Tongue Thai'd with Pangina Heals S01E02 (2022)

  • 2 months ago
00:00Today, we're at Crispy Pork Gang, a restaurant in the heart of Thai town, right here in Los
00:08You've seen today's guest on Drag Race UK and UK vs. the World.
00:14She puts sex in ethics and sometimes shows up completely dressed.
00:19All the way from Jolly Old England is Cheryl.
00:28Welcome to LA.
00:29I think actually today, you were doing a massive thing for me.
00:33Because I hate having people watch me eat.
00:36And now, everyone's going to see her.
00:39So you're popping cherries today.
00:40I'm trying, what is it, grass jelly?
00:43Grass jelly.
00:44Thai, we call tau kway.
00:45Break that down for me, please.
00:52You can't say that word!
00:53What is it?
00:54Oh my god!
00:55She gets a shriveled penis and die.
00:56Did I?
00:59Oh my god, everyone in the restaurant was like jumping.
01:01At the end of the day, I may have sinned some in my time.
01:05So that's why I'm used to that.
01:07This is how it's going to work, Cheryl.
01:09We're going to chat and eat some mildly spicy food until your Cheryl-hole begs us to say
01:16tau right now.
01:18Thank you very much.
01:20But are you into Thai food?
01:23I love the stuff that's mild.
01:25Well, what's the spiciest thing you've ever eaten, though?
01:29Oh lord, probably buffalo wings.
01:32So I'm going to die today, aren't I?
01:34This is crying tiger beef, also known as sua rong hai.
01:38These are beef skewers marinated in nam jim daew, a sauce that features palm sugar, fish
01:44sauce and chilies.
01:46Some believe its name comes from the fat that would drip onto the grill like the tears of
01:51the tiger.
01:53It's a popular street food, perfect for Cheryl, who's from the main streets of Essex.
02:00Will I be crying after this?
02:02I see lots of chili.
02:04So unless you want to die, you just dip it gently into it without the chili.
02:09I put this much on.
02:10Am I going to die?
02:11Try it.
02:12Don't go now.
02:15Ask me in about three minutes.
02:16I'll probably be crying.
02:18While we enjoy this delicious food, I'm going to ask you a few of your favorite things.
02:23Oh, OK.
02:24Julie Andrews.
02:25No, yours.
02:26Favorite meal to eat at 2am.
02:27Oh, my God.
02:28It's either like a dirty pizza or a cheese and ham like toasted sandwich.
02:35That's a good meal to have after you're a little tipsy or blacking out.
02:39I think that's great.
02:40What is your favorite body part of a man?
02:47The hand.
02:48The cock.
02:49The weebus.
02:50The penis.
02:51Drag queen.
02:52All right.
02:53Now, these round of questions are going to be fast and you have to answer them.
02:56The first thing that you think about.
02:58Favorite place to shag?
02:59My bed.
03:00Favorite position?
03:01Dog egg.
03:02Favorite place to be tickled?
03:03My armpits.
03:04Favorite thing you hear whispered in your ear while shagging?
03:08I don't know.
03:09I didn't have time to think about that one.
03:15Are you ready for the next dish?
03:17Bring on the dish!
03:19This is Khao Soi, also known as curry noodles.
03:23The name actually means cut noodles because the noodles are usually rolled out and then
03:28cut by hand.
03:30The curry is similar to a yellow curry, but it is a bit thinner, making it more like a
03:37Khao Soi is also very popular in neighboring Myanmar.
03:41But of course, our Thai version is better.
03:44No shade, Myanmar.
03:47Should I be scared?
03:48I don't think you should be scared yet.
03:49Oh, is it a slow burner?
03:51Oh, Christ.
03:52Okay, let's try this.
03:53One, two, hippity hop.
03:55How are you feeling, Cheryl?
03:56I'm feeling this is very messy and it's dripping down my chin.
04:03It's not the first time.
04:06So the English accent lets you get away with so much.
04:10Can you please read these insults in your gorgeous English accent?
04:16If I'm still offended, you're going to have to eat it.
04:18If not, you don't have to take a bite.
04:20Okay, I'll try and be nice.
04:21Do you know what?
04:22Someday, you will go far and I really hope you actually stay there.
04:28Not offended.
04:29So I guess you don't have to eat.
04:32Panjana, do you know what?
04:33I just love that you're a knob, a slobbering horse shagger.
04:39I am slightly disturbed, but not offended.
04:43Your face looks like a prolapsed anus.
04:48I feel like I should be offended, but not yet.
04:52Not yet?
04:53I think you're going to like this one.
04:56Do you know what?
04:57Just looking at you today, you look like you've had a full year of you doing mediocre.
05:03I'm offended now.
05:04So you have to eat that.
05:06I will take a bite.
05:07My eyes are watering already.
05:10The accent really works.
05:11My nose is running.
05:14This is Koi Simi.
05:15This dish features crispy egg noodles, which is my favorite kind of noodle.
05:21It's topped with a Thai gravy, flavored with lots of veggies and spices.
05:26So good!
05:31What is the texture like for you?
05:33Oh, what's wrong?
05:38It's a bit toasty in my mouth.
05:41I'm going to die.
05:43How spicy is this on a scale of 1 to 10 for you?
05:46I'm going to give it an 8.9.
05:49There's still room, but with every mouthful it might get worse.
05:53English culture is very specific and strange to the rest of the world.
05:58So just explain to me what these distinctly British things are.
06:01Okay, give me a second.
06:04What's a bevy?
06:05A bevy is a drink, a beverage, a beveragina.
06:09Tassa is like a wanker, a dickhead.
06:12Why are you looking at me while you say that?
06:14What's an Aussie kiss?
06:15Oh, it's like a French kiss, but down under.
06:22It's like a lad.
06:23Like, mate, yeah, yeah, yeah.
06:24I'm a geezer.
06:25In America, geezer is like someone who's old.
06:27Like an old geezer.
06:30What's a chinwag?
06:31A chinwag is like a chit-chat, a gossip.
06:34We're having a chinwag right now.
06:36We are.
06:38What's a tart?
06:40A tart is a British hooker.
06:42So she's like...
06:43So she only exists in the Isle of Britannia.
06:45Well, no, because you could look around and be like, she's a big old tart.
06:50It's like somebody that's like really over the top, like a bit of a sketty girl.
06:56What's a sketty?
06:57Sketty means like she gets around a bit.
07:00I'm throwing in words as well, like...
07:02If someone came up on the streets in Essex and I was like standing in the corner under
07:07the sunlight at like 5 a.m. in the morning, what would they say?
07:13You're our geezer.
07:17This is spicy clams with chili paste, also known as hoi lai pad peh.
07:23These clams are tossed in a spicy chili paste that is sure to make you sweat.
07:28The clams are stir-fried until they are open, and that's when you know they're cooked through.
07:35The clams will open in less than 10 minutes, which is pretty amazing because I've been
07:40through seven relationships and still haven't opened up at all.
07:46Very good.
07:47This is exactly how it's supposed to be.
07:52What are you tasting right now?
07:54What are you tasting right now?
07:59Why are you gasping?
08:00I'm fine.
08:01You're fine.
08:02You know what?
08:04You said you're gonna get worse with each round.
08:08It is.
08:09It is.
08:10The next part of the show is called In My Mouth.
08:14I'll start the sentence and you finish it.
08:17Are you ready?
08:19I'm ready.
08:20The worst word to hear doing is?
08:24It's not a word, it's a sentence.
08:26It's, can you smell that?
08:30The habit I will never give up is eating.
08:35Go for it.
08:36No, no, why, what?
08:38You said you love it.
08:40I'll eat one with you.
08:41You're enjoying it, I feel like I'm gonna die.
08:46Oh, yummy.
08:50I love to, I love to sleep.
08:53I love to sleep.
08:55I love to sleep.
08:57If you put that in slow-mo, I will murder you.
09:02I am so, sorry, I'm so, so sorry.
09:05It's okay.
09:06Can you please put that in slow-motion?
09:13And now we're gonna have the last dish.
09:16This is lime chili trout fish.
09:18This is a trout that you can substitute with any white fish like snapper or sea bass or
09:24even branzino.
09:26It has all the spices in the sauce, which features fish sauce, palm sugar, and lots
09:31of red chilies.
09:32You don't need this contraption to eat this at home, but it sure does make it feel like
09:37some kind of satanic ritual.
09:39In Thai, we call it Pa Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
09:42Pa Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
09:45Yeah, you got it.
09:46Pa Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
09:49Pa Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
09:52It's like we're chanting, it's like we're in a coven.
09:54Pa Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
09:57Pa Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
10:02Okay, I just got a nice chunk for you.
10:05Oh, that's nice.
10:06That's a lot of chili on that.
10:15That's pretty good.
10:18Oh my god.
10:19So, right now the last round we call it the pick or swallow.
10:24You have to pick a card, and if you don't want to do it, you have to swallow the Pa
10:31Ka Pong Nueng Manaow.
10:34Cheryl, since you're my guest, you get to go first.
10:38Okay, let me just blow my nose.
10:40Do an impression of your man's O face.
10:43Five, six, seven, eight.
10:59My turn.
11:00Play chubby bunny with fish balls.
11:06Chubby fishy.
11:07Why am I feeding you?
11:09Chubby fishy.
11:10No chewing.
11:11Manaow Jho, chubby fishy.
11:16I'm gonna do two.
11:18Here we go.
11:19Here comes the aeroplane!
11:25Holy shit!
11:41Do you know what?
11:43Because I am the nice queen that I am,
11:45and I am
11:47one third of Miss Congeniality
11:49of UK versus the world,
11:51you do not have to eat.
11:53Thank you.
11:55Oh, my God, I forgot I actually had a gag reflex.
11:57Play table football
11:59with your open mouth
12:01as the goal.
12:03So what's gonna happen,
12:05because I'm an expert at this game,
12:07is I am going to be kicking the fishballs
12:09across the table
12:11while you open your mouth
12:13and I have to make the goal.
12:15And I have to make the goal
12:17by the ball entering your mouth.
12:19It's just a Friday night.
12:21We only need to get one, Cheryl.
12:23Why are you doing 20?
12:25Because I'm not a good aim.
12:27Open your mouth!
12:31Oh, it went in your mouth!
12:33What are you doing?!
12:45So, Cheryl,
12:47not bad
12:49for an Essex slag.
12:51I don't even need to do the math.
12:53Your score is an A-minus!
12:55Yes! I mean,
12:57that's better than any result I've had, so...
12:59Which in America
13:01can get you into a decent
13:03online college.
13:05You know what? I'll take that.
13:07And your reward is
13:09a ten-minute supply
13:11of House of Love canned cocktails.
13:13Can you feel the love?
13:17Ah! Thank you.
13:19Oh, this is better than a Root Pizza badge.
13:21Thank you, Panji.
13:23Love you. Love you.
13:25But that's not all.
13:27You've also won a plate of
13:29fish and chips!
13:31Are those sardines?
13:33They are, but please have a bite.
13:35It's going to taste like home.
13:37I'll take the chips.
13:39Congratulations, Cheryl.
13:41Thank you so much, and thank you for being here
13:43and experiencing Thai food.
13:45Until next time,
13:47I am Panjina Heels.
13:49This was Tong Thai.
13:51Sawasdee ka.
