When I Kept Treating a Broke Girl Who Orders Only Water at the School Cafeteria…

  • 2 months ago
When I Kept Treating a Broke Girl Who Orders Only Water at the School Cafeteria…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I can bring this over now.
00:02My name is Kouki Saito, 26 years old.
00:06I work as a chef at the university cafeteria to learn how to cook affordable and nutritionally balanced meals.
00:13I'm also simultaneously preparing to start my own kitchen car business,
00:18selling handmade bento lunches, which is my dream.
00:21There's someone who has caught my attention a little bit recently.
00:26She seems like she hasn't eaten anything again today.
00:29That someone is a girl.
00:31She only ever orders water at the cafeteria, and she stands out in a different way.
00:37She might be on a diet, but she looks weak and I'm worried.
00:42Should I try talking to her? I might be meddling.
00:45While thinking about such things, I could never bring myself to talk to her until this day.
00:57Ah, she has food today.
00:59She looks really happy, so she must have been hungry all this time.
01:04She seems slimmer than the other day.
01:07Maybe she had some kind of situation going on.
01:14Your rice ball!
01:17Sorry, my inner voice slipped out.
01:20Are you okay?
01:21I'm fine.
01:23I apologize for causing a scene.
01:25No problem at all.
01:27But your meal...
01:30I can buy a meal to get later, and it's almost time for staff meals anyway.
01:36Hey, can you wait over there for a moment?
01:40Ten minutes later.
01:42Here, have this.
01:44Huh? I didn't ask for this.
01:47It's fine, it's fine. I made too much, you see.
01:50But... I don't have any money.
01:56What's this?
01:58Besides, I can't just eat this for free.
02:01But, it would be a waste to throw it away.
02:04I'd really appreciate it if you could have it instead.
02:07Please, wasting ingredients goes against a cook's principles.
02:11If you eat this, both this katsudon and myself will be saved.
02:17Well, in that case, I'll accept it.
02:21Thank you.
02:23This... is delicious!
02:27I'm glad.
02:28This crispy cutlet, and the fluffy egg wrapping around it...
02:33The perfect level of semi-cooked...
02:36The broth coats the rice so even though it's substantial, I can eat it with gusto!
02:43You're really good at describing food flavors.
02:47It's the first time someone's given me feedback like that.
02:50Well, it was just so delicious!
02:52I'm sorry it's bold of me to say that.
02:55No, I'm really happy about it.
02:57When the food is delicious, even water tastes good!
03:02It was a huge help, actually.
03:05To be honest.
03:08She introduced herself as Kanna Maeda, a fourth-year university student at 21 years old.
03:14Because she doesn't receive financial support, she had been working part-time at a kind lady's cafeteria and surviving on leftovers and staff meals.
03:23However, the cafeteria closed down recently.
03:27Since then, she hasn't been able to find a new job that allows her to keep up with her studies,
03:32so she has been trying to cut down on food expenses as much as possible.
03:36I wonder if she can't rely on her family, but it might be impolite to dig too deep.
03:42I can't just eat such delicious food for free!
03:46If there's anything I can do, please tell me!
03:49I'll do anything, even dishwashing!
03:52What? I didn't mean...
03:55Please let me repay you in some way!
03:59I got it! How about this?
04:01Kanna, you're great at describing flavors.
04:04Can you give me feedback on my bento?
04:07Huh? Your bento?
04:10Yeah, I'm actually planning to open a kitchen car selling bento lunches soon.
04:15I was thinking of starting menu trials, so it would really help if you could taste it and give me your thoughts.
04:22I-Is it really okay for me to do something like that?
04:27But if I do, it seems like it's all positive for me.
04:30It would be a big help for me too.
04:34Y-Yes! I understand! I'll do my best!
04:38You're taking it on? Thank you so much!
04:41Leave it to me! I'll make myself even hungrier to fully embrace the experience of food!
04:47No, just be yourself. It's fine.
04:51After that, during our break times, Kanna and I started having bento lunches together.
04:57This fried chicken is so juicy!
05:01If it had a sweet vinegar sauce, I bet I could eat even more rice!
05:06Oh, true! I should make a version with sweet vinegar sauce and one with salted sauce, maybe.
05:14For the salted one, you might even consider having the salt on the side.
05:18Many people are conscious of their sodium intake.
05:22I see! Your opinions are really valuable! Thank you!
05:28You're welcome!
05:31This kind of day continued for a month. She had completely regained her healthy body.
05:37It seemed she had found a new job, and she was able to have breakfast as well.
05:42You know, I love this rolled omelet the most.
05:46Me too. I tried various combinations, but this one just feels right.
05:52Here, have some tea.
05:54Oh, th-thank you!
05:57I'm sorry!
05:59Are you okay?
06:00I'll wipe it up right now! Oh no, your bag! I'm so sorry!
06:06Don't worry at all, it's fine.
06:08But this, it's work material, isn't it?
06:12Yeah, but all the data is on my computer, so don't worry about it.
06:16I was just trying to review the parts that might be wrong on paper.
06:21Is that so? Oh, but now that I look at it, this number is different.
06:27Wait, you noticed that? Where, where?
06:30It's right here.
06:32She's so close!
06:34See? The procurement amount is incorrect, and here it's related to the expense section.
06:40Yeah, you're right.
06:42I'm sorry, it bothered me, so I just...
06:46No, not at all. It's really helpful. I'll go over it again.
06:51Um, if it's alright, would you like me to help?
06:56I'm majoring in economics. I also have a certification in bookkeeping, so I think I can assist with accounting matters.
07:03But, you just recently started studying and working, right?
07:08It's okay. My hourly wage just got a little better, and I can adjust my work hours.
07:14It would also be beneficial for my self-presentation and job hunting. Could you let me help?
07:20Well, if that's the case, can I ask for your help?
07:25After that, whenever our schedules aligned, we started considering together the financial aspects and cost ratios for the kitchen car.
07:34One day, as usual, while we were discussing things...
07:38Um, Kouki, do you have a girlfriend?
07:43Nah, not at all. I'm not so popular.
07:46There was this one time, but I couldn't even go on a date then. I was too focused on work. Got dumped.
07:54Is that so?
07:56Yeah, I was pretty shocked back then, but now it doesn't really bother me.
08:01In the end, I prioritized my dream too much, and couldn't properly cherish her. That was my bad.
08:09That's not true at all!
08:11Kouki, you're dedicated to your work, and every day you work hard for your dreams, right?
08:16For me, meeting someone as kind and wonderful as you, it's the first time.
08:23If it were me, if it were me, having a wonderful boyfriend who's diligent in chasing his dreams, I'd proudly tell everyone.
08:32R-really? Thanks. I'm feeling a bit embarrassed.
08:37A-anyway, I think someone who cherishes you will definitely come along. That's all. That's all I wanted to say.
08:46Thank you. If that person is Kanna, I'd be happy.
08:52In the spare time we had, I invited Kanna to the Kitchen Cars Festival as a way to show her even a bit of gratitude for helping me complete project proposals and strategizing together.
09:05I think it would be really special to eat under the open sky in a big park. What do you think?
09:11But I'm helping as a way to thank you.
09:13Actually, I'm the one who's more grateful. I'll treat you to the food here as well.
09:18Um, I thought if I went with you, it might be fun. Is that okay?
09:25Um, that's...
09:28I'll go, if you're okay with me.
09:31Really? Oh, thank you.
09:34On the day of the Kitchen Cars Festival, everything was delicious and Kanna was really enjoying it too.
09:41This sandwich is really delicious.
09:43You're right. Can I take a quick photo?
09:46Uh, yeah. Okay. Like this, maybe?
09:50Um, actually, I was thinking of focusing a bit more on the sandwich.
09:57Oh, then like this?
10:00I actually wanted to take a photo of just the sandwich, but well, it's fine.
10:05Yeah, that's perfect.
10:07While enjoying such moments, one day...
10:11For some reason, I was invited into Kanna's room.
10:15What's this all of a sudden? Could it be that she's also...
10:19I'm sorry for making you wait. I was getting things ready.
10:23You didn't make me wait at all. I wasn't waiting.
10:27You're truly kind, Kouki.
10:30Well then, let's start. Could you lie down?
10:34I want to express my gratitude to you.
10:38So please allow me to do this. This is the only thing I can do.
10:42I've been working hard for this day.
10:45Working hard for this day?
10:48As a man, I have to brace myself.
10:52What do you think?
10:54It feels really, really good.
10:57Right, of course.
10:59I'm good at giving massages. My parents used to do it all the time.
11:03But I haven't seen them since I moved to the city,
11:06so I've been practicing secretly with stuffed animals.
11:09Don't you go home?
11:11I want to, but going home requires money.
11:15I'm attending university while taking care of my younger sisters,
11:19so I can't burden them that much.
11:22I see. She's been living on her own, working without relying on her family.
11:27Even back then, she was trying to handle things on her own,
11:30and ended up in that situation.
11:33On the way back, I couldn't get her words out of my head.
11:37That's why I'll study hard, get a good job, and support my family.
11:42My dream is to be useful to my family.
11:45Dreams, huh?
11:47She's supporting my dream, so I want to support hers too.
11:51What I can do is to get the kitchen car open as soon as possible, and then...
11:57I resigned from my job at the university cafeteria
12:00and started preparing for the kitchen car in earnest.
12:03Kanna also began her job search and became busy,
12:06so we couldn't find time to meet, and we grew distant.
12:10Even so, I still regularly delivered her bento.
12:14It's been a while. Today I tried making hamburgers.
12:18They're Japanese style with soy sauce...
12:20Kouki! I'm really fine now.
12:24Thank you for always making me bento.
12:27They were always delicious. I gained energy from eating them.
12:30But please don't worry about me anymore.
12:34Hey, Kanna. I wanted to talk to you about your job search.
12:38Yes, I'm coming right now.
12:40Well then, Kouki. Goodbye.
12:43Please take care of yourself and don't push yourself too hard.
12:47Please focus on your preparations without worrying about me.
12:51I'm supporting you, who's working hard towards your dream.
12:55Maybe all this time, she was just unable to say no and was smiling along.
13:01Was I being conceited?
13:03But her wholehearted assistance remains unchanged.
13:07Right. Alright.
13:09I'm definitely going to make the kitchen car a success.
13:13Continuing my preparations diligently...
13:17The day of the grand opening arrived.
13:19Thanks to the promotional effect on social media,
13:22there was a constant line of customers.
13:25And it was a huge success.
13:27Welcome. Thank you very much.
13:29This success is also thanks to Kanna.
13:33Wait, is that...
13:34I'll have a fried chicken bento, please.
13:37Kanna? You came?
13:39Yes, I barely made it in time.
13:42Congratulations on the opening.
13:44Thank you. It's because you thought of so many things.
13:48I haven't done anything.
13:50Thanks to you, I've regained my health.
13:52That's not...
13:54Kouki, thank you for everything up until now.
13:58From now on, I'll come to buy bento as one of your customers.
14:02Well then, I'll be going now.
14:07Do you have time?
14:08Actually, the sales location isn't just here.
14:11Would you come with me?
14:14After driving for three hours, we arrived at our destination.
14:20From now on, we'll set up shop here once a month.
14:24But this place is...
14:26Hey, big sister!
14:28Mom! Everyone!
14:31Oh my, Kanna, is this your job?
14:34Um... Good evening, Kouki.
14:37Yes, good evening.
14:39Huh? You know each other?
14:42Not just know each other, he is the organizer of this market.
14:47He wanted to create a market for the locals.
14:50He listened to us so eagerly.
14:52Since it's right in front of our house, having a festival every month is amazing!
14:58Kouki, did you know that this is in front of my house?
15:02Yeah, when you mentioned it last time, I thought it might be a good spot for a stall.
15:07One of the selling points of a kitchen car is that it can go anywhere.
15:12Oh wait, so he's your boyfriend?
15:16Having a chef as a boyfriend is super cool!
15:19Well, well, you are all grown up.
15:22Is that true?
15:24Wait, everyone calm down a bit.
15:27Everyone, I'm Saito Kouki.
15:29Thanks to her, to Kanna for helping me organize this market.
15:35I have the vision of making this market a place where the locals can relax.
15:40But there are places where I alone fall short.
15:44With you, Kanna, I believe I can do this better.
15:48Would it be possible for you to help once a month?
15:52Is it not a good idea?
15:55I'll pay you properly for your work, and there will be meals as well.
16:00I also want to decide the days of the stalls through consultation,
16:05taking into account the days when you and your family can relax.
16:09You're too kind.
16:12I haven't done anything for you.
16:14Why are you going this far for me?
16:17I'm just always taking.
16:21I've received plenty.
16:23And besides, just having you smiling beside me is enough.
16:29Whether you're eating or smiling happily, I love every moment with you.
16:34I want to be there for you, just like you've been for me.
16:38Can I stay by your side?
16:42Yes, of course.
16:45It's absolutely, it's absolutely fine.
16:49Because I, I love you.
16:53Yes, Kanna, I love you too.
16:56I love you more.
17:01Wishing you happiness!
17:05Kanna, we'll talk later.
17:08Sure, sure, later.
17:11After that, the nighttime market's confession shot went viral on social media,
17:16making our kitchen car famous as the place where love comes true.
17:20Now, they switch locations daily among five spots in the town,
17:24selling their bento boxes.
17:26Sold out again today!
17:28Thank you very much!
17:30As for her,
17:32during her student days,
17:34she helped at the nighttime market every month, as promised.
17:38Now, she's successfully landed a job
17:40and works as an office worker at a major corporation.
17:44We are living together.
17:46So she was like,
17:48Can I have two bentos instead of just one?
17:51You really are a charmer to girls, Kouki.
17:54No, wait.
17:55Maybe more like to all human beings?
17:59I didn't mean for it to come across that way.
18:02You're just so kind to everyone.
18:05With that, everyone might end up liking you, right?
18:08Well, that's not really...
18:10Mmm, I'm worried.
18:13Is there something I can do?
18:15At this rate, someone might steal you away from me!
18:18Well, in that case...
18:21Would you spend the rest of your life with me, Kanna?
18:26Just make sure you're not looking at anyone other than me, okay?
18:30In a world where being kind to others might sometimes feel difficult,
18:35perhaps someone is waiting for that kindness.
18:39Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:42Thanks for watching my channel!
18:45I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
