When I Had a Drinking Party with My Friends but They Were All Girls and Fought Over Me

  • 2 months ago
When I Had a Drinking Party with My Friends but They Were All Girls and Fought Over Me
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name is Reo Ikeda. I'm 21 years old.
00:04I transferred to the Department of Food and Nutrition from my second year of college,
00:08and this place is like a garden of women.
00:12Originally a women's university, and this department in particular is full of girls.
00:18In such an environment, I, who come from an all-boys school, have zero experience with women.
00:26Surviving as the only guy in such a tough environment was supposed to be...
00:34Oh, Tsubasa! Morning!
00:36Reo, did you do the assignment?
00:39Oh crap, I forgot about it.
00:41I thought so.
00:44Here, I'll show you.
00:47As expected of Makoto, you always come through for me.
00:52Don't worry about it. We're friends after all.
00:56Then, let me see too.
00:59Whoa, when did you get here, Yuki?
01:02I've been here all along.
01:06Ah! You're cutting in again!
01:09Didn't I say I was going to show it to Reo?
01:12Eh? It's fine, isn't it?
01:16Please, don't fight from the morning, okay?
01:19That's right. I wasn't the only guy.
01:22On the right, there's Tsubasa Kato, Makoto Ogawa, and the little one is Yuki Mori.
01:29I met these three when I transferred to this department right away.
01:35As expected, there are only girls here.
01:38If only there were at least one guy...
01:41Ah! It's the handsome Trio!
01:45Oh, they're really cool, aren't they?
01:49I wish one of them would go out with me.
01:52There are guys!
01:54Seems like they're way more popular than me.
01:57No, it's more like they're too popular to handle.
02:01Excuse us!
02:05Now I can relax.
02:08Who are you?
02:11I'm Reo. As you can see, I'm a guy.
02:15Um, is there something you need?
02:18Oh, no. It seems like you're in trouble.
02:21You helped us?
02:23Hey, because...
02:25Aren't we, like, some of the few guys here?
02:29Few guys?
02:31Yeah, yeah. It's easier to hang out without worrying about things, right?
02:35So, how about we spend the rest of our college life together?
02:39But, yeah, of course!
02:42We wanted friends, too.
02:45H-hey, you too.
02:48Thanks for earlier. I'm Makoto.
02:50The little one's Yuki, and the shy one is Tsubasa.
02:54N-nice to meet you.
02:59Looking back, it was a pretty forceful encounter.
03:04But I don't regret it.
03:06After all, now we always hang out as a group of four.
03:09What you'd call the usual member.
03:13But still, the three of them are popular with the girls.
03:17Hey, you guys.
03:19You don't have to worry about me and can hang out with the girls, you know.
03:22W-what are you saying all of a sudden?
03:25Yeah, yeah!
03:27We have more fun when we're with you.
03:29You guys!
03:31You're really great!
03:33Well, I'm satisfied with being popular with the girls already.
03:37Leo, don't you hang out with girls?
03:40Both of you!
03:42It'll hurt Leo's feelings.
03:44That's right.
03:47You guys are all I have.
03:50Every day spent with these three passes by in the blink of an eye.
03:54And the long spring break is approaching.
03:57So, I'm about to propose something.
04:01A part-time job and resort area?
04:05At a distant hot spring facility.
04:07They welcome applications from friends too.
04:10Hot springs, huh?
04:12Can we also use them ourselves?
04:14That's actually the main attraction.
04:18That's a bit...
04:20Sounds good, sounds good.
04:22I'm in favor too.
04:25Then let's have a strategy meeting while drinking at my place.
04:28Sounds good.
04:29Oh, geez.
04:31Let's go grocery shopping then.
04:35Yes, with the four guys.
04:37Yes, thank you very much.
04:39Alright, application completed.
04:42Details will be...
04:45What's wrong with you guys?
04:46Uh, no, um...
04:48No, thanks for the call.
04:50Then let's drink.
04:52Alright, cheers!
04:55Hey, check this out.
04:56Apparently, the facility has a heated swimming pool.
05:01A pool?
05:03Does not get you excited.
05:05Tsubasa can't swim.
05:07Hey, don't bring that up.
05:09Let's go buy swimsuits.
05:11I'll buy a cool swimsuit too.
05:13To prepare for a fateful encounter.
05:16Even though you can't talk because you're nervous?
05:19Even though you can't make eye contact?
05:23Well, but in an unfamiliar place, you might be able to unleash your true self, right?
05:29True self, huh?
05:31By the way, Reo, what type of girls do you like?
05:38Kind, cute...
05:40Oh, I like short hair.
05:41But long hair is good too.
05:43And, uh, well...
05:45Bigger breasts?
05:47No, modest ones are good too.
05:49And having our first kiss together...
05:52That's an exciting development.
05:54But, do you guys really care about all this?
05:57W-well, it's not like that.
06:00What about you three then?
06:02W-well, that's...
06:04Kind, and funny.
06:07We play games together on our days off.
06:09I get jealous, so I like him to have no girls as friends.
06:13Hey, that's me!
06:18If only you guys were girls.
06:24Why so quiet all of a sudden?
06:26If it's this quiet, I'll just fall asleep.
06:31You're already asleep?
06:36Was I asleep?
06:39Did I get a little carried away with drinking?
06:43No, no!
06:44Pass me the alcohol.
06:48What are they talking about?
06:51Hey, aren't Makoto and Yuki always close to him?
06:56Tsubasa, you're awfully familiar too, aren't you?
07:01W-well, that's...
07:03But he said you liked big breasts.
07:07Are they talking about me?
07:10B-but, he also said he likes modest ones.
07:13But since Leo is really a boy, isn't the chest important after all?
07:17What do you mean, really?
07:19Aren't you guys also guys?
07:22There's still a possibility for growth.
07:25Ah, I'm starting to feel drunk too.
07:29W-wait a minute!
07:31I'll be the one to get Leo's first kiss.
07:35No way!
07:36I won't give up!
07:37Hey, what are you both saying?
07:40Yeah, that's right.
07:42Tsubasa is probably calling them out.
07:44I'll be the one to get it.
07:47Hey, seriously!
07:49What's with you guys saying such girly things?
07:52Oh, you're awake?
07:55I might still be asleep.
07:58After all, you guys look like...
08:02Y-yeah, that's right.
08:04This must be a dream.
08:07It's impossible now.
08:10Sorry, Leo.
08:12But, we're girls.
08:15No way!
08:16Since when?
08:18Since birth, I guess?
08:20I don't think that's what he wants to know.
08:25I knew that the three of them had been friends since the same high school.
08:30However, it turns out that it was a girls' high school affiliated with the current university.
08:35Since then, the three of them have been famous as handsome girls treated as boys by all the students.
08:41And just like that, many students, including the three of them,
08:45went to the current university through an escalator system.
08:49Their treatment remains the same.
08:51And even now, among the girls who have come to know them at university,
08:55there are many who truly believe they are boys.
08:59So I misunderstood just like everyone else.
09:03Honestly, I was getting fed up with it.
09:05We just wanted to spend our student life as friends like everyone else.
09:09At that time, only Leo said we were friends.
09:13I was about to say I'm a girl right away, but then these two...
09:18But you were so happy when we shook hands.
09:21And if I said we were actually girls, you'd probably run away.
09:27Yeah, that's exactly right.
09:30But seriously, I'm really sorry.
09:33We did deceive you, so sorry about that.
09:37And trying to kiss you while you're asleep.
09:40That did startle me for sure.
09:42But I'm not thinking about ending our friendship or anything.
09:46The time we spent together was real, right?
09:50You're different from others after all.
09:53But being disguised as a guy must have been tough.
09:57Nah, not really.
09:59I've had a boyish way of speaking since I was a kid.
10:02I like wearing oversized clothes.
10:05I haven't really done anything, I guess.
10:09When they say that, they really start to look like girls.
10:14I guess I had a prejudice that I couldn't have female friends.
10:18Makoto has nothing to hide after all.
10:22Well, technically it's there, you see.
10:25If you touch it, you'll know.
10:27Okay, that's enough.
10:29Do you wanna try touching mine too?
10:32Hey, Yuki!
10:34Looking at them like this, they just look like incredibly cute girls.
10:39Oh, but wait.
10:41I have to cancel the resort part-time job.
10:44Because I can't exactly join in going to the pool together.
10:49But we're friends, right?
10:54Anyway, let's just go to bed for tonight.
10:56My brain is exhausted.
10:58Then I'll sleep next to you.
11:00No, I'll be next to him!
11:03Ugh, I couldn't really sleep in the end.
11:07Anyway, I should make that call.
11:09Um, hi, about the call I made yesterday.
11:12Actually, one guy and three girls.
11:16Oh, no, no, it's not an addition.
11:18The three I thought were guys turned out to be girls.
11:25Yes, I can hardly believe it myself.
11:30But it's true.
11:32I wonder if everything will be okay.
11:35And then, a few days later.
11:38Oh, just as you said over the phone, you're all girls indeed.
11:42We were shorthanded with girls, so we're grateful for your help.
11:45But originally we heard you were boys.
11:47And since your application was last minute, there's only one room available.
11:53That's not a problem at all.
11:55We're actually really excited about it.
11:59With such a surprising revelation, the part-time job began.
12:03However, during work, gender didn't matter.
12:07And we had to work together regardless.
12:10Well, everyone, be careful and have fun.
12:13Tsubasa, do you like kids or something?
12:16Yeah, they're so relaxing to watch.
12:20Even though you can't swim, you're in charge of this task?
12:24Shut up! Huh?
12:27No, could that girl possibly be...
12:31Even though she can't swim...
12:36I'm glad both of you are okay.
12:40But seriously, you're so kind.
12:43Jumping in even though you can't swim, that's not something most people can do.
12:48Well, I'm not particularly kind.
12:52But you seem fine from the looks of it.
12:54And as night falls, it's bustling with serving meals.
12:59Here you go. I'll take this now.
13:02But Makoto looks too good in traditional clothing.
13:05You're so pretty, young lady. Want to marry me?
13:09Oh, that's flattering. But I'm sorry, no thank you.
13:13I already have a partner.
13:17Come on, play along!
13:20You make such a beautiful wife.
13:23Oh, stop it, you.
13:25Even though it's just acting, my heart is pounding.
13:29And when work is over, we play games or drink in our room.
13:34Sometimes, the landlady tells us scary stories related to the area.
13:40That was quite a scary story.
13:42When I'm alone in bed, it feels like a ghost might come into my bed.
13:50Yeah, just like that.
13:52Yuki, what are you...
13:55I'm scared too. Can I snuggle closer?
14:00There! Stay right there!
14:04Geez, Yuki. I can never let my guard down.
14:08Leo, why are you grinning like an idiot?
14:11I'm not grinning.
14:13Tomorrow's another work day. Let's all sleep together.
14:16Why would that happen?
14:19Those days passed by quickly.
14:21And finally, the day came when we could play in the heated pool after work.
14:26But understandably, it wasn't feasible for me to face those three in swimsuits.
14:31Of course, I wanted to join them.
14:33But facing three girls in the pool would be awkward.
14:37Let's go back to the room before they enjoy themselves.
14:40Huh? What did I bump into?
14:43I found you!
14:46Y-you guys...
14:48Why are you going alone?
14:50We promised to play together, right?
14:53Come on, let's all swim together.
14:56W-well, it's because I feel awkward.
14:59After such a fun yet hectic part-time job, the university resumed.
15:04The three unleashed their true selves.
15:06And as girls, their popularity soared even higher.
15:10But I faced an unexpected consequence.
15:13Hey, could it be that you're a girl too?
15:17This one is a boy, right?
15:20But he was close with those three, so it's possible.
15:23Why am I being misunderstood like this?
15:26H-help me!
15:28Yeah, yeah!
15:30Actually, Leo is also a girl.
15:35See? If you look closely, he has a cute face.
15:39But he's shy, so let's not push too hard.
15:42What kind of help is this?
15:44Hm, hm, that makes sense.
15:46Do you really believe that?
15:48Sorry, it just slipped out.
15:51I got jealous seeing you surrounded by girls.
15:54W-well, there's no need to apologize.
15:58But you know, Leo actually has a really cute face.
16:03Yeah, I've been thinking that too.
16:06Um, should I be scared or something?
16:09Nah, don't worry.
16:11We won't do anything mean.
16:13Shall we go shopping?
16:15Huh, what exactly is happening to me?
16:18Th-this is me?
16:21Huh, it suits you so well, just as I thought.
16:25Yeah, yeah! I always thought you had potential.
16:29Honestly, you might be cuter than me.
16:33Psh, no way!
16:35I can't possibly compare to the cuteness of you three.
16:38Huh? I-is that so?
16:41Oh, has the new you become a bit more honest?
16:45Well, I don't feel...bad about it, honestly.
16:50Alright! Then let's unleash your true self even more!
16:56Ugh, it's still embarrassing, and I'm the only one sticking out.
17:00Really? It suits you so well?
17:03Thanks to you, Dale, we've gained confidence in our true selves, so it's only fair.
17:09Your true self might not be this, but it's not bad, right?
17:13Well, it's not that bad, maybe.
17:18Having fully joined the girls' circle, I still had to use a separate restroom.
17:23While waiting for the others, I encountered yet another first-time experience.
17:28You're so cute, how about some tea?
17:31I'm being hit on, but what actually happens is awkward.
17:36Oops! Sorry mister, this one here belongs to us.
17:40And besides, our friend here isn't interested in that kind of thing.
17:45So, shall we go, my delicate Dale?
17:49Y-yeah, you guys are cuter than me though.
17:53From then on, I was made to wear their clothes, put on makeup.
17:57I didn't feel bad discovering this new side of myself, but I'm still a guy, body and soul.
18:04I still want to be seen as a guy, and be able to protect them if anything happens.
18:09And I need to become a man worthy of those three.
18:13We're coming in!
18:15Hey! Don't just barge in like it's your own place!
18:19Sorry! Was it not okay?
18:22It's fine, but at least knock first.
18:25By the way, what were you doing just now?
18:29I wasn't doing anything special.
18:32And then, a few days later...
18:34Shall we head out first?
18:36Yeah, I've gotten used to going out dressed as a girl.
18:40But it's time to put an end to that today, and show off my cool side once in a while.
18:45Sorry to keep you awa-
18:48Oh no!
18:49Whoa, you're super cute!
18:52Wanna hang out with us?
18:54I can't understand wanting to talk to someone so cute, but...
18:58Excuse me.
19:00Neo, it's dangerous, so stay behind me!
19:03Oh, there's still a cute girl here?
19:06This is perfect!
19:08Alright, then entertain me.
19:12Sorry, but these three are my girls.
19:16Wait a minute...
19:18Aren't you a girl?
19:20Doesn't matter.
19:21I just want to protect the people most important to me.
19:25So cool!
19:28What's with this guy?
19:30He's nuts!
19:32I did something out of character there.
19:34Not at all, Rayle.
19:36You looked incredibly cool!
19:38Hey, were those words earlier true?
19:43Of course, I meant it.
19:45Gender doesn't matter when we're all together having fun.
19:48But as a man, I want to become someone worthy of the three of you.
19:53So Tsubasa, Makoto, Yuki...
19:56Will you continue to be with me?
19:59That's... from the beginning!
20:02We've always...
20:04I plan to stay with you forever, Rayle.
20:08Let's stay together for life, Rayle!
20:11Hey, hey!
20:12Who are you going to pick?
20:14Who are you going to marry?
20:17That escalated quickly!
20:20Even after that, we continued to enjoy our university life to the fullest.
20:25However, we couldn't stay together forever.
20:28Tsubasa started working in school lunches, and Makoto became a nutritionist.
20:33Yuki got a job at a confectionary company.
20:36On the other hand, I became an ordinary office worker and still live alone.
20:42Welcome back!
20:43You guys are here again?
20:45It's like every day!
20:47That's the one who rented this spacious apartment.
20:50And gave us spare keys!
20:52Well, that's true, but...
20:55Come on, everyone!
20:56Dinner's ready, so take a seat!
20:58Thanks, Tsubasa.
21:01I'll do anything for you, Rayle!
21:03Oh, Tsubasa!
21:05Sitting next to Rayle again!
21:07I'm your legal wife, right?
21:10No, it's me, right?
21:13Hey, don't make me choose!
21:15And so, we continued to always be together.
