I Hired a Housekeeper and My Old Rival, the Gang Leader, Showed Up Excited

  • 3 months ago
I Hired a Housekeeper and My Old Rival, the Gang Leader, Showed Up Excited
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English
00:00My name's Hiro Fukuda. I work as a cafe staff at Koiwa Cafe, and I'm 20 years old.
00:08Whoa, that girl totally reminds me of her.
00:12But nah, there's no chance she'd hang out in a spot like this.
00:17I can't believe I haven't forgotten about her.
00:20Yep, there's this girl I just can't get out of my head.
00:25Three years ago, I was leading my troublemaker crew.
00:28And that girl, Rin Watanabe, was leading the rival crew.
00:34But there was more to me and Rin than just that rivalry.
00:38Ugh, you're back for more? You're really not letting go.
00:44Ugh. Man, she looks adorable just standing there today, too.
00:51Come on, I gotta man up. Today's the day I finally tell her how I feel.
00:56Wait, maybe I should just play it safe and ask if we can be friends first.
01:03Hey, speak up. I'm gonna destroy you. Just saying.
01:09Huh? Say that again? Come at me!
01:13Aw man, why can't I just be honest with her?
01:17I'll tell her tomorrow. Tomorrow's the day when I'll finally tell her how I feel.
01:22But in the end, I finished high school without telling her how I felt.
01:27I really wish I had gotten her number back then.
01:30And time passed by while I was stuck with regrets. And now, here I am.
01:36Thank you very much for coming to our cafe.
01:40Hehe, thank you for working hard again today, Hiro.
01:45Oh, hey, Mill.
01:47Meet Mill Amahashi, the lovely lady who owns Koiwa Cafe.
01:52She's like the star of the shopping district and has that amazing older sister vibe that everyone digs.
01:59Not at all. I should be thanking you.
02:03I'll never forget how you came through for me by offering me a job when I was struggling to find work.
02:09Hehe, I was so surprised to find you passed out in front of the cafe because you were so hungry.
02:17Thanks again for helping me out that time. I'll never forget it.
02:22By the way, Hiro, are you taking care of yourself and eating right?
02:27Oh, uh...
02:29If you're not eating properly, do you want me to fix you something?
02:34Oh no, I can't be causing you so much hassle, Mill.
02:38You don't have to be shy around me, you know.
02:43Then what do you think about this?
02:46Oh, a housekeeping service?
02:49Hmm, that's kind of interesting.
02:52I thought the idea was interesting, so I figured I'd give a housekeeping service a shot.
03:00A few days later
03:02It's almost time for the housekeeping service. I'm curious to see who's coming over.
03:08Oh, I think they're here. Yeah, I'm coming.
03:13Thank you for choosing our service. Nice to meet-
03:17Wait, what?
03:20No way, you're-
03:23Nice to meet you. I'm here to help with the chores as part of our service.
03:28Hold up, you're Rin, right? You're the leader of your girl's gang and-
03:35N-no I'm not! That's not me at all!
03:39Now if you don't mind, I'm coming in.
03:42Is she playing dumb on purpose?
03:45But man, I'm over the moon to see her!
03:49Uh, um...
03:51Oh, shoot! If I had known Rin was coming, I would have cleaned up the place better!
03:58Duh, all guys have rooms that are messy like this. No big deal.
04:03Well, no need to stress. I know what I'm doing, so just sit back and let me handle it.
04:09Uh, you're throwing me off. How about you go back to your usual way of talking instead of being all polite?
04:17I-I have no idea what you're talking about!
04:21And after a while...
04:23Whoa, my place got super clean real quick! That's amazing!
04:28I'm pleased to hear you're happy with the service we provided.
04:32That girl who was a total rebel and known as the Devil Princess...
04:36She's got all grounded now. It's crazy!
04:40People really do change, huh? Man, I think I'm crushing on her all over again!
04:46Now I'll whip up something for you to eat, okay?
04:50Hm? Is something wrong?
04:53N-no, nothing's wrong!
04:55She looks so cute wearing an apron!
04:59Shoot! My bad! I totally forgot about getting some ingredients!
05:04It's okay, don't worry. I'll go buy them now.
05:08Why are you being so nice?
05:10Back in the day, you'd be like, wait, you don't have the ingredients? Seriously? What were you thinking?
05:16And then get all upset with me.
05:19Oh! I'm not sure what you're talking about, sir.
05:23So I went to the store with Rin to help her out with the grocery bags, but...
05:29Oh my! Hiro, look at you! You found yourself a girlfriend!
05:39Wait, that's not it! She's...
05:42Guess what, everyone! Hiro's got himself a girlfriend!
05:47No, like I said, that's not it!
05:51Oh, wow! Hiro has a girlfriend at last! I couldn't be happier!
05:57Alright! Here, take these vegetables, get your girlfriend to whip up a tasty meal for you!
06:04We should all come together to celebrate him and his girlfriend!
06:10Guys, can you all just hear me out for a sec?
06:14Oh my! It's so lively out here!
06:18Aw, congratulations to you, Hiro! You've got a really nice girlfriend!
06:24No, you're totally misunderstanding! This girl is...
06:29Hey there! Nice to meet you, Hiro's girlfriend!
06:33I'm Mill Amahashi, the one who runs the coffee shop where Hiro works.
06:39N-nice to meet you too! My name's Rin Watanabe.
06:44Mmm! Hiro will definitely make you happy!
06:49Hey, Rin! You should speak up too, cause everyone's getting it all wrong!
06:54H-Hiro is such a great guy! H-he's too good for me!
07:01Don't just make things up like that! Come on!
07:05Oh my goodness!
07:08And so, we wrapped up our shopping trip with a bunch of folks getting us all wrong.
07:14Wow, I wasn't ready for that. You should've made it clear we weren't a couple.
07:21I-I couldn't just say that with what was going on.
07:26By the way, your food is ready.
07:29Oh, it's ready already?
07:32Yeah, here you go. Please eat up.
07:36Whoa! It's so delicious!
07:39This broth is so yummy and comforting. It's like a warm hug in my mouth!
07:45What do you think of the taste?
07:48Huh? Oh, uh, yeah, it's alright. Nothing special.
07:55Seriously, why did I just say that?
07:58Wow, you really haven't changed at all, have you?
08:02I'm pretty sure I can cook well. Just be honest and admit it's tasty, got it?
08:08Oh man, she's really ticked off! I mean, who wouldn't be mad in that situation, right? B-but...
08:17Nice, you're back to being your old self.
08:21Why are you so happy about it?
08:24See? I knew it! You remembered me after all.
08:28What's the big deal if I still remembered you?
08:31C-come on, I gotta man up and tell her how I feel. If I don't, it's like nothing's changed.
08:38Ha! This dish isn't anything to brag about!
08:42Dude, what am I even saying?
08:45Now I'll never be able to ask for her housekeeping service ever again!
08:50Fine. I've made up my mind.
08:54Hey Hito, you better invite me to your place more often.
08:58I'll prove to you how good my cooking is!
09:01W-what the? What are you talking about?
09:05I really enjoy cooking.
09:07Ever since I stopped being a troublemaker and turned my life around, I've been honing my cooking skills.
09:14That's why I can't let anyone diss my food!
09:18So you better not back down from this cooking challenge you kicked off!
09:22A-alright, well, I'll let you know when I'm in the mood for you to come over.
09:28Woohoo! I get to see Rin again!
09:32And just like that, I started getting Rin to help me with my chores regularly.
09:38And one day...
09:40Ha! Give this a try!
09:43Whoa! This looks so good!
09:47Go on! Eat it and tell me what you think!
09:50I can already tell this is gonna be tasty without even trying it!
09:54Ha! It's just fancy on the outside, nothing special.
09:58What did you just say?
10:01Why can't I just be honest with her?
10:04Can't you jazz it up a bit? This doesn't even make me hungry.
10:08I need someone to shut me up!
10:11Fine! I'll feed you!
10:14H-here! O-open your mouth!
10:20What's up? Why are you blushing?
10:23W-why are you doing this?
10:25When I said I wanted to beat you, that café owner gave me this advice.
10:31Mil! Why did you go and blab to her?
10:35C-come on! Just eat it! O-open your mouth!
10:40If that's how it goes, I have no choice but to eat it!
10:47Whoa! This is like heaven on earth!
10:50Huh? What's wrong? Why are you blushing now?
10:53Y-you little punk!
10:56And on another day...
10:59Hey! I need to air out the futon, so move it!
11:02Oh, yeah, sure.
11:07Huh? Watch out!
11:10H-hurry up and move!
11:13O-oh, yeah, my bad!
11:16I'm gonna report you to my boss for bothering the staff!
11:20No, don't do that!
11:23My bad!
11:25After that incident, Rin started to clean my room really carefully.
11:30Ugh! How did your room become a total mess so quickly?
11:35Duh! A guy's room gets messy real quick!
11:41Wait, you're falling over again?
11:43Phew! That was a close one!
11:48Thank goodness! I'm so glad I caught her before she fell!
11:51Jeez! Be careful from now on, got it?
11:55But I made a mess in my room, so it's on me!
12:01I mean...
12:05Let go of me!
12:08She's so freaking adorable!
12:12Believe it or not, Rin continued to come by my house to help with housekeeping, even after that happened, and...
12:20I'm so happy that I get to hang out with Rin all the time!
12:24But I still can't be honest about my feelings to her.
12:28I really want to give her a big thank you and give her props.
12:33Oh? Why is your face so red?
12:36What are you talking about? I'm not...
12:39Hey! Is everything alright?
12:42Ah... Ah...
12:45I made her go to sleep for now, but now what do I do next?
12:50During times like these... Oh yeah!
12:54Uh, um, hey, Mill!
12:57I know you're super busy, but I just wanted to ask something real quick!
13:02Rin is running a fever, and she passed out!
13:05I'm freaking out and not sure what to do...
13:09It's okay, Hito. Calm down.
13:12Check her temperature first.
13:13If it's really high, you should take her to the doctor.
13:17If that's not doable, just nurse her back to health at home.
13:21You need to get some medicine for her cold and fever, and food ready, but...
13:26Should I come over to your place to help out?
13:29I'd be super thankful if Mill could swing by, but...
13:33Thank you, Mill, but I want to try nursing Rin myself.
13:38I can't really put into words, but I just want to do it for her.
13:43Alright, I understand.
13:47Hito, I'm sure you'll be fine.
13:50So, I took Mill's advice and followed what she said.
13:54I checked her temperature, gave her some medicine, and whipped up some porridge.
13:59Here, I cooked up some porridge. Eat up!
14:08I feel so lame, needing you to take care of me like this.
14:14Quit yapping. Just eat up. If you don't, you'll just be wasting it.
14:19Why can't I just be nice to her for once?
14:26Aww, she's really cute!
14:29Soon after that, Rin dozed off peacefully.
14:33She's working hard every day with her tiny body, huh?
14:37Wait, I just remembered. She helped me out back then, didn't she?
14:42Man, this sucks.
14:46I won the fight, but the amount of pain I ended up with is just unbelievable.
14:51What are you doing here?
14:54Why are you here?
14:57Oh no! I didn't want Rin to catch me looking like a mess!
15:01Geez, I guess I have no choice. Here, stay still.
15:07Why are you helping me out here? Aren't we supposed to be rivals or something?
15:12Those punks shouldn't bring you down. I'm the one who's gonna beat you!
15:19That cute smile Rin had was the best. I still remember it.
15:24Looking back, I'm pretty sure that was when I first fell in love with Rin.
15:29Ever since that day, I've been totally into her kindness and how she looks out for her crew and buddies.
15:35You're always pushing yourself too much. You've always been like that.
15:40Before I can support her, I need to make some changes.
15:45That's what I had in mind, but my world changed completely a few days later.
15:51If you're trying to find Rin, she's not at the company anymore.
15:56Sorry, what? She left the company?
15:59Apparently, Rin's company had to let some people go because they weren't doing well.
16:04And unfortunately, Rin was one of them.
16:10How come she didn't say anything to me about it?
16:13I don't even have her number. What am I supposed to do now?
16:17Oh my, you look like you're in a rush. Did you have a falling out with your girlfriend?
16:24Oh, cheer up, hero. Take a bite of this croquet. It'll put a smile on your face.
16:31I've been saying this whole time, you guys are totally off about us dating.
16:37So, why are you trying to find Rin?
16:40That's because... After that, I tried to find Rin, but I couldn't find her in the end.
16:47A few days later after that...
16:50Hey, hero, stay positive, okay?
16:55Don't worry about it. I'm confident you'll see her again.
16:58Thank you very much.
17:01Oh, we got a customer coming in. Hero, can you assist them?
17:07Alright. Welcome to our co... Wait, what?
17:15Rin! Hang on, did you ask her to come to the cafe, Mel?
17:20Actually, all the folks at the shopping district helped me search for her.
17:25We found her without any trouble, so I called her to come over to this cafe.
17:30Wow, the folks at the shopping district have a killer network. Thanks a bunch, Mel.
17:36Mel told me you were concerned about me, so I thought I'd come by just this once.
17:43What the heck? I'm not even concerned about you.
17:47I mean, can you believe it? The people at the shopping district are still getting it wrong.
17:51Thinking we're getting back together and that you're a great guy who will make me happy?
17:55Like I said, it's not my fault.
17:58After that, Mel gave me a short break from work so I could catch up with Rin.
18:03So, what's the plan now? You had to give up your job, right?
18:08You already know all there is to know about me, huh?
18:11Well, yeah. It was a small company that was struggling, so I had no choice but to quit.
18:16I'm looking for a new job, but it's gonna be tricky finding a place willing to hire an ex-troublemaker like me.
18:23She's always acting all tough, but deep down, it's gotta be really hard for her, right?
18:29Hey, am I just gonna stand here and do nothing? The girl I'm into needs my help!
18:35Is there anything I can do to help?
18:38Huh? W-what?
18:40The girl I'm into needs my help! Is there anything I can do to help?
18:45Huh? W-why are you acting all weird?
18:49Whenever you came over to my place, I was always super happy and you helped me out a lot.
18:55So, I just want to give back to you, you know?
18:59W-what's going on with you? This isn't like you at all. What are you getting at?
19:05S-so, what I'm trying to say is...
19:09I've always had feelings for you since we were in high school!
19:13So, I want to support you, and I want us to stick together!
19:17Huh? Y-you know...
19:21I actually knew why you were hurt that day.
19:26The punks who hurt you have been targeting me for some time.
19:30That's why they were maybe cooking up a dumb plan to take me on with their small crew!
19:35You knew what they were up to when you dealt with them for me, right?
19:40H-huh? I-I don't know what you're talking about!
19:44You're terrible at lying, you know.
19:49I've never had someone look out for me like that before.
19:52Ever since then, you've been on my mind.
19:55B-but you and I are rivals! Plus, I thought you didn't like me.
20:01That's why I tried not to catch feelings for you, and I kept my emotions in check.
20:07Wait, what? T-then that means...
20:11That's right. And yet, here you are, calling me in for the housekeeping service,
20:18and now we end up meeting like this again?
20:20Do you have any idea how long I've been hiding my feelings from you?
20:24And yet, I'm the one who always comes up with some lame excuse,
20:28just so I could hang out at your place.
20:33But, we're good now, right?
20:36You have feelings for me too, right?
20:40So I'll be honest with you. I love you.
20:44So I'll be honest with you. I love you.
20:52I-it's totally fine if you're not up for it.
20:56You don't have to be in a relationship with me.
20:59That's not true! I want to be with you! Let's be a couple and make it official!
21:05Congratulations, you two!
21:11Let's all have a big celebration together next time!
21:17And Rin, how about working with us at the cafe?
21:21Hang on, what? A-are you sure about that?
21:26Yes, absolutely. You're a talented cook, am I right?
21:31Hiro always complimented your meals.
21:35Mel, you were supposed to keep that under wraps!
21:39Oh my, I'm sorry about that.
21:43Although it took some time, me and Rin finally told each other how we felt,
21:49and now we're officially a couple.
21:52And ever since then, we're just enjoying peaceful days every day.
21:57Rin is like the star employee at the cafe these days.
22:01Rin, you're looking adorable as always!
22:04Your smile here at the cafe definitely makes me forget how exhausted I was.
22:10Thank you very much!
22:13It's great that you work with us at the cafe, Rin.
22:17Plus, Hiro's housework has improved all thanks to you.
22:21I-I mean, we're living under the same roof.
22:25I learn something new from her every day.
22:29You two work so well together.
22:32You two work so well together at the cafe.
22:36It's like you're meant to be.
22:39You're definitely like a married couple.
22:42Wait, stop! We're definitely not married, I swear!
22:46Oh, Hiro, if you're going to say no to it that strongly...
22:55Uh-oh! You did it again!
22:59Hiro, it's time to man up and show what you got!
23:04U-um, you see, Rin...
23:07We're not married yet, but I really want us to be married in the future.
23:12So just hold tight until that day comes, alright?
23:19Wishing you both endless happiness in your journey together!
23:28Thanks for watching!
