Marriage Agency Introduced Me to a Woman Who Was Totally Not My Type, but…

  • 2 months ago
Marriage Agency Introduced Me to a Woman Who Was Totally Not My Type, but…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:05My name's Makoto Ikeda.
00:07Just got jolted awake by some notification on my phone.
00:12Gotta rewind a few days to explain how I ended up in this mess.
00:16I'm your typical anime poster-covered introverted nerd.
00:21Marriage was not even on my radar.
00:23But my parents kept nagging me, so reluctantly, I registered at a marriage agency.
00:31Sorry to keep you waiting.
00:33Wait, is that you, Makoto?
00:36Charao, what are you doing here?
00:39Turns out, it's my high school buddy, Charao Yabasugi.
00:43Always been a ladies' man.
00:44And back in school, he used to tease me all the time.
00:49Couldn't resist working here, you know?
00:51It's the perfect spot to meet cute girls who wanna get married but can't.
00:56I'm already dating several of them.
00:58Jealous, huh?
01:00He hasn't changed since high school.
01:03Maybe I should check out some other agency with affiliated branches.
01:07Better than this place.
01:08Look, sorry, but I think I'll try elsewhere.
01:12Wow, look at you, being all stubborn.
01:18Let me, the super charming guy, find you the perfect match, even if you're absolutely hopeless
01:23with ladies.
01:24Uh, but...
01:25Answer this survey, or I'll fill it out for you, got it?
01:31Uh, fine, I'll do it.
01:34I mean, it's not like I'm desperate to get married.
01:38Might as well describe my crush like my favorite girl in anime.
01:44A few minutes later...
01:46Man, these conditions are way too tough for someone like you!
01:52Wait, is this about some anime character?
01:56No way that kind of girl exists in real life!
02:00Just give it back if you're going to make fun of me!
02:03Alright, don't be like that!
02:06I, the ultimate ladies' man, will find someone just for you!
02:11If I find someone, you'll get an email so you can go, man!
02:16Uh, okay...
02:17A few days later, I got this email.
02:22No way!
02:23Did I really get matched with someone like my favorite anime character?
02:28Who on earth could she be?
02:30I opened the attached image nervously, but...
02:35This has to be a joke!
02:36She's nothing like my ideal type!
02:38Hey, Shadow!
02:41There's been a mix-up!
02:42I got matched with someone completely different!
02:44Oh, sorry, my bad!
02:48Looks like there was a mistake here!
02:50Please tell me he didn't do this on purpose!
02:53Anyway, I can't meet this person.
02:55Hey, you're not going to reject her just based on looks, are you?
03:00Well, that's...
03:02If it's not a problem, let's go through with it!
03:06I'll let her know!
03:10He hung up!
03:12But yeah, judging someone just by their looks is kind of rude.
03:16Well, can't be helped.
03:18Let's see where this goes.
03:20And so, I started texting her, Yukari Azuma.
03:26Yukari and I began chatting on WhatsApp.
03:29What are your hobbies?
03:30I don't want to say because no one gets it.
03:35Huh, maybe she's just being cautious?
03:39At first, she wouldn't answer any questions, but as we exchanged messages, she gradually
03:45started opening up.
03:47Soon, we found out we both liked the same game and decided to play together.
03:52N-nice to meet you!
03:55Her voice is kind of cute, though!
03:58Yukari loved gaming, but she wasn't exactly a pro.
04:01Still, she gave it her all.
04:05I won!
04:06Man, her pure joy is adorable.
04:09Bet she's a hustler, always giving her best.
04:13From then on, we played games and got to know each other better.
04:16A few days after our matching, we decided to go out to catch an anime movie together.
04:23Finally gonna meet her in person!
04:25Looks can be deceiving, but she seems like a pretty nice person.
04:29I'll just roll with it.
04:31Sorry for the wait!
04:33Wait, what?
04:35You're Makoto, right?
04:38Uh, Yukari?
04:40That's right!
04:42We chatted in the game yesterday, remember?
04:44I never signed up for a beauty like her, though!
04:48So let's go to the movies, okay?
04:51Makoto, you said you wanted to see that one, right?
04:54Uh, um, well, why is she getting so close all of a sudden?
04:59Geez, why won't you look me in the eyes?
05:03We had such fun chats in the game!
05:06It's just, I'm nervous.
05:10It makes me happy to think I make you nervous.
05:14Man, her smile is cute too!
05:17She knows what she's doing.
05:19Damn, she's gorgeous!
05:22Later at the movie theater.
05:25Uh, your hand is kinda touching mine.
05:28Won't you hold it?
05:31Oh boy, saying that makes me even more nervous!
05:37Two hours later.
05:38I was so nervous, I totally forgot about the movie!
05:45Are you okay?
05:46Your face is red.
05:49Yeah, I'm fine.
05:52Yukari seems totally fine holding hands.
05:56So, uh, where should we go next?
06:01Wait, I guess she's not used to it!
06:04Yukari, your face is pretty red too!
06:07How about taking a break at a cafe?
06:12After that, we went to a cafe, had a little chat,
06:15and though I was surprised at first by her appearance,
06:18time flew by and it became surprisingly fun to talk to Yukari.
06:23And so, our date ended.
06:25After that, we started going on dates countless times.
06:29At home, we'd spend time playing games,
06:32and when we went out, we'd head to places we both wanted to visit.
06:36I think we became close enough to call each other good friends, I guess.
06:41I made lunch for us today!
06:43No way! Getting a homemade lunch feels like a dream!
06:47You're exaggerating!
06:51Here comes the plane!
06:54Huh? But...
06:56Are you maybe feeling... shy?
07:00Um, I think you're the one being shy, Yukari.
07:04What? I'm not shy! Just come on, here!
07:11How's the taste?
07:13Yeah, it's really tasty!
07:18But it feels like I've become the main character in an anime, and it's super exciting!
07:24Oh my god...
07:27You really ate it!
07:30Looks like you're the shy one after all, huh?
07:34Today was... fun.
07:38I thought about asking Charao to change my date at first, but this is fine!
07:42I shouldn't judge from the beginning.
07:45Meeting you, Makoto, was really great.
07:50Until I met you, I kept my... nerdy side a secret.
07:54Even my friends told me it's better to quit being a nerd.
07:58I got ties with that friend, though.
08:01Not just that.
08:03Because of my appearance, I get approached by many guys, but everyone only judged by looks.
08:08Even when my parents told me to get married, and I registered with a marriage agency,
08:14I didn't want to be judged by my face.
08:17So I edited my profile picture.
08:20So that's why the picture looked like that.
08:24I've been matched a few times since registering,
08:28but when they see my profile picture, they all decline.
08:31Nobody tries to understand my inner self.
08:35But you were different.
08:37You actually tried to see me for who I am.
08:40So meeting you was really great!
08:43No, even I, at first, was trying to decline when I saw the profile picture.
08:49Yukari, actually...
08:52Oh, it's you, Makoto.
08:57Hey, hey, who's this beauty?
09:00Introduce me, will ya?
09:02No way! Don't you already have a girlfriend?
09:07I'm telling you, it's a waste for a plain guy like you.
09:11You might not get it since you're unpopular, but cute girls should date handsome guys.
09:16Just go date that one you matched with the other day.
09:20If that's the case, I don't mind dating him.
09:25I'm the one who matched with him.
09:29I have proof that Makoto matched with me.
09:32And honestly, I have no intention of dating a shallow person who judges others based on appearances.
09:38Well then, he's in the same boat.
09:45Even Makoto was about to say no just by looking at the profile picture.
09:54That's not true, right?
09:57Sorry, it's true.
10:01B-but now I...
10:03I believed in you!
10:07Seems like she hates you now, huh?
10:15After that, I couldn't get in touch with Yukari.
10:18Days passed without getting any response, no matter what I said or asked.
10:24What have I done?
10:26Since then, I can't get Yukari out of my head.
10:30Oh, I see.
10:32I'm into her.
10:34Really, Makoto? You just hurt her and leave her like that?
10:38Staying in my room, feeling low, that's just...
10:43It can't be like this!
10:48Where are you, Yukari?
10:50I can't get through to her on the phone!
10:52But I gotta apologize!
10:54I already told you I'm not interested!
10:57There she is!
10:59C'mon, it's cool to hang out with me just once, man!
11:03I told you I'm not going!
11:06A guy like me is asking you out and you're gonna say no?
11:10C'mon, just come!
11:13S-stop it!
11:15What the-
11:18She doesn't want to!
11:20Give it up already!
11:22You're the one who should give it up!
11:24Still want her even though she rejected you?
11:27Man up and move on!
11:31You're right.
11:32Compared to you, I'm not a hot guy.
11:34I'm a nerd, plain, and not cool at all.
11:37Even so, I like Yukari!
11:40You probably just like her because she's pretty, right?
11:45Sure, at first I judged her by her looks.
11:48But I realized I genuinely liked her for who she is!
11:53When I'm with Yukari, I naturally find myself smiling.
11:57I like her shy side, even though she seems mature.
12:01She loves games, works hard, and cooks well.
12:04I've come to like all of Yukari.
12:09I'm really sorry for hurting you.
12:11It's okay if you can't believe me right now.
12:14I'll work hard so you can believe in me someday!
12:17You don't have to do that.
12:22I believe in you, Makoto.
12:26After that, I realized...
12:28Since the first time we played games, you were so kind.
12:32You know I'm terrible at games, right?
12:36But you cheered me up so many times.
12:39That's why I felt like I want to meet you in person.
12:42I also like you, Makoto.
12:45I'm sorry for being harsh on you.
12:48Will you go out with me?
12:51I will never, ever make you feel sad again!
12:55I promise I'll make you happy!
12:59Yo, yo, wait a sec!
13:01I'm much hotter than him!
13:02Why not go out with me?
13:04Like I said, I won't go out with you!
13:08Plus, shouldn't you give up and man up if you got rejected?
13:12You said it yourself and already forgot it!
13:17Besides, you already got a girl, right?
13:19Just let her go!
13:21More importantly, I can't stand losing to you!
13:25Just make her my girlfriend!
13:29So we were nothing for you, huh?
13:34What are you guys doing here?
13:37Since you won't marry me, I asked around at your workplace.
13:41Then everyone here told us everything you've been up to!
13:44We gathered and hunted you down!
13:47Playing around with us?
13:49We were seriously looking for a marriage partner, you know!
13:53You won't get away with this!
13:55I-I'm sorry!
13:58Don't you run!
14:00Afterward, Charao got accused of messing around with several members from the company and left the company.
14:07The rumors spread and it seems no more women gathered around him.
14:13Meanwhile, as for me and Yukari...
14:16Wow! This is your favorite character, huh?
14:19Yeah! The way she's serious about stuff is wonderful and...
14:27Just wait here for a sec!
14:29Huh? What's wrong?
14:31Don't worry! It's really nothing!
14:34Several tens of minutes later...
14:37What's taking her so long?
14:39Did I mess something up?
14:41S-sorry for the wait!
14:44Phew! She came back!
14:47Oh, hey! Wait, what's with that outfit?
14:52Since you said you like this character, I just prepared the cosplay!
14:57D-does it suit me?
15:00It suits you! Actually, you're the embodiment of that character!
15:08Sure, that girl is cute, but...
15:11Maybe you can love me more?
15:16Actually, I love her so much it feels like my heart's gonna burst!
15:21No matter how someone looks on the outside, there's gotta be charm on the inside!
15:26From now on, I'll continue to find and cherish her charms!
