Code 8 (2019) / CODE 8: Part 2 (2024) - CEO FILM SA PREVODOM

  • 2 months ago
Šifra 8 je kanadski naučnofantastični superherojski akcioni film iz 2019. koji je napisao i režirao Jeff Chan, a glavne uloge tumače rođaci Stephen i Robbie Amell.
00:00At the beginning of the 21st century in an alternative country, it was discovered that 4% of the population had special abilities.
00:06The government calls them powers and asks them to register their abilities in order to supervise them.
00:11At first, they are very popular at work, but after the Third Industrial Revolution, all the powers become poor and the police chase them away.
00:18Soon, the criminal syndicate began to illegally sell a drug known as Psyche, which is made from the liquid mercury of enchanted powers.
00:26As a response, the police began to use huge drones and special robots called guards to track them.
00:32The electric man named Connor uses his ability to do temporary construction work while looking for something more durable.
00:39Shortly after he got a job at the construction site, the police came to check if he was using his powers.
00:44All the workers are organized and have to look up at the sky to scan their drones and find out which workers have powers.
00:50The police tell the powers to go and get permission before they discover that there is a contract for one of the workers.
00:55The police try to arrest him, so the man shoots fire at them to escape.
00:59At that moment, the drone drops a few guards who immediately kill him.
01:03In the meantime, another police detachment enters the man's apartment with the powers.
01:07When the guard breaks the door, the man uses his super power to throw a disk at him and break his door.
01:12Then the man tries to escape through the window, but the police stop him at sight.
01:17After that, the police search the apartment and discover a room full of people with powers who are suffering from liquid mercury.
01:23There are also a number of bags of dog food, which in this case is connected to a criminal leader named Marcus.
01:27Later, Connor visits his mother Mary in the store where he works.
01:31Mary has a brain tumor that sometimes causes her to lose control of her temperature powers.
01:36She accidentally broke a jar with liquid mercury, and her boss yells at her, so Connor comes to her rescue and almost uses his powers.
01:42The boss immediately throws them out of his store.
01:45Later at home, Connor tells Mary to start chemotherapy, but Mary reminds him that they can't afford it.
01:51The next day, Connor sees a Lincoln Power truck, and his friend warns him that they are part of Marcus's gang.
01:57However, Connor is desperate for money, so when the driver Garrett offers him the job of an electrician, Connor agrees.
02:02He takes him to the chemical factory, where Garrett asks him to help him with the electrical fence.
02:06Connor first tries to cut the wire, but gets an electric shock, so he uses his powers to re-tie the fence.
02:13The media then melts the fire and the team finally enters.
02:16They start loading chemical barrels into the truck, but soon a guard tries to call for reinforcements.
02:22Garrett takes the radio from him with his telekinetic powers, so the guard surrenders and swears he didn't see anything.
02:28Unfortunately, when the team leaves, the police receive a warning, and all the police on patrol are ordered to look for a red van.
02:34Garrett stops the vehicle under the bridge, and the team removes the red cover so that it looks white now.
02:40When the police drone finds them, he quickly writes them off because of the wrong color.
02:43After that, he comes to the garage, where he leads them through the secret passage to the club.
02:47The criminal leader, Marcus, gets a beating from Wesley because he didn't pay on time.
02:52When Marcus tries to explain, Wesley tells him to read the thoughts of his partner, Copperhead, to see all the ways in which Copperhead knows how to kill someone.
02:59Then Wesley gives Marcus a week to pay and leaves.
03:03Garrett then introduces Connor to Marcus, who reads Connor's thoughts and agrees to join their team.
03:08While Nia shows Connor around, Marcus informs Garrett that he can't pay for the chemicals, because he first has to pay Wesley and ask about Connor's powers, but Garrett thinks that Connor still needs a little training.
03:19Marcus asks him to prepare him for the next task.
03:22In the meantime, the police officers Park and Davis are investigating the robbery and realize that the chemicals were stolen so that Marcus could distract his dog.
03:28It is seen that electric and fire powers are used on doors, so they will have to check the list of people with these abilities.
03:35The next day, Connor again chooses Garrett instead of construction work.
03:39To test Connor's abilities, Garrett asks him to turn off the car alarm, which activates by hitting it with a step.
03:44Connor concentrates and turns it off with his powers, and then Garrett announces that it's time for training.
03:49It starts with a simple exercise, that is, Connor has to light a lighter.
03:53Because of the lack of control, Connor breaks it, so he has to continue to practice and break the lighter until he succeeds.
03:58As the days go by, Connor gets some tasks, such as collecting money from the dealer, using his powers to keep them away or force them to pay.
04:06In his free time, he continues to practice and eventually manages to light several lighters at once.
04:10When the dealer tries to protect himself with his own electric bodyguard, Connor is able to take a shock without pain and quickly destroys it.
04:17Full of self-confidence, Connor decides to visit his mother's boss and ask her to do better with Mary.
04:22After that, he leaves the house and informs Mary that he has finally got a permanent job.
04:27Vanny, Park and Davis watch Connor and include him in the list of suspects.
04:30The next day, Connor and Garrett go to the bank to collect information about the routine and security cameras, concluding that they will have 5 minutes for the robbery, because the police drones arrive in 7 minutes.
04:41Meanwhile, Mary goes to work and is shocked by how polite the boss is to her.
04:45Shortly after that, Garrett's gang enters the bank, notifying all the guards that everything is present under the threat of armed robbery.
04:53Connor immediately rushes to the safe and turns off the electricity so that the bank could not close the door in the distance.
04:57The alarms go off while he asks the employee to open the safe manually just to find out that most of the money has already disappeared.
05:03The team takes what is left and runs away, where the drones are already waiting with several guards.
05:08Connor quickly hits them with his eyes and throws them on the ground, allowing them to escape easily.
05:12The gang then goes to Marcus, who is not satisfied that they have not managed to take all the money.
05:17While they and Garrett are fighting, Copperhead suddenly appears and tries to kill Marcus, but Rhino blocks him with his extremely hard body.
05:24Copperhead tries to shoot at Neo, so Connor disarms him with an electric shock.
05:28Copperhead then attacks Connor with a knife and wounds him in the hand, so Rhino repeats the shot until Copperhead dies.
05:33After that, Connor finds Neo while consuming Psyche.
05:36He does not notice that Connor is wounded during the fight and immediately cures him, explaining that he continues to work for Marcus because he owes him.
05:43Later, when Connor returns home, Mary asks him about the money he hid in the drawer, admitting that she named the place where Connor told him to work, but they never heard from him.
05:51Connor tries to explain that he cares about her and asks her not to interfere, but Mary wants to say that he was really in the bank.
05:57After that, Connor comes to Marcus's bar and asks for a contract, but Marcus forces him to go through a dangerous operation first.
06:04When Connor leaves the hospital, Park and Davis wait to take him to the station.
06:07Connor denies that he is involved in any crime, so the police remind him that Marcus is a very cruel criminal and mention that he will soon burn Psyche worth 4 million dollars.
06:16Park points out that they can help Connor with Mary's treatment if they share some information about Marcus, but Davis stops him to provoke Connor by hurting his father.
06:25Angry, Connor insists that they have the wrong person and the police must let him go because they do not have enough evidence.
06:30Garrett picks up Connor and takes him to see Marcus, who reads Connor's thoughts to confirm that the police did not say anything.
06:36Connor then mentions Psyche to the police, who will take the police to the scene of the shooting, asking for a contract, he helps them get Psyche back, Marcus will give them New.
06:44Garrett also asks to become a partner instead of a team, and Marcus agrees.
06:48Shortly after that, the team prepares their plan by placing a bunch of blockades on the road.
06:53A blinded van appears soon, followed by drones that will have to return when they reach the zone of forbidden flying.
06:59The blockades cause the van to go the other way, so Medi and Freddy follow them with their car, while Garrett drives a garbage truck to block it.
07:06While the driver is shouting at him, and Garrett gives everything he has to keep him in place, Connor replenishes his power and hits the van with a powerful electric shock that destroys the guards.
07:15Garrett then uses his telekinetic powers to keep the guards away, while Connor briefly connects their clutches.
07:21Freddy and Medi quickly join them and help to incapacitate the guards until no robot remains.
07:26Medi then burns the hole in the van, and Freddy throws a tear gas inside to force the cops to leave.
07:32As the van stops reacting, the drones decide to enter the zone of forbidden flying.
07:36Medi takes the boxes with Psyche and gives them to Rhyno, whose people start shooting at the guards.
07:41Rhyno also shoots at Medi before they and his team start shooting at each other, and Garrett has to move Freddy with the help of telekinesis to save him.
07:49Then Rhyno leaves with Psyche, leaving the two men to kill Garrett's group.
07:54At that moment, more guards come and the gangsters have to defend themselves from them, allowing Garrett, Freddy and Connor to escape.
08:00Ordinary bullets can't hurt the guards, who kill Rhyno's people in a second.
08:04While the three of them are running, Freddy gets hit by a bullet and Garrett has to carry him to the car.
08:08Unfortunately, Freddy does not survive, and while running, Connor blames Garrett for everything, saying that Marcus betrayed them because Garrett asked for too much.
08:15In the meantime, Rhyno brings Psyche to Marcus, who says he can't let Neo go because his father still owes him money.
08:22After that, Connor visits his mother and promises that he will provide treatment, but Mary thinks it's time to let her go.
08:27Later, Connor meets with Park in a restaurant to ask for a contract, promising that he will surrender, but he wants the police to catch Marcus first.
08:35In the bar, Marcus starts coughing hard and asks her not to cure him.
08:39Suddenly, the police turn off the electricity in the bar and enter to open fire on them, so Marcus runs with Neo and Rhyno through the passage that leads them to the garage.
08:46However, Garrett waits for them and shoots Marcus in the chest.
08:49Rhyno immediately fires, but Garrett disarms him with his telekinesis before opening fire on him.
08:55Unfortunately, Garrett's bullets do nothing and Rhyno moves towards him, so Garrett uses his power to slow him down.
09:00At that moment, Connor arrives and hits Rhyno with an electric shock.
09:04Rhyno grabs Connor and hits him on the table, and Connor uses as much force as possible, but unfortunately his powers are not strong enough.
09:12Then, Rhyno begins to choke Connor, so Garrett uses a slingshot to stab him in the eye, allowing Connor to finally turn him over with an electric shock.
09:20In the meantime, Marcus threatens Neo, asking him to cure him, but when Neo approaches him, he takes a gun from him.
09:25Garrett then uses his powers to finally kill Marcus and takes a gun from him, which he gives to Connor, telling him to take what he wants.
09:32At that moment, Neo discovers that he has a wound that suits Connor's from the previous day, explaining that his body is infested with injuries that he is healing.
09:39If he cures Mary, he will die of cancer instead of her.
09:42Connor ignores this and takes Neo to the hospital on sight, but when Neo is on the edge to cure Mary, Connor notices that she is in pain and stops her.
09:49When Mary wakes up, Connor holds her by the hand and watches her die.
09:53Later, Park and Davis find Marcus's body in the garage.
09:56Connor gives his van to Neo so he can escape, and then he turns himself in to the police and is sent to prison.
10:01After such an order, the government prohibits the use of force in the city.
10:04In order to sell the psyche to Garrett, one afternoon he comes to him to show him how he practiced his camouflage powers, hoping to get a raise.
10:12However, Garrett rejects him and a member of the gang pushes him away.
10:15Then Garrett is present at the presentation of the Kingston police chief, who shows the latest K-9 units to local residents.
10:22In recent days, people have been complaining about the aggressiveness of the VAR and how many powerful they have killed, so this is a friendly solution.
10:28The K-9 will jump on the person it sees armed, but will immediately withdraw if that person raises his hands.
10:33The peacock also follows the presentation, and its eyes light up when it looks at the robot dog.
10:38That evening, Garrett sends one of his people to deliver the myth to the usual place.
10:42Tarek follows him and after the boy leaves, he takes the money for himself.
10:45At that moment, Kingston arrives, so Tarek boldly hides until Kingston explains why the money disappeared.
10:50Kingston forces his people to search the area, so Tarek uses his powers to hide, but the policeman notices him and Tarek has to run away.
10:58At the same time, the peacock notices that his brother has not returned home and starts looking for him.
11:02The policemen send the K-9 after Tarek and a desperate struggle begins.
11:06After a lot of running, Tarek hides in an abandoned building and when the K-9 approaches, he uses his powers to break through the cloth.
11:13Fortunately, the K-9 scanner does not notice the difference and the robot leaves quickly, allowing Tarek to escape.
11:18However, when Tarek approaches the house, the K-9 finds him again.
11:22Scared, Tarek raises his hands and the dog sits down, but the policemen see it through the camera of the robot and force him to swallow a special poison that kills the powerful.
11:29Tarek rolls over in pain until he dies just when the peacock comes and sees everything.
11:34He calls his brother's name and the dog turns to her, but when it barks, the camera turns black.
11:38In the morning, Kingston checks the K-9 in the police station, which is heavily barred, but the informant has no idea what happened.
11:45His only trace is the last second of the footage shown to the girl.
11:49Immediately, a number of policemen are sent to find her.
11:52In the meantime, it turns out that Connor has come out of prison and leads a boring life as a homeless person in a community center, not using his powers.
11:59When he goes out to throw away the garbage, he discovers that the gate on the guard post is broken.
12:03He checks inside and finds an overpowered peacock shooting him with garbage.
12:07Connor swears he won't hurt her and manages to bring her inside, where his boss Mina comforts and persuades her to tell her what happened.
12:14Suddenly, the policeman starts knocking on the door, so Mina leaves and returns it, while Connor runs with the peacock through the back door.
12:20While Mina is talking to the policeman and knocking on the door in the street, Connor and the peacock arrive at a blocked road and go the alternative way, but still end up under the security camera.
12:29Connor takes the peacock to his apartment and finds out from the news that the policemen claim that the peacock has died from overdosing.
12:35The peacock gets angry, calling it a lie, because of which her eyes go wild and begin to affect the TV.
12:41Connor has to turn it off before it explodes.
12:44At that moment, the peacock picks up the radio signals and announces that the policemen are approaching.
12:48The policemen enter the building with a K-9, but they don't find anyone in Connor's apartment.
12:53They and the peacock hide in another apartment, and as the situation calms down, they try to escape.
12:58Unfortunately, when they come out, two guards jump out of the drone and stand in front of them.
13:02Connor immediately uses his electrical power to kill the robot, but it didn't take him long to exhaust him.
13:08The voice from the drone tells them that they are arrested, so the peacock re-activates its powers, and all the systems of the drone fail to escape with Connor.
13:15Not seeing other options, Connor meets up with Garrett and asks for the service he owes him.
13:20Connor wants a new apartment, money, and a safe place for his secret friend, but Garrett immediately discovers that he knows everything about the peacock and what happened to the policemen.
13:28He explains that he has an agreement with Kingston, that is, the policemen get part of the money from his sales, and the gang can work freely for a profit.
13:35Connor uses it to protect the community and regularly pays donors so that they are not caught.
13:40Then Connor agrees to help with all the fake papers, but also emphasizes that the peacock must forget what it saw or the police will never leave them alone.
13:49At first, the peacock refuses, but Connor explains that this is their only chance to survive.
13:54After that, the group goes to the woman who has the power to erase memories.
13:57When the peacock touches her hands, the woman's eyes turn black and start working on the peacock's head.
14:02At first, she only erases memories of Tarek's death, but soon she begins to enter all other memories, including Tarek's.
14:08The peacock immediately protests, because that is not what they agreed on, and Connor tries to stop the process, but the gang keeps him while explaining that any memories of Tarek can be returned to others, so he must be completely erased.
14:20The angry peacock refuses to lose memories of her beloved brother and begins to fight against the woman's power to block her.
14:26At the same time, a member of the gang with the power of fire tries to burn Connor, but he manages to hit the boy in the hand and force him to shoot a barrel at the ceiling.
14:33Now the water is falling everywhere, and Connor uses it as a guide to fight the whole gang with his electricity.
14:38After that, Connor and the peacock go to the mine, which agrees to take them by car.
14:42They find a police drone in her registration plate and suspect her, because she had a job with the police before, so they send people after her.
14:49In a fast mine, a car surrounds Gerrit and his gang, and when they try to turn the other way, the car crashes into a pile of stones under the bridge.
14:56Gerrit uses his telekinetic powers to break the car window, and then the members of the gang pull the group out of the car quite violently.
15:03Nearby, two guards are filming everything for the police, who want to solve it quickly before anyone else sees another case of police brutality.
15:10Gerrit has the order to shoot the peacock, but Connor stands between them and Gerrit cannot gather the courage to shoot him.
15:16Time is running out and the guards open fire quickly, killing a bunch of gang members while everyone else runs into the slope.
15:22Gerrit gets a bullet that hits him hard, and the other hitman hits the mine, and only pulls the bullet by hand, because he has the power of a thick skin.
15:28A member of the gang tries to save one of his friends, but is killed.
15:32Then Gerrit uses his powers to take the car window, but the guards also destroy it.
15:37Desperate, he tells Connor that they have no choice but to work together to survive.
15:41The mine agrees and tells Connor and the peacock to go while she goes out to divert attention, and Gerrit raises the stones to use it as a shield.
15:48Both the man and the peacock run to Gerrit's car and sing a song while the mine continues to receive bullets until it falls.
15:55When Kingston arrives, the mine is still alive, thanks to its thick skin, but there is not much time left.
16:00Kingston offers her medical help in exchange for information, but the mine answers with a slap on the face before she dies.
16:06In the evening, the three arrive at an abandoned orphanage where Gerrit grew up.
16:10Connor and the peacock hold Gerrit until he uses his powers to take a bullet out of his chest.
16:14While eating, Connor tells the peacock that they should go to the border, but the peacock is tired of running.
16:20The next morning, he finds them, Davis, who explains to her that destroying Kingston is impossible because he has too much power in the police.
16:25The peacock suggests that she use her ability to access all the footage of corruption and show them on national television, she just needs one of the K-9 pass.
16:34Davis remembers that Kingston has his own robot dog at home, so the boys make a plan to get to him.
16:40A few hours later, Gerrit and Connor appear in Kingston's house, pretending to be union representatives of the police who want to express their support to the detective.
16:49Kingston's wife, Stephanie, doesn't know anything about her husband's dirty business and gladly lets them in.
16:53When Kingston arrives, the peacock watches from the car as he leaves his K-9 in the garage.
16:58As soon as he enters, he can guess that this is a lock, but he can't say anything to Stephanie and lets the boys interview him as if they were old friends.
17:06In the meantime, the peacock uses its power to open the garage door and come to the dog.
17:10As soon as the K-9 touches him, it activates and alarms the police informant who tries to call Kingston back to warn him.
17:16When his mobile phone rings, Gerrit subtly uses its power to push a knife on the table, silently warning Kingston not to answer the call.
17:23The technician sitting down tries to call home, so Stephanie leaves to call while Connor pretends to go to the bathroom.
17:30As soon as they stay alone, Kingston discovers that he also has telekinetic powers and tries to throw a knife at Gerrit, who immediately blocks him.
17:36The two men use their powers one against the other, but since Kingston hasn't used his powers for a long time, he lost practice and Gerrit easily defeats him by letting the knife fall.
17:45In the garage, Connor leads a very frightened peacock so that it can concentrate on its powers and get what it needs.
17:51Then Stephanie returns and tells Kingston that she has an urgent notification about her dog, so Gerrit decides to go, but she still pretends to be friendly.
17:58After that, Kingston rushes to his garage and discovers that his K-9 is gone, so he orders his people to look for it.
18:04The trio leaves with the robot in the car, and the peacock confirms that it can see everything with it.
18:08Gerrit takes them to a safe place, promising them a computer that they can use, but instead they find a bunch of gang members because Gerrit betrayed them again.
18:16Angry, Connor tries to attack Gerrit, who first steals him with his power.
18:20It turns out that Gerrit wants information to control Kingston and keep him in charge of the Kvart and Psyche business.
18:26Then Gerrit uses his powers to take the dog's head off and gives it to a member of the gang, telling him to keep it as a life.
18:32When Kingston and his people arrive, Gerrit welcomes them outside and shows them the body of the robot, threatening to release information if his people are not left alone.
18:40However, Kingston agrees to Gerrit's interrogation and putting the fox before he sends his people and another K-9 to the building.
18:47In the apartment, the group notices that the journalists are already arriving in that area, and the peacock points out that they can still execute her plan, so Connor assures the boy to give him the robot's head.
18:56At that moment, the K-9 unlocks the door and the policemen enter, so Connor tries to shoot electric energy at them, but unfortunately their shields are changed to absorb it.
19:05The policemen immediately open fire, so Connor runs with the peacock, while the members of the gang fight back with various powers, including telekinesis and flame that creates a fire barrier between them and the police.
19:15Unfortunately, the K-9 quickly puts out the fire, and the policemen attack again, causing a fierce fight.
19:20Thanks to their powers and excellent teamwork, they manage to fight the policemen one by one, but when a man with superpowers tries to attack Kingston, he stops him.
19:29He successfully stopped him with his own power and shoots him in the head. In the meantime, Connor and the peacock arrive at the hallway where the K-9 approaches them.
19:37Connor continues to shoot electricity at him, but it is not enough to stop him, so the robot shoots Connor to the ground to try to quench his poison.
19:44Connor's father releases his power to hit the dog, causing the electricity to disappear.
19:48When the quicksand is activated, Connor sees that the K-9 is frozen and thinks he has won, but the robot is surprised and begins to quench his poison.
19:56As the poison slowly enters Connor's body, the peacock comes and concentrates until it takes control of the robot, forcing it to stop.
20:03Connor does not die, but is weak from the small amount of poison he has taken.
20:07At that moment, the informant comes out of the elevator with another K-9, so the peacock sends the first van to fight, easily destroying the new one with a quick move.
20:14The frightened policeman opens fire, but the bullets don't work, so the K-9 crashes on the floor, cutting off his fingers so he can't handle it.
20:21When Connor finally gets up, he discovers that he hit the peacock with a stray bullet and that it is bleeding profusely.
20:26As more policemen enter the building, they manage to overcome the members of the gang, Connor raises the peacock and carries it out.
20:32But he is too weak to continue and drops the girl to the ground.
20:36At that moment, the journalists are watching nearby, and Connor asks them to come closer.
20:40The police try to send another K-9 to him, but Garrett uses his telekinesis to bend him into a useless metal ball.
20:47Suddenly, Davis finally appears and forces the policemen to retreat, allowing the journalists to come to them.
20:53With his last energy, the peacock touches the head of the robot and the camera to take over Kingston's corruption all over the country.
20:59At home, Stephanie is angry when she sees the truth about her husband.
21:02Kingston comes out of the building and tries to shoot the peacock, but Garrett controls his hand and keeps an eye on him, giving Davis time to approach the peacock and arrest him.
21:11Reaching their goal, Connor and the peacock fall unconscious.
21:14Three months later, Kingston is investigated and the journalists begin to follow the trail of corruption to higher positions.
21:20Garrett is in prison and is happy to watch the news.
21:23Connor returns to his job at home and opens a youth center for judges in the neighborhood, including the restored peacock, which he thanks for everything.
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