Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S02E08 (2023)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Today, we're at Crispy Pork Gang in the center of Hollywood.
00:07This place is a staple of LA's Thai town,
00:11serving authentic Thai food around the clock.
00:16Today's guest is the winner of UK versus the world,
00:19the 321st person to make me cry.
00:24But the first to make me do it on TV
00:26and have a complete meltdown.
00:28Tonight, I'm sending home Pangina.
00:32I want to say sorry to all the Thai people
00:34that I did not go all the way.
00:36I'm sorry.
00:38I'm sorry. Thank you.
00:41It's Blue Hydrangea!
00:43What an intro. I love that.
00:46Thank you for doing this. I'm so happy that you're here.
00:49Thank you.
00:49It's great to wear a lesser nice version of an ostrich.
00:52So I'm so happy.
00:53Look at us in our cheap ostrich leathers.
00:55I didn't make you cry either. It was Rue.
00:57She didn't have to send you home.
00:59Oh, that's true.
01:00She could have went,
01:01Pangina, wait! We can't send you home.
01:04I love how people are still so angry about it.
01:07It's crazy.
01:08I know. And look at us. We're friends.
01:10We're friends.
01:13Well, do you normally like spicy food?
01:16I would have spicy food if it was there.
01:18I put chilies in my food.
01:19I'm not one friend that is not afraid
01:21to go on the roller coasters.
01:23I will try things and I will not let you down.
01:26Okay. Okay.
01:27So this is how it works.
01:28You'll be eating and playing for a maximum of 10 points.
01:32Each dish is worth one point and you must take three bites.
01:36To get those points,
01:38you can also win points by playing other games.
01:40How many points is up to me?
01:45Sound like jumbo.
01:46If you feel like you need it and the spice is getting too hot,
01:48we do have a tray of relief.
01:52But don't forget each time you do it,
01:54you would lose a point.
01:56No, I think I'm fine.
01:58Are you ready to get tongue-tied?
02:01I am ready to get tongue-tied.
02:02Bring on the first dish.
02:04This is the Thai mango shrimp salad.
02:11This is the spicy shrimp mango salad.
02:14This salad has shredded mango, shrimp,
02:18some papaya, and seasoning.
02:21It is shrimpy, fresh, and fruity, like my guest.
02:25Yum, yum, yum.
02:26Oh, you're feeding it to me?
02:27I am.
02:28Oh, mm.
02:33What are you tasting right now?
02:34It's a little spicy.
02:37Is it?
02:38The teeniest bit.
02:39Okay, so like a scale of one to 10 spice.
02:45Like a two.
02:47Like a two.
02:48So we're going to start things off
02:49with a simple game of Mai or Chai.
02:51In Thai language, Mai means no, and Chai means yes.
02:56I'm going to ask you a yes or no question,
02:58and you'll practice your Thai by answering either
03:01Mai or Chai.
03:04Was Ireland's drag scene small when you were coming up?
03:07Chai, because it was like a few good old faithful drag queens,
03:12and they ruled the scene, and I love my scene.
03:15I still go and support them all the time that I can.
03:17That's sweet.
03:18They're amazing.
03:19Is it true your name comes from a rusty nail?
03:25My grandmother has hydrangea plants in the garden,
03:28and to make them blue, you need a rusty nail,
03:30and that's true.
03:31That's science.
03:32Do you consider yourself as the Miss Congeniality
03:35of UK season one?
03:40Unofficial, I would say.
03:42I think Bob Marley is the most famous drag queen
03:45in the UK.
03:46Unofficial, I would say.
03:48I think Bob the drag queen did a poll online, and I won.
03:52Is it true that you weren't sure you wanted
03:54to do UK versus the world?
03:55Chai, yeah.
03:57I mean, we were in a pandemic, and I got the call
04:01and thought, oh, I don't know.
04:04Yeah, I thought maybe I wanted some more time.
04:08See, if you didn't do it, then I might have a chance of winning.
04:12Damn it.
04:13I would have had FOMO, like fear of missing out, you know?
04:16I'm grateful we did it together.
04:18It was so much fun, and thanks for eliminating me,
04:20because now I have my own show, which is great.
04:22It's like, things work out in the end.
04:25Thank you for playing Mai or Chai.
04:28Krap khun krap.
04:29Are you ready for the next dish?
04:31Yeah, or Chai.
04:32Ooh, this dish is called pad pet no mai,
04:39which is stir-fry bamboo.
04:41This dish is the sautéed bamboo.
04:44Traditionally known as being very spicy,
04:47the bamboo has a very interesting, crunchy texture.
04:51This dish has no meat, but the bamboo
04:53has enough girth to hold up.
04:56Are you ready for your first bite?
05:01What are you feeling?
05:03That is really good.
05:05Oh, OK, a little bit more spicy than the last one.
05:07It's at the back of my throat.
05:10I love it when it does that.
05:12OK, well, you're from Ireland, but in Great Britain,
05:15there's also Scotland and England.
05:17So to earn points, I am going to give you a thing.
05:21And you have to tell me if it's from Ireland, Scotland,
05:24or England.
05:26What about Wales?
05:29So first, rasher.
05:40Rasher is from Ireland.
05:43A bacon?
05:44Like a little strip?
05:47Iron brew.
05:48Oh, that's easy.
05:49If I got this wrong, Laurence Chaney would strangle me.
05:53I'm going to say Scotland.
05:54Very good.
05:55The Chuggle Brothers.
05:56Is it Ireland, Scotland, or England?
05:58OK, England, yeah.
06:01Wake house.
06:02Wake house.
06:03I'm going to say Ireland.
06:06Hawk Manet.
06:07Ireland, Scotland, or England?
06:11Good one.
06:12Deep fried pizza.
06:16Doing so well.
06:17Soda bread.
06:18Ireland, Scotland, or England?
06:19Ireland, and it's so good.
06:21What is it?
06:22I don't know.
06:23But we have it with our fry-ups.
06:24Colin Skank.
06:26I'm going to say Ireland.
06:29It's Scotland.
06:30The snake bite.
06:31See, I think I've had a snake bite in Scotland,
06:33but I don't know.
06:34Let me see.
06:35I'm going to say England.
06:37Very smart.
06:38What about Colin the caterpillar cake?
06:41Oh, OK, that's England.
06:42OK, smart.
06:43Very good.
06:44Loch Ness.
06:45Oh, that's easy.
06:47It's Scotland.
06:48They have the monster.
06:50The Roman bat.
06:53I'm going to say England.
06:56Communion kids.
06:58Ireland, Scotland, or England?
07:03And that was Great Britain.
07:06Next dish, please.
07:08You've got another point.
07:13This is the som tam moo krob.
07:19The papaya salad crispy pork.
07:21The crispy pork here is extra crunchy,
07:24and it's a signature here at the Crispy Pork Gang.
07:30It's really nice.
07:32Because this place is called the Crispy Pork Gang.
07:35Oh, my.
07:36Oh, that's good.
07:38That's not spicy.
07:39It's not spicy?
07:41I thought it was supposed to increase it.
07:43Oh, something hit.
07:46Oh, what are you doing?
07:51Oh, I swallowed something like liquidy there.
07:55Can I get some more water?
07:57Did I get points taken off the water?
07:58No, you're fine with water.
07:59You just can't take milk.
08:03So the food is getting hotter now,
08:06and so it's the appropriate time to find out
08:09whether you think it's hot or not.
08:11It is Burning Sensation.
08:14Oh, I've got one in my pee-pee.
08:18Colin Farrell, hot or not?
08:21My favorite.
08:22Yeah, he's Irish.
08:23He is.
08:24Link from Zelda, hot or not?
08:31Okay, I'm on fire.
08:32Hurry up.
08:33Last one.
08:34Last one.
08:35You can do it.
08:38Baird Hand Boxing, hot or not?
08:42I want my food to be perfect.
08:43Bono, hot or not?
08:46Rugby Guys, hot or not?
08:48Hot, for sure.
08:51Old-timey Irish music, hot or not?
08:55That's when you're like with your family in a pub
08:58at a wedding or funeral,
09:00and just having a good old time.
09:02Beach sex, hot or not?
09:04I've never had it.
09:06I like sand.
09:08Audio text, hot or not?
09:09Yeah, hot.
09:10If it's like me, like,
09:12Hi, yeah, I'm here.
09:14I'm here.
09:18The name Chad, hot or not?
09:21What about driving stick shift, hot or not?
09:24Me and my boyfriend had sex in a car park
09:26of an old people's home.
09:28I remember that.
09:29It might have been him inside me
09:30or it might have been the gear stick,
09:32but who knows?
09:35Anything's a butt plug if you try hard enough.
09:39Making people cry, hot or not?
09:43Normally not, but for you, it's hot.
09:49I'm going to take off whenever I go to the toilet later.
09:53A rocket is going to come out of my ass and fire me.
09:56Send a photo.
09:57Voice note.
09:58I want to see it.
09:59I'm squirting my bowels out.
10:07Thank you, Blue,
10:08for sharing what you think is hot or not.
10:11Next dish.
10:12Just leave the jug.
10:19This is the tom sap or the spicy soup.
10:23Tom sap means hot boiled.
10:26This dish is traditionally very, very spicy
10:29and not for the faint of heart.
10:31If you ever have a stuffy nose,
10:33this soup acts as a decongestant.
10:41Oh, I forgot.
10:42That's the big spoon.
10:43I should have given you the small spoon.
10:45What are you tasting right now?
10:53That's fine.
10:55Oh, okay.
10:56We're good.
10:57Oh, my God.
10:58You're crying.
10:59I'm not.
11:00You are.
11:01What's wrong with your eyes?
11:02Don't try and pull me down with you.
11:03What's wrong with your eyes?
11:04You're the one that cried on TV, not me.
11:09You got me.
11:10Since I know that you're a huge fan of Austin Powers,
11:13we're going to test your fandom
11:15by having you finish quotes from the movies.
11:18You have to not only get the quote correct,
11:21but do it with your best impression of the character.
11:24Are you ready?
11:25You know my Austin Powers is the reason that you went home.
11:28Yeah, it's kind of traumatic.
11:30How do I tell them?
11:32Because of the unfreezing process, I have no...
11:35I'm going to say testicles?
11:38Inner monologue.
11:41She's the village bicycle.
11:43Everyone's had a...
11:47Because I wanted to say that about Michelle Visage.
11:50Yes, Michelle Visage is the village bicycle.
11:53Everyone's had a ride.
11:55No, that was terrible.
11:56You might be a cunning linguist, but I'm a...
12:02Throw me a fucking...
12:04Throw me a fricking boon here.
12:06There we go.
12:08He would make outrageous claims like he...
12:11Like he invented the...
12:15Question mark.
12:18When Dr. Evil gets angry, Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset.
12:22And when Mr. Bigglesworth gets upset...
12:25People die?
12:28We got there.
12:29That really hurt.
12:30Who throws a...
12:31Oh, who throws a...
12:32Oh, yeah.
12:33They throw something on it.
12:34Who throws a...
12:35I don't know.
12:36Like a TV?
12:37A shoe.
12:39A shoe.
12:40I eat because I'm unhappy.
12:42And I'm unhappy because I...
12:45Last one.
12:46Get in my...
12:47Get in my...
12:48Get in my belly.
12:53Thank you, Blue.
12:54Maybe someday I'll watch Austin Powers.
12:57Next dish.
12:59It might help you with Snatch Game next time.
13:01Fuck you.
13:11This dish is called the Basil Leaf Clam.
13:15It's stir-fried with basil, which gives it a fragrant sweetness.
13:20They only pick the youngest clams.
13:22We don't want any old-ass clams.
13:24Yum, yum.
13:25I don't trust you.
13:26Yum, yum, yum.
13:28Chew, chew.
13:29Chew, chew, chew, chew.
13:30Yum, yum, yum.
13:32That's the best one yet.
13:33The nice baby clams.
13:35I'm just...
13:36I just...
13:37After that bite, I'm feeling a little bit of burn.
13:40A little bit.
13:41But as well as that, I just know what I'm going to feel later
13:43when I'm on the toilet.
13:45And I'm nervous for that moment.
13:46Just a tiny, little, tiny, little, little, little clam.
13:50Just three baby clams.
13:51Wait, hold on.
13:52I need to, like, take this skirt off.
13:54It's a reveal!
13:57It's too tight on my tummy.
13:59I'm scared.
14:00Is that what you chew?
14:01I want my mummy.
14:02It breaks down the chilli.
14:03Hold on.
14:04Give me the jug.
14:07One, two, three.
14:08Yum, yum, yum.
14:09And I'll give you the jug.
14:11Some water for you.
14:13Give me the jug, pangina!
14:15It's painful!
14:16I can feel it!
14:17Is it?
14:18Is it?
14:19On a scale of one to ten, how spicy is that?
14:22It's more so what's happening below my tit.
14:24It's going to be that scene from Alien where it just, like,
14:26comes out of my stomach.
14:27Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha.
14:29So, now we're going to see what happens
14:32So, now we've come to the end of your challenge,
14:34a chance to earn three points towards your final score.
14:38For today's pick or swallow challenge,
14:41you must pick a card and do either what's on the card
14:44or you have to swallow today's pick or swallow item.
14:47The pick or swallow item.
14:54Since you were so good with everything
14:57and you thought nothing was spicy and shit,
14:59might as well just eat the fucking chilli!
15:02Would you like to pick the card now?
15:05I always do.
15:07Lady and the chomp.
15:09Would you rather do lady and the chomp or swallow?
15:15What's lady and the chomp?
15:16For lady and the chomp, we're going to have to start
15:18eating the food at opposite ends
15:20and we're going to meet each other in the middle
15:22and work together.
15:23Are we going to kiss?
15:24We can.
15:26I think I'm going to do lady and the chomp.
15:27The first item is a three foot long fruit strip.
15:33Are you ready?
15:45Wait, hold on.
15:46What are you doing? You're undressing as we go!
15:48The celery.
15:58That was so romantic.
16:00Beef jerky.
16:13And the last item is...
16:17You've done that before.
16:28This isn't even about Thai food anymore.
16:32Wow! The champ comes to play.
16:36Your final score is 9.5!
16:48Your prize is a collection of House of Love cocktails
16:51and mocktails courtesy of House of Love.
16:55Here you go!
16:56Thank you, House of Love.
16:58Until next time, I am Pandrina Heels
17:01and this was Tongue Tied.
