On a Stormy Night, When I Let this Homeless Girl Who Returned My Wallet Use My Shower…

  • 2 months ago
On a Stormy Night, When I Let this Homeless Girl Who Returned My Wallet Use My Shower…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name's Kento Gawa, 23 years old.
00:04Seems like not only my dreams, but my whole life is about to end.
00:09Rain, huh?
00:11Well, it's quite the dramatic backdrop for the final scene.
00:16Wait, it's pouring outside!
00:18Oh yeah, I think they mentioned a hurricane coming.
00:24I made it back somehow, but the problems are stacking up.
00:29Huh? Is that the landlord?
00:31I think he said he'd kick me out if I missed rent again.
00:35Let me check my wallet.
00:36Huh? Where is it? My wallet's gone!
00:40I guess God's telling me that it's game over.
00:44I'm sorry, sir. I'll leave.
00:47Um, excuse me.
00:51This is your wallet, right?
00:53Oh, yeah, but you are...
00:56I just... happened to find it... at the park.
01:00I see, but how did you know this was my place?
01:06I'm sorry for looking inside your wallet without permission.
01:09She's got that mystery person vibe, but her voice sounds kinda young.
01:14W-well then...
01:16Hold on! I can let you use my shower!
01:19Really? Is that okay?
01:22It's small, but I'd like to show some appreciation, you know?
01:26So I said that, but who's this mysterious person?
01:30I can't see her face clearly, but she seems pretty young.
01:34Well, I'm not exactly in a position to help others, but I won't pry too much.
01:39I'm done!
01:41Uh, there are towels around.
01:43Um, thank you so much.
01:46Wait, could this girl be a hottie?
01:54Okay, let's see. Ah, here it is!
01:57This is delicious!
02:00It was the last one, but...
02:02Well, helping someone in the end isn't so bad.
02:05By the way, thanks for going out of your way to bring my wallet back.
02:09I, uh...
02:10Actually, I found something in your wallet.
02:14Are you involved in theater?
02:16Oh, you saw my business card.
02:19Well, it's a small theater group.
02:23Uh, it's really nothing.
02:25I mean, I'm the founder and the scriptwriter, and we're planning to do Romeo and Juliet next month.
02:31We're even asking a half-Japanese girl who's aspiring to become a model for the leading role.
02:36Got a little carried away there.
02:39Certainly, I moved to Tokyo to pursue a career in film and stage.
02:43Admiring the world-famous director Shirasawa,
02:47I founded the Tokimeki Theater along with a few of my friends from vocational school.
02:52Despite monthly performances, we're still far from making it big,
02:56and it's tough to pay the rent even in the apartment above the theater we're using.
03:00But that's incredible!
03:02I would have given up so quickly!
03:05Actually, I also had dreams of entering the stage world and left my hometown.
03:11I was even scouted right away!
03:13Really? That's amazing!
03:15But after I prepaid for lessons, I couldn't get in touch with them.
03:19Wait a minute! That sounds like some scam I've heard of.
03:23And that's how, about a week ago, I lost all my savings and ended up homeless.
03:30So I'm really sorry! I saw the word theater in the wallet, and I must have been such a nuisance.
03:36No, you were no bother at all.
03:38But I feel like it's no longer somebody else's problem.
03:42If you want, you could help out with our theater group.
03:45You know, behind the scenes.
03:47Huh? Really?
03:50Yeah, totally!
03:51We've got a rehearsal for the play tomorrow, so crash at my place tonight, okay?
03:56Seriously? You're a lifesaver!
03:59And thus, I, trying to be all cool, invited the mysterious girl into our team,
04:05not knowing this would be the start of an incredible story.
04:09Nice to meet you. I'm Ai Watanabe, 21 years old. I'll do my best!
04:15Everyone's looking like, why now?
04:18What should I do, Captain Kent?
04:20Uh, let me see.
04:23What's up, Otakura? You look so worked up.
04:26The girl we wanted for the lead role said she doesn't want to do it and just vanished!
04:31What? We can't do it without her, and starting over from scratch is impossible, but...
04:37Oh? Who's this girl?
04:39Oh, she's just sort of, you know...
04:43That's it! That's it, Kent!
04:45The incredible heart-pounding story of a homeless girl turning into a top actress!
04:50Ah, that's brilliant! It's got a real sense of reality! That's the only way to go!
04:58And so, we quickly started preparing for the new play, Love from the Streets.
05:03At first, Ai was confused, but her passion for the stage soon began to shine.
05:08But the problem is the mid-show transformation of the determined heroine.
05:13For that sense of realism...
05:15Oh yeah! Let's do it for real on the stage!
05:20We're getting a real stylist to do it! We'll cut your hair right on stage!
05:24That's brilliant, Kent! That's what live theater is all about!
05:29B-but... I'm not cute...
05:33No, it's not about looks. It's about heart!
05:37When your feelings shatter the boundaries of acting, that's when real emotions take the stage!
05:43Kent! I'll do my best!
05:46Alright! So this next show will be a one-time thing! Let's leave a legendary mark together!
05:53Kent, weren't those the words of the famous director Shirosawa?
05:57Uh, yeah. Just borrowed him.
06:00And so, we put in a lot of effort, not only in rehearsals, but also in selling tickets.
06:06Slowly but surely, we sold every last one with the words,
06:10one-time only performance.
06:12Finally, the day of the show arrived.
06:14The play went on without a hitch, heading toward that scene.
06:18Actually... I don't want to give up!
06:22Now, let's see. Both the audience and I are seeing Ai's true self for the first time.
06:28Whatever their reactions, I must accept it as the leader.
06:31That's right! This is... the real me!
06:36Huh? Wow! Isn't she incredibly cute?
06:41She was this cute?!
06:43Afterward, Ai delivered an incredible performance as the girl who truly reclaimed her dream.
06:49Of course, the audience was deeply moved, and the applause didn't stop even after the curtain fell.
06:55Wait, where's Ai?
06:57She's taking a shower, because she was all sweaty.
07:00Oh, right. But it really was a great play.
07:06Hey, you're Yabasugi, my classmate from drama school!
07:09If you're here to complain about my script again...
07:12Nah, it was actually not bad.
07:16Well, it's still not on par with my Yaba Theater.
07:20Next, we've got a stage with a hundred-plus audience, you know?
07:26Ten minutes later.
07:28I've never been that great, but getting praised by Yabasugi, the leader of a rising star group...
07:34I don't feel bad about it.
07:36Alright, time to help with cleaning up!
07:40Thank you so much, really!
07:43Uh, Ai?
07:45In this play, I've truly mustered the resolve to chase my dreams again!
07:49She's just too cute!
07:51So, um...
07:53From now on, can I continue to be under your care as a part of the Tokimeki Theater?
07:59Of course, absolutely!
08:01I was thinking of disbanding, but maybe I'll chase my dreams once more!
08:07And so, Tokimeki Theater gained the most fantastic leading actress, and we made a comeback.
08:13As promised, we didn't stage that play again, but word of mouth started spreading,
08:17and even our next performance sold out through reservations.
08:20Thanks to that, both the actors and crew were full of energy, practicing tirelessly every day.
08:26Alright, let's call it a day around here! See you guys tomorrow!
08:30Great job, everyone!
08:32Well then...
08:34Shall we head home, Kent?
08:36Uh, y-yeah!
08:38She's been staying over at my place since then.
08:41So, um, once the next performance is over, I should be able to give you a good amount of money,
08:47and you'll be able to live on your own.
08:51That's not what I thought.
08:53I mean, I thought you'd take care of me.
08:57Well, I'm fine with it, but my room is small, and you might not like it.
09:04I happen to like your place.
09:06I like it too.
09:08No, that's not right. She's the leading actress, so I shouldn't think of weird things.
09:14The next performance was also a massive success, with standing-room-only crowds.
09:19Not only that, we received offers from larger theaters, and the after-parties were filled with excitement.
09:25You know, you can't imagine how much I thank you.
09:29Wait, huh? Where'd she go?
09:34Ai, you don't have to rush like that. It's an all-you-can-eat buffet.
09:39Ugh, who can resist such a feast, and so many drinks?
09:43Oh, that's alcohol.
09:45It's alright. My robust body honed on the streets.
09:53You okay? Here, hold onto me.
09:56Ehehe, sorry.
09:58She's serious about her acting, but she's all cute the rest of the time.
10:03I've been wanting to ask you something, Kent.
10:06Don't you do any romantic stories?
10:10R-romantic? Well, eventually.
10:13I'll do anything. Like, kissing scenes.
10:20Mmmmm, see?
10:25Wait, wait, I'm the leader of the crew and a scriptwriter!
10:29Oh, but to make it realistic...
10:37Wait, she's asleep?
10:40Through all this, the number of performances and the audience capacity gradually increased.
10:45And while we were all having a blast...
10:48What? Yaba Theater is ripping off our show!
10:52Yeah, the title is Love from the Streets, and the content is almost the same.
10:57It seems to be gaining quite a bit of popularity.
11:00Unbelievable, this can't go on!
11:03Hey, Yabasugi, are you kidding me?
11:06Listen, it's not about who does it first, it's about who sells it first!
11:11Hehe, see ya!
11:13That guy!
11:14Actually, on social media, Yaba Theater's version is buzzing, and in terms of scale...
11:20I can't tolerate this!
11:22Love from the Streets is our story...
11:24No, it's Ai's story!
11:26We can't let that guy do whatever he wants!
11:31We can't let this continue!
11:33We need to issue a plagiarism statement on social media!
11:36However, this action would lead to further tragedy.
11:40This can't be...
11:42Our statement got twisted into a cheap publicity stunt by a small theater group, and caused an online fire.
11:48Yabasugi, of course, was behind it.
11:51Even our loyal core fans have scattered.
11:54If we keep going like this, we'll just cause trouble for the theaters and everyone.
11:59So, this is what it means by a heartbreaking decision.
12:03Listen up, everyone.
12:05Tokimeki Theater is disbanding as of today.
12:09I'm really sorry, everyone.
12:11From now on, you can join other theater groups, or do as you please.
12:15There's no other choice.
12:17Now, what should I do?
12:19Once I settle all the bills, I won't have a place to stay.
12:24Ai, I'm really sorry.
12:26I'm leaving.
12:27But maybe you can talk to the landlord and stay.
12:30I'm not going anywhere.
12:34Kent, you're my lifesaver.
12:36Now it's my turn to take care of you.
12:38But I won't have a home or anything.
12:41Come on.
12:42Have you forgotten?
12:44I used to be homeless, you know.
12:46So let's go.
12:47Hey, go where?
12:49I want to introduce you to someone.
12:53Long time no see, sensei.
12:55Oh, Ai.
12:57I told you not to come back.
12:59This person is my sensei from the streets.
13:02I owe him a lot from back then.
13:06Hey, everyone.
13:07Ai's back.
13:09Afterward, we had a welcome party where we cooked hot pot together.
13:13And I received a warmer welcome than I expected.
13:16And so, sensei gave us a section of the available space, but...
13:20Okay, let's go to sleep.
13:23Wait, you mean we're sleeping here?
13:25Just the two of us?
13:28Oh, and you can use the pillow, Kent.
13:30No, that's not what I meant.
13:32Oh, come on.
13:34Oh, hey.
13:37Isn't it warm when we snuggle together?
13:41This is a secret to surviving the night.
13:43I'm quite uneasy, but this girl is really strong.
13:47But I'm sorry.
13:48It's my fault you're back to living on the streets.
13:52Living on the streets is definitely not a good thing.
13:55But all the people here haven't given up on living a normal life.
13:59And Kent, when we're together, anywhere can feel like a mansion, right?
14:07I've made up my mind.
14:08I'll protect this girl for the rest of my life.
14:10To do that, I have to write the script after all.
14:14And so, our life on the streets began, which turned out to be much more fulfilling than I expected.
14:20I picked up trash with sensei and learned survival skills.
14:24I wrote down everything about our lives as a script in the notebook I had found.
14:29Meanwhile, I saw Yabasugi's Love from the Streets becoming a big hit,
14:33and even securing a movie deal with director Shirasawa while walking around town.
14:39Frankly, it's eating me up inside.
14:41But what I can do now is...
14:43Kent, what kind of story is next?
14:47It's our story.
14:48We'll complete the real Love from the Streets.
14:50Can't wait!
14:52But how will it end?
14:54The ending, huh?
14:56I continued to fill the notebook, believing it to be the only record connecting me to Ai.
15:01However, I gradually developed a sense of guilt, as if I were dragging her into my dream.
15:07Is this story gonna have a happy ending, or...
15:10Kent! Sensei made a sauteed wild herb dish!
15:14Ahaha, yeah, coming!
15:17No matter how strong she is, we can't keep going like this.
15:22Then one day, the ending came unexpectedly.
15:25It's gone. It's gone.
15:28What's wrong?
15:29My notebook is missing. I might have dropped it while picking up trash.
15:34What? But you can write again!
15:37Nah, it might be time to wrap it up.
15:40Ai, don't worry about me anymore.
15:44I don't want to drag you further into my dreams. You have talent unlike me.
15:49Is that the ending you want, Kent?
15:53I've made up my mind. Since the moment I found that wallet, I've decided to be with you forever.
16:01Kent, I'm not going anywhere. Not now, not ever.
16:06I don't want to step off the stage. Your life.
16:10You're right. I'm a scriptwriter, and I can decide my own story.
16:14Ai, you're my one and only heroine.
16:18So from now on, let's turn our lives into a happy ending!
16:22Kent! Of course I won't leave you, like ever!
16:27Wait, our place is already pretty cramped, but I need to figure something out.
16:32Hey there. I hope I'm not intruding.
16:36I heard from an elderly man nearby that you wrote this.
16:40That's true, but... wait, you can't be...
16:44All right! We're kicking off the special stage greeting for the mega-hit movie Love from the Streets!
16:52First, the director, Mr. Shirosawa.
16:55The scriptwriter, Kent Ogawa.
16:58And the lead actress, Ai Watanabe.
17:01So, director, I heard there were some twists and turns before the release.
17:07Yeah, that's right. If I hadn't found that notebook under that girder bridge back then.
17:12Yep, that's right. A few years ago on that day, the one who came into the blue tarp was director Shirosawa.
17:21Back then, the director received an offer for Love from the Streets based on Yabasugi's script.
17:27However, after discussing it with Yabasugi, he felt that it lacked authenticity and decided to investigate on his own.
17:34During his search for us, he coincidentally found my notebook, and the whole truth came to light.
17:40Naturally, Yabasugi faced severe backlash from all over Japan and disappeared from the public eye.
17:46By the way, the members of the Tokimeki Theater also participated and contributed, dedicating half of the proceeds to support the homeless.
17:55Now for the scriptwriter, Kent Ogawa.
17:58Is this story based on the real-life experiences of Ai?
18:02Yes, this is where she brought me.
18:05That's my line, darling.
18:07Wow! Looks like it's a heart-throbbing love story!
18:12It seems you have some exciting news for us!
18:17Yes! We got married!
18:20I'll make you happy forever!
18:22Well now, Japanese cinema and theater are secured for the foreseeable future.
18:28Looking back on that day of heavy rain, what came into my room wasn't just a wallet.
18:33She was the lucky heroine who changed my life and my future wife!
