Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S01E06 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Today, we're dining at the original Hoi Ka Thai Noodle in Hollywood.
00:06I don't think there's a bad dish on the menu, and they're not shy about the spice.
00:11My guest today starred on So You Think You Can Dance, he's worked with Beyonce, he's
00:17worked with Lady Gaga, and now he's working it with me.
00:22It's Mark Cunningham!
00:24Thank you for being here.
00:25Of course.
00:26Thank you for having me.
00:27Obviously, everyone recognizes your beautiful face from so many Lady Gaga music videos,
00:32and obviously on TikTok and your viral videos with the amazing transformation.
00:37Can you tell me more about that journey coming, you know, from that to now?
00:43So I, after I stopped touring with Gaga, I kind of went through like this creative exploration
00:47where I was just trying to figure out what I wanted to do, how I wanted to create, and
00:52it was sort of this journey of going back to my inner child and seeing what he wanted
00:57to do and what he wanted to create, and all these inspirations of things that I love.
01:02So, it's just been really fun.
01:03That is beautiful.
01:04Like, for me, I feel like a lot of the times, you want to reclaim that childhood experience
01:08that sometimes you weren't allowed to do in some ways.
01:12Absolutely, yeah.
01:13So, I know that you're from Hawaii, am I right?
01:17What is your experience with Thai food?
01:19Hold on, hold on.
01:20I've never tried...
01:24I've never tried Thai food in Hawaii.
01:26Oh, okay, okay.
01:28So, my first time trying Thai was actually here in LA.
01:30Oh, in LA.
01:31And I fell in love with it.
01:34How hot can you handle it?
01:36I will say when I get Thai food, I tend to stay on the mild side, so I am, you know,
01:44I get Thai food, I tend to stay on the mild side, so I am a little nervous.
01:50We're going to turn your rectum into a lava producing machine for the next week.
01:55Oh my gosh, I'm nervous.
01:58No bottoming.
01:59This is sneaky pork.
02:01This pork has been marinated in herbs, fish sauce, and lemon.
02:05This restaurant calls it sneaky pork, but it really translates to aroused pork because
02:12the meat is marinated and tenderized to bring out the flavors.
02:16Okay, I've never tried this before.
02:17I'm really excited.
02:18So, we're starting mild, is that right?
02:20This is going to be mild, I think.
02:21I mean, I don't see any chili up in here.
02:24But it's...
02:25I want to get this one that has all the flavor on it.
02:27You got the best one out of the dish.
02:29No, right there.
02:30There's one right there for you.
02:32No, but it's...
02:33You are the guest.
02:34What are you tasting right now?
02:36Wait, this is mild?
02:38I'm fine.
02:39I'm just like, kind of surprised.
02:41You doing okay?
02:42I am.
02:43You need some milk, some Tums, some man after.
02:45I'm not surprised.
02:46I thought it was going to be really mild, but this is...
02:48It is mild.
02:50Ooh, we got to ease you into this.
02:52I think this is going to help.
02:53The wig reveal that you made for Pride that featured the song,
02:56Cut To The Feeling, was just so joyful.
02:58It feels like a lot of your content is about sparking joy.
03:02Marie Kondo says,
03:03Marie Kondo says,
03:04if something doesn't spark joy, you should get rid of it.
03:08So let's do exactly that.
03:11If you like it, and if it sparks some joy in the inner loins of you,
03:15say keep.
03:17But if it's something we just don't need anymore,
03:19say goodbye.
03:21Easy take out in your car.
03:23Let's get rid of that.
03:24Yeah, the smelly.
03:26Yeah, sure, we'll keep it.
03:28Okay, good.
03:30Swim shirts.
03:31Swim shirts?
03:32Swim shirts?
03:33Let's get rid of that.
03:36Oh, let's get rid of that.
03:37Let's get rid of that.
03:39The faux hop.
03:40Let's keep that.
03:41That's fun.
03:42Conservative politics.
03:44Let's get rid of that.
03:45Fuck you.
03:55Are you ready for the next day?
03:56I am.
03:57I'm a little nervous because this one,
03:58this was not a mild start.
04:00This was like a medium start, so.
04:02Oh, someone's gonna die.
04:05We're gonna have papaya salad with salted egg.
04:11Is there a Thai name for that?
04:20Wow, it sounds so beautiful.
04:22This is papaya salad with salted egg.
04:25Papaya salad is one of the most classic Thai dishes.
04:28It's spicy, sweet, salty, and sour all at the same time.
04:32The salted egg adds another dash of authenticity.
04:36Salted egg are brined for at least 30 days,
04:39which is much longer than most of my relationships.
04:42I've actually tried papaya salad.
04:44It's very good.
04:45I've never tried the salted egg on it, though.
04:47I think if you, like, smush the salted egg
04:49into the papaya salad when you eat it.
04:50Is that the way to go?
04:53Like that?
04:54Am I doing it right?
04:55You're doing it so right.
04:56Okay, great.
05:04Oh, that's nice.
05:06I thought it was gonna be spicy from the looks of it.
05:10Unless it's not hitting you.
05:19Hitting the throat?
05:20Is it hitting the throat?
05:21Did you got a chili?
05:22It's hard to like...
05:28Are you okay?
05:31I didn't even got a chili.
05:32I thought it was fine, but then there are moments
05:34where, like, something will just, like,
05:36pop up out of nowhere.
05:38Like an X.
05:44This one is, like, deep.
05:48How deep?
05:49Like, I feel it in here.
05:50So before you felt it here?
05:52Like, I feel it in here.
05:54This is husband material to you.
05:57So, I'm gonna read you the name of something.
06:00And you have to tell me if it's a sex move
06:02or a dance move.
06:04This is sex or dance.
06:08I'm gonna play two.
06:10I'm ready.
06:11Are you ready?
06:13Is this dance or sex?
06:14The helicopter.
06:20The Charleston?
06:21That's dance.
06:24The Eiffel Tower.
06:25Oh, I've done that before.
06:28The stanky leg.
06:30That's a dance move.
06:32The Smurf.
06:35I think that that's a dance move.
06:38The Tomonagi.
06:41I'm sorry.
06:42It's sex.
06:44What is it?
06:45What is it like?
06:46I don't know.
06:47There's so many things that I have to Google on this.
06:48I don't, I'm not familiar.
06:50I feel like we've never had sex.
06:52I feel that way, too.
06:54I feel like we're getting all these.
06:56We're virgins.
06:57We are.
06:59My ear hole is.
07:00Here comes our next dish.
07:11This looks like a party.
07:14It is a party and it's going to be a party in your mouth.
07:18This is Sukiyaki.
07:20This dish features glass noodles and a variety of herbs making it salty, sweet, and spicy.
07:26Don't confuse it with Japanese Sukiyaki, which is totally different.
07:30The spice comes from the chili flakes and can really sneak up on you.
07:34This one, yeah.
07:36There's a lot of, there's a lot of chili that I see in here, so I'm a little nervous.
07:41Are you ready?
07:42I'm ready.
07:45Oh, that's very good.
07:50See, this is how it all starts.
07:51It's always like, oh, this is really good.
07:53And then?
07:54And then I felt the spice.
07:56See, I'm feeling it.
07:58I'm feeling it in the same spot, the back of my throat.
08:02Oh, this one's no joke.
08:05It's, it's, the problem is that it tastes so good that I can't stop eating it.
08:10You know?
08:13Oh, oh.
08:15I mean, I told you things were going to get spicy.
08:18And for this dish, I'm going to say a nighttime activity.
08:24And if you've done it.
08:26You have to take a bite.
08:29Number one, skinny dip.
08:31I have to take a bite if I've done it?
08:34I'll give you some more soup.
08:36Oh, gosh, okay.
08:43Cried listening to a song.
08:46Have you ever forgotten someone's name in the morning?
08:49I don't, I don't think I've ever forgotten anyone's name in the morning.
08:52You haven't been like rolled up and was like, hi, you.
08:56No, I don't think so.
08:58Have you ever slept with two person in the same day?
09:02No, I don't think I have.
09:04Oh, so like two different people?
09:06Oh, okay.
09:09Have you ever measured yourself with a ruler?
09:11I have.
09:13Just one ruler?
09:15No, actually.
09:18This was probably like in middle school maybe and I was just like curious.
09:22So I had like, I specifically remember I had like a Disney ruler that had like, you know,
09:26like Mickey and Minnie and Goofy on it.
09:29How many Mickey's long?
09:31Well, they were all, it was like.
09:36That spice like really hits you in the, you know.
09:40So this ruler, it was like all different characters.
09:42It was like Mickey, Minnie, Goofy, Pluto, you know.
09:45Did you get to Pluto?
09:47Um, maybe yeah.
09:49Goofy, Pluto area, maybe.
09:54Wait, do I need to, oh, so I needed a bite of that.
09:56I'm just imagining things right now.
09:59Are you ready for the last round?
10:02I think I am.
10:03What are we having?
10:04It's called the red duck curry.
10:07This is red curry with duck.
10:10There are three main colors of curry in Thai cuisine, green, yellow, and red.
10:16Red curry originated from central region of Thailand.
10:19Red curry paste is commonly available at most American grocery stores these days,
10:24but I still prefer getting it at a restaurant so I don't have to cook.
10:28Holy shit.
10:30This color, oh my God.
10:32That color looks, this is it though, right?
10:36This is the last dish?
10:37This is it, like Michael Jackson.
10:39I actually smell, like I smell, is that possible for you to like smell the spice?
10:43You are smelling it.
10:45Oh my God.
10:50All right, let me get some of this first.
10:52Yeah, soak it in.
10:54Some of this rice.
10:59Mm, that's nice.
11:01That's nice.
11:02All right.
11:06Little burn, tiny burn, baby burn.
11:13See, that's how it is.
11:15How is it?
11:21It's, sorry.
11:29Oh my gosh, this was like.
11:34You were saying?
11:37I'm trying to say.
11:38You were trying to say.
11:43The flavor is like really delicious, right?
11:46So you have it and it's like, mm, that's really good.
11:48And then all, like this one just like hits.
11:51It just hits you.
11:52It doesn't hold back.
11:54It's good though.
11:55It's really good.
11:56I just, wow.
11:58So Mark, right now we're going to play a little game called pick or swallow.
12:02You either do what you pick or you swallow.
12:05Okay, great.
12:07Do the Carlton until the other person says stop.
12:13Are you ready?
12:15Okay, here we go.
12:28I'm getting a headache, so can I say stop?
12:30Draw a portrait of my partner blindfolded.
12:35Okay, get a good look.
12:40I feel like you're nailing the shape.
12:43I feel like there should be a beach for you.
12:47Oh, okay.
12:48With some palm trees.
12:49I do love the beach.
12:50Can you draw, can you also draw me like holding a coconut or something?
12:54Like sipping a coconut.
12:55Okay, a coconut.
12:56And maybe a dolphin.
12:57A dolphin too.
12:59A dolphin leaping out of the ocean.
13:01Okay, why not?
13:02Since I'm at the beach.
13:03Okay, a dolphin.
13:07Wow, so bright.
13:09Oh, God.
13:17I, what do you see?
13:23I'm excited to frame this and put this up in my apartment.
13:26I'm excited to burn it and throw it away.
13:34I am completely impressed with how you did today.
13:37And now today I am going to be telling off the scores.
13:42I think I did really well.
13:43I'm excited.
13:50Oh, wow.
13:52You've won a score of 99.99 out of 40.
13:59Wow, I did really well.
14:01You score over.
14:02This is your score.
14:04Wow, thank you.
14:05I feel like I just went to CVS or something.
14:07You've won a generous supply of House of Love cocktails and mocktails by RuPaul.
14:13And also sour cream.
14:17Wow, you're really going to be putting my stomach through it.
14:21You can rub it all over your body.
14:25That's a cooler.
14:27Mark, thank you so much for today.
14:30Until next time, I am Pangina Heels, and this was Tongue Tied.
14:41Thank you.
14:42Oh, my God, I haven't seen you.
14:43Thank you.
14:44I'll be here all week.
