I Went to a Marriage Agency, and the Consultant Proposed to Me…

  • 2 months ago
I Went to a Marriage Agency, and the Consultant Proposed to Me…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Naoto Sato, 24, and marriage ain't even on my radar, and a total nerd.
00:07But thanks to my nosy sister fretting over my zero dating life, she pushed me into this
00:13matchmaking place.
00:15Next thing I know, she's got me registered without my say, so now I'm here.
00:21Whoa, that staff member's a total hottie!
00:24Can I, like, chat with her?
00:27Do I have to fork over cash?
00:30You are?
00:31Uh, hi there, I'm Naoto Sato, nice to meet you.
00:38Is something wrong?
00:41None of your business.
00:44Why is she suddenly sour?
00:47I'm Lisa Nakano, your assigned contact here.
00:51So, what is your deal?
00:53Tell me your ideal checklist.
00:55My deal?
00:57We match your ideal checklist with others.
00:59See who clicks with you.
01:01Even though I have zero interest in marriage, getting asked about ideal checklist…
01:06Oh, wait, I got it!
01:09So 20s to 30s, digs anime, lives close by, vibes well with me, basically just like the
01:17heroine in the web novels I read.
01:19Wait, could that be…
01:23What is it?
01:26It's nothing.
01:27Let me check.
01:28Wait, this is…
01:29What's with that reaction?
01:30Don't tell me there's no one here.
01:31We found just one.
01:33Only one?
01:34It wasn't that tough a checklist.
01:35We consider both sides' preferences.
01:36There's only one match for your hobbies and preferences.
01:37Aw, man.
01:38Well, better than zero, I guess.
01:39So, you want to exchange number with me?
01:41Let's do it.
01:42So, you want to exchange number with me?
01:44Let's do it.
01:46Let's do it.
01:48Let's do it.
01:50Let's do it.
01:52Let's do it.
01:54Let's do it.
01:55So, you want to exchange number with this person?
01:57Maybe chat a bit before meeting up?
01:59Makes it easier when you finally meet, right?
02:02Sure, if that person's cool with it.
02:04No worries.
02:05Seems like she's chill.
02:08Wow, that was fast.
02:10She's quite the pro.
02:12After that, I started exchanging messages with the girl she introduced me to.
02:17Only texts so far, but turns out we're both into the same anime and click on a bunch of
02:23But seriously, Hanako Yamada?
02:27That's clearly a fake name, right?
02:29Talking hobbies with you is fun, Naoto.
02:32How about meeting up sometime?
02:38Been just a few days since meeting Hanako.
02:41Never expected to have a meeting her in person so soon.
02:45Sorry to keep you waiting.
02:47Oh, no worries.
02:48I just arrived too.
02:50Wait, what are you doing here, Lisa?
02:53Nope, I'm Hanako Yamada.
02:56Seriously, that's so obviously a fake name.
02:59Is she hiding something by going this far?
03:03So, ready to order anything?
03:06Uh, yeah.
03:08I don't know what to say, and she doesn't seem the chatty type.
03:12Guess I'm stuck in this arranged meeting.
03:16Anyway, Lisa, I mean...
03:19It's Hanako.
03:21Got any hobbies or stuff you're into, Hanako?
03:24Um, I read web novels.
03:28You're into novels?
03:30I'm into that stuff too.
03:33Especially this web novel I've been hooked on since my college days.
03:39Actually, I met this author at an anime meetup.
03:42Still follow their updates every day.
03:44I've been a fan since day one.
03:49Hey, why's your face getting all red?
03:52No, it's nothing.
03:54We got into the groove chatting about anime, finding we were both into the same stuff.
03:59There's a movie screening of our favorite anime soon, and we planned a date for it.
04:05Date day's finally here.
04:07I remember we're supposed to meet around here...
04:10Come on, just a little chat, alright?
04:13Is that...
04:14I'm waiting for someone.
04:16You're waiting for a girl?
04:18In that case, you two and I could...
04:21Hold up!
04:23Who's this guy?
04:24You're her date or something?
04:26Yeah, that's right.
04:28Got plans with her, so quit bothering her.
04:31You, an obvious nerd ordering me around?
04:34Ain't no pretty girl like her fit for you!
04:38Come on, girl, you should be with me!
04:41Ugh, this guy...
04:43In that case...
04:45Sorry, excuse me!
04:48Oh, hey, wait up!
04:55Barely dodged that in the crowd.
04:58You okay?
05:01Thanks for helping me, by the way.
05:05Didn't expect you to be so manly.
05:08Nah, I just did what anyone would do.
05:11Her smile's cute!
05:13So, let's get back on track and go for the date?
05:19We head to the movies as planned.
05:22After the movie, we discussed our thoughts at a cafe,
05:25having a great time together.
05:27A few hours later...
05:29Today's been great hanging out with you.
05:32Thanks a lot.
05:34Nah, thank you!
05:35Always thought I didn't need a girlfriend or anything.
05:38But being with someone who shares hobbies nearby feels pretty cool, you know?
05:43Ah, so...
05:45That's like saying you wanna be more than friends with me.
05:49I-it's not like that!
05:53So you don't wanna be my boyfriend?
05:56That's not it!
05:57After today, I found out how awesome you are!
06:02This totally sounds like a confession!
06:05And me too!
06:08I had super fun on our date!
06:11Let's do it again, okay?
06:15Man, why's my heart pounding so fast?
06:18After a bunch of dates and calls, we got closer,
06:22finding lots in common, making our time together real fun.
06:27One day...
06:31You good?
06:34Sorry for dragging you all the way to my place.
06:37No worries, just wanted to help a bit.
06:40Well then, I'm heading out.
06:43Can't stick around too long, you gotta rest.
06:48Don't leave.
06:51Stay here, a bit longer.
06:56Can you hold my hand till I fall asleep?
07:01So cute!
07:02I never thought about marriage, but I wanna be with her.
07:05Guess that matchmaking thing wasn't too bad.
07:10A few days later...
07:12Looks like things are going smooth with Hanako.
07:15Yeah, thanks to you.
07:17Shouldn't you plan the next date?
07:19Guess you're back to the salty attitude.
07:25What about inviting her for an aquarium date?
07:29Sounds great!
07:31Gonna work out a plan!
07:33Finally, she's over this cold,
07:35and we couldn't go anywhere.
07:37Wanna make it fun for her.
07:40So excited!
07:42Okay, I know you're Hanako...
07:45Don't know anyone by that name.
07:48The one you introduced me to, right?
07:51Why isn't she telling the truth?
07:54Even though I'm so into her,
07:56how does she feel about me?
08:00Wait, sis?
08:02How's it going?
08:03Any good matches at the matchmaking place?
08:06Uh, well, it's kinda weird, actually.
08:11Turns out, the thing is...
08:13I see...
08:15Naoto, you're not someone to be ignored.
08:19Wait, what?
08:21Come on, stop worrying and confess already!
08:25Can't do that!
08:27It's been a month since we met!
08:29Aw, really?
08:30I think it'll work out.
08:34Lisa! Why are you here?
08:37Forgot your phone, so came to deliver.
08:40Sorry for the bother.
08:43Don't forget this! Gotta go!
08:46Hey, wait up, Lisa!
08:49From that day, Lisa starts avoiding me.
08:52Calls don't connect,
08:54and visits to the matchmaking place reveal she's on leave.
08:58No sign of Lisa today.
09:00Still dodging me, huh?
09:02But why, though?
09:04Seems like you're wrestling with something.
09:06Mind if I dive into this?
09:08Huh? But my rep's Lisa.
09:11Don't worry, it's okay.
09:13Let me pull up your file real quick.
09:18Seems like no one met your criteria.
09:23But don't worry, I'll find your destiny.
09:26Wait! I got hooked up with someone who met my ideal from Lisa.
09:31A bit weird, but...
09:33Weird how?
09:35Actually, turns out...
09:39Lisa went to your arranged meeting pretending to be someone else.
09:43She tried to hide it, but it was obvious.
09:47Seems just like her.
09:49Always super invested in other clients' stuff.
09:52So, she was acting as my match? For me?
09:56Oh, no, I don't think so.
09:59Even though she's super involved, she'd never act as the match.
10:03There might be something else.
10:05Hold up, maybe...
10:07Figured something out?
10:09No, nothing really.
10:11But maybe you should sit down with her and talk it out.
10:14Might clear things up.
10:16Yeah, gotta have that sit down for sure.
10:20I'll pass on your contact details.
10:22I'll tell Lisa next time she drops by.
10:25Thank you so much!
10:29A few days later...
10:31Got a message from Otakuda!
10:33Gotta talk this out today!
10:35Come on, just date me already!
10:38I've told you no!
10:40Wait a minute!
10:41Was that guy from last time?
10:43Could he be using the matchmaking service too?
10:47Why can't I be the one for you?
10:49You're just pretending to be the lover of a lonely client, right?
10:53I'm not doing that!
10:55No use trying to cover it up.
10:57The other day, my pickup line's tanked, so I thought,
11:01why not give the matchmaking joint a whirl?
11:04And guess what? Heard all about that.
11:08Rather than wasting kindness on a nerd like him,
11:11why not date a handsome guy like me instead?
11:15Stop it!
11:19Wha? You're that...
11:21Lisa's a super kind person.
11:23She took on the match to save me from hurt.
11:26Forcing that kindness isn't right!
11:28Shut up!
11:30Isn't it weird you're the only one getting special treatment here?
11:34That's not true.
11:36I didn't favor him.
11:38Then why were you dating this guy?
11:41Said there wasn't anyone who fit his criteria.
11:45You know all that, huh?
11:47Sorry, Otakura checked while you were away.
11:51No, it's my fault for not being honest.
11:55I wanted to let you know that there's only one person who fits your criteria.
12:00One person?
12:02Your ideal match is me.
12:07The data Otakura and I looked at
12:11is only for those registered with our matchmaking service.
12:14My data as an employee isn't in there.
12:17But after hearing your preferences, I felt it was about me.
12:22Yeah, our interests do match up.
12:26That's why I told the boss,
12:28I want to be your match,
12:30because I want our clients to be happy.
12:33I got permission and decided to be your match.
12:37Seriously, the more time I spent with you, the more I started feeling it.
12:44We share the same hobbies and it was super fun hanging out together.
12:48But you used to give me the cold shoulder.
12:51That's because you didn't catch on.
12:56Back in college, I was the author of the novel you love from the anime meet-up.
13:03But you were all refined and literary when we met.
13:08Yeah, I guess so.
13:10I used to dress plain back then.
13:12But when I got this job, my seniors said I should amp up the vibe.
13:16No wonder the vibe felt different.
13:20All that time, I lacked confidence in my writing because of low readership.
13:24I attended the anime meet-up for a change of pace.
13:28I got you to read my novel there and you boosted my spirits.
13:33Come to think of it, she was the one who introduced me to that novel.
13:37After that, every time I updated the story, your comments on it kept me going.
13:43But you didn't notice any of that, did you?
13:46Uh, sorry.
13:49No, I'm not mad.
13:52I just thought if someone as encouraging as you forgot about me, it'd be even more of a bummer.
14:00So I couldn't tell the truth.
14:03But if I were gonna get shot down, I should've said it sooner.
14:08I never expected you to have such a gorgeous girlfriend.
14:12Wait, is she talking about my sis?
14:15Sorry for acting distant.
14:18If I hadn't been like that from the start, maybe I wouldn't be feeling like this.
14:22No, it's not like that.
14:25I don't have a girlfriend.
14:28But you seemed really close to her.
14:31That person is my sister.
14:35My sister's friendly like that with everyone.
14:39And besides, the reason I didn't realize you were Lisa was because you turned so beautiful.
14:46I had a great time with you.
14:48I used to think I didn't need a girlfriend or a fiancé.
14:51But with you, I feel like I want to spend my whole life.
14:56So, would you go out with me, considering marriage?
15:01You're the first person I felt this strongly about, so...
15:06Is it okay?
15:08I lied and acted so cold.
15:13Don't worry about it.
15:14Just gotta be more honest from now on.
15:21Thank you.
15:22I like you too.
15:24Please be my boyfriend.
15:26I ain't accepting that.
15:28I'm way better than some nerd.
15:31Hold on.
15:32Don't mess up their thing.
15:34Let me go.
15:38After that, I told my sis about dating Lisa.
15:41Congrats to you both.
15:44My bad for causing a misunderstanding.
15:47No, thanks to you I could meet him.
15:50I'm really grateful.
15:54Cool and cute, huh?
15:56Take care of Naoto, alright?
15:58Yes, of course.
16:00In front of others, Lisa's super cool and chill.
16:04But when we're alone...
16:06Wanna watch anime together?
16:09Sure, but aren't you getting too close?
16:13I'm gonna be more honest from now on, right?
16:16I've been wanting to cuddle up like this, so I won't hold back anymore, darling.
16:21Or do you hate me being clingy?
16:24Nah, never.
16:25Any version of you is cute and awesome.
16:30Then let's cuddle even more, darling.
16:33She's way too cute.
