Sharing Lunch with the Poor Girl Who Always Ate Alone, and 10 Years Later...

  • 2 months ago
Sharing Lunch with the Poor Girl Who Always Ate Alone, and 10 Years Later...
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00It's cold. Let's go home soon.
00:03My name is Rui Kimura.
00:05I'm an ordinary and unremarkable third-year high school student.
00:09An introvert.
00:11Huh? Someone's in front of our house.
00:15Um, have we met somewhere before?
00:18You don't remember?
00:20I'm Sayu Ikeda.
00:26You don't remember.
00:28Well, never mind.
00:30Eh? Did you have something with us?
00:34Oh, hello, Rui's friend.
00:37Oh, and you're soaking wet.
00:40It's okay. I'm already leaving.
00:43No, you'll catch a cold like that.
00:45Come on, come inside.
00:47Wait, Mom!
00:49So, in no time at all, my mom had somehow convinced her,
00:53the reserved high school girl, to take a bath.
00:57Thank you.
00:58Cute! And she's wearing my clothes.
01:01It's like a little overnight date.
01:04I'm glad. I can't just let Rui's friend go home like that.
01:09Not really a friend.
01:11You might have a lot to talk about, so take your time.
01:15Sorry for visiting you all of a sudden.
01:17No, I mean, I should be the one...
01:22Afterward, she slowly began to explain her circumstances.
01:26It turned out that when she was little, her mother passed away from illness.
01:30She and her father lived in this town.
01:33However, in elementary school, her paternal grandfather passed away.
01:37And unable to leave her grandmother alone,
01:40they moved to her father's hometown far away.
01:44In the summer, my grandmother's illness was discovered.
01:47So I came back here for her surgery.
01:50That must have been tough.
01:52Today I went to the new high school to introduce myself.
01:56I came all the way here because I really wanted to meet the person who helped me when I was a kid.
02:02Considering the story, I guess I'm that person.
02:06It sounds like she came to see me.
02:08Saya, have some dinner before you go.
02:12Is it okay?
02:14Of course!
02:15What did I do?
02:17Or rather, I still can't remember this girl.
02:20After a while, my father came home and it was decided that she would have dinner with us.
02:26Saya, there's seconds, okay?
02:28Hey, Rui. Saya's plate is empty.
02:31Seconds, then?
02:33Sure, just a little.
02:35It's been a while since I've had this much fun.
02:38Grandma is in the hospital for a while and dad comes home late because of work.
02:44Your father is working hard, isn't he?
02:47Yes, he's considering grandma's surgery expenses and my education.
02:53She's about the same age as me, but she's going through a lot.
02:57Oh, right.
02:59You should come over again.
03:01They say sharing a meal makes you family.
03:04But how about every Friday, then?
03:07It's the next day off, so you can take your time.
03:10Every week?
03:12Mom, that might be a bit much.
03:15Is it okay?
03:17Of course.
03:18And so, she started coming to my house once a week for meals.
03:22Afterward, my father and I escorted her home.
03:25But in the end, I couldn't remember anything about her.
03:30Next morning.
03:32When did I meet such a beautiful person?
03:36Okay, take your seats.
03:38I'll introduce a new transfer student.
03:41I'm Saya Ikeda.
03:43Nice to meet you.
03:47She transferred here to my school!
03:50Yesterday was fun.
03:51Thank you.
03:54What's going on?
03:55You two know each other?
03:57Hey, hey!
03:58What's the relationship between you two?
04:01Uh, family.
04:03That's a misunderstanding.
04:04A misunderstanding!
04:06There's nothing going on!
04:09You said...
04:11We're family.
04:13Is it just me, or do I feel a chill?
04:16After that, people started gathering around her during every break.
04:21No chance for an introvert like me to get in.
04:24Well, that's understandable.
04:26She's so beautiful.
04:28Well, she lives in a different world than me.
04:30Even though we had the connection of being grateful to each other,
04:34I never thought the distance between me and her would shrink any further.
04:39Have you remembered me yet?
04:41Sorry, not yet.
04:43Will you remember soon?
04:44It's not that easy.
04:47How about now?
04:48Have you remembered?
04:50Uh, this is the boys' restroom.
04:52She started asking me if I remembered her every break,
04:56and the promise to have meals together at my house every Friday continued.
05:00Your mom's cooking is really delicious.
05:03Oh my, I'm so glad you like it.
05:07Saya, you are such a good kid.
05:10She's really become a part of the family.
05:13In the midst of these days, one day...
05:16Um, hey, if it's okay, would you like to have lunch together?
05:21Yes, sounds good.
05:23You know you can call me Saya.
05:25Go on, say it.
05:27Saya, this feels so youthful.
05:30We had become close enough to have lunch together.
05:33I invited her on impulse, but...
05:36Wait, it feels like we're dating, doesn't it?
05:40Uh, really?
05:42Uh, eh?
05:44No way, what's with this sudden development?
05:47Are we really going out?
05:48Is this a ki-
05:50Here, you got something.
05:53There's no way!
05:54It's too embarrassing to be a misunderstanding.
05:57I need to hide it somehow.
05:59You like croquette sandwich, huh?
06:03Did you remember?
06:04Uh, no, not like that.
06:08I see.
06:10After this, Saya left with a terribly sad expression,
06:13and that day ended without a single word spoken.
06:17Does croquette sandwich have any significance?
06:21It's not fair to keep not remembering for so long,
06:24especially for Saya.
06:26Ah, I'm sleepy.
06:30Are you alone?
06:31Is that your lunch?
06:32If you want, you can eat with me.
06:36Come on.
06:38A dream?
06:40Certainly, during the elementary school sports festival,
06:43I invited a girl from a different class to lunch.
06:46She was eating croquette sandwich.
06:48Could it be that girl was Saya?
06:51But what happened afterward,
06:52I can only remember her eating alone sadly.
06:57Hmm, even after thinking about it,
06:59I still can't remember.
07:01Wait, there's Saya.
07:03It's been awkward since yesterday,
07:05but I don't want her to keep her distance.
07:08I should at least say hello.
07:10Good morning.
07:12Uh, awkward.
07:14She seems a bit down.
07:16What should I do?
07:17If I say I remembered a little,
07:19maybe we can make up.
07:21Um, have you remembered yet?
07:24Yeah, no, not yet.
07:28I see.
07:29Why did I lie?
07:31But if I tell the truth, Saya will-
07:34After that, at school,
07:36I was questioned about whether I remembered,
07:38and the days continued with Saya coming over for dinner every Friday.
07:43Seeing her clumsy side and unexpected love for food,
07:46without realizing it,
07:48I found myself watching Saya.
07:51Have you remembered yet?
07:54Then I'll give you a hint.
07:56Every week, we eat together as a family, right?
07:59So, family is the keyword.
08:02Should I say something about what I remembered or not?
08:05What should I do?
08:07Well, I really can't seem to remember at all.
08:11I see.
08:13Even with this much said, it's impossible.
08:17Did I mess up?
08:18After returning home, I decided to think about it again.
08:25Sports festival.
08:26Croquet sandwich.
08:28A lonely girl.
08:30Where was she?
08:31Behind the school building?
08:33After that, I ate lunch with my family.
08:36Family, right!
08:39I finally remembered.
08:40During the second grade sports festival in elementary school,
08:44seeing Saya eating alone sadly behind the school building,
08:47I invited her to eat together.
08:49But I like croquet sandwich.
08:52Is that so?
08:54Yeah, it's my favorite.
08:56Even though we're poor, my dad bought this special one with a sticker for me today.
09:00Because he likes me, and he wrote me a letter.
09:05Your dad is kind.
09:06Then let's eat it with my family.
09:10Even if it's the same thing, it's more fun with more people.
09:15So we had a meal together.
09:18Thanks for letting me join you for lunch.
09:20If we eat together on the same seat, we're like a family.
09:26We spent some time together that day.
09:28However, since that sports festival,
09:31although I saw Saya around, we never talked or played together.
09:36The elementary school I attended was the largest in the area,
09:39and opportunities to interact with students from other classes were rare.
09:44After a few months, I heard a rumor that Saya had moved to a town far away.
09:49I see.
09:50She really was that girl, Saya.
09:53I finally remembered properly.
09:55If I tell her, will Saya be as friendly with me now as she is?
09:59I'm not sure.
10:01However, the next day, Saya didn't ask if I remembered,
10:05and she didn't follow me around, wondering about it when I returned home.
10:11Today is Thursday, right?
10:12There's a somewhat eerie atmosphere.
10:15Were you here today?
10:17Oh, Rui.
10:19I'll make dinner for you.
10:20Today your mom isn't home, right?
10:23She has a dance class.
10:25Was that scary atmosphere just my imagination?
10:29Afterward, Saya efficiently prepared the meal,
10:32even though she told me she'd do everything today.
10:35Rui, dinner is ready.
10:37Oh, thanks.
10:41Wait, you don't have to get so close.
10:44What's going on?
10:45Her attitude has changed.
10:47Hey, Rui.
10:49We're a family, right?
10:54So I think it's about time.
10:58Is this the direction it's taking?
11:00It's too sudden.
11:01I'm not mentally prepared.
11:04The hot pot is ready.
11:08When you think of family, it's sharing a hot pot, right?
11:12That's right.
11:14Did you misunderstand something?
11:17No, it's nothing.
11:19But did she really need to push me down?
11:21I'm the only one getting flustered.
11:23It's embarrassing.
11:25Oh, yeah.
11:26Looking forward to the hot pot.
11:28Rui, aren't you going to remember soon?
11:33If I say I remembered, she'll be happy.
11:36But then Saya will probably thank me,
11:39and the story will end there.
11:41Our relationship, too.
11:42It'll end.
11:44It's too long ago, and not just about Saya.
11:47I don't remember anything from that time.
11:54Even after all this, it's no use.
11:57OK, then.
11:59Turn around.
12:01I'm going to change.
12:02No, if you're changing, do it in the bathroom.
12:06What's going to happen next?
12:08Few minutes later.
12:10Well, did you remember?
12:12It was hard searching for party goods in this outfit.
12:16That look.
12:18Hey, are you listening?
12:21Are you watching properly?
12:23No, this is too stimulating for me.
12:26Anyway, that outfit is not good, so let's change.
12:30I see.
12:32Rui, you really can't remember, huh?
12:37I'm going home today.
12:39Wait, Saya!
12:41The next day, it was the promised Friday,
12:44but Saya didn't come.
12:45Saya is late.
12:47I'm worried.
12:49Because of what happened yesterday, it's my fault.
12:52I hurt Saya because I kept thinking only about myself
12:55and couldn't say anything.
12:57I'm going to look for her.
13:02Saya, where could she be?
13:06Hey, miss.
13:07I know a great place.
13:09Let's go together.
13:11I'm not interested.
13:13You haven't eaten yet, right?
13:15I have.
13:17No, come on.
13:18I heard your stomach growling.
13:24Sorry for being late to pick you up.
13:26My mom already made dinner.
13:27Let's go home now.
13:30What's this?
13:31Is this your brother?
13:33No, that's not it.
13:34Is there a problem with being family?
13:39Hey, even as an adult, being obsessed with family is annoying, right?
13:44You can eat at home anytime.
13:46Let's hang out together.
13:47I'll treat you to something more delicious.
13:50Who do you think you are?
13:53You can't always have a meal at home.
13:57What's with the sudden anger?
13:58I don't get it.
13:59I'm just saying something obvious.
14:02You don't understand the happiness of having a family
14:04and enjoying meals together.
14:07Why are you saying this all of a sudden?
14:09Families are just a hassle.
14:12Families can be troublesome at times.
14:14But I understand that it's happiness.
14:17Don't forget that there are families who find the ordinary act
14:20of having a meal together difficult.
14:22Besides, we value our family a lot.
14:25Please don't approach Saya again.
14:28I just wanted to have a meal with her.
14:30If you're going to be persistent,
14:32I'll guide you to the nearby police station.
14:35Forget it.
14:36You're annoying.
14:37I've lost all interest.
14:40Well, let's go home.
14:42On Fridays, my mom prepares extra food.
14:45We all are waiting for you, Saya.
14:49Thank you.
14:50After that, we went home together.
14:53Tomorrow is a day off and I'll be home late at night.
14:57So Saya, you can stay overnight if you like.
15:02Once again, with my mother's smooth preparations,
15:06the overnight stay was progressing smoothly.
15:08But this is bad.
15:10It's really impossible.
15:11A girl can't enter a guy's room alone.
15:15If I say my thanks for today,
15:17I'll immediately go back to my room.
15:19I'm sorry for today.
15:21And thank you.
15:24Yesterday, I did my best despite the embarrassment.
15:28And I was shocked when you said it was not good.
15:31So today was the day for dinner,
15:33but I felt awkward to face you.
15:35But even at home, there's no one.
15:38And I didn't know what to do,
15:39so I walked around the town.
15:43Sorry, I actually remembered.
15:46But if I say it, you might not need me anymore.
15:49I was scared, Saya.
15:53I'm happy to be with you like this, Saya.
15:55I didn't want to ruin this time.
15:57I'm sorry for not having the courage.
16:00It's not like I won't need you.
16:03I'm sorry, too.
16:05I was stubbornly trying to make you remember
16:07because it's an important memory.
16:10And I really wanted you to remember
16:12because I like you, Louie.
16:17I also...
16:19I realized I like you, Saya.
16:26A call from Saya's father.
16:28He wants to talk to you, Louie.
16:32I told my dad earlier that I'm staying over.
16:35Answering the phone, Saya's father politely thanked me.
16:39No, really, we're fine.
16:41Ah, that's right!
16:43If there's a day when you can take some time off,
16:46please go out to eat with Saya.
16:48When she's eating with everyone, she looks really happy.
16:52After that, Saya moved to another room
16:55and returned home the next morning after breakfast.
16:58After some time, Saya's grandmother was discharged from the hospital.
17:03Recently, they started going out to eat every Saturday as a family.
17:07As for me and Saya, we continue to spend our days together.
17:12Of course, the weekly Friday meals continued.
17:15Why not become part of our family?
17:18Thank you for having me.
17:20Wait a minute!
17:21Mom, don't just...
17:24You said we're family, right?
17:28We'll always be together, right?
17:31Uh, yeah!
17:33It might be a bit heavy on the love,
17:35but that, too, is happiness.
