Turns Out, Among My Close Group of Four Buddies, Everyone Except Me Was a Girl…

  • 3 months ago
Turns Out, Among My Close Group of Four Buddies, Everyone Except Me Was a Girl…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name's Kota Maeda. College freshman. Been dodging girls for six years now.
00:06Middle school, I confess to the popular girl. School-wide laughs follow, and boom,
00:12girl phobia's on. Now, college days, it's a total dude zone. Last time I even
00:19chatted with a girl was back during the college entrance.
00:23Yo, Kota, look! Check this out! Pretty good shots! Though nothing compares to my natural beauty.
00:31Kota! Weird expression there.
00:34Shut up! You calling me the nerd dodging the filter, huh?
00:38Wasn't really saying that.
00:41Yeah, these three are the dudes around me. The only crew I got.
00:45Tsubasa Ogawa with blue hair, Makoto Goto rocking the red, and Hikaru Aoki,
00:53quiet but deadly. Been tight since high school. They pull me in when college kicks in,
00:58making me part of the group. Different personalities, but they all love their games,
01:03and now we're sticking like glue.
01:05How about we head back and get some gaming?
01:08But at Kota's place...
01:10Again? Can't we change it up? Maybe chill at one of y'all's spots?
01:15Uh, well, my mom's all strict back home. My place is a mess, though.
01:21And games are only at your place, duh.
01:24Fine, whatever.
01:26With four of us, the place is hella cramped.
01:29Alright! I win!
01:31Yo, Hikaru, pass that controller.
01:34Promised hours long past, dude.
01:36No can do. Alright, come on, Kota, let's do it again.
01:41Darn it!
01:42Calm down, I'll take over.
01:46Wanna play with you.
01:48Me too!
01:50Why, though?
01:52I mean, like, Kota's the kingpin at this, so...
01:57Totally! Only Kota can give me a run for my money.
02:01If you say so. Let's turn this into a gaming all-nighter, then.
02:06Nah, gotta go.
02:08Late already. I gotta head home, too.
02:12Same. See you all at campus.
02:16Yeah. Stings a bit when it's about sleepover.
02:20Wanna do something college-style, like an all-night gaming sesh?
02:25But it's tight in here.
02:27Oh, I got an idea. Let's check it out.
02:32Found this nice spot to crash. Time to hit up the crew.
02:36Hey, wanna go have dinner with us?
02:38Back at it with the chatting.
02:40And gotta admit, these guys are kinda good-looking. Not cool.
02:45Sorry, already got plans.
02:47Next time, ladies.
02:51Hey, Kota!
02:53Morning! Dude, what's with the sketchy face?
02:56Nothing. Was thinking about suggesting a trip, but it looks like y'all are more into grabbing dinner with the ladies, huh?
03:03Come on, at least react to that.
03:06Was actually checking if a trip might be fun.
03:09What do we do? But...
03:12This could be a good chance.
03:14Huh? What's going on?
03:16Alright. Alright, let's go.
03:19For real? Then I'll look up.
03:21Oh, but I wanna go somewhere far.
03:23I'm more into traditional inns than hotels. I'm down for a place with delicious food.
03:29So many demands.
03:31And so, even though I'm saying this, the hot spring inn that matches all three of their wishes is right here.
03:39They got two types of open-air baths, and the food's top-notch.
03:43So, we made it.
03:46We're here, huh?
03:48Not the final boss battle or anything, right?
03:52And so, the one-night, two-day trip began.
03:55But for some reason, the three's vibes were kinda low.
03:59Even during meals, they seemed distracted, and I started to wonder if they had something to tell me.
04:06But hey, we're at a hot spring inn, where guys can open up while they're all in the buff.
04:11Or so I thought.
04:13Yo, go ahead without us. We'll catch up later.
04:15Yeah, sure. Just make it quick.
04:20Wait, they're not showing up.
04:22I ended up getting heat stroke because of this.
04:24But seriously, what are they up to?
04:27Huh? My yukata's gone!
04:29Slippers are here.
04:31Could it be?
04:32Did they ditch me and go to the other open-air bath?
04:35Tsubasa! Makoto! Hikaru!
04:37If you've got something to say, spit it out already!
04:40Hey, what are you guys doing?
04:42We actually need to apologize.
04:46So, you guys did avoid me and went to another bath, huh?
04:50Why didn't you invite me?
04:52Well, cause the one we were in was the women's bath.
04:55Come on, seriously? Ease up on the jokes.
04:59It's not a joke. Look.
05:04Sorry for not saying this earlier.
05:06We were meant to tell you we were girls.
05:08But somehow cross-dressing seemed to suit us.
05:11Hold up. Wait, what do you mean? Girls?
05:15If you can't believe it, why not check?
05:20Hold on, Hikaru!
05:22Cheating again.
05:24Now that they mention it, they do look like girls.
05:27Wait a sec.
05:29So, you've been lying to me right from the start?
05:35No, wait!
05:36The last time I talked to a girl was during the entrance exam.
05:39With those quiet trio...
05:42Wait, could it be?
05:44That's exactly it!
05:46And so, it was the day of the university entrance exam.
05:50Our campus was massive and the first test was simply finding your way to the building where your exam was taking place.
05:57Right as the starting time was approaching,
06:01I saw a group of three girls who were obviously lost.
06:04But whether it was because their voices were quiet,
06:07or because the other test takers were too busy with their own nerves,
06:11they were completely ignored.
06:13Excuse me, could you tell us where the economic department exam is?
06:18We're kinda lost. Please help us?
06:22Same department as me.
06:24I'd memorized the campus map, so leave it to me.
06:27Follow me.
06:29Their voices were so hushed that I could barely hear them, but I managed to guide them somehow.
06:34They said they wanted to thank me, but that's when my condition hit.
06:38Sorry, I've got gynophobia, so...
06:41From then on, about six months after entering university, I never saw those three again.
06:47And I thought maybe they hadn't made it, but...
06:51I never imagined that you'd turn into guys and be right there.
06:55Wait, what the heck?
06:58Because we wanted to thank you, Coda.
07:00But we thought if we stayed as girls, you'd run away again.
07:03So we thought, why not just become guys?
07:07It's not scary if all three of us are together.
07:10Why would you even think that?
07:12We even studied how to look the part.
07:14After we entered uni, we saw you and decided to talk to you.
07:17At first, it was just a little prank, and we were gonna come clean right away.
07:22But spending time with you was so fun.
07:26We didn't want to ruin it by revealing the truth.
07:28But we didn't want to keep lying either.
07:30So we decided to come clean on this trip.
07:33This is just...
07:35So now you're gonna be girls from here on out?
07:39We're gonna leave what happens next up to you, Coda.
07:42We're fine with staying guys too.
07:44Even if you say you're ending our friendship, we'll accept it.
07:49We've still been lying after all.
07:51Don't say such sad stuff, seriously.
07:56I mean, I was freaking shocked at first.
07:59But the time we've spent together is real.
08:02Plus, come on.
08:04Help me overcome my gynophobia, won't ya?
08:06With all three of you, I might still have a chance.
08:09Well then.
08:11We'll take you up on that, Coda.
08:13Maybe we'll be girls for today and tomorrow.
08:16So, who's sleeping with whom?
08:20Hold on.
08:21The speed of this therapy is way too fast.
08:27He got taken out by the excess of girls.
08:31The next morning.
08:34Morning already?
08:35I feel like I had the weirdest dream.
08:38Those guys being girls, as if.
08:41Hey, you're finally up.
08:43Come on.
08:44We're heading out for sightseeing.
08:47Lucky I brought the girls kit just in case.
08:49This is the first step in overcoming gynophobia.
08:53Looking at them like this, they totally look like girls.
08:56Wait a sec.
08:58Hey, hey, where to next?
09:00Check it out.
09:02Duck boats.
09:03Wanna ride?
09:05How about you and me, Coda?
09:07Were they this cute all along?
09:09Hold on.
09:10Capacity's two.
09:11So, let's split into two pairs and compete.
09:16That's not fun.
09:17Hurry back, okay?
09:19No way.
09:20Do I have to go three times?
09:22Been waiting for this, Coda.
09:26Finally, we're alone.
09:31Come on, get closer over here.
09:33Yeah, but you know, Magoto, you're still kinda manly, even as a girl.
09:39Well, I was the one who suggested we go undercover as guys, after all.
09:45I've admired male characters in my favorite games.
09:48Even the hair and stuff, I use them as references.
09:51Trying not to show my figure was tough, and cross-dressing was quite a challenge too, you know?
09:56I see.
09:57Oh, so it wasn't all for me.
10:01But the biggest reason was to get closer to you.
10:04Wait, am I being all fluttery about this?
10:08Time to switch.
10:09Let's head back.
10:11Why's it gotta be back-to-back for me?
10:16Hang in there.
10:20But Hikaru's always had that childlike vibe.
10:24Hey Coda, wait up!
10:27You're sweating.
10:29Getting close like this feels super intimate.
10:32Uh, thanks, but Hikaru, you didn't change that much, huh?
10:38People used to mistake me for a boy and laughed at me.
10:41Tsubasa and Makoto were the only ones who actually talked to me.
10:45So I'm thankful to them.
10:47And of course, to you too, Coda.
10:52But I'm still a girl, you know?
10:54Is that okay with you?
10:56It's not a problem.
10:58Too long!
10:59Time to switch!
11:06Three in a row is killing me.
11:08Hey, wanna swap out?
11:10Tsubasa's nice and caring to everyone, regardless of gender.
11:14But sorry.
11:15We've been lying to you for so long.
11:17Nah, don't worry about it.
11:19If it wasn't for you guys, I'd still be a loner.
11:22You're important friends and that hasn't changed.
11:25Whoa, whoa, hold on!
11:27Sometimes you say really nice stuff, huh?
11:29You little...
11:30Hey, knock it off!
11:32But admit it.
11:33You were surprised, right?
11:34That I'm a girl?
11:35Yeah, I freaked out.
11:36But compared to those other two...
11:39You don't want to see me as a girl.
11:41Wait, I'm not saying it like that!
11:45It's easier on my shoulders.
11:47Dressing as a guy is pretty convenient too, you know?
11:50But what about in college?
11:52Well, right now we're getting a bit too much attention, aren't we?
11:55It'd be a pain if things got out and we were all over the place.
11:59Being a girl only in front of you would be nice, you know?
12:03What the...
12:05And so, the truth that no one could have expected was revealed.
12:09The trip came to an end without a hitch, and life went back to normal.
12:14In college, they seemed to continue posing as guys.
12:17But these three girls were now like idols.
12:20Yet, whenever they saw me...
12:22Let's meet up again at your place after getting back, okay?
12:26I mean, you can come directly.
12:29And once back home...
12:31Yay! I win again!
12:33Why the heck are you turning into a girl?
12:36It's all part of the treatment plan.
12:38By the way, Hikaru, it's about time for you to switch.
12:41Alright, then I'll switch.
12:43No, that's what I'm saying.
12:45We... want... to play with you!
12:50By the way, it's getting late. Isn't it time to head back?
12:54We'll stay for the night.
12:57Nah, come on. This room's way too cramped for that.
13:00Aww, you were cool with staying over before, weren't ya?
13:03We'll stay up all night gaming or whatever.
13:06We're using the bath. All four of us together.
13:09Woah, just... do whatever you want!
13:13Seriously, stop it Tsubasa.
13:16Come on, come on!
13:18My nerves are on edge!
13:20I keep telling myself to act normal, but it's impossible!
13:25This is friendship. What is friendship anyway?
13:28Whatever, I'm going to sleep!
13:31And I totally dozed off for a bit.
13:34Hey Makoto, can you scooch?
13:36Okay, then let's get even closer.
13:39Wait, could it be?
13:41What the heck are you guys doing?
13:43Oh, you woke up, huh?
13:45Don't mind us. Just go back to sleep, okay?
13:48This is a single bed, you know? And what about Hikaru?
13:53I'm... my spot!
13:57Not fair, Hikaru!
13:59I want that spot too!
14:01Capacity exceeded, people!
14:05And so, the months passed in a whirlwind of busyness and fun.
14:09One day, the usual trio who often visited stared intently at my face, and then...
14:15Extreme makeover!
14:19Is this... me?
14:22Never thought you're so...
14:24Always thought you had a nice face, but...
14:26I'm actually starting to gain some confidence!
14:29Huh? But does it not suit me?
14:32No, I mean...
14:34You're super handsome!
14:36Totally my type!
14:38This is real manpower!
14:40I'm not hating this at all!
14:43Alright, I've gotta make the most of what I've learned and improve myself!
14:48A few days later...
14:50Who's that guy?
14:51Could this be the new member of the Hot Trios?
14:54The response is even more than I expected!
14:57Well, in reality, I'm just riding the coattails of those three.
15:01But where'd they went?
15:03Oh, there you are!
15:05Hehe, my popularity's soaring, man!
15:08Good for you!
15:10You've actually invested in yourself, huh?
15:12Yeah, I thought it'd make everyone happy!
15:19After that, I kept putting in the effort and studying.
15:22And while it wasn't quite on the level of those three,
15:25I started getting a bit more attention.
15:27I didn't mind as a guy, but at the same time,
15:30I noticed that I was meeting up with those three less often.
15:33I thought they might be busy, but I had something I wanted to say,
15:37so I decided to invite them after class for the first time in a while.
15:41Man, they came, but they seem a bit down.
15:44How's school been for you lately?
15:47Oh yeah! I'm like a total girl magnet now!
15:50And also, it seems like my fear of girls is gone!
15:54And that's also thanks to you three.
15:57I see...
16:00Glad your fear's gone.
16:02So our mission's accomplished, huh?
16:05Well then, I'm heading back now.
16:07Uh, I haven't finished talking yet.
16:11Yesterday, it ended just like that.
16:14But I really want to make things clear.
16:16Where are those three?
16:18Huh? What's with that crowd over there?
16:20Excuse me, what the-
16:24Hey, have you ever seen those hotties on this campus?
16:27Let's go talk to them!
16:29Well, but I guess this was bound to happen.
16:32Haha, why am I getting jealous?
16:35It's not like those three are mine or anything from the start.
16:41Yo! Looks like you're super popular!
16:43Guess you guys won't have time to hang out with me.
16:46Hey Coda, is that how you really feel?
16:49Tell us honestly what you've been thinking.
16:52Well, I felt like I was about to lose my mind from jealousy.
16:56I always thought you'd only show your girly side to me.
17:00But that's just my ego, and I don't have the right to be jealous.
17:04It's not your ego.
17:07We felt the same way, Coda.
17:10I've heard to see everyone fawning over you.
17:13Sure, you're not ours exclusively.
17:16But if you can feel jealous just like us, we're already yours, Coda.
17:21See? We said we'd be fine with only being girls in front of you.
17:27But Coda, you know, you've become cooler for everyone.
17:31Not that everyone refers to Tsubasa, Makoto, and Hikaru.
17:37My goal to overcome my fear of girls, my efforts to improve myself,
17:41it's all to become a guy who matches the real selves of you cute girls.
17:48And now, what I want to say is, I'm already yours.
17:52So you three can be my girls!
17:55Coda, my love!
17:57You got the tacks too, huh? You hottie!
18:00I've fallen for you again, my prince! My darling!
18:04Hey, the people around us...
18:06Oh well, who cares about them?
18:09Alright, then let's go to that place for commemoration.
18:13Huh? That place?
18:15Photo booth?
18:17We won't fit unless we get closer.
18:19Come on, you can get even closer.
18:22Coda, carry me.
18:24Chill out, guys. And what's this all about anyway?
18:29It's a commemoration for the start of the Coda Showdown.
18:33Who gets you first?
18:35From now on, we'll complete fairly as guys and girls.
18:39You're mine!
18:41Like, how am I supposed to choose?
18:44And thus, the spark of the battle was ignited.
18:47But it might be a while before we see a resolution.
18:50Or maybe it's something that won't be resolved in this lifetime.
18:55Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:59Thanks for watching my channel!
19:01I'm super happy if you watch the next and other videos too!
