Nick Larson La petite infirme 1re partie

  • 3 months ago


00:00["Qui qu'est l'Assassin?" playing in French-Spanish style.]
00:05["Qui qu'est l'Assassin?" playing in French-Spanish style.]
00:30["Qui qu'est l'Assassin?" playing in French-Spanish style.]
01:00["Qui qu'est l'Assassin?" playing in French-Spanish style.]
01:19["Qui qu'est l'Assassin?" playing in French-Spanish style.]
01:30I guess I'll do it myself.
01:33You're not too bad at this.
01:34Yeah, not too bad.
01:35Okay, well, I'm off to bed.
01:36I guess I'll do it myself.
01:37I'll see you later.
01:38Bye, bye.
01:59He's a real athlete.
02:09Oh, no way! He can't see me from over there.
02:30Oh, he's not here today.
02:47Another day where we're going to do nothing but wait.
02:50It's getting boring.
02:52I wonder why I have to bother like this.
02:54My life is not very exciting at the moment.
02:56The worst thing is to think that there are others who are having fun.
02:59That's it, it's really great, I've improved my record.
03:03Oh, I'm so great.
03:05There's not a single video game that resists me.
03:09And Nicky doesn't do anything to distract me.
03:11A simple game for children is enough to amuse him for whole days.
03:14He's lucky, he never gets bored.
03:19What's that?
03:21What's that?
03:24Have you ever noticed those reflections coming from across the street?
03:27Leave me alone, you can see it's not the right time.
03:30But it's been more than a week already that something is shining at the window of one of the buildings across the street.
03:34I wonder what it could be.
03:37I think it's a kind of signal.
03:39And it always comes back at about the same time.
03:41It's weird, isn't it?
03:42Are you coming out?
03:43Yes, I have a race to do.
03:44Tell me where you're going.
03:48It's really creepy.
03:51Nicky goes out every day at this time of day for a week.
03:54And he's never here when I want to talk to him about those strange reflections.
03:58I have to be very careful.
04:07I'm sure he knows perfectly well what those mysterious reflections mean.
04:11And he's going to the place where he's leaving.
04:22Yes, that's it.
04:24I'll put my hand on the fire that regularly meets him here.
04:27But with whom?
04:28He must surely see a girl.
04:33No, Nicky, be careful.
04:35Don't do that.
04:36No, it would cost me too much.
04:43Hello, come in.
05:07I won't let you hurt yourself.
05:10Calm down.
05:20I understood that those reflections were a signal to call you.
05:23Calm down, Laura.
05:24Are you crazy or what?
05:26I won't have mercy for you this time.
05:28I've had enough.
05:36I may have made a small mistake.
05:38But you're sick, completely sick.
05:40Aren't you ashamed to come in here like that? minute.
05:48Do you want to explain to us what this arrival means?
05:52Yes, yes, it's him.
05:57Yes, you're Mr Larson's little brother.
06:01I wasn't expecting your visit.
06:03You acted like your big brother. You passed through the window.
06:06It's nice of you to surprise me, Mr Larson. I wasn't expecting it.
06:09Yes, it's funny, isn't it?
06:12But, excuse me, one minute.
06:14You pretend to know me, but I don't know you.
06:17It's because I saw you several times with my telescope.
06:20It's great to have come to talk to me both.
06:22It really makes me happy.
06:24You'll explain all this to me. I'll look less stupid.
06:28I bring you...
06:30Who is it?
06:31Bring another cup.
06:33Don't mind me, above all.
06:35What a mess.
06:41Life can be cruel sometimes.
06:43This little Isabelle has paralyzed her legs following an accident.
06:47As she can't walk, she looks out of her window with a telescope.
06:52Of course, as our building is in front of hers,
06:54she ended up noticing us.
06:56Especially since we don't lack movement.
06:58So she got used to looking at us.
07:00She knows it's not good, but it distracts her.
07:02And you have to understand her.
07:04And one day, you realized it, and you wanted to know who was spying on us.
07:09And since I had some free time recently,
07:11I got used to going to see her every day to chat with her.
07:14And her reflexes were a good sign, then?
07:16No, not really.
07:18They always happen in the late afternoon, when the sun goes down.
07:23You're weird.
07:24You could have said that you were doing a good deed, at least.
07:27That would have prevented me from looking stupid.
07:29We're still partners.
07:30But you never believe me when I talk to you.
07:33I know you.
07:34You must have imagined something, I don't know.
07:39No, not really.
07:41But there's something that intrigues me.
07:44I'd like to know why you got so angry over there.
07:48Tell me you were jealous. Come on, tell me the truth.
07:51Me, jealous? No, not at all.
07:53By the way, explain to me why Isabelle thought I was your younger brother.
07:57Simply because when she saw you acting like your usual sweetness,
08:00she immediately thought you were a boy.
08:04And you, of course, you didn't do anything to tell her I hated violence.
08:08She wouldn't believe me.
08:13I didn't want to stay in the hospital.
08:15I don't like that.
08:17I've always had a lot of imagination, but now I'm bored.
08:20I preferred to choose to receive regular home care.
08:23And I did well because it allowed me to get to know you and Mr. Larson.
08:28And I would like us to remain very friends.
08:31And when I can walk again, I'll go for a walk with you,
08:34like with a brother and a sister.
08:38The day Mr. Larson arrived at my house through the window,
08:41I was surprised at first,
08:43and then I understood that fate had planned our meeting.
08:47Everything that happens to us is written somewhere.
08:50Oh, but I'm also happy to know you.
08:52You don't blame me too much for taking you for a boy.
08:55Oh, but I'm also happy to know you.
08:57You don't blame me too much for taking you for a boy.
09:01But no.
09:02You know, it happens to me often because of my short hair.
09:05Say, from you to me, I bet Mr. Larson does a weird job.
09:08For example, private detective.
09:11In any case, I see it like that.
09:15But why? Isabelle, explain that to me.
09:18Oh, but already his way of coming to my house through the balcony,
09:20admit that it's rather rare.
09:22When he didn't do so much, he realized that someone was watching him
09:25and he wanted to know who it was without being noticed.
09:27And that's why he went through there.
09:30And if he looks stupid, which he does so often,
09:32it's to deceive his opponents.
09:34So, did I make a mistake or did I see right?
09:38This girl is very perceptive,
09:40but I can't tell her the truth about Nicky.
09:43You have a lot of imagination.
09:44I have to admit that.
09:46But you're wrong about Nicky.
09:47It's not at all the man you're describing.
09:50I was sure of it.
09:52But wait, Laura.
09:53I know another one who's probably a real one.
10:05Do you think this man is a private detective?
10:07Yes, of course.
10:08He's been watching our apartment for several days.
10:11He's got a nasty face.
10:13I'd be afraid of him.
10:15In my opinion, he's investigating Christa, my big sister.
10:18About your sister? Why?
10:21She's supposed to marry a very rich man
10:23who fell madly in love with her.
10:25So I thought it was him who was going to investigate her.
10:28Admit it's possible.
10:30Yes, it's very possible.
10:32It would be nice if she married him.
10:34We'd get rich and she wouldn't have to work anymore.
10:38I don't want to drive her crazy,
10:39but I don't like this man's face at all.
10:49Oh, it's so funny.
10:51We can see the whole neighborhood.
10:53Look at your house. It's going to be so funny.
10:55Yes, wait a second.
10:57I've just found the building.
10:59Oh, I see Nicky.
11:00What's he doing in my room?
11:05Oh, and he's digging into my stuff.
11:07I'm going to go tell him.
11:09Right, I'll leave you to it.
11:11I'm going back to my room.
11:13See you later.
11:18I'd like to take care of Nicky, but I'll come back later.
11:22But my sister won't be back until very late today.
11:26Tell Mr. Larson to come and see me.
11:28I'll sign for him with the telescope and he'll come for sure.
11:32Good idea.
11:49Can he see me?
12:00I wonder where he's going.
12:02He seems to be coming this way.
12:05I wonder where he's going.
12:17I've got a backache.
12:19You're taking advantage of it to go digging into my stuff.
12:21Oh, it was just for fun.
12:23Yes, well, you'd better get ready to go see little Isabelle
12:26who's impatiently waiting for you.
12:28No, I can't go like this.
12:30No, no, and she told me that her big sister was coming home late.
12:34Oh, I was careless.
12:36So it's because of her big sister that you're going to see her?
12:39I knew it.
12:40You're going to pay for this!
12:43You're completely crazy.
12:44Calm down.
12:45I said that as a joke.
12:46Anyway, she still hasn't made the signal.
12:49Yes, that's curious.
12:51No signal, but yes, it's true.
12:54She told me she was going to do it when I left earlier.
12:57That's weird.
12:59It's been several days since he's been watching our apartment.
13:02He's got a dirty look on his face. He's almost scary.
13:06Oh, Nicky, I'm scared.
13:20He's trying to open the door to get in.
13:22He can't be a private detective, then.
13:25What does he want from me?
13:27What does he want from me?
13:30I have to send a signal to Mr. Larson.
13:58Oh, no.
13:59He's here to kill me.
14:00Or is he a murderer?
14:04Mr. Larson!
14:28It's not easy with me, is it?
14:42He's gone. He's gone. It's over.
14:44Oh, I'm scared.
14:46Oh, I'm scared.
14:51It's a bullet wound.
14:53It's a bullet wound.
14:56Nicky! Nicky!
15:00Is everything okay?
15:02Yes, but she was only very scared.
15:04Go get her a glass of water, please.
15:07Now, you need to get some rest, okay?
15:09Go on.
15:24Oh, no!
15:26What is it?
15:31What is it?
15:32No! Don't hurt me!
15:40Oh, my God!
15:54Poor Isabelle.
15:56Oh, she'll be fine.
15:57She was shaken, but with a little rest, everything will be fine.
16:00Tell me, when I took Isabelle in my arms,
16:03I saw that she had a very strange mark,
16:05made by a bullet.
16:08I've seen a lot of wounds made by bullets.
16:11I recognize them very easily.
16:13Isabelle received a bullet,
16:15but that's why she has paralyzed legs.
16:19Yes, that's right.
16:21It happened about six months ago.
16:24She came home after going to have fun,
16:27and she took a shortcut through a construction site.
16:34But why did you do that, my little Maurice?
16:36I warned you.
16:40But I didn't do it for nothing, GĂ©rard, I swear.
16:42Don't tell me about it, Maurice.
16:44You've always lied, we've seen you.
16:47Oh, no, but what are you doing?
16:49No, no, don't shoot, I beg you.
16:51Goodbye, my little Momo.
16:56I'll tear you apart, my friends.
17:00The bullet that killed this man,
17:02pierced his body.
17:04She had enough strength to injure Isabelle.
17:07She reached her spine,
17:09and slightly touched the spinal cord.
17:11It was too dangerous to try to remove it.
17:15Ah, yes, I understand now.
17:17That's not all.
17:19A specialist in spine injuries
17:21claims to be able to operate on her.
17:23It should happen next week.
17:25This surgeon has good hope.
17:27Isabelle will be able to walk again if she succeeds?
17:31Yes, I remember this murder story.
17:34The whole press had long talked about it at the time.
17:38And besides, the culprit of this murder
17:40was finally arrested by the police.
17:42And the weapon of the crime was found at his home.
17:45This account settlement case
17:47has nothing to do with what happened then.
17:49No, I think this man was supposed to be a simple robber.
17:52I'd be surprised.
17:53He had the behavior of a professional,
17:55not that of a robber.
17:56It was a premeditated act.
17:57And we can think he'll try again.
17:59If, as I think, he's a professional.
18:01Well, Christa, listen to me.
18:03You're in danger here,
18:04so you're both coming to my house.
18:07Okay, but tell me who you are.
18:10It would be rather long to explain.
18:12Let's say I'm flying to the rescue of pretty girls in danger.
18:15I recommend you behave yourself.
18:17And then I'll tell you that nothing tells me
18:19that Isabelle will agree to come
18:21after the fear you gave her earlier.
18:23You'll have to go talk to her.
18:39No, stay.
18:43You're not sleeping?
18:44I didn't want to wake you.
18:46No, I'm not sleeping.
18:48I came to talk.
18:50The weapon that scared you so much was a simple toy.
18:53Don't tell me stories.
18:56I know how to recognize a weapon.
18:58Show it to me.
19:09You're not a bad guy, I knew it.
19:12I'm not afraid when it's you who has a weapon,
19:14because you're nice.
19:15Earlier I was surprised and that's all.
19:17I know that if you use a weapon,
19:19it's against bandits or very mean people.
19:22Ah, yes.
19:28You have to admit that you have the sense of observation.
19:31You have to admit that you have the sense of observation.
19:34You have to admit that you have the sense of observation.
19:36Yes, it's true.
19:37You understood perfectly.
19:38I only use my weapon against bandits.
19:42The man who tried to hurt you,
19:44can come back at any time.
19:46It's better that I take your sister and you to a safe place.
19:49What is this safe place?
19:51It's my home.
19:52Oh, yes?
19:53That's great.
19:54I could live with you and Laura.
19:56It would make me very happy.
19:58I'll pick you both up tomorrow.
20:00No, why tomorrow?
20:01I'd rather go right now.
20:03We're going right now.
20:04It's a little late, isn't it?
20:05It's already almost midnight.
20:07It doesn't matter.
20:08I want to leave immediately.
20:11We're going to have fun.
20:13I already know.
20:15We're going to have fun.
20:16She's brave, this little one.
20:18It's good.
20:27Everybody's ready, so we can go.
20:29Oh yes, we're ready.
20:31Everybody's ready, so we can go.
20:33Oh yes, we're ready.
20:34So let's go, driver.
21:01Let's go.
21:02Let's go.
21:31Let's go.
21:32Let's go.
21:33Let's go.
21:34Let's go.
21:35Let's go.
21:36Let's go.
21:37Let's go.
21:38Let's go.
21:39Let's go.
21:40Let's go.
21:41Let's go.
21:42Let's go.
21:43Let's go.
21:44Let's go.
21:45Let's go.
21:46Let's go.
21:47Let's go.
21:48Let's go.
21:49Let's go.
21:50Let's go.
21:51Let's go.
21:52Let's go.
21:53Let's go.
21:54Let's go.
21:55Let's go.
21:56Let's go.
21:57Let's go.
21:58Let's go.
21:59Let's go.