Barstool Intern Threatened To Be FIRED For Being Unathletic

  • 2 months ago
Handsome Hank | Viva TV
00:0012 minutes 55.72 seconds. If you don't beat this, I think your summer's over. Oh, no. Oh
00:07He's fired. I think so. Okay. Yeah big cat just told me if I don't beat my previous gauntlet time
00:12I am I have to go home
00:15So a little nervous right now
00:17We will have liftoff
00:28Rumors have been going around that the interns are gonna have to do the gauntlet soon
00:32And since there's a lot of people that are out of the office this week
00:34We wanted to utilize this time to practice and try to embarrass ourselves a little bit less
00:40All right
00:41So we have the interns here and today we're gonna put them through the yak
00:43Gauntlet to see if any of them have what it takes to do it on the show as you guys know the yak gauntlet consists of
00:49cornhole soccer
00:50Whiffleball football two basketball shots and then ten questions right in the sporkle and we'll see which one of them
00:57Has what it takes to do it live on the show like this
01:02First stage of the gauntlet make a cornhole bag if you throw them all you have to come and get your own bags
01:07Three two one go
01:17They call that an air mail in the pro cornhole
01:28Fifty seconds
01:40Twelve seconds your does athletic things. He has a bit of a spark when he was practicing. He was taking the ladies shot
01:48Look, he's nervous
02:00Ah 40 seconds the bag smell like produce for real butt dickety-pussy
02:09But does he stank so
02:19This could be really good or really bad for Malice
02:22He's been pretty awful in the goal the last couple of weeks. He's been letting him fly back. This is gonna suck
02:2830 people basically, you just need to make one shot past Jake once you kick the three off the green line
02:34You could kick from anywhere
02:42I don't have cardio, but maybe I could be a power kicker
02:47Oh Jake you suck
02:55Jake now second goal used to mean something to me
03:17Suck it baseball
03:49Sure, if nothing else they're breaking out some new
03:52Ways to try and do this which is interesting as someone who's seen every gauntlet
03:56So next up is football, which I think is the hardest part of the gauntlet. You're on the black line
04:01You have to knock one of the bottles over with the ball. Wait, this sounds kind of easy
04:05Oh, my hands are like really clean and thinking about this. Oh
04:12This looks hard
04:34Basketball it's both sides of the court. So you make a shot here bring the balls with you make a shot on this hoop
04:39It's basically just a shot on each side three two one go
05:13Literally wearing two basketballs
05:26Was really fucking tiring I think I think too much for this how much for you to just make it look like a hit
05:32I'm on the first try
05:44Don't think we should let him do like
05:54You guys are now gonna vote on two people to run the full gauntlet all the way through and the winner gets 20 bucks
06:02Think we gotta go Sam. I think yeah, okay Jacob
06:07Already know what's gonna happen. Unless I get some like for scump level just like luck that I say everything
06:14Be entertaining. I got fun. Yeah, I see Jacob. He's gonna want to do it first day
06:21Wanting up for debate a little nervous honestly, but I also have anxiety
06:27So I was gonna happen anyway
06:59You know, some people call us what some people call it liquid work
07:39Sorry TJ I got a lot of sweat right now my headphones Stan Lee cocker spaniel Boston Bruins Aries
07:47Cancer Virgo Pisces Toronto Maple Leafs. Oh, I am legend. Oh
07:53last one for the win George Washington book
08:02Was horrible. I kept thinking about how sweaty I was. At least I beat big cat blindfolded. I've hyperhidrosis, man
08:11This is gonna happen
08:14Bad day to wear gray
09:15Sam concentrate
09:23Here we go
10:09Three face cards and poker King Queen Jack for positions and Quidditch a
10:16seeker chaser Kylo Ren Adam driver
10:24Samuel Jackson mace windu Shanghai
10:28Fuck shit
10:30It's not good. Um, Tokyo fuck
10:34Wait, Mark Hamill Luke Skywalker
10:43Got a record
10:45But it's something
10:48I'm proud of you Sam. Okay, at least I could say I did the gauntlet
10:52I'd rather be lowest than like right in the middle, you know, I actually agree with what he said
11:04Like that
11:06For tonight, right?
11:09Shout-out, mr. Formal. Oh for the best. That's my soup plug. Gotcha. Mr. Former. What do they call that tonight? Best friend?
11:18What bro just boys GBF fest
11:20I still think you should have given out something to the equivalent of a rose on the bachelor
11:25We're doing a roast this condom is for you darling. You're doing roses. Yeah
11:29I'm like
11:30Something manly that is manly. No, I was thinking like a like tools like a wrench. Yeah, like
11:38a wrench you freak the golden hammer my hammer Jimmy
11:45Finding the best friend stream listen, I'm gonna I'm out in the burbs all the barstool guys are down here in the city
11:51They got their nice
11:53Apartments down there here and the high-rises mountain the burbs don't really have much friends out there
11:58I'll be honest a couple guys here and there. They're not really my speed though. You know what I mean?
12:03I need somebody that's on my wavelength on my speed. So I said fuck it. Let's do a stream Jerry after dark tonight
12:09We got about 30 guys coming in the office. Shout out Lucy, by the way real quick
12:14But we got about 30 guys coming in the office
12:17Falls no diddy. We got 30
12:19We got 30 guys heading into the office not coming into the office heading into the office tonight
12:25We got about four or five different stations. We got bobbing for apples. We got Jersey Jerry trivia. We got speed dating
12:32We got a wing eating thing that we're gonna do. So we'll see how it goes. Maybe I'll find a friend
12:37There is a possibility though at the end where I'm like
12:40Hey, I just didn't get vibe with nobody. Listen, I
12:43Got no problem with a gay. I got no problem. I don't I have a couple gay cousins and also a gay uncle
12:49Shout out DJ Ralph. I don't got no problem with that to each their own. That's fine
12:52I'm just doing this for for a bond for a manly bond
12:56I ain't looking to fucking take this guy to dinners with me and stuff like that. You know what I mean?
13:00Just hey, what's up? JJ want to go play nine somewhere a JJ you want to go shoot some darts somewhere something like that
13:06You know what? I mean, you know, listen, I ain't listen one thing. I'll say I
13:10Ain't never had sugar in the tank
13:13Never and I don't I don't expect to ever have sugar in the tank. That's just me. I'm hoping Jerry finds
13:20Friendship at first sight. It's gonna be a bunch of really ugly really fat guys
13:23I'm just going in here looking for hope and like if Jerry can do it
13:27Anybody can plan it all perfectly big cat ain't around
13:30I don't got to get mixed up with like a transgender or something coming in. You never know. They try to get me
13:35I got no idea what's gonna happen. Either Jerry's gonna find his best friend or we're just kind of a really fucked up stream
13:41The winds a win at that point. Hey guys
13:46All right, let's try
13:50So begins
13:53Damn they're really all here. Oh, how many is the total 20 20 a lot of meat a lot of meat on those bones
14:00Really, I don't think any of them are would be like textbook healthy political affiliation. Let's see. I think they're pandering to you Jer
14:07Yeah, that way right wood guys political affiliation is just fuck Joe Biden. Yeah, I'm Ben
14:13I should be Jerry's best friend cuz Joe Biden's the worst president we've ever had and I think we agree on that
14:17Jordan I love to golf and I love to gamble Cooper
14:20I like to gamble and I'll make sure he stays in touch with his mom miss Gilfine
14:23Blake big Steelers
14:27Dan should be Jersey Jerry's best friend cuz it was always Jersey Jerry. My name is Zach
14:32I should be Jerry's friend because I'm positive Bob's guy. I got to pick him up when he's down. My name is Sam
14:36I should be Jerry's best friend because I'd do anything for the guy. I'm James and I'm as loyal as a hound
14:42I'm Joe from Pittsburgh. I already used a huge Steelers fan and we already attended the Bears game
14:46Yeah, so barstool barstool Jerry will be shooting 85 by the end of the summer guarantee. I'm Bryce. I'll be Jerry's best friend
14:53It's always been Jersey J
14:55My name is Christopher and I think Jerry should be my best friend because we're both blue guys and he's a good guy
15:00My name is Kevin
15:00I think we'd be best friends because I think we'll have a good time rooting on our teams in the football season this year
15:05I'm Eddie Jerry and I'd be best friends. They'll TJ as much as he does
15:08I'm Alex me and Jerry should be best friends because I'm a great hang and I love to gamble
15:12I'm Michael me and Jerry can be best friends cuz I'm always a call away and you always need a friend
15:16That's a call away. I'm Dave me and Jerry are gonna be best friends
15:18We're two blue-collar Union boys Big Juan Big Trav aka John Anthony
15:23I should be Jerry's best friend because I'm the only brown person here
15:26I'm Nick me and Jerry be best friends because I'm loyal came all the way here from Georgia this morning go Steelers after
15:33576 submissions we're down to 20. How did we get to 20?
15:39Let's us. Let's move this over this operation over to Nick to run. He's gonna be doing some interviews for us now
15:46It says on your fact sheet that you love everything about Jerry. Is that true everything?
15:50You love that. He was addicted to crack cocaine for years. He's a hero. He overcame it
15:54I love that. He was homeless on the streets. You love that
15:57Maybe don't love everything about Jerry. I was reading about you a little bit. It says you love Latinas
16:04Favorite part about him can't say ass
16:06Lips both and you're also an attorney, correct?
16:09Sadly, so all your clients have to be going straight to prison
16:13They are I mean just where Jerry was gonna be if he kept being a crackhead and you know what he did, right?
16:22We're gonna stall here a little bit much like Ben
16:26All right, I'm here with aim
16:29James I'm an idiot. Sorry about no. No. No, you're not an idiot at all ruined it right away
16:34No, no, and you walked in here and you apologized. No, no, it's fun
16:38I'm sorry about that
16:39Quit it
16:41Okay, I'll stop saying sorry
16:47Sorry, I just want to tell you guys I appreciate you guys coming here
16:51Even if you don't get picked tonight doesn't mean that we can't be friends gentlemen. We're going to get down to 16 men
17:01Blake will you accept this rose? Nick?
17:07Will you accept this rose Kevin Michael
17:15Matthew Dave
17:22Will you accept this rose
17:27Zack Daniel Bryce James Jordan Sam Alex
17:34Cooper Ben and Elias Christopher
17:42Appreciate boys
17:45Thank you guys so much. You know, it's tough. I know Jerry had a really tough choice to make
17:50There are a lot of people that I think had a lot more in common with him
17:54I didn't know a lot of Steelers fans would show up, but they did
17:58But no hard feelings at all. You wouldn't see me losing. I wish him the best. There's a guy here
18:02They got my eye on no Diddy, of course, but there's a guy here. I got my eye on
18:07We'll see how he does
18:54You're right one funny good now how it's good at four five good round gentlemen. Good round. Good round. It's been real
19:03It's been fun. I'm having a good time. Hope you hope you guys are having a great time tonight
19:06Six of yous aren't gonna make it
19:10Let's be tough one big Twan
19:14No, you're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. You're good. Good. Nick
19:19Blake Zachary Joe
19:27It's the worst part
19:33Thank you
19:38It's an honor
19:40Sad day, but Jerry's a friend. I think he'll always be a friend. He's a friend in my heart
19:45I might not be a friend in his but I was it was an honor of a lifetime then and thank you
19:50It's a sad day. It's a bad day
19:52I wish I could just be out there eating wings with the fellas made, you know made a lot of buddies tonight
19:56But it's what it is and we'll be back next year
19:59Right blue cheese or ranch ranch Wow
20:04Ranch guys
20:18I can't really decide for this. What languages is it? Those are numbers. There you go. Hey
20:25Yeah, I'm not familiar with this model
20:28The IKEA shelf was definitely got me. That's what tripped me up
20:32But we'll improve and maybe watch some film and get ready for next year. It was a great competition
20:36I did my best showed I can do I showed heart your passion and show desire was the faulty product
20:42But I had a good time
20:44Thank you. Oh, we can hit the lights Ryan. All right. So the last round we have like we have whiteboards
20:50There'll be 10 questions if you guys have been following me or and for a while you guys should know some of these
20:56Some of these you may not know the first question favorite Steeler of all time a
21:02big Ben B
21:04TJ what C
21:07Troy Palomar you both are correct. It is B favorite snack club crackers
21:14pepperoni and cheese devil dogs a
21:17Is the correct answer club crackers my birthday you both guessed December 24th. You both are wrong
21:24It is B May 11th, how many years did I spend smoking crack cocaine?
21:30B is the correct answer two years. This is for all the marbles
21:34No multiple choice write it down
21:37How old am I the correct answer is?
21:45Brad's brother. Thank you. Congrats. Thank you. I think you guys have to do this dogs now. No, no
21:50I'm not this is a new suit. No way
22:00Oh, oh no, oh no, oh
22:05No, oh
22:07It's coming out. Look at it coming out. Oh
22:10my god
22:13That's a lot of piss I won
22:15Me and Jerry are best friends now. I caught it at the beginning
22:18I came all the way here from Georgia. My five-week-old son is at the house with my wife. I love my family
22:24And I love my new best friend Jerry, you know, I think sky's the limit, you know, he's in Georgia
22:29I'm in Chicago. Well, I'm in Illinois, but I think we can make it work. You know, yeah, it's pretty cool like having a
22:35another friend
22:45Twelve minutes five point seven two seconds if you don't beat this I
22:51I think your summer's over. Oh, no. I'll give you $500 if you beat $500. Okay
23:00So basically I have to beat my time on the gauntlet if I do better I get 500 bucks if I do worse
23:06I have to go back to Tucson for some don't like saying
23:10Get in my head now. I think I think I'll do better and like I have to do better
23:14It's like I don't fucked the last time Sam did spork. Oh, he was squinting
23:20He couldn't really see the TV didn't have his glasses, but I'm gonna give him my glasses for sport
23:23I think that'll help three two one go
23:32Already doing a lot better. Oh, he's not meant to work here
23:50Imagine if he's ever
24:20Soccer rugby entourage scratches Simpsons
24:33$500 Wow, I told you dude. There's no way there's 329
24:41I'm not fired and I have 500 bucks now
24:44But like my heart's pounding out of my chest right now and I can adrenaline's through the roof. That was insane
24:49This is incredible. I'm not fired
