for earlier. Nah, no worries. Oh and here a little something for you
02:39It's simmered sweet potatoes good for anemia. So I feel bad about earlier but stuff like this
02:48Yeah, and here's some asparagus side dish helps when you're feeling worn out, you know
02:56I'd rather not be hassled like this
03:01I just got lured by the delicious smell your stomach's got no filter, huh? But so here take this
03:11Well, then I'll have it and the next morning
03:18I came to return the Tupperware
03:20You ate everything. Thanks
03:24Thanks for the meal
03:26Well, that's all
03:28Looks like she liked it. Nice. I hope this gets her feeling a bit better
03:33Maybe I'll share some more next time was just chilling thinking like that
03:38But the next day something absolutely wild happened
03:43Please get yourself together. I know
03:50Seriously, just get out
03:52They're fighting. Is she involved in some sketchy stuff?
03:56Listen, just eat. Okay. Oh
03:59Guess not some sketchy stuff. Oh
04:03What is up with her at this rate, we won't even be able to continue the series
04:08I'm really sorry to bother you like this. I'm
04:12Nah, thanks for being so polite
04:15Koiwa publishing. Are you from the publishing company?
04:19Yes, I'm Otakura the editor-in-charge of Miss Aoki today was supposed to be a meeting for a monthly scramble, but
04:27Monthly scramble wait, so I is the manga artist I
04:32Aoki turns out the neighbor was a rookie manga artist and a pretty famous one even won some newcomer award
04:39But lately there have been whispers of a slump going on
04:43I'm sorry, but could you tell me where the supermarkets and delis are around here?
04:49Deli stuff. Yes, miss Aoki mentioned that the simmered sweet potatoes and asparagus side dish you had was super good
04:56Oh, um, that was probably what I cooked. No way
05:01Could it be are you working in the food industry? Where's your shop?
05:06Nah, it's not like that and not selling stuff in a shop
05:09I'm just a health freak who shares what I cook at home a bit. I see
05:15Actually when I was a kid, I was weak. So I paid extra attention to what I ate
05:20I looked really unwell. So I wanted her to have something good for her body
05:25So I shared with her you learned from personal experience and you're considerate of your neighbor. That's really something
05:33Nah, it's no big deal or anything like that
05:36Um, I've got a favor to ask. Could you listen?
05:40Huh? I want to manage miss Aoki's meals
05:45Turns out when it comes to manga, Ai forgets to eat and sleep
05:50Especially now she's been busting her butt to prepare for a reader survey in three months
05:55If she doesn't rank high in the survey, there's a chance the series will get axed or so they say
06:01Learning this I spent putting in extra effort focused on her work to the point. She forgets to eat and
06:07It seems otaku does been caring for her all along, but he's been struggling to get through getting turned down
06:15Makes sense if she's that dizzy all the time eating is probably the last thing on her mind
06:21Only your dishes have been called delicious by her despite just meeting you
06:26I think it's kind of rude to ask right after we've met, but could you please do it?
06:32But I'm not a pro nutritionist or nothing. So managing meals
06:37Please at least tell miss Aoki series gets on track or well even just for the three months till the survey results come out
06:45Of course, our company will cover ingredients and expenses and we'll make sure you're compensated too in the end
06:53overwhelmed by otaku does passion
06:55No more importantly because I was really worried about I I agreed to take on the offer during the introduction
07:02I seemed super surprised and kind of reluctant, but if I've agreed then I'm responsible
07:09Thinking like that juggling my main job and meal management
07:12I decided she'd get fresh made meals in the morning and evening and a lunchbox at noon in the beginning
07:19I was distant but after a while she started chatting a bit more
07:23I how are you feeling today?
07:27Average I guess
07:30That's good to hear average means you've recovered quite a bit from before. That's awesome
07:38All right, then I'm heading out make sure to eat your lunch, okay
07:45Before long I began initiating conversations, too
07:49What did you make for today?
07:51And today I tried making pepperoncino with turnips it aids digestion so it's good for when you don't have much of an appetite
08:00Thanks. I'm looking forward to it. Oh
08:03By the way, can I make a request next time?
08:07Sure thing. Just let me know what you want to eat. I
08:12Want to eat something you like?
08:15Uh-huh. Could this mean she's interested in me? Could it be is it not? Okay
08:22Of course, it's okay. All right, then. I'll make cream stew next time
08:28Around half a month into the support our conversations expanded beyond just meals. Oh
08:34I is wearing contact lenses today. Her vibe has changed
08:39Lately, my skin's been in great condition
08:42Maybe it's because I've been eating your food Ricky
08:45I'm really glad to hear that and also I've been able to write much more smoothly than before
08:52Thank you, Ricky
08:54I didn't realize I could smile like that
08:57One day about a month into this lifestyle as I finished preparing eyes meal and was about to head back home
09:04Hey, how about we eat together today? It's more fun to eat with someone else than by myself
09:12Please I
09:14Want to eat with you from that day on we started having our morning and evening meals together in eyes room
09:21then one day
09:25There's something I need to apologize to you about Ricky
09:30Even though you've been supporting me so much
09:33Looking out for me at first. I was using a cold tone and showing a bad attitude
09:39I'm really sorry
09:42What about that? Oh
09:45Come on
09:47Thanks, really
09:48You've said that before haven't you but still I felt like saying it again
09:55Anyway, let's eat before it gets cold
09:58just seeing I eat with such relish makes me happy, but
10:02Eventually on days off I started helping with the inking I was originally curious about how manga was made
10:09so I offered to help spending time together like this was fun, but
10:14Wait, isn't her vibe completely different from before? I can't focus like this
10:20Ricky can I ask you to do the inking for this part? Yeah, sure
10:26Ricky your inking is precise and meticulous. You can achieve the desired outcome without detailed instructions
10:36Yeah, you're really amazing at it
10:38Maybe we're a good team Ricky
10:42Hold on
10:45This is way too stimulating
10:47Thank you. Always. I'm glad you're here
10:53Those days continued before we knew it two months had passed
11:03That's amazing you've been working so hard
11:11Miss Aoki, I have great news
11:14What is it your manga won the must read manga award chosen by readers?
11:22Yes, and there will be coverage at the award ceremony next month. So please dress formally. I'll come visit you later to discuss the details
11:35Yeah, congratulations
11:37I'm nervous for the award ceremony. It's been a while. I wonder if the dress
11:43I wore when I received the rookie award still fits. I should try it on
11:47She must be really happy
11:50Hey, I'm right here. So don't change all of a sudden
11:54Sorry, could you look the other way for a moment?
11:59Sure. Sure
12:00It it's been a while since I wore this dress
12:11I can't
12:27You've got to take responsibility for it. Uh-huh. I need to get a new dress. So come with me. Oh
12:35I see what this is about, but I don't know what kind of dress would be good
12:40Is it a no
12:41It's not that but wait, she's been quite close since earlier. Well, then what?
12:54Sorry, I didn't do that on purpose. I I know
12:59I'll move right away
13:04Miss Aoki, it's Otakura
13:08Man super bad timing. Well, what am I saying?
13:13Sorry for the wait took you sooner than I expected. I thought the sooner the better. Oh, you're here, too
13:21Yeah, I'll be leaving shortly
13:23Um, there's something I'd like to discuss with you as well, would you mind staying for this me?
13:31Afterward, we had a conversation with Otakura as well. I sincerely thank you for supporting miss Aoki. You've done a lot
13:38No, I haven't really done much
13:40That's not true. The fact that I was able to achieve results is not only thanks to Otakura, but also thanks to you
13:49Exactly. I wanted to talk about the future with both of you today. I
13:53See, my support was only promised for three months
13:57Now that my role is ending
13:59I need to convey my feelings to I properly and to ensure that I can continue to be by her side in a different way
14:06I should switch my mindset from now on. I'll support I as a devoted reader
14:13Um if it's alright with you
14:16Wait a moment. Oh
14:18I don't want that at all
14:21Ending our relationship like this with you Ricky
14:25um, I I
14:27Just kidding. I'm sorry Ricky. I know these three months have been tough on you, right?
14:34It's not like that because no, it's fine
14:37I know I'd be causing you trouble if I made such a selfish request
14:43But I still can't sort things out in my head I need to cool down a bit I
14:50I'm sorry. I need to talk to I
14:53Will continue this conversation later a few minutes later
15:01You didn't have to follow me I wanted to talk to you
15:05Talk about what? I I want to continue being with you. Huh? I
15:12Like you I
15:15Sure at first it felt like I was just fussing over my younger self and it was a bit meddlesome
15:23But being with you is fun and I'm drawn to the fact that you'll eat anything I make and enjoy it
15:30Really even without a contract. I want to continue supporting you. I will you keep eating what I make?
15:40That'd be nice. I
15:42I like you too, Ricky
15:45I've been so happy that you always cared about me. I want to be by your side forever and ever I
15:53I love you and
15:56So I and I who had started dating returned to the room where otaku da was waiting
16:02I'm glad things worked out. Well, miss. How key you've liked him for a long time. Haven't you?
16:09How did you?
16:11Did you think I wouldn't notice it was all reflected in your manga as expected of the editor?
16:18I was planning to ask again, but could you please continue to support her closely from now on?
16:23I trust that you can handle it. Of course. I'm looking forward to working with you
16:30Thanks, Ricky
16:32Even after that I would still occasionally forget to eat when she got engrossed in her manga
16:37But she no longer pushed herself to extremes like before a late leap
16:42she's been enthusiastic about standing in the kitchen with me and learning to cook and
16:47Then the day of the award ceremony arrived now
16:51We would like to hear a few words from the recipient of the grand prize. Miss. I okey
16:57I'd like to express my gratitude for receiving this award today
17:02Thank you to all the readers who have supported me to my editor. Mr. Otaku da and to mr. Ricky Fukuda
17:10Wait me. Come on. Come over here
17:15Wait a sec
17:16You're my greatest partner darling
17:21From now on please continue to support me, okay
17:31My channel, I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos
