The Super Rich Girl Was Working at a Hostess Club Years Later After Losing Everything

  • 3 months ago
The Super Rich Girl Was Working at a Hostess Club Years Later After Losing Everything
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00Hey, eating weeds again? That's hilarious.
00:04Shut up! Dandelions are edible, man. If you find some more, let me have them!
00:10I'm Sho Yamada. As you can see, I'm a broke dude who only eats grass.
00:15My family's factory is always in debt, so we're constantly broke.
00:20Still eating like a pauper, huh? Want me to share my lunch?
00:25Who on earth wants a handout from a rich girl?
00:29This here is Emily Sasaki. Her family's super rich, running some huge company.
00:35She's also the classic hottie, the complete opposite of me.
00:40You should just accept people's kindness.
00:43Kindness? Stop forcing your charity on me!
00:47Not only are you poor, but you've got a bad attitude too.
00:51Better than being a twisted rich snob!
00:57Hey, hey! Let's just leave this loser alone.
01:01We're like cats and dogs, always fighting whenever we see each other.
01:07Time flies. I'm 25 now, a full-grown adult.
01:11Tonight, I'm having drinks with a client who's a CEO.
01:15I know a great place. Let's hit it for our second round.
01:19Sounds good. You've got great taste, Mr. Otaku.
01:22It's Otaku Da, not Otaku.
01:25But the place he took me to...
01:29A hostess club? You didn't mention this.
01:32Hello, manager. We need a table for two.
01:36Oh, Mr. President. Right this way.
01:39Hey, get our best girl for the president.
01:42Man, this guy's got connections.
01:46A few minutes later...
01:48Welcome! You can call me Emi.
01:52No way. Is that Emily Sasaki?
01:56Wait, you're working here? What about your dad's company?
02:00Uh, well...
02:03Oh, do you two know each other?
02:06Yeah, something like that.
02:09Wow, what a small world.
02:11You've gotta be kidding me.
02:13Running into her here? This could mess up the whole meeting with Mr. Otaku Da.
02:18But surprisingly, Emily's service was top-notch.
02:22Wow, you're quite the drinker, huh?
02:26Uh, I guess?
02:28Wait, isn't she a little too close?
02:30And she smells so good.
02:32Man, she's even hotter than before.
02:35So, what do you do for work?
02:38What? Work?
02:40Oh, he's currently...
02:43Wait, let's not talk about work, okay? Seriously, let's not.
02:48Well, if you insist, I don't mind.
02:53An hour later...
02:54I managed to end things smoothly with Mr. Otaku Da.
02:58I had a great time tonight. See you soon.
03:01Yes, looking forward to it.
03:04Phew, survived that.
03:06Man, I was sweating worried Emily would say something weird.
03:10Now, just gotta head home and sleep.
03:13Hey you, come with me for a bit.
03:16Huh? What are you talking about?
03:18Jeez, you're so dense. I'm telling you to come hang out after my shift.
03:23I never do this for anyone, so be grateful.
03:27Huh? Who do you think you are? You're still the same.
03:32Shut up! It's not like I actually want to hang out with you.
03:36Then don't ask me.
03:38But if people start spreading weird rumors about me, I can't stand it.
03:42So consider this a way to keep you quiet.
03:46Hey, what are you...
03:49I'm taking you somewhere nice.
03:54So, the place we went to...
03:57Hey boss, I'll have ramen with no fat, extra veggies, extra broth, and light on the garlic.
04:02Oh, and some gyoza on the side.
04:04Wait, a ramen joint?
04:06Sure, it looks delicious, but come on, you totally fooled me.
04:11So, why are you working as a hostess?
04:14You dragged me here, so tell me.
04:17I was gonna tell you. I told you. I can't afford weird rumors.
04:22Like I'd spread those. But fine, get on with it.
04:27According to her, back then, Emily's family's company was top tier.
04:32But after she graduated high school, their business tanked.
04:36They went bankrupt, leaving her parents with a huge debt.
04:40Emily started working as a hostess to help pay it off.
04:44Wow, didn't think things got that bad.
04:48How's that for karma?
04:50I used to look down on you in high school, and now look at me.
04:54Go ahead, laugh if you want.
04:57Huh? Who's laughing? Don't underestimate me.
05:02I know how tough it is to pay off debt. I've been through it myself.
05:07You're amazing, working so late every night, working hard for your parents.
05:12Who could laugh at that? In fact, it's kinda impressive.
05:17So, I misjudged you. I'm sorry.
05:23It's fine. We had our differences, but that's in the past.
05:27If you need help, I'll pitch in.
05:30What? No! You don't have to.
05:33It's not a big deal. I'm making decent money now, you know.
05:37Since then, I started bringing clients to her club for meetings.
05:42And of course, I always requested her.
05:45You came to see me again?
05:49Hey, are you already drunk?
05:52I'm not drunk.
05:55How can you say that?
05:57Well, being number one must be tough.
06:01I'm happy to see you, Sho. Thanks for coming.
06:05Alright, alright. Drink some water.
06:10Sho, can you help me drink it? I might not be able to on my own.
06:17Alright, alright.
06:19She works so hard every night. She really is dedicated to her family.
06:24On another day, she asked me to hang out before her shift.
06:28So, we ended up going on a date.
06:30Oh, look! Half off on beef bowls!
06:33Uh, yeah. Seems like it.
06:36Let's stop by. I'm starving.
06:39Getting excited over beef bowls. That rich girl really has changed.
06:45Delicious! Extra broth is the best.
06:49By the way, what do you usually eat?
06:53I cook for myself, but it's been tough with food prices going up.
06:58Well, how about I treat you to something?
07:01No way! I don't take handouts.
07:04Handouts? Seriously? After all the stuff I buy you at the club?
07:09That's different. That's work.
07:12But outside of that, no way. I want to be on equal footing with you.
07:19Alright, then I'm gonna take you somewhere nice. Consider it a thank you.
07:24S-somewhere nice? Wait, could it be?
07:28A few days later, on our day off, we ended up at a nearby field.
07:33How about this, huh? Great spot, right?
07:36You can pick all the wild greens you want.
07:39Oh, yeah. Figured it'd be something like this.
07:44Huh? You seem kinda down. Something wrong?
07:48No, it's nothing.
07:50Well, I did think it was odd when you said to wear comfy clothes.
07:55I still tried to dress up a bit.
07:58She looks so cute. This outfit's a nice change of pace.
08:03At first, Emily wasn't too into it, but...
08:09Look, Sho! So many dandelions!
08:12Oh, is this a horsetail? And that's Mugwort, right?
08:16We're gonna feast tonight!
08:18Hey, don't get too excited. The greens aren't going anywhere. Calm down a bit.
08:26Something's crawling inside my clothes!
08:29Huh? Maybe a bug got in...
08:32A bug?!
08:34No, no, no! I hate bugs! Please get it out!
08:38Whoa, hold still!
08:40Just do it! Rip it off!
08:42I can't do that! Hold on, calm down.
08:50W-whoa, her face is so close!
08:54Sorry. I'm really scared of b-bugs.
08:59Y-yeah, good thing it wasn't a bee.
09:02What's going on? My heart's pounding like crazy!
09:07A week later. Things were awkward after that incident.
09:15Bug, so awkward. How did we even talk before this?
09:20Just as I was feeling super uncomfortable.
09:24What? If it isn't Sho! How'd a broke dude like you get in here?
09:30Chutto, why...
09:32Oh, just taking a break. You know, working at a big-time company like Tokimeki Corporation, unlike some poor folks.
09:40Yeah, whatever. He hasn't changed at all since high school.
09:45Wait, are you Emily? What's going on?
09:49Oh, uh, I work here.
09:52Wow, awesome! Let's drink together. I'll request you so.
09:59Ugh, this guy's way too familiar with her.
10:04Since then, Chutto has become a regular at the club. I started seeing him there a lot.
10:09Hey, bring the Dom Perignon! Drink as much as you want!
10:14Uh, you sure? That stuff's pretty pricey.
10:18No worries, I'm making bank. Oh, and get us a fruit platter too!
10:23Ugh... Man, Chutto's really living it up. Do I even need to come here anymore? I mean, if someone's spending money, does it even need to be me?
10:34Hey, Sho! Wait up!
10:37I heard about Emily's situation.
10:40She told Chutto too?
10:43To tell the truth, I was into Emily back in high school. Now, I'm gonna make her mine. So step aside, your job here is done.
10:53That's all I gotta say. Later, poor guy!
10:56Ugh... Yeah, right. Emily never liked me to begin with. She doesn't want to owe me anything. And so, I stopped going to the club.
11:06A few weeks later, I was walking near the club on work-related business.
11:12Oh, hey! Found ya!
11:16Hey, why haven't you come by lately? I've been waiting for you.
11:20Sorry, work's been hectic.
11:23Really? Then all the more reason for me to help you relax.
11:27Uh, I appreciate it, but...
11:30No buts! Just tell me straight. Did I do something to upset you?
11:35No, it's not that. I just think I'm not needed anymore.
11:40What does that even mean? You said you'd help me pay off my debt. Your words meant a lot to me.
11:47Ugh, well...
11:50Honestly, I started to respect you a bit, but maybe I was wrong. You're such a disappointment!
11:56Huh? That's my line! You don't get how I feel at all!
12:00How could I? You're impossible!
12:03You're the one who's not cute at all!
12:06What am I doing? This is so lame.
12:10A few days later, I had a meeting with Mr. Otakuda.
12:14You seem down. Something bothering you?
12:17No, it's nothing.
12:19I can tell something's up. If you want to vent, I'm all ears.
12:24Mr. Otakuda, the truth is...
12:27I think I needed someone to talk to. I ended up spilling everything about what happened with Emily.
12:33I see. That's tough.
12:36I know it's just stupid jealousy, but still...
12:40I understand. But sometimes you need to talk things out to get your feelings across.
12:47You're right. I know you're right.
12:50Let's go to the club now.
12:52Right now? It's pretty late.
12:55Come on, we can make it before closing. Let's go.
12:59You're right! I gotta face this!
13:03An hour later, we finally got to the club, but something felt off inside.
13:09I've spent so much money here! The least you could do is go on a date with me!
13:14I've told you a million times, I'm not going on a date nor going somewhere after my shift with you!
13:21What's going on? But more importantly, I need to...
13:25Who do you think you are, acting all high and mighty? You're just a petty hostess girl anyway!
13:31Just shut up and be my girl!
13:34Hey, you! What were you just about to do?
13:39No way I'm leaving Emily with a guy like you. I'm taking care of her from now on!
13:46Who do you think you are, getting all cocky? Ain't no place for a broke guy like you here!
13:52Oh, so it's not boring, you know?
13:55Why are you here, boss?
13:58Didn't know? Mr. Otaku does the regular here. Had some work with the manager here a while back.
14:04No way! This can't be happening!
14:07Wait a sec... Shou's not whore? What's going on?
14:14Oh, let me explain.
14:16Back in high school, my family's factory was in the dumps, and all I could eat was grass.
14:23But I wanted to prove Emily wrong so bad, I buried myself in business studies.
14:29After graduating, I started helping with the factory seriously, and we finally paid off all the debts.
14:35His business sense is amazing! He turned a small-town factory into a big-shot company!
14:41Almost as great as our own Tokimeki company!
14:45That's too much praise.
14:47Wow! Shou, you're a CEO? You could've told me!
14:54Bragging about money just didn't feel right.
14:57What the? I can't compete with that!
15:00Anyway, it seems my employees caused you a lot of trouble. We'll need to have a serious talk.
15:07What? B-but...
15:10Guess he won't be bothering Emily anymore.
15:13After that, I went out with Emily after she got off work.
15:18Sorry about last time. I was just stupidly jealous of Chato. Please forgive me.
15:24It's okay. You saved me just now. But can I ask you something?
15:30Huh? What is it?
15:32When you said you'd take care of me, what did you mean?
15:38Uh, well, that's...
15:42I-I like you, Emily. Ever since we met again, I couldn't get you out of my head. You're so caring and hardworking.
15:51I'm so happy. I kinda liked you, too.
15:56Wait, really?
15:58Even though you were poor, you were so proud and determined. I admired that. Even though you probably hated me.
16:07What? No way. You were the one who hated me.
16:11What? That's not true. Chato told me you laughed behind my back, calling me a spoiled brat.
16:17I never said that.
16:19So then...
16:21Chato played us both. He wanted you for himself.
16:25I see. I misunderstood. I'm sorry.
16:31It's okay. I pushed myself harder because of you. I owe you a lot.
16:38And so, we cleared up our misunderstandings and started dating.
16:44Meanwhile, Chato, he got into more trouble and was transferred to a remote branch.
16:50Ugh, no hostess club, and there's not even a single bar around here. Where am I supposed to have fun?
16:58As for us, things were going great, and I even met Emily's parents. I decided to take over her debt, so she quit being a hostess. Now she's prepping to go back to college.
17:10I'll do my best. So let me help you with your workshop.
17:14You don't have to worry about the debt, you know.
17:16I can't just let you do all the work. I'll pay it off no matter how long it takes. So stay with me forever, okay?
17:27We're from completely different worlds, but I believe we can make each other better. I'm gonna cherish this connection we've got.
17:34Hi! It's me, Mel! Thanks for watching my channel! I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
