When I Told the Scary Cafeteria Lady that I Can't See Her Anymore, She Started Crying…

  • 2 months ago
When I Told the Scary Cafeteria Lady that I Can't See Her Anymore, She Started Crying…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00Here you go! Mixed set meal!
00:03Thanks, Erika!
00:05My name's Raito Sato, a 24-year-old businessman working at Koiwa Corporation.
00:11Erika's full of energy today as usual, huh?
00:15Uh, yeah, I guess.
00:18She's Erika Morty, a 24-year-old beauty chef in the company cafeteria.
00:23Rumor has it she used to be a badass, but her cheerful and lively personality makes her popular with everyone, regardless of gender.
00:33Next, please!
00:35The pressure of her silence is intense today, too.
00:39Um, can I have the mackerel miso set, please?
00:45She's really cold towards me.
00:47Hey, you're totally disliked by her, aren't you?
00:51Did you do something bad to Erika?
00:58I can't confess, because with Erika...
01:01It happened two weeks ago.
01:03My sister invited me to a live performance of the popular female idol unit Girls' Scramble.
01:09Front row seats. Impressive that we got tickets.
01:13Come on, Raito! Scream more!
01:16Ron! Lily! Hey! Hey! Hey!
01:21Wow, the person next to me is super enthusiastic.
01:24I need to step up my game, too.
01:27Ron! Lily! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
01:32Huh? Phew.
01:34You got a good voice. A true gal-suku fan, huh?
01:38W-what the...
01:40Wait, I've heard this voice before. Could it be...
01:44Are you Erika who works at the company cafeteria?
01:48Huh? Wait, you're not...
01:51The guy from Koiwa Corporation!
01:54I knew it! Hey, what a coincidence!
01:57I'm Raito Sato from the sales department.
02:00I'm actually a big fan of gal-suku.
02:03Don't you dare!
02:07Don't you dare tell anyone that I'm a gal-suku fan, got it?
02:13If you spell that I'm an idol nerd, you're gonna pay. Got it?
02:18Y-yes, ma'am!
02:21Since then, I've felt watched by her intense gaze every day.
02:26For her to keep such a close eye on me, she really doesn't want to get caught, huh?
02:35Erika, you're in such a good mood today.
02:39Is it because gal-suku was on a music show yesterday?
02:43She's adorable!
02:45As you can see, everyone around her knows.
02:49And yet, she thinks she's being subtle.
02:52Thanks for the meal!
02:55M-more silence. Say something, even just a word.
02:59Right, that topic.
03:01The original version of gal-suku from yesterday had such a melancholic vibe, didn't it?
03:08What did you-
03:09Eek! I mean, I might be wrong, but-
03:12As I thought, I should've made my move sooner!
03:16W-what do you mean?
03:18Could it be, I'm about to be confronted here?
03:21Right-o! You definitely don't, don't you?
03:26You're getting it, aren't you? The allure of gal-suku!
03:31Oh, my bad. I just got too excited.
03:35Nah, it's all good.
03:37Hey, you know, during the live, I was so surprised that I acted that way.
03:41But when I think about having a fan who's into it enough to get fan vote tickets, I just wanted to talk and talk!
03:47W-weren't you, like, giving me the stink eye?
03:51N-no way!
03:53But if it looked that way, sorry.
03:56No, really, don't worry about it.
03:58I was waiting for the right moment to talk to you.
04:01But I guess I naturally look kind of menacing, and that's probably how it seemed.
04:06When it comes to gal-suku, I just lose sight of everything else!
04:10But from now on, we can chat a lot!
04:13Uh, haha, yeah, you're right.
04:16My sister actually got those tickets. Plus-
04:20Actually, I know so much about gal-suku because I'm the one who writes and composes their songs.
04:28While working as a full-time employee, I'm also active as a composer.
04:32I got into music in middle school, eventually started posting my own songs anonymously on the internet.
04:38One day, one of those songs went viral, and Ron and Lily from gal-suku asked me to collaborate.
04:44And here we are!
04:46I considered pursuing a career in music, but it's not as easy a path as it seems.
04:51I really want to do more, but I can't just quit my job as a full-timer.
04:55Stability is more important than dreams and hopes. I tell myself that every day.
05:00Of course, I haven't even told my sister that I'm the one providing songs to gal-suku, all to avoid blowing my cover.
05:08I was surprised that Erika was there, but what shocked me more was that she didn't hate me.
05:14To talk that much, she must really love it.
05:18I wonder if she'd be happy if I gave her a sample of the limited edition.
05:23Nah, better not risk it.
05:25Since being recognized as a fellow gal-suku enthusiast, Erika has become super friendly.
05:35Her transformation is incredible. I guess she gets friendlier once she gets used to someone.
05:47Wait, isn't this a bit too much?
05:50Erika, isn't this portion of fried chicken a bit off?
05:56It's on the house.
05:59Only for friends. This is our little secret.
06:05In the morning, before starting work.
06:08Good morning! What a coincidence.
06:13Good morning.
06:15What's with the gloomy face?
06:17Couldn't get enough sleep. I was up late checking the album yesterday.
06:22Alright, I'll give you a special energy boost.
06:26How about this? It's an awesome track, right?
06:30Y-yeah. Wait, is this...
06:34You also curious about this song?
06:37Y-yeah. Wait, this is one of the songs I uploaded before it went viral.
06:42How did she know about it when the account wasn't that popular?
06:46Even though it's not updated now, this song is like a god to me.
06:50A god?
06:52You know that energy you feel when you listen? It's like the feelings I've kept hidden.
06:57Anyway, it's the best. There's a rumor that it's the composer of Galsuka, you know?
07:03I'm so in love with it.
07:05But the genres of their music are totally different. Maybe it's a different person?
07:11No, I believe it! And this person is my god.
07:16Ugh, she admires me this much, yet I can't reveal that it's me.
07:21Speaking of which, why do you keep your love for Galsuka a secret, Erika?
07:26Well, you see...
07:30It just doesn't match my image, you know?
07:33Those sparkling cute girls. It's the complete opposite of me, so...
07:38It's kinda embarrassing.
07:41Huh? Really? But Erika, you're really cute!
07:48You're popular and cheerful even at work. And, uh...
07:52You're cute. More like pretty.
07:54And being able to get so passionate about something you love, I think that's awesome.
08:00So, I think you don't need to hide it at all. Well, everyone pretty much knows already.
08:06Well, I guess if I feel like it. I don't really have many chances to talk about it.
08:12Plus, you're going to talk about it, right, Raito?
08:15Uh, yeah.
08:17Then it's fine the way it is.
08:19And then, with each meeting, we started talking more, and before we knew it, a month had passed.
08:25Hey there!
08:27Hey, what's up?
08:29Didn't I tell you? I want you to come with me to buy the limited edition MV of Galsuku!
08:35Yeah, but isn't that next month? It's still a ways off.
08:40There are other things, too. I want you to come to the baffle, and... there's more!
08:45Today, I'm treating you. Come on, let's hang out!
08:49Check it out! The new song just dropped earlier! Let's discuss it thoroughly.
08:55That's your main objective, right?
08:58Quit stalling! We have to celebrate when good things happen!
09:02Yeah, yeah.
09:06By the way, I think you've noticed, but I used to be a bit of a... bad girl back in the day.
09:13Oh, yeah.
09:15Even after high school, I was all rebellious and worked odd jobs in the food industry.
09:20I felt like trying hard was pointless. And that's when I heard the Divine Song.
09:26Oh, really?
09:28There's meaning in everything we do. Those who keep trying will definitely gain something.
09:33That's what the song said. So I thought, why not give it my all?
09:38That's when I really threw myself into the food industry, worked hard for three years, and got my cooking certification.
09:45That's impressive.
09:47Right? The Divine Song really motivated me.
09:52After a while, I met Galsuku, and now I've never been happier.
09:58Someone who heard my music and feels this way! I thought nobody remembered my songs before they went viral.
10:05I have a question for you, Erika.
10:08If you had a dream you really wanted to pursue, but choosing it would mean sacrificing stability in life, what would you do?
10:17You mean choosing between your dream and stability?
10:21Obviously you'd go for the dream, wouldn't you?
10:26Regrets are a waste in life, you know? I get the hesitation, but with someone like you, you'd be okay.
10:32You've got the patience and the drive.
10:36You know, I've actually seen you working before, Raito. I thought you were working your butt off.
10:44Whaaat? You- you saw that?
10:47It was pure coincidence.
10:49You were negotiating with your superiors and studying hard even at the cafeteria, right?
10:54I respected your dedication.
10:57That's why I know you'll be fine. I vouch for you.
11:03Anyway, you're such a passionate guy with dreams.
11:06Once you've made up your mind, tell me about your dreams first.
11:09Sure, I'll definitely tell you. I promise.
11:13Huh? O-okay. I'm looking forward to it.
11:19Thanks, Erika!
11:20I- I didn't do anything.
11:23I resolved to start taking action toward realizing my dream.
11:27And then, a month later, on the release date of the limited edition MV,
11:32although Erika and I lined up early in the morning, we didn't quite anticipate...
11:37Oh, it's super crowded. We're so late!
11:41Didn't think people would be camping out since yesterday, huh?
11:45Guess my determination wasn't enough. Oh yeah!
11:50Here, have some.
11:52Huh? Onigiri? You made these, Erika?
11:55Who else would make it, silly? It's our breakfast substitute.
11:59Wow, thanks! I love your cooking, Erika.
12:03I mean, I'm the one making food at the cafeteria, so it better be delicious, right?
12:08Well, I just feel the love.
12:11W-what? D-don't say weird stuff!
12:15Anyway, eat up and gather some energy.
12:18Gotcha! Even though...
12:21Aww, this place is sold out too?
12:24The store we lined up for sold out right before it was our turn.
12:28After that, we hit a few other stores, but they were all sold out too.
12:32Hey, don't worry, there are still other stores,
12:35and if we search, we'll definitely find...
12:38Nope, it's a bust.
12:42All stores are wiped clean, just saw it on social media.
12:48Maybe someone went and bought them all up!
12:51Ugh, sorry I dragged you along. Should've strategized better.
12:59D-don't give me that look! Seriously, thanks!
13:03Hey, how about we go grab some good eats to lift our spirits?
13:07She was so looking forward to it...
13:10That's right! The next day, I decided to give Erika a present during her break.
13:16Oh, hey Raito, what's up?
13:19Um, here!
13:21Huh? Is this...
13:24Galsuku's limited edition MV?
13:28It's just a sample I got, but can't really say that.
13:32It just happened to fall into my hands, um...
13:36Ugh, where'd you buy this?
13:41We scoured everywhere yesterday and couldn't find it!
13:44Plus, all stores were sold out!
13:48Like seriously, where on earth did you get this?
13:52This isn't the straight-up way!
13:55I'm disappointed. Real fans would've gone head-to-head and snatched it!
14:00That's where the real meaning lies!
14:02Doing stuff like this, Galsuku won't appreciate it!
14:06No, it's not like I got it from some shady...
14:10I don't want to hear it.
14:13I appreciate the sentiment, but I can't accept this. See ya.
14:21For the next few days, I tried to explain, but there was no reply.
14:25With work commitments, it was hard to find a chance to meet Erika.
14:29Erika, I wonder if she's around?
14:32Today, I'm definitely gonna talk to her properly.
14:35You guys had a fight or something?
14:37You were getting along so well with Erika.
14:40Nah, it's not like that.
14:42Today's your last day, huh?
14:46Is it true?
14:47That today's your last day?
14:50Well, we're off.
14:52Guess it's true, huh?
14:55Geez, what are you even doing?
15:00Uh, sorry about before.
15:02I shouldn't have done that.
15:04Forget about that.
15:05More importantly...
15:07I won't be able to see you around here anymore.
15:11It's just...
15:14So lonely...
15:19Don't cry!
15:21Seriously, I'm sorry!
15:24You did all that...
15:26For me...
15:27I just...
15:28I just blabbered on.
15:30Because I trusted you, I got hit hard.
15:34Erika, about that...
15:36There's something important I want to tell you.
15:39There's something I really want to tell you, Erika.
15:42Erika, will you come with me?
15:45A few hours later, I convinced Erika to come over.
15:49And she followed me to my place.
15:51Hey, Raito.
15:53What's your deal bringing me to your place?
15:56I mean, we're tight, but...
15:58No, it's just...
15:59With you, I mean...
16:01It's not like...
16:03My bad.
16:04Just really wanted you to come over.
16:06The heck is this?
16:09Recording stuff?
16:11A PC?
16:14Galsuku's autographs!
16:16And even the trophy from the music festival!
16:19Why do you have something like this?
16:22Actually, I'm the one who writes and composes for Galsuku.
16:26And also, that account you called God...
16:29That's my past, too.
16:33Sorry for not saying anything.
16:35Thought it'd ruin your image and the whole vibe you had going on.
16:39So, wait...
16:41You also had the limited edition MV, cuz...
16:45Yeah, got a sample of it.
16:49I've been in this dilemma going all in on this path.
16:53Scared to just live on dreams alone, you know?
16:56But after meeting you, Erika,
16:58I realized that I gotta be true to myself and give it all now.
17:02Or I'll regret it later.
17:03That's why...
17:05Been preparing for a fresh start all along.
17:08Planned on telling you everything today.
17:10And, well, also that I like you, Erika.
17:15I like you, Erika.
17:17And, uh, this song...
17:19I made it imagining you.
17:21Would you accept it?
17:24Wait a sec...
17:26Are you serious?
17:29Sorry for springing this on you all of a sudden.
17:32Must've been a shock.
17:34But I had to be real about my dreams.
17:36And also liking you.
17:40Yeah, got it.
17:41Like, I totally like you too.
17:46When you found out I was a major idol fan,
17:48you didn't freak out.
17:50Instead called it cool.
17:52That's the Raito I've always liked.
17:55How much are you gonna shake my life up, you pain in the butt?
18:00You better be ready to take responsibility for life.
18:03Got it?
18:04Of course.
18:05Of course.
18:08Alright then.
18:10You're open wide.
18:14After quitting my job,
18:16I dived into being a full-time composer.
18:18It's got its tough moments,
18:20but being able to fully devote myself to music is just pure fun.
18:24And Erika, well...
18:26Got a meeting with Galsuku next time.
18:28Wanna come with me?
18:30They said it's cool if you're just hanging around like an assistant.
18:34Is it okay?
18:36No, wait.
18:37By using your influence for my sake as a fan might be against the rules.
18:41You're still the same, huh?
18:43Hold up.
18:44Could it be...
18:46You think I've been going out with you for this reason?
18:49No way.
18:50I don't think like that at all.
18:52Oh, yeah?
18:54Then can you say you love me?
18:56I love you.
18:57More than anyone else in the world, I swear.
19:01Me too, darling.
19:03I'll meet Galsuku on my own terms, so no worries, okay?
19:07Wait, was that on purpose?
19:09Who knows?
19:11Life's all about choices.
19:13If you're gonna pick, go for the ones you won't regret.
19:16Because you might just meet something irreplaceable.
19:30Other videos too!
