Nick Larson le petit roi part 1

  • 2 months ago


00:11I'm coming, I'm coming, what a fatal moment!
00:14I'm coming, I'm coming, hee-hee-hee!
00:16In my arms!
00:21I'm coming!
00:24What is it? Where have you been?
00:30Oh, I really like that!
00:33I'm coming!
00:39Oh, Mickey!
00:41Laura, I'm still half asleep.
00:44You'll see, I'll wake you up.
00:50Get dressed! You'd better think about your job!
00:54Oh, man!
01:01Hi, you.
01:03Chambelan, who is this man?
01:06Oh, Parson GĂ©rard, but who are you, sir?
01:08My name is Larson.
01:09Oh, that's very kind of you.
01:11Where are you?
01:12We don't address His Majesty on that tone, you see!
01:15His Majesty?
01:16What are you talking about?
01:18We're not Mardi Gras today, are we?
01:20Hello, Mickey.
01:21I see that you always have to do yours.
01:23Are these two funny friends of yours?
01:25I'll introduce them to you.
01:27You have in front of you Alfonso IV, the current king of the Lomarque.
01:31A king?
01:32That's not true, he's a real king!
01:36Come on, faster!
01:37Come on, Toner Blanc!
01:38Come on!
01:39So, this charming little man is really a king?
01:43He was recently crowned after the death of his father.
01:47Ah, yes.
01:48And if I understand correctly, this boy has no more worries for his future?
01:51No, as you say.
01:53What a pain!
01:54I have to ask you for a little favor.
01:56Don't count on it.
01:57Oh, Mickey, to please me.
01:59Be nice to him.
02:01Faster, come on!
02:02Your Majesty!
02:03I think that's enough now, sir.
02:05The chamberlain is very tired.
02:07No, not at all!
02:08I'm having a lot of fun!
02:09Your Majesty!
02:10Oh, my God, I'm unforgivable!
02:12I dropped you!
02:13Did you have candy?
02:14No, I'm fine!
02:15Oh, good, no candy.
02:16I wouldn't have wanted you to have a candy on your forehead.
02:19Oh, no, it's really not!
02:21Oh, Your Majesty!
02:23La, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la.
02:26And now the bathroom!
02:48Yes, someone is plotting against King Alfonso to take his place.
02:53As far as I know, the Lomar is a small country, but it has very large deposits of extremely precious minerals.
02:59That's right.
03:00The former monarch, King Leopoldo, was a man of peace who was trying to develop his country.
03:05But alas...
03:06If you allow me, I will continue in your place.
03:08I get up first.
03:11Come, Chambelan.
03:12Yes, thank you, madam.
03:16But alas, the brother of the late king in person, Sotobaldo, wants to occupy the throne instead of little Alfonso.
03:22But Sotobaldo does not have at all the same vision of things as his brother.
03:26He is a very brutal man.
03:28His stupidity will make him sell the ore to anyone.
03:31But to occupy the throne, you must first hunt down little Alfonso.
03:34That's it, he will use all means, believe me.
03:36And today, Alfonso's life is quite threatened.
03:39I promised his father that I would do everything possible to protect him, this little boy.
03:43I would give my life without hesitation if it could save his majesty.
03:46And you came to ask me to protect him.
03:49Oh yes, Mr. Larson.
03:51Oh yes, Nicky.
03:52Oh yes, Nicky, call me Nicky.
03:54You have a good way to convince me.
03:56And you know very well which one.
03:57But since you never keep your promises, we'll sort it out before.
04:03What are you doing?
04:05But where is his majesty?
04:07Oh, I don't like that.
04:16Oh, don't let him beat me!
04:22Oh, but it's not possible!
04:23Stop, Majesty!
04:26Oh no, I didn't deserve that, it's not fair!
04:38I won't obey, that's all.
04:40Your Majesty, you know you have to take a bath every night.
04:44Not today.
04:45Your Majesty, please.
04:47If the lieutenant accompanies me, I agree.
04:51She never agreed to take one with me, so no way!
04:54Lieutenant, please, give me this job, please.
04:57Take a bath with the little boy, I beg you.
05:01How do you agree?
05:02Why not?
05:04And he's just a child.
05:06Let's go.
05:07Oh yes.
05:08Well, since we have to keep an eye on him, I'll come too.
05:14Ah, you forgot my towel, so be careful, don't take advantage of it!
05:20I hope it's not too hot.
05:22I like it a lot when it's hot.
05:24Be careful.
05:27I think we're both good.
05:32I don't think that's fair, I want to see him, I want to see him!
05:36Too bad, I'll go.
05:43You're in the right place.
05:45If you bring anything to drink, you'll die of thirst.
06:05Listen, how long are you going to keep them at my house?
06:08I remind you that if you want them to stay there, there is a condition.
06:11Go ahead.
06:13Otherwise, I'll kick them out of here.
06:15That's enough, leave the lieutenant alone.
06:17His Majesty has already said that we have to bring one of his wives.
06:20She really enjoyed the bath with the lieutenant, and she'll marry him when she's older.
06:24A man as corrupt as you should not bring too close one of his Majesty's wives.
06:28Do you understand?
06:30It's a joke, I hope. Tell me that this little joke...
06:33Listen to me, sir.
06:35His Majesty's wishes count more than anything for me, you hear?
06:38It's my duty to make the best of it.
06:41That's enough, I'm at home and I can't stand it anymore.
06:45Watch out!
06:49I'm coming!
06:57Stay away.
07:00Go ahead, take him to the shelter, I'll join you soon.
07:15Oh my God!
07:26Calm down, Your Majesty, I beg you.
07:29It's over, wake up.
07:32This time, I thought I was going to die.
07:46I'm really desperate.
07:48I won't be able to keep my promise.
07:51I promised to always protect his soul.
07:54You're going to make me cry, I won't protect this spoiled child.
07:57But what will he become, the poor little king?
08:00If no one protects him against his enemies, he won't escape.
08:04This child is really to be mourned.
08:06He will die beaten by the killers of his uncle, so young, so nice.
08:10Yes, this poor Alfonso will never know the joys that all the children of the world know.
08:14It's really sad.
08:16Life is very bad, you see.
08:18It's terrible when fate falls on a young man who doesn't deserve it.
08:22I won't forgive myself.
08:24Oh, please, don't despair, Jean-Beland.
08:27If at least I could give my life for his, I wouldn't hesitate a second.
08:31Believe me, I'm an old man.
08:33I would be delighted to die knowing that Alfonso is saved.
08:36Thank you, Your Majesty.
08:39I'm sorry, but I'd rather listen to you cry.
08:42I don't really care.
08:44Oh, Mr. Larson.
08:46Oh, he's leaving.
08:51Well, you see, Lieutenant, the comedian didn't expect it.
08:54Yes, you are very, very convincing.
08:57Dear Mr. Larson is the only person capable of effectively protecting Alfonso against his enemies.
09:02Believe me, Lieutenant, I haven't said my last word yet.
09:05Believe me, I haven't said my last word yet.
09:13The police will protect him as well as I will.
09:21Miss, are you in trouble?
09:23Oh, yes, we're dead.
09:25Oh, they're so beautiful.
09:27I can't believe my eyes.
09:29But of course, you don't know how to do it.
09:32I'll take care of it. Where's the toolbox?
09:34Oh, that's nice of you. It's on the back seat.
09:45What's going on?
09:58Come on, hurry up!
10:04Come on, hurry up!
10:12It's a failure.
10:23I bought you everything you needed.
10:26I hope it's at least your size.
10:29Yes. Here, you'll put this on and this.
10:32And as soon as you're ready, we'll go to the hospital, just the two of us.
10:35These clothes are really too tight.
10:38Oh, if he were a king, I'd give him a good slap.
10:41What are you waiting for to put me in?
10:44It's always my servants who put me in.
10:46I'm not your servant.
10:48And in this country, children your age dress themselves.
10:51It's the label that forbids it and I have to respect it.
10:54Oh, I missed that.
11:03I missed that too.
11:10You fiend!
11:14That fiend deserves a good slap.
11:17You should calm him down.
11:19I know, I'm sorry. He's very angry today.
11:22He deserves a good slap.
11:24Yes, that's it. You'd better listen to me, or I'll...
11:27Leave me alone! Don't treat me like that!
11:29Calm down, calm down. Don't pay attention to what he says, gentlemen.
11:32He's just doing that to annoy me.
11:34It won't happen that way.
11:36Believe me, we're severely punished when we put our hands on me.
11:41I've waited long enough, haven't I?
11:43If this goes on, I'm going to go crazy.
11:48Where is he? Where is he?
11:50Where did he go? I can't take it anymore.
11:52I'm really going to explode.
12:00Here you are, my boy.
12:06And for you?
12:07The same thing.
12:08Here you are.
12:12Here you are, my boy.
12:16One minute, and my money.
12:19No, no, no, calm down. I'll pay for his ice cream.
12:22I think that's enough. I beg you to excuse him.
12:24He's very disappointed.
12:26I think that's enough. I beg you to excuse him.
12:28He's very disappointed.
12:30You're being too noticeable.
12:32It's because you're accompanying me.
12:34And you're behaving badly.
12:36When you take something, you have to pay for it with money.
12:40But I've never had any.
12:43Oh, it's true, I forgot.
12:52I've never eaten anything so good.
12:56There are a lot of things you don't know yet.
12:59Oh, I know everything there is to know.
13:03Your servants do everything for you, even pleasant things.
13:06And frankly, I think that's a shame.
13:09Because you'll never become a man if they always do everything for you.
13:12A man?
13:13Yes, a little boy has to face the trials of life to become a man.
13:17Oh, I've already been taught all there is to be a man.
13:20What do you mean?
13:21Yes, I've been taught, for example, to scare ladies.
13:24I beg you, Your Majesty, don't scare me.
13:26Come on, come on, stay, we'll play together.
13:28It was fun, we had a good time.
13:30Come on, come on, stay with me.
13:37Oh, it's you!
13:38What are you playing at?
13:40It's not a game, he's trying to scare me, this little monster.
13:43Oh, really?
13:45I'm gonna catch you, I'm gonna catch you.
13:47Calm down, calm down.
13:49I'm not doing anything wrong.
13:51Let me go right now, you hear me?
13:53I wonder if I shouldn't give him a good whip.
13:59You're just in time, thank you.
14:00You know, that's not very polite.
14:01You'd make a great target like that.
14:03But I can't do anything.
14:05They're taking me away, call the police, help!
14:07Don't let me go!
14:08They're taking me away, call the police!
14:10No, no, no, that's enough, Alfonso, that's ridiculous.
14:12Don't pay attention, ladies and gentlemen.
14:14It's just a little dispute.
14:16Our little boy is just really angry, that's all.
14:19No, no, it's not a kidnapping, of course.
14:21Look how he looks like us.
14:22But why are you like that?
14:23You should have told me right away.
14:25I want to go to the toilet, I want to go to the toilet.
14:27Wait a minute, wait a minute.
14:34Come on, help me undress, I can't.
14:36You have to tell me that you also have to help for that, don't you?
14:39In my country, it's always my governess who helps me.
14:42It's an honour.
14:43What, a governess?
14:50Hello, I hope you're doing better.
14:52Oh, that's a good surprise, Your Majesty.
14:54I wasn't expecting your visit.
14:56It's very kind of you to come and see me.
14:59Listen to this.
15:00On my way here, I ate an ice cream.
15:02I didn't know it was so good.
15:04Excuse me, I'd like to speak to the chambelain.
15:06Have you decided to accept my offer?
15:08No, not yet.
15:09It will depend on a detail.
15:12So, chambelain, what did I want to talk to you about?
15:19I'd like to know what he's talking about.
15:23So, it was true.
15:25Of course.
15:26But yes, in our country, the most beautiful of the young duchesses
15:29is the governess of His Majesty.
15:31She's really very beautiful, this governess.
15:33More beautiful than an actress.
15:35If you invite me to spend some time with you,
15:37I'll do whatever you want.
15:39Well, of course.
15:40Protect Alfonso and you'll have dinner with his governess.
15:43I knew we'd get along.
15:45But it must remain a secret between us.
15:47Yes, I promise, I promise.
15:56Very well.
15:57I accept to watch over little Alfonso.
16:00Explain to us what made you change your mind.
16:02There is a certain moment in life where you have to know how to forget
16:04your personal tastes to ensure the good of others.
16:08Those words in your mouth are very surprising.
16:11But why?
16:12It happens to me not to be selfish, you know.
16:36Come in.
16:38I bring your medicine.
16:40Oh, it's not true, but look at this.
16:42Calm down, Nicky, I'm watching you.
16:48Here you are, sir.
16:49Miss, what time do you finish your work?
16:52Tell me.
16:53We could have a drink.
16:55Sorry, I'm not free.
16:59But we can always go for a coffee now.
17:04Oh, Nicky, where are you going?
17:05I'll be back in a minute.
17:07I'll take care of everything, don't move.
17:14What is it?
17:15It's a grenade!
17:18Everybody down!
17:19Watch out!
17:28This time it was very fair.
17:31I'm scared, I've had enough.
17:34Let me go, I've had enough.
17:41No, let me go, stop.
17:42Mr. Larson.
17:44Those who want to eliminate this boy do not retreat.
17:46They are much more dangerous than I first thought.
17:49So now I'll take care of Alfonso alone.
17:51No one follow me.
17:53No, let me go, I don't want to go with you.
17:55Tell him to let me go.
17:56Your Majesty.
17:58Don't be afraid, with Nicky the king will be well produced.
18:00Yes, maybe, but...
18:01There is no but, Mr. Larson.
18:03The situation is very dangerous.
18:05And only a professional can control it.
18:08Yes, of course, I understand.
18:12Let me go right now or I'll have you whipped.
18:15Shut up a little.
18:23Where are you taking me?
18:24To a school.
18:25A school?
18:27Yes, the school of survival.
18:31THE END